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Manual Therapy 14 (2009) 167e172

Original Article

Transient effects of stretching exercises on gait parameters

of elderly women
André L.F. Rodacki a,*, Ricardo M. Souza a, Carlos Ugrinowitsch b,1,
Fabiano Cristopoliski a, Neil E. Fowler c,2
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Cieˆncias Biológicas, Departamento de Educaç~
ao Fı´sica,
Centro de Estudos do Comportamento Motor. R. Coraç~ ao de Maria, 92, BR116, Km 95, Jardim Botânico, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Universidade de S~
ao Paulo, Escola de Educaç~ ao Fı´sica e Esportes, Av. Mello Moraes, 65,
Cidade Universitária, Butant~
a, S~ao Paulo, S~ ao Paulo, Brazil
The Manchester Metropolitan University, Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, Centre for Biophysical and
Clinical Research into Human Movement, Hassall Road, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent, England ST7 2HL, United Kingdom

Received 2 May 2007; received in revised form 18 December 2007; accepted 6 January 2008


This study aimed to analyse the effects of a single stretching exercise session on a number of gait parameters in elderly partic-
ipants in an attempt to determine whether these exercises can influence the risk of fall. Fifteen healthy women living in the commu-
nity volunteered to participate in the study. A kinematic gait analysis was performed immediately before and after a session of static
stretching exercises applied on hip flexor/extensor muscles. Results showed a significant influence of stretching exercises on a number
of gait parameters, which have previously been proposed as fall predictors. Participants showed increased gait velocity, greater step
length and reduced double support time during stance after performing stretching exercises, suggesting improved stability and mo-
bility. Changes around the pelvis (increased anterioreposterior tilt and rotation range of motion) resulting from the stretching ex-
ercises were suggested to influence the gait parameters (velocity, step length and double support time). Therefore, stretching exercises
were shown to be a promising strategy to facilitate changes in gait parameters related to the risk of fall. Some other gait variables
related to the risk of fall remained unaltered (e.g., toe clearance). The stable pattern of segmental angular velocities was proposed to
explain the stability of these unchanged gait variables. The results indicate that stretching exercises, performed on a regular (daily)
basis, result in gait adaptations which can be considered as indicative of reduced fall risk. Other studies to determine whether regular
stretching routines are an effective strategy to reduce the risk of fall are required.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Risk of fall; Gait; Stretching exercises

1. Introduction et al., 1988; Cameron and Quine, 1994), with annual

costs estimated of $10 billion (Campbell et al., 1989).
Trauma resulting from falls in the elderly is one of Although less than 2% of falls among the elderly result
the most significant causes of injury and death (Blake in a hip fracture, more than 90% of hip fractures occur
as a consequence of a fall. In addition, fall injuries in
the elderly usually demand longer hospitalization pe-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ55 41 3360 4333; fax: þ55 41 3360 riods and may lead to seriously impaired mobility
E-mail address: (A.L.F. Rodacki).
and an important decline on functional ability after
Tel.: þ55 11 3091 2143. recovery (Cameron and Quine, 1994) that may result
Tel.: þ44 0161 247 5491; fax: þ44 0161 247 6375. in social isolation, loss of independence and need of

1356-689X/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
168 A.L.F. Rodacki et al. / Manual Therapy 14 (2009) 167e172

