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Technical guide for radio parameter planning in wcdma 572
newly constructed network(v1.0)
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by shirazthegreat
on Jan 16, 2014


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Technical guide for radio parameter planning in wcdma newly

constructed network(v1.0)
Document Transcript

1. Network Planning & Optimization Dept., ZTE Corp. (Technical Guide) Technical Guide for Radio
Parameter Planning in WCDMA Newly-constructed Network Version: v1.0 Release 2008-3-21
Implementation 2008-3-21 Released by Network Planning & Optimization Dept., ZTE Corp.

2. Internal Use Only▲ Modification Record File No. 1 Drafter / Modifier WU Yuanjiang Major Points
Modified Update Date 2008-3-21 Version V1.0 Reason for modification Guide establishment This
document contains proprietary information of ZTE Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except
in accordance with applicable agreements. 2

3. Internal Use Only▲ Contents 1

GUIDE....................................................................................................................................5 1.2
...........................................5 2.1 CELL RADIO PARAMETERS CONTROLLED BY ONE
RNC..................................................................................5 2.1.1
2.1.4 NodeB
No:..............................................................................................................................................7 2.1.5
URA:...................................................................................................................................................10 2.2
SYSTEM................................................................................10 2.3 NEIGHBOR CELL
CONFIGURATION BEYOND THE SYSTEM..............................................................................14 2.4
RNC................................................................15 2.5 GSM CELL
CONFIGURATION..........................................................................................................................17 This
document contains proprietary information of ZTE Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except
in accordance with applicable agreements. 3


..............................................................................................17 3.1 REQUIRED 3G NEIGHBOR CELL
INFORMATION CONFIGURED IN GSM SYSTEM ...........................................17 3.2 INFORMATION
..............................................................................................................19 This document contains
proprietary information of ZTE Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with
applicable agreements. 4

5. Internal Use Only▲ 1 1.1 Overview Purpose of the Guide Initial radio parameters need to be
configured and data need to be planned by engineers from Customer Service Department for the newly
established or capacity expanded network before commissioning and debugging. The document mainly
introduces detailed principles and methods for radio parameters planning in newly established network,
including cell’s basic information, such as cell’s ID, scrambling codes, neighbor cells, etc. 1.2 Reference
Manual for Newly Established Network Planning By Network Planning and Optimization Department
Manual for WCDMA Cell Scrambling Code Planning (v1.0) By Network Planning and Optimization
Department Guide for WCDMA Radio Parameter Optimization - A1 (v1.00) By Network Planning and
Optimization Department Guide for WCDMA LAC Planning By Network Planning and Optimization
Department 2 Radio Parameter of WCDMA Newly-constructed Network Radio parameters mentioned
here represent some parameters in each practical network that need to be set according to practical
situation, such as network number, NodeB number, cell number, routing area code, etc.; some commonly
used parameters such as cell handover parameter and reselection parameter can be generally set as default
and won’t be described here. These configured parameters need to be set in OMC by engineers from
Customer Service Department, some need to be set in NodeB, such as cell number. Because there are
numerous data in large networks, data batch input can be realized in OMC for convenient configuration;
each parameter owns input template. 2.1 Cell Radio Parameters Controlled by One RNC Attachment 1 is a
detailed example and also a configuration template, including parameters need to be configured in
WCDMA system. All cell radio parameters that need to be configured are listed in the following table,
mainly in sky-blue part, which will be introduced one by one as follows. What need to be noticed is that
the parameters input in template mode for configuring are controlled by one RNC; if parameters are
controlled by several RNC, they need to be configured for several times by the same configuration
method. Table 1 Cell Parameter Description Parameter MCC MNC RncId NodebNo SectorId CId
Description Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code RNC Identity NodeB Number Sector Identity
Cell Identity Value scope 0..999 0..999 0..4095 0…65535 1…6 0.. 65535 This document contains
proprietary information of ZTE Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with
applicable agreements. 5

