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Kyle Broussard

KINE 5301 Current Trends and Issues Final Paper

This document is the Current Trends and Issues Final Paper. You are required to complete 5 writing
assignments below for a total of 100 points. Answer the questions in this Word document, leaving the questions
in the document as well. Save the completed Word document and submit it as an attachment via Canvas.

1. List the top five new things you learned in this course, ranked according to their relevance to your
occupation. Why was it so important to you? Had you ever considered it before? (MINIMUM 100 words
per “new thing you learned”, MAXIMUM 200 words per “new thing you learned”) 20 points

1. Title IX. Right now this is probably the most important topic regarding my career in college athletics. I
knew a little about what it covered already. In this class I learned truly how serious it is, and how
important it is to investigate, and report situations that fall under the category like sexual assault cases. It
does not matter how big or small the incident is, or who the player is. If someone comes to you and tells
you they were assaulted by one of your players. You need to encourage that person to report it to the
police, and you immediately report it to the appropriate people on campus, and have emails that prove
you reported it. Never ever try to cover it up. In Larry’s presentation I discovered that scholarships have
to be divided equally between men’s and women’s sports. So if there are 150 both are required to get 75
each. However, this is the tricky part I learned if it only takes 59 scholarships for all women’s sports to
be fully funded. Then the men can only use 59 even if all their sports are not fully funded. Did not know
that. (197)

2. Burnout amongst coaches. I learned this through Ramiro’s presentation. With the sheet he gave us to
feel out to judge our burnout level mine were extremely high. In the burnout section I scored on
moderate on the burnout level, but on both the depersonalization and personal achievement sections I
scored in the high-level of burnout. I personally could have told you that, because I felt myself
becoming burned out throughout the year. I learned in his presentation that my self-efficacy was a
problem that was causing that. The lower it got, the higher the risk of burnout I experienced. Ramiro
mentioned that to help from becoming burned out we you have to give yourself a break from your job,
and focus on things that you enjoy. Hobbies you have that have nothing to do with your job can help
reduce burnout potential. I discover I has a problem of not being able to separate my personal life
problems, and my job problems. I would go home and be stressed about things, and then I would bring
those with me onto the field and add to the stress I faced there. (191)

3. NCAA and paying of athletes. This is a hot topic. Right now it does not have an effect on me, but it
could potentially. It was mentioned in class that the NCAA makes over a billion dollars each year on
march madness, and over $400 million on the major bowl games just on TV rights. All of that money
they make during those events cover DII and DIII sports, so what happens when they begin to pay
athletes, or when the power five conferences break off and begin to the model of having club sports
where they can pay the players to play for them. That club sport would not be a part of the NCAA. In
both of these the NCAA is losing money. They will probably will have to make budget cuts. Will that
mean by cutting DII and DIII athletics? If so there goes tons of coaching jobs. If they pay athletes how
will that affect Title IX, because football and men’s basketball are the sports that make the money. DI
athletes getting paid could possibly affect future jobs, and the pay of jobs for me at the DIII level. (194)
Kyle Broussard

KINE 5301 Current Trends and Issues Final Paper

4. Sports Specialization could be a big topic for me. As mentioned in a few presentations sports
specialization at a young age can hurt player’s development as athletes. Dr. Walker mentioned that he
puts his kid in different sports so he makes friends with different cultural backgrounds. To me that is
important, because once you are done playing a sport you have to fit in with others in the world, and if a
kid is use to one group of people it may be difficult. Throwing a baseball is not a natural movement, so a
kid that plays baseball year around with no breaks is at risk for serious arm problems. Burnout can also
occur. As a coach I prefer a kid who played multiple sports, because he brings athletics abilities that he
learned in other sports to the field. Also I feel if a kid has specialized in baseball since before he was a
freshman then he may be getting close to being the best he will ever be skill wise. Kids who play other
sports will develop more, and have a higher ceiling in my opinion. (188)

