Adamus Dreamwalk To Theos

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Recorded in Louisville, Colorado

March, 2017

Adamus Saint-Germain
channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe


The Yoham Project

(Gerhard Fankhuser, Einat Gilboa, Amir Yakobi)

IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is probably not for you unless you take full
responsibility for your life and creations.

© 2017 Geoffrey Hoppe

Golden, Colorado. All rights reserved.
Do not duplicate, copy or distribute without written permission from the copyright owner.
Adamus® is a trademark of Crimson Circle IP, Incline Village, Nevada USA

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DreamWalk to Theos

To experience the full energy of these sessions, it is recommended that you

listen to the audio recordings while reading the transcript or translation.

1 - New Earth.............................................................................. page 4

2 - Bridge to Theos...................................................................... page 8
3 - Theos...................................................................................... page 11
4 - Integration............................................................................. page 14

DreamWalk to Theos

N e w E a rt h
I Am that I Am, Adamus of St. Germain.

Welcome to the DreamWalk to Theos, a very, very special experience. A DreamWalk from the realms of
Earth, across the bridge to Theos into Theos itself, and then finally an integration; an integration that brings
the essence of Theos right into that body, right into that entire Body of Consciousness of yours.

Take a good deep breath and simply allow.

Take a good deep breath and open up all of your senses; a good deep breath into Theos. It’s not in some
far-off place, not in some distant planet or galaxy. Theos is right here. It’s simply a matter of opening to it,
allowing it and then integrating it.

During our DreamWalk to Theos, stay relaxed, keep breathing. And I ask you to let yourself experience the
whole thing without interruptions, without taking any breaks, because we’re going to go on a journey, a
journey where I’ll be with you every step of the way. You and I. Just you and I.

Take a good deep breath and let yourself experience from the moment we bring in the essence of Earth itself,
the beauty of this great planet with nature, with its own resonance, with its own beauty, something you’ve
experienced for many, many, many lifetimes.

And from Earth, then we’ll go across the bridge. The experience of crossing the bridge – so beautiful, so
altering in many, many ways. And then from there we’ll go to Theos for a very, very conscious experience,
a very expanded experience. And then finally into the integration.

I’ll be with you every step of the way. Simply allow, simply feel.

DreamWalk to Theos

There’ll be beautiful music, because music, it opens the senses. Music has a way of bringing you into whole
new levels of feeling and awareness without words, far beyond words into true feelings and true awarenesses.

So once we get going, I’m not going to be saying a lot. I will be with you every step of the way together on
this DreamWalk. Simply let yourself go with the music, with the experience in our DreamWalk to Theos.

New Earth

There is this place called the New Earth. We’ve talked about it before. The New Earth is very much like
this physical Earth where you live, but the New Earth, it’s a place of teaching and a place of learning. It’s
where the new ones who have never been on the planet Earth before, never been in the physical body and
never been limited to just one sense, it’s where they come to learn. That’s where they come and, so often,
you teach. You tell stories about your times on Earth. You help to prepare them for their very first journey,
their first incarnation onto this planet.

New Earth is a beautiful place where you come sometimes just to rejuvenate at the very deepest levels,
because while New Earth has so many of the attributes of Old Earth, New Earth doesn’t have the gravity, the
condensation. It doesn’t pull you so tightly into the mind. So oftentimes you come here in your daydreams,
in your night dreams, simply to rejuvenate.

On the New Earth, there are still the attributes of the Old Earth, but you’re open to so many more of your
senses – open to the sense of Beauty, open to the sense of Imagination, open to that sense of Love and, of
course, the sense of Unity and so many more.

When you come to the New Earth, you feel like you’ve returned back to a greater part of yourself. When
you come to the New Earth, you feel more connected with the I Am that you are.


Now, within New Earth is yet another realm, almost indescribable, and that’s where we’re going to be going
in this journey. Indescribable because words simply can’t explain, can’t put into meaning or feeling what
it’s really like on Theos.

Now, Theos is a very special place. You’re going to be feeling it in our DreamWalk.

Theos is a very special place just for beautiful humans like you – humans that are going from awakening into their
mastery; humans that have made a deep, deep commitment to stay in the physical body, yet allow their mastery;
humans who continue living in everyday life, but are now allowing the expression, the feeling and the integration
of the I Am. Some would call it ascension. Some would call it Realization. I simply call it the final integration.

So Theos, this special place on New Earth, Theos is a place just for those like you who’ve chosen embodied
Realization. It is a very, very safe space. It doesn’t have the gravity or the density of Earth.

