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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Special Issue 2, January 2013)

National conference on Machine Intelligence Research and Advancement (NCMIRA, 12), INDIA.

A Novel Hysteresis Technique for Improvement of Power

System Dynamic Stability by Using Battery Energy Storage
System (BESS) With Fuzzy Logic Controller
Arshad. Mohammed1, Upender Reddy2, J. Jawaharlal3, G.Trinath4
Sr.Assistant Professor, 2Sr.Assistant Professor, 3Associate Professor, 4B-Tech Student, Aurora Technological and Research
Institute, Uppal, Hyderabad
A novel Hysteresis Technique in Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is designed for a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) to
improve the stability of an interconnected multi-machine Power system. The studied system consists of two generating areas
interconnected by a long transmission line. Detailed model of BESS is developed for accurate dynamic assessment. The model takes
into account the switching actions of the converter as well as the battery characteristics. And also describes the use of hysteresis
technique to control directly the BESS output current. This reduces the complexity of the control system while at the same time
provides a tight control of the BESS output. Test results under a variety of disturbances show the proposed BESS is effective in
damping out power system oscillations.

Index Terms— Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), Power System Stability, Fuzzy Logic controller.

I. INTRODUCTION Custom power devices use power converters to perform

When power system disturbances occur, synchronous either current interruption or voltage regulation functions
generators are not always able to respond rapidly for power distribution systems.
enough to keep the system stable. If high-speed real or Recent developments and advances in energy storage
reactive power control is available, load shedding or and power electronics technologies are making the
generator dropping may be avoided during the application of energy storage technologies a viable solution
disturbance. High speed reactive power control is possible for modern power applications. Viable storage
through the use of flexible ac transmission systems technologies include batteries, flywheels, ultra capacitors,
(FACTS) devices. In a few cases, these devices are also and superconducting energy storage systems. Although
able to provide some measure of high speed real power several of these technologies were initially envisioned for
control through power circulation within the converter, Large -scale load-leveling applications, Battery energy
with the real power coming from the same line or in storage is now seen more as a tool to enhance system
some cases from adjacent lines leaving the same stability, aid power transfer, and improve power quality in
substation. However, a better solution would be to have power systems. Some model-based approaches have
the ability to rapidly vary real power without impacting been proposed for energy storage to enhance power
the system through power circulation. This is where system damping. The results showed that such model-
energy storage technology can play a very based control strategies are very effective in solving
important role in maintaining system reliability and a well-defined system Nevertheless, today‟s modem
power quality. The ideal solution is to have means to interconnected power system is highly complex and
rapidly damp oscillations, respond to sudden changes non-linear in nature making it very difficult to accurately
in load, supply load during transmission or distribution model the power system without sacrificing
interruptions, correct load voltage profiles with rapid considerable amount of computation time. Recently,
reactive power control, and still allow the generators to artificial intelligence techniques have been reported in the
balance with the system load at their normal speed. literature that apparently can deal with non- linear and
complex systems by introducing fuzziness in the analysis.

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Kakryal, Katra, INDIA. Page 1
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Special Issue 2, January 2013)

National conference on Machine Intelligence Research and Advancement (NCMIRA, 12), INDIA.
Several applications of the fuzzy logic control (FLC) in To reflect the charging and discharging characteristics
power system stabilizers have been reported and shown of the battery cells, a comprehensive non-linear model
to be effective through simulation and experimental has been used Due to the non-linear nature of the internal
verifications. resistance of the battery cells, different curves are used
In this paper, an effective and easy-to-understand Fuzzy for charging and discharging depending on the state of
Logic based algorithm is employed to control the BESS to charge. The equivalent circuit of a battery cell is shown in
improve power system stability. With the proposed FLC Fig 2.
control scheme, the active and reactive power outputs of
the BESS can be rapidly controlled. FLC is model-free in
nature, requires less development time and can handle
highly complicated and non-linear systems, etc. With
these virtues and assets, FLC has been regarded as one of
the most suitable substitution for the conventional control
This paper also reports on the use of a new control
strategy based on hysteresis technique to control the
AC/DC converter of the BESS. This has the advantage of
reducing the complexity of the converter control. The
detailed BESS model and its controller proposed in this Fig. 2 Battery equivalent circuit
paper are suitable not only for dynamic but also transient The AC/DC converter, rated at 20 MVA, such that the
study of the performance of the BESS. BESS can provide up to 10 MW, 17.3 MVAr, is used to
interface between the AC power system and DC
II. B ATTERY ENERGY S TORAGE SYSTEM (BESS) battery.The schematic diagram of the converter is shown in
The schematic diagram of the BESS is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 3.