5. With gambling on sports being legal now it could raise the chance of more games being fixed, especially
at the college level. Athletes who make no money could be approached about making money by fixing a
game. Even now family members may try to sway players to have a bad game, because they bet on the
game and want to make some easy cash. I do not see it being a problem at the DIII level. The problem I
could see is since it is legal players think they can now bet on games, and that is against the NCAA
rules, so it will be interesting to see if players get in trouble over that. What is stopping coaches from
placing a bet through someone then controlling the minuets of their start players? This just raises so
many more concerns for the NCAA to govern. Even though there were chances of this before, gambling
of sports being legal just creates more opportunities. However, Dr. Walker mentioned that bookies are
usually the first to notice when a game is being fixed, so with it being legal more eyes could be on
potential max fixings. (194)

2. Please view and read all of the following stories, then write separate response papers addressing ONLY
TWO (2) of them. Make sure to link your response to information from the course so that I can use this as a
test of your knowledge. (MINIMUM 500 words each, MAXIMUM 700 words each) 20 points each (40
points total)

a. Read this article and this follow-up article. If you answer this prompt, include enough information on
the articles that I know you have read them. What sort of social media policies will you have for your
sports and exercise organization or team? Will you have guidelines for employees/players? If you ran
the team, what do you do with the players in question? (Look up online articles if needed.)

This is a topic that is truly hard to govern. As a coach or athletic department you can create guidelines
that students and employees must follow, but it is hard to truly keep an eye on all of the social media
outlets. It seems like every year there is a new that is becomes popular. The most popular are
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. For the most social media outlets you can see what
people are posting, and commenting for the most part, but apps like snapchat is extremely difficult to
govern. The messages they send disappear, so it can be hard to know if someone accuses them of
inappropriate material, because they may not have proof of what was said. On snapchat people can
even control who sees stories they post, so if you do have someone following them to keep an eye,
they can just choose for that person not to see their snap stories. Along with that when I was in college
I remember a few apps that allowed you to create an account that was anonymous., and you could post
anything you wanted really. That app was called Yik Yak. Then there are dating apps like tinder that
are basically, so people can find someone to do certain deed with. I personally think it would be hard
to have strict rules on social media, and impossible to say that the students cannot have social media
Kyle Broussard

KINE 5301 Current Trends and Issues Final Paper

all together. As seen in the two articles covering Bryan Colangelo of the 76ers. It was reported by the
ringer that he was controlling five face accounts on twitter. His wife came out and said she was the
one who made the accounts, but people question that. The accounts criticized players Joel Embiid,
Jahil Okafor, and Nerlens Noel who were players on the 76ers. One account called Embiid out about
not telling coaches about his knee being hurt, and that is the reason he had to have surgery. The
accounts even took shots at the coaching staff, and the former general manger. Leaked information
regarding a trade to acquire the number one pick. An account with the name Eric Jr. talked about
medical information regarding Okafor that was never made public. The article Ben Detrick wrote even
mentions the blunder Kevin Duran had with a fake twitter account. This is why I say it believe it
would be extremely hard, and maybe even impossible to say they cannot have social media altogether.
Nothing is stopping the students from making fake accounts. Just this year I found out about this thing
called Finsta. Which is where people make another Instagram account that is fake. They use fake
names, set it on private, and only let people they know follow it. In this account they post things they
would not post on their other account. Even though it would be difficult to control fake and
anonymous accounts I would still place guidelines on social media. At the beginning of each year I
would hold a meeting with my athletes and bring someone in to discuss social media, and cover things
they should not do. Ultimately I would tell the students that what you do and say on social media
reflects back on you, your family, and the university. It is important to act the same way on social
media as you would act in public with your family. The guidelines would cover things such as the use
or talking of drugs, foul language, inappropriate pictures or comments, cyber bulling, and things that
go against NCAA, conference, university, and team rules. I would have each player sign a sheet that
has all the guidelines on it. I will probably be a coach that gives second chances and maybe third
chances to students unless what they did or said is a crime. So I would have what happens on each
offense. Even put them on probation period, and if they mess up again during that time then it will be a
suspension for sure. If I find out someone has a fake account they are suspended right then, no matter
what offense it is. Here is an example of one from USC. (697)