care assistance (Andersson and Schultz, 1979; Cameron may provide additional amplitude at the hip joint and
and Quine, 1994). reverse some changes in gait pattern that characterises
The largest number of hip fractures results from a fall aging (e.g., increase step length). Therefore, the present
occurring during locomotion in which extrinsic and study aimed to analyse the immediate effects of a ses-
intrinsic factors play a role. Extrinsic factors are associ- sion of static stretching exercises for the hip flexor mus-
ated with environmental hazards such as slippery cle group over the gait and a number of parameters
surfaces, while intrinsic factors are individual-related. that have been related to the risk of fall in elderly
Intrinsic factors have been pointed as the best fall pre- participants.
dictors among elders (Honeycutt and Ramsey, 2002)
and include physiological, medical problems, medication
and alcohol use. 2. Methods
Muscle weakness, as a result of a natural decrease in
muscle mass with aging, has been considered as a major Fifteen healthy women (age: 64.5  3.2 years; height:
cause of falls (Cummings et al., 1990). In general, falls 1.59  0.09 m; body mass: 77.3  8.2 kg) living in the
have been strongly associated with decreased physical community volunteered to participate. The study was
activity and impaired mobility measurements (body approved by the University’s ethic committee and all
sway and gait). Reduced range of motion, as a conse- participants were informed of the inherent risks and
quence of the muscleetendon unit and surrounding con- benefits, before signing an informed consent form. Par-
nective tissue stiffness, has been indicated to assume ticipants with problems that could affect their ability to
a positive relationship to fall incidence (Guimar~aes walk (e.g., lower limb surgery, low back pain, previous
and Farinatti, 2005). Other investigations have indicated fractures, arthritis, etc.) were not included in the study.
that reduced range of motion, specifically about the hip Male participants were also not included due to visco-
and the ankle joints, constitutes one of the main causes elastic differences between genders (Kubo et al., 2002).
of fall due to the influence that hip rigidity has over the An interview revealed that participants were able to
lower limb dynamics during walking (Rose and Gamble, perform their regular daily activities with no assistance
2006). Kerrigan et al. (2001) proposed that a reduction but were not involved in systematic physical activities
in hip joint mobility is one of the most important age-re- programs during the last six months that preceded the
lated factors influencing the walking pattern. It has been present study. Participants reported no fall history
shown that peak hip extension during walking is consis- during the last 12 months that preceded the experiment.
tently lower in both elderly fallers and non-fallers than To determine the effect of one stretching session on
in young adults, irrespective of the walking speed. As the gait pattern, participants performed one experimen-
peak hip extension is influenced by the tightness of the tal session. A kinematic gait analysis was conducted
antagonistic muscles, specific hip flexor stretching exer- before (PRE) and immediately after (POS) one set of
cises may be an attractive possibility to improve walking specific static stretching exercises for the hip flexor mus-
performance in the elderly and reduce the risk of falls cle group on both limbs. During the exercise, partici-
(Kerrigan et al., 2001). pants remained lying on their back with both lower
Kerrigan et al. (2001) showed that fallers are charac- limbs hanging from the edge of a padded surface.
terized by exaggerated hip tightness. Kerrigan et al. Stretching was applied by one of the experimenters by
(2003) showed a non-significant increase in peak hip ex- flexing one thigh towards the trunk at approximately
tension during gait performance as a result of a 10 week 45 with respect to the horizontal, while a second exper-
unsupervised exercise programme. The failure to find imenter moved the contralateral thigh downwards caus-
a significant effect may be related to the poor adherence ing hip hyperextension. Then, the knee of the stretched
and control of the exercise practice. Indeed King et al. leg was taken into flexion. The experimenter sustained
(2002) have shown that controlled, centre-based exer- a position in which participants reported the first symp-
cises are more effective than when practiced at home toms of muscle discomfort for 60 s. Exercises were re-
(unsupervised). It remains to be seen whether correctly peated four alternate times in each leg (240 s in each
performed stretching exercise affects gait parameters. limb). Static exercises were applied because they have
If one considers that the outcome of long-term exer- been proved to provide satisfactory results in groups
cises is a cumulative response of successive training ses- of elderly individuals (Feland et al., 2001a; Ferber
sions, analyzing the transient effect produced by a single et al., 2002). Fig. 1 represents the stretching procedures.
session may constitute an interesting alternative to un- Immediately after the stretching procedures, partici-
derstand the long lasting effects of stretching training pants were requested to walk in the laboratory area to
programs. Indeed, stretching exercises have been shown have their gait filmed. Participants were allowed to
to produce acute changes in joint range of motion walk in the walkway a few of times (4e6 trials) in an
(Taylor et al., 1990; McHugh et al., 1992; Halbertsma attempt to familiarise them with the protocol used in
and Goeken, 1994; Willy et al., 2001). This acute effect the experiment. The interval between the end of the
A.L.F. Rodacki et al. / Manual Therapy 14 (2009) 167e172 169

