Mid Term

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Mid Term

Mid-Term Exam

Joshua D. Solorza

Dr. Lankford

Wayland Baptist University

1. Discuss the typical terrorist organization from the stand point of: a. Leadership, b. Types
of Followers, c. Cell Structure, d. Operational Security, e. How Financed? Most terrorist
organizations have a highly organized infrastructure and chain of command. They have
many facets that allow them to operate freely and successfully with minimal
interruptions. One facet of a typical terrorist organization is the leadership. Leadership
in a terrorist organization offer guidance and structure. Most individuals in leadership
positions in a typical terrorist organization are people of power and intellect. They
usually have a lot of money and education and are very good at manipulating gullible
people. For example, Osama Bin Laden and Dr. Zawahiri, have built a highly efficient
terrorist organization by placing key leaders around the world to head different cells and
subgroups. Some of these key leaders are individuals such as Saif al-Adel, Abu Ayyub al-
Masri, Abu Jihad al-Masri, and so forth. Bin Ladin and Dr. Zawahiri have each hand
picked their fellow leaders that fall under the command of Bin Laden or Zawahiri. They
are all each responsible for certain areas or countries but all get their orders from both
Bin Laden and Zawahiri. Just like the highly organized United States Military, the
terrorist organizations have rank and leadership as well. Bin Laden and Dr. Zawahiri are
like the generals in the pentagon, and their handpicked leaders are like the colonels in
charge of the brigades. Each Brigade is than broken down into battalions, platoons and
squads that all have a chain of command. When Osama makes an order or plans an
attack, he is expecting his commanders and foot soldiers to carry out his orders without
him having to really put any personnel effort into it except for thinking of it.
2. 1B. The type of followers that make up these organizations range from highly intelligent
educated individuals, to gullible, uneducated, ignorant teenagers and young men.
Although, many do say that most of the individuals working for these groups are
educated healthy young men, who are very faithful to their religion and easily
persuaded by their peers. These followers are very disciplined and motivated to carry
out their assignments. This is what makes al-Qaeda and other organizations so
dangerous. They are really not paid that well and do not have the same type of
incentives we have, but they rely on the propaganda fed to them by their leaders to feel
Mid Term

like they are somewhat important in this war and have a role. One story I can think of
when talking about this subject, was when my squad and I responded to a failed vehicle
borne IED (VBIED). The car did ignite and only half of the explosion went off. The
terrorist was seriously wounded and near death, when the EOD robot reached the
individual to clear the vehicle of secondary explosions. The terrorist looked into his
camera and said in Arabic that he had been betrayed; that they lied to him and filled his
head with false prophesies and jargon. He said that he had regretted what he had done
and that they feel them with lies. The individual died a few seconds later and many of us
are not sure exactly to what or who he was referring, but maybe he had a near death
experience and saw the truth. We will not know what he was really speaking of it till the
time of judgment, but I just thought I would mention that story as it has had an impact
on me and hopefully will on you.
3. 1C. In the text we learn of the different types of cells that make up a terrorist
organization and which are the most dangerous and why. In a typical terrorist
organization multiple cells must exist in curtain matrixes to make attacks happen. We
have been able to put together very sophisticated ways to track these cells and link who
works for which one and how the operate and affect each other. From this information
we know that operational cell cannot function without the auxiliary cell, or the
intelligence cell. We also know that the sleeper cell and the hit squad is the most
dangerous and unpredictable. Before the 9/11 attacks a counter terrorist expert wrote a
report to than Secretary of Defense Rice warning that there might be al-Qaeda sleeper
cells in the U.S. planning a high profile attack. These reports where not taken as serious
as they should have been, but soon after the attack the FBI made it their priority to
search for and shut down these sleeper cells. It was estimated that there are still about
5,000 individuals that are linked to al-Qaeda and considered sleepers. The operational
cell performs the clandestine activities, and carries out most of the work. The
intelligence cell contains individual who are trained to perform reconnaissance and
surveillance, and provides this information to all other cells for operations purposes.
The auxiliary cells provides all the material and logistics and funding for all other cells to
4. 1D. OPSEC in any organization is Vidal and crucial to the mission. We do not want our
enemy to know our TTP’s and we have certain firewalls and protocols to prevent this.
The enemy uses similar but less sophisticated tactics to maintain the integrity of their
operational security. They use such technology as cell phones, internet, TV stations,
propaganda such as videos and flyers, and word of mouth. These groups use throw
away cells phones or pre-paid phones. This allows them to use it only once and then be
able to throw them away without being traced. They use encrypted email and chat
rooms to communicate and spread their message. Terrorist groups love to have their
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attacks broadcasted on World and local news to show the people the capabilities of
their cause. If terrorist groups were not aware of importance of opsec, than we would
have no problem tracking them and bringing them down. But because they know the
significance of opsec they practice it very well.
5. 1E. finally we ask the main question, how do these radical groups finance and maintain
their organizations? Believe it or not, these organizations are backed by billions and
bankrolled by foreign governments, charitable organizations, the exploitation of
financial markets, and a number of other sources. These organizations need lots of
money to start up training camps, train the terrorist, recruit through the use of Islamic
propaganda, by conventional and unconventional weapons, gather intelligence and
supply all its operations around the world. Foreign governments such as Iran, Saudi
Arabia, and other Muslim countries poor in billions of dollars each year to build Muslim
schools, Mosque, and other things that allow for breeding the global terrorist we are
fighting today. Saudi Arabia has a huge sect of Muslims who practice Wahhabism ,
which is the most extreme form of Islam and is practiced by Osama Bin Laden. They use
their money to spread this teaching of Wahhabism all over the world. Terrorist also
form business alliances with drug cartels and huge mafia organizations that all prosper
from the illegal activity they practice. Afghanistan is one of the world’s largest opium
exporters and uses all its opium profits to fund terrorism. Also, you would not believe
me if I told you but we at as Americans contribute millions of dollars a year to terrorist
organizations. We are very generous with our money and love to donate for a better
cause. Much of the money we donate to Middle Eastern charities never reaches the
people it is suppose to. A lot of it is pocketed by politicians and their terrorist counter
parts. If we can somehow figure out how to put a stop to their funding operations than
maybe we can have a much bigger impact on the war on terror than we are having now.

