The Mechanics of The System of Allah

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What is Islam? It's certainly not a social or political regime. So what exactly is it? Ahmed Hulusi has been sharing his works for about forty six years
Articles Islam has been revealed to us for a purpose: for man to identify himself according to the without any material gain in return. All his books and videos are non-
mechanics of existence and the universe, and for man to unveil the prime attributes from profit and copyright-free. You are always welcome to read, watch and
his true essence. download his works from this web site for free.
Excerpts The holographic reality states that all that is present throughout the Universe also exists
within the human mind. Islam provides the realization that the path for man to reach his
Videos creator is through his own mind... Islam provides you with the system and mechanics to
reach your creator, to unleash the true potential within.
Islam was revealed to you, FOR you.

Discerning Faith from Religion
"ISLAM", Not "Muslimism" The Mechanics Of The System Of ALLAH (The Unaltered Laws of the System of
Who Is Authorized In The Name.... Allah)
Why Do We Need Mosques?
Misunderstanding Islam
On this planet, the greatest of miracles of the One referred to as “Allah”, is “Mohammed Mustafa” (peace be upon him). His brain, his
Is There Coercion In Islam essence (his true self) and the communication betw een his brain and his essence are the greatest of miracles that have ever been manifest
Understanding Of RELIGION in this w orld.
Oneness and Multiplicity
The Holy Koran is, how ever, the greatest miracle of Mohammed.
My Conception of Islam.
Islamic Government W hy?
The reason is, as the RasulAllah and Nabi of Allah, there has never been anyone in the past, nor w ill there ever be anyone in the future
Why Are We Proposed....
(until the Judgment Day), w ho can unveil w hat Mohammed knew and proclaimed. Therefore, there w ill be no more Nabis after him.
H. Universe Of Your Mind
Prayer: Channeling Brainwaves W hat is this miracle event?
Your Mind And The Power Of
The Koran is composed of tw o main interw oven themes:
How Great Is God 1. To introduce and describe the one referred to as Allah, emphasizing that there is no concept of God (a being to be w orshiped). [This is
From A God Beyond To Allah.... about the duties of Rasul (Risalat–Rasulhood).]
Beliefs Centered On God 2. To explain the universal systematic mechanism know n as “SunnatAllah” (Sunnah of Allah); to describe w hat actions are beneficial and
Is There A God harmful for human beings based on this universal system. [This is about the duties of Nabis (Nubuwwat – Nabihood).]
Taoism - Buddhism - Islam
The law s of our w orld w hich w e are by design subject to, and also the law s of the entire universe, are referred to as “SunnatAllah” in the
Escape Suffering
Holy Koran.
Point of Oneness
The Hidden Polytheism The entire affairs including the motion of strings, the holographic reality, correlations betw een universes, the universal integrated energy of
Death and Beyond the universe, cosmological relations, a human being’s ow n creation from his form to his Throne (Arsh), his Pedestal (Qursi), his heavens
(samawat) and the seven layers of his w orld w ithin himself, are all encompassed w ithin the context of “SunnatAllah”.
Will You Return To This World....
Why Pray? We are told about “SunnatAllah” foremost that:
Faith: Understanding vs.
“Our sunnah is never altered!” (Surah: 17, Verse: 77)
The Mechanics Of The System Of “SunnatAllah does not change.” (Surah: 48, Verse: 23)
“SunnatAllah experiences no deviation.” (Surah: 35, Verse: 43)
The Virtues Of The System Of
ALLAH Now let us underline some universal facts, even though some minds might have a lof ot difficulty in grasping it or might even completely
Deciphering The Mechanics Of reject it. Yet, a fact is a fact.
From the moment of the initial unfolding of the singularity (point), relying on the reality of the expanding universe, everything until eternity
Prophet, Messenger Or The Voice that has already happened in the past and w ill happen in the future is w ithin the know ledge of the Creative Might and it perpetually
of ALLAH? remains unaltered.
Having Faith in Mohammed
Those of you w ho can think, w ill appreciate that next to w hat I just stated, the history of humanity is at a rank of nothing.

In the universe, there are certainly various alive and conscious beings, w hich the human mind cannot detect or comprehend, and even all
these beings are interpreted w ithin the context of SunnatAllah.

Let us dive into our subject by remembering a w arning from Rasul of Allah:

“If you knew w hat I knew , you’d laugh less and cry more! You couldn’t sleep comfortably in your beds, and run to the mountains screaming
at the top of your lungs.”

