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The South Asian Times

e x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m
Vol.11 No. 11 July 14-20, 2018 80 Cents New York Edition Follow us on

South Korea and India to

double trade by 2030

President Trump landed in Brussels on Tuesday a day

after nominating Brett Kavanaugh (inset) to the Supreme Court.

Trump criticizes
Indian President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the Sourth Korean President
Moon Jae‑in at the Ceremonial Reception at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi. Moon has asked for
India's help in achieving rapprochement with North Korea (Photo: PIB)
EU allies ahead
New Delhi: The leaders of India
and South Korea committed on
Tuesday to lift bilateral trade to
$50 billion a year by 2030, up
Jae‑in met with Indian Prime
Minister Narendra Modi in New
Delhi, after which they issued a
statement pledging an "early con‑
billion trade goal, and the two
leaders signed an 11‑point agree‑
ment mostly on economic coop‑
eration. Moon's four‑day trip to
of NATO summit
from $20 billion now, as they clusion" to talks on upgrading the India ends on Wednesday, the In a likely win for President, his pick for
both contend with the rise of economic partnership agreement first visit by a sitting South
China. between their nations. Korean president since 2014. Supreme Court will face Democrats
South Korean President Moon The statement cited the $50 Continued on page 4 blitz, but stands to get confirmed
Brussels: President Donald Trump we are expected to defend, are not

Lokesh Muni inaugurates AAPI convention continued to criticize European

allies ahead of the NATO summit
only short of their current commit‑
ment of 2 percent (which is low),
in Brussels. but are also delinquent for many
He arrived in Brussels on years in payments that have not
Tuesday evening for the summit been made. Will they reimburse
scheduled for Wednesday and the US?" he wrote in another tweet
Thursday, after which he is expect‑ earlier in the evening.
ed to visit Britain and later meet Even as Trump left Washington
Russian President Vladimir Putin the day after nominating Brett
in Finland's capital Helsinki, Kavanaugh tot eh Supreme Court,
Xinhua reported. Democrats went on the attack
"The European Union makes it against his pick, but acknowl‑
impossible for our farmers and edged they are unlikely to win the
workers and companies to do busi‑ battle.
Brahmarishi Guruvanand ness in Europe (US has a $151 bil‑ Senate Minority Leader Charles
Swamiʼs blessing event on July 1 lion trade deficit), and then they Schumer (D‑N.Y.) has focused his
Flanked by AAPI President Dr Gautam Sammader and Columbus
at the Hindu Temple Auditorium want us to happily defend them partyʼs offensive on the risks that
Mayor Ginther, Jain guru Acharya Lokesh Muni inaugurated
in Flushing, NY was a divine through NATO, and nicely pay for a conservative court could pose to
AAPIʼs 36th Annual Convention in Columbus, Ohio, held from
July 4‑8. At the conclusion of the convention, Dr Naresh Parikh experience for his followers. it. Just doesn't work!" Trump abortion rights and affordable
took over as President. (See story on page 7.) First person account tweeted on Tuesday evening. health care, while other Democrats
and more pix on page 2. "Many countries in NATO, which Continued on page 4


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2 July 14-20, 2018 RELIGION

Towards Liberation with Laughter

First person account of the blessing event with Brahmarishi Guruvanand Swami
By Ashok Vyas aspects of human consciousness
but also connects with practical
Flushing, NY: I donʼt recollect any side of life.
other event, where people sat for He has attracted a multitude of
over five hours quietly and con‑ influential and dedicated disciples
nected with one speaker. The in the last 10 years in USA, Canada
blessings event for Gurudev Shri and elsewhere.
Brahmarishi Guruvanand Swamiji The founder chairman of
was organized by the World Forsythe Media Group, Kamlesh
Spirituality Forum at Hindu Mehta is the first initiated disciple
Temple Auditorium here on July 1 in this part of the world. In his
with lot of love and planning. words, “We witnessed an extraor‑
The auditorium was full and the dinary flow of supreme energy,
audience was treated by soulful steered by Pujya Gurudev Shri
singing of Sandeep Sehgal and Guruvanand ji. He was at his best
guided meditation conducted by in giving away his love & mar‑
Priya Gulecha before the arrival of velously miraculous blessings."
Gurudev. A few of his followers Meanwhile, Gurudev kept up his
shared their experience of being in level of engaged and uplifting
his presence. Then, Swamiji expression for nearly five hours
walked on the stage with his fresh without even stopping to drink
smile and radiance of joy. water. He kept his audience
He effortlessly connected with focused on his message with
the audience through his interac‑ humor, simplicity, compassion and
Gurudevʼs voice is of assurance, ʻI know the place where your want to go and I am here to take you thereʼ.
tive style. He asked, ʻHave you ever demonstration of his understand‑
been in love?ʼ and patiently sought ing about a wide range of issues similar to Vivekanandaʼs at the his unique way: ʻI donʼt want you think twice, but here it was like a
response from the audience and related to life. World Parliament of Religions: “I to reach the destination of libera‑ radiance of light and joy in human
then explained that love is visible People with different back‑ thank you in the name of the most tion with tears in your eyes, I want form walking towards you to hug
on your face and you also carry ancient order of monks in the to carry you there with smile and you.
the impressions of your dis‑ world.” laughter”. International secretary of the
honest acts. His advice: What one also wit‑ In the second part of his dis‑ World Spiritual Forum Rakesh
abstain from doing nessed inside the course, he made people chant Bhargava conducted the event and
something that auditorium was mantras after him to ʻcut the International coordinator Ashok
pulls your soul manifestation bondage of karmaʼ. Sometimes he Sancheti helped in making it possi‑
down, always of divine would ask people to clap, laugh, ble for people to have the ʻone on
be positive energy, raise their hands or playfully make oneʼ experience of Gurudevʼs ener‑
and commit which offerings to an imagined fire pyre gy. It is not that Gurudev is offer‑
to deeds that could next to their chair. ing any magic pill for liberation,
would lift you empower There are some areas of the sub‑ and does emphasize the impor‑
up. many peo‑ conscious or superconscious world tance of ʻself‑effortʼ, but the assur‑
Who would ple to go which we donʼt understand, but ance is, he is able, willing and
question such beyond physi‑ what one could grasp in this ready to engage his energies to
universal message? cal limitations guruʼs presence is a kind of light of help his disciples on the path. He
More than the mes‑ and control the love, love that transcends all encourages everyone to ʻcelebrate
sage, it is the messenger, need to drink water or boundaries and seeks to help you lifeʼ and accept all challenges of
his energy, his presence and his delay the need to go out of confront your limitations. life with smiles and laughter. The
willingness to share the fruits of the auditorium for other needs. Even after the event ended at internal guide tells us, I am one
his sadhana and siddhis freely. grounds, cul‑ Gurudevʼs voice was of assur‑ 10:00pm, many people waited to remembrance away, remember me
Swamiji is a giver, he says, he is tures and religion are drawn to ance, ʻI know the place where you get personal blessings from him. and I am with you.
here to give. There is nothing this sage from India, who wears a want to go and I am here to take He declared he will come to each Ashok Vyas can be contacted at
more for him to gain or attain. He turban a la Swami Vivekananda. you thereʼ. He offered help one and hug them. Now, with any‑
refers to mystical or mysterious Once he also used an expression towards pathway to liberation in body else, you may

At one point he also used an expression similar to Vivekanandaʼs at

Sometimes Guruvanand Swami asked people in the auditorium to clap, laugh, raise their the World Parliament of Religions: ʻI thank you in the name of the
hands or playfully make offerings to an imagined fire pyre next to their chair. most ancient order of monks in the world.ʼ TRISTATE COMMUNITY July 14-20, 2018 3

US to impose tariffs on another $200B in Chinese imports

Washington: The US has ramped
up its trade war with China, list‑
ing $200 billion worth of addi‑
US to become global leading
tional products it plans to place
tariffs on as soon as September. producer of crude oil
The move comes just days after he U.S. Information Administration (EIA) forecasts in a report on
the two countries imposed tit‑for‑ Tuesday that the United States will become the world' s leading
tat tariffs of $34 billion on each producer of crude oil if the output remains the current momen‑
other's goods, BBC reported on tum. Based on the June Short‑Term Energy Outlook (STEO), EIA fore‑
Wednesday. cast U.S. crude oil production to average 10.8 million barrels per day
US President Donald Trump in 2018, up from 9.4 million barrels per day in 2017, and to average
had already threatened to 11.8 million barrels per day in 2019.
impose additional tariffs against If realized, both of these forecast levels would surpass the previous
China if it retaliated. record of 9.6 million barrels per day set in 1970.
The list names more than EIA estimated that U.S. crude oil production averaged 10.9 million
6,000 items including food prod‑ barrels per day in June, up 0.1 million barrels per day from the May
ucts, minerals and consumer wants China to stop practices "no justification" for China's level. U.S. crude output has remained above the 10 million barrels per
goods such as handbags. that allegedly encourage transfer retaliation. day mark since February.
The public will have until the of intellectual property ‑ design "As in the past, the United The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
end of August to comment on the and product ideas ‑ to Chinese States is willing to engage in crude oil production averaged 31.9 million barrels per day in June.
list before the new tariffs ‑ to be companies, such as requirements efforts that could lead to a reso‑
imposed at 10 per cent ‑ come that foreign firms share owner‑ lution of our concerns about remain vigilant in defending the opposed to the administration's
into effect. ship with local partners to access China's unfair trade practices ability of our workers and busi‑ use of tariffs against China, say‑
The White House says the tar‑ the Chinese market. and to China opening its market nesses to compete on a fair and ing they risk hurting business
iffs are a response to unfair US Trade Representative to US goods and services," he reciprocal basis." and the economy without being
trade practices by China. The US Robert Lighthizer said there was said. "In the meantime, we will Many companies in the US are likely to change behavior.

30,000 cases of NRIs abandoning Indian American legal eagle

wives pending in Punjab
Chandigarh: The Punjab State
Punjab has tens of
backs Trumpʼs court pick
Women's Commission on Friday Washington: An American constitu‑ votes he deserves, rather than the
said over 30,000 cases pertain‑
thousands of NRIs set‐
tional scholar of Indian‑origin has fiftysomething votes he is likely to
ing to NRIs from the state aban‑ tled in other countries, proffered a stirring and weighty get.'' Republicans hold a 51‑49
doning their wives are pending especially in the United endorsement of President Donald edge in the Senate and a few
for disposal and urged the Centre States, United Kingdom, Trumpʼs nomination to the US Democratic Senators from the
to make tougher laws to curb the Canada and Australia. Supreme Court of conservative heartland states that Trump won
menace. judge Brett Kavanaugh, whose con‑ are expected to vote for
Commission passport confiscated till he com‑ firmation process is expected to Kavanaugh. But Amar made an
Chairperson Manisha Gulati pensates his aggrieved roil the countryʼs politics in the impassioned please to other
met External Affairs wife. coming weeks before his inevitable Democrats, suggesting that their
Minister Sushma "This bold deci‑ elevation tilts America decisively to Constitutional scholar reading of Kavanaugh may be over‑
Swaraj in New Delhi sion will help save the right for many decades. Akhil Amar has penned a wrought.
and raised the issue many lives in controversial NYT OpEd.
Hours after President Trump Many Democrats fear that
of the plight of such India, particularly made known his choice to replace with judicial credentials as strong Kavanaughʼs conservative creden‑
women who had in Punjab, and retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy as those of Judge Kavanaugh,'' tials ‑‑ in a bench that is currently
"suffered due to alert other NRIs with Kavanaugh, Akhil Amar, con‑ Amar wrote in a controversial NYT tied 4‑4 between liberal and con‑
betrayals and who want to twist sidered one of Americaʼs foremost OpEd, maintaining that Trump had servative justices‑‑ will tilt the
exploitation by NRI the law for their legal minds, pitched in, calling him lived up to his promise to pick court right for the foreseeable
grooms". vested interest a ''superb nominee'' and warning ''someone with impeccable creden‑ future, allowing a rewriting of
Gulati said the without fearing for that any Democratic opposition to tials, great intellect, unbiased judg‑ everything from hard won rights
Minister assured her of its consequences," him would be a mistake. ment, and deep reverence for the on abortion to same‑sex marriage.
necessary action. More than Gulati said. Punjab has tens of Amarʼs endorsement is remark‑ laws and Constitution of the United While conservatives rejoiced at
30,000 legal cases are pending thousands of NRIs settled in able because by his own admission, States.'' Amarʼs endorsement, many
in Punjab alone, in which NRIs other countries, especially in the he strongly supported Hillary A distinguished law professor, Democrats and liberals were dis‑
presumably abandoned their United States, United Kingdom, Clinton for president as well as Amar disclosed that Kavanaugh mayed. ''Iʼm embarrassed by the
wives. These exploited women Canada and Australia. "The pres‑ President Obamaʼs nominee for the was his student at Yale and main‑ scratch‑your‑back‑then‑you‑scratch
need help immediately. ent and previous governments Supreme Court, Judge Merrick tained he ''commands wide and mine column of Akhil Amar and I
If the preliminary inquiry in passed laws to protect women Garland, whose confirmation was deep respect among scholars, say that as a Yale Law alum and
India reveals that the concerned from exploitation by NRI grooms stalled by Republicans. lawyers and jurists.'' He urged one of his former students,'' said
NRI is within the ambit of convic‑ but somehow this exploitation ''But today, with the exception of Democrats to support Kavanaugh Neera Tanden, a Hillary Clinton
tion, then his extradition process hasn't been curtailed," the com‑ the current justices and Judge so that he ''could be confirmed acolyte and President of the think
be initiated immediately and his mission chief pointed out. Garland, it is hard to name anyone with the ninetysomething Senate tank Center for American Progress.
4 July 14-20, 2018 TURN PAGE

Trump criticizes EU allies ahead

Emirates to operate extra flights for Hajj season of NATO summit
Continued from page 1
Dubai: Emirates will be operating extra labeled Kavanaugh an “extreme” pick whom
flights to Jeddah and Medina to help facili‑ Trump was motivated to nominate as protection
tate travel for pilgrims heading to and from from special counsel Robert Muellerʼs Russia
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for Hajj. probe.
Emirates will be operating 33 additional Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R‑Ky.)
flights to Jeddah and Medina from 6 to 31 defended Kavanaugh as thoroughly qualified and
August to support the journey for pilgrims deserving confirmation.
expected to travel to the Holy City of Mecca “Judge Kavanaugh possesses an impressive
during Hajj this year. These services will résumé, an outstanding legal mind and an exem‑
run in parallel with Emiratesʼ regularly plary judicial temperament,” he said.
scheduled services to Jeddah and Medina. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck
Emirates will also be deploying a two‑class Grassley (R‑Iowa) said he expects Kavanaugh to
A380 to Jeddah from 5‑14 August, return‑ receive a vote on the floor 65 to 70 days from
to travel with Emirates this year. With the visions will be made to accommodate Hajj
ing pilgrims back to Dubai and their now, in keeping with recent Senate precedent, and
significant demand for air travel during this traveler needs such as performing ablu‑
onward connections from 26‑31 August. for his panel to hold confirmation hearings
period, Emirates is deploying extra flights tions, advising passengers about Al Miqat
The Emirates two‑class A380 will offer 58 around Labor Day.
to ensure more seamless connections for and Ihram (the phase when pilgrims enter a
fully‑flat beds in Business Class and 557 the scores of pilgrims making their way to state of sanctity) and other arrangements
spacious Economy class seats. the Holy City of Mecca. During their jour‑ that will help ease their journey. Emiratesʼ
South Korea and India to
These additional flight services are avail‑ ney, we aim to provide our customers with award winning ice system will also feature
double trade by 2030
able to travelers holding a valid Hajj visa. the best experience that is aligned with the a special Hajj video that covers safety, Hajj
Continued from page 1
This year, top inbound destinations China ‑‑ Asia's biggest economy and a geopolitical
pillars of their faith, particularly during this formalities and information about perform‑
Emirates is expecting Hajj pilgrims to come rival to India ‑‑ loomed over the visit.
significant period.” On the ground in Dubai, ing the Hajj pilgrimage. Pilgrims will also
from are Pakistan, Senegal, the United South Korea regards India as an important
Emirates has a dedicated airport team be able to tune into the Holy Quran chan‑
States, the UK, Australia, Indonesia, the diplomatic and economic partner. Moon, who took
whose purpose is to seamlessly facilitate nel. On flights from Jeddah, Hajj passengers
Ivory Coast and Nigeria. Adil Al Ghaith, office in May 2017, has turned to the burgeoning
the passenger ground experience for Hajj. can bring up to 5 liters of holy water
Emiratesʼ Senior Vice President, Indian economy to ensure stable growth for his
In addition, dedicated check‑in and transfer (Zamzam) which will be placed in special
Commercial Operations, Gulf, Middle East country by easing its reliance on China.
counters have been set up for Hajj passen‑ areas in the cargo hold. As with all Emirates
and Iran said: “Hajj travel is an extraordi‑ Seoul's decision to deploy a U.S.‑made missile
gers transiting in Dubai. In the air, several flights, Hajj passengers will enjoy extra
nary journey for Muslims which leaves defense system prompted retaliatory Chinese
initiatives have been planned in keeping generous Emirates baggage allowance of
them with a lifetime of memorable experi‑ measures that hurt South Korea's economy.
with the values and traditions that pilgrims up to 35kg in Economy Class, 40kg in
ences, and we expect over 25,000 pilgrims Meanwhile, tensions between India and China
uphold when travelling for Hajj. Extra pro‑ Business Class and 50kg in First Class.
rose last year during a monthslong military stand‑

India heading for healthcare crisis: Amartya Sen off at a disputed border region, though the two
sides have adopted a more conciliatory stance
New Delhi: India spends just a little over ‑‑ as a proportion of their respective levels has been growing larger. Even within South During Tuesday's summit, Moon asked for
one per cent of its GDP on healthcare and of the gross national product‑‑ to health‑ Asia, Bangladesh and Nepal have overtaken India's help in achieving rapprochement with
this is leading the country into "a compre‑ care," Sen writes in his elaborate foreword India in health accomplishment, including North Korea. Modi agreed to work closer with
hensive healthcare crisis", according to to "Healers or Predators? Healthcare in life expectancy. "If India's bad record in Seoul on bringing peace and security to the
Nobel laureate and noted economist Corruption in India", which will be launched healthcare is not much discussed in the Korean Peninsula, Moon said at the joint news
Amartya Sen, who has called for greater in Delhi. Indian press, this neglect does not indicate conference following their meeting.
allocation on healthcare in India and high‑ Sen, a recipient of the Bharat Ratna in the presence of a tolerable level of health‑ India will offer what it can to ease tensions
lighted what he calls "three general fail‑ 1999, further claims that the entire organi‑ care in India, but reflects instead the nar‑ between the Koreas, Modi told reporters.
ures" in the country's healthcare segment. zation of Indian healthcare has become row reach of the Indian news media, with New Delhi has sought deeper diplomatic ties
"The fact that India allocates only a little "deeply flawed", leading the country into "a its traditional neglect of elementary educa‑ with Pyongyang. Modi dispatched V.K. Singh, a
over 1 per cent of its gross domestic prod‑ comprehensive healthcare crisis". "Despite tion and healthcare," writes the 84‑year‑old senior foreign affairs official, to the reclusive
uct on public healthcare contrasts sharply, being one of the fastest growing economies economist. Sen has extensively written on state in May. India worries about nuclear coopera‑
for example, with nearly three times as in the world, India ranks among the poorest welfare economics and social justice and in tion between North Korea and nuclear‑armed
much by China. We reap as we sow, and achievers of good health. The shortfall of the given book, he also highlights the plight Pakistan, which harbors a long running territorial
cannot expect to get what other countries India's health achievements compared with of patients suffering at the hands of "pri‑ dispute with India.
achieve by allocating much more resources those of, say, China or Thailand is large and vate caregivers".

