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Society of Petroleum Engineer'S

SPE 16907

Diagnosis and Removal of Microbial/Fines Plugging in Water

Injection Wells
by F. Cusack, V.L. McKinley, and H.M. Lappin-Scott, Microbios Ltd.; D.R. Brown* and
D.M. Clementz,* Chevron Oil Field Research Co.; and J.W. Costerton, Microbios Ltd.
*SPE Members

Copyright 1987, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 62nd Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in
Dallas, TX September 27-30, 1987.

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presented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy is
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SUMMARY ments, and treatment with sufficient bleach (3-4

tubing volumes) is regularly used to clean injec-
Because bacteria are naturally present in the tion wells plugged by bacterial growth. We have
water 1 2 used in water injection for secondary oil recently shown 6 that the bleach concentration used
recovery, these organisms adhere to available to remove bacterial biofilms can be reduced to ±1%
surfaces and produce biofilms 3 just as they do in without loss of efficacy. Bacterial biofilms trap
all aquatic ecosystems examined to date 4 • The particulate material 8 and injection wells in
bacterial biofilms in individual water injection systems with large amounts of particulate material
wells develop to an extent dependent on the nutri- in the injection water become plugged with biofilms
ent supply in the injection water. Organic con- impregnated with these particles. Bleach alone is
taminants are converted to bacterial biomass, and not effective in cleaning these microbial/fines
to bacterial exopolysaccharide slimes. Some plugged wells but a combination of bleach and acid
organic compounds (notably lactate and acetate) are (in that order, with a water "spacer") is very
oxidized by anaerobic bacteria that use sulphur effective 5 because bleach removes the biofilm and
compounds as hydrogen acceptors and produce H2 S. allows access of acid to acid-soluble fines. Our
This souring process is dependent on the input of developing general understanding of the nature of
organic nutrients and it is the function of a injection well plugging allows us to custom-design
heterotrophic bacterial population that is concen- a cleaning protocol to remove this damaging mater-
trated very close ( <3 meters) to the well bore. ial and restore original levels of water injec-
The generation of H2 S in the bulk of the water- tivity.
flooded formation is severely limited by the very
low levels of available bacterial nutrients in The Microbial Ecology of Injection Well Plugging
these areas and most H2 S production is limited to
the immediate viscinity of water injection and Injection water quality varies through a wide
production wells. Injection well back flow data 12 range, from clean stream water to produced water
and injection well cleaning data 2 both demonstrate, with muskeg swamp make-up, but all injection water
unequivocally, that heterotrophic bacterial growth contains bacterial cells 12 • Studies of a very
in a waterflood operation is limited to areas very large number of natural and industrial aquatic
close to injection and production well bore holes. ecosystems have established that these bacteria
These areas are readily accessible to biocide adhere to available surfaces so avidly that the
treatment. adherent (sessile) population, in cells/cm 2 , often
exceeds the bulk water population, in cells/cm 3 , by
Bacterial biofilms develop very rapidly on the 3-4 logarithm units. These adherent bacterial
extensive surfaces of artificial and natural rock cells proliferate and generate extracellular
coresl4, and these slime-enclosed adherent bacter- polysaccharides so that an adherent biofilm devel-
ial populations can reduce permeability by direct ops within which the organisms are embedded in a
plugging. Treatment with 5-12% sodium hypochlorite slimey anionic matrix. This biofilm matrix has a
(bleach) is sufficient to remove these bacterial very strony affinity for organic molecules in the
accretions in both field 2 and laboratory 5 experi- bulk water 1 and passage through or past a living
biofilm sharply depletes the organic molecule
References and illustrations at end of paper.


content of this water, as is seen in trickling Therefore, we -urge the regular use of backflow
filters within water treatment plants. The ten- analysis to detect the development of H2 S-producing
dency of bacterial biofilms to form on the first bacterial biofilm populations near the bore of
available surfaces is seen in the "skin plugging" injection wells and treatment with biocides in a
characteristic of sand packs 9 , sandstone 10 , and slug-and-hold mode for injection wells and a
model cores 14 exposed to water injection. Seawater squeeze-and-hold mode for producing wells.
bacteria have a very strong tendency to form these
adherent biofilms on submerged surfaces. Cleaning of Fouled Injection Wells