Fig. 1 Schematic Diagram of BESS Plant Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of AC/DC converter
The main components of BESS are Battery bank, In the control circuit, the angular speed of the
Power. Switching module associated with AC/DC generator and the BESS ac terminal voltages are omega and
converter Control system, Transformer & AC supply. The Vabc_2 respectively. Omega* represent the angular speed
battery bank consists of a set of battery cells connected in after the measurement devices. Omega* is then compared
parallel and series. The batteries of the BESS is rated at 10 with angular speed reference, to obtain the angular speed
MW, 40 MWh. Ultra capacitors (0.5F) are placed in deviation. Based on this deviation, the controllers
parallel with the battery bank to stabilize the terminal determine the needs to be supplied by the BESS.

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Kakryal, Katra, INDIA. Page 2
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Special Issue 2, January 2013)

National conference on Machine Intelligence Research and Advancement (NCMIRA, 12), INDIA.
With reference to Pbes, Qbes and Vt* the thetaref, embedded processors. This capability is useful for coding
phase angle, and Ipeak_ref, peak value, of BESS phase algorithms. The phase locked loop system can be used to
current target can be determined. At the same time, freq, synchronize on variable frequency sinusoidal signal. The
the frequency of the BESS terminal voltage, is also saturation block imposes upper and lower bounds on a
acquired from the system. Based on, Ipeakref and freq, signal. When input signal is within a range specified by
the reference phase currents of the BESS can be generated lower limit and upper limit parameter, the input signal
as follows for use in the hysteresis control. The passes through unchanged.
embedded MATLAB function allows to you add matlab When input signal is outside of these bounds, the signal
functions to simulink models for development of is clipped to upper or lower bound.

Fig. 4 Control circuit

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Kakryal, Katra, INDIA. Page 3
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Special Issue 2, January 2013)

National conference on Machine Intelligence Research and Advancement (NCMIRA, 12), INDIA.

Fig 5: Hysteresis Control

The block diagram of the hysteresis control loop is

shown in Fig. 6 the relay block allows its output to switch
between two specified values. When the relay is on, it
remains on until the input drops below the value of switch
off point parameter. When the relay is off, it remains off
until the input exceed the value of switch on point
Fig.4.1 Control Circuit Block Diagram

In hysteresis control, the controlled variable, as shown

in Fig. 5 is only allowed to oscillate within a defined upper
and lower hysteresis band limits around the reference
waveform. The switching function is generated from the
intersection of the triangular wave with the hysteresis band
limits. The conduction of a switch is transferred from one
to the other in a phase, when the triangular wave meets the
hysteresis limits so as to control the actual current not to go Fig. 6 Hysteresis Control Loop
beyond the hysteresis band. Similar switching actions
occur in the other two phases. In such a control scheme, III. FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER
the switching frequency is not fixed and depends on how
fast the current changes from the upper limit to the lower In this study, the generator speed deviation, ∆ẃ, and the
limit and vice versa. It depends on the phase inductance, acceleration deviation, ∆w, are chosen as the FLC inputs.
the voltage difference between the step down bus voltage Each input and output fuzzy variables of FLC is mapped
and battery bank terminal voltage, the system frequency into seven linguistic fuzzy sets varying from Negative Big
and the width of the hysteresis band. (NB) to Positive Big (PB).

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Kakryal, Katra, INDIA. Page 4
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Special Issue 2, January 2013)

National conference on Machine Intelligence Research and Advancement (NCMIRA, 12), INDIA.
Each fuzzy set is defined by a triangular membership IV. RESULTS
function to form a set of seven normalized and symmetrical
triangular membership functions for each fuzzy variable.
The input gains K,, K, and the output gain K 3, shown
in Fig. 7, are used to fine tune the FLC. The fine-tuning of
FLC is carried out in off-line mode using the guided search

Fig. 8 Block Diagram of Studied System

A multi machine power system model consisting of two

generating area interconnected by a long transmission line
Fig. 7: Block diagram of Fuzzy Logic Controller is used in this study. The schematic diagram of the studied
Where system is shown in Fig. 8. The capacity of GI
Pbes = active power output of BESS is Approximately equal to that of the sum of G2 and G3.
Qbes= Reactive power output of BESS The capacity of the three generators are GI = 386 MVA,
∆w =error G2 = 165
∆ẃ=c.error MVA, G3 = 235 MVA. The BESS is located at the
A symmetrical fuzzy rule set shown in table1 is terminal bus of G2. The system is subjected to various
adopted to describe the FLCs behavior. Each entity in disturbances such as one phase open circuit, sudden load
the table represents a rule of the form "IF premise THEN change and symmetrical three phase to earth faults to
consequence". The upper half is for P-controller and the examine the dynamic responses of the BESS and its
lower half is for Q-controller. damping effects. In the following studies, two different
configurations are considered. These are:
1. The power system without the BESS
2. The power System with BESS installed
The figure 9 shows the angular speed deviation of the
generators when a three phase to earth fault is introduced at
a distance of 25% from Bus #4 on the transmission line
between Bus #3 and Bus #4 lasting for 3 cycles without
BESS and with BESS respectively. The post-disturbance
operation without BESS is dynamically unstable, with
increasing inter-area oscillation is shown in figure.
When a three phase fault is introduced in to power
system to examine the dynamic response of BESS.