2. Who was convicted of the first World Trade Center bombing, and discuss the
evidence that convicted the perpetrator? b. How was the operation financed and
planned? c. Was it a conspiracy? d. How were the events of September 11, 2001
connected to the first World Trade Center bombing? Four individuals where convicted
of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing that killed six people and injured more than
one thousand. The four individuals convicted where Mohammed Salameh, Nidal Ayyad,
Mahmud Abohalima, and Mohammed Ahmad Aja. A fifth, Bilai Alkaisi, was still awaiting
trial, while two others, Ramzi Yousef described by the prosecution as the “evil genius”
behind the plot, and Abdul Yasin, remained at large with rewards of $2,000,000 being
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offered for information leading to their arrest. After the bombing happened the damage
was catastrophic and rescue crews were unable to reach the site right away. The blast
destroyed hundreds of cars and caused an elliptical shape explosion that caused
damage to both towers and made a whole about five stories deep. It busted all the
electrical and sewage systems which caused a lot of the evidence to be destroyed. But
one lucky ATF agent armed with only a flash light found a piece of evidence that would
put all the pieces together and find all the perpetrators involved. He found a piece of
vehicle with an unreadable identification number on it that the FBI would later claim
belonged to a rental company that had a report of a stolen rental vehicle. The Vehicle
belonged to Salameh and would later lead to a very complex investigation that would
leave many wondering what really happened. There might have been a lot of cover up
and conspiracy but the truth is still yet to be. Many claim that the 100,000 dollars to
fund the operation was backed by the Palestinian government which was upset with the
U.S. and our involvement with the Israelis. Other would say there was a direct link with
Osama Bin Ladin and the 9/11 attacks. The link was made through Ramzi Yusuf’s uncle
Khalid Sheik Mohammed. Most of the individuals convicted had no way of carrying out
an operation so big and also had alibis that where concrete. Weather this was a
conspiracy or not, the damage was catastrophic and would lead to the current situation
we are facing this very moment.

