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J. Phycol.

46, 33–40 (2010)

 2009 Phycological Society of America
DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2009.00775.x



Andrea Bertolo2
Groupe de recherche sur les écosystèmes aquatiques, Département de chimie-biologie, Université du Québec
à Trois-Rivières C.P.500, Trois-Rivières, Québec G9A 5H7, Canada

Ge´rard Lacroix, Françoise Lescher-Moutoue´

Ecole Normale Supérieure, UMR-CNRS 7618 (Bioemco), Biogéochimie et écologie des milieux continentaux,
46 rue d’Ulm, 75230 Paris Cedex 05, France

and Joakim Hjelm

National Board of Fisheries, Institute of Marine Research, Turistgatan 5, Box 4, SE-453 21, Lysekil, Sweden

In a freshwater mesocosm experiment, we Abbreviations: dwt, dry weight; fwt, fresh weight; k,
explored the potential for direct and indirect light attenuation; RDA, redundancy analysis coef-
effects of roach (Rutilus rutilus) and Eurasian perch ficient; VIF, variance inflation factor
(Perca fluviatilis), two planktivorous fishes with dif-
ferent feeding behaviors, on the morphology of
Ceratium hirundinella (O. F. Müll.) Dujard., a large
dinoflagellate. Three morphs were detected: one C. hirundinella is a large (150–250 lm total length)
with two hypothecal horns, one with a third rudi- freshwater mixotrophic dinoflagellate protected by a
mentary horn, and one with three well-developed rigid cellulose armor (lorica) (Huber-Pestalozzi
horns. We observed a strong negative relationship 1950, Popovský and Pfiester 1990). Because of these
between the presence of fish and the proportion of morphological characteristics, C. hirundinella is well
three-horned cells. The two fishes had strikingly sim- protected from ingestion by herbivorous cladocer-
ilar effects on C. hirundinella morphology, despite ans (Sommer et al. 2003). When present in high
their different capabilities to retain particles of the numbers, it may inhibit the feeding activity of large
size of C. hirundinella. This finding suggests that the cladocerans by interfering with their food gathering
morphological variation in C. hirundinella was not and ingestion (Xie et al. 1998). In contrast, omnivo-
related to selection by fish. Morphological variations rous rotifers (i.e., Ascomorpha spp. or Asplanchna
in C. hirundinella could not be explained by fish- spp.) and copepods (calanoids and cyclopoids) may
mediated variations in turbidity (i.e., light climate) consume C. hirundinella (Santer 1996, Stelzer 1998,
or by predation pressure by the fish. In contrast, the Sommer et al. 2003).
proportion of three-horned cells was directly related C. hirundinella can be classified into three mor-
to the biomass of filter-feeding cladocerans. This phs: one with two hypothecal horns, one with a
result was unexpected since cladocerans are not third rudimentary posterior horn, and one with
considered to consume C. hirundinella and they did three well-developed horns (hereafter 2, 3), and 3+,
not depress C. hirundinella numbers in our experi- respectively; see fig. 2 in Hamlaoui et al. 1998).
ment. Without excluding other possible mecha- Different authors (references in Hutchinson 1957)
nisms, we suggest that the third horn might help reported that the number of horns and the body
these dinoflagellates avoid physical contact with the size of C. hirundinella could vary seasonally. Such
filtering apparatus of the cladocerans and the conse- cyclomorphosis has been mainly interpreted as an
quent potential damage caused by these herbivores, adaptation to seasonal changes in water density and
which were more abundant in the absence of plank- viscosity because of temperature changes (e.g.,
tivorous fish. Hutchinson 1957). However, Hamlaoui et al. (1998)
observed large variations in C. hirundinella morphol-
Key index words: cladocerans; dinoflagellates; fish ogy in experiments with no change in water temper-
predation; invertebrate predators; morphological ature, suggesting that the appearance of the third
variation posterior horn could have other adaptive advanta-
ges. Recent studies (Kim et al. 2003, Lürling 2003)
suggested that the observed phenotypic variability in
Received 8 December 2008. Accepted 19 August 2009. different phytoplankton taxa could be related to the
Author for correspondence: e-mail presence of zooplankton grazers or planktivorous


