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A Control Strategy for Shunt Active Filter

Maurício Aredes and Luís F. C. Monteiro

UFRJ − Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

COPPE/POLI – Electrical Engineering Department
PO Box 68504; 21945-970 Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil − E-mail: aredes@ufrj.br

ABSTRACT: This paper describes a novel control strategy for ters to separate the instantaneous real and imaginary
shunt active filters − the Sinusoidal Fryze Currents Control powers into average and oscillating parts, which intro-
Strategy. The control strategy considers the presence of har- duces time delays that degenerate the active filter dy-
monics in the system voltage and load current simultaneously.
namic performance;
Although the fundaments of the pq Theory is used to better ex-
plain the proposed control strategy, it is not directly used, since 2. controllers based on the pq Theory demand more cal-
the Clarke Transformation (abc to αβ 0 transformation) is culations, since they need the use of Clark Transfor-
avoided. In fact, the fundaments of the pq Theory is inserted in a mation;
minimization method − the Generalized Fryze Currents, which to- 3. under distorted and/or unbalanced system voltages, the
gether with a robust synchronizing circuit (PLL control circuit),
form a concise controller for shunt active filter. The shunt active shunt active filter does not compensate properly the
filter provides current compensation, such that the compensated load currents and injects harmonic currents into the
current drawn from the network is sinusoidal and balanced, cor- network, which are not originated from the non linear
responding to the fundamental positive-sequence component of load.
the load current, plus an additional fundamental positive-
The first above argument is really a problem, but not only for
sequence component to cover losses in the power circuit of the
shunt active filter. Simulation results are presented to validate the pq-theory-based controllers. The synchronous-reference-
the control strategy. frame-based controller needs also low-pass filters to separate
the average portions of the direct (id) and quadrature (iq) cur-
Keywords: Active Filters; Active Power Line Conditioners; Instan- rent components. Under non-sinusoidal system voltages, the
taneous Active and Reactive Power.
current minimization methods also need some kind of filtering
to obtain an average load conductance to determine the in-
I. INTRODUCTION stantaneous active portion of the load current. The second ar-

