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Quarterly: Doug &


Last Call Ministries


This is Ukech, one of our
South Sudanese students who
faithfully attends our Lord's
Inside this Day services. He is active in
issue: the meetings and speaks up
on what he learns. He has an
obvious love for the Scriptures
and seeks to understand the
Sudanese Arabic 1 message therein. Of, course
Audio New Testa- this is in English, which is a
ment second language for Ukech.
His heart language is Suda-
nese Arabic, and we recently
Training Students 2
gifted him a memory card
in File-Sharing
loaded with the audio Suda-
nese Arabic New Testament
Eritrea??? 3 for his mobile phone. He is
also excited that he can file-
share this to his fellow South
Sudanese students whose
Summertime!!! 3
mother tongue is also Suda-
nese Arabic. This means that
Ukech is now listening to the
Contact Info/About 4 Bible in his own heart lan-
LCM guage and poised to encour-
age others of his nation to lis-
ten to it as well. Although we
Help us Spread the 4 are focused on the nation of
Word!!! How to Get Tigray, we praise God for giv-
Involved... ing us inroads into the South
Sudanese Community in our
city, Mekele. Pray for Ukech,
and pray for the word of God
to run swiftly in the Horn of
Africa! DM


Below is a photo from a recent session at a local evangelical church in Mekele, Tigray, in which
we did a follow-up program for a previous File-Sharing Evangelism Method training to university
students. Surprisingly, we had more new trainees in the follow-up than we did at the original train-
ing. There were over 100 in this meeting, and our stock of memory cards loaded with audio Bibles,
the Jesus Film and the chronological Bible story video pack only supplied about half the students
in the group. The following day, however, we were able to supply the rest of the students who
were at the meeting. For half of them, the cards were loaded with audio Bibles in the Amharic lan-
guage, Ethiopian Tigrinya language and Eritrean Tigrinya language. For the other half, we
loaded the cards with the same but replaced the Eritrean audio with the Oromifa (southern central
region) language audio Bible, as many of them would be used by students traveling on break to
the Oromo region. File-sharing evangelism is poised to reach 4 different regions through evangeli-
cal students & church members around the country. With the recent possibility of peace between
Ethiopia and Eritrea, we might see the 4th region become a reality soon. Pray to the end! DM

“ your blood you ransomed a people for God from every tribe and
language and people and nation…” ~Revelation 5:9c (ESV)

Our most recent follow-up in Adwa, which is nearer to the border of Eritrea, yielded some very
encouraging information. A few of the evangelists were ecstatic about the fact that they’d been
using their memory cards (supplied in the previous training in February) in players and broadcast-
ing the audio New Testament in Tigrinya in villages all the way at the very edge of the border of
Eritrea. They exclaimed that a ministry that started in Mekele with something as small as a little
SD memory card was having a huge and far-reaching impact in the region. Peace talks between
Ethiopia and Eritrea hold out the prospect/possibility of reaching the nation of Eritrea with the
audio Bible. While the entire Bible has been recorded into audio in the Eritrean Tigrinya, dissemi-
nating it or sharing it in any way is against the law in the totalitarian regime. I ask you to pray with
us that the borders will open and that evangelism will once again burst forth in this nation just
miles north of us, and that God may be pleased to use us… DM

Summer Time!!!
Summer time means school’s out for Noah.
And here’s what we plan to do, Lord willing:
SWIM! There is a swimming pool at a local
tourist hotel here and something Noah really
likes to SWIM! We went the other day, and—
wow!—was it fun and tiring! It was fun for me,
but for Noah it was just amazing!! We hope to
swim several times this summer, dv. DM
Last Call Ministries About LCM: Last Call Ministries is a 501c3 Organi-
zation which began in 1997. For the last 20 years,
LCM has been “proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ,
To Support: PO Box 5457, Shreveport, LA until He returns, in word, letter and deed.” LCM is
71171 USA currently sponsoring Doug & Mesi, who are commis-
sioned by their home church: Heritage Baptist Church
To Contact: Phone: 318-458-9602
in Shreveport, Louisiana. All monies received are
Email: (Joe Spell) currently in support of the budgeted work underway in
Correspond w/ Doug & Mesi: PO Box 1944, Tigray. 2017 marked the 20th anniversary of the or-
Mekele, Tigray, Ethiopia ganization’s beginning. We rejoice in the years of
God’s gracious extent of the gospel!
Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus
Christ until He returns, in word, let-
ter and deed!!!

We’re on Facebook! Go to: Or go to: Douglas Merrick ‘Add
Partnership-Doug & Mesi Merrick- friend’ & then message me to
Last Call Ministries’ Mission Workers. request the Partnership Page for
.. Doug & Mesi. . .

Help us Spread the Word!!! Get Involved...

As I mentioned in a previous article, providence
seems to be leading us toward Eritrea and the Ti-
grinya speakers there (app. 2 million). Evangelical
Christianity is virtually illegal there. Peace has begun
to be a reality b/n Ethiopia & Eritrea. We need more
memory cards to spread the Word in the Tigrinya
language! One card (in a batch of 1000) costs about
$7, including the travel costs. Get involved by help-
ing us obtain our next batch! A single card has the
capacity to reach approx. 20 people thru the File-
Sharing method. Others use it on listening devices
for broader impact. We’ve already distributed nearly
1500 cards in training sessions to believers across the
region. YOU can make the difference by your gift of
faith in God’s plan to have a special people for Him-
self from every tribe, tongue and nation, including
the people of Tigray and Eritrea!!! Help us spread
the Word!! DM

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