Syllabus With Cases First Set Scra

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LAW ON PUBLIC OFFICERS / PUBLIC of the position, scope of duties, and the

CORPORATIONS SYLLABUS designation of the position as an office.—The

characteristics of a public office, according to
 PERTINANT LAWS Mechem, include the delegation of sovereign
1. The 1987 Constitution functions, its creation by law and not by
2. Revised Administrative Code of 1987 contract, an oath, salary, continuance of the
(E.O. 292) position, scope of duties, and the designation
3. Local Government Code of the position as an office.
4. The Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officers and Same; Same; Same; Court holds that the
Employees (R.A. 6713) National Centennial Commission (NCC)
5. The Revised Penal Code performs executive functions.—We hold that
the NCC performs executive functions. The
6. The Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act
executive power “is generally defined as the
(R.A. 3019) power to enforce and administer the laws. It
7. The Ombudsman (R.A. 6770) is the power of carrying the laws into practical
operation and enforcing their due
observance.” The executive function,
I. DEFINITIONS, DISTINCTIONS, therefore, concerns the implementation of the
CLASSIFICATIONS policies as set forth by law.
a. What is Public Office?
b. Essential Elements Same; Same; Same; The NCC was precisely
c. Creation created to ensure a more coordinated and
d. Classification synchronized celebrations of the Philippine
Centennial and wider participation from the
government and non-government or private
organizations and to rationalize the relevance
1. LAUREL VS. DESIERTO of historical links with other countries and to
carry them into effect.—E.O. No. 128,
Constitutional Law; Ombudsman; Public reconstituting the Committee for the National
Officers; The Ombudsman has the power to Centennial Celebrations in 1998, cited the
investigate any malfeasance, misfeasance “need to strengthen the said Committee to
and non-feasance by a public officer or ensure a more coordinated and synchronized
employee of the government, or of any celebrations of the Philippine Centennial and
subdivision, agency or instrumentality wider participation from the government and
thereof, including government-owned or non-government or private organizations.” It
controlled corporations; Public Officer also referred to the “need to rationalize the
Defined.—In sum, the Ombudsman has the relevance of historical links with other
power to investigate any malfeasance, countries.” The NCC was precisely created to
misfeasance and non-feasance by a public execute the foregoing policies and objectives,
officer or employee of the government, or of to carry them into effect.
any subdivision, agency or instrumentality
thereof, including government-owned or Same; Same; Same; The promotion of
controlled corporations. Neither the industrialization and full employment is a
Constitution nor the Ombudsman Act of fundamental state policy.—There can hardly
1989, however, defines who public officers be any dispute that the promotion of
are. A definition of public officers cited in industrialization and full employment is a
jurisprudence is that provided by Mechem, a fundamental state policy.
recognized authority on the subject: A public
office is the right, authority and duty, created Same; Same; Same; The NCC performs
and conferred by law, by which, for a given sovereign functions; It is a public office and
period, either fixed by law or enduring at the petitioner is a public officer.—Clearly, the
pleasure of the creating power, an individual NCC performs sovereign functions. It is,
is invested with some portion of the sovereign therefore, a public office, and petitioner, as its
functions of the government, to be exercised Chair, is a public officer.
by him for the benefit of the public. The
individual so invested is a public officer. Same; Same; Same; Fact that petitioner did
not receive any compensation during his
Same; Same; Same; The characteristics of a tenure is of little consequence.—That
public office include the delegation of petitioner allegedly did not receive any
sovereign functions, its creation by law and compensation during his tenure is of little
not by contract, an oath, salary, continuance consequence. A salary is a usual but not a
necessary criterion for determining the nature responsive to the needs of the people they
of the position. It is not conclusive. The salary are called upon to serve.
is a mere incident and forms no part of the
office. Where a salary or fees is annexed, the Same; Presumption of Regularity; The
office is provided for it is a naked or honorary presumption of regularity enjoyed by public
office, and is supposed to be accepted officers in the performance of their duties
merely for the public good. Hence, the office necessarily obtains in favor of the Bureau of
of petitioner as NCC Chair may be Internal Revenue (BIR) and Bureau of
characterized as an honorary office, as Customs (BOC) officials and employees.—
opposed to a lucrative office or an office of Public officers enjoy the presumption of
profit, i.e., one to which salary, compensation regularity in the performance of their duties.
or fees are attached. But it is a public office, This presumption necessarily obtains in favor
nonetheless. of BIR and BOC officials and employees. RA
9335 operates on the basis thereof and
2. ABAKADA VS PURISIMA reinforces it by providing a system of rewards
and sanctions for the purpose of encouraging
Judicial Review; A constitutional question is the officials and employees of the BIR and the
ripe for adjudication when the governmental BOC to exceed their revenue targets and
act being challenged has a direct adverse optimize their revenue-generation capability
effect on the individual challenging it.—An and collection. The presumption is disputable
actual case or controversy involves a conflict but proof to the contrary is required to rebut
of legal rights, an assertion of opposite legal it. It cannot be overturned by mere conjecture
claims susceptible of judicial adjudication. A or denied in advance (as petitioners would
closely related requirement is ripeness, that have the Court do) specially in this case
is, the question must be ripe for adjudication. where it is an underlying principle to advance
And a constitutional question is ripe for a declared public policy.
adjudication when the governmental act
being challenged has a direct adverse effect Same; Attrition Act of 2005 (R.A. No. 9335);
on the individual challenging it. Thus, to be Judicial Review; To invalidate RA 9335
ripe for judicial adjudication, the petitioner based on baseless supposition is an affront
must show a personal stake in the outcome to the wisdom not only of the legislature that
of the case or an injury to himself that can be passed it but also of the executive which
redressed by a favorable decision of the approved it.—A law enacted by Congress
Court. enjoys the strong presumption of
constitutionality. To justify its nullification,
Same; Where an action of the legislative there must be a clear and unequivocal breach
branch is alleged to have infringed the of the Constitution, not a doubtful and
Constitution, it becomes not only the right but equivocal one. To invalidate RA 9335 based
in fact the duty of the judiciary to settle the on petitioners’ baseless supposition is an
dispute.—This notwithstanding, public affront to the wisdom not only of the
interest requires the resolution of the legislature that passed it but also of the
constitutional issues raised by petitioners. executive which approved it.
The grave nature of their allegations tends to
cast a cloud on the presumption of Same; Same; A system of incentives for
constitutionality in favor of the law. And where exceeding the set expectations of a public
an action of the legislative branch is alleged office is not anathema to the concept of public
to have infringed the Constitution, it becomes account-ability.—Public service is its own
not only the right but in fact the duty of the reward. Nevertheless, public officers may by
judiciary to settle the dispute. law be rewarded for exemplary and
exceptional performance. A system of
Public Officers; Public Accountability; Public incentives for exceeding the set expectations
office is a public trust—it must be discharged of a public office is not anathema to the
by its holder not for his own personal gain but concept of public accountability. In fact, it
for the benefit of the public for whom he holds recognizes and reinforces dedication to duty,
it in trust.—Public office is a public trust. It industry, efficiency and loyalty to public
must be discharged by its holder not for his service of deserving government personnel.
own personal gain but for the benefit of the
public for whom he holds it in trust. By Same; Same; Equal Protection; Equality
demanding accountability and service with guaranteed under the equal protection clause
responsibility, integrity, loyalty, efficiency, is equality under the same conditions and
patriotism and justice, all government officials among persons similarly situated—it is
and employees have the duty to be equality among equals, not similarity of
treatment of persons who are classified national government through the collection of
based on substantial differences in relation to taxes, customs duties, fees and charges.
the object to be accomplished.—Equality
guaranteed under the equal protection clause Delegation of Powers; Test; A law is
is equality under the same conditions and complete when it sets forth therein the policy
among persons similarly situated; it is to be executed, carried out or implemented
equality among equals, not similarity of by the delegate and lays down a sufficient
treatment of persons who are classified standard when it provides adequate
based on substantial differences in relation to guidelines or limitations in the law to map out
the object to be accomplished. When things the boundaries of the delegate’s authority
or persons are different in fact or and prevent the delegation from running
circumstance, they may be treated in law riot.—Two tests determine the validity of
differently. In Victoriano v. Elizalde Rope delegation of legislative power: (1) the
Workers’ Union, 59 SCRA 54 (1974), this completeness test and (2) the sufficient
Court declared: The guaranty of equal standard test. A law is complete when it sets
protection of the laws is not a guaranty of forth therein the policy to be executed, carried
equality in the application of the laws upon all out or implemented by the delegate. It lays
citizens of the [S]tate. It is not, therefore, a down a sufficient standard when it provides
requirement, in order to avoid the adequate guidelines or limitations in the law
constitutional prohibition against inequality, to map out the boundaries of the delegate’s
that every man, woman and child should be authority and prevent the delegation from
affected alike by a statute. Equality of running riot. To be sufficient, the standard
operation of statutes does not mean must specify the limits of the delegate’s
indiscriminate operation on persons merely authority, announce the legislative policy and
as such, but on persons according to the identify the conditions under which it is to be
circumstances surrounding them. It implemented.
guarantees equality, not identity of rights. The
Constitution does not require that things Same; Civil Service; Security of Tenure;
which are different in fact be treated in law as Inefficiency; Incompetence; The guarantee of
though they were the same. The equal security of tenure only means that an
protection clause does not forbid employee cannot be dismissed from the
discrimination as to things that are different. service for causes other than those provided
It does not prohibit legislation which is limited by law and only after due process is accorded
either in the object to which it is directed or by the employee; RA 9335 lays down a
the territory within which it is to operate. reasonable yardstick for removal (when the
revenue collection falls short of the target by
Same; Same; Same; The equal protection at least 7.5%) with due consideration of all
clause recognizes a valid classification, that relevant factors affecting the level of
is, a classification that has a reasonable collection, a standard analogous to
foundation or rational basis and not arbitrary; inefficiency and incompetence in the
Since the subject of the law is the revenue- performance of official duties, a ground for
generation capability and collection of the disciplinary action under civil service laws.—
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the RA 9335 in no way violates the security of
Bureau of Customs (BOC), the incentives tenure of officials and employees of the BIR
and/or sanctions provided in the law should and the BOC. The guarantee of security of
logically pertain to the said agencies.—The tenure only means that an employee cannot
equal protection clause recognizes a valid be dismissed from the service for causes
classification, that is, a classification that has other than those provided by law and only
a reasonable foundation or rational basis and after due process is accorded the employee.
not arbitrary. With respect to RA 9335, its In the case of RA 9335, it lays down a
expressed public policy is the optimization of reasonable yardstick for removal (when the
the revenue-generation capability and revenue collection falls short of the target by
collection of the BIR and the BOC. Since the at least 7.5%) with due consideration of all
subject of the law is the revenue-generation relevant factors affecting the level of
capability and collection of the BIR and the collection. This standard is analogous to
BOC, the incentives and/or sanctions inefficiency and incompetence in the
provided in the law should logically pertain to performance of official duties, a ground for
the said agencies. Moreover, the law disciplinary action under civil service laws.
concerns only the BIR and the BOC because The action for removal is also subject to civil
they have the common distinct primary service laws, rules and regulations and
function of generating revenues for the compliance with substantive and procedural
due process. At any rate, this Court has
recognized the following as sufficient departments to appear before and be heard
standards: “public interest,” “justice and by either of its Houses on any matter
equity,” “public convenience and welfare” and pertaining to their departments and its power
“simplicity, economy and welfare.” In this of confirmation and (2) investigation and
case, the declared policy of optimization of monitoring of the implementation of laws
the revenue-generation capability and pursuant to the power of Congress to conduct
collection of the BIR and the BOC is infused inquiries in aid of legislation. Any action or
with public interest. step beyond that will undermine the
separation of powers guaranteed by the
Separation of Powers; Legislative Veto; Constitution. Legislative vetoes fall in this
Congressional oversight is not class.
unconstitutional per se, meaning, it neither
necessarily constitutes an encroachment on Same; Same; Words and Phrases;
the executive power to implement laws nor Legislative veto is a statutory provision
undermines the constitutional separation of requiring the President or an administrative
powers, but to forestall the danger of agency to present the proposed
congressional encroachment “beyond the implementing rules and regulations of a law
legislative sphere,” the Constitution imposes to Congress which, by itself or through a
two basic and related constraints on committee formed by it, retains a “right” or
Congress—it may not vest itself, any of its “power” to approve or disapprove such
committees or its members with either regulations before they take effect; Congress
executive or judicial power, and, when it has two options when enacting legislation to
exercises its legislative power, it must follow define national policy within the broad
the “single, finely wrought and exhaustively horizons of its legislative competence—it can
considered, procedures” specified under the itself formulate the details or it can assign to
Constitution, including the procedure for the executive branch the responsibility for
enactment of laws and presentment; Any making necessary managerial decisions in
post-enactment congressional measure conformity with those standards.—
should be limited to scrutiny and Legis-lative veto is a statutory provision
investigation—any action or step beyond that requiring the President or an administrative
will undermine the separation of powers agency to present the proposed
guaranteed by the Constitution.—It is clear implementing rules and regulations of a law
that congressional oversight is not to Congress which, by itself or through a
unconstitutional per se, meaning, it neither committee formed by it, retains a “right” or
necessarily constitutes an encroachment on “power” to approve or disapprove such
the executive power to implement laws nor regulations before they take effect. As such,
undermines the constitutional separation of a legislative veto in the form of a
powers. Rather, it is integral to the checks congressional oversight committee is in the
and balances inherent in a democratic form of an inward-turning delegation
system of government. It may in fact even designed to attach a congressional leash
enhance the separation of powers as it (other than through scrutiny and
prevents the over-accumulation of power in investigation) to an agency to which
the executive branch. However, to forestall Congress has by law initially delegated broad
the danger of congressional encroachment powers. It radically changes the design or
“beyond the legislative sphere,” the structure of the Constitution’s diagram of
Constitution imposes two basic and related power as it entrusts to Congress a direct role
constraints on Congress. It may not vest in enforcing, applying or implementing its own
itself, any of its committees or its members laws. Congress has two options when
with either executive or judicial power. And, enacting legislation to define national policy
when it exercises its legislative power, it must within the broad horizons of its legislative
follow the “single, finely wrought and competence. It can itself formulate the details
exhaustively considered, procedures” or it can assign to the executive branch the
specified under the Constitution, including the responsibility for making necessary
procedure for enactment of laws and managerial decisions in conformity with those
presentment. Thus, any post-enactment standards. In the latter case, the law must be
congressional measure such as this should complete in all its essential terms and
be limited to scrutiny and investigation. In conditions when it leaves the hands of the
particular, congressional oversight must be legislature. Thus, what is left for the executive
confined to the following: (1) scrutiny based branch or the concerned administrative
primarily on Congress’ power of appropriation agency when it formulates rules and
and the budget hearings conducted in regulations implementing the law is to fill up
connection with it, its power to ask heads of details (supplementary rule-making) or
ascertain facts necessary to bring the law into chambers. Corrollarily, it can be exercised
actual operation (contingent rule-making). neither solely by one of the two chambers nor
by a committee of either or both chambers.
