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Expansins and cell growth$

Yi Li, Louise Jones and Simon McQueen-Mason

Expansins are now generally accepted to be key regulators of sylases (now known as xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/
wall extension during growth. Several alternative roles for hydrolases [XTHs]) [1,2] and expansins [3], almost
expansins have emerged in which the emphasis of their action is simultaneously entered the pantheon of potential wall-
on wall breakdown or softening in processes such as fruit loosening enzymes. XTHs are attractive wall-loosening
ripening, pollination, germination and abscission. Expansins are candidates because their action involves breaking lin-
commonly encoded by substantial gene families and have kages in the xyloglucan–cellulose network and then re-
classically been divided into two subfamilies, referred to as forming the same linkage in a new position. This action
a- and b-expansins. Two further subfamilies have now been allows the breakage of stress-bearing bonds in the wall
identified: g-expansins, which were first described in (thus increasing extensibility) without impairing overall
Arabidopsis, and d-expansins, which were identified in rice and wall integrity. This review focuses on the role of expan-
are absent from Arabidopsis. Both are truncated versions of sins in cell growth and other wall-associated events, and
a- and b-expansins, with g-expansins representing the amino- also provides an update on expansin sequence diversity.
terminal half of a mature expansin and d-expansins the carboxy-
terminal half of a b-expansin. Functional roles for g- and Expansins induce wall extension during
d-expansins have yet to be defined, although recent data growth
indicate a signalling role for g-expansins. Expansins were identified because of their ability to
restore long-term extension to cell walls that were isolated
Addresses from growing plant tissues [3]. The mechanism of expansin
CNAP, Biology Department, University of York, PO Box 373, action appears to involve the disruption of hydrogen bonds
York YO10 4YW, UK
 between cellulose microfibrils and cross-linking glycans in
the wall [4,5]. Expansins directly induce wall extension
whereas XTHs and glycanases generally do not [6,7],
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2003, 6:603–610 as such a model involving primary and secondary wall-
loosening mechanisms has been proposed [8]. According
This review comes from a themed issue on
Cell Biology
to this model, primary wall-loosening factors such as
Edited by Takashi Hashimoto and Dirk Inzé expansins directly induce turgor-driven wall extension,
whereas secondary wall-loosening factors (such as XTHs
1369-5266/$ – see front matter
and glucanases) modify the structure of the wall, rendering
ß 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
it more responsive to primary wall-loosening events.
DOI 10.1016/j.pbi.2003.09.003
The expansin gene family
The elucidation of the first expansin sequences [9] led to
EST expressed sequence tag the realisation that these proteins are encoded by a sub-
ORF open reading frame stantial multigene family. Indeed the Arabidopsis genome
ROS reactive oxygen species contains 38 open reading frames (ORFs) that encode
XTH xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase
expansin-like proteins, two of which appear to be pseu-
dogenes [10]. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the 38
Introduction ORFs could be separated into three clear subgroups on
Cell growth and cell walls are intimately connected in the basis of protein sequence similarity. The largest sub-
plants. Cell walls have to be extremely strong to bear the group in Arabidopsis, with 26 members, is the a-expansins.
stresses imposed by the internal turgor pressure of plant These are highly similar in sequence to the first expansins
cells, but must also maintain the ability to extend during cloned from cucumber that can induce wall extension in
cell growth. The cellulose–hemicellulose network plays a several different plant tissues [3]. The second largest
leading role in determining the extensibility of cell walls, subfamily is the b-expansins, containing eight ORFs that
and enzymes that act on this network control the process fall into three clear subgroups (b1–b3). b-expansins share
of cell growth. Throughout the 1970s and 80s, it was several conserved features with the a-group, and at least
generally held that glucanases loosen the structure of one b-expansin has been shown to induce the extension of
the wall to allow growth to occur. In the early 1990s, cell walls in maize coleoptiles and silks [11].
two new groups of proteins, xyloglucan endotransgluco-
The g-expansins form the smallest subgroup in Arabidop-
Supplementary material associated with this article can be found at sis with only two representative ORFs. These genes
doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2003.09.003 encode proteins that are significantly shorter than Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2003, 6:603–610

604 Cell biology

Figure 1

96 osaEXPα1.6
74 osaEXPα1.14
82 csaAAB37749
62 osaEXPα1.17
99 osaEXPα1.18
95 athEXPα1.7
92 mquAAF17571
90 osaEXPα1.27
100 athEXPα1.23
100 osaEXPα1.28
99 100 athEXPα1.20
87 100 osaEXPα1.29
75 osaEXPα1.31
90 osaEXPα1.32
98 athEXPα1.26