A CTIVE power filters have being developed since 1983, gument above represents a cost that should be paid to gain
when one of the first prototypes based on instantaneous flexibility to compensate independently the average or oscil-
power theory was reported [1][2]. One author of the present lating portion of the real (active) and imaginary (reactive)
paper works on control strategies for active filters and active powers, as well as the instantaneous zero-sequence power.
power line conditioners based on instantaneous active and re- Without the use of Clarke Transformation it is impossible to
active power theories, since 1991 [3][4]. Since then, almost compensate positive and negative-sequence current compo-
all controllers, developed by the authors, for active power line nents, included in the real and imaginary power, separately
conditioners and FACTS controllers use the pq Theory, as in- from the zero-sequence current component. Finally, the third
troduced in [1], and expanded for three-phase four-wire sys- argument contains a little of misinterpretation of the original
tems in [5]. control algorithm as proposed by Akagi et al. [1]. This algo-
On the other hand, several works on active filter control- rithm compensates the load current to guarantee constant in-
lers based on synchronous reference frame transformation, like stantaneous real power drained from the network. Therefore,
in [6] and [7], or expressions derived from current minimiza- under non-sinusoidal voltage conditions, the compensated cur-
tion methods, like in [8][9][10][11], present alternatives to rent cannot become sinusoidal [12].
avoid the use of the pq Theory. In fact, the algorithms based Some specialists have the opinion that "the best control
on the synchronous reference frame can be considered as a strategy" is that guarantees compensated currents drained from
subset of those based on the pq Theory if the fundamental the network, that are proportional (same waveform) to the
positive-sequence voltage component is extracted and consid- system voltages. Under balanced, undistorted system volt-
ered in the shunt active filter controller. ages, this strategy compensates load current to force the com-
The major oppositions in accepting the active filter con- pensated current to become sinusoidal and in phase with the
trollers based on the pq Theory are firmed on the following system voltage. Otherwise, the compensated currents become
arguments. the same waveform as the system voltages, suggesting that the
1. controllers based on the pq Theory need low-pass fil- network is "supplying a pure-resistive equivalent load".
In summary, under non-sinusoidal and/or unbalanced sys- sented to validate the proposed control strategy, named as Si-
tem voltages, it is impossible to implement a shunt active filter nusoidal Fryze Currents Control Strategy.
that satisfies simultaneously: i) constant real power drained
from the network; ii) sinusoidal compensated current; and iii) II. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION
proportionality between the system voltage and the compen-
sated current. Fig. 1 shows the system that was implemented in a digital
This paper proposes a novel control algorithm to overcome simulator for electromagnetic circuits. For simplicity, a three-
two of the three concerns mentioned above. The Clarke phase three-wire system is considered (there are no zero-
Transformation is no longer used and the power definitions of sequence current components). The shunt active filter gener-
the pq Theory are not directly used. The concepts learned ates the compensating currents ica, icb and icc to compensate the
from this theory are used in a method of current minimization. load currents ia, ib and ic in order to guarantee sinusoidal, bal-
This method uses the abc-line currents, which avoids the anced, compensated currents isa, isb and isc drawn from the
Clarke Transformation. The measured currents from the non- network. This goal is achieved even under non-sinusoidal
linear load, together with a robust synchronizing circuit (PLL system voltages. Note that the active filter controller does not
control circuit) forms a concise controller for shunt active fil- need any information about the system voltage and they are
ter. The proposed controller forces the shunt active filter to not measured. In fact, the control algorithm needs only infor-
compensate the load current such that the current drained from mation about the load current. For three-phase ungrounded
the network becomes sinusoidal and balanced (contain only system only two current sensors could be used, since ic=-ia-ib.
the fundamental positive-sequence component), even under The measurement of the active filter currents (ica, icb and icc) is
distorted and/or unbalanced system voltage. needed only in the PWM current control, and the dc voltage
If cost reduction is the principal goal, the power converter measurement is used in the dc voltage regulator.
(normally a Voltage-Sourced PWM Inverter is used) of the
active filter should have low power rating. Hence, the active III. ACTIVE FILTER CONTROLLER
filter should not be designed for power factor correction − it
demands relatively high compensating currents. If this con- The controller of the shunt active filter is concise and re-
straint is considered, further cost reduction is possible. As is quires less computational efforts than many others found in the
shown later, the system voltage sensors and signal condition- literature. It is formed by a dc voltage regulator, a synchro-
ers can be eliminated. nizing circuit and a compensating current reference box.
A detailed modeling of the shunt active filter controller is Here, the PWM current control is considered as part of the
implemented in a digital simulator. Simulation results are pre- power converter.

isa ia
isb ib
isc ic

ica icb icc Non-linear

S1 S3 S5 load

vc L

Regulator S6
S4 S2
ica* ifa
ia icb* ifb
PLL circuit & Ge Gc reference PWM
ib current Current ifc
positive-sequence icc* Control
ic calculation calculation

