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The cocktail signifies your thirst to learn and by that thirst, life will satisfy you with not

just what
you want but more importantly, that what you really need. Life is not always a sweet-tasting
piece of cake or a walk in the park. it is rather a cocktail, mixed of pleasant and the unpleasant.
Sweet and bitterness. However, it is not for our destruction, but to shape us to become better
individuals for ourselves, for others and for the society.

The egg itself, like the seed, is a symbol of the potential of life. As you embrace the new chapter
of your college life, expect that there will be many trials that will come your way. There will be
many ups and downs, but we are here to guide you with the values and principles that Jose
Maria College wants you to emulate. We will not tarry in reminding and guiding you as you walk
in the highways of life. We will make sure that you reach the other end successful and full of
spirit. This is our promise.


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