0.1 osaEXPδ1.9p
99 osaEXPδ1.15
100 osaEXPδ1.18
0.1 100 osaEXPβ1.3
100 osaEXPβ1.5
100 osaEXPβ1.7
97 osaEXPβ1.10
100 osaEXPβ1.13 β1
100 osaEXPβ1.14
85 athEXPβ1.5
63 athEXPβ1.6
73 91 osaEXPβ1.18
100 osaEXPβ2.2
osaEXPβ2.3 β2
89 99 athEXPβ2.3
100 athEXPβ2.2
84 osaEXPβ3.1
athEXPβ3.1 β3
93 osaEXPγ1.2
100 athEXPγ1.2

Current Opinion in Plant Biology

Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2003, 6:603–610

Expansins and cell growth Li, Jones and McQueen-Mason 605

a- and b-expansins, lacking most of the carboxy-terminal the basis of sequence similarity (Figure 2) and phy-
half of the mature protein. A g-expansin-like protein from logenetic analysis, this subfamily (named d-expansins)
Citrus jambhiri lacks expansin activity [12]. A recent appears to have arisen as a result of recent duplication
publication indicates that these proteins might function events associated with a distinct clade of b1-expansins
as natriuretic peptides. Natriuretic proteins function as (Figure 1). We have designated this group as a distinct
peptide hormones that regulate water balance in verte- subfamily because they encode truncated expansins that
brates, and plant analogues that correspond to g-expan- are similar in size to those of the g-subfamily. By contrast,
sins induced osmotic changes in plant protoplasts and the d-expansins encode truncated proteins that have high
stomatal opening, suggesting that they may regulate sequence similarity to the carboxy-terminal half of ex-
water balance in plant cells [13,14]. pansins but that lack the amino-terminal half of these
proteins. We suggest that d-expansins might represent a
Eighty expansin-like ORFs in the rice monocot-specific subgroup that has recently diverged
genome from the b1-subfamily, a hypothesis that is supported
Lee and Kende [15,16] recently examined the rice expan- by Bootstrap analysis. Of the 18 d-expansins in the rice
sin gene family and found a total of 40 expansin-encoding genome, ten occur as a cluster on chromosome 6 (Figure 3)
genes in rice. Now that the complete genome sequence of and six appear to be the result of a recent chromosomal
rice is publicly available, we have been able to ascertain duplication event on chromosome 4. d-expansins possess
the full extent of the rice expansin gene family and to a short amino-terminal signal peptide of about 24 amino
compare it with that of Arabidopsis. BLAST searches of the acids, as predicted by SignalP V2.0, suggesting that they
rice genome revealed a total of 80 ORFs that encode are secreted proteins that have potential wall-related
expansin-like proteins, compared to the 38 in Arabidopsis. functions. It has been proposed that the carboxy-terminal
Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis revealed half of canonical expansins share similarity with cellulose-
that the majority of the predicted rice proteins fit into the binding domains [9], and thus it seems likely that d-
subfamilies and subgroups previously defined for the expansins interact with wall components. At present, the
Arabidopsis expansin family (Figure 1). The biochemistry function of d-expansins is unknown, but it is worth noting
of only a few expansins has been characterised, and so we that all but four are represented in expressed sequence
use a purely sequence-based systematic nomenclature for tags (ESTs) from a rice panicle cDNA library. The most
expansins [10]. This nomenclature uses a three-letter abundant d-expansins in this library were OsaExpd1.14
species identification (e.g. Osa for Oryza sativa) followed and OsaExpd15, which are represented by 21 ESTs
by the group annotation (a, b, g or d) and a number (these two genes are difficult to distinguish as they differ
representing the subgroup. A table listing accession num- by just one nucleotide).
bers for the rice ORFs presented in Figure 1 is available
online as Supplementary Material. The a-expansin sub- The existence of the g- and d-expansins is intriguing
family is of similar size in rice and Arabidopsis (32 and 27 because the g-expansins are truncated proteins that
members, respectively). Within the a-subfamily, there are lack the carboxy-terminal half of the canonical a- and
some clearly defined orthologous subsets; for example, the b-expansin groups, whereas the d-expansins lack the
subset formed by OsaExpa1.27 and OsaExpa1.28 is ortho- amino-terminal half. Is it possible that canonical expan-
logous to that formed by AthExpa1.22 and AthExpa1.23. sins incorporate two functional domains that maintain
The b-expansins in rice fall within the three recognised biological activity of some sort when expressed indepen-
subgroups (b1–b3) [10]. Rice and Arabidopsis both have dently? Alternatively, these truncated expansin-like pep-
just a single orthologous member of the b3 group and tides, g-expansins in particular, might have evolved
both have three paralogous members of the b2 group. Rice signalling functions [9]. The ancestral form of expansins
possesses 20 b1-expansins, however, compared to just six appears to have existed as the full-length protein exhib-
in Arabidopsis. ited by the a- and b-subfamilies, which are similar in size
to the small expansin-like gene family identified in
A new subfamily of expansin sequences Dictyostelium discoideum [10]. From the phylogenetic
Rice possesses a hitherto unrecognised group of expansin- analysis, it is clear that the g-expansins are an ancient
like sequences that are not found in Arabidopsis. On subgroup that have representatives in all land plants,

