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Non Calculator Function Machines AT2 L5

1 Use the function machine to complete the table below

x x4 -1 y
x 5 10 ½ 15 -2
2 Use the following function machine backwards to find the values of x in the table.


x x3 +2 y
y 8 11 14 35 2
3 The following function machine is used to convert temperatures between ºC (Celsius)
and ºF (Fahrenheit).

ºC ÷5 x9 + 32 ºF
(i) Use the function machine to convert the following temperature in ºC (Celsius)
to ºF (Fahrenheit).

Celsius (ºC) Fahrenheit (ºF)

10 ºC
15 ºC
25 ºC
30 ºC
-10 ºC

(ii) Use the function machine backwards to convert temperatures from ºF to ºC

Celsius (ºC) Fahrenheit (ºF)

50 ºF
68 ºF
41 ºF
95 ºF
23 ºF

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