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the stretching exercise. The non-stretched thigh was flexed towards the trunk segment approximately 45 with
respect to the horizontal (A) while the other limb (stretched limb) was passively forced downwards before the knee was passively forced into flexion

stretching procedures and the initiation of the gait was movement reconstruction was performed, from which
less than 30 s. Walking was performed barefoot at the two separate two dimensional analyses (sagittal and
participant’s freely chosen speed in the plane and filmed frontal planes) of the pelvis and of the lower limbs
by three camcorders (JVC GR-AX 25; two placed on the were performed. Unilateral analysis has been used in
right side and one in the left side of the participants) other studies (Kerrigan et al., 2001, 2003; Evans et al.,
sampling with a frequency of 30 Hz. Images were re- 2003) and a symmetrical profile between segments in
corded on VHS tape and transferred onto a personal healthy individuals has been reported (Sadeghi et al.,
computer for analysis (Pinnacle, LINX). Recorded im- 2000). The angular convention is shown in Fig. 3.
ages were processed and digitalized using specific soft- Ten gait cycles were filmed for each participant in
ware (SIMI MOTION, 6.1). A common LED was set both experimental conditions (PRE and POS), from
in the field of view of all cameras to synchronize them. which the first three valid trials (e.g., trials in which all
Fig. 2 shows the setup of the data collection area. markers were visible) were selected for further analysis.
A number of markers (25 mm of diameter) were Special attention was given to not interfere with the
placed over the skin and clothes to represent the follow- freely chosen walking velocity. The gait cycle was consid-
ing landmarks in both sides of the body: (1) anterior su- ered as the period between two consecutive heel contacts
perior iliac crest (ASIC), (2) the most prominent of the right foot, which were normalised to 100% of the
protuberance of the greater trochanter (TROC), (3) lat- gait cycle. These three cycles were normalised with re-
eral femoral epicondyle (KNEE), (4) lateral malleolus spect to the gait cycle (first heel contact corresponded
(MALL) and (5) the fifth metatarsal joint (META). Al- to 0% and the second heel contact corresponded to
though markers were placed on both sides of the body 100%) and averaged (ensemble averaged) to represent
only the right side was analysed. The connection be- each individual’s movement pattern. Angular variables
tween these points defined four rigid body segments, in the sagittal plane were normalised by subtracting
which are represented in Fig. 3. A three dimensional participant’s angles obtained in their normal standing

Fig. 2. Data collection area schematic representation.

170 A.L.F. Rodacki et al. / Manual Therapy 14 (2009) 167e172

Fig. 3. Body landmarks and angular displacement conventions. Representation of the anatomical landmarks, body segments, joints and movement
convention. (ASIC e anterior superior iliac crest (L ¼ left; R ¼ right), TROC e the most prominent protuberance of the greater trochanter, KNEE e
lateral femoral epicondyle, MALL e lateral malleolus, and META e the fifth metatarsal joint).