(Figure 1 Legend) Phylogenetic analysis of the expansin gene family in rice and Arabidopsis. Datasets were created from a master alignment by
removing the regions containing gaps (i.e. ambiguous alignment regions). Distance methods used Protdist with a PAM250 substitution matrix,
and trees were constructed from the matrices using Fitch (Fitch-Margoliash method) in the Phylip3.5c software package. Bootstrap analyses were
carried out with 1000 replicates using the neighbour-joining algorithm. Three sub-trees were constructed on the basis of maximum amino-acid
positions shared in each group, and were appended to the backbone tree as indicated by broken lines. Only bootstrap values of more than 60% are
indicated. All branches are drawn to scale, as indicated by the scale bar showing 0.1 substitutions per site. Major plant taxonomic divisions are
indicated by colour: Arabidopsis thaliana and two additional cucumber sequences, black; Oryza sativa (japonica), green; pines, blue; ferns,
orange; and bryophytes, red. Species-specific identifiers are as follows: Ath, Arabidopsis thaliana; Csa, Cucumis sativa; Mqu, Marsilea quadrifolia;
Osa, rice (Oryza sativa); Ppa, Physcomitrella patens; Pra, Pinus radiata and Pta, Pinus taeda. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2003, 6:603–610

606 Cell biology

Figure 2

Signal peptide

δ  OsaExpδ1.14 --------------MASLSSFRLAVAVAALLVVGSCA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

δ  OsaExpδ1.14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------TELTFKVAEGS--SASSLELVTNVA----ISEVEIKEKGG
 AthExpγ1.1 FDRACGR--TVDVKVVDFCRE-------------PCNGDLNLSRDAFRVIANT---------DAGNRVVYTPI----------------------------------------------
γ  OsaExpγ1.5 VPNPCGG--TVTVKIVDRCPSP------------GCTSTLDLSREAFAAIGNL---------DAGRVIDYNQV----------------------------------------------

 AthExpγ1.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
γ  OsaExpγ1.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Canonical expansin (α or β)



Signal peptide

Current Opinion in Plant Biology

(a) Protein sequence alignment of selected members of the various subgroups of expansins. (b) Diagrammatic representation of the relative
sizes of the g- and d- groups compared to those of the canonical a- and b-expansins.

whereas the d-expansins have a recent origin having and require considerable amounts of protein. The pro-
arisen from a subgroup of the b1-expansins. duction of active recombinant expansins has proven lar-
gely unsuccessful. Most information on expansin activity
Expansin biochemistry originates from the cucumber a-expansin CsExp1, which
Studies of expansin activity have generally involved the appears to induce wall extension by disrupting hydrogen
use of fairly crude protein extracts, which reveal little bonds between cellulose fibrils and cross-linking glycans
about the molecular details of expansin action. Several [4,5]. CsExp1 has been shown to induce the extension of
factors have limited the research carried out in this area. composites of cellulose microfibrils and xyloglucans but
Expansins are difficult to purify, they are not typically not of composites containing other cross-linking glucans,
abundant and most tissues express more than one closely suggesting that it has a high degree of substrate specificity
related isoform. This is compounded by expansin assays [17]. Whether all a-expansins operate in the same way
that require a dedicated apparatus, are time-consuming and are specific for the cellulose/xyloglucan network is not

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Expansins and cell growth Li, Jones and McQueen-Mason 607

Figure 3

δ1.7 δ1.6p
δ1.3 δ1.5 δ1.1 δ1.8p δ1.4 δ1.2p δ1.16 δ1.17
45 kb 3 kb 2 kb 7 kb 10 kb 4 kb