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ISU scholarship to honor

astronaut Kalpana Chawla
Strasbourg, France: T he
Kalpana Chawla Project for
Innovation, Entrepreneurism
and Space Studies at the
International Space University
(ISU) has been established to
honor the Indian‑American
astronaut Dr. Kalpana Chawla.
T he scholarship project is
focused on developing strong
technical and leadership quali‑
t ies w ith talented Indian
The scholarship is used to
provide funding for Indian
nationals to attend ISUʼs Space
Studies Program (SSP). The
goal is to attract talented
Indian women who are post‑
graduate students with back‑ The Dr. KC Scholarship recipients Anisha Rajmane and
grounds in science, medicine, Palak Singh. The scholarship project is focused on
materials, satellite technology developing strong technical and leadership qualities
with talented Indian women.
and other space‑related areas of
(Source: The International Space University )
fo cus, who also share Dr.
Chawlaʼs selfless and passionate pursuit of neering, space laws and management. She is
education and excellence. also associated with Astro Education Pune
As part of an annual campaign to identify as an instructor and has been engaged in
and assist in funding three exceptional various space‑related activities in the city of
Indian post‑graduate students, scholarship Kolhapur.
endowment fund, Jean‑Pierre Harrison, Palak obtained her bachelorʼs degree in
engineer, pilot, author, and husband of aerospace eng ineering from Manipal
Kalpana Chawla said, “Kalpana would be Institute of Technology, with a strong desire
honored to be associated with this program of being an innovator in the field of aero‑
and having her name associated with the space. She had been working as a research
outstanding opportunities provided to these assistant in the Aerospace Department at
young ladies.” the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
The Dr. KC Scholarship project announced to develop an aircraft in ultralight aviation
its second and third funded scholars. The with challenging restraints presented in
two scholars are Anisha Rajmane and Palak terms of objective and design. She has been
Singh. performing incredibly and participating in
Anisha from Kolhapur is a production space settlement design and development.
engineer who worked as a trainee engineer She holds interest in research of lifting bod‑
at Manugraph India LTD, Kolhapur in the ies and re‑entry and hopes to work further
field of quality check and inspection. Her on it in the near future. Currently, she is
interest started gradually growing with working on Finite Element Method Analysis
some undertakings on appropriate metals of Bird Strikes.
required for proper functioning of the satel‑ According to Michael Potter, one of the
lites and temperature change, outgassing, scholarship founders, “This is a historic
contamination, erosion, plasma ef fects, moment to achieve an international impact
atmospheric density, solar and nuclear radi‑ with a few select, but very talented Indian
ation have on the satellites and spacecraft. post‑graduate students. India will continue
She has a career objective to work with the to play on the international stage, as it
commercial aerospace sector at a global moves forward leading the development of
level with areas of interests in space engi‑ space technologies and activities.”

The Third Baithak@Consulate was held on July 8, 2018, at the Indian Consulate in
New York. Baithak@Consulate is the Consulateʼs initiative to popularize Indian
classical music & dance through an informal and intimate setting. This edition
featured Madhavi Mudgal, classical Odissi dancer & her team.
(Image courtesy: India in New York/Facebook page)
6 July 14-20, 2018 TRISTATE COMMUNITY

Telangana student shot dead in US Top lawyer Uttam Dhillon
A appointed acting head of Drug
26‑year‑old Indian student from
Telangana was shot dead inside a
restaurant in Kansas City by a sus‑
pected robber. Enforcement Agency
Sharath Koppu, who was pursuing his

Masterʼs degree from the University of ttam Dhillon, a top White
Missouri‑Kansas City (UKMC) was shot on House lawyer, has been
Friday evening at J's Fish and Chicken appointed as the new
Market where he was working as a part‑ Acting Administrator of the cru‑
time employee, The Kansas City Star news‑ Sharath Koppu
cial Drug Enforcement Agency
paper reported. (Image courtesy:
that combats the smuggling and
External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj Sunday announced that it was making use of narcotics in the US.
on Sunday condoled the death, saying: "We arrangements to bring Koppu's body back Dhillon replaces Robert
will follow this up with the police and pro‑ to Hyderabad. Patterson, who retired after 30
vide all assistance to the family." The UKMC also issued a statement con‑ years of service.
The Kansas City Police has released a doling Koppu's death. Dhillon, who till recently
brief video of the suspect inside the restau‑ "We offer our sincere sympathies to worked in the White House as
rant moments before the shooting and Sharath's family and friends in the wake of deputy counsel and deputy assis‑
asked for people's assistance in identifying this senseless tragedy," the statement said. tant to President Donald Trump,
him. The suspect pulled out a gun and shot UMKC Chancellor C. Mauli Agrawal took up the role of Acting
Koppu on his back. He died after being offered his condolences. Administrator of the Drug
taken to a hospital. "Sharath and I share an Indian heritage, Enforcement Agency (DEA) on
Koppu, who was a software engineer, but all of us at UMKC share in the grief such Tuesday.
came to the US in January. tragedies bring," Agrawal said on Saturday "With one American dying of a
Meanwhile, the Telangana government on evening. (IANS) drug overdose every nine min‑
Uttam Dhillon
utes, there can be no doubt that (Image courtesy:
we are facing the deadliest drug

IIT Kharagpur to honor 13 illustrious epidemic in our history," Attorney

General Jeff Sessions said announcing
it deserves, Sessions said.
Dhillon is a dedicated public servant

alumni including Indian Americans his appointment.

The work of the Drug Enforcement
who has served with distinction in the
White House, the Department of

Administration is critical to fighting Justice, the Department of Homeland
T Kharagpur will honour thirteen renowned architect and Prof. Pushpak
this crisis, and President Donald Security, Congress, and as a career fed‑
alumni with the Distinguished Bhattacharyya, Director, IIT Patna, also
Trump and he are committed to con‑ eral prosecutor taking on drug traf‑
Alumnus Award during its 64th figure in the list.
tinuing to give it the strong leadership fickers at the highest levels.
Convocation on July 20, the institute Among the outstanding contributors
said in a statement on Tuesday. from the field of industrial research and
The profiles of awardees include top development are V. Narayanan,

Prof Dipak Jain appointed new head

academicians and eminent scientists in Director, LPSC at ISRO, an expert in
India and abroad, a defence profession‑ cryogenic rocket propulsion technolo‑
al and a social contributor, it said. gy, Samir V. Kamat, Director General,
Among the awardees from academia
are Ashim Kumar Datta of Cornell
Naval Systems and Materials at DRDO,
Santanu Chaudhury, Director, CSIR‑
of top Chinese business school
University, an expert in the physics of CEERI, Pilani and Parag V. Havaldar, ipak Jain, a prominent Indian
food, Chaitali Chakrabarti of Arizona who was awarded Oscar in Technical professor in the US, has been
State University, an expert in VLSI, and category last year. appointed as the new head of a
Narayan B.T. Mandayam of Rutgers The award list includes exemplary top global business school in China
University, an expert in wireless infor‑ achievers such as Lt Gen Utpal according to a media report.
mation network. Bhattacharyya (retd), a 1971 and Kargil Jain, 61, will take over as the
Ramesh Jain of University of war hero and management expert, and European president of the Shanghai‑
California, Irvine, who is also an entre‑ Swami Smaranananda, monk, yoga guru based China Europe International
preneur driven by his interests in real and General Secretary of Yogoda Business School (CEIBS), replacing
time data, perception, and social net‑ Satsanga Society of India Paramahansa Pedro Nueno who was appointed presi‑
works, Sudipta Seal of University of Yogananda Path, Ranchi. President Ram dent in 2005.
Central Florida, a global champion in Nath Kovind will be the chief guest for Jain, former dean of two of the
ceramics, Haresh Lalvani of Pratt the Convocation ceremony. world's leading business schools ‑ the
Institute, an artist‑inventor and globally (IANS) Kellogg School of Management and
INSEAD ‑ will work alongside his
Chinese counterpart Li Mingjun.
PM Modi's asks ʻHotel Motel "We are targeting any individual who
has an interest in China. Someone who

Patelsʼ to promote Indian tourism might want to work here and perhaps
try and create something here; an indi‑ Deepak Jain, former dean of two of the

rime Minister Narendra Modi on five minutes clip on Indian tourism on vidual who is trying to build a bridge world's leading business schools ‑ the
Friday urged the Patel communi‑ TV, when they open the TV they will be between this part of the world and any‑ Kellogg School of Management in US
ty living in the US to promote able to see what India is." where else," Jain said. and INSEAD in France.
Indian tourism through their hospitality PM Modi also praised the non‑resident "This to me is the real CEIBS thing‑
leaders who have an interest in China "put structure on unstructured prob‑
businesses. Addressing the International Indians or NRIs living abroad for mak‑
or the region," he was quoted as saying lems."
Convention of the Saurashtra Patel ing India proud and said that the
by the China Daily. Brought up in Assam, Jain, who lives
Cultural Samaj in US through video con‑ strength and respect of the Indian pass‑
Exuding confidence that the new role in Chicago and works in Shanghai for
ferencing, the Prime Minister said, "You port had increased worldwide.
will grant him the opportunity to study 10 to 15 days each month, has been
people are known as 'hotel motel patel "NRIs living abroad are making India
a country that he has seen mainly from teaching marketing at CEIBS since
wallas'. Can each one of you influence proud. The strength and respect of the
outside, Jain said he put forth the September last year when he took on
five people to visit India? Whenever you Indian passport has increased," he said.
importance of business education to the president‑designate role. (PTI)
get guests in hotel or motel, you can put (ANI) NATIONAL COMMUNITY July 14-20, 2018 7

Dr. Naresh Parikh takes over as AAPI President

Columbus, Ohio: Dr. Naresh Parikh,
a cardiologist, entrepreneur, leader,
and community activist, assumed
36th convention concludes in Columbus, OHIO
charge July 7 as President of the
American Association of Physicians
of Indian Origin (AAPI) as the 36th
annual convention here concluded
with a gala attended by over 1,700
delegates from across the nation.
Along with Dr. Parikh, his execu‑
tive committee consisting of Dr.
Suresh Reddy, President‑Elect; Dr.
Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Vice
President; Dr. Anupama
Gotimukula, Secretary; Dr. Anjana
Samadder, Treasurer; and Dr. Ajeeth
Kothari, Chairman of the Board of
Trustees, were administered the
Change of Guard at AAPI: Dr. Naresh Parikh receiving the gavel from The new executive committee led by Dr. Naresh Parikh, President; Dr.
oath of office. Dr. Gautam Samadder (to his right) Suresh Reddy, President‑Elect; Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Vice
Dr Parikh said that as AAPI
President; Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, Secretary; Dr. Anjana Samadder,
President, “I will dedicate my time, Treasurer; and Dr. Ajeeth Kothari, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
energy and skills to maintain the
integrity of AAPI and promote Kolkata, Health Clinic inauguration Convener for AAPI annual conven‑
membership database and scrub in West Bengal, African safari, con‑ tion in 2006. Dr. Parikh was the
data. We will work together encour‑ tributions to Veterans Obesity and Chairman of the Organizing
aging and motivating more and Lukemia Society, participation in Committee of Shankar Mahadevan
more Physicians and Dentists to India Day Parade and Leadership and Sunidhi Chauhan concerts and
join AAPI and work towards seminar. A graduate from Nagpur was instrumental in successfully
increase in AAPI membership repre‑ Medical College in 1972 Dr Parikh raising money for AAPI.
senting all sections, including is a practicing cardiologist in Ambassador Sandeep
women while providing enhanced Atlanta, Georgia for 30 years, and is Chakravorty, Consul General of
membership benefits including lia‑ Dr Naresh Parikh addressing the serving as the CEO of Georgia India in New York, in his keynote
bility insurance carrier, billing, col‑
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a globally convention as incoming AAPI Clinic, a multi‑specialty organiza‑ address, praised the contributions
revered spiritual and humanitarian President, standing next to
lection company, cardiac remote tion, founded in 1998. of Indian American physicians for
leader, led the over 1,700 AAPI his wife, Dr Asha Parikh.
monitoring, and credit card transac‑ Dr. Parikh has been very active their commitment, dedication and,
delegates and their families to a ses‑
tions through reputed banking serv‑ sion of yoga and meditation at the close association with Dr. and lead several local and national especially for contributing to the
ices.” He declared his Mission and AAPI convention on July 6th, 2018. Samadder. I have learned much level programs for AAPI in the past advancement of Indo‑US relation‑
Motto for the upcoming year: “As from him.” several years. He has been a Patron ship. AAPIʼs next convention will be
your president I plan to invoke this Dr. Gautam Samadder, his predeces‑ Dr. Gautam Samadder, through a Member of the AAPI Charitable held in Atlanta, GA from July 3‑7,
year as the year of progress and sor. “I have enjoyed serving AAPI screened presentation summarized Foundation since 2006. His organ‑ 2019. And the Global Healthcare
balance.” Dr. Parikh graciously for all these years and it was a true the many achievements of his year izing skills were highly appreciated Summit is planned for December
acknowledged the contributions of pleasure this past year working in long presidency, including GHS in when he served as the Chair and 28‑30, 2018 in Mumbai.

Our democracy under attack: Top Indian-American democrat targets Trump

Washington, DC: Indian‑American months of the Trump administra‑ has ever been.
Seema Nanda, the newly‑appointed tion as an incredibly difficult time Beginning July 23, Nanda would
CEO of the opposition Democratic for the US. "It is an incredibly diffi‑ be responsible for the day‑to‑day
Party's decision‑making body, has cult time in this country. Our operation of the powerful DNC.
claimed that the US democracy is democracy is under attack every In her capacity as the DNC CEO,
under attack and some of its sacred day by this administration that is she would play a key role in party's
institutions are being challenged really challenging some of our most winning strategy in the mid‑term
every day under the Trump admin‑ basic and sacred institutions that November elections, for which the
istration. we've had," Nanda told PTI. DNC has set a target of winning
Nanda was last month appointed "We see attacks every day on the back the House of Representatives
as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) free press, vicious attacks on sitting from the Republicans.
of the Democratic National members of Congress by this "We are very focused on protect‑
Committee (DNC), the formal gov‑ administration. We see corruption. ing our democracy, making sure we
erning body of the Democratic What is most frustrating about it is have the institutions that provide
Party, making her the first from the it takes away from the real issues the checks and balances to the gov‑
Indian‑American community to lead that the Democratic Party wants to ernment that have made this coun‑
operations of a major political party talk about," she said, adding that try so great and open to all and wel‑ Seema Nanda was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
in the US. She described the last 18 income inequality is greater than it come to all," Nanda said. of the Democratic National Committee last month.
8 July 14-20, 2018 NATIONAL COMMUNITY

Tweak in US policy threatens immigrants

applying for change in status
Washington: It went largely unre‑ deportation proceedings if that States. She will not be provided a agency sends a request for evi‑ Mariaʼs green card, saying sheʼs
marked, just another bland proce‑ benefit is denied. For years, a crim‑ lawyer; she may be detained, dence to his old address anyway. likely to become a public charge.
dural decision from a government inal conviction has been required sometimes with no bond. There is Jack never receives it. USCIS Maria now faces deportation.
agency. But a quiet policy change to be fast‑tracked for deportation. no right to a speedy trial, nor trial denies the extension of status for Ramiah is a software engineer.
at the United States Citizenship Now, merely losing your petition by jury. Here are a few examples failure to respond. Jack now faces His employer sponsors him for a
and Immigration Services last for visa extension, being charged highlighting the full extent of the deportation. green card̶but is then acquired
month is the next step toward a with a crime, or doing something new rule. Maria is in the US on a fiancée by another firm. USCIS denies the
nationwide purge of non‑citizens. DHS considers to be criminal (even Jack, a foreign student, files for visa and files for a green card. Her petition, saying there is insuffi‑
On June 28, USCIS announced if never arrested or charged) an extension of his visa. Heʼs US citizen husband has a good job cient proof the new employer can
that non‑citizens who apply for a places you on the same fast‑track. always been in status. He moves with health insurance. Before the continue the sponsorship in the
“benefit”–such as an extension or Once in deportation proceed‑ off campus, and properly files a green card interview, Maria is shoes of the old employer. Ramiah
change of status, a green card, or ings, the non‑citizen must prove change of address with USCIS (he diagnosed with breast cancer. The now faces deportation.
citizenship̶would be placed in she is eligible to stay in the United even gets the receipt). Later, the officer finds out and denies Courtesy: Quartz

Chicago community felicitates
musical luminaries Sivamani & Karthik

Consul General of India Neeta Bhushan seen with honored musical luminaries
Karthik & Sivamani [LtoR] Saurin Thakkar, Keerthi Ravoori, Karthik, Sunil Shah,
Sivamani, Paul Pulla, Dr. Vijay Prabhakar & Foram Thakkar Ramesh Chennithala (sixth from left), the opposition party leader in Kerala urged

the NRIs in America to take an active part to defend democracy and freedom in
enowned drummer/percussionist Bhushan described Sivamani and Karthik as
India. He was expressing his opinion in a dinner meeting hosted by Mohinder
Sivamani & Indiaʼs singing sensa‑ cultural ambassadors who are showcasing
Singh Gilzian, President of INOC, USA. Chennithala is on an official visit to
tion Karthik were felicitated at a Indiaʼs music in various parts of the world the US to attend the FOKANA convention to be held in Philadelphia.
dinner reception hosted by Saurin & Foram and thus promoting Indiaʼs music culture
Thakkar and co‑hosted by Dr. Vijay abroad.
Prabhakar at Fairfield Inn Marriot on June Dr. Vijay Prabhakar, Founder & Director
6th with Consul General of India Neeta
Bhushan serving as the Chief Guest that
of Multi‑Ethnic American Task Force pre‑
siding over the eveningʼs celebrations
American firm to pay $100,000 to
attracted the attendance of communityʼs
ardent music enthusiasts.
described Sivamani and Karthik are giant
musical figures who have embarked on the
settle lawsuit by Indian‑origin employee

The evening felicitations kicked‑off with journey of connecting the world through n American firm will pay sified him as "resigned," began processing
the ʻMusical Saluteʼ paid by Foram & Saurin music and song. Dr. Vijay Prabhakar along $100,000 to settle a discrimina‑ termination paperwork and ultimately
Thakkar who together crooned musical with the Multi Ethnic American Task Force tion lawsuit filed on behalf of an fired him for pretextual reasons, the EEOC
selections from the music that bore the [MEATF] team presented Sivamani with a Indian‑origin employee who was fired for said. Camber then replaced Pai, who was
foot prints of Sivamani and Karthik. Chief Congressional citation that honors his con‑ seeking a transfer to care for his differ‑ then in his mid‑60s, with a much younger
Guest Consul General of India Neeta tribution to music; while the association of ently‑abled son. worker.
Bhushan paid glowing tributes to Sivamani Tamil Youth presented Karthik with a Ashok Pai had worked at federal con‑ The discrimination took place in Cam‑
and Karthik and praised their enduring proclamation honoring his singing. tractor Camber Corporation and was fired ber's Virginia office where Pai worked at
contributions in music. She complimented The highlight of the eveningʼs reception by the company, which replaced him with an office within the US Department of
the musical duo for their outstanding role was the presentation of Raga Yaman by someone more than 20 years younger. Justice.
in promoting the Indian music to world‑ Karthik with the drum accompaniment by The US Equal Employment Opportunity The EEOC said such behavior violates
wide audiences. Consul General Neeta Sivamani. Commission (EEOC) charged that Camber provisions of the Americans with Disabili‑
violated federal law when it denied Pai a ties Act (ADA) and the Age Discrimination
transfer based on his son's medical condi‑ in Employment Act (ADEA). The EEOC had