posture. The variables used to describe the gait in the 3. Results

present study are presented in Table 1.
It was not possible to include a control condition to es- The findings of the study are summarized in Table 1.
timate gait parameter variability. However, a group with These show a number of significant differences between
equivalent physical characteristics (aged 65.4  2.9 years- the gait parameters before and after stretching. After
old, 1.61  0.07 m and 74.3  6.6 kg) participated in the stretching participants were able to achieve a 6.6%
same gait assessment as a control group in another exper-
iment performed by our laboratory (using a similar Table 1
measurement protocol e unpublished data) showed no Mean gait variables (standard deviation) before (PRE) and after
significant differences ( p > 0.05) between gait parameters (POST) stretching exercises, the mean difference and variability within
measured two months apart (within subjects, between subjects’ trials (Vwt).
testing days). Variability within subjects (between trials) Variable (unit) PRE POST Difference (%) Vwt
also showed similar ( p > 0.05) values for the control CYD (s) 1.10  0.09 1.09  0.09 0.6 0.02
group and the pre-test of the experimental group (see STD (%) 62.0  2.1 60.1  2.4 3.1 (*) 0.03
Table 1, last column). On average, variability of the SWD (%) 38.0  2.1 39.9  2.4 þ5.1 (*) 0.12
DSD (s) 0.18  0.01 0.17  0.005 5.6 (*) 0.06
selected parameters between groups (control and
CAD (step/min) 55.3  4.8 55.7  4.3 þ0.7 0.02
PREePOS) was similar to that observed in the experi- SLE (m) 0.51  0.07 0.54  0.06 þ5.8 (*) 0.16
mental conditions. A more detailed analysis revealed CLE (m) 0.014  0.01 0.017  0.01 þ16.2 0.49
that the variability found in the control group (mean var- SPE (m s1) 0.96  0.16 1.02  0.15 þ6.6 (*) 0.03
iability ¼ 11.8%) was comparable to that observed in the HSV (m s1) 1.09  0.3 1.17  0.2 þ6.9 0.18
PAM ( ) 12.9  2.6 15.7  4.6 þ21.9 (*) 0.12
experimental group in both conditions (PRE ¼ w12.6%
PRO ( ) 5.0  1.5 6.5  1.7 þ28.4 (*) 0.23
and POS ¼ 12.3%). A one way ANOVA revealed no HAM ( ) 24.4  3.1 25.8  3.7 þ5.7 0.15
significant differences in terms of variability ( p > 0.05). KAM ( ) 49.9  3.3 50.2  5.5 þ0.6 0.05
Data normality was confirmed using the Kolmogorove AAM ( ) 23.2  3.6 24.9  5.7 þ7.3 0.06
Smirnov test and allowed a number of t-tests for depen- Significant differences ( p  0.05) are marked (*). CYD e cycle duration;
dent gait variables to determine significant differences STD e stance phase duration; SWD e swing phase duration; DSD e
between the two experimental conditions (PRE and double support phase duration; CAD e cadence; SLE e step length;
CLE e toe clearance; SPE e gait speed; HSV e heel velocity at foot
POS). Statistical tests were performed in StatisticaÒ
strike; PAM e pelvic anterior/posterior tilt amplitude; PRO e pelvic
software package, version 5.5 and the significance level rotation; HAM e hip flexion/extension amplitude; KAM e knee
was set at p < 0.05. Bonferroni’s correction was per- flexion/extension amplitude; AAM e ankle dorsiflexion/extension
formed to adjust the significance of coefficient level. amplitude; Vwt e Variability within subjects’ trials.
A.L.F. Rodacki et al. / Manual Therapy 14 (2009) 167e172 171

