Copd Brochure PT

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Goals: Factors Preventing Control:

Smoking produces excess mucus and further

Appropriate change of vital signs constricts the airways. Smoking is the biggest
within one hour of performing factor that is involved in preventing control of
COPD. Environmental factors, such as smoke,
physical activity, as this will show that
pollen, and smog are all irritants that exacerbate
symptoms of COPD have been
COPD symptoms. Therefore, time spent
managed and are under control. outdoors is a major factor that prevents control
of COPD. Exercise is very important, but when
Complete smoking cessation within it is done in excess, or not in a safe manner, it
one month, as this will help decrease may prevent control of COPD symptoms.
further damage and destruction to Exercise further constricts the airways in the
lungs, therefore, it is important that exercise is
lung tissue, and prevent further vessel
performed at appropriate times, such as after a
constriction and COPD complications, rest period (Lewis, Bucher, Heitkemper, &
which will help promote effective Harding, 2017). Control over these factors may
breathing. seem difficult, or even impossible, but with
time, they are achievable.
Correct demonstration of medication
administration to manage acute
episodes of COPD, by the end of the References
Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical Examination
teaching session, as medication will
help open airways and improve
airflow. Correct demonstration will
& Health Assessment, 7th Edition. St.
Louis, MO: Elsevier.
show an appropriate understanding of
when and how to use medication to
Lewis, S. L., Bucher, L., Heitkemper,
M. M., & Harding, M. M. (2017).
control symptoms.

Proper demonstration of pursed-lip

Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment
and Management of Clinical Problems,
breathing and huff coughing, by the
end of the teaching session, as this will
10th Edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Yoost, B. L., & Crawford, L. R. (2016).

help clear mucus secretions and Fundamentals of Nursing. St. Louis,
display a proper understanding of the MO: Elsevier.
technique. Melissa Winn
What causes COPD? What Puts You at Risk? Controlling the Disease:
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary  Cigarette Smoking There are many ways to control COPD, one of
Disease (COPD) occurs when the  Occupational Chemicals and which is to quit smoking. The smoke that is
airways and pulmonary blood vessels created by cigarettes irritates the cells in the
become inflamed. This obstruction is lungs and creates excess mucus. The sooner you
 Air Pollution quit smoking, the sooner the cough and excess
caused by the increased mucus
 Infection mucus production will decrease. (Lewis,
secretions and spasms of the bronchial Bucher, Heitkemper, & Harding, 2017). There
muscles, which creates constriction  Gender are many alternatives available, such as a
(Lewis, Bucher, Heitkemper, &  Aging nicotine patch that aid in smoking cessation.

Harding, 2017). This constriction leads Medication may be given as needed or on a

(Lewis, Bucher, Heitkemper, & Harding,
to difficulty in breathing. schedule and can help control symptoms and
decrease the intensity of exacerbations.
Bronchodilators relax the smooth muscles in the
Impact on You and Your Family lungs (Jarvis, 2016). This relaxation helps
As symptoms progress, they may improve airflow and effective breathing.
interfere with daily living. As patients
Frequency of Disease:
Breath retraining is beneficial in managing
experience difficulty breathing, they About 12.7 million adults living in the COPD symptoms. Pursed-lip breathing extends
may avoid activities, such as walking United States that are over the age of the time of exhalation, which helps prevent air
up stairs or carrying groceries. This trapping. This technique provides control when
18 have COPD.
breathing becomes labored (Lewis, Bucher,
impacts the patient’s family, because
COPD affects 15% of individuals that Heitkemper, & Harding, 2017). This technique
often times they can not walk as fast or is simple and can be done anywhere.
keep up with friends and family. Often
times a cough is present, which may The third leading cause of death within It is important that excess mucus is cleared in
patients with COPD. Huff coughing is effective
disturb the patient and family (Lewis, the United States is COPD. More than
in separating the mucus from the walls of the
Bucher, Heitkemper, & Harding, 2017). 133,000 Americans die each year from lungs, in order to be coughed out (Lewis,
COPD patients are unable to deliver COPD. Bucher, Heitkemper, & Harding, 2017).
Effective coughing helps clear excess mucus.
oxygen to their organs and tissues (Lewis, Bucher, Heitkemper, &
effectively, because of this, they may Outdoor conditions such as smoke exacerbate
Harding, 2017)
experience fatigue throughout the day. symptoms of COPD. A simple face mask may
be worn when going outside, as this is effective
However, patient’s may also have
in decreasing exposure to outdoor air pollution
difficulty lying flat on their back (Yoost (Lewis, Bucher, Heitkemper, & Harding, 2017).
& Crawford, 2016). This results in Preventing exposure to irritants helps prevent
difficulty achieving restful sleep. further complications and symptoms.

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