Fig. 1: System configuration.
A. The dc voltage regulator active filter supplies average negative-sequence power to the
load and drains positive-sequence power from the network in
The dc voltage vc (Fig. 1) is used in the voltage regulator
the same magnitude, to keep the dc voltage regulated around
to generate the control signal Glos. It forces the shunt active
its reference value.
filter to draw additional active current from the network, to
compensate for losses in the power circuit of the shunt active B. The synchronizing circuit − PLL circuit
filter. Fig. 2 shows the dc voltage regulator. In several cases,
it is possible to eliminate the low-pass filter and to build a dc The PLL circuit tracks continuously the fundamental fre-
voltage regulator consisting only of a PI-Controller quency of the load current. The design of the PLL circuit
[G(s) = KP+KI/s]. In Fig. 1, the control signal Gc corresponds should allow proper operation under high distorted and unbal-
to the sum of two dynamic, equivalent conductances, that is, anced load currents. An interesting design of PLL circuit, that
Gc = G e + G los . (1) is almost insensitive to unbalances and distortions, is shown in
Fig. 3. This synchronizing circuit (PLL circuit) determines
In fact, the control signal Gc is used as a factor in the control-
quickly the frequency and phase angle of the fundamental
ler that corresponds to the sum of two amplitudes of funda-
positive-sequence component of the measured load currents ia,
mental positive-sequence currents. The signal Ge is the am-
ib, and ic. In Fig. 3, inputs are iab = ia – ib and icb = ic – ib. This
plitude of the positive-sequence load current and Glos is an ad-
circuit has proved to be very effective, even under very high
ditional positive-sequence current that is drawn by the shunt
distorted and/or unbalanced input waveforms.
active filter, to realize dc voltage regulation. Since no ac volt-
The algorithm is based on the instantaneous active three-
age measurement is provided to the active filter controller, this
phase power expression:
additional positive-sequence current has the same power factor
p3φ = v a ia + vb ib + vc ic = v a ia − v a ib − vc ib + vc ic =
as the positive-sequence current of the load, that is, they are in
phase. = v a iab + vc icb . (2)
The dc voltage regulator realizes a slower feedback control
loop that is useful to correct compensation errors that arise Note that the relation va + vb + vc = 0 is considered in (2). As
during transients. The intrinsic dynamic of the synchronizing no voltage is measured from the power circuit, one may find
circuit (PLL circuit) and of some low-pass filters included in difficult to understand how the PLL circuit works. The volt-
the controller introduces temporary compensation errors that age feedback signals of Fig. 3: va(ω t) = sin(ω t) and
affect the dc voltage. vc(ω t) = sin(ω t+2π/3) are built up by the PLL circuit, just us-
Another "permanent" compensation error can also arise if ing the time integral of output ω of the PI-Controller. Note
the system voltage is unbalanced and/or distorted. For in- that they have unity amplitude and vc(ω t) leads 120o va(ω t).
stance, suppose that the system voltage is sinusoidal, but un- Thus, they represent a feedback from a positive-sequence
balanced due to a fundamental negative-sequence voltage component at frequency ω. The PLL circuit can reach a stable
component. If the non-linear load is also unbalanced, it drains point of operation only if the input p3φ of the PI-Controller
fundamental negative-sequence current, which is compensated has zero average value ( p3φ = 0) and has minimized low fre-
by the shunt active filter. Not only products of positive- quency oscillating portions in ~ p3φ ( p3φ = p3φ + ~
p3φ ). Re-
sequence components, but also products of negative-sequence calling that the average three-phase power (P3φ = p3φ ), in
components, that may be present simultaneously in the system terms of phasors, is given by
voltage and load current, contribute to the average active P3φ = p3φ = 3V+1I +1 cos φ , (3)
three-phase power [12]. The network supplies the fundamen- a stable point of operation is found only if ω equals the system
tal positive-sequence power of the load, but the shunt active frequency and the feedback signal corresponding to a auxiliary
filter supplies the fundamental negative-sequence power to the voltage signal va(ω t) becomes orthogonal to the fundamental
load, which tends to discharge the dc capacitor. The dc volt- positive-sequence component of the measured load current ia.
age regulator senses this voltage variation and adjusts the dy- However, if the point where ia leads the feedback signal va(ω t)
namic conductance Glos to force the shunt active filter to draw by 90o is reached, this is still an unstable point of operation.
more positive-sequence current from the network. Thus, the
va(ω t) ωt vNa
0.2 sin(ω t ) sin(ω t – π/2)
vcref Glos p3 φ ω vNb
low-pass 1
PI Controller Σ PI-Controller
s sin(ω t – π/2 – 2π
filter icb
+ _ X
sin(ω t + 2π
π/3) sin(ω t – π/2 + 2π
vc – 0.2 vc(ω t)

Fig. 2: The dc voltage regulator. Fig. 3: The synchronizing circuit − PLL circuit.
At this point, an eventual disturbance that slightly increases i pa = G ⋅ v Na = G sin ωt − π
 e e ( 2
( )
the system frequency (the frequency of iab and icb in Fig. 3) 
will make the current phasor ( I&+1 ) to rotate faster than the i pb = G e ⋅ v Nb = G e sin ωt − 2 − 2π 3
voltage phasor built up from the feedback voltage signals
va(ω t) and vc(ω t). Hence, the displacement angle between ia

i pc = G e ⋅ v Nc = G e sin ωt − π 2 + 2π 3 ) . (4)