Congress; Statutes; Congress, in the guise of Thus, assuming the validity of a legislative
assuming the role of an overseer, may not veto, both a single-chamber legislative veto
pass upon their legality by subjecting them to and a congressional committee legislative
its stamp of approval without disturbing the veto are invalid.
calculated balance of powers established by
the Constitution—in exercising discretion to Same; Same; Same; Every bill passed by
approve or disapprove the Implementing Congress must be presented to the President
Rules and Regulations based on a for approval or veto and in the absence of
determination of whether or not they presentment to the President, no bill passed
conformed with the provisions of RA 9335, by Congress can become a law.—Every bill
Congress arrogated judicial power unto itself, passed by Congress must be presented to
a power exclusively vested in this Court by the President for approval or veto. In the
the Constitution.—Administrative regulations absence of presentment to the President, no
enacted by administrative agencies to bill passed by Congress can become a law.
implement and interpret the law which they In this sense, law-making under the
are entrusted to enforce have the force of law Constitution is a joint act of the Legislature
and are entitled to respect. Such rules and and of the Executive. Assuming that
regulations partake of the nature of a statute legislative veto is a valid legislative act with
and are just as binding as if they have been the force of law, it cannot take effect without
written in the statute itself. As such, they have such presentment even if approved by both
the force and effect of law and enjoy the chambers of Congress.
presumption of constitutionality and legality
until they are set aside with finality in an Same; Same; Publication; Subject to the
appropriate case by a competent court. indispensable requisite of publication under
Congress, in the guise of assuming the role the due process clause, the determination as
of an overseer, may not pass upon their to when a law takes effect is wholly the
legality by subjecting them to its stamp of prerogative of Congress—as such, it is only
approval without disturbing the calculated upon its effectivity that a law may be executed
balance of powers established by the and the executive branch acquires the duties
Constitution. In exercising discretion to and powers to execute the said law.—Where
approve or disapprove the IRR based on a Congress delegates the formulation of rules
determination of whether or not they to implement the law it has enacted pursuant
conformed with the provisions of RA 9335, to sufficient standards established in the said
Congress arrogated judicial power unto itself, law, the law must be complete in all its
a power exclusively vested in this Court by essential terms and conditions when it leaves
the Constitution. the hands of the legislature. And it may be
deemed to have left the hands of the
Same; Same; Principle of Bicameralism; legislature when it becomes effective
Presentment Clause; The requirement that because it is only upon effectivity of the
the implementing rules of a law be subjected statute that legal rights and obligations
to approval by Congress as a condition for become available to those entitled by the
their effectivity violates the cardinal language of the statute. Subject to the
constitutional principles of bicameralism and indispensable requisite of publication under
the rule on presentment; A valid exercise of the due process clause, the determination as
legislative power requires the act of both to when a law takes effect is wholly the
chambers—it can be exercised neither solely prerogative of Congress. As such, it is only
by one of the two chambers nor by a upon its effectivity that a law may be executed
committee of either or both chambers.—The and the executive branch acquires the duties
requirement that the implementing rules of a and powers to execute the said law. Before
law be subjected to approval by Congress as that point, the role of the executive branch,
a condition for their effectivity violates the particularly of the President, is limited to
cardinal constitutional principles of approving or vetoing the law.
bicameralism and the rule on presentment.
x x x Legislative power (or the power to Same; Same; Same; From the moment the
propose, enact, amend and repeal laws) is law becomes effective, any provision of law
vested in Congress which consists of two that empowers Congress or any of its
chambers, the Senate and the House of members to play any role in the
Representatives. A valid exercise of implementation or enforcement of the law
legislative power requires the act of both violates the principle of separation of powers
and is thus unconstitutional.—From the published in full if their purpose is to enforce
moment the law becomes effective, any or implement existing law pursuant to a valid
provision of law that empowers Congress or delegation.—To be effective, administrative
any of its members to play any role in the rules and regulations must be published in full
implementation or enforcement of the law if their purpose is to enforce or implement
violates the principle of separation of powers existing law pursuant to a valid delegation.
and is thus unconstitutional. Under this The IRR of RA 9335 were published on May
principle, a provision that requires Congress 30, 2006 in two newspapers of general
or its members to approve the implementing circulation and became effective 15 days
rules of a law after it has already taken effect thereafter. Until and unless the contrary is
shall be unconstitutional, as is a provision shown, the IRR are presumed valid and
that allows Congress or its members to effective even without the approval of the
overturn any directive or ruling made by the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee.
members of the executive branch charged Abakada Guro Party List vs. Purisima, 562
with the implementation of the law. SCRA 251, G.R. No. 166715 August 14,
Same; Statutes; Partial Unconstitutionality;
Separability Clause; The general rule is that 3. FIGUEROA VS PEOPLE
where part of a statute is void as repugnant
to the Constitution, while another part is valid, Criminal Law; Defamation; Words and
the valid portion, if separable from the invalid, Phrases; Defamation means injuring a
may stand and be enforced; The presence of person’s character, fame or reputation
a separability clause in a statute creates the through false and malicious statements;
presumption that the legislature intended Defamation, which includes libel and slander,
separability, rather than complete nullity of means injuring a person’s character, fame or
the statute.—In Tatad v. Secretary of the reputation through false and malicious
Department of Energy, 282 SCRA 361 statements.—Defamation, which includes
(1997), the Court laid down the following libel and slander, means injuring a person’s
rules: The general rule is that where part of a character, fame or reputation through false
statute is void as repugnant to the and malicious statements. It is that which
Constitution, while another part is valid, the tends to injure reputation or to diminish the
valid portion, if separable from the invalid, esteem, respect, goodwill or confidence in
may stand and be enforced. The presence of the complainant or to excite derogatory
a separability clause in a statute creates the feelings or opinions about him. It is the
presumption that the legislature intended publication of anything which is injurious to
separability, rather than complete nullity of the good name or reputation of another or
the statute. To justify this result, the valid tends to bring him into disrepute.
portion must be so far independent of the
invalid portion that it is fair to presume that Same; Same; In libel cases, the question is
the legislature would have enacted it by itself not what the writer of the libelous material
if it had supposed that it could not means, but what the words used by him
constitutionally enact the other. Enough must mean.—In libel cases, the question is not
remain to make a complete, intelligible and what the writer of the libelous material
valid statute, which carries out the legislative means, but what the words used by him
intent. x x x The exception to the general rule mean. Here, the defamatory character of the
is that when the parts of a statute are so words used by the petitioners is shown by the
mutually dependent and connected, as very recitals thereof in the questioned article.
conditions, considerations, inducements, or
compensations for each other, as to warrant Administrative Law; A public office is the
a belief that the legislature intended them as right, authority and duty, created and
a whole, the nullity of one part will vitiate the conferred by law, by which an individual is
rest. In making the parts of the statute invested with some portion of the sovereign
dependent, conditional, or connected with functions of the government, to be exercised
one another, the legislature intended the by him for the benefit of the public.—A public
statute to be carried out as a whole and would office is the right, authority and duty, created
not have enacted it if one part is void, in which and conferred by law, by which an individual
case if some parts are unconstitutional, all the is invested with some portion of the sovereign
other provisions thus dependent, conditional, functions of the government, to be exercised
or connected must fall with them. by him for the benefit of the public. The
individual so invested is a public officer. The
Administrative Law; To be effective, most important characteristic which
administrative rules and regulations must be distinguishes an office from an employment
or contract is that the creation and conferring most certainly exposed him to public
of an office involve a delegation to the contempt and ridicule. As found by the trial
individual of some of the sovereign functions court in its judgment of conviction.
of government, to be exercised by him for the
benefit of the public; that some portion of the 4. JAVIER VS SANDIGANBAYAN
sovereignty of the country, either legislative,
executive or judicial, attaches, to be Criminal Procedure; Motions to Quash; Well-
exercised for the public benefit. Unless the established is the rule that when a motion to
powers conferred are of this nature, the quash in a criminal case is denied, the
individual is not a public officer. remedy is not a petition for certiorari, but for
petitioners to go to trial, without prejudice to
Same; The operation of a public market is not reiterating the special defenses invoked in
a governmental function but merely an their motion to quash—remedial measures as
activity undertaken by the city in its private regards interlocutory orders, such as a
proprietary capacity.—Rivera cannot be motion to quash, are frowned upon and often
considered a public officer. Being a member dismissed.—A motion to quash an
of the market committee did not vest upon Information is the mode by which an accused
him any sovereign function of the assails the validity of a criminal complaint or
government, be it legislative, executive or Information filed against him for insufficiency
judicial. As reasoned out by the CA, the on its face in point of law, or for defects which
operation of a public market is not a are apparent in the face of the Information.
governmental function but merely an activity Well-established is the rule that when a
undertaken by the city in its private motion to quash in a criminal case is denied,
proprietary capacity. Furthermore, Rivera’s the remedy is not a petition for certiorari, but
membership in the market committee was in for petitioners to go to trial, without prejudice
representation of the association of market to reiterating the special defenses invoked in
vendors, a non-governmental organization their motion to quash. Remedial measures as
belonging to the private sector. regards interlocutory orders, such as a
motion to quash, are frowned upon and often
Defamation; Article 354(2) of the Revised dismissed. The evident reason for this rule is
Penal Code expressly requires that it be a to avoid multiplicity of appeals in a single
“fair and true report, made in good faith, action. The above general rule, however
without any comments or remarks.”—Even if admits of several exceptions, one of which is
we were to pretend that Rivera was a public when the court, in denying the motion to
officer, which he clearly is not, the subject dismiss or motion to quash, acts without or in
article still would not pass muster as Article excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of
354(2), supra, of the Revised Penal Code discretion, then certiorari or prohibition lies.
expressly requires that it be a “fair and true The reason is that it would be unfair to require
report, made in good faith, without any the defendant or accused to undergo the
comments or remarks.” Even a mere cursory ordeal and expense of a trial if the court has
glance at the article reveals that it is far from no jurisdiction over the subject matter or
being that. offense, or is not the court of proper venue,
or if the denial of the motion to dismiss or
Same; Moral Damages; Article 2219(7) of the motion to quash is made with grave abuse of
Civil Code is express in stating that moral discretion or a whimsical and capricious
damages may be recovered in case of libel, exercise of judgment. In such cases, the
slander or any other form of defamation for ordinary remedy of appeal cannot be plain
from the very publication and circulation of and adequate.
the subject defamatory and libelous material
itself, there can be no doubt as to the Public Officers; National Book Development
resulting wounded feelings and besmirched Board (NBDB); Book Publishing Industry
reputation sustained by complainant.— Development Act (Republic Act No. 8047);
Article 2219(7) of the Civil Code is express in Words and Phrases; A public office is the
stating that moral damages may be right, authority and duty, created and
recovered in case of libel, slander or any conferred by law, by which, for a given period,
other form of defamation. From the very either fixed by law or enduring at the pleasure
publication and circulation of the subject of the creating power, an individual is
defamatory and libelous material itself, there invested with some portion of the sovereign
can be no doubt as to the resulting wounded functions of the government, to be exercised
feelings and besmirched reputation by him for the benefit of the public.—The
sustained by complainant Rivera. The NBDB is the government agency mandated
branding of defamatory names against him to develop and support the Philippine book
publishing industry. It is a statutory the Anti-Graft Law, which provides that a
government agency created by R.A. No. public officer includes elective and appointive
8047, which was enacted into law to ensure officials and employees, permanent or
the full development of the book publishing temporary, whether in the classified or
industry as well as for the creation of unclassified or exempt service receiving
organization structures to implement the said compensation, even nominal, from the
policy. To achieve this end, the Governing government; Under the Anti-Graft Law, the
Board of the NBDB was created to supervise nature of one’s appointment, and whether the
the implementation. The Governing Board compensation one receives from the
was vested with powers and functions, to wit: government is only nominal, is immaterial
x x x A perusal of the above powers and because the person so elected or appointed
functions leads us to conclude that they is still considered a public officer.—The Court
partake of the nature of public functions. A is not unmindful of the definition of a public
public office is the right, authority and duty, officer pursuant to the Anti-Graft Law, which
created and conferred by law, by which, for a provides that a public officer includes elective
given period, either fixed by law or enduring and appointive officials and employees,
at the pleasure of the creating power, an permanent or temporary, whether in the
individual is invested with some portion of the classified or unclassified or exempt service
sovereign functions of the government, to be receiving compensation, even nominal, from
exercised by him for the benefit of the public. the government. Thus, pursuant to the Anti-
The individual so invested is a public officer. Graft Law, one is a public officer if one has
been elected or appointed to a public office.