fish. We tested this hypothesis by analyzing the the treatments, which began on July 13 (day 0) and ended on
results of a mesocosm study on the effects of plank- August 1, 1995. Thermal profiles were similar among the
tivorous fish on planktonic food webs (Bertolo et al. enclosures during the experiment. Two fish species were used
in the experiment, roach (total length: 9.0 ± 0.4 cm, mean ±
1999a,b, 2000) in which C. hirundinella was observed SD) and Eurasian perch (6.0 ± 0.5 cm) (hereafter ‘‘perch’’).
to be morphologically variable. We analyzed the Six different treatments were applied randomly to enclosures
relationships between the abundance and morphol- with three replicates (Table 1): dC (deep – control), sC
ogy of C. hirundinella and the factors listed below: (shallow – control), dR (deep – roach), sR (shallow – roach),
1. Turbidity. Experimental results indicate that vari- dcR (deep – caged roach), dP (deep – perch). The diversity of
ations in the light spectrum can modify the mor- treatments (see Bertolo et al. 1999a,b, 2000) induced highly
heterogeneous environmental conditions and the decoupling
phology of C. hirundinella (Hutchinson 1957). We
of potential key factors (Table 2). Moreover, the comparison of
might thus expect a link between turbidity and selected groups of treatments gave complementary information
the proportions of the different C. hirundinella on the four factors of interest (Table 3).
morphs. Turbidity: Previous analyses of treatments dC, sC, dR, and
2. Consumption by planktivorous fish. The morph sR showed strong additive effects of both roach predation and
with three horns might be retained more effi- shallowness on the standing crop of algae and turbidity
ciently by fish gills than the morph with two (Bertolo et al. 1999a). The presence of roach induced a 2-fold
increase of phytoplankton biomass through a top-down mech-
horns. Therefore, fishes characterized by con- anism, while the reduction of enclosure depth induced a 7-fold
trasting capture efficiencies of small-bodied prey, increase of phytoplankton biomass via a reduction of light
such as roach (R. rutilus) and Eurasian perch limitation (Table 2). The analysis of these four treatments gives
(P. fluviatilis), might induce different morpholog- us the opportunity to decouple the effects of fish and turbidity
ical patterns in C. hirundinella. by comparing systems with the same type of food web (two or
3. Predation by invertebrate predators. The pres- three trophic levels) that differed in turbidity (i.e., dC vs. sC
and dR vs. sR).
ence of a third horn might reduce the probabil- Consumption by planktivorous fish: We compared the effects
ity of capture or ingestion by predatory rotifers of perch and roach (dP vs. dR) to understand the role of fish
and copepods. In this case, we would expect a consumption on C. hirundinella morphology. Perch is more
positive relationship between the biomass of visually oriented and selects larger particles than roach (Hjelm
invertebrate predators and the proportion of the and Johansson 2003). Measurements of distances between gill
3+ horned morph of C. hirundinella. rakers and the size of prey ingested by perch and roach
indicated that 9 cm roach are more likely than 6 cm perch to
4. Mechanical interference with grazers. As stated
ingest particles 200 lm in length (J. Hjelm, unpublished data).
above, different studies showed that filter-feeder This finding suggests that the two fishes used in our experi-
zooplankton interact with C. hirundinella even ment differed in their ability to prey on C. hirundinella, and in
though it is not edible. A positive relationship their potential to affect the morphology of this dinoflagellate.
between grazers biomass and the proportion of Predation by invertebrate predators and mechanical interference
the 3+ horned morph would lend support to this with grazers: Perch and roach had different effects on the
point. structure of the zooplankton communities (Table 2; Bertolo
et al. 1999a,b, 2000). This gave us the opportunity to decouple
the effects of invertebrate predators, herbivorous cladocerans,
MATERIALS AND METHODS and fish on C. hirundinella morphology.
In this study, we present only those results relevant to
Experimental design. Experiments were conducted in Lake understanding the patterns observed for C. hirundinella mor-
Créteil (Lake Créteil, 484693799 N, 22694799 E; 15 km SE of phology. For more details, see Bertolo et al. (1999a,b, 2000).
Paris, France) in 18 experimental enclosures of two different Sampling and analysis. We analyzed C. hirundinella mor-
sizes, shallow (1.5 · 1.5 · 2.5 m depth) and deep (1.5 · phology on day 19 because previous enclosure experiments
1.5 · 4.5 m depth). To minimize seston heterogeneity, enclo- conducted at the same site during summer (Hamlaoui et al.
sures were filled randomly and on several occasions between 1998) revealed a clear morphological response of C. hirundi-
June 29 and July 3, 1995; the plankton communities in the nella a few weeks after fish introduction. Integrated samples
enclosures were allowed to develop prior to the application of representing the whole water column were collected in