6. Internal Use Only▲ LAC SACPC Location Area Code Serving area code belong to CS+PS domain
1..0xfffd, 0xffff 1..0xfffd, 0xffff SACBPre SACB SACB Configuration Tag Serving area code belong to
BC domain 0:False 1:True 0...65535 RAC LCId LCGId TCell UUARFCN DUARFCN PrimScraCode
URANum URA In3G2GEdge Routing area code Local Cell Identity Local Cell Group ID T_Cell
UUARFCN DUARFCN Cell Primary Scrambling Code URA Number URA identity Is at the edge of 3G
and 2G CellIndivOffset Cell individual offset UseOfHCS Use of HCS HcsPrio CellDescripType
HCS_PRIO Cell Description Type 0...255 0.. 65535 0.. 65535 (0…9*256)chip step:256chip 9612..9888 or
9262..9538 10562..10838 or 9662..9938 0…511 1.. 4 0..65535 0:False 1:True (-10..10)dB step 0.5
1:Not used 2:used 0..7 0: Center Point with Altitude and Cell Radius)1: Polygon 2: Arc 3.. 15
PolygonPointNum Polygon Point Number PolyLatitudeSign Polygon Point Latitude Sign PolyLatitude
Degree of Polygon Point Latitude PolyLongitude Degrees of Polygon Point Longitude LatitudeSign
Latitude Sign for Cell Center Latitude Degree of Latitude for Cell Center Longitude Degrees Of
Longitude for Cell Center Altitude Cell Altitude for Cell Center AltitudeDir Direction of Altitude for Cell
Center AltitudeAcc Confidence Altitude Accurary Confidence CellRadius Cell Radius 0: North 1: South
(0°.. 90°)step 1 second (-180°.. 180°) step 1 second 0: North 1: South (0°.. 90°)step 1 second (-180°..
180°)step 1 second (0..2^15-1)m 0: Height 1: Depth (0...990)m (0..100)% (0..1806627)m This
document contains proprietary information of ZTE Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except
in accordance with applicable agreements. 6

7. Internal Use Only▲ AnteType Antenna Type 0:Omni Antenna 1:Beam Antenna AnteLatitudeSign
Antenna Latitude Sign AnteLatitude Degree of Antenna Latitude AnteLongitude Degrees of Antenna
Longitude AnteAltitude Antenna Altitude AnteAltitudeDir Direction of Antenna Altitude OffsetAngle
Offset angle (0°..360°) InnerAngle Inner Angle (0°..360°) 2.1.1 0: North 1: South (0°.. 90°)step 1 second
(-180°.. 180°)step 1 second (0..2^15-1)m 0: Height 1:Depth MCC: MCC is Mobile Country Code for
uniquely identifying countries in which mobile subscriber (or system) is located; it is allocated
internationally and the code for China is 460, while the code for other countries can be searched out on
Google website. 2.1.2 MNC: MNC is Mobile Network Code for uniquely identifying a specific PLMN
in a certain country (determined by MCC), it is provided by operators such as China Mobile and China
Unicom. 2.1.3 RNCId: RNCId is for uniquely identifying RNC in a specific PLMN in one country
(determined by MCC). If there is only one RNC, RNCId can be set randomly; its default value is 1. If the
network dimension is so large that many RNC are used, then RNCId shall be set flexibly and
differentiated by different construction period, different cities, different NodeB model (R99/HSDPA), etc.
2.1.4 NodeB No: NODEB number is valid only to RNC; its value is from 0 to 65535 and is usually
restricted by RNC capacity and practical network dimension. There will not be too many NodeB
controlled by one RNC, so different value range can be used to identify different NodeB. If the site’s
number shall be the same with that in GSM system, we use GSM numbering. NodeB is classified by
phase, for instance, 1XXX represents phase one, 2XXX represents phase two, etc. NodeB number can also
be used for differentiating RNC boundary, cities (for instance, 1XX represents city one, 2XX represents
city two, etc.), site types (macro-site/micro-site, R99/HSDPA, etc.) as well as other features. 2.1.5
SectorId: Sector Identity is only valid in Node B; its value scope is from 1 to 6. Sectors are named 1, 2,
3 This document contains proprietary information of ZTE Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used
except in accordance with applicable agreements. 7