Case against Shashi Tharoor is a tion. Camber agreed to pay $100,000 and
provide other relief to settle a disability
filed its suit against Camber in US District
Court for the Eastern District of Virginia

political witch hunt: George Abraham and age discrimination lawsuit filed by
the agency.
after first attempting to reach a pre‑litiga‑
tion settlement through its conciliation

he recent court case filed against law enforcement agencies” Abraham added. According to the EEOC, Pai's son sus‑ process.
Shashi Tharoor, Member of Shashi Tharoor served as the Under‑ tained catastrophic injuries in a car acci‑ US District Court Judge Anthony Trenga
Parliament is nothing but a political Secretary‑General and ran and lost the elec‑ dent as a child and, as a result, has been entered a consent decree resolving the
witch hunt designed to silence a strong and tion to the top post at the United Nations. disabled for more than 25 years. case. In addition to $100,000 award for
steady voice of pluralism and democracy,” “The death of his wife is a truly tragic inci‑ Pai sought a transfer to work nearer to lost wages, the two‑year decree includes
said George Abraham, Vice‑Chairman of the dent and but to politicize it through crimi‑ where his son lived and requested leave to injunctive relief to prevent disability and
Indian Overseas Congress, USA. “What the nal prosecution because he is an influential assist with his care. age discrimination from occurring at the
BJP government is engaged in is politics of member of the opposition is a black mark However, immediately after Camber company in the future. The company is
personal destruction to demonize and on India's democracy and the system of management learned that Pai was explor‑ also required to post anti‑discrimination
destroys the opposition by weaponizing the jurisprudence,” said Abraham. ing the transfer to care for his son, it clas‑ notices at its office locations. NATIONAL COMMUNITY July 14-20, 2018 9

Ninth biennial convention brings together

Maheshwari Rajasthanis from world over
Santa Clara, CA: Maheshwari Mahasabha of
North America (MMNA) held its ninth bien‑
nial convention, International Maheshwari
Rajasthani Convention (IMRC), at Santa
Clara Marriott from June 30th through July
3rd 2018.
IMRC 2018 was hosted by MMNAʼs West
Coast ‑ North chapter with the theme of
Rangilo Rajasthan, Suneharo San Francisco,
and Anokho IMRC 2018. The convention is
a forum to ce le brate and preserve
Rajasthani culture as well as to foster rela‑
t ionships w ithin the re lat ive ly small
Maheshwari community living in North
A record‑breaking 750+ attendees from
North America and around the globe con‑
gregated in the heart of Silicon Valley. This
grand event was engineered by an innova‑
tive team of 100+ volunteers who worked
relentlessly over 15 months planning all the
The convention mascots ‑
details. The host committee was led by
Host chapter members raised the entertainment quotient with presentation of a play. Mr Bavlo and Ms Bavli
Vijayshri Choudhary,Convener, Anand Daga
and Vrushali Tapadiya, Co‑conveners, Devu along with eminent business leaders from causes catering to different ages and inter‑ included scintillating Rajasthani folk dance,
Heda, Chapter President, Swapnil Laddha, MMNA community including Suresh ests. The youth group, RAYS, orchestrated Kalbe liya, performed by Aakansha
Chapter Vice President, and Vandana Daga, Deopura, Pratik Gattani, and Vasant Rathi as cultural discussions as well as personal and Maheshwariʼs group. For the finale gala
Sakhi Chair with support from Sureshji well as Snehal Mantri from India. Vimal professional networking sessions. They night, Ravi Jakhotia, otherwise known
Deopura, Chapter Mentor and MMNA Board Sodhani was felicitated with the Lifetime mentored and facilitated discussions for jun‑ around the world as DJ Ravidrums along
of Trustee. Achievement award for his contributions to ior RAYS (13‑20 years of age) to make them with stellar music band Dhwani, turned the
Prime Minister Narendra Modi applauded MMNA. better appreciate the Rajasthani culture and ballroom into a concert hall.
the e f forts w ith a personal letter. During the three day event, attendees help them navigate through high school and On a lighter note, the convention saw the
Venkatesan Ashok, Consul General of India were able to engage in a variety of social college life. debut of brand new mascots, Mr. Bavlo and
in San Francisco and Santa Clara Mayor Lisa and cultural activities, enjoy delicious ethnic IMRC 2018 cultural teamʼs vision instilled Ms. Bavli who are tech‑savvy and grounded
Gillmor graced the opening ceremony by cuisine, and participate in intellectually an added sense of pride with Rajasthan and by Rajasthani roots. They cheered our audi‑
lighting diyas (lamps). Distinguished guests stimulating workshops and networking India. The host chapter teamʼs tribute to ences throughout the event with Bay Area
speakers included Padma Bhushan Ved events. Participants gained from breakout India and its diversity on the opening night hospitality. Additionally, a phone app that
Nanda, Ramesh Partani from Akhil sessions focused on health, wellness, tech‑ triggered patriotic sentiments with the audi‑ kept our attendees organized and informed
Bharatvarshiya Maheshwari Mahasabha, nology, investment, life planning, and social ence. The cultural highlight for the next day up‑to‑the‑minute.


Swraj Paul to donate UK town to be Amritsarʼs twin city in

memory of Maharaja Duleep Singh
substantially to London: A small UK town in the

London zoo, again

East Anglia region of England
w ill become the tw in city of
Amritsar as it ce lebrates the
London: Leading NRI industrial‑ married to his wife Michelle in 125th death anniversary of
ist Lord Swraj Paul has come to 2005. Maharaja Duleep Singh, the last
the rescue of London The Zoo has long Maharaja of the Sikh Empire,
Zoo once again and been planning to with a two‑week‑long Punjabi
will provide a sub‑ restore and festival.
stant ial financial enhance one of its Thetford in Norfolk was home
donat ion for the great treasures ‑ to Duleep Singh and the organiz‑
world‑famous zoo's the landmark ers of the Festival of Thetford & coming to live in Thetford was cultural legacy. This includes his
latest transformation aviary designed by Punjab be lieve the town has not just mere coincidence. family, the political and cultural
project. Earlier, Lord Paul had Lord Snowdon. The strong resonance with the lush From his statue in the town context of the time he was living
Earlier, Lord Paul stepped in to save the aviary is at risk and fields, intense farming activity center, which is almost an exact in, and how this influenced
had stepped in to London Zoo from in urgent need of and livesto ck g razing of the replica of Maharaja Ranjit Thetford and the surrounding
save the London Zoo bankruptcy back in 1993 attention, Mr Paul Indian state. Singh's statue in Company Bagh area today.
from bankruptcy with a 1‑million pound said during his "Elveden Manor in Thetford in Amritsar, to the landscape of The festival will involve a pro‑
back in 1993 with a donation to fund a new speech at an annu‑ was home to the last Maharaja of Norfolk, there seems to be an cession through the town center
1‑million pound children's zoo section in al Paul family cele‑ Punjab for many years and almost karmic connect ion as a collaborat ion between
donation to fund a memory of his late bration held at the T hetfordians are extreme ly between the two places," she Bhangra and Morris dancers and
new children's zoo
daughter Ambika's love London Zoo.
for the place. proud of their unusual resident," said. The festival, a partnership Dhol Drummers and will include
section in memory of T he Caparo explains Seema Anand, a histori‑ project between Essex Cultural Punjabi food stalls, Sikh martial
his late daughter Ambika's love Group chief will be providing a an and storyteller behind a spe‑ Diversity Project (ECDP) and arts Gatka, henna painting and
for the place. He has since been a substantial financial donation, cial 'Punjab to Thetford' film, T hetford Town Council, is storytelling activities along the
consistent supporter of the pop‑ the exact figure to be revealed at which will be screened on the planned as a cultural celebration River Ouse, encompassing the
ular tourist spot in London, a later stage, for the zoo's latest last day of the festival on July 21. as well as an exploration of the town's annual River Festival.
where later his son Angad got transformation project. "But perhaps Duleep Sing h story of Duleep Singh and his (PTI)
10 July 14-20, 2018 US AFFAIRS

EPA chief Scott Pruitt Atop Statue of Liberty

resigns over ethics scandals on the 4th in protest
New York: A woman
Washington: President Donald who climbed up to the
Trump last Friday announced the robes of the Statue of
departure of his environment Liberty to protest the
chief, Scott Pruitt, who faced separation of migrant
ever‑growing ethics scandals families was taken into
over his spending and conduct in custody after a standoff
office. with police on the
“I have accepted the resignation Fourth of July.
of Scott Pruitt as the The woman, identified
Administrator of the as Therese Patricia
Environmental Protection Agency Okoumou, was part of a
(EPA),” tweeted the president, group of protesters and
ending months of speculation had declared that she
about the future of the man he wouldn't come down
had tasked with dismantling for‑ until "all the children Therese Patricia Okoumou belongs to
mer president Barack Obamaʼs are released," a source Rise and Resist group that protests
green legacy. Scandal‑ridden Scott Pruitt survived for months perhaps with NYPD told CNN. migrant family separations.
“Within the Agency Scott has because he was doing President Trumpʼs bidding The woman is affiliated
done an outstanding job, and I – dismantling Obama era regulations. Earlier, other protesters
with Rise and Resist. an organ‑
will always be thankful to him for unfurled a banner over a railing
izer of the group, Martin Joseph
this,” added Trump. traction.ʼ And I think Scott felt class travel and bulletproof furni‑ around the base of the statue
Quinn, told CNN. .
Trump told journalists aboard that he was a distraction.” ture in his government office. saying "Abolish ICE!" At least
She will face possible charges
Air Force One that Pruitt “came The former Oklahoma attorney Trump tweeted that Pruitt's seven people were arrested on
include trespassing, disorderly
to me and he said, ʻI have such general had raised eyebrows for deputy, the former coal lobbyist Liberty Island and the site was
conduct and interfering with
great confidence in the adminis‑ the $3.5 million price tag for his Andrew W hee ler, would take closed to visitors.
government functions.
tration. I don't want to be a dis‑ round‑the‑clock security, first‑ over as acting head of the agency.

Statue of Liberty stamp Trump not the end of

mistake to cost USPS $3.5 M
Las Vegas: A stamp that mistak‑
enly featured the image of a
faced," ''sultry" and even "sexier."
The Postal Service had been
democracy, argues book
Statue of Liberty releasing the London: Ever since the rise of of the world for that matter, today much different in their scope than
replica in Las Vegas stamps for at least "demagogues and strongmen", par‑ is a mere repetition of the horror what had been earlier.
instead of the origi‑ three months before ticularly US President Donald movie that we have seen in the Runciman regrets that represen‑
nal New York Statue discovering it was Trump to the hig hest seat of past. In his scintillating chronicle tative governments in recent years
will cost the U.S. not an image of the power in a democracy, the liberals of our times, Runciman maintains have lost the capacity to reinvigo‑
Postal Service $3.5 Lady of Liberty in have been expressing fears that that the current situation is not so. rate themselves.
million in a copy‑ New York. the end of democracy may be Donald Trump, according to the But despite all its flaws, democ‑
right infringement Postal Service nearing. author, maybe "an old man with racy repairs itself and Runciman
lawsuit. Las Vegas attorneys argued David Runciman, a reputed pro‑ the political personality of a child", acknowledges this fact. One of the
sculptor Robert Davidson's design fessor of politics at Cambridge, in but he is certainly not "a proto‑ facets that he constantly refers to
Davidson, who creat‑ was too similar for his new book "How Democracy Hitler". The author contends that is a democracy's capacity to self‑
ed the replica Lady The US Postal Service's him to claim copy‑ Ends" (Hachette India) explores all the current situation is not similar question and self‑correct itself
Liberty in the facade 2011 Statue of Liberty right. Federal Judge the "recent dangers" that have to the first half of the 20th century every time that it seems to go out
at the New York‑New stamp was accidentally Eric Bruggink sided been pointed out by people from in Europe. of control. Things can go wrong
based on the replica at various walks of life and after a Similarly, Vladimir Putin, accord‑ but eventually the democratic
York casino‑resort with Davidson last
the New York‑New York
on the Las Vegas week and agreed his careful examination of such facets, ing to the book, presides over a process itself will set it right, he
casino in Las Vegas.
Strip, sued the Postal work was an origi‑ instills hope in his readers. "parody democracy" in Russia, but says.
Service five years ago over its nal design with a more modern, He opens the book by revisiting there are little similarities between The book instills hope in readers
2011 "forever" stamp design. feminine and contemporary face. the past, the times when democrat‑ him and Stalin. Runciman agrees and maintains that even though
The stamp featured the face of He ordered the Postal Service to ic rights of people were subdued that these recent symptoms of things may look pretty messed up
his Lady Liberty, which his attor‑ pay $3.5 million to the artist ̶ a and then focuses on polarization demo crat ic decay may come right now in many countries, pri‑
neys argued in court filings was slice of the $70 million the serv‑ of extreme views in the past. He across as familiar instances to marily the US, eventually they will
unmistakably different from the ice made in profit from the asks if the situation facing the many of us, but, according to him, back in place ‑‑ a lesson for future
original and was more "fresh‑ stamp. United States, or many other parts the problems facing today are voters.

Pushing to overturn Roe v. Wade would be 'Big Mistake'

n her column for Fox New those things ‑ and immigration ‑ the Senate Judiciary Committee,
Insider, Tomi Lahren, conser‑ “We lose when we start messing with weʼll sail into 2020 with all three he was grilled on the so‑called
vative political commentator social issues,” says Tomi Lahren, government branches in our con‑ “Trump litmus test” on abortion.
and former television host', wrote: trol. Thatʼs how we get things He responded by te lling Sen.
“Pressing for a Supreme Court conservative political commentator done for the American people. Lindsey Graham he would have
decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and former television host.' Thatʼs how we win. “walked out the door” if Trump
would be a big mistake. “Letʼs go after sanctuary cities, had asked him to overturn Roe.
“Yes, the new high court vacan‑ new‑found power and pull to chal‑ the American people on the econ‑ and push for voter ID laws. We “Even if conservatives decide to
cy is a huge opportunity for con‑ lenge a decision that ‑‑ according omy, foreign policy, and tax lose when we start messing with go for the Roe v. Wade jugular, itʼs
servative values and principles, I to a new Quinnipiac poll ‑‑ most reform. These are areas that ben‑ social issues. unlikely to succeed. Legal tradi‑
get it. And I understand the pas‑ Americans support, would be a efit ALL Americans, regardless of “Consider this: When Supreme tion makes it harder to overturn a
sion behind the pro‑life move‑ mistake. religion or social beliefs. Court Justice Neil Gorsuch got to past decision ‑ unless there are
ment. “But to use conservativesʼ “This president is winning for “If we continue to focus on his confirmation hearings with strong grounds for doing so.” US AFFAIRS July 14-20, 2018 11

Trump picks Brett Kavanaugh

for Supreme Court
Washington: President Donald people from more backgrounds to arising from Special Counsel Robert
Trump has picked Brett Kavanaugh, seek input abut a Supreme Court Mueller's ongoing Russia‑related
a federal appeals court judge with nomination. investigation. The nominee must be
extensive legal credentials and a "I am grateful to you and I am confirmed by the US Senate, which
long political record, to succeed humbled by your confidence in me." the Republican party narrowly con‑
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy in the Judge Kavanaugh has served trols 51‑49.
Supreme Court. since 2006 on the influential US A nominee needs a simple majori‑
"Judge Kavanaugh has impecca‑ Court of Appeals for the District of ty of 51 votes to be confirmed.
ble credentials," Trump said on Columbia Circuit. With Senator John McCain bat‑
Monday, shortly after announcing He previously worked for tling cancer in his home state of
his pick, CNBC reported. Kenneth Starr, the independent Arizona, Republicans can currently
In a primetime announcement at counse l who investigated only muster 50 votes.
the White House, the President Democratic former President Bill Before a full vote on the chamber
praised his pick as a "brilliant Clinton in the 1990s. floor, the prospective justice will be
jurist", BBC reported. A Yale graduate, Kavanaugh once grilled by the Senate Judiciary
T he nominee, a District of If confirmed, Justice Kavanaugh will tilt the court to the right, with clerked for Justice Kennedy, the Committee in hearings that can go
Columbia appeals court judge, is a far‑reaching implications for America on issues from abortion to man he would replace. on for days. Judge Kavanaugh said
former adviser to ex‑President guns to immigration for many years to come. (Photo courtesy AP) Judge Kavanaugh recently voiced he would begin meetings with sena‑
George W. Bush. disagreement with a court decision tors on Tuesday. Democrats are cer‑
The decision has far‑reaching style, universally regarded as one of Justice Anthony Kennedy, 81, who allowing an undocumented teenage tain to press Trump's latest nomi‑
implications for America on every‑ the finest and sharpest legal minds announced last month that he will immigrant to get an abortion. nee on the landmark 1973 Roe vs
thing from abortion to guns to of our time." This is the president's retire this summer. He wrote a Minnesota law review Wade ruling that legalized abortion
immigration. second appointment to the highest At Monday night's announcement, article in 2009 arguing that presi‑ nationwide. Conservative Christians
Trump said: "Judge Kavanaugh court in the land, potentially allow‑ Judge Kavanaugh said: "Mr. dents should be shielded from crim‑ have long vied to overturn that deci‑
has impeccable credentials, unsur‑ ing him to shape the US for a gener‑ President, thank you. Throughout inal investigations and civil lawsuits sion, and Trump has previously said
passed qualifications and a proven ation after he leaves the White this process I have witnessed first‑ while in of fice. Analysts say that he wants "pro‑life" justices opposed
commitment to equal justice under House. With reality television‑style hand your appreciation for the vital could have weighed in his favor to abortion rights. The White House
the law." suspense, he had kept everyone role of the American judiciary. with the White House, given that and Republican party wants the
He added: "He is a brilliant jurist guessing up until the last moment. "No president has ever consulted the Supreme Court may at some nomination in the bag before
with a clear and ef fective writing T he appointee would replace more widely, or talked with more point be asked to rule on matters November's mid‑term elections.
12 July 14-20, 2018 INDIA NEWS

India, South Korea to further upgrade economic ties

New Delhi: In a bid to further of 2017. Modi lauded Korean com‑ w ith President Moon's New
upgrade bilateral trade and eco‑ panies for not only investing in Southern Policy.
nomic ties, India and South Korea India but also creating employ‑ In November last year, Moon
have agreed to further strengthen ment opportunities under the announced his New Southern
their Comprehensive Economic Make in India initiative. Policy that seeks to make the
Partnership (CEPA) following dele‑ "Korean companies have become Association of Southeast Asian
gation‑level talks headed by Prime household names in India for their Nations (Asean) regional bloc a
Minister Narendra Modi and South commitment to quality of their diplomatic and economic partner
Korean President Moon Jae‑in products," he said. as important as the global super‑
here. Following Tuesday's talks, the powers.
"We have taken an important two sides also released a Vision In his address to the media,
step in the form of an Early Document to further strengthen Moon said that he is pressing
Harvest Package to further their Special Strategic Partnership. ahead w ith the New Southern
upg rade our Comprehensive "Our focus is to further strength‑ Polcy that seeks to make India
Economic Partnership Agreement," en our Special Strateg ic South Korea's key partner for
Modi said in a joint address to the Partnership," the Prime Minister cooperation.
media along with Moon after the said. "Economic and commercial "By facilitat ing exchange
meeting. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and South Korean President Moon ties is an important pillar of this." between the people of our two
"Keeping in view the future of Jae‑in at Hyderabad House in New Delhi. (Photo: IANS) The India‑South Korea relation‑ countries, we have decided to
our relationship and the rapid then President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's 70 per cent growth over a two‑ ship was e levated to that of a broaden the scope of our mutual
technology changes across the visit to that East Asian nation four year period. However, bilateral Special Strategic Partnership dur‑ understanding," the South Korean
world, we have decided to set up years earlier. trade since declined to $18.13 bil‑ ing Modi's visit to that country in President said.
an Innovation Cooperation Centre Following this, trade and eco‑ lion in 2014‑15, $16.56 billion in 2015. India and South Korea signed
and form a Future Strategy Group," nomic relations between the two 2015‑16, USD 16.82 billion in The Prime Minister also said that seven memoranda of agreement
he said. sides started to gather momentum 2016‑17, which finally recovered India's Act East Policy that seeks to (MoUs) across dif ferent fields as
The India‑South Korea was oper‑ and bilateral trade in 2011 and posted a positive growth of 30 strengthen ties with Southeast part of Moon's visit to India, his
ationalized in 2010 as a result of crossed $20.5 billion registering a percent in the first seven months Asia has natural commonalities first as President.