δ1.11 δ1.13 δ1.15
15 kb 9 kb AL606599

95% 97% 99%

15 kb 8 kb AL662972
δ1.9p δ1.12 δ1.14
Current Opinion in Plant Biology

Diagrammatic representations of the chromosomal locations of d-expansin genes in the rice genome. All are present on either chromosome 4 or 6.
(a) Ten d-expansin genes are located in a cluster on chromosome 6. (b) There are two nearly identical clusters of 25 kb on chromosome 4, each
having three d-expansin genes, indicating a local chromosomal duplication event. The percentage predicted amino acid similarities are indicated.

yet clear, but we have successfully detected expansin rant primordia, although these primordia did not grow on
activity from a range of dicot [18,19,20] and grass species to form normal leaves. It was subsequently shown that the
[21] using pure cellulose/xyloglucan composites. localised induction of expansin transgene expression on
the flanks of tobacco vegetative meristems not only
Even less is known about the b-expansins, which were induced the appearance of primordia but also reiterated
initially investigated as group I pollen allergens from the whole process of leaf development, giving rise to
grasses because they are abundantly released from phenotypically normal leaves [20]. In addition, expansin
hydrating pollen grains and partly responsible for pollen transcripts appear in the early stages of primordium
allergies. Cosgrove et al. [11] showed that extracts development in tomato plants [28], suggesting that they
enriched for group I pollen allergens possess expansin play a similar role in initiating this process in vivo.
activity, inducing the extension of maize silks and wheat
coleoptiles but not cucumber hypocotyl walls. This Recent reports have also indicated a similar role for
strongly suggests that b-expansins have a similar activity expansins in the initiation and development of root hairs.
but different substrate specificity to a-expansins. In this The presence of expansin in the bulges initiating root hair
context, it is notable that there are generally greater outgrowth from root epidermal cells in maize was shown
numbers of b-expansins in grass species than in dicots, using immuno-localisation [29], and a similar pattern was
and it has been suggested that this may reflect the observed using reporter fusions to promoters from two
differences in wall composition between these groups Arabidopsis expansin genes [30].
of species [15].
If expansins play a key role in plant growth, then it might
Expansins and growth be predicted that increasing or decreasing expansin
Expansins were identified because of their ability to expression will affect this process. Several reports have
induce wall extension, and the role of expansins in growth shown increased growth of transgenic plants that over-
has been generally accepted. Initial studies [3] showed express expansins [31,32]. This is not always apparent,
that expansin activity in cucumber hypocotyls was only however. For example, Rochange et al. [33] reported
extractable from actively growing tissues. Subsequent decreased growth in tomato plants that expressed high
studies have generally supported this observation, high- levels of recombinant cucumber expansins, and this was
lighting a positive correlation between the presence of apparently associated with compensatory decreases in
expansin activity, epitopes or transcripts and growth wall extensibility.
rates [22–27].
Expansin mutants
Some of the most compelling evidence for the role of We have obtained mutants lines that have T-DNA inser-
expansins in growth has been provided by a series of tions in several different Arabidopsis expansin genes and
experiments that examined the effects of expansins on have yet to see a pronounced phenotype in any of these
the production of leaf primordia in vegetative meristems. plants. Similar outcomes have been reported elsewhere
Fleming et al. [28] showed that topical applications of [34]. Moreover, it has been reported that knockout
expansins to discrete regions on the flanks of tomato mutations in several expansin genes in the moss Physco-
vegetative meristems could lead to the initiation of aber- mitrella patens caused no clear phenotype [35]. One Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2003, 6:603–610