Theos is a place for those who are truly allowing themself to feel the love of Self, to bring together the Isis
and the Adam. It’s a place designed for those who have chosen a very, very special journey in this lifetime.

DreamWalk to Theos

I don’t want to say too much more about Theos, because it’s going to be experienced here. But I do want
to share with you that it is a safe space, so safe you can actually allow yourself to feel that precious,
precious love.

So let’s take a deep breath as we prepare for our DreamWalk, you and I. Me with you every step of the way;
you allowing, opening and freeing yourself, because ultimately you realize that Theos is really that freedom
that you’ve been longing for, for so, so very long.

The DreamWalk Begins

Let’s take a good deep breath together as we now begin our journey, the DreamWalk to Theos. And it begins
right here, right here on Earth, right in the physical body.

You’ve had so many lifetimes here on this planet. You helped to design this place. You’ve lived within this
design for so very long, you’ve almost forgotten what it’s like not to be here.

You know you’ve chosen this very special lifetime for the integration, for the enlightenment, the Realization
to occur.

You can feel the movements at the deepest level within you, things shifting and changing. And you’ve
known for a long time that this will be your last regular lifetime on this planet. Oh, you’ll come back here,
but never like before.

You’ll come back here to visit, to experience, but it won’t be like this – in a physical body that has to be
birthed and then has to die. It won’t be like this where you’re blocked out from so many of your other senses.
It will be different.

You’ve come into this lifetime knowing that this is the lifetime. And the part of you that realizes this, it
knows that you’re going to be leaving some things behind. We’ve talked about this in our gatherings. I’ve
talked about it with you one-on-one. And perhaps the most precious of all things, the thing that you feel
you’ll miss the most, is Earth, nature, the trees, the skies. Oh, those beautiful vistas, the oceans, the lakes
and the rivers, the animals, your pets, the birds – those things of nature that are like the designs in your life.

Nature, always a blessing. Even when it comes as a storm, it’s still a blessing.

Nature, this thing that’s grounded you, this thing that’s given you the painting, the backdrop for all of your
experiences on this planet.

Nature, the very thing that brought your physical reality into being.

There is such beauty in nature, such expression. It’s constantly changing, constantly renewing itself. It’s life
itself. That’s what nature is. It’s life in expression, without all the worries that humans have, without all the
biases, without energy stealing, without an agenda. Just here to serve you.

Nature, what you’ve seen with your eyes, felt with your hands.

Nature, it’s something you can even smell through your nose and, of course, the beautiful tastes of nature –
the wild berries that grow in the woods, the sweet taste of fresh water.

DreamWalk to Theos

Nature, that thing that you hear first thing in the morning with the birds singing. Such is the beauty of nature
and perhaps one of the things you’ll miss the most.

So now, it’s time for you and I to begin our DreamWalk to Theos, but let’s start going through nature itself.
Let’s take a walk, you and I, through nature.

Take a good deep breath and let’s begin.

(long pause)

Experiencing Nature

Mmmm. What an experience.

Take a good deep breath – the breath of nature, the breath of Earth itself, the thing that is life in expression.
Earth, nature, the thing that gave you this physical body and gave you such sensuality.

Did you notice something interesting about that part of our journey together? Did you notice how the
energies, they just come to you? We weren’t going anywhere. There was no effort. There was no movement,
no motion whatsoever. It all came to us. This beauty of nature, this thing that has the delicacy of a fresh
flower with all the simplicity and the beauty, and then it has the fury of a storm, and everything in between.

Nature, with its true simplicity and its complexity, it brings out the senses, the feelings.

And this thing called nature – oh, whether it’s a waterfall, whether it’s walking barefoot through a park,
whether it’s watching a sunset, whether it’s listening to the birds singing in the trees, whether it’s a storm
brewing on the horizon or a gentle wind in your face – this thing called nature will forever be with you. It
will forever be part of you, of your senses. Not just your memories, but nature becomes ingrained in every
part of you – in your essence, in your heart, in your soul.

Your experiences over the many lifetimes with nature now become part of every sense that you’re opening
up, become part of every experience you’ll ever have. They’ll be the essence of the beauty of nature.

What’s happening now in our DreamWalk is you’re allowing yourself to be sensual, free to be sensual,
especially now with this element of nature.

Nature, it’s life in expression, it’s energy come to life. Nature will always be with you.

But let’s pause now just for a moment. Mmmm, the beauty of nature. Mmmm. So sensual. So real. So now
a part of you.

Let’s pause here just for a moment to be in nature before we continue our DreamWalk to Theos.