W hat do you think Rasul of Allah is trying to tell us?

If w e can “read” SunnatAllah, w e w ill begin to grasp the follow ing constitutional law s of the universe:

1. All creations carry out their unconditional servitudes, either consciously or w ithout realization, by living out their lives in the direction of
their purpose of existence.

The seven heavens (sama), the Earth (ardh) and everything w ithin them all recite the One. “There is nothing that does not recite Allah w ith
praise, how ever, you do not understand the meaning of their recitation” (Surah: 17 verse: 44)

“All the living things and angels (malaiqa−beings and forces belonging to ethereal and material w orlds) w ithin heavens (samawat) and the
earth (ardh) avow their obedience to Allah w ithout any arrogance.” (Surah: 16, verse: 49)

2. Even the mutiny of the being referred to as Satan (Iblis) is due to its unconditional servitude to Allah. However, execution of the
unconditional servitude does not prevent damnation or exile!

Iblis said: “My Lord! For You corrupted me, I vow that I w ill embellish actions against SunnatAllah to them on earth and lead them all astray.”
(15: 39)

3. The attribute of “Power” (Qudrat) of the One named as Allah governs the SunnatAllah. Due to the attribute of “Power”, the
universal system and order referred to as SunnatAllah operates such that at every moment, the stronger destroys the less strong. The
One named as “Allah” manifests its attribute of “Power” in the universal system Hu created. The “weaker” is to be annihilated in the
system. Therefore, there is no place for feelings, humanistic judgments and assessments. Feeling sorry for another or being felt sorry
for, do not have an affect on the way that the System operates. Those who need to protect themselves have to take the necessary
precautions dictated by their environments. Those who live according to their emotions and their humanistic point of view will have to
live the consequences of their choices!

“You, the believers! Protect yourselves and your community from the fire, w hich uses people and stones as its fuel. This fire contains forces,
w hich are very determined and strong. These forces (angels) absolutely carry out w hat Allah commanded them w ithout questioning.”
(Surah: 66 Verse: 6)

4. All beings, in every single moment, are living the consequences of their actions they performed in a previous moment in time, w hether
they realize it or not. This is w hat the concept of “punishment” refers to. “Today” is the result of “yesterday” and “tomorrow ” w ill be the
result of w hat happens “today”. “Today” is the moment you are currently living in. “Tomorrow ” is the result of the moment you have already
lived. Those w ho perform even the smallest good deed w ill instantly receive their payoff. Also, those w ho perform even the smallest harmful
deed w ill instantly receive their payoff. How ever, this payoff might play itself out in the short or the long term depending on w hich circuit in
the brain received it. We cannot know w hich circuits in the brain created the action performed, w hat kind of a feedback circuit this action
created in the brain and w hen and under w hat circumstances this feedback circuit w ill be reactivated.
“On that day, the Book (w hich keeps records of all deeds) has been put forth. You w itness the sinners saying about that book, “Oh no!
W hat kind of a book is this that it contains everything w ithout leaving out anything small or big!” W hatever they did, they have readily found
it in it. Your Lord is not cruel”. (The Koran, Surah: 18 Verse: 49)

“W hen pages (that w ere w rapped) are unfolded…” (The Koran, Surah:81 Verse:10)

”W hoever performs an iota of a good deed, shall receive its payoff. And w hoever performs an iota of harm, shall receive its payoff.” (Surah:
99 Verses: 7, 8)

5. Every being is forever subject to only what it is able to do and the results of what it is able to do. There is no validity of any
excuses, which makes up for what it has not done or what it has been deprived of as a consequence of its wrongdoing.

“There is nothing for people outside of w hat they have done.” (Surah: 53 Verse: 39)

6. There is no way to compensate for the past in the system. All occurrences in the system cause to move forward and there is no way
to relive a previous moment. Therefore, it is impossible to go back to a past time. Hence, there is no way to make up for the past. Only
the living moment can be benefited from. The past is left in the past. The past cannot be made up for (including any prayer times that
have been missed).

“If there w ere gods besides Allah w ithin the tw o (heavens and Earth), both w ould definitely experience chaos. Allah w ho is the Lord of the
Highest Heaven is far beyond any of the descriptions and imperfections people ascribe for Hu.” (Surah: 21 Verses, 22, 23)

7. “Who is blind in this world will also be blind in the afterlife, and will be even more perplexed there.” (Surah: 17 Verse: 72)

If one’s perception does not develop here on Earth, it will always remain undeveloped forever after the transformation referred to as
“death” takes place.