8. Internal Use Only▲ clockwise from the North. Generally the site with one carrier and three sectors is in
common use, so sector identity value is usually from 1 to 3. 2.1.6 Cid: Cell Identity’s scope is from 0 to
65535, uniquely for identifying cell in RNC. When the network dimension is relatively small, Cid is
represented as NodeB No + SectorId that limits the maximum NodeB number to 9999; but this isn’t
compulsory, Cid can be set flexibly according to network actual situation. Generally the last digit of Cid is
used to identify sector or carrier; as to 1C3S, the last digit of Cid is 1, 2, 3; as to 2C3S, the last digit of Cid
is successively 4, 5, 6; as to 3C3S, the last digit of Cid is successively 7, 8, 9. What needs to be noticed is
that when site is omni-site or owns 2 sectors, the left ID in the same group (3 identities comprise a group)
will be abandoned, and new cell will be identified again, the demonstration is as follows. Table 2 Cid
Demonstration Site Number 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 102 102 102 102 103 104 104 2.1.7
Site Type 3C3S 3C3S 3C3S 3C3S 3C3S 3C3S 3C3S 3C3S 3C3S 2C2S 2C2S 2C2S 2C2S 1C1S 2C1S
2C1S Sector Number 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 Carrier Number 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 Cid
Demonstration 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1021 1022 1024 1025 1031 1041 1044
LAC: LAC is Location Area Code. For locating MS, each covering area in PLMN has been divided into
several location areas; location area code is to identify different location areas. LAC is a part of LAI (LAI
= MCC + MNC + LAC). LAI is Location Area Identity. One location area is composed by several cells.
Cell number set in location area is mainly determined by paging capacity, frequency update and traffic
distribution. Paging capacity determines the maximum cell number; too frequent frequency update may
cause low call success rate and limits the minimum site number. LAC boundary shall be located in the
place where traffic is low. Detailed LAC planning please refer to WCDMA LAC Planning Instruction.
2.1.8 SACPC: SAC is Serving Area Code, uniquely identifies one cell or several cells in one location
area. It is used to locate UE for CN. This document contains proprietary information of ZTE Corporation
and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements. 8

9. Internal Use Only▲ One cell has one or two SAC, one belongs to CS +PS domain, and another belongs
to BC domain. One cell has to own one SAC belongs to CS +PS domain, which is SACPC. The value of
cell’s serving area code belongs to CS+PS domain is corresponding to RAC. 2.1.9 SACB: SACB is
Serving Area Code belong to BC domain; its default value is 0. 2.1.10 SACBPre: SACB Configuration
Tag represents whether SACB is configured; its present default value is 0. 2.1.11 RAC: RAC is Route
Area Code that identifies a route area in location area in GSM-MAP PLMN for packet service. RAC is a
part of RAI (RAI = PLMN-ID + LAC + RAC). RAC is set by operator through O&M in RNC. Now RAC
value is usually the same with that of LAC, or refers to GPRS/EDGE value. We need to pay attention that
site number shall not exceed its scope in route area. 2.1.12 LCId: LCId is Local Cell Identity. Local cell
means resource of NodeB that can be configured as one certain cell; it is used for identifying
corresponding cell resource when information exchange between CRNC and NodeB as well as when there
is no certain cell has been established. Notice: local cell identity has to be confirmed according to NodeB,
the value of LCId has to be the same with the value of established logical cell identity, and otherwise cell
establishment is failed. 2.1.13 LCGId: LCGId is Local Cell Group ID. Cells can share BP resource only
when they are in the same local cell group. 2.1.14 TCell: TCell is used for defining the time delay of a
cell of a NodeB relative to the NodeB BFN. It determines the time delay between start time of cell SCH,
CPICH, downlink PSC and BFN. The parameter is mainly used in Cell setup Request message for
establishing cell. The function of the parameter is to avoid inter-cell interference; for instance, SCH
transmitting time varies with cells that facilitates UE to carry out cell synchronization and avoids
interference. We suggest that TCell of geographically adjacent cells that belong to the same NodeB shall
not be the same. Now the default settings are 256*0, 256*2 and 256*4 for 3 sectors successively. 2.1.15
UUARFCH: UUARFCH is uplink utter radio frequency channel number, corresponding to the central
frequency of cell uplink channel carrier. Its value is frequency*5. 2.1.16 DUARFCH: DUARFCH is
downlink utter radio frequency channel number, corresponding to the central frequency of cell downlink
channel carrier. Its value is frequency*5. This document contains proprietary information of ZTE
Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements. 9