greater walking velocity achieved by greater step length Walking speed is ultimately determined by step
with no change in cadence. The increase in step length length and cadence (Zakas et al., 2005). The greater
was mainly achieved by virtue of greater motion about walking speed found in the present study cannot be ex-
the pelvis with increases in both anterior tilt and rota- plained by cadence, which remained unaltered. Rather
tion in the transverse plane. increased step length as a result of increased pelvic rota-
The gait pattern also showed changes in the temporal tion and tilting range of motion can be considered as the
pattern. The increased gait velocity after stretching was key to the greater walking speed after stretching. The
accompanied by a reduction in the stance time, a lower greater range of motion around the pelvis may have
proportion of time in double support and, a longer allowed the heel of the swinging leg to strike further in
swing duration. These temporal changes are indicative front of the body (Rose and Gamble, 2006).
of improved balance. Increased pelvic rotation is believed to have an im-
portant effect on gait dynamics by flattening the summit
of the centre of mass path, which produces a smoother
4. Discussion displacement of the body (Rose and Gamble, 2006). It
is also described as to cause a more smooth change in
This study aimed to analyse the acute effects of the centre of mass that allows the elderly to attenuate
stretching the hip flexors muscles on walking gait. It the impact forces with the ground. Thus, it can be spec-
was hypothesized that the transient effect of a single ulated that reducing the impact forces at heel strike may
bout of static stretching exercises would acutely in- help to reduce head acceleration during progression and
crease joint range of motion and change gait pattern. provide a facilitated stabilization of the visual platform
These changes are expected to reduce the risk of falls (Yack and Berger, 1993) and fewer disturbances over the
in elderly (Kerrigan et al., 1998, 2001, 2003; Evans vestibular apparatus.
et al., 2003). Increased double support time in the elderly (Kemoun
The gait pattern exhibited immediately before et al., 2002) is another well known predictor of falls. The
stretching showed dynamic temporal and spatial fea- longer duration of double support can be seen as a neces-
tures similar to those reported in other studies (Murray sity to increase stability during progression for the next
et al., 1969; Winter, 1991; Prince et al., 1997; Kerrigan step (Viel, 2001). Therefore, smaller double support
et al., 1998; Mills and Barrett, 2001). This indicated time may indicate a better stability during gait, which
that the sample used in the present study was adequate may also represent a measure of mobility. This reinforces
to represent general healthy elderly population living in- the idea that stretching exercises can be an effective way
dependently in the community. Aging-related conditions to improve gait performance in the elderly.
(e.g., balance problems, osteoarthritis) may produce The anterioreposterior heel contact velocity and the
changes in gait pattern that could influence our results. toe clearance have been related to the risk of fall (Win-
The stretching protocol used in this study was similar ter, 1991). The anterioreposterior heel contact velocity
to several others, which have shown significant gains in was similar to that described in other studies
range of motion (Murray et al., 1969; Taylor et al., (1.15 m s1 e Sadeghi et al., 2000). This variable is con-
1990; Bandy et al., 1997; Prince et al., 1997; Feland sidered to be largely determined by the segmental angu-
et al., 2001a,b). Although the acute effects of stretching lar velocities of the thigh, shank and foot of the swinging
were not recorded during the experimental session to leg. The stability of the segmental angular velocities
determine whether they were still present during the found in the present study can explain the unchanged
gait assessment, the short interval imposed (30 s) was anterioreposterior heel contact velocity and clearance.
considered sufficient to preserve most exercise effects.
Spernoga et al. (2001) analysed the muscleetendon elas-
tic properties over a much longer period and detected 5. Conclusion
significant effects were still present 6 min after stretching.
Gait speed has been suggested as the best indepen- Stretching exercises resulted in important modifica-
dent fall-related predictor (Dargent-Molina et al., tions in gait characteristics that allowed the elderly to
1996). Guimar~ aes and Isaacs (1980) and Woo et al. present a movement pattern more similar to that
(1995) have demonstrated that fallers tend to have observed in healthy adults. These results are suggestive
a lower gait velocity in comparison to non-fallers. that these exercises constitute an attractive strategy to
Therefore, the greater walking speed found after stretch- improve and/or reduce the negative influence of aging
ing suggests that these exercises were successful to im- over a number of functional characteristic related to
prove some important functional effects of aging and, fall risk during gait. It is important to have in mind
resulted in improved mobility. Thus, stretching exercises that stretching exercises are an important component
may represent an important strategy to reduce risk of of physical fitness programs and should be viewed as
falls during walking. one of the factors that influences gait performance.
172 A.L.F. Rodacki et al. / Manual Therapy 14 (2009) 167e172

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