Court extends Chidambaram's AAP again knocks at

interim protection from arrest apex court over officers
New Delhi: A special court here
New Delhi: Amid no let‑up in the powers in transfers and postings
extended till August 7 the inter‑
power tussle between the Delhi of officials", Mehra said.
im protection from arrest grant‑
government and Lt Governor Anil An apex court Constitution
ed to senior Congress leader P.
Baijal, the Supreme Court on Bench on July 4 ruled that the Lt
Chidambaram in the Aircel‑Maxis
Tuesday agreed to take up an AAP Governor was bound to act on the
deal case.
plea on the contentious issue of aid and advice of the Council of
Special Judge O.P. Saini direct‑
the management of city's officers, Ministers and that he exercised no
ed Chidambaram to join the
their transfers and posting. independent powers as the repre‑
investigation whenever required.
Rahul Mehra, senior standing sentative of the central govern‑
The Enforcement Directorate
counsel for the Aam Aadmi Party ment. On July 5, the Arvind
(ED) had opposed the decision,
(AAP) government, tweeted that Kejriwal government sent Baijal
say ing the former Finance
the plea had been filed before the files recommending transfer and
Minister and his son were eva‑
court of Chief Justice Dipak Misra, posting of of ficials. But the Lt
sive in their replies and as such
seeking an early disposal of all Governor stonewalled it, saying
ED would not be able to get to
Senior Congress leader P. Chidambaram. appeals filed by the Delhi govern‑ the issue involving "Services" was
the truth if they were granted
ment. Mehra said the bench head‑ yet to be decided.
bail. Aircel‑Maxis deal. On May 30, T he Central Bureau of
ed by the Chief Justice has indicat‑ Baijal said the Union Home
ED pleaded that it is doing the the court granted interim protec‑ Investigation and the ED are
ed that "the matters shall be listed Ministry had advised him to keep
invest ig at ion under the tion to P. Chidambaram till June invest ig at ing how Kart i
before the appropriate bench exercising powers over "Services"
Prevention of Money Laundering 5 which was leter extended till Chidambaram allegedly managed
sometime next week". because the May 21, 2015 notifi‑
Act to unearth the larger conspir‑ July 10. Earlier, the court had to get clearance from the FIPB
T he Delhi government cation remained valid until a regu‑
acy involved in the approval granted interim protection to for the Aircel‑Maxis deal when P.
approached the top court as there lar bench of the apex court decid‑
given by the Foreign Investment Karti Chidambaram from arrest Chidambaram was the Finance
was "still confusion over who has ed on it.
Promotion Board (FIPB) for the till July 10 in the same case. Minister in 2006.

We will discuss seat Tharoor appears in Delhi court, gets regular bail
sharing with BJP: Nitish New Delhi: Two days after he was patory bail on July 5, the sessions
granted anticipatory bail, Congress MP court directed him not to leave the
Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said the Shashi Tharoor was given regular bail country without permission, nor to
JD‑U will discuss seat sharing for the next Lok by a city court here in the Sunanda tamper with evidence or try to influ‑
Sabha polls with the BJP when the time comes. Pushkar death case. ence the witnesses.
The Janata Dal‑United leader also denied any dif‑ Tharoor personally appeared before Meanwhile, Tharoor opposed the
ferences with the Bharatiya Janata Party and said Addit ional Chie f Metropolitan application of BJP MP Subramanian
there were no troubles within the National Magistrate Samar Vishal at the Patiala Swamy, who has been carrying on a
Democratic Alliance. House Courts following summons campaign in the case, for conducting
"We will discuss seat sharing for 2019 polls when issued against him in June. the prosecution. Tharoor's counsel told
the time comes," Nitish Kumar told the media here. When Tharoor's counsel moved a the court that Swamy has no locus to
He said this a day after the JD‑U National plea seeking regular bail, the court said contest the case.
Executive meeting in Delhi decided that it would that there was no requirement for fil‑ Pushkar, 51, died under mysterious
like to contest the 2019 Lok Sabha elections with ing it as he was already granted antici‑ circumstances in a hotel room in south
its coalition partner BJP. "We will sit together at the patory bail by a sessions court. The Delhi on January 17, 2014, days after
right time to discuss seat sharing." magisterial court accepted his bail she alleged that Tharoor was having an
Congress MP Shashi Tharoor.
bonds. While granting him the antici‑ affair with a Pakistani journalist. INDIA July 14-20, 2018 13

Supreme Court reaffirms death to Nirbhaya convicts

New Delhi: The Supreme Court prits are taken to the gallows as the central government.
has rejected review petitions soon as possible." The December 16, 2012 gan‑
filed by three of the four convicts Union Minister for Women and grape and murder of the 23‑year‑
and upheld the death punish‑ Child Deve lopment Mane ka old paramedic student, Nirbhaya,
ment in the horrific 2012 gang Gandhi said she was "satisfied" the name given to her by the
rape and murder of a young with the Supreme Court verdict media which means fearless,
Delhi professional who came to in the case that led to the amend‑ caused global shock and outrage.
be known as Nirbhaya. ment of the Criminal Procedure T he crime was committed
Chie f Just ice Dipak Misra, Code to make rape punishable inside a moving bus in south
Justice R. Banumathi and Justice with death penalty. De lhi by six drunk people.
Ashok Bhushan said the petitions T he convicts, who lived in Nirbhaya and her male friend,
lacked grounds for a review. Delhi, are now left with another who survived the attack, had just
Convicts Mukesh, 29, Pawan legal option, seeking a relook at finished watching a movie.
Gupta, 22, and Vinay Sharma, 23, death sentences through a cura‑ The woman was thrown out on
had sought recall of the Supreme tive petition. the road, severely injured. She
Court's May 5, 2017 verdict Curative petitions are filed to succumbed to her injuries on
upholding the death sentence Nirbhaya's mother Asha Devi. (Photo: IANS) challenge the death penalty on December 29, 2012 at Mount
awarded by a trial court and con‑ the grounds that an evidence or Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore.
firmed by the Delhi High Court. by the convicts pointed out to an nity to state their cases. a legal point was not argued, vio‑ One of the accused in the case,
The fourth, Akshay Kumar Singh, error leading to miscarriage of The victim's mother Asha Devi lating principles of natural jus‑ Ram Singh, allegedly committed
31, had not filed for a review. justice. The court also said the said she hoped the convicts tice. suicide in the Tihar jail. A juve‑
Pronouncing the judgment, hearing on the appeals against would be executed soon. If curative petition is also dis‑ nile among the culprits was con‑
Justice Bhushan said the review the Delhi High Court judgment "There is more fight ahead, but missed, then a mercy petition victed by a juvenile justice board.
pet it ion must show an error confirming the death sentence we have got justice once again. can be filed before the President He was released after serving a
resulting in miscarriage of jus‑ lasted 38 days as de fense We hope that the legal formali‑ of India who takes takes a call on three‑year term in a reformation
tice. He said none of the petitions lawyers were given full opportu‑ ties are taken care of and the cul‑ the basis of the opinion given by centre.

Modi calls Congress ‘bail-gadi'

Jaipur: Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtual‑ craft that landed at the Sanganer airport
ly began the BJP's poll campaign in Rajasthan where he was we lcomed by Rajasthan
and took a dig at the Congress, calling it a Governor Kalyan Singh and Chief Minister
"bail‑gadi" because several of its leaders and Vasundhara Raje.
former ministers were out on bail. Before addressing the meeting Modi laid
Modi was on a day‑long visit to Jaipur to the foundation stone for several infrastruc‑
inaugurate several infrastructure projects ture projects, including elevated road project
worth over Rs 2,100 crore in Rajasthan and for Ajmer, water supply and sewerage proj‑
address the beneficiaries of various welfare ects in Ajmer, Bhilwara, Bikaner,
schemes of the central and state governments Hanumangarh, Sikar and Mount Abu.
in Rajasthan that faces assembly elections He said the central government and the
later this year. state government were working together for
Launching a scathing attack on the the progress of Rajasthan.
Congress, the Prime Minister said the work "Never forget the tough circumstances in
Vehicles move through the flooded Dadar TT Circle
being done now by the BJP in the state and at which Vasundhara Raje took oath in 2013.
during heavy rains in Mumbai. (Photo: IANS)
the Centre could have been done earlier. When she took oath, systems were not work‑
"You are aware of the intention of the previ‑ ing properly. She has changed the work cul‑
ous governments. It is because of their inten‑
tions, the people are now calling the Congress
ture in the state.
"The previous government only indulged in Rains cripple Mumbai,
a 'bail gadi'. Many senior Congress leaders laying the foundation stone of the projects
and former ministers are out on bail," Modi
said at a public meeting here.
and not completing them. "We are working on
ground level not on papers. Our projects are
city under seize
With "bail gadi" sounds like the Hindi word neither delayed nor abandoned. Development Mumbai: Road and rail traffic was disrupt‑ necessary for the second consecutive day.
for "bullock cart", Modi emphasised that by is our only agenda," Modi added. He also said ed as heavy rains continued to batter In the past 21 days, the city has received
"bail" he was referring to the relief given by that farmers, women and Dalits are at the Mumbai, its surroundings areas and large nearly 60 per cent of its average seasonal
courts to senior Congress leaders, who are core of the Bharatiya Janata Party's govern‑ parts of Maharashtra for the fourth con‑ total rains, said the BrihanMumbai
facing legal battles. He arrived in a special air‑ ment schemes. secutive day on Tuesday, officials said. Municipal Corporation (BMC).
Mumbai's lifeline, the Western Railway Areas like Dahisar, Borivali, Malad,
(WR) and Central Railway (CR) suburban Jogeshwari, Andheri, Santacruz, Mahim,
trains, were running late by 15‑20 min‑ Kurla, Parel, Dadar, Chembur, King Circle,
utes due to waterlogged tracks, causing Sion, Wadala, Masjid Bunder, Ghatkopar,
major delays to the morning commuters. Powai, Bhandup and others experienced
Several inbound or outbound long‑dis‑ heavy waterlogging, impeding traffic and
tance trains were either canceled, termi‑ pedestrian movement.
nated en route or diverted on the Mumbai‑ Massive traffic snarls were witnessed on
Gujarat and Mumbai‑New Delhi sectors. the Eastern Express Highway, Western
WR spokesman G. Mahapurkar said food Express Highway and the Eastern Freeway.
packets and water was distributed to thou‑ Besides Mumbai, the adjoining districts
sands of stranded passengers at various of Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR)
stations on the network and efforts were like Thane, Palghar and Raigad also got
on to restore services after the waters heavy rains. Many villages and towns were
receded. flooded or waterlogged since Monday
As a precaution, Education Minister night.
Vinod Tawde advised all school and col‑ Teams of NDRF, SDRF, Fire Brigades and
Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara
lege principals to monitor the rainfall posi‑ other agencies were on high alert in
Raje and Union Ministers Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore and Arjun
tion in their areas and declare a holiday if Mumbai and all other districts.
Ram Meghwal in Jaipur. (Photo: IANS/PIB)
14 July 14-20, 2018 OP-ED

Can US Supreme Court be ultimate

arbiter of justice under Trump?
By Ashok Easwaran important than your obligation to presidential debate, he called then
follow your conscience, or at least presidential candidate Hillary

ew changes in the US prior to it, is your obligation to Clinton's need for a toilet break
Supreme Court have pro‑ form your conscience correctly. It 'disgusting'. Earlier, he had used
voked the widespread con‑ is your responsibility not just to be the same epithet for an opposing
sternation of the American public, zealous in the pursuit of your female attorney who sought a
especially women, as the recent ideals, but to be sure that your break to breast feed her three
exit of Justice Anthony Kennedy. ideals are the right ones. That is month old daughter.
After his retirement, announced perhaps the hardest part of being Eighteen months into Trump's
in a brief and 'gracious' letter to a good human being: Good inten‑ presidency, there are signs of
President Donald Trump was tions are not enough. Being a good revolt among women and minori‑
made public, it came to be known person begins with being a wise ties, the two groups most affected
that the White House had ever so person." by his actions in office.
gently nudged Kennedy to retire, The US Supreme Court has Four hundred and seventy‑two
giving Trump the opportunity to There is trepidation that President Donald Trump has a free played an increasing role in deter‑ women have entered the race for
hand to fulfill his campaign promise of filling the Supreme mining ‑ or in recent weeks, the US House of Representatives
choose the second Supreme Court
Court with 'conservative judges'.
judge since taking office. undermining ‑ the protection for this year, a record of sorts. Fifty‑
There is trepidation that Court for decades to come. It is a Scalia was a 'textualist' ‑ who immigrants (travel ban), women seven women have filed their can‑
President Donald Trump has a free legacy which Trump, and the called those who interpreted the (abortion rights) and the working didacies for the US Senate.
hand to fulfill his campaign prom‑ Republicans, have salivated over US Constitution a 'living' or 'evolv‑ class (labour unions). Political analysts have said that
ise of filling the Supreme Court since the 2016 election campaign. ing' document 'idiotic'. One of the great mysteries of the since a majority of female candi‑
with 'conservative judges'. The appointment of Gorsuch, Nevertheless, on abortion he had 2016 election was the unqualified dates are Democrats, it is safe to
With the appointment of anoth‑ and the coming one to replace this to say: "My view is regardless support for Trump by a significant presume that many of them are
er conservative judge, the 1973 Kennedy, is projected by the of whether you think prohibiting number of white evangelical fuelled by frustration, if not fury,
verdict in Roe vs Wade, which administration as necessary to abortion is good or whether you women. Even in the face of the against the current occupant of
legalized abortion in the first preserve the legacy of the icon of think prohibiting abortion is bad," '#Metoo' movement and Trump's the White House. Another remark‑
trimester of pregnancy, could well judicial conservatism ‑ the late he said. "Regardless of how you consistent profane and public able feature of the contestants is
be overturned. Also on the judicial Justice Antonin Scalia. come out on that, my only point is insult of women, they ‑ along with the diversity ‑ it includes more
chopping block could be restric‑ But Scalia's pronouncements the Constitution does not say any‑ white evangelical men ‑ form his women of colour than in previous
tions on the rights of minorities, have frequently betrayed a jurist thing about it. It leaves it up to most cohesive block of support. electoral years, as well as a num‑
gays and labour unions. who was not the rabid conserva‑ democratic choice." Trump has revealed in his obvi‑ ber of immigrants. The elections
With Trump's appointment last tive Republicans would have us To die hard evangelicals whose ous disdain for women. In an in November are likely to be the
year of Neil Gorsuch, Supreme believe. Indeed, many of his public boundless faith in Trump obscures interview on Fox News, he made a first indicator of the degree of
Court conservatives on the bench pronouncements show him guilty most issues, Scalia's advice to high veiled reference to the interview‑ vigour behind the revolt against
outflank the liberals 5‑4. Another of letting reason and rationale school students in 2010 may be er's menstrual cycles. He has con‑ Trump. Or more precisely if the
right leaning judge could change trump conservatism, a cardinal sin prescient. "Movement is not neces‑ sistently had problems with a anger and anguish can be convert‑
the character of the US Supreme in the Trumpian lexicon. sarily progress," Scalia said, "More woman's biological processes. In a ed into political capital.

India can be a global beacon for democracy

By Frank F. Islam conducted in 2017, found that days. The election process required
"support for a strong leader who is approximately 1.1 million govern‑

n this 21st century, democracy unchecked by the judiciary or par‑ ment workers and 5.5 million civil‑
is descending and autocracy is liament is highest in India;" 55 per‑ ian employees to help voters at 1.4
ascending in countries around cent of those surveyed saw "rule by million voting machines in 930,00
the world. That is the conclusion a strong leader as a good way to polling stations. The voter turnout
and argument that Yascha Mounk govern". of over 66 per cent was the highest
and Roberto Stefan Foa present in That same survey disclosed that in the history of India's national
their article titled "The End of the only 8 percent of the respondents elections. Given these and other
Democratic Century" published in were fully committed to a represen‑ factors such as its re‑accelerating
the May/June edition of Foreign tative democracy, 67 percent were economic development, I believe
Affairs. less committed, 9 percent preferred India is poised to move centrestage
For much of the 20th century, the a non‑democratic option, and the as an exemplar of and worldwide
United States was the leader in pro‑ remainder were uncertain. advocate for democracy.
moting and promulgating democra‑ That's the bad news for India's There are three key areas in
cy and democratic values interna‑ potential future role as a champion which India needs to take action in
tionally. With the Trump presiden‑ Can India step forward and begin to fill that vacuum by of democracy. The good news is order to assume that leadership
cy that leadership has eroded and leading by example and speaking out on issues central to there are some strong counter‑indi‑ role:
virtually disappeared.
democratic values and practices? cators. 4 Pursue an intensified agenda of
The obsessive emphasis on must be filled if democracy and the democracy ‑ the US. While the nature of and participa‑ inclusiveness and economic
"America First" and the withdrawal search for it is to be a defining The question becomes can India tion in the 2014 national elections equality and opportunity for all
from involvement with allies and characteristic of this century. India step forward and begin to fill that was not miraculous, it could defi‑ 4 Provide effective civic educa‑
international agreements combined is by far the largest democracy in vacuum by leading by example and nitely be labeled a big deal ‑ a very tion for students ‑ especially in
with the instigation of trade wars the world. In the upcoming national speaking out on issues central to big deal. Consider the following: the younger years
will only lead to the inevitable con‑ election to be held sometime in democratic values and practices? The registration for this election 4 Ensure the free press is com‑
clusion of America being alone and 2019, over 900 million Indian citi‑ There are some indicators that sug‑ was more than 100 million voters pletely free If India realises that
last. A nation cannot lead from that zens will be eligible to vote. This gest that India may not be up to higher than the 2009 election ‑ an potential, it will help to bring
position. compares to a mere 245 million‑ this task. A Pew Research Center increase of almost 15 percent. about a new dawn for democra‑
There is a significant vacuum that plus eligible voters the next largest survey of citizens in 38 nations, The elections were held over nine cy in this 21st century. RELIGION July 14-20, 2018 15

Without completely offering ourselves to the supreme God it is impossible to get that
Eternal Knowledge that ultimately leads to liberation. Similar to the Gajendra youths,
Youths engrossed in saying the rosary (mala)with His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj. girls offer lotus flower as a symbol of total surrender to God.