10. Internal Use Only▲ 2.1.17 PrimscraCode: Cell primary scrambling code is used for distinguishing
cell; UTRAN system has totally 512 downlink primary scrambling codes. Cell primary scrambling code
number is informed to NodeB through CELL SETUP REQUEST message when cell is established; it can
not be modified in cell reconfiguration; if it has to be modified, we can only delete the cell and reset a new
one. Scrambling code multiplexing distance is mainly considered in scrambling code planning;
meanwhile, reservation of boundary area and indoor coverage shall also be noticed. Detailed planning
methods please refer to WCDMA Cell Scrambling Code Planning Instruction (v1.0). Presently, there are
two types of scrambling code planning. One is planning successively in 1, 2, 3 order. Another is planning
with the interval of 8. If customer hasn’t chosen which type of planning, we use the successive planning.
Three scrambling codes are set as a group. For instance, if all of the surrounding sites have 3 sectors
except one site owns 2 sectors, then the left third scrambling code isn’t used in the 2-sector site and the
next scrambling code group is used in the next site. Generally, we use network planning and simulation
software to plan scrambling code; set Atoll as an example, it can plan cell/site/site cluster separately, and
enable different carriers to use same scrambling code, or even introduce neighbor cell relationship as a
restraint condition. The detailed operation please refers to related instructions. 2.1.18 URAnum:
URAnum is the number of UTRAN registration area, also the number of URA that cells belong to. One
cell can belong to at most 4 URAs; UE that stays in the cell can belong to different URAs, but UE in
URA_PCH status can only belong to one of the URAs. The default value of URAnum is 1. 2.1.19 URA:
URA is UTRAN Registration Area, which is for avoiding too frequent signaling; when using multilayer
structure to carry out cell planning, as to UE that moving in high speed, we can use macro-beehive with
low priority to decrease cell reselection times. According to the same principle, URA update is lower than
Cell update, so we can control when making UE stay in Cell_URA status through calculating UE’s cell
update times; or counting by ourselves and make UE status change automatically from Cell_PCH to
URA_PCH when cell reselection times exceeds a certain number during a period of time. Adjacent cells
in different URAs can be configured to belong to many URAs for avoiding frequent URA update. 2.2
Neighbor Cell Configuration within the System For insuring UE’s mobility, handover can only be carried
out when neighbor cells are configured in neighbor cell list by OMC. The following table is the input
template of neighbor cell configuration, and these in sky-blue parts are ones require configuration. Notice:
in neighbor cell configuration, cells are identified through Cid. Table 3 Parameter Description in Neighbor
Cell List Configuration Parameter Description Scope This document contains proprietary information of
ZTE Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements. 10