Same; Same; Same; The fact that the Petitioner was appointed by the President to
accused was appointed as member of the the Governing Board of the NDBD. Though
National Book Development Board (NBDB) her term is only for a year that does not make
from the public sector and not from the other her private person exercising a public
branches or agencies of the government function. The fact that she is not receiving a
does not take her position outside the monthly salary is also of no moment. Section
meaning of a public office; The purpose of the 7, R.A. No. 8047 provides that members of
law for appointing members from the private the Governing Board shall receive per diem
sector is to ensure that they are also properly and such allowances as may be authorized
represented in the implementation of for every meeting actually attended and
government objectives to cultivate the book subject to pertinent laws, rules and
publishing industry.—Notwithstanding that regulations. Also, under the Anti-Graft Law,
petitioner came from the private sector to sit the nature of one’s appointment, and whether
as a member of the NBDB, the law invested the compensation one receives from the
her with some portion of the sovereign government is only nominal, is immaterial
functions of the government, so that the because the person so elected or appointed
purpose of the government is achieved. In is still considered a public officer.
this case, the government aimed to enhance
the book publishing industry as it has a Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The
significant role in the national development. Revised Penal Code defines a public officer
Hence, the fact that she was appointed from as any person who, by direct provision of the
the public sector and not from the other law, popular election, popular election or
branches or agencies of the government appointment by competent authority, shall
does not take her position outside the take part in the performance of public
meaning of a public office. She was functions in the Government of the Philippine
appointed to the Governing Board in order to Islands, or shall perform in said Government
see to it that the purposes for which the law or in any of its branches public duties as an
was enacted are achieved. The Governing employee, agent, or subordinate official, of
Board acts collectively and carries out its any rank or classes, shall be deemed to be a
mandate as one body. The purpose of the law public officer.—The Revised Penal Code
for appointing members from the private defines a public officer as any person who, by
sector is to ensure that they are also properly direct provision of the law, popular election,
represented in the implementation of popular election or appointment by
government objectives to cultivate the book competent authority, shall take part in the
publishing industry. performance of public functions in the
Government of the Philippine Islands, or shall
Same; Same; Same; Anti-Graft and Corrupt perform in said Government or in any of its
Practices Act (Republic Act No. 3019); Words branches public duties as an employee,
and Phrases; The Court is not unmindful of agent, or subordinate official, of any rank or
the definition of a public officer pursuant to classes, shall be deemed to be a public
officer. Where, as in this case, petitioner that this petition involves an election protest
performs public functions in pursuance of the heard by a regional trial court, the Comelec
objectives of R.A. No. 8047, verily, she is a Rules of Procedure are controlling. In view of
public officer who takes part in the the fact that the subject election contest was
performance of public functions in the filed on May 26, 1992, Section 2, Rule 17 and
government whether as an employee, agent, Section 11, Rule 35 of the aforementioned
subordinate official, of any rank or classes. In Comelec rules are applicable. Rule 17 treats
fact, during her tenure, petitioner took part in of Hearings whereas Rule 35 treats of
the drafting and promulgation of several rules Election Contests Before Courts of General
and regulations implementing R.A. No. 8047. Jurisdiction.
She was supposed to represent the country
in the canceled book fair in Spain. Same; Same; Same; No law or rule
authorizes a procedure in which the revision
Criminal Law; Double Jeopardy; Requisites; of the ballots in the counter-protested
It is elementary that for double jeopardy to precincts should be revised only if it is shown
attach, the case against the accused must after the revision of the ballots in the
have been dismissed or otherwise terminated protested precincts that protestant leads the
without his express consent by a court of protestee by at least one (1) vote.—The
competent jurisdiction, upon valid information record shows that the revision of ballots in the
sufficient in form and substance and the 22 protested precincts was completed
accused pleaded to the charge.—Records sometime in September 1992. Judge Lopez
show that the Informations in Criminal Case issued a ruling on the said revision almost a
Nos. 25867 and 25898 refer to offenses year later, or on August 18, 1993. In the
penalized by different statues, R.A. No. 3019 interim, private respondent failed to
and RPC, respectively. It is elementary that commence the revision of the ballots in the
for double jeopardy to attach, the case counter-protested precincts, stubbornly
against the accused must have been maintaining the position that said precincts
dismissed or otherwise terminated without his should be revised only if it is shown after the
express consent by a court of competent revision that petitioner leads private
jurisdiction, upon valid information sufficient respondent by at least one (1) vote. No law or
in form and substance and the accused rule authorizes such a procedure.
pleaded to the charge. In the instant case, Consequently, private respondent must be
petitioner pleaded not guilty to the deemed to have waived or abandoned his
Information for violation of the Anti-Graft Law. counter-protest. The applicable Comelec
She was not yet arraigned in the criminal rules provide for the presentation of evidence
case for malversation of public funds by the parties in succession in the order or
because she had filed a motion to quash the sequence provided under Sec. 2, rule 17
latter information. Double jeopardy could not, (Comelec Rules) which must be submitted
therefore, attach considering that the two within a reasonable time, if not immediately
cases remain pending before the after the revision of the precincts covered by
Sandiganbayan and that herein petitioner the protest proper. By insisting that the
had pleaded to only one in the criminal cases counter-protested precincts should be
against her. It is well-settled that for a claim revised only if it is shown after the revision of
of double jeopardy to prosper, the following the protested precincts that petitioner, his
requisites must concur: (1) there is a opponent, leads by at least one (1) vote,
complaint or information or other formal private respondent is adopting a selfserving
charge sufficient in form and substance to rule without legal sanction calculated to
sustain a conviction; (2) the same is filed unduly prolong the litigation.
before a court of competent jurisdiction; (3)
there is a valid arraignment or plea to the Same; Same; Same; Nowhere in the
charges; and (4) the accused is convicted or COMELEC Rules is it indicated that
acquitted or the case is otherwise dismissed presentation of evidence by the protestee
or terminated without his express consent. may continue after the court has ruled on the
The third and fourth requisites are not present evidence of the protestant and determine the
in the case at bar. number of votes obtained by the latter.—
Furthermore, it is readily apparent from the
5. ABEJA VS TANADA provisions of the applicable Comelec Rules
that the court shall render its decision after
Elections; Election Contests; Pleadings and both parties shall have presented their
Procedure; The COMELEC Rules of respective evidence. Nowhere in the said
Procedure are controlling in election protests provisions is it indicated that presentation of
heard by a regional trial court.—Considering evidence by the protestee may continue after
the court has ruled on the evidence of the also find as erroneous the substitution of the
protestant and determine the number of votes deceased Rosauro Radovan’s widow,
obtained by the latter. Otherwise, it would be Ediltrudes Radovan, on the ground that
possible for the protestee to prolong the private respondent had a counter-claim for
protest and render it moot by expiration of the damages. “Public office is personal to the
term of office contested. incumbent and is not a property which passes
to his heirs” (Santos vs. Secretary of Labor,
Same; Same; Same; Laches; The private 22 SCRA 848 [1968]; De la Victoria vs.
respondent is guilty of laches for having Comelec, 199 SCRA 561 [1991]). The heirs
unreasonably failed to cause the revision of may no longer prosecute the deceased
the counter-protested precincts despite being protestee’s counter-claim for damages
afforded ample time to do so.—There is against the protestant for that was
likewise merit to petitioner’s claim that private extinguished when death terminated his right
respondent is guilty of laches, which, in a to occupy the contested office (Dela Victoria,
general sense, is a failure or neglect, for an supra).
unreasonable and unexplained length of
time, to do that which, by exercising due II. ELIGIBILITY, QUALIFICATIONS,
diligence could or should have been done DISQUALIFICATIONS
earlier; it is negligence or omission to assert
a right within a reasonable length of time, a. Power of the congress to prescribe
warranting a presumption that a party entitled qualifications / disqualifications
to assert it either has abandoned it or b. Qualifying to public office
declined to assert it (Republic v. Caballero,
c. Particular qualifications /
79 SCRA 177 [1977]). In the case at bar,
private respondent unreasonably failed to
cause the revision of the counter-protested
precincts despite being afforded ample time III. ACQUISITION OF RIGHT OR TITLETO
to do so and must be deemed to have OFFICE
abandoned it.
a. Appointments in general
Same; Same; Same; Sec. 2, Rule 39 of the b. Vacancy
Rules of Court allows execution pending c. Nepotism
appeal in election cases upon good
reasons.—Under the circumstances and for CASE
reasons discussed above, the order of Judge DEBULGADO VS CSC
Lopez dated August 18, 1993 which resolved
the party litigants’ objections to the revised
ballots may very well be the subject of a valid
Administrative Law; Civil Service Law;
decision to resolve the instant electoral
Nepotism; The original appointment of a civil
protest based on the revised ballots of the 22
service employee and all subsequent
protested precincts. In the event petitioner is
personnel actions undertaken by or in respect
declared the winning candidate, she should,
of that employee must comply with the
upon proper motion, be allowed to
prohibition against nepotism.—Under the
immediately assume the contested office. We
abovequoted provisions of the Implementing
say this because in their pleadings, petitioner
Rules, both an original appointment and a
and private respondent have amply
promotion are particular species of personnel
discussed their respective arguments in the
action. The original appointment of a civil
applicability of Garcia v. De Jesus and the
service employee and all subsequent
accompanying case of Tobon Uy v. Comelec
personnel actions undertaken by or in respect
(206 SCRA 779 [1992]) and the possibility is
of that employee such as promotion, transfer,
not remote that private respondent may once
reinstatement, re-employment, etc., must
again resort to dilatory tactics. Section 2,
comply with the Implementing Rules
Rule 39 of the Rules of Court allows
including, of course, the prohibition against
execution pending appeal in election cases
nepotism in Rule XVIII. To the extent that all
upon good reasons (Garcia v. De Jesus,
personnel actions occurring after an original
supra; in relation to Rule 43, Sec. 1,
appointment, require the issuance of a new
COMELEC Rules of Procedure) which we
appointment to another position (or to the
find obtaining in the case before us.
original position in case of reinstatement), we
believe that such appointment must comply
Same; Same; Same; Public Officers; Public
with all applicable rules and prohibitions,
office is personal to the incumbent and is not
including the statutory and regulatory
a property which passes to his heirs.—We
prohibition against nepotism. To limit the
thrust of the prohibition against nepotism to Same; Same; Same; The purpose of the
the appointment issued at the time of initial prohibition against nepotism is precisely to
entry into the government service, and to take out of the discretion of the appointing or
insulate from that prohibition appointments recommending authority the matter of
subsequently issued when personnel actions appointing or recommending for appointment
are thereafter taken in respect of the same a relative.—The purpose of Section 59 which
employee, would be basically to render that shines through the comprehensive and
prohibition, in the words of Laurel V, etc. v. unqualified language in which it was cast and
Civil Service Commission, “meaningless and has remained for decades, is precisely to
toothless.” take out of the discretion of the appointing
and recommending authority the matter of
Same; Same; Same; The purpose of the appointing or recommending for appointment
prohibition against nepotism is to ensure that a relative. In other words, Section 59 insures
all appointments and other personnel actions the objectivity of the appointing or
in the civil service should be based on merit recommending official by preventing that
and fitness and should never depend on how objectivity from being in fact tested. The
close or intimate an appointee is to the importance of this statutory objective is
appointing power.—Inquiry into the basic difficult to overstress in the culture in which
purpose or objective of the prohibition against we live and work in the Philippines, where
nepotism also strongly indicates that that family bonds remain, in general, compelling
prohibition was intended to be a and cohesive.
comprehensive one. Section 1, Book V, E.O.