and va(ω t), given by cosφ in (3), becomes greater than 90o. To achieve a valid expression for Ge, the fundaments
This results in negative average input ( p3φ < 0) and conse- learned from the pq Theory [5] is introduced into a control al-
quently to a decreasing output ω, making the phase angle be- gorithm based on minimization method [8]. The general ex-
tween ia and va(ω t) even greater. This characterizes an unsta- pressions of the pq Theory, in terms of symmetrical compo-
ble point of operation. Thus, the PLL has only one stable nents, presented in [5], can help to clarify the following dis-
point of operation, that is the feedback signal va(ω t) leading cussion.
90º the load current ia. Now, if the same disturbance is veri- Only a constant real (active) power ( p ) is generated, if
fied, the displacement angle between the voltage and current only a fundamental positive-sequence component in the sys-
phasors will be reduced and the average power in (3) will be tem voltage and load current are considered and they are in
positive. This will make the voltage phasor to rotate faster, phase with each other. If they are orthogonal, only a constant
keeping the orthogonality (lagging currents) between the gen- imaginary (reactive) power ( q ) would be generated. Other-
erated V&+1 [va(ω t)] and the measured I&+1 . This fundamental wise, both p and q have non-zero values. On the other hand,
characteristic of the PLL circuit shown in Fig. 3 can be ex- generic load current can be minimized (compensated) by de-
ploited to compose the needed sinusoidal functions. If termining its active portion given by
va(ω t) = sin(ω t) leads 90º the fundamental positive-sequence
component of the load current, then, vNa(ω t) = sin(ω t–π/2) iwa = Ge ⋅ va
must be in phase with I&+1 . In other words, the signals vNa, vNb

iwb = Ge ⋅ vb , (5)
and vNc are sinusoidal time functions with unity amplitude, i = G ⋅ v
have the same frequency, and are in phase with the funda-  wc e c

mental positive-sequence component of the measured load where va, vb, vc are phase voltages and Ge is a real variable,
current. To fully determine the positive-sequence current representing a real conductance determined as
component of the load, its amplitude, represented by the dy- p3φ vaia + vbib + vc ic . (6)
namic conductance Ge in Fig. 1, should also be calculated. Ge = =