11. Internal Use Only▲ MCC MNC RncId CId NMCC NMNC NRncId NCId MeasPrio Mobile Country
Code Mobile Network Code RNC Identity Cell Identity Mobile Country Code of Neighboring cell Mobile
Network Code of Neighboring cell RNC identity of Neighboring cell Neighboring Cell ID Measurement
Priority of Neighboring cell 0..999 0..999 0..4095 0.. 65535 0..999 0..999 0..4095 0.. 65535 0..2
0:Neighbor; 1:Overlap; ShareCover Share Cover Indication CellIndivOffset Cell individual offset
(-10..10)dB step 0.5dB FbdCellInd FbdCellInd 0:False 1:True ReadSFNInd Read SFN indicator 0:False
1:True UseOfHCS Use of HCS 1: Not used 2: used Qoffset1SNSib11 Qoffset1s,n in SIB11 (-50..50)dB
Qoffset2SN Sib11 Qoffset2s,n in SIB11 (-50..50)dB QhcsEcN0Sib11 Qhcs for CPICH Ec/No in SIB11
(-24..0)dB, step:0.5dB QhcsRscpSib11 Qhcs for CPICH RSCP in SIB11 (-115..-26)dBm QhcsEcN0Sib12
Qhcs for CPICH Ec/No in SIB12 (-24..0)dB, step:0.5dB QhcsRscpSib12 Qhcs for CPICH RSCP in SIB12
(-115..-26)dBm PenaltyTime Sib11 penalty time in SIB11 TempOffset1Sib11 Temporary_offset1 in
SIB11 2:Covers; 3:Contained in (Not Used, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 )s (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, inf ) dB
TempOffset2Sib11 Temporary_offset2 in SIB11 (2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, inf)dB Qoffset1SNSib12
Qoffset1s,n in SIB12 (-50..50)dB Qoffset2SN Sib12 Qoffset2s,n in SIB12 (-50..50)dB PenaltyTime Sib12
penalty time in SIB12 (Not Used, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 )s This document contains proprietary information
of ZTE Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements.

12. Internal Use Only▲ TempOffset1Sib12 Temporary_offset1 in SIB12 (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, inf )
dB TempOffset2Sib12 Temporary_offset2 in SIB12 (2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, inf)dB The meaning of each
parameter is understandable, so we mainly introduce method and principle of neighbor cell configuration.
Principle of neighbor cell configuration mainly includes neighbor cell number, geographic topological
structure, coverage interference, etc. Because the maximum number of neighbor cell list within a system is
regulated as 31 in protocol, neighbor cell lists will be combined in soft handover status; we need to control
neighbor cell number in configuration and try to minimize it as much as possible in the precondition of
insuring the successful handover. Now all of the network planning and simulation software can be used
for neighbor cell planning; for instance, the already existed neighbor cell relationship can be input in
Atoll. But the accuracy of the present planning result of network planning and simulation software still
needs to be improved; the situation of too many configured neighbor cells or missing out neighbor cell
configuration happens, therefore we can use RNA to carry out manual checking and neighbor cell
planning if the site’s scale isn’t large. Whether neighbor cell list setting is reasonable impacts handover
between sites; the initial neighbor cell list formed in system design phase is set according to the following
mode, then neighbor cell list will be adjusted according to handover times after system is commissioned.
Cells of one same site have to be set as each other’s neighbor cell; the first layer and the second layer cells
can be chosen as the present cell’s neighbor cell according to present cell’s coverage (shown in the
following figure). The second layer cells on the same direction of the present sector are set as its neighbor
cells, the first layer cells on the opposite direction of the present sector are also set as its neighbor cells.
The following is an example of neighbor cell setting shown in figure 1. The red one is the present cell
whose scrambling codes are set as 4, 8 and 12; those cells formed in boldfaced broken lines are present
sector’s neighbor cells. Pink ones are the first layer cells; blue ones are the second layer cells. This
document contains proprietary information of ZTE Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except
in accordance with applicable agreements. 12