Because of the very large surface area of the In rare instances in which injection wells are
formation rock, the surfaces near the injection plugged by bacterial biofilms without large amounts
well bore develop a shallow biofilm-rich zone. of entrained particulate matter, cleaning by the
This tendency to "skin plug" can be seen in model use of 12% NaOCl gives excellent results 2 • How-
core studies 14 and the downhole situation can be ever, the more common plugging of injection wells
deduced from field data 2 showed that biofouled by a combination of bacterial biofilms and trapped
injection wells could be restored to full initial solids poses a more complex problem 5 .
injectivity by treatment with only 3 tubing volumes
of 12% bleach. This suggests that the fouling Well P-54, in the East Beverly Hill field, was
biomaterial was very close to the bore hole. More drilled in 1969 as a producer, converted to injec-
direct evidence is provided by backflow studies 12 tion using fresh water in 1972, then produced brine
in which the injection wells were sampled after the in 1980. The treatment program for build-up of
reverse flow of various volumes of injection water. scale and bacterial slimes in 1982 is listed in
Assuming a symmetrical downhole formation config- Table 1. The injection of over 1,000 gallons of
uration (Figure 1), each increasing volume of bleach (NaOCl) into the well initially increased
backflowed injection water represents a sample of inj ectivity. However, continuous injections of a
the formation water at increasing distances from further 2,000 gallons of bleach then approximately
the bore hole. The biomass in these sequential 5, 000 gallons of clear filtered water decreased
samples, which was determined by the methods of injectivity substantially. The improved injec-
White et a1. 15 showed a sharp decrease with dis- tivity was restored and enhanced by acid treatment.
tance from the bore hole. While bacterial numbers The success of this treatment sequence can be
decreased very radically with distance from the confirmed by thP. maintenance of a high injectivity
bore hole, bacterial activity decreased more level in the well to date.
slowly, indicating that bacterial cells at some
distance from the injection well are nutrient Parallel work to investigate the effects of
limited. Recent work in our laboratory (MacLeod, acid and bleach treatments on surfaces plugged by
Lappin-Scott, Cusack and Costerton, unpublished combinations of particulates and bacteria was
data) clearly indicates that passage through a undertaken in the laboratory using fused glass
solid matrix that is rich in biofilm bacteria beads then sandstone cores 5 • The injection of
removes most of the organic molecules from injec- hydrochloric acid (HCl) to cores plugged only with
tion water. Taken together, these data suggest particulate matter (calcium carbonate; CaC0 3 )
that the metabolically active bacteria in the completely cleared the cores and restored full
injection well ecosystem are concentrated in permeability (Fig. 3A and 3B). Similarly, the
biofilms on surfaces very near (<1 meter) the bore injection of bleach to cores plugged with bacteria
hole and that these organisms deplete incominy (a Pseudomonas species) also completely cleaned the
organic nutrients so that only starved bacteria cores (Fig. 3C and 3D). When particulate matter
are found deeper in the formation (Figure 1). The and bacteria were together used to plug the cores
"standing crop" of biofilm bacteria in the biofilms (Fig. 3E), the success of the clean-up operation
near the well bore of water injection wells depends was totally dependent upon the treatment sequence.
much more on the amount of incoming organic nutri- If bleach was injected first, it dissolved the
ents than it does on the cumulative bacterial organic bacteria and left the particulate inorganic
content of the injection water. material (Fig. 3F). The cores were then adequately
cleaned using HCl (Fig. 3G). However, if acid was
The souring of water injection wells is a injected first, it was not able to penetrate the
function of H2 S production by certain classes of bacterial biofilm to completely dissolve the
bacteria that use oxidized sulphur compounds as particulates (Fig. 3H) so that subsequent bleach
hydrogen acceptors in the energetically profitable treatment dissolved the bacteria and allowed the
oxidation of organic compounds. It is important to remaining particulates to repack and block the
note that the productiol!.. of H2 S_ from oxidized cores (Fig. 3I). The most successful treatment
sulphur species, such as S-and S04-, is endergonic sequence, as demonstrated by both field trials and
and cannot yield energy for bacterial growth. laboratory core experiments, was therefore bleach
Because the generation of H2 S is a byproduct of the followed by acid but not vice versa.
active metabolism of bacteria that use organic
nutrients (heterotrophic bacteria) this souring A follow~up laboratory study was undertaken to
process can take place only where large numbers of develop more cost-effective stimulation jobs 6 •
metabolically active organisms are well supplied Lower concentrations of bleach used in the first
with organic nutr~. In waterflood oil recovery stage of chemical treatment would lower the overall
systems these large metabolically active hetero- stimulation costs. The cores were plugged with a
trophic populations occur near the injection well slimy Pseudomonas species. Different concentra-
bore and, to a lesser extent, in production wells tions of bleach solutions, between 0.1% and 5% v/v
(Figure 2). Both of these bacterial populations NaOCl, were injected into the cores. Permeability
are readily accessible to treatment with biocides. changes were attributed to the bleach dissolving



the bacterial biofilms. From the data we concluded 7. Fletcher, M. and Floodgate, G.D.: An elec-
that the bleach dissolved bacteria even at concen- tron microscopic demonstration of an acid
trations below 1%. This suggested that the cost polysaccharide involved in the adhesion of a
effectiveness of injectivity programs could be marine bacterium to solid surfaces 11 , J. Gen.
improved by greatly reducing bleach concentrations. Microbiol. (1973) 74: 325-334.