No. 292 sets out the basic policy which Same; Same; Same; Civil Service
pervades all the provisions of our Civil Commission; Security of Tenure; Due
Service Law, including Section 59 thereof: Process; Where the Civil Service
“Sec. 1. Declaration of Policy.—The State Commission disapproves an appointment,
shall insure and promote the Constitutional based on its non-conformity to applicable
mandate that appointments in the Civil provisions of law and on the qualifications of
Service shall be made only according to merit the appointee, the appointee need not be
and fitness; x x x.” (Italics supplied) Put previously heard since the action does not
succinctly, that purpose is to ensure that all involve the imposition of an administrative
appointments and other personnel actions in disciplinary measure.—We turn to the second
the civil service should be based on merit and issue where petitioners contend that when
fitness and should never depend on how the promotional appointment of petitioner
close or intimate an appointee is to the Victoria was approved by Director Escobia,
appointing power. CSC Field Office, Bacolod City, that
appointment became complete. When
Same; Same; Same; The prohibition against petitioner Victoria took her oath of office and
nepotism applies quite without regard to the commenced the discharge of the duties of a
actual merits of the proposed appointee and General Services Officer, she acquired a
to the good intentions of the appointing or vested right to that position and cannot,
recommending authority.—A major difficulty according to petitioners, be removed from
with petitioners’ argument is that it tends to that position without due process of law. This
prove too much. For the appointee, whether argument misconceives the nature of the
in an original or a promotional appointment, action taken by the respondent Commission.
may in fact be quite loyal and efficient and That action was not the imposition of an
hard-working; yet that circumstance will not administrative disciplinary measure upon
prevent the application of the prohibition petitioner Victoria, nor upon petitioner Mayor.
certainly in respect of the original There were no administrative charges in
appointment. The Court is not unaware of the respect of which petitioner Victoria would
difficulties that the comprehensive prohibition have been entitled to notice and hearing. The
against nepotism would impose upon Commission, in approving or disapproving an
petitioner Victoria and others who may be in appointment, only examines the conformity of
the same position. It is essential to stress, the appointment with applicable provisions of
however, that the prohibition applies quite law and whether the appointee possesses all
without regard to the actual merits of the the minimum qualifications and none of the
proposed appointee and to the good disqualifications. At all events, as the Solicitor
intentions of the appointing or recommending General has noted, petitioner Victoria was
authority, and that the prohibition against afforded an opportunity to be heard when she
nepotism in appointments whether original or filed a motion for reconsideration with the
promotional, is not intended by the legislative Commission and there challenged the
authority to penalize faithful service. disapproval by the Commission.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; A Division Chief or above, such as the position
promotional appointment that violates the of General Services Officer. We hold that the
prohibition against nepotism is null and void, respondent Commission had authority,
and a void appointment cannot give rise to indeed the duty, to recall on its own initiative
security of tenure on the part of the holder of the erroneous initial approval of the
such appointment.—The action of the promotional appointment extended to
Commission was, in other words, taken in petitioner Victoria, and to review the same de
implementation of Section 59, Book V, E.O. novo.
No. 292 and the relevant Implementing
Regulations. Because the promotional d. Midnight Appointments
appointment in favor of petitioner Victoria was
a violation of Section 59, it was null and void CASES
as being contra legem. Section 9 of Rule V of 1. QUIROG VS. AUMENTADO
the Omnibus Implementing Regulations sets
out the principal legal consequence of an Administrative Law; Civil Service
appointment issued in disregard of the Commission; Appointments; Parties; Both the
statutory prohibition: “Sec. 9. An appointment appointing authority and the appointee are
accepted by the appointee cannot be equally real parties in interest who have the
withdrawn or revoked by the appointing requisite legal standing to bring an action
authority and shall remain in force and effect challenging a Civil Service Commission
until disapproved by the Commission. (CSC) disapproval of an appointment.—In
However, an appointment may be void from the recent case of Abella, Jr. v. Civil Service
the beginning due to fraud on the part of the Commission, 442 SCRA 507 (2004), the
appointee or because it was issued in Court declared that both the appointing
violation of law.” (Italics supplied) A void authority and the appointee are equally real
appointment cannot give rise to security of parties in interest who have the requisite legal
tenure on the part of the holder of such standing to bring an action challenging a CSC
appointment. disapproval of an appointment. In said case,
we held that: The CSC’s disapproval of an
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Civil appointment is a challenge to the exercise of
Service Commission is authorized to recall an the appointing authority’s discretion. The
appointment initially approved in disregard of appointing authority must have the right to
applicable provisions of the Civil Service law contest the disapproval. Thus, Section 2 of
and regulations.—The Commission is Rule VI of CSC Memorandum Circular 40, s.
empowered to take appropriate action on all 1998 is justified insofar as it allows the
appointments and other personnel actions, appointing authority to request
e.g., promotions. Such power includes the reconsideration or appeal.
authority to recall an appointment initially
approved in disregard of applicable Same; Same; Same; Statutory Construction;
provisions of Civil Service law and Since the retroactive application of a law
regulations. usually divests rights that have already
become vested, the rule in statutory
Same; Same; Same; Same; The Commission construction is that all statutes are to be
may review motu proprio personnel actions construed as having only a prospective
involving the position of a Division Chief or operation unless the purpose and intention of
above, and there is no law or regulation that the legislature to give them a retrospective
requires that a letter-complaint should first be effect is expressly declared or is necessarily
subscribed under oath before the implied from the language used.—Records
Commission may act thereon.—Petitioners disclose that on May 28, 2001, the PSB of the
have also complained that the letter of Human Resource Management and
Congressman Carmona which had Development Office of Bohol, issued a
precipitated action on the part of respondent certification that Quirog was one of two
Commission, was not a verified letter. They candidates qualified for the position of
contend that the Commission could not or PGDH-OPA. On the same day, Quirog was
should not have acted upon the charges appointed by then Governor Relampagos
raised in that letter. We are not aware of any and on June 1, 2001, she took her oath of
law or regulation requiring the letter written by office. CSC Resolution No. 010988 was
the Congressman to be subscribed under issued three days later, or on June 4, 2001.
oath before the Commission could act Evidently, the CSCROVII should not have
thereon. Under its own rules and regulations, subjected Quirog’s appointment to the
the Commission may review motu proprio requirements under said resolution, as its
personnel actions involving the position of a application is against the prospective
application of laws. Having no provision 2. DE RAMA VS CA
regarding its retroactive application to
appointments made prior to its effectivity, Political Law; Civil Service Commission;
CSC Resolution No. 010988 must be taken to Appointments; In truth and in fact, there is no
be of prospective application. As we have law that prohibits local elective officials from
held time and again: Since the retroactive making appointments during the last days of
application of a law usually divests rights that his or her tenure.—The records reveal that
have already become vested, the rule in when the petitioner brought the matter of
statutory construction is that all statutes are recalling the appointments of the fourteen
to be construed as having only a prospective (14) private respondents before the CSC, the
operation unless the purpose and intention of only reason he cited to justify his action was
the legislature to give them a retrospective that these were “midnight appointments” that
effect is expressly declared or is necessarily are forbidden under Article VII, Section 15 of
implied from the language used. the Constitution. However, the CSC ruled,
and correctly so, that the said prohibition
Same; Same; Same; Midnight Appointments; applies only to presidential appointments. In
The constitutional prohibition on so-called truth and in fact, there is no law that prohibits
midnight appointments, specifically, those local elective officials from making
made within two (2) months immediately prior appointments during the last days of his or
to the next presidential elections, applies only her tenure. Petitioner certainly did not raise
to the President or Acting President; The the issue of fraud on the part of the outgoing
ruling in De Rama v. Court of Appeals, 353 mayor who made the appointments. Neither
SCRA 95 (2001), does not mean that the did he allege that the said appointments were
raison d’être behind the prohibition against tainted by irregularities or anomalies that
midnight appointments may not be applied to breached laws and regulations governing
those made by chief executives of local appointments. His solitary reason for
government units.—It cannot also be said recalling these appointments was that they
that Quirog’s appointment was a midnight were, to his personal belief, “midnight
appointment. The constitutional prohibition appointments” which the outgoing mayor had
on so-called midnight appointments, no authority to make.
specifically, those made within two (2)
months immediately prior to the next Same; Same; Same; Upon the issuance of an
presidential elections, applies only to the appointment and the appointee’s assumption
President or Acting President. As the Court of the position in the civil service, “he acquires
ruled in De Rama v. CA, 353 SCRA 95 a legal right which cannot be taken away
(2001): The records reveal that when the either by revocation of the appointment or by
petitioner brought the matter of recalling the removal except for cause and with previous
appointments of the fourteen (14) private notice and hearing”; It is well-settled that the
respondents before the CSC, the only reason person assuming a position in the civil service
he cited to justify his action was that these under a completed appointment acquires a
were midnight appointments that are legal, not just an equitable, right to the
forbidden under Article VII, Section 15 of the position.—It has been held that upon the
Constitution. However, the CSC ruled, and issuance of an appointment and the
correctly so, that the said prohibition applies appointee’s assumption of the position in the
only to presidential appointments. In truth and civil service, “he acquires a legal right which
in fact, there is no law that prohibits local cannot be taken away either by revocation of
elective officials from making appointments the appointment or by removal except for
during the last days of his or her tenure. We, cause and with previous notice and hearing.”
however, hasten to add that the Moreover, it is well-settled that the person
aforementioned ruling does not mean that the assuming a position in the civil service under
raison d’être behind the prohibition against a completed appointment acquires a legal,
midnight appointments may not be applied to not just an equitable, right to the position. This
those made by chief executives of local right is protected not only by statute, but by
government units, as here. Indeed, the the Constitution as well, which right cannot be
prohibition is precisely designed to taken away by either revocation of the
discourage, nay, even preclude, losing appointment, or by removal, unless there is
candidates from issuing appointments merely valid cause to do so, provided that there is
for partisan purposes thereby depriving the previous notice and hearing.
incoming administration of the opportunity to
make the corresponding appointments in line Same; Same; Same; It is the CSC that is
with its new policies. authorized to recall an appointment initially
approved, but only when such appointment
and approval are proven to be in disregard of Same; Same; Same; Same; The raising of
applicable provisions of the civil service law factual issues for the first time in a pleading
and regulations.—Rule V, Section 9 of the which is supplemental only to an appeal is
Omnibus Implementing Regulations of the barred by estoppel.—Failure of the petitioner
Revised Administrative Code specifically to raise said grounds and to present
provides that “an appointment accepted by supporting documents constitute a waiver
the appointee cannot be withdrawn or thereof and the same arguments and
revoked by the appointing authority and shall evidence can no longer be entertained on
remain in force and in effect until disapproved appeal before the CSC, nor in the Court of
by the Commission.” Thus, it is the CSC that Appeals, and much less in a petition for
is authorized to recall an appointment initially review before the Supreme Court. In fine, the
approved, but only when such appointment raising of these factual issues for the first time
and approval are proven to be in disregard of in a pleading which is supplemental only to an
applicable provisions of the civil service law appeal is barred by estoppel.
and regulations.
MENDOZA, J., Dissenting:
Remedial Law; Civil Procedure; Pleadings
and Practices; Parties may file supplemental Political Law; Civil Service Commission;
pleadings to supply deficiencies in aid of an Appointments; After the appointing authority
original pleading, but which should not has lost the elections, his is the duty of a
entirely substitute the latter; Supplemental prudent caretaker of the office, and therefore,
pleadings must be with reasonable notice, he should not fill positions in the government
and it is discretionary upon the court or unless required by the imperatives of public
tribunal to allow the same or not.—There is service.—What the majority overlooks is that
no question that parties may file Art. VII, §15 is simply an application of a
supplemental pleadings to supply broader principle that after the appointing
deficiencies in aid of an original pleading, but authority has lost the elections, his is the duty
which should not entirely substitute the latter. of a prudent caretaker of the office, and,
The propriety and substance of supplemental therefore, he should not fill positions in the
pleadings are prescribed under Rule 10, government unless required by the
Section 6 of the 1997 Rules of Civil imperatives of public service. This rule binds
Procedure, x x x Supplemental pleadings all, including mayors, who are vested with the
must be with reasonable notice, and it is power of appointment, and it flows from the
discretionary upon the court or tribunal to principle that a public office is a public trust.
allow the same or not. Thus, the CSC was
under no obligation to admit the supplemental e. Section 16, Article VII
pleading, or even to consider the averments

Same; Same; Same; Appeals; It is well- Statutory Construction; Constitution; Intent of

settled that issues or questions of fact cannot the framers of the constitution and of the
be raised for the first time on appeal.—Be that people adopting it must be given effect.—The
as it may, these alleged irregularities were fundamental principle of constitutional
considered by the CSC and the Court of construction is to give ef fect to the intent of
Appeals as new issues which were raised for the framers of the organic law and of the
the first time on appeal. It is rather too late for people adopting it. The intention to which
petitioner to raise these issues for the first force is to be given is that which is embodied
time on appeal. It is well-settled that issues or and expressed in the constitutional provisions
questions of fact cannot be raised for the first themselves. The Court will thus construe the
time on appeal. We have consistently held applicable constitutional provisions, not in
that matters, theories or arguments not accordance with how the executive or the
brought out in the original proceedings legislative department may want them
cannot be considered on review or appeal construed, but in accordance with what they
where they are raised for the first time. To say and provide.
consider the alleged facts and arguments
raised belatedly in the supplemental pleading Same; Same; Same; 1935 Constitution
to the appeal at this very late stage in the requires confirmation by the Commission on
proceedings would amount to trampling on Appointments of all presidential
the basic principles of fair play, justice and appointments, under the 1973 constitution
due process. the president has absolute power of
appointment while under the 1987
Constitution, only the first group of
appointments requires confirmation of the in the light of the second sentence of Sec. 16
Commission on Appointments.—In the 1935 Article VII.—Therefore, the third sentence of
Constitution, almost all presidential Sec. 16, Article VII could have stated merely
appointments required the consent that, in the case of lower-ranked officers, the
(confirmation) of the Commission on Congress may by law vest their appointment
Appointments, It is now a sad part of our in the President, in the courts, or in the heads
political history that the power of confirmation of various departments of the government. In
by the Commission on Appointments, under short, the word "alone" in the third sentence
the 1935 Constitution, transformed that of Sec. 16, Article VII of the 1987
commission, many times, into a venue of Constitution, as a literal import from the last
"horse-trading" and similar malpractices. On part of par. 3, section 10, Article VII of the
the other hand, the 1973 Constitution, 1935 Constitution, appears to be redundant
consistent with the authoritarian pattern in in the light of the second sentence of Sec. 16,
which it was molded and re-molded by Article VII. And, this redundancy cannot
successive amendments, placed the prevail over the clear and positive intent of the
absolute power of appointment in the framers of the 1987 Constitution that
President with hardly any check on the part of presidential appointments, except those
the legislature. Given the above two (2) mentioned in the first sentence of Sec. 16,
extremes, one, in the 1935 Constitution and Article VII, are not subject to confirmation by
the other, in the 1973 Constitution, it is not the Commission on Appointments.