boys and girls attend

10,000 BAPS youth meet
Atlanta, GA: What does it take to
shape generations of young people
into thriving members of society,
both now and in the future?
Over the last five years, the youth
of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha sur‑
veyed children for personal perspec‑
tives to better understand difficul‑
ties in decision‑making. Guided by
this data, the theme of the 2018
North American Youth Convention
was developed as “Moksha”, mean‑
ing ʻultimate liberation.ʼ
The concept of Moksha was pre‑
sented in the convention in a practi‑
cal and contemporary manner
wherein programming focused on
of Hindus in
the importance of purpose, sincere
ent unpreced ented in the history
The 10‑day ev ok place in Atlan
effort, perseverance, prayer and North America to
introspection as core components of Maharaj.
senior swamis from India, Sadguru youth
character. The convention led them The BAPS Swaminarayan
Pujya Ishwarcharandas Swami and that making good choices lies in a
on a path of knowledge that illumi‑ Sanstha (BAPS) is a world‑
Pujya Anandswarupdas Swami, as balance between confidence and His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj blesses the
nated the relevance of spirituality in wide spiritual and humani‑
well as others from across North humility. Sejal Maisuria, a volunteer
tarian organization that is
delegates of the Youth Convention live from
everyday life and the role it can play from Scarborough, Canada, com‑ Sarangpur, Gujarat. He is seen here telling the
America, simplified how to make dedicated to community
in defining a higher purpose. mented, “Coming to conventions like story of ʻGajendra Mokshaʼ ‑ a Puranic legend.
Moksha‑centered decisions in every‑ service, peace, and harmo‑
Over 10,000 children and youth this broadens your horizons and you
day living. They explained that living ny. His Holiness Mahant Swami an international spiritual and
between the ages of 8 to 22 were learn how so many others have dealt
life with moksha as goal leads to an Maharaj is the sixth and current humanitarian organization with
split into three groups and partici‑ with issues like peer pressure.”
elevated experience of daily interac‑ spiritual successor of Bhagwan over 3,300 centers worldwide.
pated in three‑day programs from The experiences the delegates had
tions and an unfailingly optimistic Swaminarayan. He succeeded Contact: BAPS North American
July 1 to 10 at the Hyatt Regency will inspire them to lead a life
perspective of life and the world Pramukh Swami Maharaj, under Headquarters, email:
Hotel in downtown Atlanta, Georgia. aligned with the values and teach‑
around us. Delegates experienced a whose leadership, BAPS grew into
The first such mammoth event of ings of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. The
grand multi‑faceted stage program
Hindus in North America was built convention was inspired by His
where the life and challenges of sev‑
around Moksha as lifeʼs greatest Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj
eral characters were portrayed cre‑
pursuit that generates unwavering and His Holiness Mahant Swami
atively and practically as they navi‑
happiness to be experienced here
gated everyday scenarios that
and now. This broad theme led to a Children engaged in the
brought out dilemmas of desires
social conversation around “Moksha sessions at the convention.
versus values. Instead of looking
Now” theme. The delegates learned
for instant gratification,
that the means to achieve Moksha
the young adults
could also allow them to enjoy the
were asked to
world, especially when every task
and activity undertaken focuses on
various per‑
keeping God and the Guru in mind.
The comprehensive concept of
that could
Moksha was taught by explaining
lead to a
the efforts and context of Dharma
higher way
(roles and responsibilities), Artha
of life. The
(worldly pursuits), and Kama Sadguru Pujya Ishwarcharandas Swami and Pujya
(desires). Anandswarupdas swami guide the youths
Speeches and presentations by at the Youth Convention
children and
16 July 14-20, 2018 ULTIMATE BOLLYWOOD

Would a Priyanka Chopra-Nick Mithun's son, wife get bail,

Jonas marriage be sustainable? son's wedding postponed
By Subhash Jha

court in New

any, many years ago, the Delhi granted
doyen of Marathi‑Hindi cin‑ anticipatory bail
ema V. Shantaram was told to Bollywood star
by his daughter, the actress Rajshri, Mithun Chakraborty's
that she wanted to marry her son Mahaakshay and his
American boyfriend Greg Chapman. wife Yogita Bali who
Shantaram was at that time in the have been booked for
midst of pre‑production for a film rape and cheating.
called "Boond Jo Ban Gayee Moti". He Meanwhile,
stared at his daughter with disbeliev‑ Mahaakshay's wedding
ing eyes, unwilling to accept that she scheduled to be held in a
would betray her father in this way. hotel in Tamil Nadu's
"And the best thing was, Ooty on July 7 has been
Shantaramji wasn't worried about Raj postponed, a hotel offi‑
‑‑ her pet name ‑‑ marrying an cial said.
American. He was only worried about Granting bail to the vet‑
his film. He quickly told his daughter eran actor's wife and son,
to do whatever she wanted to and Special Judge Ashutosh
signed Mumtaz to play the lead oppo‑ Kumar asked them to fur‑
(R) with
site me," recalls veteran actor nish a personal bond of Rs Veteran actor Mithun Chakraborty
son Mah aaks hay (c).
Jeetendra, a close friend of Rajshri. 1 lakh with two sureties of
Her last film in India "Suhaag Raat" the like amount.
was with Jeetendra who visits his pal The court has directed them not to tamp‑ In her complaint, the woman also stated
Raj even now when he is in the US. er with evidence or influence witnesses and that Yogita threatened her with dire conse‑
Rajshri's marriage to Greg to join the investigation whenever required quences if she continued her relationship
Chapman has lasted for more than and co‑operate with the probe agency. with Mahaakshay.
35 years. Once she moved to the US Actress Priyanka Chopra with A woman has alleged that Mahaakshay on Meanwhile, the hotel staffer, who did not
with Greg, she never looked back, rumored boyfriend Nick Jonas. the pretext of marriage, cheated and raped want to be identified, said that the wedding
never had a hankering to return. the staying‑power of the Rajshri‑Greg her. She alleged that when she got preg‑ "got postponed and not cancelled. The fam‑
I don't know if Priyanka Chopra would alliance. I will tell you why. For one, Greg had nant, he gave her a medicine that led to an ily members are in Mumbai. They are not
marry her American boyfriend. I can't see her nothing to do with show business. He had no abortion. here"
giving it all up like Rajshri to make a life in clue Rajshri was a star in India when they
the US, unless Priyanka's mother plans to met in the US.
make Nick her ghar‑jamai (house husband).
Would Nick Jonas, a hot favorite gay icon in
In my experience, marriage of showbiz
celebrities work best when the spouse is
'For Here or To Go':
Strikes the right chord
the US, actually want to forge a marital totally detached from the entertainment
alliance with our Desi Girl? world. Nick and Priyanka are on the same

Something tells me this relationship lacks side of the celebrity circus. Not good.
or Here or To Go" is director

Cop‑mafia stories are

Rucha Humnabadkar's debut
feature film that highlights
the anguish of immigrants who are
trying to settle in America. It res‑

really romantic: Saif onates the feelings of most Indian

Americans who are frustrated with

the US immigration restrictions and
ctor Saif Ali Khan, who has are pained with the thought of mov‑
entertained Bollywood buffs ing back to India.
with a slew of family dramas, This light‑hearted comedy drama
comedies and thrillers in his over two is set against the backdrop of the
decades long career, says he finds cop‑ 2008 recession and aftermath of
mafia stories ‑‑ a genre he is exploring the 2011 episode that made immi‑
in Netflix series "Sacred Games" ‑‑ gration laws more stringent and the
romantic. The actor has himself pro‑ plight of the immigrant more acute.
duced films like "Go Goa Gone", "Agent The narrative is seen through the
Vinod" and "Cocktail". If he had to pro‑ eyes of Vivek Pandit (Ali Fazal), a
duce content for the dynamic world of young, Mumbai born, Silicon Valley
digital entertainment platforms, Saif said: software professional who is
"Given an opportunity, I would have pro‑
allured by the American
duced something exactly like this ('Sacred Dream.
Games') for a platform like Netflix. The writing by Rishi S.
"It would not be a family drama or a Bhilawadikar is sincerely honest
love story but a cop‑mafia story set in and touches your heart at several
Mumbai because I think such stories are instances. It aptly captures the
really romantic. It is interesting to watch flavour of "ABCD" ‑ American Born
how the lack of opportunity that the poor Confused Desi, DCBA ‑ Desi
ed with
suffer makes them develop their set of sur‑ Khan is occupi Actor Ali Fazal portrayed as a young
Actor Saif Ali am es". Confused By America and FDIA ‑
"Sacred G software professional is charming.
viving strategy. Netflix series Frustrated Desi in America". In
"Such elements make it a romantic story short, the writing brings to the fore "per‑ dency with equal fervor. Omi Vaidya as
for the international audience... How they The story of "Sacred Games" is adapted sonal choices" and "how it feels to run out the south Indian Laxminarayan is good
(the poor) get into the crime scene. from Vikram Chandra's book of the same of options". but stereotyped. Mounted astutely with
Universally, we can relate to a situation that name. The novel takes you into the life of It encapsulates the voices of those 1.5 moderate production values, the film will
exists between rich and poor, people with police officer Sartaj Singh and into the crim‑ million Indian immigrants working in the definitely appeal to non‑resident Indians
legitimacy, ingenuity, and yes, there is inal underworld of Ganesh Gaitonde, the US. Ali Fazal as Vivek. Pandit is charming. or cinema lovers who are keen about
always a story there." most wanted gangster in India. He displays his cheer fulness and despon‑ cross‑over films. ULTIMATE BOLLYWOOD July 14-20, 2018 17

Sonali battling cancer; Bʼwood Bollywood bowled

hopes for speedy recovery
over by biopics
ctress Sonali Bendre shared that

she has been diagnosed with a
"high‑grade cancer", and is under‑ eerja", "M.S. Dhoni: The
going treatment in New York. Untold Story" and
Ever since the actress posted the news "Sanju". Not to miss
about her health on Twitter and Instagram, "Dangal" and "Mary Kom".
prayers and wishes have been pouring in What's common?
for the actress from the film fraternity. They are all biopics ‑‑ inspir‑
In a long post, Sonali said: "Sometimes, ing stories of heroes sans
when you least expect it, life throws you a greasepaint for which actors
curveball. I have recently been diagnosed like Aamir Khan put on a pro‑
with a high grade cancer that has metas‑ nounced paunch to play for‑
tized, which we frankly did not see coming. mer wrestler Mahavir Singh
"A niggling pain led to some tests, which Phogat and Priyanka Chopra
led to this unexpected diagnosis. My family learnt the art of boxing to tell
Actor Sushant Singh Rajput in a still from
and close friends have rallied around me, the tale of five‑time world
“M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story”.
providing the best support system that any‑ Actress Sonali Bendre made her champion M.C. Mary Kom.
one can ask for. I am very blessed and Bollywood debut with "Aag" in 199 "The first and foremost reason for filmmak‑ characters (on which the films are based),"
thankful for each of them," she added. ers making biopics is that they largely want said Saksena. Biopics do mostly create fire‑
The actress, who made her debut in the the strength of my family and friends behind to explore the fan following of a celebrity ‑‑ works at the box office. The most recent
Hindi film industry with "Aag" in 1994, me," she added. from actors to sports stars to any legendary example being Ranbir Kapoor‑starrer "Sanju",
recently stepped down from judging a reality The news shocked stars, who took to figure," Wave Cinemas Vice President Yogesh which reveals the "many lives" of actor Sanjay
TV show "India's Best Dramebaaz". Twitter to express their views. Raizada said. Dutt. There are more in the pipeline, includ‑
She is undergoing treatment in New York, "Godspeed, love and strength to a true Biopics, however, aren't a new phenome‑ ing films on ace badminton player Saina
and is optimistic about the future. Sonali is fighter and a solid soul," filmmaker Karan non, Ashish Saksena, Chief Operating Officer‑ Nehwal, Olympic gold medallist and now‑
married to producer Goldie Behl. They have Johar said. Actress Divya Dutta also posted Cinemas, BookMyShow, pointed out. retired shooter Abhinav Bindra, former Prime
one son Ranveer together. "Dearest dearest one, remember you always "If one goes back in time, we had a biopic Minister Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister
"There is no better way to tackle this, than with a girl wit so much strength and will on Dr. Kotnis called 'Dr. Kotnis Ki Amar Narendra Modi and Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi.
to take swift and immediate action...What has power! Loads of prayers for you! Get well real Kahani' as early as 1946. Will there ever be an end to it?
helped has been the immense outpouring of soon! Big big hug", while Riteish Deshmukh "While filmmakers definitely find good sto‑ "No. The industry finds a new persona to
love and support I've received over the past wrote: "Deeply saddened and shaken by this ries to tell through biopics, the other major play every decade. There is no dearth of leg‑
few days, for which I am very grateful. news. Praying for your speedy recovery and reason for their success is that audiences are ends or icons in our country. The biopic trend
I'm taking this battle head on, knowing I have good health". already familiar with, and can relate to, the is here to stay," said Raizada.


NUBJOGPMJSSHFUBXBZT © 2018 Metropolitan Transportation Authority
18 July 14-20, 2018 FEATURE

New Delhi: Indian Railways set for a

Swanky, superfast Indian

giant technology leap! Engine‑less
trains till now have been limited to
metro networks and suburban travel
in India, but now the worldʼs largest
railway network is all set to roll out

trains ready to roll

its first self‑propelled semi‑high
speed train set for inter‑city travel.
A ʻMake in Indiaʼ initiative, Train
18 and Train 20, also boast world
class facilities. The Indian Railways
is planning to unveil these new trains to
gradually take the place of the widely
used Shatabdi Train and Rajdhani
But why TRAIN 18 and TRAIN 20
numbers? Well, Train 18 will launch in
a monthʼs time this year while Train 20
would be unveiled in the year 2020.
The two new trains are expected to go
up to a speed of 176 kilometers per
hour, and being called ʻthe fastest train
in Indiaʼ.
Travelers can enjoy world class tech‑
nology alongside benefits inside the two
trains. This includes flat screen or LED Indian Railways will launch engine‑less Train 18 (left) & Train 20 to replace Shatabdis and Rajdhanis.
screens, latest lighting system, and GPS.
This train type is the first in history of
India to introduce the automatic door sys‑
tem at the train stations. Features in the
Even the train toilets would be a newer two world class
type with bio‑toilets that are vacuum trains include flat
screen or LED
based. The six motor coaches enables the
screens and
train to move faster.
automatic door
A ʻMake in Indiaʼ initiative, Train 18
system at the
would cost about Rs 2.50 crore per coach. train stations.
Train 20 cost is around Rs 5.50 crore per



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Sharif sentenced to 10 years for

graft, daughter gets 7
Islamabad: Dealing a severe blow
to the Pakistan Muslim League Coming to Pakistan to face prison: Sharif

(Nawaz) ahead of the general elec‑
ormer Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announced he was return‑
t ions, former Prime Minister
ing to Pakistan following the 10‑year prison sentence handed
Nawaz Sharif was sentenced to 10
to him by the accountability court, saying he has been pun‑
years in prison while his daughter
ished because he tried to turn the course of the country's 70‑year his‑
Maryam Nawaz was handed a
tory. Sharif, along with his daughter Maryam Nawaz ‑‑ who was also
seven‑year jail over graft charges
handed seven‑year prison time ‑‑ held a press conference in London
in the purchase of overseas prop‑
hours after the verdict in the Avenfield corruption reference was
Sharif, who is currently in
The three‑time Premier said that if the punishment for "demanding
London along with his daughter,
respect for the vote is jail, I am coming to face it", adding that he will
called the charges "politically moti‑
"not be a slave to those who violate their oath and the Constitution of
vated". He said he had been pun‑
Pakistan". "I promise that I will continue this struggle until Pakistanis
ished because he tried to turn the
are not free of the chains that they are kept in for saying the truth,"
course of the country's 70‑year
A supporter with a picture of former PM Nawaz Sharif. he said. Sharif, however, did not give any specific time or date for his
return to Pakistan. He said that the deteriorating health of his wife
The verdict was delivered by the pay a fine of $10.6 million while serve his sentences concurrently.
Kulsoom Nawaz, who is receiving cancer treatment in London, as the
accountability court in the Maryam Nawaz was fined $2.6 Maryam Nawaz received jail
reason for him not being able to return immediately.
Avenfield corruption case, which is million. Her husband Captain term "for abetting a crime and one
related to the Sharif family's own‑ Safdar Awan was given one‑year year (included in the 7‑year term)
ership of four flats in the posh sentence. for not co‑operating ‑‑ again to run Safdar is in Pakistan but was Court. The Avenfield corruption
Avenfield House in London. Accountability court Judge concurrently. The Sharif family reportedly unable to attend. case is among the multiple graft
Sharif, a three‑time Premier, was Mohammad Bashir announced the insists that they had purchased the According to the verdict, all cases filed against the former
earlier disqualified from standing verdict after several delays. Sharif apartments through "legitimate three have been barred from Premier and his children by the
for his PML‑N following conviction was sentenced for "owning assets financial resources". engaging in politics for 10 years ant i‑corrupt ion bo dy on the
in corruption cases. His brother beyond income and one year T he former Premier and his and four properties in London will Supreme Court's directives in the
Shahbaz Sharif now heads the (included in the 10‑year term) for daug hter are currently w ith be confiscated by the Pakistani landmark Panamagate verdict last
party and is running in the July not co‑operating with the National Sharif's wife Kulsoom Nawaz, who state. They have 10 days to appeal year which disqualified then Prime
vote. The court ordered Sharif to Accountability Bureau. He will is receiving cancer treatment, and the verdict at the Islamabad High Minister Sharif.

Iran denies India closely following

training Afghan Maldives situation: MEA
Taliban militants New Delhi: India said it is closely
following the evolving situation in
the Maldives and it is a matter of
and the rule of law, before the
elections are conducted," he added.
Elections are due in Maldives in
concern that institutions like its November this year. However, with
parliament and the judiciary are a number of prominent opposition
not allowed to function properly. figures of the country put behind
"We have been closely following bars, former President Mohamed
the evolving situation in the Nasheed living in exile and defunct
Maldives. The announcement of parliament and crippled judiciary,
elections in the Maldives at a time there is a big question mark over
when the democratic institutions free and fair elections. The latest
including the Majlis and the judici‑ Indian External Affairs Ministry crisis in Maldives began in
spokesperson Raveesh Kumar.
ary are not allowed to function in a February this year when President
free and transparent manner is "We have urged the government Yameen Abdul Gayoom of the
indeed a matter of concern," said of Maldives to return to the path of Progressive Party of Maldives
External Affairs Ministry democracy and ensure credible (PPM) declared a state of
spokesperson Raveesh Kumar. restoration of the political process Emergency.

Taliban militants captured after an

Ex-Pakistan PM doubts legitimacy of elections
operation in Afghanistan (file). Islamabad: Former Pakistan interference in elections was
Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan common in the past.
Tehran: Iran denied allegations agency. Iran seeks to promote
Abbasi raised doubts over the The last two elections were rel‑
that it was training international efforts to support
legitimacy of the July 25 elec‑ atively free of interference and
Afghanistan's Taliban militant the Afghan government and
tions. we were hoping that this time it
group. reduce its people sufferings, the
"I have doubts about the trans‑ would be a much better process
Such "fake and undocument‑ statement said.
parency and fairness of the elec‑ but unfortunately, that has not
ed" allegations are aimed to British daily The Times quoted
tions," the 59‑year‑old politician been the case."
wage "a psychological war" and unnamed Taliban and Afghan
who held the office from August Abbasi came to power after his
damage friendly relations officials as saying that hundreds
2017 to June 2018 told Efe news predecessor, Nawaz Sharif, was
between the Iranian and Afghan of Taliban militants are receiv‑
in Bhara Kahu on the outskirts of disqualified from office by the
governments, the Iranian ing advanced training from spe‑
Islamabad. Supreme Court for not declaring
Embassy in Kabul said in a state‑ cial forces at military academies
"We have had a history of non‑ the earnings from a company run Former Pakistan Prime Minister
ment, according to Xinhua news in Iran.
democratic rule in Pakistan and by his son. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi.
20 July 14-20, 2018 INTERNATIONAL

US attitude during denuclearization

talks 'regrettable': N Korea
Seoul: North Korea expressed regret
over the attitude of US negotiators
during talks to work out details on
N Korea committed to
how to denuclearize the Korean
Peninsula as agreed to by their
leaders in their recent summit
denuclearization: Pompeo
Tokyo: Visiting US Secretary of Korea as "very productive" and
meeting. State Mike Pompeo said North these were in "good‑faith", adding
In a statement issued by a North Korea had reaffirmed its commit‑ that Pyongyang had agreed to
Korean Foreign Ministry ment to denuclearization during the destruction of a missile facili‑
spokesman and carried by the his recent trip to Pyongyang. ty, reports Efe news.
Korean Central News Agency, North At a joint press conference with He also said the sanctions
Korea lashed out at the US for seek‑ his Japanese and South Korean against the regime would remain
ing "unilateral and forced denu‑ counterparts, Taro Koko and in place until it has completely
clearization" from Pyongyang. Kang Kyung‑wha,Pompeo dismantled its nuclear weapons
The statement came hours after described his talks in North program.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
North Korean leader Kim Jong‑un.
wrapped up his trip to Pyongyang clearization demands as CVID, dec‑ Washington for Pyongyang.
aimed at hashing out measures to Pompeo just hours before. He had come with productive measures laration and verification that go The spokesman apparently reject‑
implement the June 12 summit said progress was made during the conducive to building trust in line against the spirit of the North‑US ed the US demand and reiterated
agreement in Singapore, during talks. It was the first time he had with the spirit of the North‑US sum‑ summit meeting," he added, calling Pyongyang's call for a "phased" and
which their leaders agreed to work visited North Korea since the mit and (we) considered providing the talks "really disappointing". "synchronous" approach, saying
towards complete denuclearization Donald Trump‑Kim Jong‑un sum‑ something that would correspond CVID stands for complete, verifi‑ that it would be the shortest way to
of the Korean Peninsula. mit. to them. able and irreversible dismantlement realize a nuclear‑free Korean
The North statement contradicted The North's spokesman said: "We "The US just came out with such of North Korea's nuclear pro‑ Peninsula, Yonhap news agency
the version of events given by expected that the US side would unilateral and robber‑like denu‑ gramme, an oft‑cited demand by reported.