Table 1. Description of treatments used in the mesocosm experiment.

code Full name Details

dC Deep – control 4 m deep enclosures without fish

sC Shallow – control 2 m deep enclosures without fish
dR Deep – roach 4 m deep enclosures with six roach (20 g fwt Æ m)2)
sR Shallow – roach 2 m deep enclosures with six roach (20 g fwt Æ m)2)
dcR Deep – caged roach 4 m deep enclosures with six caged roach (20 g fwt Æ m)2). Roach were
confined inside two net bags (200 lm mesh size), allowing fish excretion
but preventing predation on plankton outside the cages. Living
zooplankton netted in the pelagic zone of the lake were regularly added
to the bags for fish to feed on.
dP Deep – perch 4 m deep enclosures with 18 perch (20 g fwt Æ m)2)
fwt, fresh weight.

Table 2. Treatment mean (± SD) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) results on zooplankton biomass and body size, chl a,
light attenuation coefficient (k), and Ceratium hirundinella abundance. Each treatment had three replicates. Treatments:
dC, deep – control; sC, shallow – control; dR, deep – roach; sR, shallow – roach; dcR, deep – caged roach; dP, deep –
perch. Asterisks indicate significant P-values after sequential Bonferroni correction. For each dependent variable, means
with the same letter are not significantly different (post hoc Tukey’s test).

Mean ± SD F5,12 P

dC sC dR sR dcR dP
Biomass (lg dwt Æ L )
Cladocerans 80.7 ± 8.1b 192.0 ± 64.0a 24.7 ± 4.8c 41.1 ± 16.8c 86.2 ± 5.7b 2.0 ± 0.5d 120.9 <0.0001*
Cyclopoids 53.5 ± 1.4a 62.9 ± 29.3ab 83.4 ± 33.8a 56.1 ± 26.7ab 33.3 ± 4.3ab 19.0 ± 7.6b 4.8 0.0120*
Calanoids 112.3 ± 44.9a 145.5 ± 29.1a 164.8 ± 69.8a 123.0 ± 40.2a 130.6 ± 29.8a 1.9 ± 1.4b 49.8 <0.0001*
Rotifers 13.8 ± 3.6ab 18.8 ± 1.8ab 29.7 ± 5.9a 15.7 ± 3.5ab 10.3 ± 4.7b 40.8 ± 32.5a 4.3 0.017*
Asplanchna 0.2 ± 0.1bc 4.5 ± 1.5a 1.0 ± 0.7ab 3.1 ± 2.9ab 0 ± 0c 0 ± 0c 24.1 <0.0001*
Mean body size (lm)
Cladocerans 517 ± 28ab 555 ± 89a 417 ± 33bc 314 ± 26cd 460 ± 16ab 300 ± 17d 26.6 <0.0001*
Cyclopoids 546 ± 51ab 538 ± 48ab 457 ± 32b 603 ± 45a 526 ± 65ab 406 ± 62b 5.5 0.0072*
bc a bc abc ab c
Calanoids 681 ± 80 851 ± 113 606 ± 50 746 ± 49 708 ± 13 506 ± 66 8.8 0.0010*
)1  c b bc a c b
Chl a (lg Æ L ) 1.9 ± 0.6 14.1 ± 3.1 4.7 ± 1.4 30.9 ± 5.2 2.3 ± 0.4 7.5 ± 1.9 52.1 <0.0001*
k (m)1) )0.79 ± 0.01c )0.69 ± 0.01ab )0.80 ± 0.03c )0.58 ± 0.05a )0.75 ± 0.02bc )0.70 ± 0.07ab 14.9 0.0001*
C. hirundinella 155 ± 153bc 266 ± 151ab 94 ± 43bc 1168 ± 287a 174 ± 89bc 243 ± 144ab 5.6 0.0068*
(ind Æ L)1)

ANOVA performed on data that were log transformed.