difficult for the Court to state that the framers
of the 1987 Constitution and the people Commission on Appointments; Confirmation
adopting it, struck a "middle ground" by of the appointment of Commissioners of the
requiring the consent (confirmation) of the Bureau of Customs by the Commission on
Commission on Appointments for the first Appointments not required.—Coming now to
group of appointments and leaving to the the immediate question before the Court, it is
President, without such confirmation, the evident that the position of Commissioner of
appointment of other officers, i.e., those in the the Bureau of Customs (a bureau head) is not
second and third groups as well as those in one of those within the first group of
the fourth group, i.e., officers of lower rank. appointments where the consent of the
Commission on Appointments is required. As
Same; Same; Same; Same; Under the 1987 a matter of fact, as already pointed out, while
Constitution, the clear and expressed intent the 1935 Constitution includes "heads of
of its framers is to exclude presidential bureaus" among those officers whose
appointments from confirmation on the appointments need the consent of the
Commission on Appointments except Commission on Appointments, the 1987
appointments to offices mentioned in the first Constitution, on the other hand, deliberately
sentence of Sec. 16 Article VII.—In the 1987 excluded the position of "heads of bureaus"
Constitution, however, as already pointed from appointments that need the consent
out, the clear and expressed intent of its (confirmation) of the Commission on
framers was to exclude presidential Appointments.
appointments from confirmation by the
Commission on Appointments, except Same; Same; Appointment of respondent
appointments to offices expressly mentioned Savlador Mison as Commissioner of the
in the first sentence of Sec. 16, Article VII. Bureau of Customs without submitting his
Consequently, there was no reason to use in nomination to the Commission on
the third sentence of Sec. 16, Article VII the Appointments is within the constitutional
word "alone" after the word "President" in authority of the President of the
providing that Congress may by law vest the Philippines.—Consequently, we rule that the
appointment of lower-ranked officers in the President of the Philippines acted within her
President alone, or in the courts, or in the constitutional authority and power in
heads of departments, because the power to appointing respondent Salvador Mison,
appoint officers whom he (the President) may Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs,
be authorized by law to appoint is already without submitting his nomination to the
vested in the President, without need of Commission on Appointments for
confirmation by the Commission on confirmation. He is thus entitled to exercise
Appointments, in the second sentence of the the full authority and functions of the of fice
same Sec. 16, Article VII. and to receive all the salaries and
emoluments pertaining thereto.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The word
"alone" in the third sentence of Sec. 16 Art. 2. BAUTISTA VS. SALONGA
VII of the 1987 Constitution is a redundancy
Constitutional Law; Executive Department; Commission on Appointments or any other
Appointing Power of the President; kind of appointment to the same office of
Commission on Appointments; Chairman. Commission on Human Rights
Administrative Law; The appointment by the that called for confirmation by the
President of the Chairman of the Commission Commission on Appointments. The Court,
on Human Rights is to be made without the with all due respect to both the Executive and
review and participation of the Commission Legislative Departments of government, and
on Appointments.–––Since the position of after careful deliberation, is constrained to
Chairman of the Commission on Human hold and rule in the negative. When Her
Rights is not among the positions mentioned Excellency, the President converted
in the first sentence of Sec. 16, Art. VII of the petitioner Bautista’s designation as Acting
1987 Constitution, appointments which are to Chairman to a permanent appointment as
be made with the confirmation of the Chairman of the Commission on Human
Commission on Appointments, it follows that Rights on 17 December 1988, significantly
the appointment by the President of the she advised Bautista (in the same
Chairman of the CHR is to be made without appointment letter) that, by virtue of such
the review or participation of the Commission appointment, she could qualify and enter
on Appointments. To be more precise, the upon the performance of the duties of the
appointment of the Chairman and Members office (of Chairman of the Commission on
of the Commission on Human Rights is not Human Rights). All that remained for Bautista
specifically provided for in the Constitution to do was to reject or accept the appointment.
itself, unlike the Chairmen and Members of Obviously, she accepted the appointment by
the Civil Service Commission, the taking her oath of office before the Chief
Commission on Elections and the Justice of the Supreme Court, Hon. Marcelo
Commission on Audit, whose appointments B. Fernan and assuming immediately
are expressly vested by the Constitution in thereafter the functions and duties of the
the President with the consent of the Chairman of the Commission on Human
Commission on Appointments. The President Rights. Bautista’s appointment therefore on
appoints the Chairman and Members of the 17 December 1988 as Chairman of the
Commission on Human Rights pursuant to Commission on Human Rights was a
the second sentence in Section 16, Art. VII, completed act on the part of the President. To
that is, without the confirmation of the paraphrase the great jurist, Mr. Chief Justice
Commission on Appointments because they Marshall, in the celebrated case of Marbury
are among the officers of government “whom vs. Madison. x x x “The answer to this
he (the President) may be authorized by law question seems an obvious one. The
to appoint.” And Section 2(c), Executive appointment being the sole act of the
Order No. 163, 5 May 1987, authorizes the president, must be completely evidenced,
President to appoint the Chairman and when it is shown that he has done everything
Members of the Commission on Human to be performed by him. x x x Some point of
Rights. It provides: “(c) The Chairman and the time must be taken when the power of the
Members of the Commission on Human executive over an officer, not removable at
Rights shall be appointed by the President for his will must cease. That point of time must
a term of seven years without reappointment. be when the constitutional power of
Appointment to any vacancy shall be only for appointment has been exercised. And this
the unexpired term of the predecessor.” power has been exercised when the last act,
required from the person possessing the
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; power, has been performed. x x x But having
Same; Appointments; Acceptance of; once made the appointment, his (the
Petitioner’s appointment on December 17, President’s) power over the office is
1988 as Chairman of the Commission on terminated in all cases, where by law the
Human Rights was a completed act on the officer is not removable by him. The right to
part of the President.–––The threshold the office is then in the person appointed, and
question that has really come to the fore is he has the absolute, unconditional power of
whether the President, subsequent to her act accepting or rejecting it.
of 17 December 1988, and after petitioner
Bautista had qualified for the office to which Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same;
she had been appointed, by taking the oath Same; Same; Same; Same; No new or
of office and actually assuming and further appointment can be made to a
discharging the functions and duties thereof, position already filled by a previously
could extend another appointment to the completed appointment which had been
petitioner on 14 January 1989, an “ad interim accepted by the appointee through a valid
appointment” as termed by the respondent qualification and assumption of duty.–––It is
respondent Commission’s submission that can confer no power of participation in the
the President, after the appointment of 17 Commission on Appointments over other
December 1988 extended to petitioner appointments exclusively reserved for her by
Bautista, decided to extend another the Constitution. The exercise of political
appointment (14 January 1989) to petitioner options that finds no support in the
Bautista, this time, submitting such Constitution cannot be sustained. Nor can the
appointment (more accurately, nomination) to Commission on Appointments by the actual
the Commission on Appointments for exercise of its constitutionally delimited
confirmation. And yet, it seems obvious power to review presidential appointments,
enough, both in logic and in fact, that no new create power to confirm appointments that
or further appointment could be made to a the Constitution has reserved to the
position already filled by a previously President alone. Stated differently, when the
completed appointment which had been appointment is one that the Constitution
accepted by the appointee, through a valid mandates is for the President to make without
qualification and assumption of its duties. the participation of the Commission on
Appointments, the executive’s voluntary act
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; of submitting such appointment to the
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; When the Commission on Appointments and the latter’s
appointment is one that the Constitution act of confirming or rejecting the same are
mandates is for the President to make without done without or in excess of jurisdiction.
the participation of the Commission on
Appointments, the Executive’s act of Same; Administrative Law; Appointments; Ad
submitting such appointment to the Interim Appointments; Appointments that are
Commission on Appointments, and the for the President solely to make, without the
latter’s act of confirming or rejecting the participation of the Commission on
same, are done without or in excess of Appointments, cannot be ad interim
jurisdiction.–––Respondent Commission appointments.–––Nor can respondents
vigorously contends that granting that impressively contend that the new
petitioner’s appointment as Chairman of the appointment or re-appointment on 14
Commission on Human Rights is one that January 1989 was an ad interim appointment,
under Sec. 16, Art. VII of the Constitution, as because, under the Constitutional design, ad
interpreted in the Mison case, is solely for the interim appointments do not apply to
President to make, yet, it is within the appointments solely for the President to
president’s prerogative to voluntarily submit make, i.e., without the participation of the
such appointment to the Commission on Commission on Appointments. Ad interim
Appointment for confirmation. The mischief in appointments, by their very nature under the
this contention, as the Court perceives it, lies 1987 Constitution, extend only to
in the suggestion that the President (with appointments where the review of the
Congress agreeing) may, from time to time Commission on Appointments is needed.
move power boundaries, in the Constitution That is why ad interim appointments are to
differently from where they are placed by the remain valid until disapproval by the
Constitution. The Court really finds the above Commission on Appointments or until the
contention difficult of acceptance. next adjournment of Congress; but
Constitutional Law, to begin with, is appointments that are for the President solely
concerned with power not political to make, that is, without the participation of
convenience, wisdom, exigency, or even the Commission on Appointments, can not be
necessity. Neither the Executive nor the ad interim appointments.
Legislative (Commission on Appointments)
can create power where the Constitution Same; Same; Same; Tenure in Office as
confers none. The evident constitutional Distinguished from Term of Office; As the
intent is to strike a careful and delicate term of office of the Chairman of the
balance in the matter of appointments to Commission on Human Rights is 7 years,
public office, between the President and without reappointment as provided by Exec.
Congress (the latter acting through the Order 163, the tenure in office of said
Commission on Appointments). To tilt one Chairman cannot be later made dependent
side or the other of the scale is to disrupt or on the pleasure of the President, hence, E.O.
alter such balance of power. In other words, 163-A providing that the tenure of said
to the extent that the Constitution has blocked Chairman and the members of the CHR shall
off certain appointments for the President to be at the pleasure of the President is
make with the participation of the unconstitutional.–––Executive Order No.
Commission on Appointments, so also has 163-A, 30 June 1987, providing that the
the Constitution mandated that the President tenure of the Chairman and Members of the
Commission on Human Rights shall be at the Chairman and Members is made dependent
pleasure of the President is unconstitutional. on the pleasure of the President. Executive
x x x It is to be noted that, while the earlier Order No. 163-A, being anti thetical to the
executive order (No. 163) speaks of a term of constitutional mandate of independence for
office of the Chairman and Members of the the Commission on Human Rights has to be
Commission on Human Rights–––which is declared unconstitutional.
seven (7) years without reappointment–––the
later executive order (163-A) speaks of the Same; Same; Same; Removal; Due Process;
tenure in office of the Chairman and Petitioner can certainly be removed from her
Members of the Commission on Human office even before the expiration of the seven-
Rights, which is “at the pleasure of the year term, but such removal must be for
President.” Tenure in office should not be cause and with her right to due process
confused with term of office. As Mr. Justice properly safeguarded.–––To hold, as the
(later, Chief Justice) Concepcion in his Court holds, that petitioner Bautista is the
concurring opinion in Alba vs. Evangelista, lawful incumbent of the office of Chairman of
stated: “The distinction between ‘term’ and the Commission on Human Rights by virtue
‘tenure’ is important, for, pursuant to the of her appointment, as such, by the President
Constitution, ‘no officer or employee in the on 17 December 1988, and her acceptance
Civil Service may be removed or suspended thereof, is not to say that she cannot be
except for cause, as provided by law’ (Art. XII, removed from office before the expiration of
section 4), and this fundamental principle her seven (7) year term. She certainly can be
would be defeated if Congress could legally removed but her removal must be for cause
make the tenure of some officials dependent and with her right to due process properly
upon the pleasure of the President, by safeguarded. In the case of NASECO vs.
clothing the latter with blanket authority to NLRC, this Court held that before a rank-and-
replace a public officer before the expiration file employee of the NASECO, a government-
of his term.” When Executive Order No. 163 owned corporation, could be dismissed, she
was issued, the evident purpose was to was entitled to a hearing and due process.
comply with the constitutional provision that How much more, in the case of the Chairman
“the term of office and other qualifications and of a constitutionally mandated
disabilities of the Members of the INDEPENDENT OFFICE, like the
Commission (on Human Rights) shall be Commission on Human Rights. If there are
provided by law” (Sec. 17(2), Art. XIII, 1987 charges against Bautista for misfeasance or
Constitution). As the term of office of the malfeasance in office, charges may be filed
Chairman (and Members) of the Commission against her with the Ombudsman. If he finds
on Human Rights, is seven (7) years, without a prima facie case against her, the
re-appointment, as provided by Executive corresponding information or informations
Order No. 163, and consistent with the can be filed with the Sandiganbayan which
constitutional design to give the Commission may in turn order her suspension from office
the needed independence to perform and while the case or cases against her are
accomplish its functions and duties, the pending before said court. This is due
tenure in office of said Chairman (and process in action. This is the way of a
Members) cannot be later made dependent government of laws and not of men.
on the pleasure of the President.