3.Discuss Bernadine Dohrn's recent involvement in the financing of the "running of

Israel's ship blockade by HAMAS sympathizers--the blockade is to prevent rockets and other
war material from being used by the Palestinians. b. Discuss the history of Bill Ayers's and
Bernadine Dohrn's involvement in the co-founding of the Weather Underground, a U.S.
domestic terror organization. c. Discuss Ayers's and Dohrn's criminal trial in Federal Court for
the bombings of the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol, and the New York City Police Headquarters

Bernadine Dohrn and William Ayers recently helped organize the free Gaza movement which
tried to get six ships across to Israel which ended up in violence. Dohorn and two others were
spotted in Egypt trying to stir up a crowd in support of the free Gaza movement. The Egyptian
government was unwilling to allow all the protestors to enter the Gaza strip. Later the Egyptian
government allowed only a small group of 100 protestors to come across to the Gaza strip.
Dohorn was later caught arguing with fellow protesters on whether they should accept the
Egyptians offer, she was quoted saying, “Dohrn said that the principle of ‘All or none’ was a
miserable one for activist politics. You always took what you could get and kept fighting for
more. A European man in a red keffiyeh screamed at her that she was serving the Fascisti. Her
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partner Bill Ayers gently confronted him and asked him why he was so out of control. Between
getting on and off the bus, Dohrn, who wore a flower in her hair, said that she didn’t like the
absolutist certainty of the people on the other side of the police barricades, and having been in
the Weather Underground, she knew something about absolutist feeling.” (WOE, 2010).
Williams was actually the founder of the weather Underground Organization, which was
responsible for multiple bombings on federal installations. Doharn later married Williams and
became a member and co-founder of the Weather Underground organization. They are both
highly educated individuals that currently hold high profile jobs at their current position. They
have never been charged for any of the crimes committed by their organization even though
many think they should have. They still have a lot of influence and power in their current
positions, and still take part in many politically motivated issues. They have been loosely linked
to President Barak Obama but know solid factual evidence has been found to back it up. They
were highly sought after and on the run from the authorities for multiple reasons. After turning
themselves in 1980 most of the charges were dropped due to prosecutorial misconduct, but
she did plead guilty to a few misdemeanors and served a minimal jail sentence and probation.
Williams admitted to the bombings but because of the statutes of limitations he was never
convicted of the crimes.


4. Discuss Islamic extremist’s common hatred for the "big Satan," the U.S. and the "little Satan,"
Israel. b. Discuss "In February, 1998, bin Ladin announced a new terrorist alliance, the
"International Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders." d. Who makes up the "al-
Zarqawi network"?

Islamic Extremist claim that they are only defending themselves from the influences and
violence the West brings. We are considered the big Satan and Israeli because it is our ally in
living in the holy land is the little Satan. The terrorist have written and proclaimed much
propaganda about how we plunder its riches, humiliate and dictate to its rulers, humiliating its
people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases into a spearhead to fight all Muslims in
the Middle East. They simply are saying that we brought this war upon ourselves and that they
are just defending themselves. Osama Bin Laden uses the phrase an eye for an eye. The
Muslims do not like the Jews one bit and considers them the little Satan who they claim has no
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right to the holy land. When the Jews moved back to Jerusalem many Muslims where made
homeless and where forced to move, Islamic extremist vow to kill all Americans and their fellow
crusaders the Jews at any chance they get. "But when the forbidden months are past, then
fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for
them in every stratagem (of war)"; and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad Bin-'Abdallah,
who said: I have been sent with the sword between my hands to ensure that no one but Allah is
worshipped, Allah who put my livelihood under the shadow of my spear and who inflicts
humiliation and scorn on those who disobey my orders. Osama Bin Laden is giving his
justification and authority to declare war on the United States and its allies. He is using
scripture and theology to justify his radical ideas of killing innocent people in the name of Islam
and to promote Sharia law in every place. He claims that Democracy and Sharia law can never
co-exist and that everyone should convert to Islam or pay homage. Osama finish of his
declaration with this quote, Almighty Allah also says: "So lose no heart, nor fall into despair. For
ye must gain mastery if ye are true in faith." His words are directly from the Quran and many
young followers and supporters and moved by this message. Zarqawi was the founder of al-
Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), he was said to have officially joined al-Qaeda in 2004 after extreme
confrontations and meeting with senior leaders of al-Qaeda. Many would say that Zarqawi and
Osama butted heads and did not like nor agree with each other. Zarqawi had an extreme hatred
for Shiite Muslims and Osama’s mother was a Shiite. After much controversy and distrust the
two finally united and Zarqawi started al-Qaeda in Iraq, which would give al-Qaeda the front on
the propaganda that al-Qaeda was in direct combat with U.S. Forces. Many of the attacks AQI
did where on Shiite Muslims and not on the American soldiers. AQI was not following the exact
orders of al-Qaeda and had their own agenda. After much disgust and disappointment with
AQI, Osama had its leader Zarqawi given up and was killed in a U.S. air strike.

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