ANOVA performed on data that were rank transformed.
dwt, dry weight.

Table 3. Summary of predictions on the variation in both the abundance and morphological variation of Ceratium hirundi-
nella. Bold indicates predictions supported by our data.

Factor considered Method C. hirundinella abundance C. hirundinella % of 3+ morph

Turbidity dC vs. sC ANOVA — dC „ sC

dR vs. sR — dR „ sR
Direct consumption by fish dP vs. dR ANOVA dP > dR dP > dR
dC vs. dcR vs. (dC, dcR) > dR > sR (dC, dcR) > dR > sR
dR vs. sR
Predation by invertebrates All Correlation and RDA 1 ⁄  cyclopoid biomass  cyclopoid biomass
1 ⁄  Asplanchna biomass  Asplanchna biomass
Mechanical interference All Correlation and RDA —  cladoceran biomass
with cladocerans
Treatments: dC, deep – control; sC, shallow – control; dR, deep – roach; sR, shallow – roach; dcR, deep – caged roach; dP,
deep – perch; RDA, redundancy analysis.
Dash indicates cases where no specific predictions were made.

each enclosure. Water samples were screened through GF ⁄ C Zooplankton biomass was calculated by genus as in Bertolo
(Whatman International, Maidstone, UK) glass fiber filters et al. (2000). Four cladoceran genera were present in the
(nominal cut-off: 1.2 lm), and chl a content was measured enclosures: Ceriodaphnia, Bosmina, Diaphanosoma, and Daphnia.
spectrophotometrically (Spectronic 501 spectrophotometer; Potential predators of C. hirundinella were the cyclopoids
Milton Roy, Co., Rochester, NY, USA) after grinding the Acanthocyclops and Thermocyclops, the calanoid Eudiaptomus,
filters in acetone (AFNOR 1990). The PAR flux (lmol Æ m)2 and the rotifers Asplanchna. In the statistical analyses, we used
Æ s)1) for the estimation of the light attenuation coefficient (k, these genera separately or we grouped them into calanoids
m)1) was measured at the surface and at 1 m depth with a (adults + copepodites), cyclopoids (adults + copepodites),
GaAsp bleu model Quantum Sensor (University Paris XI, cladocerans, and rotifers. The morphology of C. hirundinella
France). Zooplankton and C. hirundinella were filtered was determined on at least 100 individuals per sample.
through a nylon screen with a 32.5 lm mesh size (Mougel Statistical analysis. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
SAS, Thouaré-sur-Loire, France) anesthetized with carbonated followed by Tukey’s test was used for univariate comparisons.
water, and then fixed in 4% formalin. Counts and measure- Planned contrasts were used to test specific hypotheses. When
ments of zooplankton and of C. hirundinella were made under necessary, data were log(x + 1) or square-root transformed to
a stereomicroscope (Wild M8; Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, normalize the residuals. Percentage data were arcsine trans-
Germany) on four to five subsamples at different dilutions. If formed prior to analysis. If these procedures were not success-
few individuals were present, the whole sample was counted. ful, ANOVAs were conducted on rank-transformed data
We did not use the classical Utermöhl method for counting (Quinn and Keough 2002).
the three morphs of C. hirundinella because the number of We used redundancy analysis (RDA) (CANOCO program,
cells in most cases would have been insufficient to allow version 4.51; ter Braak and Smilauer 2002) to relate variations
precise analyses. in abundance of the three morphs to variations in zooplankton