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Kakryal, Katra, INDIA. Page 5
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Special Issue 2, January 2013)

National conference on Machine Intelligence Research and Advancement (NCMIRA, 12), INDIA.
It leading to an increase in accelerating power. At
that time the fuzzy controller forces the BESS to
absorb a large amount of active power to limit the
maximum angular excursion. Although the machine would
still continue to swing outward, but now the speed is
decreasing from maximum to zero. The reduction of the
speed is due to the present of decelerating power during
this period of outward swing where the power mismatch is
negative, Pm - Pe < 0. To help limit the maximum angular
excursion, the fuzzy controller forces the BESS to continue
to absorb the real power smoothly with decreasing
magnitude. After that a little amount of real power is
injected into the system to compensate for the decelerating
power in an attempt to minimize the backswing.
Fig. 10 shows the response of BESS active and reactive
power outputs. As shown 10, when the angular frequency
of G2 increases, the BESS active power output
becomes negative and hence as far as the system is
concerned, the BESS looks like a braking resistance and
when the angular frequency of G2 reduces the BESS active
power output becomes positive and hence BESS acts like a
generator of active power. On the other hand, when the
angular frequency of G2 increases, the BESS reactive
power output becomes positive to raise the BESS terminal
voltage and thus increase the load demand of the system
and when the angular frequency of G2 reduces the BESS
reactive power output becomes negative to reduce the
electric power of the system. In this way a very effective
damping is provided by the BESS. The BESS battery
terminal voltage is shown to oscillate accordingly, i.e.
when the BESS active power output is negative, the
batteries of the BESS are being charged and therefore
the battery terminal voltage increases, on the other hand
when the BESS active power output is positive, the
batteries of the BESS are being discharged, and therefore
the terminal voltage drops. In spite of the many
advantages offered by the hysteresis control of the ACDC
converter of the BESS, the high frequency charging and
discharging of the battery bank due to the switching
actions of the converter can shorten the life of the batteries.
Fig. 9 Angular Speed Deviation of 3 generators with Three Phase
Fault (a) Without BESS (b) With FLC control

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Kakryal, Katra, INDIA. Page 6
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Special Issue 2, January 2013)

National conference on Machine Intelligence Research and Advancement (NCMIRA, 12), INDIA.

Fig 10: BESS Response

To solve this problem, we have incorporated ultra

capacitors (0.5F) in parallel with the battery bank. In this
way, the high frequency components of the battery
current can be filtered out by the capacitors as shown in
Fig. 10. Without the capacitors, the high frequency
components will appear in the battery current waveform as
well as in the battery terminal voltage.
For a sudden 5% step increase in load of Bus #5 lasting
for 0.2 second, Fig. 11 shows $the angular speed deviation
of the generators without BESS. When the disturbance is
injected into the system, the governors cannot operate
fast enough to regulate the power change. The sudden
change in load results in active power mismatch causing
all synchronous machines to slow down, so, the frequency
of all the generators drops at first. When the additional
load is removed, the governors try to response the power Fig. 11 Angular Speed Deviation with Sudden Load Change
mismatch and maintain the system power balance (a) Without BESS (b) With FLC control
making the generators‟ frequencies increase slowly but
with oscillation. Nevertheless, with FLC control scheme, In the next investigation, one of the phases is opened in
the FLC controlled BESS can regulate the frequency of the one of the double-circuit transmission line lasting for 0.2
whole system in a much more effective manner. second. Fig. 12 shows the responses of the angular speed
deviation without BESS.

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Kakryal, Katra, INDIA. Page 7
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Special Issue 2, January 2013)

National conference on Machine Intelligence Research and Advancement (NCMIRA, 12), INDIA.
The system response in this situation is of multi-mode V. CONCLUSIONS
oscillations and is nearly un-damped. However, when the In this thesis, a novel hysteresis FLC based control
FLC controlled BESS is connected to the system, the scheme is described and proposed for controlling BESS to
angular speed of both G2 and G3 can return to its pre- enhance system damping of an interconnected two-area
disturbance value in less than 3 seconds and significance system under both large and small disturbances.
damping improvement in GI can be observed. The simulation results of the FLC controlled BESS in all
scenarios chosen show that the BESS is effective
in providing significant extra damping, even though the
BESS capacity is only a very small fraction of the total
generating system capacity.
The results confirm that the FLC can offer a robust
performance in damping power system oscillation over a
variety of disturbances. Using the proposed control
scheme, the BESS can provide appropriate rapid active
and reactive power exchange with the power system to
damp the system oscillation and enable the system to
return back to its steady state operating condition in a
minimum time after disturbances.
A detailed model of the BESS, including the non- linear
characteristics of the battery cells both in their charging
and discharging mode, has been formulated and
implemented in this thesis. A novel hysteresis control of
the AC/DC converter associated with the BESS has been
suggested. Such a strategy reduces the complexity of the
control system and ensures tight control of BESS active
and reactive power outputs.
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Website: (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Special Issue 2, January 2013)

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