Take a good deep breath. Mmmm. Mmm, nature.

DreamWalk to Theos

Bridge to Theos
Let’s continue our DreamWalk to Theos.

Take a good deep breath and feel the integration of Earth within you. All of these lifetimes on the planet,
feeling nature, experiencing being in nature, and now the dirt of the Earth is integrated within. It’s a
resonance. It’s a feeling. It’s something that is always going to be with you.

Let’s continue now onto the Bridge of Theos. This is the connection that you’ve helped to create between
Earth and Theos, and from Theos back to Earth.

It comes now for the time of transition, going from one realm to another, going from a physical and mental
state into a state of sensuality, freeing to be sensual.

In this part of our journey together simply allow. Simply allow the transition and feel how it comes to you.
You don’t have to work at it. You don’t have to force anything. It comes to you.

I’ll be with you throughout this entire DreamWalk, even now as we go out onto the Bridge of Theos.

Let’s take a deep breath together and begin the transformation, begin the evolution.

Bridge to Theos

Let’s now begin with the Bridge of Theos.


DreamWalk to Theos

Just take a good deep breath and allow.


Let the bridge come to you. Let it come to you. Let those transformations take place within you without effort.


You see, the bridge, it comes to you and the transformations take place without effort whatsoever.

Just like time and space are really moving through you, so is this Bridge of Theos. It’s moving through you.

It’s such a different way of sensing things, but it’s actually much more natural than what you’ve been
experiencing. Instead of you going to it, it comes to you now.

Just feel it here. Just allow it.


Because you’re not having to effort with it, there’s less resistance and there’s more awareness – awareness
of everything swirling, moving, changing, all of the energies reorienting.

(long pause)

You see, you’re in constant stillness and everything moves in you and through you. Everything comes to
you and moves through you.

You’re in constant stillness in your own oneness. There may be activity all around, motion all around, but
you see, even here on the Bridge of Theos, there’s no effort. It moves through you.

This is one of the keys to awareness – the realization that you’re in stillness, always. Everything comes to
you and moves through you. It takes no effort whatsoever.

When one is efforting, it is so much more difficult to feel, to sense and to experience. But when you let that
effort go, when you allow your own stillness, your senses open.

(long pause)

You and I are here in stillness and everything else is moving.

Changes and shifts can be perceived, felt, sensed and experienced, but all the while you and I are in stillness.

(long pause)

The student tries to make their way into enlightenment. The Master is still and allows the enlightenment,
the Realization to come to them.

The student is so busy with their efforts, so preoccupied with trying, that they’re not aware, really, of
everything happening around them.

DreamWalk to Theos

The Master is in stillness and can sense everything, feel everything and be in the greatest form of experience.

Take a deep breath and allow.


And now, in the stillness, the mysteries are revealed.

And now Theos comes to you.

DreamWalk to Theos

And now comes Theos.

Theos is the name I give to this place on the New Earth that is for you, a safe space.

Theos, from what I call Spirit, The Eternal One, Theo. And now Theos, this place where you can come in
total safety to be all that you are, without all of the outside energies of Earth or even the cosmos.

Theos, your space.

Theos is something that is not out in the far reaches of the galaxies. It’s not far, far away. Theos is right here,
and it comes to you. It’s always been here. It’s simply a matter of opening your awareness, of allowing, of
letting down the guard, taking down the barriers.

So take a deep breath now, as Theos comes to you.

It comes into your body and mind. It comes into the Body of Consciousness and with it that stillness, the
quiet, the allowing.

Theos opens you to all that you are – the parts of you that simply weren’t remembered for so very long; the
parts of you that wanted to come out to express and to experience, but were feeling unsafe.

Theos is that place where you’re so safe, you can even feel and experience the love of your Self,
unconditionally; a love that’s filled with so much compassion, so much acceptance.

And as you allow Theos to come to you, you’ll realize that the stillness comes in. The mind isn’t struggling
so hard. There’s no need to try to make sense of things. There’s no need to struggle with things. It’s simply
about Allowing. You could say that Theos is the ultimate of Allowing.

DreamWalk to Theos

Theos is the place where you meet all that you are, the I Am; where there’s no effort, no work.

On Theos, it’s not about being there for healing or anything. It’s not about being there for abundance. It’s
not about being there to resolve issues in your life.

Being in the awareness of Theos is simply about allowing you to be all that you are. Ultimately, that provides
the healing. That provides the rebalancing. That provides a different perspective, a different awareness.

So take a good deep breath and allow Theos to come to you.

