Qur'an Allah Says

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In the Qur'an Allah says:

"Then the Shaytanu made

them slip therefrom , and
got them out from that in
which they were. We said:
"get you down, all, with
enmity between
yourselves. On earth will
be a dwelling place for
you and an enjoyment for
a time." Sura 2/36 "He
(Allah) said: "get you
down (from the Paradise
to the earth), both of you,
together, some of you are
an enemy to some others.
Then if there comes to
you guidance from Me,
then whoever follows My
Guidance he shall neither
go astray, nor shall be
distressed." Sura 20/123
In other words, as the
fallen angels hence, had a
literal offspring on earth
through their union with
the daughters of men in
like manner did Sawtan,
the chief fallen angel,
have his literal
descendants on earth;
and there was to be a
continual enmity between
Sawtawn and the woman,
and between his seed
(progeny) and the
woman's seed. Saw-tawn
was the most subtle of all,
and therefore he was able
to CAMOUFLAGE himself
as effectively as a snake;
the result is that his evil
deeds and that of his seed
would also not be so
easily recognized
throughout the ages. Allah
says Shayatan and the
Shayatin (Devils) are our
How can something be
invisible be open to public
to see, clear, obvious?
Allah says: "Then he
caused them to fall by
deceit; so when they
tasted of the tree, their
evil inclinations became
manifest to them, and
they both began to cover
themselves with the
leaves of the garden; and
their Lord called out to
them: Did I not forbid you
both from 42 | P a g e that
tree and say to you that
the Shaitan is your
'mubīnun' (open) enemy?"
Surah 7:22 "O men! eat
the lawful and good things
out of what is in the earth,
and do not follow the
footsteps of the Shaitan;
surely he is your
'mubīnun' (open) enemy."
Surah 2:168 "O you who
believe! enter into
submission one and all
and do not follow the
footsteps of Shaitan;
surely he is your
'mubīnun' (open) enemy."
Surah 2:208 "And of cattle
(He created) beasts of
burden and those which
are fit for slaughter only;
eat of what Allah has
given you and do not
follow the footsteps of the
Shaitan; surely he is your
'mubīnun' (open) enemy."
Surah 6:142 "He said: O
my son! do not relate your
vision to your brothers,
lest they devise a plan
against you; surely the
Shaitan is an 'mubīnun'
(open) enemy to man.
Surah 12:5 "And say to My
servants (that) they speak
that which is best; surely
the Shaitan sows
dissensions among them;
surely the Shaitan is an
'mubīnan' (open) enemy
to man." Surah 17:53 "Did
I not charge you, O
children of Adam ! that
you should not serve the
Shaitan? Surely he is your
'mubīnun' (open) enemy,"
Surah 36:60 "And let not
the Shaitan prevent you;
surely he is your an
'mubīnun' (open) enemy."
Surah 43:62 Iblis and his
offspring are those who
Allah says: 'he and
Qabiluhu (his tribe) see
you from where you
cannot see them." "And
when We said to the
angels: Make obeisance to
Adam; they made
obeisance but Iblis (did it
not). He was of the jinn,
so he transgressed the
commandment of his
Lord. What! would you
then take him
„wadhurriyyatahu‟ (and
his offspring) for friends
rather than Me, and they
are your enemies? Evil is
(this) change for the
unjust." Sura 18/50 "You
may entice them with
your voice, and mobilize
all your forces and all your
men against them, and
share in their „amwāli‟
(money) „wal-awlādi‟ (and
the children), and promise
them. Anything the devil
promises is no more than
an illusion. As for My 43 |
P a g e servants, you have
no power over them." Your
Lord suffices as an
advocate. Sura 17:64- 65
In the Bible there is a
connection in Saw-tawn
and his offspring. In John
8:44 we read that Yahshua
said to those Pharisees
who were always
following Him and
watching for an
opportunity to kill Him,
that they were of their
father (ancestor, Greek
-.pater) the devil. Yahshua
never insulted anybody,
He only spoke the truth.
He therefore stated a
tremendous fact with
profound significance, a
fact which had its origin in
the garden of Eden, and
which will only finally
come to an end when
Satan is finally put away
after his last rebellion
against Elohiym, as stated
in Revelation 20. In
Matthew 23:33, Yahshua
calls those Pharisees
serpents and a generation
(off-spring, brood,
progeny, produce, Greek
-gennema) of vipers, and
in verse 31 the children
(sons, Greek - huios) of
them which killed the
prophets, and in verse 35
he holds them responsible
for all the righteous blood
