Quiz 2

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Quiz 2

Chapter 5

2. In what ways would your classroom and those of your

colleagues be similar to the classrooms described? In what

ways would they be different?

I would say that my classroom is similar in that my goal is to put students in

positions to learn and that I try and make my lessons student centered. This allows

them to have more choices and improve as people and students, not just memorize

facts. I also used similar techniques as the 8th grade teacher in that I had students

investigate, but I provided a wide variety of potential sources.

One area I differ in is that I have never had any kind of interest center in my

classroom. I think this could have some merit in the high school setting but

definitely fits more with elementary. However, I am willing to try it out.

3. Based on your ideas and experiences, what would be a logical

and feasible next step for you to take in crafting your classroom

to be more effective in addressing the needs of academically

diverse learners?

I think until I actually have my students and can get the information

necessary to know what they need, I need to familiarize myself with as many

strategies as possible. Also, I would like to develop a questionnaire for the beginning

of the year that can give me a good idea of how my students like to learn.

Chapter 6

1. Discuss elements in a solid rationale for differentiation that you

might use with parents, students, or other colleagues.

This is all about good communication. Students and parents should always be

informed of why we teach the way we do. Furthermore, when possible, they should

be able to give input on what they would like to see done or even strategies they

have used at home with their kids. Finally, colleagues are a great place to collaborate

and share ideas and strategies.

2. What do you see as the most important "next steps" for you to

take in making your classroom more academically responsive?

What support would be helpful to you in that process?

My next steps would be developing my curriculum in ways that all kinds of

students can be successful regardless of their interest, skill level, or prior

knowledge. I will get support by asking veteran teachers how they get the best

academic responses from students and do my own research on best practices.

Chapter 7

3. What might you do to rebuild the trust of parents who feel their

students have frequently been ineffectively served in school?

I would start by listening to all of their specific concerns so they know they

are being heard. I would then take those concerns individually and either show

them what we are doing for their students, or I would take ownership and discuss

what I can do differently in areas that need work. We could then follow up later to

see how things are progressing.

4. What might you do to establish the trust and partnership of

parents who stay away from school because they themselves

have not felt welcomed or accepted in school?

I think this starts with making my first contact with parents positive. It can

be an opening letter about what my goals for their student is that year or a phone

call about something positive their child did. I will then make times for parents to

reach out and voice their questions, comments, and concerns. The important thing

here is following up quickly as to let them know I value their time and input.

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