Brazilian judge blocks Brexit Secretary David Davis resigns

ruling to release Lula London: David Davis, the man
responsible for overseeing the
UK's exit from the European Union
weak negotiating position, and
possibly an inescapable one," the
minister wrote in the letter.
Sao Paulo: (EU) has resigned, citing irreconcil‑ In her response, May said she
Brazil's judi‑ able differences with Prime was sorry he had chosen to leave
ciary has Minister Theresa May. the government "when we have
issued con‑ In a resignation letter sent to already made so much progress
tradictory May, Brexit Minister Davis said it towards delivering a smooth and
orders over was looking "less and less likely" successful Brexit".
the contro‑ that the Conservative‑led govern‑ May's government agreed on a
versial ment would be able to deliver on "business friendly" plan for Brexit
imprison‑ its "manifesto commitment to which was announced at the end
ment of ex‑ leave the Customs Union and the of a crucial summit. It seeks to pre‑
president Single Market", reports CNN. serve frictionless goods trade for
Luiz Inacio Davis said he was "unpersuaded the EU and avoid border checks
Lula da that our negotiating approach will Brexit Secretary David Davis and tariffs, most feared by manu‑
Silva, who not just lead to further demands resigned citing irreconcilable facturing companies.
was convict‑ for concessions", and said the differences with the British PM. Davis' resignation also comes as
Brazilʼs ex‑president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was
ed of cor‑ national interest required some‑ May is preparing for a key state
convicted of corruption. and not merely a reluctant con‑
ruption and one in his position to be an "enthu‑ visit by US President Donald
script". "The general direction of
sent to jail in April. A federal "urgent" release from a federal siastic believer in your approach, Trump later this week.
policy will leave us in at best a
court judge ruled in favor of an police holding facility in
appeal and ordered Lula be Curitiba, capital pf Parana state,
released immediately. That
decision was denied by another
where he has served three
months of his sentence.
4 of 13 boys trapped in Thai cave extracted
federal judge, Sergio Moro, who Federal Judge Joao Pedro Chiang Rai (Thailand): Four boys
oversaw the investigation that Gebran Neto, who also sits on emerged from the cave in north‑
helped put Lula behind bars, Federal Regional Court 4, ern Thailand where 12 young
Xinhua reported. issued an order to overrule footballers and their coach had
Moro questioned Judge Lula's release. been trapped for more than two
Rogerio Favreto's competence "I determine that... the federal weeks, a rescuer said.
as he dismissed the ruling, police of Parana abstain from The rescued boys were taken to
Brazilian news network Globo carrying out any action that a field hospital near the cave in
reported on its website. changes the collegial decision" Thailand's northern Chiang Rai
"Judge Sergio Moro... said the that led to Lula's conviction and province. Helicopters were seen
judge on duty did not have the sentence, Gebran Neto wrote. hovering above the cave site,
authority to order Lula's The pushback sparked anoth‑ reports Xinhua news agency.
release," the agency said. er call from Favreto for Lula's The boys were flown to the hos‑
Earlier Favreto, who sits on release. "I order the IMMEDI‑ pital by helicopters. Trapped young footballers seen in a cave in Chiang Rai.
Federal Regional Court 4 in the ATE compliance with the judi‑ Thirteen foreign cave diving
city of Porto Alegre, accepted cial measure to free the defen‑ experts entered the cave to launch between 11 and 16, and their small cliff about four kilometres
an appeal by three deputies dant, under penalty of punish‑ the rescue operation at 10 am on coach, 25, went missing in the away from the cave entrance
belonging to Lula's Workers' ment for non‑compliance with a July 8. cave in Chiang Rai province on when the search entered the ninth
Party (PT) and called for his judicial order," Favreto wrote. The 12 footballers, aged June 23. They were located on a day on July 2. BUSINESS July 14-20, 2018 21

US, China trade war begins Tribunal upholds Cyrus

Beijing: A trade war between China and Mistryʼs sacking by Tata Sons
the US ‑‑ the world's largest economies ‑‑
began as the two sides started slapping Mumbai: In a significant ruling, the National ly immediately. "The ruling of the National
additional tariffs on each other's goods, Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) on Monday Company Law Tribunal is disappointing
worth nearly $70 billion, a development upheld the October 24, 2016 decision of the although not surprising. We will continue to
that could impede global economic recov‑ Tata Sons Board of Directors dismissing its strive for ensuring good governance and
ery. then Chairman Cyrus Mistry. protection of interests of minority share‑
As planned, Washington began taxing While Mistry's office termed holders and all stakeholders in
818 Chinese goods worth $34 billion to the tribunal decision as "disap‑ Tata Sons from the wilful brute
The US has ignited the largest trade pointing", hinting they would rule of the majority," office of
punish Beijing for allegedly playing
war in economic history, said China. approach the higher tribunal, Cyrus Mistry said in a state‑
underhand in trade practices and pressur‑
ing US companies to hand over their tech‑ Ratan Tata, Chairman of Tata ment.
counter‑attacks to protect the core nation‑
nologies for doing business in China. Trusts called it as judicial The NCLT ruled that the Tata
al interests and interests of its people."
Beijing, which denies these charges, was "forthrightness". Sons board of directors was
Beijing lodged an additional complaint
swift in responding in kind after the first "The judgement of the NCLT, competent to remove the exec‑
with the World Trade Organization over
tranche of planned US levies on Chinese delivered this morning has utive Chairman and that Mistry
tariffs under Section 301.
goods announced by President Donald been a vindication of the was ejected as the board mem‑
The Chinese Foreign Ministry said the
Trump kicked in. actions that Tata Sons felt bers had lost confidence in
US had blatantly violated the WTO rules.
"After the US imposed its tariffs, China obliged to take in October Former Tata Group him. Rejecting Mistry's plea to
"It will surely impact the global trade
also took effective measures," said 2016. It is a reinforcement of Chairman Cyrus reinstate him on the Board of
order, trigger global market fluctuation
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson the principles and forthright‑ Mistry. Tata Sons, the NCLT pointed
and impede economic recovery,"
Lu Kang. ness that prevails in our judi‑ out that he (Mistry) had open‑
spokesperson Lu Kang said.
Even though neither Lu nor the Chinese cial system, which should make all of us ly gone against the Board, and hence against
"More multinational companies, SMEs
Commerce ministry gave details about the proud of our country and its democracy," the company.
and ordinary consumers will be impaired
scales of tariffs, Beijing has plans to slap said Tata in a statement. "The judgement has T he much‑awaited verdict of NCLT
and many industries in the US have
punishing levies 545 US products worth only re‑af firmed and vindicated that Tata Mumbai by a Special Bench comprising B.S.V
realised that it is them that will bear the
$34 billion a year that range from soy‑ Sons and its operating companies have Prakash Kumar and V. Nallasenapathy came
beans and lobsters to sport utility vehicles always acted in a fair manner and in the best in a petition filed by Mistry after he was
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said no one
and whiskey. interest of its stakeholders. The Tata Group abruptly ousted as the Tata Sons Chairman,
will win by fighting a trade war. He said
The duties slapped by the US will make has always been committed and will contin‑ creating an upheaval in the Indian corporate
China never initiates trade disputes, let
Chinese cough an additional 25 per cent ue to be committed to transparency and world. Mistry later quit from the board of six
alone provoking a trade war. However, if
on products such as industrial machinery, good corporate governance of global stan‑ other Tata Group companies but challenged
the other side provokes a trade war by
medical devices and auto parts. dards," said Tata Sons Chairman N. the Group and his successor, the former
imposing additional tariffs, China will def‑
Reacting to the tariffs, the Chinese Chandrasekaran in a statement. Interim Chairman Ratan Tata's decisions,
initely take countermeasures. Meanwhile,
Commerce Ministry said: "The US has "Tata Sons hopes that a finality will be before the NCLT.
EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia
ignited the largest trade war in economic given to the judgement of NCLT, Mumbai by Official sources indicated on Monday that
Malmstrom called the escalation of tariffs
history. "The Chinese side, having vowed all concerned in the larger interest of com‑ Mistry was likely to challenge the NCLT ver‑
between the US and China "worrying" and
not to fire the first shot, is forced to stage panies, the shareholders and the public," dict before the National Company Law
"clearly damaging" to the world economy.
Chandrasekaran added. But finality is unlike‑ Appellate Tribunal, New Delhi.

Samsung to make India a global export hub: Modi

Noida: The world's largest mobile factory the new mobile manufacturing unit will make
unveiled by South Korean tech giant Samsung India‑South Korea relations stronger as
in Noida will not only generate more jobs but Samsung's biggest global R&D centre was
also make India a global export hub, Prime already here.
Minister Narendra Modi said on Monday. "Almost every middle class Indian family is
Inaugurating the new facility spread over using at least one Korean product. Samsung
129,000 sq metres at Sector 81 here, Modi has a distinct space in India. India is going
said Samsung will export 30 per cent of the through digital transformation and I encour‑
handsets made at the Noida factory to other age more companies from South Korea to
markets. "India is currently second in terms come and invest here," Modi noted.
of phone manufacturing. Out of 120 mobile Launched in the presence of Modi and
factories, 50 are in Noida only. Altogether, South Korean President Moon Jae‑in who
over 400,000 people are working in those took the Metro to reach the facility, the plant
units and Samsung is spearheading this with will help Samsung India double its annual
a workforce of 70,000 people. mobile production capacity to 120 million
"The new facility with give direct jobs to units by 2020. President Moon Jae‑in said the
1,000 people, taking the existing workforce new facility will create a new era for India‑
at this plant to 6,000. The best part is that the Korea ties. "I am happy to see Korean compa‑
company will export 30 per cent of the hand‑ nies participating in India's digital transfor‑
sets made here to other markets," Modi told mation and I have full support for them," the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, South Korean President Moon Jae‑in and Uttar
the gathering here. The Prime Minister said South Korean President told the gathering. Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in Noida. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)
22 July 14-20, 2018 SPORTS

France beat Belgium Croatia will be fresh for

semi final: Coach
1‑0 to book final spot Moscow: Croatia have
the vitality to beat
power left for the
Eng lish," Xinhua
England in their World news agency report‑
Cup semi final despite ed quoting Dalic.
playing in two consecu‑ "We will not stop,
tive matches that have we will try to play
gone to extra‑time and to get the best out
penalties, coach Zlatko of ourse lves. We
Dalic said. have two matches
After overcoming to play, we are very
Denmark on penalties in motivated, we will
the last 16, Croat ia g ive our all," he
defeated hosts Russia in said.
another shootout. Croatia's head coach Zlatko Dalic. W hile Croat ia
On Wednesday, endured a grueling
Croatia will confront England at Moscow's 120‑minute battle against Russia, England
Luzhniki Stadium for a place in the final progressed to the last four with a relative‑
on July 15. "Of course there is some ly straightforward 2‑0 win over Sweden.

Brazil's exit 'saddest moment'

Centre‑back Samuel Umtiti headed home from close range in the
51st minute that proved to be the winner.
of career: Neymar
St. Petersburg: France edged past Belgium Then, moments later, at the
1‑0 to book their place in the final of the other end, Hazard's goal‑ Neymar
FIFA World Cup in a rip‑roaring semi‑final bound shot was flicked over kneels
clash here on Tuesday. the bar by the retreating after the
Centre‑back Samue l Umtiti headed Raphael Varane. quarter‑final
home from close range in the 51st minute Hugo Lloris was forced into match
and that proved to be the winner in a a brilliant save at the other between
match littered with goal‑scoring opportu‑ end too when his Tottenham Brazil and
Belgium in
nities. teammate Toby Alderweireld
Kazan, Russia.
Belgium played with a lot of gusto as took aim after a corner.
skipper Eden Hazard led from the front For France, Olivier Giroud Xueqi/IANS)
making jinking runs throughout the game and Griezmann came
down the right channel. close to scoring after the
But the goal would just not come for the half‑hour mark
Roberto Martinez‑coached side who were before Benjamin
in the semis for the first time since 1986. Pavard was set
France, who will play the World Cup up by the brilliant Mbappe only for
final for the first time since 2006, will Courtois to stick his leg out and divert the
either take on England or Croatia in the ball. Kazan (Russia): Neymar has described He was also widely lambasted for his
summit clash on Sunday. It was travesty that both teams went Brazil's elimination from the FIFA World Cup behaviour on the pitch amid claims that he
The match began at a breakneck pace into the break locked goal‑less. as the "saddest moment" of his football resorted to play‑acting to trick referees.
with Belgium bossing possession initially Belgium fell behind minutes into the career. The five‑time world champions and The 26‑year‑old refused to speak to jour‑
only for the French to catch up. second period when Umtiti leaped ahead tournament favorites exited football's show‑ nalists after Friday's match and made no
Kylian Mbappe danced forward inside of Marouane Fellaini to head home a cor‑ piece event after a 1‑2 quarter‑final loss to mention of the criticism on Instagram.
the first 10 seconds and crossed low for ner taken by Griezmann. Belgium, reports Xinhua news agency. "I'm very happy to be a part of this team,"
Antoine Griezmann who failed to get on Belgium probed on numerous occasions "I can say that it's the saddest moment of the post continued. "I am proud of everyone.
the end of it. as Lukaku came the closest to scoring in my career," Neymar said on his Instagram Our dream was interrupted but it remains in
Hazard then put in a dangerous cross the dying minutes of the game after De account on Saturday. "It cuts deep because our minds and in our hearts."
which was turned behind by Umtiti. It was Bruyne's stunning lofted pass teed the we knew that we could go far and make his‑ Brazil's players and officials left their hotel
an end‑to‑end af fair as Kevin De Bruyne Manchester United striker up. tory, but it wasn't to be this time." in Kazan on Saturday afternoon and are due
lobbed a pass to Hazard who shot past the Six minutes of injury time provided The Paris Saint‑Germain star, who spent to arrive in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday morn‑
post. Belgium with hope but France ran the three months on the sidelines with a broken ing. Croatia will be sweating on the fitness of
France took time to work Belgium goal‑ clock down and almost made it 2‑0 as metatarsal before the tournament, struggled goalkeeper Danijel Subasic after he played
keeper Thibaut Courtois who smothered a Griezmann and then Corentin Tolisso's to capture his best form in Russia with just through the latter part of the quarterfinal
Blaise Matuidi effort in the 19th minute. shots were well saved by Courtois. two goals in five matches. with a hamstring injury.


India defeat England to win T20I series

Bristol: India rode on Rohit der's third century in the game's 18.4 overs. the left‑hander flicked a poor David and Hales was caught behind.
Sharma's unbeaten century and shortest format, making him just Pandya also played an unbeaten Willey (1/37) delivery down the leg Later, Stokes holed out to Kohli at
Hardik Pandya's four‑wicket haul to the second player to make three 14‑ball 33‑run cameo as skipper side to Jake Ball (1/39) at short fine mid off and once again in the same
breeze past England by seven wick‑ tons. Virat Kohli (43; 29b; 2x4, 2x6) leg. over Bairstow, who was looking
ets at the County Ground to clinch Put in, England posted 198/9 missed out on a half‑century. At the halfway stage, England good after smacking two fours and
the three‑match T20I series 2‑1 despite making a blistering start This was India's sixth successive were 111/2 but Pandya then dent‑ sixes, nicked a half volley to the
Chasing 199 for victory, Rohit thanks to medium pacer Pandya's T20I series win. Rohit looked at his ed England's surge as Morgan top‑ keeper.
remained not out on 100 of f 56 heroics with the ball. The 24‑year‑ imperious best from the get‑go, edged a back of a length delivery The rest of the batsmen could not
balls, and including 11 fours and old returned career‑best figures of even though Shikhar Dhawan's lean which Dhoni smothered, clattering take England past the 200‑mark but
five sixes. This was the right‑han‑ 4/38. In reply, India made 201/3 in patch continued at the other end as the stumps in his follow through, still posted a more than par total. SPORTS July 14-20, 2018 23

Proved our worth by Nadal returns to Wimbledon quarterfinals

working hard: Russia coach London: Spain tennis great Rafael
Nadal defeated Jiri Vesely of the
Rafael Nadal.
Sochi: Russia coach Czech Republic 6‑3, 6‑3, 6‑4 to to
Stanislav Cherchesov book a place in the quarterfinals of
spoke highly of his Wimbledon for the first time since
team despite the 2011 when he went on to the final.
penalty shootout The two‑time Wimbledon champion
loss to Croatia in the was untouchable on serve against
World Cup quarter‑ Vesely in the first two sets and con‑
finals here. ceded service only once, in the sixth
"We trusted our‑ game of the third set on Monday,
selves. We could reports Efe.
only prove our worth Nadal, who has yet to drop a set in
by working hard," the 2018 edition, will play either
Cherchesov said at Juan Martin del Potro of Argentina or
the post‑match press Gilles Simon of France in the last
conference. eight.
"I believe that peo‑ The 17‑time Grand Slam champion
is the only left‑handed player left Serbia's Novak Djokovic. Nadal's run in the second round of
ple did not only start
alive in the tournament after beating After exiting in the second and first the 2015 edition and he withdrew
trusting us but they
Vesely and seeing Switzerland's rounds in 2012 and 2013, the from the 2016 tournament with an
are in love with us.
Roger Federer eliminate Frenchman Spaniard reached the round of 16 in injury.
The entire country Russian coach Stanislav Cherchesov.
Adrian Mannarino. 2014 before succumbing to Last year, Nadal lost to Gilles Muller
of Russia is in love Hosts Russia made history as they
The last of Nadal's five Wimbledon Australia's Nick Kyrgios. of Luxemburg in a five‑set thriller in
with us," he added. advanced to the top eight for the
finals was in 2011 when he lost to Germany's Dustin Brown ended the round of 16.
Hosts Russia made first time.
history as they
advanced to the top eight for In this World Cup, Russia
the first time. crushed Saudi Arabia 5‑0 in
"People know what the the opener, beat Egypt 3‑1,
Russian national team is before losing 0‑3 to Uruguay
worth. We hope we have to finish second in Group A.
turned the situation for the They upset Spain on penal‑
better," the coach noted. ties in the round of 16.

Dipa wins gold at

Artistic Gymnastics
World Challenge Cup

Indian gymnast Dipa Karmakar.