13. 136 Internal Use Only▲ 148 40 100 52 208 64 88 220 56 160 196 28 124 16 4 112 172 72 8 22 76 0
12 24 184 6 21 80 21 2 8 16 12 11 6 15 2 60 96 18 8 8 22 4 10 4 8 10 2 13 20 20 0 4 20 36 92 44 48 32 6
15 4 14 12 8 14 0 16 4 68 17 6 2 19 84 0 18 Figure 1 Illustration of Neighbor Cell Configuration The
present cell’s neighbor cell can be set as follows: Table 4 Demonstration of Neighbor Cell List
Configuration Sector Scrambling number Neighbor cell list code number 1-1 4 8(1-1)、 12(1-2)、 32(3-
2)、 48(4-3)、 88(8-1)、 92(8-2)、 100(9-1)、 108(9-3)、 112(10-1)、128(11-2)、140(12-2)、144(12-
3)、156(13-3)、196(171)、200(17-2)、204(17-3)、208(18-1)、220(19-1) Adjust neighbor cells
according to each cell’s configured neighbor cell number as well as the situation whether cells are set as
mutual neighbor cells. We try to realize neighbor cell mutual configuration; in principle, neighbor cell
number shall not exceed 18, neighbor cell mutual configuration rate has to be higher than 90%. The
adjustment order is firstly the second layer cells that aren’t on the direction of the present cell, and
secondly the second layer cells that are on the direction of the present cell. This document contains
proprietary information of ZTE Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with
applicable agreements. 13

14. Internal Use Only▲ 2.3 Neighbor Cell Configuration beyond the System When constructing network
with other system, such as GSM system, on the coverage edge of WCDMA system, UE can continuously
enjoy services through handover to GSM system due to GSM system’s longtime construction and perfect
coverage. Therefore, neighbor cells among systems need to be configured for handover or reselection. The
following table shows template parameters in neighbor cell configuration among systems. Table 5
Parameter Table for Neighbor Cell Configuration among Systems ModInd Modify Indicator A:Add
D:Delete MCC MNC RncId CId NMCC Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code RNC Identity Cell
Identity Mobile Country Code of Neighboring M:Modify 0..999 0..999 0..4095 0.. 65535 0..999 NMNC
cell Mobile Network Code of Neighboring 0..999 LAC cell Location Area Code of Neighboring cell
1..0xfffd, 0xffff CI GsmShareCover GSM Neighboring Cell Identifier Share Cover Indication 0.. 65535
0:Neighbor; MeasPrio Measurement Priority of Neighboring 2:Covers; 3:Contained in 0..2 UseOfHCS
Qoffset1SNSib11 cell Use of HCS Qoffset1s,n in SIB11 1: Not used 2: used (-50..50)dB QhcsSib11 Qhcs
in SIB11 (-110..-37)dBm PenaltyTime Sib11 penalty time in SIB11 (Not Used, 10, 20, 30, 40,
TempOffset1Sib11 Temporary_offset1 in SIB11 Qoffset1SNSib12 Qoffset1s,n in SIB12 inf) dB
(-50..50)dB QhcsSib12 Qhcs in SIB12 (-110..-37)dBm PenaltyTime Sib12 penalty time in SIB12 (Not
Used, 10, 20, 30, 40, TempOffset1Sib12 Temporary_offset1 in SIB12 1:Overlap; 50, 60 )s ( 3, 6, 9, 12,
15, 18, 21, 50, 60 )s ( 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, inf) dB The meaning of each parameter is understandable,
what requires attention is that GSM cell is identified through LAC+CI. The method of neighbor cell
configuration is generally the same with that in the system. There are two types of common mutual
operations between 2G and 3G system. One is handover within This document contains proprietary
information of ZTE Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable
agreements. 14