GUTIERREZ, JR., J., dissenting:
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; An
independent office like the CHR cannot truly Constitutional Law; Administrative Law;
function with independence and Appointment; Confirmation of Appointments;
effectiveness, if the tenure in office of its The Court has no power to add by implication
Chairman and its members is made to the list of presidential appointees whom the
dependent on the pleasure of the President.– Constitution, in clear and categorical
––Indeed, the Court finds it extremely difficult language declares as not needing
to conceptualize how an office conceived and confirmation.–––The Constitution specifies
created by the Constitution to be clearly the presidential appointees who do
independent–––as the Commission on not need confirmation by the Commission.
Human Rights–––and vested with the The reason for non-confirmation is obvious.
delicate and vital functions of investigating The members of the Supreme Court and all
violations of human rights, pinpointing lower courts and the Ombudsman and his
responsibility and recommending sanctions deputies are not confirmed because the
as well as remedial measures therefor, can Judicial and Bar Council screens nominees
truly function with independence and before their names are forwarded to the
effectiveness, when the tenure in office of its President. The Vice-President as a cabinet
member needs no confirmation because the applies to the present case. Significantly, the
Constitution says so. He or she is chosen by Commission on Appointments, which was
the nation’s entire electorate and is only a also aware of Mison, has as clearly rejected
breath away from the Presidency. Those it by acting on the appointment. These
falling under the third sentence of Section 16, meaningful developments must give us
Article VII do not have to be confirmed pause. We may have committed an error in
because the Constitution gives Congress the Mison, which is bad enough, and may be
authority to free lower ranking officials whose persisting in it now, which is worse.
positions are created by law from that
requirement. I believe that we in the Court Same; Same; Same; Confirmation; Ad
have no power to add by implication to the list Interim Appointments; What President
of presidential appointees whom the Aquino extended to the petitioner on Dec. 17,
Constitution in clear and categorical words 1988 was an ad interim appointment that
declares as not needing confirmation. although immediately effective upon
acceptance was still subject to confirmation.–
Same; Same; Same; Same; The Chairman of ––Coming now to the theory of the majority, I
the Human Rights Commission should be regret I am also unable to accept it.
included in the first paragraph of Sec. 16, Art. Consistent with my view in Mison, I submit
VII i.e. “other officers whose appointments that what President Aquino extended to the
are vested in him in this Constitution,” whose petitioner on 17 December 1988 was an ad
appointments need the confirmation of the interim appointment that although
Commission on Appointments.–––Again, I immediately effective upon acceptance was
fail to see why the captain of a naval boat still subject to confirmation. I cannot agree
ordered to fire broadsides against rebel that when the President said the petitioner
concentrations should receive greater could qualify and enter into the performance
scrutiny in his appointment than the of her duties, “all that remained for Bautista to
Chairman of the Human Rights Commission do was to reject or accept the appointment.”
who has infinitely more power and In fact, on the very day it was extended, the
opportunity to bring the rebellion to a just and ad interim appointment was submitted by the
satisfactory end. But even if I were to agree President of the Philippines to the
with the Sarmiento III v. Mison ruling, I would Commission on Appointments “for
still include the Chairman of the Human confirmation.” x x x I repeat my view that the
Rights Commission as one of the “other Chairman of the Commission on Human
officers whose appointments are vested in Rights is subject to confirmation by the
him in this Constitution” under the first Commission on Appointments, for the
sentence of Section 16, Article VII. Certainly, reasons stated in my dissent in Mison.
the chairman cannot be appointed by Accordingly, I vote to DENY the petition.
Congress or the Supreme Court. Neither
should we read Article XIII of the Constitution GRIÑO-AQUINO, J., dissenting:
as classifying the chairman among the lower
ranking officers who by law may be appointed Constitutional Law; Administrative Law;
by the head of an executive department, Appointments; Confirmation; The
agency, commission, or board. The appointments of the Chairman and the
Constitution created the independent office. members of the Commission on Human
The President was intended to appoint its Rights shall be made by the President with
chairman. I, therefore, regretfully reiterate my the consent of the Commission on
dissent from the Sarmiento III v. Mison ruling Appointments.–––I believe that the
and join in the call for a reexamination of its appointments of the chairman and the
doctrine. members of the Commission on Human
Rights by the President require review and
CRUZ, J., dissenting: confirmation by the Commission on
Appointments in view of the following
Constitutional Law; Administrative Law; provision of Section 16, Article VII of the 1987
Appointments; The submission of the Constitution: “Sec. 16. The President shall
petitioner’s appointment to the Commission nominate and, with the consent of the
on Appointments is a clear indication that the Commission on Appointments, appoint the
President no longer agrees with the Mison heads of the executive departments,
ruling.–––As I see it, the submission of the ambassadors, other public ministers and
petitioner’s appointment to the Commission consuls, or officers of the armed forces from
on Appointments is a clear indication that the the rank of colonel or naval captain, and other
President of the Philippines no longer agrees officers whose appointments are vested in
with the Mison ruling, at least insofar as it him in this Constitution. x x x.” In my view, the
“other officers” whose appointments are appointments is part of the power of
vested in the President in the Constitution are appointment itself. It is, therefore, executive
the constitutional officers, meaning those rather than legislative in nature. In giving this
who hold offices created under the power to an organ of the legislative
Constitution, and whose appointments are department, the Constitution merely provides
not otherwise provided for in the Charter. a detail in the scheme of checks and
Those constitutional officers are the chairmen balances between the executive and
and members of the Constitutional legislative organs of the government.” (Phil.
Commissions, namely: the Civil Service Political Law by Sinco, 11th Ed., p. 266).
Commission (Art. IX-B), the Commission on
Elections (Art. IX-C), the Commission on 3. CALDERON VS. CARALE
Audit (Art. IX-D), and the Commission on
Human Rights (Sec. 17, Art. XIII). These Constitutional Law; Appointments; The
constitutional commissions are, without Chairman and Members of the National
exception, declared to be “independent,” but Labor Relations Commission are not among
while in the case of the Civil Service the officers mentioned in the first sentence of
Commission, the Commission on Elections Section 16, Article VII whose appointments
and the Commission on Audit, the 1987 requires confirmation by the Commission on
Constitution expressly provides that “the Appointments.—Indubitably, the NLRC
Chairman and the Commissioners shall be Chairman and Commissioners fall within the
appointed by the President with the consent second sentence of Section 16, Article VII of
of the Commission on Appointments” (Sec. the Constitution, more specifically under the
1[2], Art. IX-B; Sec. 1[2], Art. IX-C and Sec. “third groups” of appointees referred to in
1[2], Art. IX-D), no such clause is found in Mison, i.e. those whom the President may be
Section 17, Article VIII creating the authorized by law to appoint. Undeniably, the
Commission on Human Rights. Its absence, Chairman and Members of the NLRC are not
however, does not detract from, or diminish, among the officers mentioned in the first
the President’s power to appoint the sentence of Section 16, Article VII whose
Chairman and Commissioners of the said appointments requires confirmation by the
Commission. The source of that power is the Commission on Appointments.
first sentence of Section 16, Article VII of the
Constitution for: (1) the Commission on 4. TARROSA VS SINGSON
Human Rights is an office created by the
Constitution, and (2) the appointment of the Remedial Law; Special Civil Action; Quo
Chairman and Commissioners thereof is Warranto; Quo warranto as a special civil
vested in the President by the Constitution. action can only be commenced by the
Therefore, the said appointments shall be Solicitor General or by a person claiming to
made by the President with the consent of the be entitled to a public office or position
Commission on Appointments, as provided in unlawfully held or exercised by another.—
Section 16, Article VII of the Constitution. The instant petition is in the nature of a quo
warranto proceeding as it seeks the ouster of
Same; Same; Same; Same; Checks and respondent Singson and alleges that the
Balances; The power of the Commission on latter is unlawfully holding or exercising the
Appointments to review and confirm powers of Governor of the Bangko Sentral
appointments made by the President is not a (Cf. Castro v. Del Rosario, 19 SCRA 196
derogation of the Chief Executive’s [1967]). Such a special civil action can only
appointing power, but is merely a part of the be commenced by the Solicitor General or by
system of checks and balances in the a “person claiming to be entitled to a public
democratic form of government provided in office or position unlawfully held or exercised
our Constitution.–––It is not quite correct to by another” (Revised Rules of Court, Rule 66,
argue, as the petitioner does, that the power Sec. 6; Acosta v. Flor, 5 Phil. 18 [1905]).
of the Commission on Appointments to
review and confirm appointments made by Same; Same; Same; Petitioner who did not
the President is a “derogation of the Chief aver entitlement to the office cannot bring the
Executive’s appointing power.” That power is action for quo warranto.—In Sevilla v. Court
given to the Commission on Appointments as of Appeals, 209 SCRA 637 (1992), we held
part of the system of checks and balances in that the petitioner therein, who did not aver
the democratic form of government provided that he was entitled to the office of the City
for in our Constitution. As stated by a Engineer of Cabanatuan City, could not bring
respected constitutional authority, former the action for quo warranto to oust the
U.P. Law Dean and President Vicente G. respondent from said office as a mere
Sinco: “The function of confirming usurper.
Same; Same; Same; Question of title to an 5. MANALO VS SISTOZA
office may not be determined in a suit to
restrain the payment of salary to the person Constitutional Law; Judicial Review;
holding office, brought by one not claiming to Separation of Powers; Statutory
be entitled to said office.—Likewise in Construction; Courts have the inherent
Greene v. Knox, 175 N.Y. 432 (1903), 67 N.E. authority to determine whether a statute
910, it was held that the question of title to an enacted by the legislature transcends the
office, which must be resolved in a quo limit delineated by the fundamental law, and
warranto proceeding, may not be determined when it does, they will not hesitate to strike
in a suit to restrain the payment of salary to down such unconstitutional law.–Petitioner
the person holding such office, brought by theorizes that Republic Act 6975 enjoys the
someone who does not claim to be the one presumption of constitutionality and that
entitled to occupy the said office. every statute passed by Congress is
presumed to have been carefully studied and
Same; Same; Same; The action was considered before its enactment. He
improvidently brought by the petitioner.—It is maintains that the respect accorded to each
obvious that the instant action was department of the government requires that
improvidently brought by petitioner. To the court should avoid, as much as possible,
uphold the action would encourage every deciding constitutional questions. The Court
disgruntled citizen to resort to the courts, agrees with petitioner. However, it is equally
thereby causing incalculable mischief and demanded from the courts, as guardians of
hindrance to the efficient operation of the the Constitution, to see to it that every law
governmental machinery (See Roosevelt v. passed by Congress is not repugnant to the
Draper, 7 Abb. Pr. 108, 23 N.Y. 218). organic law. Courts have the inherent
authority to determine whether a statute
Constitutional Law; Judicial Inquiry; Principle enacted by the legislature transcends the
that bars judicial inquiry into a constitutional limit delineated by the fundamental law.
question unless the resolution thereof is When it does, the courts will not hesitate to
indispensable for the determination of the strike down such unconstitutional law.
case.—Its capstone having been removed,
the whole case of petitioner collapses. Same; Same; Same; Appointments;
Hence, there is no need to resolve the Commission on Appointments; Congress
question of whether the disbursement of cannot by law expand the power of
public funds to pay the salaries and confirmation of the Commission on
emoluments of respondent Singson can be Appointments and require confirmation of
enjoined. Likewise, the Court refrains from appointments of other government officials
passing upon the constitutionality of Section not mentioned in the first sentence of Section
6, R.A. No. 7653 in deference to the principle 16 of Article VII of the 1987 Constitution.–It is
that bars a judicial inquiry into a constitutional well-settled that only presidential
question unless the resolution thereof is appointments belonging to the first group
indispensable for the determination of the require the confirmation by the Commission
case (Fernandez v. Torres, 215 SCRA 489 on Appointments. The appointments of
[1992]). respondent officers who are not within the
first category, need not be confirmed by the
Same; Commission on Appointments; Commission on Appointments. As held in the
Confirmation Powers; Congress cannot by case of Tarrosa vs. Singson, Congress
law expand the confirmation powers of the cannot by law expand the power of
Commission on Appointments and require confirmation of the Commission on
appointment of other government officials not Appointments and require confirmation of
expressly mentioned in the first sentence of appointments of other government officials
Sec. 16 of Article 7 of the Constitution.— not mentioned in the first sentence of Section
However, for the information of all concerned, 16 of Article VII of the 1987 Constitution.