608 Cell biology

clear reason that may account for this apparent lack of result of changes in expansin expression. Although the
phenotype is the possibility of functional redundancy mechanisms of expansin-induced fruit softening remain
within the expansin family, as has been reported in other obscure, ripening-associated expansins have now been
multi-gene families. Hence, it may be necessary to stack identified in a range of different fruits [19,42–44].
mutations in several related expansin genes to generate
phenotypic changes. At least six different expansin genes are expressed in
differentiating tracheary elements in Zinnia cell cultures
Growth without expansins? [45,46]. The expansins described by Im et al. [45] appear
A recent report has indicated that expansins may not to be associated with the intrusive growth of protoxylem
be required for plant growth in the grass Festuca pratensis, elements in Zinnia stems. In contrast, those reported
in which transcript accumulation for neither a- nor by Milioni et al. [46] appear to be expressed during
b-expansins correlated with regions of leaf cell expansion the differentiation of the cultured mesophyll cells
[21]. Similarly, in F. pratensis, assays of a-expansin into tracheary elements, suggesting that they may be
activity and Western analysis indicated low expansin involved either in secondary wall formation or primary
concentrations in the most rapidly growing tissues, with wall disassembly.
levels actually increasing as growth rates decreased.
In-situ RNA hybridisation studies of a- and b-expansin Abscission involves wall breakdown, and Cho and
genes in the grass leaves indicated that the expression of Cosgrove [30] showed that the AthExpa1.1 (AtExp10)
these genes was largely confined to developing vascular promoter drove the expression of the b-glucuronidase
tissues. Interestingly, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are (GUS) reporter gene at the base of the petioles (as
capable of inducing substantial wall extension in maize well as in other organs) of transgenic Arabidopsis. These
(i.e. another grass) coleoptiles in vitro, and inhibitors of authors therefore suggested that this expansin might be
ROS production can block auxin-induced growth and involved in petiole abscission, although there appears to
wall extension in these tissues [36]. Similarly, ROS have be no petiole abscission zone in Arabidopsis. In support of
been shown to be necessary for the growth of maize this, we have identified an expansin transcript that is
leaves [37]. The mechanism of ROS-induced wall induced in response to ethylene specifically in the petiole
extension probably involves the scission of wall poly- abscission zones of Sambucus nigra. The expression of this
saccharides [38]. Taken together, these data suggest transcript is accompanied by an increase in expansin
that growth (and wall extension) may occur without activity in the same tissues (S McQueen-Mason, J
expansins in some organs of some plants. Roberts, E Belfield, unpublished data). Similarly, Chen
and Bradford [47] showed that an expansin is closely
Wall softening and breakdown associated with endosperm weakening during the germi-
Several roles of expansins that do not involve wall expan- nation of tomato seeds. Once again, this process involves
sion have emerged. Cosgrove et al. [11] showed that a wall breakdown and weakening rather than growth. As
b-expansin from maize pollen has expansin activity on previously noted [48], there appears to be a common
maize silks. This protein is released from hydrating pollen posse of wall-modifying enzymes, be they associated with
grains onto the surface of the stigma and is proposed to wall expansion or breakdown, that are expressed in tis-
soften stigmatic tissues, thus facilitating penetration by sues undergoing wall modifications that involve the cel-
the pollen tube. Interestingly, it was recently shown that a lulose hemicellulose network. These enzymes include
similar (but in this case pistil-specific) b-expansin is expansins, XTHs and glucanases.
expressed at high concentrations at the stigmatic surface
of tobacco during pollination [39], suggesting that this Conclusions and future directions
role for some b-expansins is conserved between dicots It is over a decade since expansins were first identified.
and grasses. These past years have seen a consolidation of the view that
expansins play a major role in cell-wall extension during
Furthermore, several reports have shown that expansins growth, although there are tantalising indications that they
are expressed abundantly in softening fruit, differentiat- might not always be completely necessary for this process.
ing vascular tissues and abscission zones. Rose et al. [40] It has also become increasingly apparent that expansins
characterised an expansin that is expressed exclusively are involved in a range of other wall-related processes
during fruit softening in tomato. Reduced expression of beyond cell expansion. Several serious challenges remain
this expansin in transgenic plants gave rise to fruit that to be tackled in this area. First, we need to know more
softened more slowly, whereas overexpressing the gene about expansin biochemistry: do all expansins work by
led to more rapid softening [41]. It was suggested that the disrupting bonds between wall polymers? Do they all work
role of the expansin in fruit softening might be to facil- on cellulose-associated cross-linking glycans? What are the
itate the breakdown of glucan wall components; how- substrate specificities of different expansins? Second, we
ever, analysis of the transgenic tomatoes offered no clear need to determine the reasons for the existence of such a
evidence of enhanced or reduced wall breakdown as a large gene family encoding these proteins.

Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2003, 6:603–610

Expansins and cell growth Li, Jones and McQueen-Mason 609

Finally, some intriguing questions relating to the evolu- The authors elucidate the complete expansin gene family in Arabidopsis
by comprehensive phylogenetic analysis and demonstrate the presence
tionary origins of expansins have been raised. Li et al. of three distinct expansin subgroups.
[10] identified a small family of genes that encode
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stages of its life cycle. This suggests a common origin for with citrus blight has sequence similarities to expansin.
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the question of whether all organisms that have cellulosic 13. Maryani MM, Bradley G, Cahill DM, Gehring CA: Natriuretic
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only in the Eukarya. It is therefore not surprising to find role for this subfamily of expansins in regulating cell water relations.
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information becomes available, it will be fascinating to 130:1396-1405.
The authors describe the expression patterns of expansins in the inter-
see if expansin-like genes are present in other lower nodes, leaves, coleoptiles, and roots of deepwater rice. Ten a-expansins
Eukaryotic species. and three expansin-like genes were detected. Correlations between
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Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2003, 6:603–610

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