Allow Theos to come into the Body of Consciousness, into your awareness.

Allow yourself to be in the stillness of Theos.

The music will play. The breathing will continue. Life goes on. But in Theos, a whole new awareness and a
whole new love and appreciation of Self comes in.

So take a deep breath now in our DreamWalk, a deep breath into the allowing of Theos – your space, your
very personal and safe space.

(long pause)

Theos is the safe space. It’s always been there, simply waiting for you to Allow.

It’s the space where you can be all that you are without pressure or resistance from the outside, without
having to try to figure out anything. No struggling, simply you, the I Am in existence.

Theos provides a safe space for you to truly love, appreciate and be yourself.

It is beyond time and space. There are no limits. There are no requirements.

Here it is still, simple, in beauty.

Take a deep breath and allow Theos, allow this safe space.

Take a good deep breath and simply allow you, all that you are.


You’ve lived a thousand or more lifetimes with the gravity of this planet Earth, the gravity of being in human
form; a gravity that is sometimes cruel and sometimes very, very harsh, and a gravity that causes one to
forget who they truly are. So then they go wandering in search, trying to find themselves, but all of this time
Theos is here. All of this time there is this place, a safe space, an awareness of the grandness of the Master
that you are. This is Theos.

There have been very, very few words that I’ve used here to describe it, because it is an experience. It’s not
about trying to define it. It’s simply about experiencing it and allowing.

Take a good deep breath into the beauty of Theos, the safe space, the place of the I Am that I Am.

DreamWalk to Theos

Take a good deep breath in Theos.

And as we continue our DreamWalk, we’ll now bring this all into integration. We’ll integrate it with the
human, with the Master, with the I Am. We’ll integrate it into the Body of Consciousness so that it’ll never
be forgotten again.

Take a good deep breath now, as we go into our integration …

DreamWalk to Theos

I n t e g r at i o n
We’ve gone from Earth across the Bridge to Theos, into Theos itself. But really what we’ve done is allow
it all to come to us, to come directly to you. And now is the time to bring it into full integration, into your
Body of Consciousness.

You could say that we’re coming back across the Bridge to Theos, back to Earth, back to the humanness. But
as we do, bring it all back with you so that it’s not just an external experience. It’s not just out there somewhere.

Bring it all back – back into the Body of Consciousness, back into your everyday life, back into your
dreams, back into your passions, back into every moment of your life.

Instead of leaving it out someplace else, out of regular awareness, let’s bring it all into full integration, into
the moment, into the “I Am Here.”

So in this last part of our DreamWalk, take a good deep breath as we go into integration.

Feel the energies. Feel the beautiful experience in Theos. Feel as we come full circle with what we’ve done
in this DreamWalk; full circle, bringing it back.

Take a good deep breath, as we begin the integration portion of our DreamWalk together.

(long pause)

I’ve seen a world I’d never seen before

And there was music from the stars
I’ve seen a place I’d never seen before
And there were colors so bright

DreamWalk to Theos

And it felt safe to play

And it felt safe to love
And it felt safe to be myself

Bringing it all home

Bringing it home
Bringing it all home
Bringing it home

I’ve seen a world I’d never seen before

With so much freedom for my soul
I’ve seen a place I’d never seen before
And so much freedom for my soul

And it felt safe to play

And it felt safe to love
And it felt safe to be myself

Bringing it all home

Bringing it all home
Bringing it all home
Bringing it all home

And it felt safe to love

And it felt safe to play
And it felt safe to be myself

Bringing it all home

Bringing it all home
Bringing it all home
Bringing it all home

Bringing it all home

We’ve come full circle in our DreamWalk from Earth to the Dream Bridge to Theos and back. We’ve
come into completion of the energies, and if any of this felt familiar, if it felt like you may have been here
before, it’s because you have. You’ve been here in your dreams. You’ve been here in your awareness, but
never quite so aware as what you’ve done now.

You’ve been to Theos before and you’ve come back, but now we’ve done it in a very conscious way, in a
very aware way, and we’ve integrated all of those energies back here.

It’ll never be lost or forgotten again. It’s always part of you.

Theos, that safe space for you.

Theos, that place that allows the full expression of the I Am, unencumbered, uninhibited, without
holding back.

DreamWalk to Theos

Take a good deep breath, as we bring this DreamWalk to a conclusion.

Take a good deep breath into the DreamWalk to Theos.

It’s been an honor being here in service to you, to be walking with you every step on this journey to mastery.

With that, I Am that I Am, Adamus of St. Germain.

The Global Affiliation of New Energy Teachers

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