we call attention to our decision in Calderon
v. Carale, 208 SCRA 254 (1992), with Justice Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Statutes;
Isagani A. Cruz dissenting, where we ruled Republic Act 6975; Sections 26 and 31 of
that Congress cannot by law expand the Republic Act 6975 which empower the
confirmation powers of the Commission on Commission on Appointments to confirm the
Appointments and require confirmation of appointments of public officials whose
appointment of other government officials not appointments are not required by the
expressly mentioned in the first sentence of Constitution to be confirmed are
Section 16 of Article VII of the Constitution. unconstitutional.–Unconstitutional are
Sections 26 and 31 of Republic Act 6975
which empower the Commission on Constitutional Law; Appointments; Executive
Appointments to confirm the appointments of Department; Congress; The power to appoint
public officials whose appointments are not is essentially executive in nature, and the
required by the Constitution to be confirmed. legislature may not interfere with the exercise
But the unconstitutionality of the aforesaid of this executive power except in those
sections notwithstanding, the rest of Republic instances when the Constitution expressly
Act 6975 stands. It is well-settled that when allows it to interfere.—The power to appoint
provisions of law declared void are severable is essentially executive in nature, and the
from the main statute and the removal of the legislature may not interfere with the exercise
unconstitutional provisions would not affect of this executive power except in those
the validity and enforceability of the other instances when the Constitution expressly
provisions, the statute remains valid without allows it to interfere. Limitations on the
its voided sections. executive power to appoint are construed
strictly against the legislature. The scope of
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Philippine the legislature’s interference in the
National Police; The Philippine National executive’s power to appoint is limited to the
Police is separate and distinct from the power to prescribe the qualifications to an
Armed Forces of the Philippines.–It is appointive office. Congress cannot appoint a
petitioner’s submission that the Philippine person to an office in the guise of prescribing
National Police is akin to the Armed Forces of qualifications to that office. Neither may
the Philippines and therefore, the Congress impose on the President the duty
appointments of police officers whose rank is to appoint any particular person to an office.
equal to that of colonel or naval captain
require confirmation by the Commission on Same; Same; Commission on Appointments;
Appointments. This contention is equally Even if the Commission on Appointments is
untenable. The Philippine National Police is composed of members of Congress, the
separate and distinct from the Armed Forces exercise of its powers is executive and not
of the Philippines. The Constitution, no less, legislative.—Even if the Commission on
sets forth the distinction. Appointments is composed of members of
Congress, the exercise of its powers is
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; executive and not legislative. The
Directors and chief superintendents of the Commission on Appointments does not
PNP do not fall under the first category of legislate when it exercises its power to give
presidential appointees requiring the or withhold consent to presidential
confirmation by the Commission on appointments. Thus: x x x The Commission
Appointments.–The police force is different on Appointments is a creature of the
from and independent of the armed forces Constitution. Although its membership is
and the ranks in the military are not similar to confined to members of Congress, said
those in the Philippine National Police. Thus, Commission is independent of Congress.
directors and chief superintendents of the The powers of the Commission do not come
PNP, such as the herein respondent police from Congress, but emanate directly from the
officers, do not fall under the first category of Constitution. Hence, it is not an agent of
presidential appointees requiring the Congress. In fact, the functions of the
confirmation by the Commission on Commissioner are purely executive in nature.
Appointments. xxx

6. MATIBAG VS. BENIPAYO Same; Same; Same; Considering the

independence of the Commission on
Remedial Law; Civil Procedure; Prohibition; Appointments from Congress, it is error for
As a rule, the writ of prohibition will not lie to petitioners to claim standing in the present
enjoin acts already done.—As a rule, the writ case as members of Congress.—
of prohibition will not lie to enjoin acts already Considering the independence of the
done. However, as an exception to the rule Commission on Appointments from
on mootness, courts will decide a question Congress, it is error for petitioners to claim
otherwise moot if it is capable of repetition yet standing in the present case as members of
evading review. In the present case, the Congress. President Arroyo’s issuance of
mootness of the petition does not bar its acting appointments while Congress is in
resolution. The question of the session impairs no power of Congress.
constitutionality of the President’s Among the petitioners, only the following are
appointment of department secretaries in an members of the Commission on
acting capacity while Congress is in session Appointments of the 13th Congress: Senator
will arise in every such appointment. Enrile as Minority Floor Leader, Senator
Lacson as Assistant Minority Floor Leader, confirmation or rejection, whereas
and Senator Angara, Senator Ejercito- appointments in an acting capacity may be
Estrada, and Senator Osmeña as members. extended any time there is a vacancy and are
Thus, on the impairment of the prerogatives not submitted to the Commission on
of members of the Commission on Appointments.—In distinguishing ad interim
Appointments, only Senators Enrile, Lacson, appointments from appointments in an acting
Angara, Ejercito-Estrada, and Osmeña have capacity, a noted textbook writer on
standing in the present petition. This is in constitutional law has observed: Ad interim
contrast to Senators Pimentel, Estrada, Lim, appointments must be distinguished from
and Madrigal, who, though vigilant in appointments in an acting capacity. Both of
protecting their perceived prerogatives as them are effective upon acceptance. But ad
members of Congress, possess no standing interim appointments are extended only
in the present petition. during a recess of Congress, whereas acting
appointments may be extended any time
Same; Same; Same; Congress, through a there is a vacancy. Moreover ad interim
law, cannot impose on the President the appointments are submitted to the
obligation to appoint automatically the Commission on Appointments for
undersecretary as her temporary alter ego.— confirmation or rejection; acting
The essence of an appointment in an acting appointments are not submitted to the
capacity is its temporary nature. It is a stop- Commission on Appointments. Acting
gap measure intended to fill an office for a appointments are a way of temporarily filling
limited time until the appointment of a important offices but, if abused, they can also
permanent occupant to the office. In case of be a way of circumventing the need for
vacancy in an office occupied by an alter ego confirmation by the Commission on
of the President, such as the office of a Appointments.
department secretary, the President must
necessarily appoint an alter ego of her choice 7. PIMENTEL VS ERMITA
as acting secretary before the permanent
appointee of her choice could assume office. Courts; Judicial Review; An employee’s
Congress, through a law, cannot impose on personal and substantial injury, if a particular
the President the obligation to appoint appointee is not the lawful COMELEC
automatically the undersecretary as her Chairman, clothes her with the requisite locus
temporary alter ego. An alter ego, whether standi to raise the constitutional issue
temporary or permanent, holds a position of regarding the ad interim appointment of said
great trust and confidence. Congress, in the COMELEC Chairman.—Benipayo
guise of prescribing qualifications to an office, reassigned petitioner from the EID, where
cannot impose on the President who her alter she was Acting Director, to the Law
ego should be. Department, where she was placed on detail
service. Respondents claim that the
Same; Same; Same; Statutes; Section 17, reassignment was “pursuant to x x x
Chapter 5, Title I, Book III of EO 292 states Benipayo’s authority as Chairman of the
that “[t]he President may temporarily Commission on Elections, and as the
designate an officer already in the Commission’s Chief Executive Officer.”
government service or any other competent Evidently, respondents anchor the legality of
person to perform the functions of an office in petitioner’s reassignment on Benipayo’s
the executive branch.”—The law expressly authority as Chairman of the COMELEC. The
allows the President to make such acting real issue then turns on whether or not
appointment. Section 17, Chapter 5, Title I, Benipayo is the lawful Chairman of the
Book III of EO 292 states that “[t]he President COMELEC. Even if petitioner is only an
may temporarily designate an officer already Acting Director of the EID, her reassignment
in the government service or any other is without legal basis if Benipayo is not the
competent person to perform the functions of lawful COMELEC Chairman, an office
an office in the executive branch.” Thus, the created by the Constitution. On the other
President may even appoint in an acting hand, if Benipayo is the lawful COMELEC
capacity a person not yet in the government Chairman because he assumed office in
service, as long as the President deems that accordance with the Constitution, then
person competent. petitioner’s reassignment is legal and she has
no cause to complain provided the
Same; Same; Same; Ad interim reassignment is in accordance with the Civil
appointments are extended only during Service Law. Clearly, petitioner has a
recess of Congress and are submitted to the personal and material stake in the resolution
Commission on Appointments for of the constitutionality of Benipayo’s
assumption of office. Petitioner’s personal interest requires the resolution of the
and substantial injury, if Benipayo is not the constitutional issue raised by petitioner.
lawful COMELEC Chairman, clothes her with
the requisite locus standi to raise the Administrative Law; Public Officers;
constitutional issue in this petition. Appointments; Words and Phrases; An ad
interim appointment is a permanent
Same; Same; The earliest opportunity to appointment because it takes effect
raise a constitutional issue is to raise it in the immediately and can no longer be withdrawn
pleadings before a competent court that can by the President once the appointee has
resolve the same.—Respondents harp on qualified into office—the fact that it is subject
petitioner’s belated act of questioning the to confirmation by the Commission on
constitutionality of the ad interim Appointments does not alter its permanent
appointments of Benipayo, Borra and character.—An ad interim appointment is a
Tuason. Petitioner filed the instant petition permanent appointment because it takes
only on August 3, 2001, when the first ad effect immediately and can no longer be
interim appointments were issued as early as withdrawn by the President once the
March 22, 2001. However, it is not the date of appointee has qualified into office. The fact
filing of the petition that determines whether that it is subject to confirmation by the
the constitutional issue was raised at the Commission on Appointments does not alter
earliest opportunity. The earliest opportunity its permanent character. The Constitution
to raise a constitutional issue is to raise it in itself makes an ad interim appointment
the pleadings before a competent court that permanent in character by making it effective
can resolve the same, such that, “if it is not until disapproved by the Commission on
raised in the pleadings, it cannot be Appointments or until the next adjournment of
considered at the trial, and, if not considered Congress. The second paragraph of Section
at the trial, it cannot be considered on 16, Article VII of the Constitution provides as
appeal.” Petitioner questioned the follows: “The President shall have the power
constitutionality of the ad interim to make appointments during the recess of
appointments of Benipayo, Borra and Tuason the Congress, whether voluntary or
when she filed her petition before this Court, compulsory, but such appointments shall be
which is the earliest opportunity for pleading effective only until disapproval by the
the constitutional issue before a competent Commission on Appointments or until the
body. Furthermore, this Court may next adjournment of the Congress.”
determine, in the exercise of sound (Emphasis supplied) Thus, the ad interim
discretion, the time when a constitutional appointment remains effective until such
issue may be passed upon. There is no doubt disapproval or next adjournment, signifying
petitioner raised the constitutional issue on that it can no longer be withdrawn or revoked
time. by the President. The fear that the President
can withdraw or revoke at any time and for
Same; Same; In keeping with the Supreme any reason an ad interim appointment is
Court’s duty to determine whether other utterly without basis.
agencies of government have remained
within the limits of the Constitution and have Same; Same; Same; Same; The Constitution
not abused the discretion given them, the imposes no condition on the effectivity of an
Supreme Court may even brush aside ad interim appointment, and thus an ad
technicalities of procedure and resolve any interim appointment takes effect immediately;
constitutional issue raised.—In any event, the In case of an appointment made by the
issue raised by petitioner is of paramount President when Congress is in session, the
importance to the public. The legality of the President nominates, and only upon the
directives and decisions made by the consent of the Commission on Appointments
COMELEC in the conduct of the May 14, may the person thus named assume office,
2001 national elections may be put in doubt if while with reference to an ad interim
the constitutional issue raised by petitioner is appointment, it takes effect at once, and the
left unresolved. In keeping with this Court’s individual chosen may thus qualify and
duty to determine whether other agencies of perform his function without loss of time.—
government have remained within the limits The Constitution imposes no condition on the
of the Constitution and have not abused the effectivity of an ad interim appointment, and
discretion given them, this Court may even thus an ad interim appointment takes effect
brush aside technicalities of procedure and immediately. The appointee can at once
resolve any constitutional issue raised. Here assume office and exercise, as a de jure
the petitioner has complied with all the officer, all the powers pertaining to the office.
requisite technicalities. Moreover, public In Pacete vs. Secretary of the Commission on
Appointments, this Court elaborated on the Same; Same; Same; Same; An ad interim
nature of an ad interim appointment as appointment becomes complete and
follows: “A distinction is thus made between irrevocable once the appointee has qualified
the exercise of such presidential prerogative into office, and the withdrawal or revocation
requiring confirmation by the Commission on of an ad interim appointment is possible only
Appointments when Congress is in session if it is communicated to the appointee before
and when it is in recess. In the former, the the moment he qualifies, as any withdrawal
President nominates, and only upon the or revocation thereafter is tantamount to
consent of the Commission on Appointments removal from office.—An ad interim
may the person thus named assume office. It appointee who has qualified and assumed
is not so with reference to ad interim office becomes at that moment a government
appointments. It takes effect at once. The employee and therefore part of the civil
individual chosen may thus qualify and service. He enjoys the constitutional
perform his function without loss of time. His protection that “[n]o officer or employee in the
title to such office is complete. In the civil service shall be removed or suspended
language of the Constitution, the appointment except for cause provided by law.” Thus, an
is effective ‘until disapproval by the ad interim appointment becomes complete
Commission on Appointments or until the and irrevocable once the appointee has
next adjournment of the Congress.’ ” qualified into office. The withdrawal or
revocation of an ad interim appointment is
Same; Same; Same; Same; The term “ad possible only if it is communicated to the
interim appointment,” as used in letters of appointee before the moment he qualifies,
appointment signed by the President, means and any withdrawal or revocation thereafter is
a permanent appointment made by the tantamount to removal from office. Once an
President in the meantime that Congress is in appointee has qualified, he acquires a legal
recess.—The term “ad interim appointment”, right to the office which is protected not only
as used in letters of appointment signed by by statute but also by the Constitution. He can
the President, means a permanent only be removed for cause, after notice and
appointment made by the President in the hearing, consistent with the requirements of
meantime that Congress is in recess. It does due process.