Mersin (Turkey): Ace Indian beam finals by finishing third

gymnast Dipa Karmakar in the qualification with a
made a rousing comeback as score of 11.850.
she bagged gold in the Dipa had to sit out for two
women's vault event at the years after undergoing sur‑
Artistic Gymnastics World gery for Anetrior Cruciate
Challenge Cup here. Ligament (ACL) injury.
The Tripura girl, who The lengthy lay‑off period,
returned to action after two which started after the 2016
years due to injury, scored Rio Olympics, also kept her
14.150 to clinch the yellow out of the Gold Coast
metal. Dipa had topped the Commonwealth Games held
qualification round with a earlier this year.
score of 13.400. Dipa will now feature in the
The 24‑year‑old has also Indian gymnastics squad at
qualified for the balance the upcoming Asian Games.
24 July 14-20, 2018 SELF HELP

New book tells you Easy ways to boost your

how to be happy like familyʼs veggie intake
Laughing Buddha N
utritious, delicious and
low‑calorie, vegetables
should be the star play‑
er of all your meals. But some‑
times providing veggies for your

new book with the jolly Laughing enlightenment into the reader's life by family can be time consuming
Buddha, whose large potbelly sym‑ fostering an understanding of some of the and costly. Luckily, there are a
bolizes happiness, good luck and most important laws that, according to number of simple ways to boost
abundance, on its front cover explores the the author, govern our world and the uni‑ your veggie intake, and it all
secret universe of happiness and the vari‑ verse. starts in your grocery storeʼs
ous ways one can go The author freezer aisle.
about experiencing it. explains how to use 4Go frozen. Frozen vegetables
Titled "Zen And The these valuable les‑ are often one of the most
Art Of Happiness", it sons to achieve hap‑ affordable options and the quickest to potatoes, rice and pasta 1‑2 times per
is written by Chris piness. prepare, reducing time spent slicing and week.
Prentiss, who has pre‑ The book also dicing on busy weeknights. Whatʼs more, 4Be mindful : Dining out can be espe‑
viously authored at turns inspiring at by opting for frozen veggies, your family cially tricky territory for those looking to
least a dozen books moments while will likely reduce its food waste. Frozen eat more vegetables. Be mindful of what
on Chinese philoso‑ poignant and philo‑ vegetables are easy to store for long you order. Read the menu carefully and
phy and personal sophical at others. periods of time, and recent studies have ask questions. Many restaurants are
growth. Setting the The author tells the found that freezing actually helps lock happy to make substitutions to accom‑
record straight, the readers that they nutrients in. modate your preferences. For example,
author explains that "are the authors of 4Swap it out: Little ones and even some see if you can replace a side of fries with
"Zen" is a Japanese every next moment," adults can be resistant to certain vegeta‑ a garden salad or sautéed seasonal veg‑
word meaning medi‑ highlighting that bles at first. But there are ways to incor‑ etables like green beans.
tation. It is, the author things done in the porate them into family meals with no 4 Get creative: Whether youʼre hosting
highlights, a journey past may have been one the wiser. Consider cooking with a barbecue, attending a potluck or sim‑
of exploration and done with little con‑ vegetables that offer the look, feel and ply making your family dinner, consider
revolves around sciousness of what taste of traditional starches such as rice, reducing calories in salads and sides by
"experiencing life in results they may pasta and potatoes. For example, Green upping your vegetable intake in these
the here and now. At bring but he insists Giantʼs frozen Veggie Swap‑Ins line, dishes. Make an Italian pasta salad out of
the same time, Zen is that everything that which includes Green Giant Riced zucchini or carrot spirals. Swap out tradi‑
also about removing happens here Veggies, Green Giant Veggie Spirals and tional rice with riced cauliflower to make
the dualistic distinctions between "I" and onwards will be a result of what the read‑ Green Giant Mashed Cauliflower are easy a simple pilaf. Create a tasty alternative
"you," between "subject" and "object", and er does from now on. go‑to items in any kitchen for quick fami‑ to traditional potato tots with such prod‑
between our spiritual and ordinary every‑ Among the subjects covered in the book ly meals. Indeed, 52 percent of American ucts as Green Giant Veggie Tots. The pos‑
day activities. are adapting to lifeʼs inevitable changes, consumers who noted they had pur‑ sibilities are endless.
"The Zen of doing anything is doing it dealing with stress in a healthy way and chased Green Giant Swap‑Ins products Are you looking to simplify your fami‑
with a particular concentration of mind, a nurturing happiness on a daily basis. within three months of taking the sur‑ lyʼs clean‑eating routine and increase
calmness and simplicity of mind, that Written with wit and clarity, "Zen And vey, said they have introduced the prod‑ your vegetable intake? With a few tips
brings the experience of enlightenment The Art of Happiness" (Manjul India) uct into their kidsʼ meals without their and tricks, you can incorporate broccoli,
and, through that experience, happiness," explores several such facets about happi‑ kids knowing they werenʼt traditional beets, squash and more into your fami‑
notes the author. ness and the various ways of going about potatoes, rice and/or pasta, and 49 per‑ lyʼs diet while saving time and money in
The goal of the book is to help bring achieving and experiencing it. cent admit to swapping these items for the process.

New to Parenthood?
Is your retirement income protected? 9 questions to ask Smart Tech Can Help

hen it comes to retire‑ advisor at the Alliance for Lifetime income is less than what I need to Being a new mom or dad can be
ment planning, anxiety Income. “People donʼt realize that last my lifetime? tough. But smart tech is revolutioniz‑
comes with the territo‑ Social Security is estimated to 4. What is an annuity? ing the way parents care for their lit‑
ry. Will you be able to maintain replace only about 40 percent of 5. Are there costs associated tle ones, alleviating common parent‑
your lifestyle in retirement? Will the average personʼs income, with guaranteed protected ing worries, such as sickness, the
you have enough to cover your which leaves millions of Americans income? baby sleeping through the night and
monthly bills without depleting vulnerable to outliving their hard‑ 6. What if I need access to my proper feeding.
your savings? Are you at risk of earned savings.” money in an annuity? Eighty percent of American adults
outliving your money? While such To get confident about your 7. Can annuities help protect me use or would use smart products to
concerns are common among financial plan for retirement, from investment losses? help care for a new baby, according
Americans approaching retire‑ Devine says that you should under‑ 8. How do I know that my pro‑ to a recent survey commissioned by
ment, protecting part of the money stand all your options for protect‑ tected income is safe? leading faucet manufacturer, Moen
that youʼve saved to ensure month‑ Eighty‑eight percent of protected ing a portion of your retirement 9. Are there other strategies for and conducted online by Harris Poll
ly income for life can make a dif‑ households say they are confident income from the impact of market protected monthly income? in April 2018. The poll investigated
ference in your confidence about that their retirement money will volatility and longer lifespans. “Discussing these topics with what parents are anxious about and
the future, suggests a new study. help them achieve their lifestyle The Alliance outlines nine key your financial advisor can help how smart tech can make their job a
A new survey by the Alliance for goals, while only sixty‑three per‑ questions that you should ask your you become better informed about little easier.
Lifetime Income looked at the cent of unprotected households financial advisor to make sure that your income planning options, Why are smart home products so
emotional and physical well‑being feel confident. youʼre on track to having the life‑ putting you one step closer to cre‑ popular? From the bathtub to the
of Gen X and Baby Boomer house‑ “The American retirement dis‑ time income you can count on for ating a financial plan that delivers nursery, smart technology can help
holds and compared those with cussion has traditionally focused the retirement you want: what you need to live the life you parents keep their babies safer and
some form of protected lifetime on accumulating assets rather 1. Why is protected monthly want in retirement,” says Devine. provide peace of mind. With smart
income, such as an annuity and/or than how to turn some of those income in retirement important? Donʼt succumb to anxiety about tech to the rescue, you too can
pension, to those that were unpro‑ savings into a guaranteed monthly 2. How much protected monthly your financial future. With the enhance your parenting skills while
tected and relying solely on sav‑ income that will last as long as you income will I need in retirement? right knowledge, you can help spending more time enjoying your
ings and Social Security. do,” says Colin Devine, educational 3. What if my expected monthly ensure a comfortable retirement. newborn. LIFESTYLE July 14-20, 2018 25

Universal oneness through music – Montea Albouy

By Ashok Vyas Montea started to sing in French on tions, thoughts and being spiritually con‑
YouTube and people started connecting to nected to each other.”

istening to Montea Albouy trans‑ her. The fact that she could share her cul‑ She also talks about studies that deal
ports you to the space of joyful ture and the bond of understanding with relationship between music and
expansion. Her singing is rooted in beyond words made her realize that mood. She wants to use music for spread‑
the influence of her culture. She grew up ʻmusic is her calling.” Her music describes ing encouraging words and message of
in France and speaks French but she has her journey, her story, her challenges in love to the world.
always been attached to her roots in Paris, in NY and how spiritual awareness It is fascinating to learn from this young
Madagascar. She tells you, “Madagascar is helped her connect with others around singer, who has never been to India, that
an island located in the Indian Ocean and her. ʻlistening to Indian music and world music
many people donʼt know about it.” Her The real big break came for her in Feb in general helps me rediscover my own
ancestors are from Africa and Southeast 2018, when she got the opportunity to culture.ʼ The more she is exposed to world
Asia. She grew up with music, singing sing at the APOLLO, now, she is ready music in New York, the more she is con‑
came to her naturally as her mother was a with her album ʻEVM”, which stands for vinced about commonality between differ‑
singer and father a guitarist. ʻEcoute Ma Voixʼ (French), which means ent cultures. Montea wants to make more
This 24 year old singer came to New ʻListen to my voice.” and more music of that kind, which help
York to pursue an MBA in International As a writer what made it even more us spiritually connect with each other.
Business Administration but her love for interesting for me is the fact that one Montea plans to go to India in near future
music and singing also came with her. She number of her new albums is called ʻIndiaʼ to learn more about Indian culture and
had experienced the power of music to wherein she is planning to use traditional spiritual dimensions of life. This passion‑
connect and communicate during family Indian music influences for the song. ate and talented young singer is creatively
One of Montea Albony's new albums reunions. She realized music is powerful Montea says, ʻFor me, music is a univer‑ working towards helping people spiritual‑
is 'India' drawing influences and spiritual, it takes you beyond all barri‑ sal language that brings people together, ly connect with each other and promote
from traditional Indian music ers. Soon technology came to her aid. it is the best way to express feelings, emo‑ the message of love.

Becoming US
citizen very Miss America former winners,
difficult, rare:
Kumail Nanjiani
Los Angeles: Pakistan‑origin
officials split over leadership
actor‑comedian Kumail Los Angeles: Thirty former Miss Miss America winners said to the looks and sex lives. Haskell faced petition, Hopper said that there
Nanjiani America winners and state pag‑ newspaper The Press of Atlantic severe after effects of the scan‑ are always those who disagree
says it took eant officials are split over the City that they fully support dal which further resulted in his with or find it hard to accept
him over a leadership of the organization Carlon and other board members and other board members' resig‑ change, organization welcomes
decade to after a December scandal. as they have worked tirelessly to nation. "those who want to move for‑
get his per‑ Representatives from 22 state move the program forward. The new leadership of the ward and be a part of a revital‑
manent res‑ pageants had signed a petition According to the newspaper, organization has gone through ized program dedicated to pro‑
idence in calling for the resignation of the Miss America Organization several changes. In June, MAO viding scholarships and opportu‑
the US. new Miss America board, includ‑ (MAO) is regrouping after a announced the election of three nities to all young women."
Nanjiani ing Chairwoman Gretchen December scandal in which new board members, following Supporting MAO, former Miss
on Monday Carlson and President and CEO emails surfaced showing that the resignations of Jennifer America winners said: "We hope
Actor comedian
night Regina Hopper. CEO Sam Haskell and others Vaden Barth and Valerie Crooker the voices of our majority can
Kumail Nanjiani
tweeted: "I Following the petition, former mocked winners' intelligence, Clemens. On asking about the and will be heard."
feel like people think immi‑
grating to the US is super
easy. The gates are wide open. Testosterone boosts men's choice of higher-status products
Nothing could be further from
New York: Ever wondered why men tend testosterone and others were placebos.
the truth. It took me 15 years
to prefer status symbols, like a luxury car Participants were shown two logos of
to get my Green Card. Getting
or brand‑name denim? A higher level of apparel brands selected to match their
any kind of visa is difficult.
testosterone ‑‑ male sex hormones ‑‑ perceived quality but differ in status.
Becoming a citizen is extreme‑ (Image
could explain the association, say Those who received a dose of testos‑
ly difficult and rare." courtesy:
researchers. terone were significantly more likely to
His tweet comes in the wake penntoday.
The study underscores a biological fac‑ prefer the higher‑status brands.
of the controversy around US
tor, testosterone, at play in the choice of The results serve as a foundation for
President Donald Trump's pol‑
products conveying status. Giving men a forecasting consumer behavior, Nave
icy about illegal immigrants.
single dose of testosterone can increase noted.
Trump and his administra‑
their preference for higher‑status
tion have come under heavy
goods, said lead author Gideon Nave,
criticism for adopting a zero‑
assistant professor, at the University
tolerance approach to people
of Pennsylvania.
illegally crossing over the
A luxury product, say, a fancy
American border from Mexico,
watch, tells the same time as an inex‑
with officials currently sepa‑
pensive digital one but carries with it
rating parents from their chil‑
a signal of social status, he noted.
dren as they are taken into
The study supports previous
research that connects transient
Nanjiani has carved his own
increases in testosterone levels to a
niche in the film and comedy
rise in behaviors aimed at boosting
world, but it was "The Big
social rank.
Sick" ‑‑ on an interracial cou‑
The study, published in Nature
ple which deals with cultural
Communications, covered 243 men
differences after the woman
aged between 18‑55. Each partici‑
becomes ill ‑‑ which pushed
pant received a gel to apply to his
him into prominence. (IANS)
upper body; some gels contained
26 July 14-20, 2018 HERITAGE

The Magic of Vedic Mathematics Part 22

Rediscovered half a century ago by the Puri Shankaracharya Bharati Krishna Tirtha, Vedic Mathematics is a lightning fast mental math
system. We continue to serialize from ‘The Curious Hats of Magical Maths’ book that makes learning the system easy.

Continued on page 27 IMMIGRATION July 14-20, 2018 27

Want to sponsor a foreign national for a Green Card…

By Michael Phulwani, Esq.
& Dev B. Viswanath, Esq.
You need a Labor Certification First!
rogram Electronic Review requirements must be reasonable. date in the appropriate visa cate‑ The estimate of time from begin‑
Management (PERM) is The job must have existed before gory, then an alien may submit ning to end will take about 7 to 9
the system used to the foreign employee was hired. his or her I‑485 application or months. It starts with a prevail‑
process labor certifications in An employer is not allowed to finalize Immigrant Visa ing wage request, followed by the
order to obtain an EB‑2 (Non‑ are able, willing, qualified, and
require qualifications that are not Processing through a consular recruitment process and the filing
NIW) or EB‑3 employment‑based available to fill the open position
a legitimate part of the job only to post. Currently, priority numbers of the labor certification. The
immigrant petition classifications. and the foreign employee will not
benefit the likelihood of the for‑ are current for most counties for waiting period for the certifica‑
The labor certification process is affect the wages and working
eign national being successful. employment‑based visa applica‑ tion may take up to several
always completed by the employ‑ conditions of the U.S. employees
The sponsoring employer must tions, which means immigration months and Petitioning
er and not the foreign beneficiary. who are employed in a similar
show that the company is finan‑ processing will be able to move Employers should consider the
During this process the employer position. The labor certificate will
cially stable and can afford to forward much quicker. However, wait times and the possibility of a
files an application broadly stat‑ only be approved if the wage
hire the employee. The financial notably, this is not the case for DOL audit to make sure that the
ing that it is not possible to find a offered to the foreign employee
ability to pay the foreign employ‑ nationals of India, China, the labor certification recruitment
qualified U.S. worker to fill the meets the DOL prevailing wage
ee must exist at the time of filing Philippines, or Mexico, nationals was done correctly.
position, based on the minimum standards.
the labor certification and must of which are all on long waiting On the road to a green card, in
requirements and duties of the The labor certification is very
continue up until the employee lists. employment based situations, the
job and the prevailing wage for extensive because the DOL wants
obtains their green card. In order The Labor Certification process labor certification is, in most
that geographical area of employ‑ to prevent reducing the wages for
to show financial stability, the is a detailed and long process. cases, the first step.
ment, and therefore, the particu‑ American workers and the failure
employer may be required to sub‑
lar foreign employee is desired of an employer to offer the pre‑ Dev Banad Viswanath is the Principal
mit their financial records.
for their ability to fulfill the vailing wage to the foreign Attorney of The Banad Law Offices PC in the
Priority dates are used to identi‑ United States, and Banad Immigration in
requirements and accept the prof‑ employee will most likely risk the
fy when a foreign national may India for which Attorney Michael Phulwani is
fered wage. In order for the appli‑ approval of the application. The
apply for an adjustment of status also affiliated as Of Counsel. With Offices in
cation to be approved the employ‑ requirement of labor certification
using Form I‑485, or for an immi‑ Manhattan, Queens, Bangalore, and Mumbai,
er needs to go through a recruit‑ is not required for National the firm is able to assist clients with all facets
grant visa through consular pro‑
ment process for employees in Interest Waiver (NIW) petitions of the immigration process, including
cessing. The priority date is estab‑
the U.S. to see if there are any U.S. under the EB‑2 category, and is Employment Visas, Consular Visa Assistance,
lished after the I‑140 petition is
workers available that are mini‑ also not needed for EB‑1, EB‑4, or Student Visas, Removal & Deportation, US
approved and is the first date of Citizenship and Green Card Applications
mally qualified. EB‑5 category of petitions.
filing the labor certification. If an based on Family or Employment. Dev B.
Upon approval, the US The job opportunity must be for
immigrant petition has been Viswanath can be reached at
Department of Labor (DOL) certi‑ full time employment and must
approved and the priority date and 718‑361‑5999.
fies there are no U.S. workers who be located in the U.S. The job
falls within the updated cut‑off

Continued from page 26 Answers

Extracted from ʻThe Curious Hats of Magical Maths ‑ Vedic Mathematics for
Schools Book 1ʼ by James Glover, with permission from Motilal Banarsidass
(MLBD). Founded in 1903, they specialize in Indology books. For more
information, Mr R.P. Jain, email: mlbd@mlbd. com.
US distributor:

To be continued in the following issues of The South Asian Times.

