Brendaadams Ipad Integration Summary Sheet Student Integration

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iPad Integration Summary Sheet

Name: Brenda Adams

Grade Level / Content Area: Fifth Grade

Objective 1:
The student will illustrate and label the stages of the water cycle; including evaporation,
condensation, and precipitation.

Name of iPad App or Tool to support Objective 1:

Drawing Desk: Draw and Paint Art
The student will use the drawing app to illustrate the three main phases of the water
cycle and submit it in our Google Classroom.

Objective 2:
The students will explain the constitutional inequities that existed with segregation and
the Jim Crow laws.

Name of iPad App or Tool to support Objective 2:

Meme Generator
Students will use the meme generator to describe inequalities of the Jim Crow laws.

Objective 3:
The student will use multiple media elements to create a presentation describing the
1897 Centennial Exposition, including its purpose, sights, exhibits, and impact on the

Name of iPad App or Tool to support Objective 3:

The students will research and create a Keynote presentation with each slides explain
the purpose, sights, exhibits, and impact on the state.
For which objectives/iPad app will you create a sample of student work? Explain
how the iPad app or tool will be used to support the selected objective.

For this assignment I created a meme using Meme Generator. I think this is a creative
way to get students at this age to analyze the inequalities that existed, although the Jim
Crow laws clearly state separate, but equal. By creating a meme, students are more
able to be creative in how they present their voice on this issue. Instead of writing a 5-
paragraph essays, students look forward to the research and its presentation.

Student sample for your selected objective/iPad app:

(Your assignment is to create an ORIGINAL student sample for ONE of your selected
objectives/iPad apps. Where can this sample be viewed? Is it attached as a
screenshot? Is there a link to a website that shows a sample of student work? Saving
the file to Dropbox and sharing a link is a suggested solution. Share the link below, if a
link is available.)

The image of my meme is pasted below.

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