15. Internal Use Only▲ GSM system on the coverage edge of WCDMA system; another is the whole
WCDMA network is handed over in GSM system. When WCDMA network realizes continuous coverage,
WCDMA system is only handed over in 2G system on its coverage edge, so only sites on the coverage
edge need to be configured with neighbor cells. The following principles are mainly taken into account.
1) Co-sited cells with the same direction are configured as neighbor cells; 2) GSM900 cells own the
priority to be chosen as neighbor cells; 3) Try not to configure congested GSM cells as neighbor cells as
much as possible. When WCDMA network cannot realize continuous coverage, the mutual operation
between the whole WCDMA network and 2G network shall be taken into account. The 2G neighbor cell
configuration method in the whole WCDMA network is the same with WCDMA neighbor cell
configuration method in WCDMA system, but the situation of neighbor cell traffic congestion shall also
be considered at the same time. 2.4 Neighbor Cell Configuration Controlled by Other RNC Inter-RNC
handover is hard handover; besides neighbor cell needs to be configured, corresponding cell information
shall also be configured. Neighbor cell information table is shown as follows; parameter meaning is the
same with that controlled by one RNC. Table 6 Neighbor Cell Information Table Controlled by One RNC
ModInd MCC Modify Indicator Mobile Country Code of Neighboring cell A:Add D:Delete M:Modify
0..999 MNC Mobile Network Code of Neighboring cell 0..999 RncId CId LAC SACPC RNC identity of
Neighboring cell Neighboring Cell ID Location Area Code of Neighboring cell Serving area code belong
to CS+PS domain of 0..4095 0.. 65535 1..0xfffd, 0xffff 1..0xfffd, 0xffff SACBPre Neighboring cell
SACB Configuration Tag SACB Serving area code belong to BC domain of RAC URANum URA
UUARFCN DUARFCN PrimScraCode HcsPrio QqualMinSib11 Neighboring cell Routing area code of
Neighboring cell URA Number URA identity UUARFCN DUARFCN Cell Primary Scrambling Code
HCS_PRIO Qqualmin in SIB11 0:False 1:True 0...65535 0...255 1.. 4 0..65535 9612..9888 or 9262..9538
10562..10838 or 9662..9938 0…511 0..7 (-24..0)dB This document contains proprietary information of
ZTE Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements. 15

16. Internal Use Only▲ QrxLevMinSib11 Qrxlevmin in SIB11 (-115..-25)dB step 2dB QqualMinSib12
Qqualmin in SIB12 QrxLevMinSib12 Qrxlevmin in SIB12 MaxRACHTxPwr RACH Maximum Allowed
UL TX Power (-50..33)dBm PcpichPwr CellDescripType Primary CPICH Power Cell Description Type
(-10..50)dBm 0: Center Point with Altitude (-24..0)dB (-115..-25)dB step 2dB and Cell Radius
1:Polygon 2:Arc PolygonPointNum PolyLatitudeSign Polygon Point Number Polygon Point Latitude Sign
3.. 15 0: North 1: South PolyLatitude Degree of Polygon Point Latitude PolyLongitude Degrees of
Polygon Point Longitude LatitudeSign Latitude Sign for Cell Center Latitude Degree of Latitude for Cell
Center Longitude Degrees Of Longitude for Cell Center Altitude Cell Altitude for Cell Center AltitudeDir
Direction ofAltitude for Cell Center AltitudeAcc Confidence Altitude Accurary Confidence CellRadius
Cell Radius AnteType Antenna Type (0°.. 90°)step 1 second (-180°.. 180°) step 1 second 0: North 1:
South (0°.. 90°)step 1 second (-180°.. 180°)step 1 second (0..2^15-1)m 0:Height 1: Depth (0...990)m
(0..100)% (0..1806627)m 0: Omni Antenna 1: Beam Antenna AnteLatitudeSign AnteLatitude
AnteLongitude Antenna Latitude Sign Degree of Antenna Latitude Degrees of Antenna Longitude 0:
North 1: South (0°.. 90°)step 1 second (-180°.. 180°)step 1 second AnteAltitude AnteAltitudeDir Antenna
Altitude Direction of Antenna Altitude (0..2^15-1)m 0: Height 1:Depth OffsetAngle InnerAngle Offset
angle Inner Angle (0°..360°) (0°..360°) This document contains proprietary information of ZTE
Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements. 16