va2 + vb2 + vc2
This is described in the following section.
In (6), ia, ib, ic are load currents, and iwa, iwb, iwc in (5) are the
minimized (active) currents, which transfer the same energy as
C. Compensating currents calculation the load currents, that is,
p3φ = v a ia + vb ib + vc ic = va iwa + vb iwb + vc i wc . (7)
As mentioned, the proposed control strategy has as objec-
tive to compensate load currents to guarantee balanced, sinu- Due this reason, some authors call them as active currents, and
soidal currents drawn from the network. This objective can be their complements: iqa = ia – iwa, iqb = ib – iwb, iqc = ic – iwc as
easily realized if the fundamental positive-sequence compo- non-active currents.
nent of the load current is accurately and “instantaneously” Now, if va, vb, vc in (6) are replaced by the signals vNa, vNb
determined. In this case, the difference between the funda- and vNc determined by the PLL (Fig. 3), a new conductance
mental positive-sequence current and the actual load current Ge′ is obtained and from it, the conductance Ge, needed in (4),
comprise all those components of the load current that should can be determined. Moreover, if vNa, vNb and vNc (synchro-
be compensated. Note that this strategy agrees with the previ- nized, fundamental, positive-sequence signals with unity am-
ous constraint that the shunt active filter should not compen- plitudes) replace the voltages and Ge replaces Ge in (5), this
sate the reactive power produced by the fundamental positive- expression and (4) become equivalent. Further simplification
sequence current. Information about the system voltage would in (6) is possible, because vNa, vNb and vNc are pure-sinusoidal
be necessary to compensate the fundamental reactive power of and balanced waves. Hence, the instantaneous aggregate
the positive-sequence current. value is a constant value, that is,
It is assumed that the conductance Ge in Fig. 1 corresponds 2 3 . (8)
v NΣ = v Na
2 + v2 + v2 =
Nb Nc
to the amplitude of the fundamental positive-sequence compo- 2
nent of the load current. If Ge is the amplitude of I&+1 of the Therefore, the modified, instantaneous conductance becomes
load, the instantaneous values of the fundamental positive- 2
sequence component of the load current can be determined by Ge′ = (v Na i a + v Nb ib + v Nc ic ) . (9)
multiplying the auxiliary "voltages" vNa, vNb and vNc from the Since the signals vNa, vNb and vNc are from positive-sequence
PLL circuit by the signal Ge, that is, component at the fundamental frequency, it is possible to af-
firm that the average value of Ge′ comprises only the funda- is connected at t = 0.1 s and the shunt active filter is started at
mental positive-sequence component ( I&+1 ) of ia, ib and ic. t = 0.2 s, as can be seen in Fig. 5. It shows the actual current
Moreover, since vNa, vNb and vNc are in phase with the funda- (already filtered) ica drawn by the shunt active filter, the load
mental positive-sequence component of ia, ib and ic, no aver- current and the current drawn from the network. The determi-
age imaginary power is produced and the average value of Ge′ nation of the currents ipa, ipb and ipc in Fig. 4 is influenced by
comprises the total amplitude of I&+1 of the load current. The the dynamic of the dc regulator (Glos), the PLL circuit (vNa,
average value of Ge′ is the conductance Ge, needed in (4) and vNb, vNc) and the low-pass filter that determines Ge. They af-
in Fig. 1. The above ideas are summarized in Fig. 4, which fect the magnitude of ipa, ipb and ipc, whereas the frequency and
together with Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 completes the proposed active phase angles of these currents are dictated only by vNa, vNb, vNc.
filter controller. The dynamic conductance Ge is added to Glos At t = 0.48 s, the thyristor converter is blocked and at
(amplitude of the positive-sequence current drawn by the ac- t = 0.5 s a three-phase, linear, balanced, capacitive load is
tive filter to regulate the dc voltage) to form a total positive- connected (R = 0.866 Ω, C = 6.4 mF, Y-connected). This
sequence amplitude represented by Gc. From Gc, the positive- represents a very hard load change, since 1 pu, non-linear load
sequence currents ipa, ipb, ipc are formed and the compensating with power factor cos(30º) inductive is suddenly disconnected.
current references can be determined, as shown in Fig. 4. During 20 ms there is no load connected. Then, a 1 pu, linear
load with power factor cos(30º) capacitive is connetec, as can
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS be seen in Fig. 6. Since the supply voltage is balanced and si-
nusoidal and a linear load is connected, after 0.5 s, the load
A power system corresponding to Fig. 1 was implemented current becomes sinusoidal and the active filter currents
in a digital simulator. The "per unit" (pu) system cannot be should be ideally zeroed. In a real implementation, it only
used directly in the simulator. Thus, 1 V (phase to ground) drains small current to regulate the dc voltage. However, the
and 1 A (line current) were used as the basis of the system. A
balanced, 1 V, three-phase, voltage source is used. The sys- 2.0
tem impedance is R = 0.02 Ω (2%) and L = 160 µH (5%). A 1.0
three-phase thyristor converter with 30º firing angle, 1 A dc -1.0
current and 160 µH commutation inductance is used as non- -2.0
linear load. The commutation inductance L of the shunt active 2.0 ia ipa
filter (Fig. 1) is equal to 400 µH and the high-pass filter is 0.0
C = 168.8 µF and R = 0.5 Ω. The dc voltage reference value -1.0
(vcref in Fig. 2) is 3.8 V and a 2.4 mF capacitor is used as en- -2.0
ergy storage element. To give an idea how small is the dc ca- 1.0
pacitor, the Unit Capacitor Constant (UCC) is calculated: 0.0 ica
1 CV 2 1 ⋅ 0.0024 ⋅ 3.8 2 -1.0
UCC = 2 = 2 = 5.8 ms . (10) -2.0
S 3 ⋅1⋅1 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 0.24 0.28 0.32
The total simulation time is 0.8 s. The thyristor converter t(s)

G los Fig. 5: Connecting of the thyristor converter and shunt active filter.
G′e Ge 2.0
ib 2
c (v Na ia + v Nb ib + v Nc ic ) low-pass
ic 3 filter
vNa Gc ipa
2.0 ia
vNb 1.0
vNc -1.0
ipa ica -2.0
 i pa = G ⋅v ica*