b. Read this article and watch the related videos; read the linked articles below as well. If you answer this
prompt, include enough information on the articles that I know you have read it. Without his ankle
work, in terms of surgery, rehab, and preventative improvements, it is possible that Steph Curry’s
career might already be over (or deeply diminished). Think of athletes in your favorite sports whose
careers were cut short or diminished by injury; for my generation, the greatest example is probably Bo
Jackson. Improved sports medicine, training, and injury prevention/treatment (sometimes called sports
biometrics) will likely improve both the quality and quantity of athletes’ careers (we are in the “age of
the living god”), let alone improve recreational fitness. As athletes’ careers extend, the available
number of open spots in professional leagues will shrink. What impacts with these technologies have
on the U.S. pro sports industry? How long before “professional level biometrics” trickles down to
colleges and high schools?

Steph Curry was able to overcome these injuries, was his workouts. In the article it mentioned how he
could only dead lift 200 pounds, but now he is up to 400 pounds. Athletes are realizing taking care of
their bodies will allow them to play longer. For Curry the Camera benefitted him, so they could see the
problem without surgery. In past I imagine they would have to cut him open, and in order to see what
was causing the problem, then do the surgery making it a longer recovery time. Having workouts
Kyle Broussard

KINE 5301 Current Trends and Issues Final Paper

focusing on single leg exercises, helped Curry with his cutting and jumping that he uses in basketball.
His body became use to one legged explosive movements, helping his body be use to them on the
court. The NBA teams spend roughly 10 million dollars a year on technology that helps them analyze
movements, heart rates, and other things that influence performance. Teams are able to see if players
are getting enough rest so their muscles can recover using gadgets. We could even see the NBA begin
to perform biological testing on players that pre-draft. We are starting to see athletes play longer at
higher levels in all sports especially in soccer with Ronaldo. LeBron James in basketball, Tom Brady
in football. It will be interesting to see the career Mike Trout and Bryce Harper will have if they stay
healthy as well. They are both in their mid-20’s and already superstars. I think the shape of power
professional sports like football, basketball, baseball, and hockey will not change much. The only
thing I see it changing is allowing great players to be great longer. Which means fans will get to watch
the best player or players in the world play at higher levels for a longer period of time. I do not think it
will reshape the model in those sports is, because the model is based off of money. What I mean by
that is the more years of service a guy gets in the league the higher the minimum salary a team can
give him. With the new age of treatments everyone will be able to play in their prime longer, but teams
will still have salary caps. This means they are going to be paying their superstars a lot of money just
like they are now, and as others gain more service time they will have to be paid more as well. With
that being said teams will continue to do what they do now. They will look for younger cheaper talent
to replace those veterans that are role players. Even if these treatments are allowing guys to stay in
their prime longer it does not change the fact that a 33-year-old is closer to being done then a 22-year-
old. In the sports world when teams are reaching their salary cap they are going to turn to cheaper
younger players. If a guy is 10 years younger, and is around the same skill set as the other guy, and
cost millions less then is a no doubt what the team will do. Guys who would be superstars when the
older guys retired are still shadows, but they have a tremendous skill set still, so I am going to
contradict myself a little, and say maybe 15-20 years down the road it may impact the sport worlds. In
the fact that you have to be a superstar in order to come in and compete for a role spot. I do think this
could shape sports like tennis and golf were individuals play for long periods of times already, so that
would just mean it would be even harder to break into the circuit and compete to win. We are going to
have injuries no matter what, but these treatments and workout plans just allow athletes to recover
faster from them. We can already see where this technology and treatments are trickling down to the
college and high school level in places like APEC, and major universities. I would guess in 10 years
this type of stuff will be the norm in major universities and high schools that have excellent athletic
programs. (696)

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