genera biomass and turbidity (k). Multivariate dependent data

were Hellinger-transformed before the RDA (Legendre and
Gallagher 2001). The variables that contributed most to
explaining the variations were selected using a forward
selection procedure with a cutoff point of a = 0.10. However,
in the final RDA model, we focused on those variables that were
significant at the more conservative a level of 0.05. The
statistical significance of both selected variables and ordination
axes (a = 0.05) were tested by a Monte Carlo permutation test
(n = 9,999). The collinearity between explanatory variables was
controlled by eliminating those variables with a variance
inflation factor (VIF) >10.
Fig. 1. Percent of 2 (with two hypothecal horns; open bars),
3) (with a third rudimentary hypothecal horn; hatched bars),
RESULTS and 3+ (with three well-developed hypothecal horns; filled bars)
Ceratium hirundinella morphs in the different treatments at day
The different treatments significantly affected the 19. s, shallow enclosures; d, deep enclosures; C, control (no fish);
abundance of C. hirundinella (Table 2). The highest R, roach; cR, roach confined into net bags; P, perch. Error bars =
abundances were found in treatment sR, and these ±SD, n = 3.
were significantly greater than abundances in dR,
dC, and dcR (Tukey’s test, a = 0.05). Treatments dP r = 0.50; P = 0.033). However, neither correlation
and sC showed intermediate values and were not was significant at the Bonferroni-corrected a level of
significantly different from any of the other treat- 0.003 (16 univariate pair-wise comparisons were
ments. On average, C. hirundinella abundance was made).
greater in shallow than in deep enclosures (ANOVA The redundancy analysis was significant
contrast: sC, sR vs. dC, dR; F1,16 = 18.8, P = 0.001); (P = 0.0005), and the first axis explained a large
this was also observed for total phytoplankton bio- percentage (89.9%) of the variation in the propor-
mass (i.e., chl a) (ANOVA contrast: F1,16 = 200.1, tions of different morphs (Fig. 2). The second axis
P < 0.0001). C. hirundinella abundance was 1.7 times explained only 0.8% of the variation. The first axis
greater in shallow (sC) than in deep (dC) enclo- clearly separated morph 2 (on the right) vs. morphs
sures with no fish, whereas it was 12.5 times greater 3) and 3+ (on the left) by separating free-ranging
in shallow enclosures with roach (sR) than in deep fish enclosures from the other ones.
ones (dR). This effect of enclosure size on C. hirun- The stepwise selection procedure in the RDA
dinella abundance began as early as 13 d (day 0) model retained the following variables (listed in the
after the enclosures were filled. At day 0, the abun-
dance was 3.2 times greater in shallow (1,966.3 ±
419.0 ind Æ L)1; mean ± SD) than in deep enclo-
sures (604.2 ± 229.0 ind Æ L)1; mean ± SD) (ANOVA
on a random subsample of enclosures taken before
fish were introduced; F1,15 = 31.2, P = 0.0025).
The different treatments had a very strong impact
on the morphology of C. hirundinella (Fig. 1). The
proportion of morph 3+ was significantly reduced in
the presence of free-swimming fish (F5,12 = 30.1,
P < 0.0001; sC, dcR, dC > dR, dP, sR; Tukey’s test,
a = 0.05). We did not find any significant difference
between (i) deep and shallow treatments, (ii) free-
swimming perch and free-swimming roach treat-
ments, (iii) control and caged roach treatments.
Pooling data for the 3+ and 3) morphs led to a simi-
lar result (F5,12 = 72.1, P < 0.0001; sC, dcR, dC > dR,
dP, sR). Both ANOVAs conducted on C. hirundinella
morphology were significant at the Bonferroni-cor-
rected a level of 0.025.
The total abundance of C. hirundinella was not
associated with any of the zooplankton taxa, whereas Fig. 2. Redundancy analysis (RDA) ordination diagram show-
ing the effects of zooplankton biomass and turbidity (k) on the
it was significantly correlated with the light attenua- numbers of 2, 3), and 3+ Ceratium hirundinella morphs on day 19.
tion coefficient k (Spearman’s r = 0.65; P = 0.0048). Dashed arrows represent the vectors of the selected explanatory
These results did not change qualitatively if only variables. Solid lines indicate the approximate location of depen-
large zooplankters (>500 lm) were used in the anal- dent variable centroids. The axis scaling is 1 for dependent and
explanatory variables and 0.42 for sites (i.e., enclosures). Bold
ysis (results not shown). indicates those explanatory variables significant at the 0.05 a-level.
Among the zooplankton taxa, only cyclopoids and s, shallow enclosures; d, deep enclosures; C, control (no fish); R,
calanoids were moderately correlated (Spearman’s roach; cR, roach confined into net bags; P, perch.