c Na
ipb  i ca = i pa − i a icb 1.0
  0.0
 i pb = G c ⋅v Nb  i cb = i pb − i b
 ipc  i cc = i pc − i c icc -1.0
 i pc = G
 c ⋅v Nc  -2.0
4.0 vc
ia ib ic 0.0
0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70
c t(s)
Fig. 6: Disconnecting of the thyristor converter and connecting of a
Fig. 4: Compensating currents calculation. balanced, capacitive load.
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controllability during low dc-voltage levels. During this peri- of Terminal Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) in a Hybrid
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ods, the actual compensating current (ica) does not track accu- PESC’93 – Power Electronics Spec. Conf., pp. 779-786, 1993.
rately its reference value (ica*). [7] J. Häfner, M. Aredes, K. Heumann, "A Shunt Active Power Filter
Applied to High Voltage Distribution Lines," IEEE Trans. on Power
Delivery, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 266-272, Jan. 1997.
V. CONCLUSIONS [8] T. Furuhashi, S. Okuma, Y. Uchikawa, "A Study on the Theory of
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The fundaments of the pq Theory was exploited to develop vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 86-90, Feb. 1990.
[9] D. A. Marshall, J. D. van Wyk, "An Evaluation of the Real-Time
a new control strategy, the Sinusoidal Fryze Currents Control, Compensation of Fictitious Power in Electric Energy Networks," IEEE
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bust synchronizing circuit (PLL circuit). The number of [10] L. Rossetto, P. Tenti, "Evaluation of Instantaneous Power Terms in
Multi-Phase Systems: Techniques and Application to Power-
equations is reduced, since it does not use any reference frame Conditioning Equipments," ETEP – Eur. Trans. Elect. Power Eng.,
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[11] M. Depenbrock, D. A. Marshall, J. D. van Wyk, "Formulating
since it does not use information about the system voltage. Requirements for a Universally Applicable Power Theory as Control
The controller calculates compensating currents that comprise Algorithm in Power Compensators," ETEP – Eur. Trans. Elect. Power
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The controller is able to determine the fundamental posi-
tive-sequence component of the load current under very high VII. BIOGRAPHIES
distortion conditions and does not care if the system voltage is
Maurício Aredes (S’94, M’97) was born in São
balanced or not. The shunt active filter compensates the dif- Paulo State, Brazil, on August 14, 1961. He re-
ference between the measured load current and the determined ceived the B.Sc. degree from Fluminense Federal
fundamental positive-sequence current. Thus, it compensates University, Rio de Janeiro State in 1984, the
M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Fed-
also unbalances from negative sequence and zero sequence at eral University of Rio de Janeiro in 1991, and the
the fundamental frequency. However, the controller cannot Dr.-Ing. degree (honors) from Technische Uni-
versität Berlin in 1996. From 1985 to 1988 he
determine/compensate the reactive power generated by the
worked at the Itaipu HVDC Transmission System
fundamental, positive-sequence, load current. The author are and from 1988 to 1991 in the SCADA Project of
working to extend the proposed Sinusoidal Fryze Currents Itaipu Power Plant. From 1996 to 1997 he
worked within CEPEL–Centro de Pesquisas de
Control to make possible fundamental reactive power com- Energia Elétrica, Rio de Janeiro, as R&D Engineer. In 1997, he became an
pensation, besides all compensation characteristics presented Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where he
here. teaches Power Electronics. His main research area includes HVDC and
FACTS systems, active filters and static var compensators. Dr. Aredes is a
member of the Brazilian Society for Automatic Control and the Brazilian
VI. REFERENCES Power Electronics Society.
Luís F.C.Monteiro was born in Rio de Janeiro
[1] H. Akagi, Y. Kanazawa and A. Nabae, "Generalized Theory of the
State on March 1975. He is finishing his gradua-
Instantaneous Reactive Power in Three-Phase Circuits," in Proc.
tion on Electrical Engineering at Federal Univer-
IPEC-Tokyo'93 Int. Conf. Power Electronics, pp. 1375-1386, Tokyo,
sity of Rio de Janeiro. He is enrolled in M.Sc. at
COPPE/UFRJ in Power Electronics and, with Dr.
[2] H. Akagi, Y. Kanazawa and A. Nabae, "Instantaneous Reactive Power
Aredes, is developing new control strategies for
Compensator Comprising Switching Devices Without Energy Storage
active filters since 2000. He is a student member
Components,"IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. IA-20,
of the Brazilian Power Electronics Society.
no. 3, pp. 625-630, 1984.
[3] M. Aredes, "New Concepts of Power and its Application on Active
Filters," (in portuguese) M.Sc. Thesis, COPPE – Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 1991.
[4] E.H. Watanabe, R.M. Stephan and M. Aredes, "New Concepts of
Instantaneous Active and Reactive Powers in Electrical Systems with
Generic Loads," IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 8, no. 2,
pp. 697-703, April 1993.

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