CONCLUSIONS 8. Geesey, G.G., Mutch, R., Costerton J.W. and

Green, R.B.: 11 Sessile bacteria: an important
1. Bacteria in injection water adhere to surfaces component of the microbial population in small
near the well bore and produce a "skin plug" of mountain streams 11 , Limnol. Oceanogr. (1978)
biofilm whose depth depends on the organic nutrient 23: 1214-1223.
content of the water in question.
9. Gupta, R.P. and Swartzendruker, D.: Flow-
2. The production of H2 S is a natural byproduct associated reduction in the hydraulic conduc-
of the metabolism of these organic compounds by tivity of quartz sand 11 , Soil Sci. Soc. A.
certain physiological classes of these biofilm Proc. (1962) 26: 6-10.
bacteria and is confined to areas where large
numbers of heterotrophic bacteria process large 10. Hart, R.T., Fekete, T. and Flock, D.L.: 11 The
amounts of organic nutrients. plugging effect of bacteria in a sandstone
system11 , Can. Min. Metall. Bull. (1960) 53:
3. The extensive biofilms of the plugged near 495-501.
well bore formation can be readily killed by
biocides or killed and removed by treatment with 11. Lock, M.A., Wallace, R.R., Costerton, J.W.,
12% bleach. Lower bleach concentrations (<1%) have Ventullo, R.M. and Charlton, S.E.: "River
been successful in the laboratory but are not yet epilithon: toward a structural-functional
field tested. model", Oikos (1984) 42: 10-22.

4. When the near well bore formation is plugged 12. McKinley, Vicky L., Costerton, J.W. and White
by bacterial biofilm with large amounts of en- D.C.: "Microbial biomass, activity and
trained inorganic particulate material, the biofilm community structure of water and particulates
must be removed with bleach before the particulates retrieved by backflow from a waterflood
can be removed by acid treatment or by other injection well", submitted to: Appl. Environ.
suitable procedures. Microbiol. (1987).

REFERENCES 13. Myers, G.E. and McCready, G.L.: "Bacteria can

penetrate rock", Can. J. Microbiol. (1966) 12:
1. Amy, P.S. and Morita, R. Y.: "Starvation- 477-484.
survival patterns of sixteen freshly isolated
open ocean bacteria", Appl. Environ. Microb- 14. Shaw, J .C., Bramhill, B., Wardlaw, N.C. and
ial. (1983) 45: 1109-1115. Costerton, J.W.: Bacterial fouling in a
model core system , Appl. Environ. Microbiol.
2. Clementz, D.M., Patterson, D.E., Aseltine, (1985) 49: 693-701.
R.J. and Young, R.E.: "Stimulation of water
injection wells in the Los Angeles basin by 15. White, D.C., Smith, G.A., Gehrox, M.J. and
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J. Pet. Techno!. (September 1982) 34: 2087- microbiota: biomass, community structure and
2096. nutritional status 11 , Dev. Industrial
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3. Costerton, J.W., Irvin, R.T. and Cheng, K.J.:
"The hac terial glycocalyx in nature and
disease", Ann. Rev. Microbiol. (1981) 35: TABLE 1
Sequence of clean-up treatments for well P-54
4. Costerton, J.W., Cheng, K.J., Geesey, Gill G., - East Beverly Hill Field.
Ladd, Timothy I., Nickel, J. Curtis, Dasgupta,
Mrinal and Marrie, Thomas J. : Bacterial clean out of well-bore and perforations using
biofilms in nature and disease 11 , Ann. Rev. 12% bleach (NaOCl)
Microbiol. (1987) 41: 435-464. filtered injection water
-mud acid
5. Cusack, F., Brown, D.R., Costerton, J.W. and suction washed
Clementz, D.M.: 11 Field and laboratory studies - circulation acid washed
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6. Cusack, F., Lappin-Scott, H.M. and Costerton,

J.W.: "The effect of varying bleach concen-
trations on bacterial biofilm removal and
model rock cores", submitted to: Journal of
Pet. Sci. and Eng. (1987).

SPE 16 90~

Figure 1 - Microbiological data from the bacldlow

of Chevron well P38 (March, 1986)

VOLUMES ( phospholipid/ml) (CPM/h/ml)
A .02 1600 365
Legend for Figure 2
B 1.21 900 145
Diagrammatic representation of the location of
c 2.31 145 150 metabolically active, organic nutrient dependent,
D 3.16 120 bacteria in a waterflood oil recovery operation,
and of the resultant generation of H S by certain
E 5.81 125 250 2
classes of these heterotrophic organisms.
F 7.90 50 110

, .
Figure 3- Schematic diagram of laboratory core treatment

using acid and bleach to remove microorganisms
or particulate matter.

1 I l
,, -
A )',,, c E
I ~Y;

~ 5%HCI ~ 5%NaOCI ~I.NaOCI ""'oHCI

~ ,,
't - Acid soluble

~;~lit~ -Bacterial cell

~~:· in biofilm



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