17. Internal Use Only▲ 2.5 GSM Cell Configuration When doing mutual operation between 2G and 3G
system, for instance, handover/reselection from 3G system to 2G system, besides neighbor cell needs to
configured, GSM cell information shall also be configured in WCDMA system, which is shown in the
following table. Table 7 GSM Cell Parameter Configuration Table Parameter Description LAC Location
Area Code Scope 1..0xfffd, 0xffff CI NCC Cell Identifier Network Color Code 0…65535 0..7 BCC Base
Station Color Code Bandindicator Band indicator 0..7 0:DCS 1800 band used 1:PCS 1900 band used
2:GSM 900 band used 0..124 and 975.. 1023 or BCCHARFCN BCCH ARFCN MaxULTxPwr
Maximum Allowed UL TX Power HcsPrio QrxLevMinSib11 HCS_PRIO Qrxlevmin in SIB11 0..7
(-115..-25)dB step 2dB QrxLevMinSib12 Qrxlevmin in SIB12 (-115..-25)dB step 2dB CellIndivOffset
Cell individual offset (-50..50)dB step 1dB 512..885 (-50..33)dBm GSM cell parameter configuration
table can be obtained from GSM staff. 3 Radio Parameters Require to be Configured in GSM System in
Mutual Operation between 2G and 3G System In mutual operation between 2G and 3G system, besides
configuring GSM cell information in WCDMA system, WCDMA cell information and neighbor cell
information shall also be configured in GSM system that requires cooperation with GSM equipment
manufacturer. Provided parameters vary with manufacturers; this chapter mainly introduces parameter
configuration template for ZTE GSM system. Parameter configuration template please refers to
Attachment 2. 3.1 Required 3G Neighbor Cell Information Configured in GSM System Required 3G cell
information is shown in the following table. Table 8 Neighbor Cell Parameter Configuration Table in
GSM System Parameter Description Scope This document contains proprietary information of ZTE
Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements. 17

18. Internal Use Only▲ CI_G NCI_W MCC MNC LAC PSC RNCID 3G FREQ 0..65535 0.. 65535 0..99
code Mobile EcID CI cell 0.. 65535 0.. 65535 WCDMA cell ID External cell ID WCDMA cell id Mobile
country 2G GSM cell ID Neighbor 0..99 network code Location area code Scrambling code RNC ID
Downlink 1..0xfffd, 0xffff 0..511 0..4095 Central frequency*5 frequency number Band width 5×N (N is
the number BANDWIDCH of frequency) EcID is external cell identity, can be set from 1; different cells
own different identities. We suggest keeping EcID the same with CI, or using CI as EcID directly. 3.2
Information Needs to Configured for Reselection from 2G System to 3G System Required 3G cell
information is shown in the following table. Table 9 Neighbor Cell Parameter Configuration Table in
SCRAMBLINGCODE Refer to GSM criterion 0..65535 3G 0..999 0..999 code Mobile MCC C_ID Scope
identity WCDMA site name Mobile country Site Name RNC_ID Description GSM BSC identity GSM
site identity BTS identity GSM cell identity WCDMA cell 0..999 network code RNC identity WCDMA
cell 0..4095 0..65535 identity Location area code Downlink 1..0xfffd, 0xffff Central frequency*5
frequency number Scrambling code 0..511 This document contains proprietary information of ZTE
Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements. 18

19. Internal Use Only▲ 4 Attachment: Input Template of Radio Parameter Configuration for WCDMA
Newly Constructed Network Attachment 1: ZXWR OMC network planning and optimization batch input
template, each table can be input separately. ZXW R O C网规网优批量导入对象模板. xl s M
Attachment 2: neighbor cell data template configured in GSM system. G 数据配置模 SM 板. r ar This
document contains proprietary information of ZTE Corporation and is not to be disclosed or used except
in accordance with applicable agreements. 19

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