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The Art Of

Mika Cuenco
“We dont make
mistakes just
happy little
-Bob Ross
As a child, I would con- c areer in the creative field.
stantly find it difficult to in- More specifically, I am still
teract with other children. hoping to become a suc-
While they would play out- cessful illustrator who pro-

side or gossip about which fessionalizes in capturing
teacher they disliked the emotion in people. If ever
most, I would preoccupy my- my work could inspire peo-
self with a simple paper and ple and enable them to feel
pencil. To some, this would comfort or make them view
Michellie Nicole M. Cuenco seem as quite the peculiar the world in a different per-
“Mike” hobby. But to me, it soon be- spective, then that would be
Advertising Arts Student came my whole world. Being the greatest honor I could
able to imagine creatures receive as a creative. I be-
Illustration Enthusiast and supernatural beings lieve art is a medium with
19 and bringing that concept the potential to influence
to life; that, I believed, was an audience. And with it, I
my very own magical power. wish to enforce the notion
From then on, I knew that I that there is still good in this
always wanted to pursue a world.

It would be near impossible and

equally ridiculous to not acknowl-
edge that my work heavily incorpo-
rates flowers and plants into them.
Over the years, I have followed this
aesthetic consistently and have add-
ed other elements of nature that a
certain audience have come to no-
tice. I would like to refer to my art
as “casual meets fantasy” because I
tend to create (mostly) girls in street-
wear with a certain woodland crea-
ture or sea dwelling vibe to them. It
enables me to incorporate both re-
ality and fantasy together which has
become what people associate my

I art with. To this day, I am still in awe

f you were to ask a friend of mine of all of the positive feedback I have
what kind of art style I have, the im- received. This enables me to contin-
mediate answer would be “botanical”. ue on and develop my skill further.


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