shed upon the earth, from
the blood of righteous
Abel unto the blood of
Zacharias son of
Barachias. Who killed
Abel? Cain of course!
They must therefore have
been the offspring of Cain.
But they are also called
the offspring of Saw-tawn;
Cain must therefore have
been the child (literal) of
the devil. They were
therefore none other than
that same seed of whom
Yahweh said that there
would be enmity between
them and the woman (and
therefore of course also
those born out of her) and
her seed. Saw-
tawn/Shaytanu was also
to become the slayer of
man and the father of lies.
If the fallen angels who
had followed him in his
rebellion against Elohiym,
had left a seed behind on
earth when they went in
unto the daughters of
men and these bore
children from them, why
not also Saw-tawn? Allah
says: “And (We made) the
wind (subservient) to
Sulaiman, which made a
month's journey in the
morning and a month's
journey in the evening,
and We made a fountain
of molten 44 | P a g e
copper to flow out for him,
and of the jinn there were
those who worked before
him by the command of
his Lord; and whoever
turned aside from Our
command from among
them, We made him taste
of the punishment of
burning. They made for
him what he willed of
elevated chambers,
statues, bowls like
reservoirs, and stationary
kettles. [We said], "Work,
O family of David, in
gratitude." And few of My
servants are grateful. And
when We decreed for
Solomon death, nothing
indicated to the jinn his
death except a creature of
the earth eating his staff.
But when he fell, it
became clear to the jinn
that if they had known the
unseen, they would not
have remained in
humiliating punishment.”
Sura 34/12-14 ==> and
of the jinn there were
those who worked before
him by the command of
his Lord “And indeed We
gave knowledge to David
and Solomon, and they
both said: "All the praises
and thanks be to Allah,
Who has preferred us
above many of His
believing slaves! And
Solomon inherited (the
knowledge of) David. He
said: "O mankind! We
have been taught the
language of birds, and on
us have been bestowed
all things. This, verily, is
an evident grace (from
Allah). And there were
gathered before Solomon
his hosts of jinns and
men, and birds, and they
were all set in battle order
(marching forwards).”
Sura 27/15-17 Solomon
had Shayatin (Devils) and
the Jinn working for him:
“He said: "My Lord!
Forgive me, and bestow
upon me a kingdom such
as shall not belong to any
other after me: Verily, You
are the Bestower." So, We
subjected to him the wind,
it blew gently to his order
whithersoever he willed,
wal-shayāṭīna (and devils)
every kind of builder and
diver, And also others
bound in fetters. [Saying
of Allâh to Sulaimân
(Solomon)]: "This is Our
gift, so spend you or
withhold, no account will
be asked." Sura 38/35-39
==> wal-shayāṭīna (and
devils) every kind of
builder and diver, ==>
And also others bound in
fetters. Now the Hebrew
Scriptures says Solomon
had servants/ prisoners as
well. In 1 Kings 9/26 it
says: 45 | P a g e “King
Solomon made va•‟o•ni
(a navy of ships) in Ezion
Geber, which is beside
Eloth, on the shore of the
Red Sea, in the land of
Edom.” Hiram (the King of
Tyre or Phoenicia) sent in
the navy his servants,
shipmen that had
knowledge of the sea,
with the servants of
Solomon. “They came to
Ophir, and fetched from
there gold, four hundred
and twenty talents, and
brought it to king
Solomon.” 1 Kings 9/28
Many Scholars have
postulated that the land
of Ophir is on the east
coast of Africa which
would indicate a region in
Ethiopia‟s territory.
Hence, Solomon would
establish trade colonies
along the east and west
coasts of the Red Sea.
Ancient Ethiopia had
excessive gold deposits to
satisfy Solomon‟s need
and even the Persian
troops of Cambyses said:
“the prisoners in Ethiopia
wore fetters of gold.”
Early writers said that
Ethiopians had fountains
with the odor of violets,
and that her prisoners
were fettered with gold
chains such as the book,
„Wonderful Ethiopians of
the Ancient Cushite
Empire By Drusilla Dunjee
Houston states in
“The ambassadors were
next led to the prisons,
where the captives, were
bound with gold fetters.”
Now according to what is
common knowledge in the
Qur‟an about those
„bound in chains‟ and
according to popular
belief the reference made
here to builders and
divers and others fettered
in chains could not
possibly refer to anything
other than physical
beings. They were the
Shayatin (Devils) that
were bound in chains.

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