same sequence as they were included in the model

with the fraction of the total variation they
explained): Ceriodaphnia (P = 0.0008; 43.7% of the
variation), Daphnia (P = 0.0003; 31.5% of the
variation), Bosmina (P = 0.074; 4.8% of the varia-
tion), k (P = 0.056; 5.0% of the variation),
Asplanchna (P = 0.058; 3.5% of the variation), and
Diaphanosoma (P = 0.086; 2.5% of the variation).
Ceriodaphnia and Daphnia, the only two variables sig-
nificant at the 0.05 a level, jointly accounted for
83% of the total variation explained by the RDA.
The forward selection procedure did not retain
copepod biomass (neither calanoids nor cyclopoids)
as explanatory variables in the model. The biomass
of the four cladoceran genera was mostly associated
with the negative part of the first axis, while
Asplanchna was mostly associated with the second
axis. The attenuation coefficient (k) was mostly asso-
ciated with the second axis and, to a lesser extent,
with the positive part of the first axis. The ordina-
tion clearly showed that morphs 3+ and 3) were
associated with an increase in the biomass of cladoc-
erans, while morph 2 was negatively associated with
this factor. In contrast, greater values of k seemed
only weakly related to an increase in morph 2 num-
bers. Given that the first axis separated treatments Fig. 3. Proportions of 3+ morphs (a) and abundance (ind Æ L)1)
with free-swimming fish (dR, sR and dP; positive (b) of Ceratium hirundinella versus the biomass of cladocerans
part of the axis) from treatment in which fish were on day 19. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients and associ-
absent or caged (dC, sC and dcR; negative part of ated P-values are shown for each panel. Symbols as in Figure 2.
the axis), we ran two separate RDAs on these groups
of treatments. Although this approach reduced both
sample size and the gradient in zooplankton bio-
mass (and thus the power of the test), it allowed us Without excluding that other factors, such as
to analyze the effects of zooplankton and k indepen- water temperature, could also affect the morpholog-
dently of fish occurrence. The first RDA (dR, sR, ical variability of C. hirundinella, our results clearly
and dP) was significant (P = 0.011), and the two confirm that fish can have a strong impact on the
first axes together explained 61.8% of the variation proportions of the different morphs in the absence
in the proportions of different morphs (respectively of any thermal variability. The effects of fish
47.0% and 14.8%). The stepwise selection proce- observed in our experiment are strikingly similar to
dure retained only Daphnia (P = 0.0333; 39.7% of those reported by Hamlaoui et al. (1998), even
the variation) and Ceriodaphnia (P = 0.0396; 22.1% though the experimental designs were different
of the variation). Both genera were associated with (e.g., size and species of fish used). In contrast to
greater proportions of morphs 3) and 3+ (positive the experimental design used by Hamlaoui et al.
portion of the first axis). The second RDA (dC, sC, (1998), our experiment allowed us to better analyze
and dcR) was only marginally significant (P = 0.064) the relationship between the morphological varia-
and had only one canonical axis, which explained tion and the different potential factors, such as the
31.7% of the variation in the proportions of the effects of fish and invertebrate predation, herbivo-
different morphs. The stepwise selection procedure rous zooplankton, and turbidity, without confound-
retained only Daphnia (P = 0.064; 31.7% of the ing these factors (Fig. 4). Our results are admittedly
variation), which was associated with greater correlative; nevertheless, we can offer different lines
proportions of morph 3+ (positive portion of the of evidence to support the notion that the observed
first axis). pattern of C. hirundinella morphology is caused by
Univariate comparisons showed that the pro- food-web-mediated effects and not by direct fish pre-
portion of morph 3+ was positively associated with dation.
total cladoceran biomass (Spearman’s r = 0.82; Effects on C. hirundinella abundance. C. hirundinella
P < 0.0001; Fig. 3a). The proportion of morph 3+ abundance was greater in shallow enclosures than
showed a shift at 70 lg dry weight (dwt) Æ L)1 of in deep enclosures, as was also observed for the
cladocerans. No significant correlation was found total phytoplankton biomass. Light was probably
between the proportion of the 3+ morph and the an important factor controlling phytoplankton
other potential consumers of C. hirundinella or k. biomass in our enclosures (Bertolo et al. 1999a):