8. Since the One named as Allah does not live on a planet in space as believed by those w ho do not have enough know ledge or
understanding about this subject, it w ill be absolutely impossible to stand before such a god one day and ask questions such as w hy.

9. W hatever it is people w ould like to attain tow ards the eternal after-life, they have the chance to fulfill the requirements of acquiring them
and uploading it to their spirits w hile living here on Earth. After the “dimension shift” referred to as “death” has occurred, it is impossible to
do any brain development activities, w hich are know n as prayers. Therefore, life is the one and only chance for people to actualize the
potentials of their brains, w hich are based on the names of Allah, via prayers. W hoever cannot take advantage of this chance w ill not be
able to alter its consequences forever regardless of the excuses.

“W hen finally death came upon one of them, he said: “My Lord, send me back… so that I can do the correct deeds w here I abandoned them
(my actions w hich w ere against sünnetullah)”. No! (This is impossible). This is something only he himself says (it has no validity in the
system). Behind them (if it w as possible to go back) there is an obstacle (a curtain, gap, dimensional change) until the day in front of them
w hen they w ill arise from dead. (They cannot go back. There is no reincarnation either). W hen the Horn (Sur) is blow n (for the second time),
on that day, there w ill be no associations betw een them (human relationships, relatives, families, communities; visual aspects that allow ed
people to recognize each other on Earth). They w ill not ask of each other either (as they did on Earth).” (Surah: 23, Verses: 99, 100, and

10. Every being contains what follows itself with respect to the dimension it is currently in the same way a fig contains its seeds or a
sperm contains the secrets of humanity. Even if what follows is never revealed…

11. What makes human beings different is that they are capable of ascending their own heaven that is spirituality ascending to the
wonder of truth within their essence, and therefore accomplish becoming a “caliph”.

“The One is w ho made you caliphs on Earth. W hoever behaves ungratefully (and covers up his caliphate in a manner that is selfish, unitary
and tow ards satisfying mortal pleasures), that behavior is not in his favor. Such ungrateful behavior does nothing but intensify a harsh
w rath for them as far as the Lord is concerned. Ungrateful behavior brings to them nothing but disappointment.” (Surah: 35, Verse: 39)

12. W hile a single sperm manages to reach its destination and transcend to another dimension, millions of others live the consequences of
failing to do so, and they are not felt sorry for!
At this point in time, let us add a note here for people w ho learned “SunnatAllah” to be different from “Sunnah of RasulAllah”.

Some people think Allah’s Rasul is a “father figure” because of the conditionings they received during their upbringing. They still have not
understood anything. Rasuls are not our fathers or uncles. They are Rasuls of Allah. There is not much that can be said to those people w ho
do not know w hat this means. Here is a verse from the Holy Koran:

“Mohammed is not the father of one of you, but rather he is Allah’s Rasul and the last Nabi” (Surah: 33, Verse: 40)

I hope you can stop picturing him as a father and start appreciating his true identity.

Of course, “SunnatAllah” is something different than “Sunnah of Rasul” in the eyes of people w ho label their god in their minds as “Allah”,
put this god somew here in space and believe this god has a “messenger” on our planet. We have seen so many Sufi story tellers hold them
separate because of their failure to go beyond the point of “tasa” piece of “Tasaw w uf”. Please stop trying to see everything only by
considering them literally.

“Rasul does not speak of his ow n fancy” (Surah: 53, Verse: 3)

This verse alone is enough to prove to brains capable of thinking that “Sunnah of RasulAllah” is the same as “SunnatAllah”. It is not
necessary to go into details of this matter by bringing hadithes. If you like, you may research for them for yourself.

Every being, no matter w hat it is, is a “bit” w hich reflects the “w hole” like a mirror; it executes w hat Allah has planned for it using the
properties (names) of “the absolute Truth” w ithin itself. It is impossible to understand this for people w ho have not mastered the secret of
looking at the “many” from the “one” even if they accept this fact by imitating others.

People w ho can recite “Word of Testimony” and actually comprehend its meaning w ill enter heaven. How ever, on this planet of seven
billion people, there are very few w ho can “testify” that Mohammed Mustafa is Allah’s servant and “Rasul” w ithout being a messenger of
God, at all.

June 24, 2005

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