not mean a temporary appointment that can
be withdrawn or revoked at any time. The Same; Same; Same; An ad interim
term, although not found in the text of the appointment can be terminated for two
Constitution, has acquired a definite legal causes specified in the Constitution—first, by
meaning under Philippine jurisprudence. The the disapproval of his ad interim appointment
Court had again occasion to explain the by the Commission on Appointments, and,
nature of an ad interim appointment in the second, by the adjournment of Congress
more recent case of Marohombsar vs. Court without the Commission on Appointments
of Appeals, where the Court stated: “We have acting on his appointment.—An ad interim
already mentioned that an ad interim appointment can be terminated for two
appointment is not descriptive of the nature of causes specified in the Constitution. The first
the appointment, that is, it is not indicative of cause is the disapproval of his ad interim
whether the appointment is temporary or in appointment by the Commission on
an acting capacity, rather it denotes the Appointments. The second cause is the
manner in which the appointment was made. adjournment of Congress without the
In the instant case, the appointment extended Commission on Appointments acting on his
to private respondent by then MSU President appointment. These two causes are resolu
Alonto, Jr. was issued without condition nor tory conditions expressly imposed by the
limitation as to tenure. The permanent status Constitution on all ad interim appointments.
of private respondent’s appointment as These resolutory conditions constitute, in
Executive Assistant II was recognized and effect, a Sword of Damocles over the heads
attested to by the Civil Service Commission of ad interim appointees. No one, however,
Regional Office No. 12. Petitioner’s can complain because it is the Constitution
submission that private respondent’s ad itself that places the Sword of Damocles over
interim appointment is synonymous with a the heads of the ad interim appointees.
temporary appointment which could be
validly terminated at any time is clearly Same; Same; Same; Security of Tenure; An
untenable. Ad interim appointments are appointment or designation in a temporary or
permanent but their terms are only until the acting capacity is the kind of appointment that
Board disapproves them.” (Emphasis the Constitution prohibits the President from
supplied) making to the three independent
constitutional commissions.—While an ad
interim appointment is permanent and renew the appointment not because of the
irrevocable except as provided by law, an constitutional prohibition on reappointment,
appointment or designation in a temporary or but because of a final decision by the
acting capacity can be withdrawn or revoked Commission on Appointments to withhold its
at the pleasure of the appointing power. A consent to the appointment.
temporary or acting appointee does not enjoy
any security of tenure, no matter how briefly. Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; A by-
This is the kind of appointment that the passed appointment is one that has not been
Constitution prohibits the President from finally acted upon on the merits by the
making to the three independent Commission on Appointments at the close of
constitutional commissions, including the the session of Congress.—An ad interim
COMELEC. appointment that is by-passed because of
lack of time or failure of the Commission on
Same; Same; Same; Constitutional Appointments to organize is another matter.
Commissions; Commission on Elections; A by-passed appointment is one that has not
Statutory Construction; To hold that the been finally acted upon on the merits by the
independence of the COMELEC requires the Commission on Appointments at the close of
Commission on Appointments to first confirm the session of Congress. There is no final
ad interim appointees before the appointees decision by the Commission on
can assume office will negate the President’s Appointments to give or withhold its consent
power to make ad interim appointments.— to the appointment as required by the
While the Constitution mandates that the Constitution. Absent such decision, the
COMELEC “shall be independent,” this President is free to renew the ad interim
provision should be harmonized with the appointment of a by-passed appointee. This
President’s power to extend ad interim is recognized in Section 17 of the Rules of the
appointments. To hold that the independence Commission on Appointments, which
of the COMELEC requires the Commission provides as follows: “Section 17. Unacted
on Appointments to first confirm ad interim Nominations or Appointments Returned to
appointees before the appointees can the President. Nominations or appointments
assume office will negate the President’s submitted by the President of the Philippines
power to make ad interim appointments. This which are not finally acted upon at the close
is contrary to the rule on statutory of the session of Congress shall be returned
construction to give meaning and effect to to the President and, unless new nominations
every provision of the law. It will also run or appointments are made, shall not again be
counter to the clear intent of the framers of considered by the Commission.” (Emphasis
the Constitution. supplied) Hence, under the Rules of the
Commission on Appointments, a by-passed
Same; Same; Same; Commission on appointment can be considered again if the
Appointments; Principle of Check and President renews the appointment.
Balance; An ad interim appointee
disapproved by the Commission on Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Statutory
Appointments can no longer be extended a Construction; The jurisprudence under the
new appointment—the disapproval is a final 1935 Constitution governing ad interim
decision of the Commission on Appointments appointments by the President is doubtless
in the exercise of its checking power on the applicable to the present Constitution.—
appointing authority of the President.—There Guevara was decided under the 1935
is no dispute that an ad interim appointee Constitution from where the second
disapproved by the Commission on paragraph of Section 16, Article VII of the
Appointments can no longer be extended a present Constitution on ad interim
new appointment. The disapproval is a final appointments was lifted verbatim. The
decision of the Commission on Appointments jurisprudence under the 1935 Constitution
in the exercise of its checking power on the governing ad interim appointments by the
appointing authority of the President. The President is doubtless applicable to the
disapproval is a decision on the merits, being present Constitution. The established
a refusal by the Commission on practice under the present Constitution is that
Appointments to give its consent after the President can renew the appointments of
deliberating on the qualifications of the by-passed ad interim appointees. This is a
appointee. Since the Constitution does not continuation of the well-recognized practice
provide for any appeal from such decision, under the 1935 Constitution, interrupted only
the disapproval is final and binding on the by the 1973 Constitution which did not
appointee as well as on the appointing power. provide for a Commission on Appointments
In this instance, the President can no longer
but vested sole appointing power in the Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; An ad
President. interim appointment that has lapsed by
inaction of the Commission on Appointments
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The does not constitute a term of office—the
prohibition on reappointment in Section 1 (2), period from the time the ad interim
Article IX-C of the Constitution applies neither appointment is made to the time it lapses is
to disapprove nor by-passed ad interim neither a fixed term nor an unexpired term.—
appointments.—The prohibition on However, an ad interim appointment that has
reappointment in Section 1 (2), Article IX-C of lapsed by inaction of the Commission on
the Constitution applies neither to Appointments does not constitute a term of
disapproved nor by-passed ad interim office. The period from the time the ad interim
appointments. A disapproved ad interim appointment is made to the time it lapses is
appointment cannot be revived by another ad neither a fixed term nor an unexpired term. To
interim appointment because the disapproval hold otherwise would mean that the President
is final under Section 16, Article VII of the by his unilateral action could start and
Constitution, and not because a complete the running of a term of office in the
reappointment is prohibited under Section 1 COMELEC without the consent of the
(2), Article IX-C of the Constitution. A by- Commission on Appointments. This
passed ad interim appointment can be interpretation renders inutile the confirming
revived by a new ad interim appointment power of the Commission on Appointments.
because there is no final disapproval under
Section 16, Article VII of the Constitution, and Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Words
such new appointment will not result in the and Phrases; The phrase “without
appointee serving beyond the fixed term of reappointment” applies only to one who has
seven years. been appointed by the President and
confirmed by the Commission on
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The Appointments, whether or not such person
framers of the Constitution made it quite clear completes his term of office.—The phrase
that any person who has served any term of “without reappointment” applies only to one
office as COMELEC member—whether for a who has been appointed by the President
full term of seven years, a truncated term of and confirmed by the Commission on
five or three years, or even for an unexpired Appointments, whether or not such person
term of any length of time—can no longer be completes his term of office. There must be a
reappointed to the COMELEC.—The framers confirmation by the Commission on
of the Constitution made it quite clear that any Appointments of the previous appointment
person who has served any term of office as before the prohibition on reappointment can
COMELEC member—whether for a full term apply. To hold otherwise will lead to
of seven years, a truncated term of five or absurdities and negate the President’s power
three years, or even for an unexpired term of to make ad interim appointments.
any length of time—can no longer be
reappointed to the COMELEC. Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The
Commissioner Foz succinctly explained this Supreme Court will not subscribe to a
intent in this manner: “MR. FOZ. But there is proposition that will wreak havoc on vital
the argument made in the concurring opinion government services.—In the great majority
of Justice Angelo Bautista in the case of of cases, the Commission on Appointments
Visarra vs. Miraflor, to the effect that the usually fails to act, for lack of time, on the ad
prohibition on reappointment applies only interim appointments first issued to
when the term or tenure is for seven years. appointees. If such ad interim appointments
But in cases where the appointee serves only can no longer be renewed, the President will
for less than seven years, he would be certainly hesitate to make ad interim
entitled to reappointment. Unless we put the appointments because most of her
qualifying words “without reappointment” in appointees will effectively be disapproved by
the case of those appointed, then it is mere inaction of the Commission on
possible that an interpretation could be made Appointments. This will nullify the
later on their case, they can still be constitutional power of the President to make
reappointed to serve for a total of seven ad interim appointments, a power intended to
years. Precisely, we are foreclosing that avoid disruptions in vital government
possibility by making it clear that even in the services. This Court cannot subscribe to a
case of those first appointed under the proposition that will wreak havoc on vital
Constitution, no reappointment can be government services.
made.” (Emphasis supplied)
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The Same; Same; Same; Same; Same;
framers of the present Constitution prohibited Transfers; Security of Tenure; Career
reappointments for two reasons—first, to Executive Service; One who is not a Career
prevent a second appointment for those who Executive Service (CES) officer, nor a holder
have been previously appointed and of a Career Executive Service Eligibility,
confirmed even if they served for less than which are necessary qualifications for holding
seven years, and, second, to insure that the the position of Director IV as prescribed in the
members of the three constitutional Qualifications Standards (Revised 1987)
commissions do not serve beyond the fixed issued by the Civil Service Commission, does
term of seven years.—The prohibition on not enjoy security of tenure as Director IV.—
reappointment is common to the three Petitioner’s appointment papers dated
constitutional commissions. The framers of February 2, 1999, February 15, 2000 and
the present Constitution prohibited February 15, 2001, attached as Annexes “X”,
reappointments for two reasons. The first is “Y” and “Z” to her Petition, indisputably show
to prevent a second appointment for those that she held her Director IV position in the
who have been previously appointed and EID only in an acting or temporary capacity.
confirmed even if they served for less than Petitioner is not a Career Executive Service
seven years. The second is to insure that the (CES) officer, and neither does she hold
members of the three constitutional Career Executive Service Eligibility, which
commissions do not serve beyond the fixed are necessary qualifications for holding the
term of seven years. position of Director IV as prescribed in the
Qualifications Standards (Revised 1987)
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; One who issued by the Civil Service Commission.
has been given an ad interim appointment as Obviously, petitioner does not enjoy security
COMELEC Chairman is a de jure officer, and of tenure as Director IV. In Secretary of
consequently, he has full authority to exercise Justice Serafin Cuevas vs. Atty. Josefina G.
all the powers of that office for so long as his Bacal, this Court held that: “As respondent
ad interim appointment remains effective; does not have the rank appropriate for the
The Chairman, as the Chief Executive of the position of Chief Public Attorney, her
COMELEC, is expressly empowered on his appointment to that position cannot be
own authority, without having to secure the considered permanent, and she can claim no
approval of the COMELEC en banc, to security of tenure in respect of that position.
transfer or reassign COMELEC personnel in
accordance with Civil Service Law.— Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same;
Petitioner’s posturing will hold water if The COMELEC Chairman is the sole officer
Benipayo does not possess any color of title specifically vested with the power to transfer
to the office of Chairman of the COMELEC. or reassign COMELEC personnel, the
We have ruled, however, that Benipayo is the COMELEC en banc cannot arrogate unto
de jure COMELEC Chairman, and itself this power because that will mean
consequently he has full authority to exercise amending the Revised Administrative Code,
all the powers of that office for so long as his an act the COMELEC en banc cannot legally
ad interim appointment remains effective. do.—The proviso in COMELEC Resolution
Under Section 7 (4), Chapter 2, Subtitle C, No. 3300, requiring due notice and hearing
Book V of the Revised Administrative Code, before any transfer or reassignment can be
the Chairman of the COMELEC is vested with made within thirty days prior to election day,
the following power: “Section 7. Chairman as refers only to COMELEC field personnel and
Executive Officer; Powers and Duties. The not to head office personnel like the
Chairman, who shall be the Chief Executive petitioner. Under the Revised Administrative
Officer of the Commission, shall: x x x (4) Code, the COMELEC Chairman is the sole
Make temporary assignments, rotate and officer specifically vested with the power to
transfer personnel in accordance with the transfer or reassign COMELEC personnel.
provisions of the Civil Service Law.” The COMELEC Chairman will logically
(Emphasis supplied) The Chairman, as the exercise the authority to transfer or reassign
Chief Executive of the COMELEC, is COMELEC personnel pursuant to COMELEC
expressly empowered on his own authority to Resolution No. 3300. The COMELEC en
transfer or reassign COMELEC personnel in banc cannot arrogate unto itself this power
accordance with the Civil Service Law. In the because that will mean amending the
exercise of this power, the Chairman is not Revised Administrative Code, an act the
required by law to secure the approval of the COMELEC en banc cannot legally do.
COMELEC en banc.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same;
Election Period; COMELEC Resolution No.
3300 does not require that every transfer or
reassignment of COMELEC personnel,
should carry the concurrence of the
COMELEC as a collegial body.—COMELEC
Resolution No. 3300 does not require that
every transfer or reassignment of COMELEC
personnel should carry the concurrence of
the COMELEC as a collegial body.
Interpreting Resolution No. 3300 to require
such concurrence will render the resolution
meaningless since the COMELEC en banc
will have to approve every personnel transfer
or reassignment, making the resolution
utterly useless. Resolution No. 3300 should
be interpreted for what it is, an approval to
effect transfers and reassignments of
personnel, without need of securing a second
approval from the COMELEC en banc to
actually implement such transfer or

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