Consumption by planktivorous fish: Perch and roach

differ in their ability to capture and retain small par-
ticles. While it is possible that both the 3.0 cm roach
used in the experiment by Hamlaoui et al. (1998)
and the 9.0 cm roach used in our experiment con-
sumed C. hirundinella, it seems very unlikely that
6.0 cm perch consumed it, based on their poor
capability to retain small particles (J. Helm, unpub-
lished data, Nunn et al. 2007). Despite these differ-
ences, perch and roach induced strikingly similar
morphological responses in C. hirundinella in both
experiments. Hence, the hypothesis of a direct
effect of fish predation on the proportion of differ-
ent morphs has little support.
Predation by invertebrate predators: Among the
potential invertebrate predators of C. hirundinella in
our experiment, only Asplanchna was retained in the
RDA model. It has been shown that the presence of
Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the relationships among spines in rotifers can reduce their mortality in the
different factors considered in this study and their effects on the presence of an invertebrate predator such as
relative abundance of three-horned Ceratium hirundinella cells, as
suggested by our mesocosm experiment. Continuous and dotted
Asplanchna (Stemberger and Gilbert 1984), and we
arrows represent positive and negative effects, respectively. Arrow cannot fully discard the hypothesis that the pres-
thickness is proportional to the intensity of the effect. ence of a third horn could benefit C. hirundinella in
the presence of Asplanchna. However, the contribu-
phytoplankton in shallower enclosures were not tion of Asplanchna to the RDA was very small and
light limited and thus increased in biomass. The only marginally significant.
positive, significant correlation between k and Neither the univariate nor the multivariate analy-
C. hirundinella abundance could thus be viewed as ses showed any effect of copepods on C. hirundinella
a bottom-up effect, which also affected the other morphology. Moreover, we did not find any negative
phytoplankton taxa. relationships between copepods and C. hirundinella
In contrast, we did not find any clear pattern abundance. While we cannot exclude the notion that
between the variation of C. hirundinella abundance this result is due to a time lag between the dynamics
and the abundance of fish. These results are at odds of invertebrate predators and C. hirundinella, it seems
with those of Hamlaoui et al. (1998), who deter- more likely that this result is partly due to the low
mined that the abundance of C. hirundinella palatability of C. hirundinella for copepods (Karabin
increased along a gradient of 0+ roach density 1978, Santer and van den Bosch 1994, Santer 1996).
(0, 10, 20, or 40 individuals per enclosure) in 4.5 m Despite the uncertainty about the underlying
deep enclosures identical to ours. On the basis of mechanisms, our results give no support to the idea
our results and those by Hamlaoui et al. (1998), we that invertebrate predators caused high mortality in
have no evidence of a direct control of C. hirundinella C. hirundinella in our enclosures, as previously
abundance by roach or perch. Moreover, the abun- suggested by Hamlaoui et al. (1998). Thus, the
dance of C. hirundinella cells was not correlated to hypothesis that morphological variability in C. hirun-
predator or herbivorous zooplankton abundance, dinella is related to invertebrate predators is not
suggesting that this species was not controlled by supported by our results.
zooplankton-induced mortality in this experiment. Mechanical interference with grazers: The morpho-
Effects on C. hirundinella morphological variation. logical variation of C. hirundinella was clearly related
Turbidity: The RDA showed that the proportions of to the biomass of cladocerans in our experiment.
the different C. hirundinella morphs were only Cladoceran biomass variation was partly confounded
weakly related to variations in turbidity. The contri- by the presence ⁄ absence of fish, since fish had a
bution of this variable to the explained variation direct effect on cladocerans by reducing their mean
was not significant and was small compared to the body size and total biomass. However, since perch
contribution of cladocerans. The variations in fish had a stronger impact on both average size and bio-
biomass and turbidity were confounded only within mass of cladocerans than roach, the effects of fish
a given enclosure depth (i.e., deep or shallow) in and cladocerans were not completely confounded
our study, but these two factors were only weakly (see Table 2). The separate analyses conducted on
correlated when all the treatments were considered ‘‘free-ranging fish’’ and ‘‘fishless’’ enclosures give
together. Thus, there is little support for the strong support to this point.
hypothesis that fish affected the morphological Although it is unlikely that cladocerans con-
variation in C. hirundinella via a top-down effect on sumed C. hirundinella, it is possible that inter-
turbidity in our experiment. actions occurred between the two organisms, as

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