28 July 14-20, 2018 HUMOR

Funny Side by Nury Vittachi

The safest places in the world

ive years ago I lived in a housing places. Wikipedia says top of the list is
estate that was so safe that I didn't Irvine, California, which had 0.8 of a murder
even own a front door key. Our only in the most recent year counted. How can
line of defence against evil was a deeply you have 0.8 of a murder? Did the guy's hair
confused dog which barked at family mem‑ survive or something?
bers and gave strangers a friendly licking. Now here's the thing: You can create indi‑
(My wife tells me to be kind, since dogs vidual safe spots. Over the years, this col‑
have brains the size of walnuts, but I argue umn has received dozens of news reports
that a walnut would be cheaper and more about armed robbers who failed because
ef fective, since you can throw it at people their would‑be crimes didn't fit the ambi‑
and it never needs its poop picked up. But ence.
whatever.) Example: In 2012, a masked man entered
Safe places to live were on my mind after a a bar in the Netherlands and leveled a gun
reader sent in a news report about what is at people inside. Lost in the usual fog of
being called "the safest place in the world". drink and chatter you find in European bars,
Eibenthal is a village with a little church in ago when a bank was built there. Townsfolk but they could have taken inspiration from they ignored him. The whole thing is on
the mountains of Romania. Inhabitants hang ordered executives at UCO Bank to follow Sark, an island near England which main‑ YouTube, including the deflated robber's sad
money in bags on lampposts. The baker tradition and have no locks on its doors. The tained a tiny security presence. exit.
passes by, takes the money and leaves food bankers thought this was a bit unusual for a In the 1970s it was invaded by France. At a bank in Kowloon, Hong Kong, staf f
behind. bank, but were willing to cooperate. You T he invasion fleet consisted of one told a raider than they were far too busy to
But there are super‑safe places every‑ could imagine the discussion: Frenchman. The defending army consisted be robbed. He nodded and left the counter.
where, if you know where to look. India has Townsfolk: "You must follow our tradition of a part‑time policeman, who arrested the The whole thing was marvelously civil.
Shani Shingnapur, a famously low‑crime and not lock the doors of your bank." Frenchman without harming him. As wars Now I am not saying that our generation is
town of 3,000 people in Maharashtra where Bankers: "Well, okay. It's your money." go, it was rather sweet. (You can't say that creating a crime‑free world. Given the
most houses don't even have doors, let alone Townsfolk: "Wait. Maybe we need to talk about a lot of wars.) propensity of snacks to disappear in this
locks. about this a bit more." Even the United States, which the media columnist's house, I can't even create a
This columnist wrote about it a few years The only grumble came from local police, paints as a land of guns, has super‑safe crime‑free apartment. Who took my walnut?

Laughter is the Best Medicine


New York Head Quarter

422‑S Broadway
By Mahendra Shah
NY 11801

516‑827‑1010 Mahendra Shah is an architect by education, entrepreneur by profession, artist and

humorist, cartoonist and writer by hobby. He has been recording the plight of the
immigrant Indians for the past many years in his cartoons.
Hailing from Gujarat, he lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ASTROLOGY July 14-20, 2018 29

Chandigarh, India: +91-172- 256 2832, 257 2874

By Dr Prem Kumar Sharma Delhi, India: +91-11- 2644 9898, 2648 9899;

JULY 14‑20, 2018

ARIES: Your efforts on the social front CANCER: You may have to be thor‑ LIBRA: You are likely to meet up CAPRICORN: Whatever you intend to
are likely to bear fruit. Things are like‑ ough in whatever you undertake at with someone this week, who has do this week, plan it carefully. You
ly to move your way on the professori‑ work. Those going steady on the sly promised to help you. Some resched‑ are likely to get involved in renovat‑
al front. Academically, you are likely to fare run the risk of their af fair getting discov‑ uling may be required at work due to a new ing or setting up your house. A competitive
well. Work related worries are likely to dis‑ ered. You may find parents indif ferent to development. environment can prove unsettling, but you
appear, as you keep your efforts on. Family your needs, but that may not be entirely You can go all out to impress someone to will be able to hold your own. Those feeling
front will become a source of great solace. A true. Some of you can have a tough time in improve your career prospects. A romantic burdened should not shy away from delegat‑
chance encounter with someone can blos‑ kicking a bad habit. Paying off creditors may evening is on the anvil for some. Those out ing the responsibilities. You may have to
som into romance. Family may accompany appear difficult. of touch may make efforts to refresh their cater to the moods of spouse. Some of you
you to an overseas destination, as you com‑ Property matters should not be touched this skills. Some of you will feel fulfilled by giving can be presented an opportunity to go on an
bine business with pleasure. Health remains week. Donʼt accompany anyone, who is a to charity. Your initiative will bring you back all‑expenses‑paid trip. Go in for a new fitness
good. speed freak. in shape. programme.
TAURUS: An elderly may seek your LEO: This is not the right time to pur‑ SCORPIO: T he week proves to be AQUARIUS: Chances of adopting
help. Fatigue is likely to become a sue an issue that has been pending fruitful and you are likely to achieve some new fashion trends cannot be
thing of the past as you adopt a new for long. You will be able to manage much both personally and profession‑ ruled out for some. You may go out
fitness regime. You will need to tighten your your finances well to buy a luxury item. ally. Your contribution to a workplace proj‑ of the way to appease someone, whom you
grip at work to prevent a situation from get‑ Donʼt indulge in rumour mongering about ect can be lauded by the hig her ups. have upset recently. Professionally, you are
ting out of hand. someone as you can be at the receiving end. Showing concern for a family elder will win likely to excel and rub shoulders with the
Financial skills of some can be much in You can be given thumbs up for implement‑ you the brownie points you so desperately best. Planning something exciting with fami‑
demand this week. You may not feel up to ing ideas at work. Lover may resent your want. ly is on the cards. A gift can be lavished upon
doing a time consuming job at home. First proximity to someone you are friends with. Great improvement in your monetary situa‑ you by lover.
step is likely to be taken by some in arrang‑ Those travelling long distance should be pre‑ tion is indicated. Wedding vows can be taken Adhering to a good routine will help you in
ing a marriage. pared for contingencies. by those in a long‑term relationship. negating ill health. Financially, you will not
GEMINI: Someone may desperately VIRGO: You will manage to get your SAGITTARIUS: You may get involved face any problems.
seek your help, so donʼt disappoint. way on the academic front. Chance of in a bitter battle with someone and PISCES: You may have to keep the
You will be able to maintain the getting posted out on promotion spoil your weekend. Some develop‑ pros and cons in mind before commit‑
tempo of your work on the professional looks bright. Superiors are likely to bank ments on the domestic front may not be to ting. This is a good time to pursue
front. Family may appear extra loving and upon you for bagging a lucrative deal. your liking. A child or family youngster may matters pertaining to health. You are likely
caring. Buying a new vehicle is on the cards Feeling that nobody attempts to understand question your authority. You can be made to get a chance to invest in a sound scheme.
for some. you will disappear as you look at things from responsible for something at work that you A stressful situation on the domestic front
Young couples can enroll for an adventure a dif ferent perspective. Vet an investment dislike. Business travel is likely to prove tir‑ will be successfully overcome. Peak physical
trip and enjoy the thrills. You will manage to advice thoroughly even if it is by a financial ing. A loss making venture may turn prof‑ fitness will make even strenuous activities
rent out your property for a nice sum. An expert. You can be desperate for meeting itable and improve your financial situation. seem like childʼs play. You will be able to
overseas trip can become a reality for some. lover and can even skip college or office for Partner may not be in talking terms with make perfect moves to move up the career
Health remains satisfactory. it! you. ladder. Persuasiveness will win you love!

14th July, 2018 ANNUAL PREDICTIONS: FOR THOSE BORN IN THIS WEEK trate on you work and give your
Traits in you: Your guiding star, best. Your assumptions on pretty
Mercury makes you practical, intel‑ them who approach you for loans help in future. You will try your to work on your nature of becoming things may not help you gain any‑
ligent, distinguished, responsive, and financial assistance. level best to achieve your desired impatient. thing rather it would make you feel
unique and dashing individual. You Career this year: As a vivid learn‑ goals. Health this year: You will take miserable later. You may invest on
possess friendly and cooperative. er, you will get the chance to move Romance this year: Your romantic help of spirituality later this year for land or house for better returns.
However, you should control your ahead of others when it comes to af filiation with your partner may the betterment of your mental Career this year: You will not take
being impatient and short‑tem‑ new technology. However, you have make your bond more stronger. You health. However, you will remain enough time to complete your pend‑
peredness. to work on your nature of being may plan to get married this year. healthy physically. ing tasks this year. You will find
Health this year: You may remain lazy, moody. You should control Finance this year: You should not your job interesting enough. You
tensed for the health of your yourself from interfering in the 17th July, 2018 spend too much money to buy luxu‑ may excel in your domain and get
spouse. affairs of others. Traits in you: You are bestowed ry. This may land you in financial appreciated from your higher man‑
Finance this year: You will be in Romance this year: Your partner with the characteristics such as crisis later in the year. The peace at agement with a better salary hike.
financial gain this year as your busi‑ will be with you in every situation energetic, realistic, dependable, your home may get ruined to finan‑ Romance this year: You will enjoy
ness will grow. This will enhance you are in. You will be relieved with hardworking, and highly disciplined. cial crisis and health issues. Though a very good relationship with your
your confidence. You will be able to the helping hand of your partner. Your duties and responsibilities you may face a dif ficult t ime spouse this year. Your romantic
settle down your legal matters this bear the most value than anything regarding to money earlier this relationships will be strengthened
year and find peace from the 16th July, 2018 else in your life. However, you have year, you will find a solution or a this year.
results. Traits in you: Your ruling planet to look after your nature of behav‑ new source of income later, which
Career this year: You will find new Neptune makes you full of energy, ing stubborn and showing jealousy would solve your financial prob‑ 20th July, 2018
proposals and work assignments ambition, and honesty. You like to at wrong situations. lems. Traits in you: As you are ruled by
this year. Some of you may get good enjoy independence in your life to Health this year: You will enjoy a Career this year: You may bring Moon, you are blessed with charac‑
increments and promotions as well the maximum. You have a sharp sound health. However, you may huge changes in your professional teristics such as imaginative, smart,
in your professional life. If you are a memory to memorize whatever you suf fere from minor backaches due life this year. You may expect a trustworthy, generous and authori‑
sportsman or an artist, you can study. Being innovative and born to sitting more time in work. transfer or promotion in the middle tative person.
expect fame towards the end of the talented, you have all the capabili‑ Finance this year: Though there of this year. Those who are on a for‑ Health this year: You may go for a
year. ties to impress others. However, you will be an improvement in your eign trip in the second half of the pilgrimage to attain peace and men‑
Romance this year: Your relation‑ need work on your nature of behav‑ financial status this year, you will year will find the trip enjoyable and tal comfort. This year you will suf‑
ship with your partner might get ing impatient and unpredictable. end up increasing your expenses as exciting. fer from various minor health issues
ruined due to minor issues. If you Health this year: You may need to well. If your decision of investing Romance this year: You will be and this will keep you disturbed.
have never been in a relationship, take extra care of your health as the comes correct, you may be benefit‑ enjoying a disturbed relationship Finance this year: This year will
this year may be lucky for you as movement of your planet may make ed or else you may lose your money. with your partner as you would not bring you job security and financial
you will have an emotional and you fall sick throughout this year. It Many of your friend and relatives be able to show required care and stability. You need to deal with your
romantic attachment. is advised to practice yoga and med‑ may visit you this year. They may concern. If you are unmarried, you money carefully to avoid loss. Your
itation in a regular basis. It will not bring you gifts in form of money. may decide to remain so for at least assumptions in taking hasty deci‑
15th July, 2018 only improve your mental health Career this year: You need to con‑ two years. sions may cause financial loss to
Traits in you: Venus being your but also make you physically fit. centrate on projects that would you. If you are a businessman, you
ruling planet of fers you with a Finance this year: If you are into bring long term gains rather than 19th July, 2018 may get into new contracts to
charismatic personality and intelli‑ business, this year will prove to be bothering about small projects. Traits in you: Your star Sun makes enhance your business. If you get
gence. You will always find peace of very lucky for you as you w ill Some of you may get opportunities you active, dynamic, confident, into any overseas venture, you may
mind. expand your business by launching to get new employments. responsible and a talented. You have be befitted financially from it.
Health this year: You may find new and profitable ideas. You will Romance this year: You may find the scope to learn new things and Career this year: Being an excel‑
blessings of a sacred person to gain enough money if you invest in this year romantic enough to make create new ideas. However, you have lent professional, you will be recog‑
remain physically and mentally stocks. your year pleasing and happy. to take care of your nature of behav‑ nized as a very ef ficient resource
healthy. Career this year: You have the ing improvident and dominating. and people may seek your advice
Finance this year: You may find best time to take important deci‑ 18th July, 2018 Health this year: You will remain and support. However, you have to
your friends helpful enough to sup‑ sions for your professional life this Traits in you: Being under the healthy provided you get your avoid being selfish and moody.
port you financially. You may get year. It is advisable for you to gath‑ influence of Mars, you are blessed checkup done regularly. Romance this year: This year is
influence from one of your female er knowledge and information on with dignity, sensitiveness, courage, Finance this year: You will find the perfect time for you to be in an
friends, which will bring new dimen‑ various topics. You need to make confidence and diplomacy. You are new money making opportunities emotional relationship or you may
sions to your life. You have to ignore new and long lasting contacts to get born simple and helpful. You need pretty result oriented if you concen‑ get married.
30 July 14-20, 2018 SPIRITUAL AWARENESS

Happiness is a state of mind

parents had to move in with us. We only we who are suffering.
Next time we think things
were already crowded before but We think we know what is best
now with six of us living together are going badly and that for us. How many times have we
in that small space, it is unbearable. God is not properly listening tried to intervene with our two
I cannot take it anymore. I feel like to us, we should sit back, cents to find that when we tried to
screaming!” take a deep breath, and change our situation, we made
T he wise man thought for a things worse? T hen, we regret
moment and asked, “Do you have a
relax. We should give God a what we have done and wish we
cow?” chance to let things happen could make things go back to the
The woman said, “Yes, we do.” and observe patiently. We way they were.
He said, “I advise you to bring the will find when all is said and done that God On the spiritual path, one of the
By Sant Rajinder Singh cow into the hut to live with you lessons we need to learn is accept‑
worked things out for the best in the end.
for a week and then come back to ing the will of the Lord. Life would
Ji Maharaj
see me.” collected all the chickens from the A week later, the woman be so much easier if we accept that

ife is filled with many chal‑ The woman was puzzled. She backyard and moved them into the returned to the wise man. God knows what is best for us. If
lenges and sometimes, under thought that since he was a wise house. For the next week, the “How are things now?” he asked. we examined the times in our lives
pressure, people crack. They man, there must be some magic in chickens were flying around the “Thank you so much! You are that we interfered with Godʼs will,
feel they can no longer stand all bringing the cow into the house, so hut, landing on everything and truly wise. Since I removed the cow we may have discovered that we
the problems facing them. she did what he said. making a mess of the place. and chickens from the hut I feel so messed things up terribly on our
Sometimes people feel they have The next week was horrible. It After a week, she returned and much happier. Things have become own and prayed to God to return
the worst job in the world. Others was so crowded in the house that cried, in tears, “You must be crazy. so peaceful.” The wise man smiled. things to the way they were.
feel they have the worst health every time the cow turned around, Your advice is terrible. It is impos‑ The woman returned home and Next time we think things are
problems; they feel no one could all the six family members had to sible to live in the hut now. The lived happily with her husband, her going badly and that God is not
be plagued with as many physical change their seats. When they tried cow turns around and knocks into children, and her in‑laws. properly listening to us, we should
problems as they have. At some to sleep, the smell was intolerable us. The chickens fly all around the This story illustrates that we are sit back, take a deep breath, and
time in our lives, we feel that no and it would moo throughout the hut. My in‑laws are always choking often unhappy with our situation relax. We should give God a chance
one could have things as bad as we night, waking them all up. from the smell and complaining until we find that things could to let things happen and observe
have. After the week passed, the about how bad it is living with us. always be worse. We think our job patiently. We will find when all is
There is a folk tale about a wise woman returned to the wise man The children find chicken feathers is horrible, until we lose it and find said and done that God worked
man who lived in a forest. People and began shouting at him, “What falling into their food. My husband that life is harder without an things out for the best in the end. If
would travel far and wide to seek have you done? I came to you to is constantly fighting with me over income. We think our health is bad we reflect, we would find that if
him out for answers to their prob‑ make things better and now I am the living conditions in our home until we spend time in a hospital God had listened to our complaints
lems. One day, a woman came to more miserable than before. Your and says, “It is all your fault!” and find people in worse condition and let us do things our own way,
him for advice. advice did not work.” T he wise man thought for a than we are. We think our family things may not have been in our
He said, “My dear, what can I do He thought for a moment and moment and said, “My dear, go members are bad until we find our‑ best interest at all.
for you?” asked, “Do you have any chickens?” home and try one more thing. Take selves alone and realize how diffi‑ Happiness is a state of mind. If
She said, “Things are terrible at “Yes,” she said. the cow and the chickens out of cult life is without them. We always we think that God is not doing
home. I live in a small hut with my He told her, “Take them into the your hut. Then, come back to me in feel the grass is greener on the what is best for us, we will always
husband and two children. The hut hut with you for a week.” She did a week.” other side. be unhappy. If we would realize
is barely large enough for the four not understand how this would The woman was fed up with his The woman learned that what that we are living according to
of us. I wanted a bigger house but help, but since he was a wise man, advice but thought she would give she thought was bad was actually what God wishes for us and that
my husband is not doing well at and everybody in her village found it one last chance. She returned not so bad when she saw how God is giving us what is best for us,
work and cannot af ford anything his advice helpful, she thought she home and pulled the cow out of the much worse things could be. It is we would always be happy and
larger. As times are bad, my hus‑ would give this a try. house. She took the chickens out human nature to think that every‑ content.
bandʼs father lost his job, so his When she returned home, she and returned them to the backyard. body else has it so good and it is (For more visit

fight each other. However, after a only way to bring about change,
few days in which the adults teaching by example rather than
flapped their ears, raised their by mere words. If we want to see a
trunks, and made loud noises, the positive change in others and in
By Sant Rajinder Singh who had gone to Africa to study
On the spiritual teen elephants began to settle our family, neighborhood, commu‑
Ji Maharaj the behavior of elephants. They down. Over time, they became nity, society, or country, then we
came across an area in which a path, two qualities to well behaved and their wild need to set an example. In the

ll too often people are pack of elephants was running inculcate are actions subsided. words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the
quick to pass judgment on wild. As the research team set up patience and The researchers realized that on change you want to see in the
others without knowing telescopic cameras to observe the their own, the teen elephants had world.”
animals from a distance, they saw
their full story. They may be quick no role models and did not know On the spiritual path, two quali‑
to criticize someoneʼs actions, that every day the elephants were These are aspects how to behave. Once the male ties to inculcate are patience and
believing that their perspective is fighting with each other, running of leading a adults were introduced into their understanding. These are aspects
over trees and destroying their pack, the teens had role models of leading a nonviolent life. Those
correct and that they understand nonviolent life.
all the circumstances. In turn, how environment. They had studied and began to be disciplined. who are nonviolent are patient.
many of us are willing to withhold other elephant packs before and The researchers saw that the In the same way, as parents, we They do not rush to criticize or
judgment and put ourselves in the never saw such chaotic and wild teenage male elephants had no teach our children through loving accuse someone. With empathy
shoes of another person? How behavior. On further investigation adult male role models from discipline and by setting an exam‑ they try to think of how the world
many times have we passed judg‑ they discovered that the group which to learn. Curious to see if it ple. Our children do not believe in looks through other peopleʼs eyes.
ment on others only to later find was composed of all teenage male truly made a difference, they our words alone but in what they If each of us could treat others
that they had a good reason that elephants. There were no adult arranged to have some male ele‑ see us do. They copy our own with patience, love, and under‑
justified their actions? Along the male elephants in the group. phants brought in from another good and bad habits because that standing, this world would be
same lines, if we want others to When they checked with the local area. The first thing the male is the example we set. Similarly, more peaceful and loving. When
change their ways, telling them inhabitants in the village why adults did was to flap their ears when we are in a position to train we are patient and understanding,
will have little effect unless we are there were no adult male ele‑ and raise their trunks. Next, they or teach others̶whether we are we never have to go to sleep at
examples of that behavior. phants in the pack, the villagers began to make loud trumpeting teachers, parents, employers, or night worrying if we did the right
In this connection, there is a explained that poachers came into sounds. In the beginning, there citizens imploring others to be thing. We will know that when we
true story from the animal king‑ the village and killed all the male was no change and the teen ele‑ conscientious̶we must first set have patience and understanding,
dom about a team of researchers adults for their ivory. phants continued to run wild and an example ourselves. That is the we are acting in a noble way. July 14-20, 2018 July 14-20, 2018

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