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Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.1.

for IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit) [ID 761569.1]

  Modified 01-JUL-2010     Type BULLETIN     Status PUBLISHE  

Oracle® E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes

Release 12 (12.1.1) for IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit)

July 2010

See Change Record

This document updates the following documentation with AIX specific information for Oracle E-Business
Suite (EBS) Release 12 (12.1.1). Refer to the information contained here and to the appropriate manual
when you install or upgrade your system.

 Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install  (which is supplemented
by Oracle Applications Release Notes and Oracle Applications NLS Release Notes)
 Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12.1.1
 Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Pack (MP) Installation instructions

These documents respectively correspond to the following install/upgrade scenarios:

 New Installations of Release 12.1.1 using the EBS Rapid Install wizard
 Upgrades of EBS from versions 11i to 12.1.1 using the EBS Rapid Install wizard
 Upgrades of EBS from versions 12.0 (including 12.0 RUPs) to 12.1.1 using the Maintenance
Pack (MP)

For AIX installation and upgrade notes corresponding to the older Release 12.0.4 version, please see the
My Oracle Support Document 402306.1.

Specific steps in this document may be conditional depending on the scenario and will be highlighted as

Complete all operating system requirements, software requirements, and other requirements before
installing or upgrading Oracle E-Business Suite.

This document may be updated on a weekly basis. Currently, it contains the following sections:

 Certification Information
 Operating Systems Requirements
 Software Requirements
 Other Requirements
 Before Installing or Upgrading
 Installing or Upgrading
 After Installing or Upgrading
 Known Issues
 Change Record
 Documentation Accessibility

Certification Information

The latest certification information for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 is available on My Oracle
Support (formerly OracleMetaLink):

Operating Systems Requirements

The operating system requirements for IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit) are listed in the following

Operating System Supported Versions

The following table lists the supported operating system versions.

Operating System Name Supported Version

IBM AIX (64-bit) 5L (5.3) - technology level 7, Service Pack 3 or higher (> 5300-07-03)
IBM AIX (64-bit) 6 (6.1) - technology level 0, Service Pack 4 or higher (> 6100-00-04)

Use the following command to check the operating system, technology level and Service Pack versions:

$ oslevel -s

This command returns a string 'XXXX-YY-ZZ-yw' where XXXX is the base operating system version, YY
is the technology level, ZZ is the Service Pack number and 'yw' is the year and week of the Service Pack

Required Patches

The following table lists the required patches and the minimum required versions for AIX on Power
Systems. Unless otherwise noted, the patches must be installed manually.

Additional Information: Refer to your vendor's operating system installation manual or the operating
system media for information on obtaining and applying patches.

Operating System Required Patches

AIX 5L (5.3) IY58143, IY59386, IY60930, IY66513, IY70159, IY68989, IY76140
IY89080, IY92037, IY94343
IZ01060 or efix for IZ01060
IZ03260 or efix for IZ03260

AIX 6 (6.1) IZ10223 (TL 0)

IZ67400 (TL 4 and higher)

Use the following command to retrieve the list of operating system patches already applied:
$ /usr/sbin/instfix -i | more

Use the following command to check for a specific patch:

$ /usr/sbin/instfix -ik [patchname]

JDK 6 Requirements

JDK 6 is bundled with Oracle E-Business Suite version 12.1.1.

Additional Information: Check the IBM Web site for any updates to the JDK 6 requirements for AIX on
Power Systems:

Required Filesets

The following table lists the required filesets for AIX on Power Systems.

Operating System Required Filesets

AIX 5L (5.3)  xlC.aix50.rte: or later
 xlC.rte: or later

AIX 6 (6.1)  xlC.aix61.rte: or later

 xlC.rte: or later

AIX 5L (5.3)  bos.adt.base

&  bos.adt.lib
AIX 6 (6.1)  bos.adt.libm
 bos.perf.libperfstat
 bos.perf.perfstat
 bos.perf.proctools
 rsct.basic.rte
 rsct.compat.clients.rte
 X11.motif.lib

Use the following command to check for existing filesets:

$ lslpp -l [fileset]

The state of the fileset should be 'COMMITTED'.

If any fileset is in an 'APPLIED' state, it is recommended that it be 'COMMITED' using smit or the
following command:

$ installp -c [fileset]

Software Requirements

The following are software requirements for IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit).

Maintenance Tools

The following maintenance tools must be installed on all machines, and their locations specified both in
the PATH of the account that runs Rapid Install and in the PATH of the accounts that will own the
database tier and application tier file systems.

 ar
 ld
 linkxlC
 make
 X Display Server

Install the IBM XL C/C++ Utilities package

The XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V8.0 for AIX Utilities is available from the IBM Web site for those who do
not have a full version of the compiler installed. Download and install the XL C/C++ utilities package
(xlcpp.util.8.0.0) and any prerequisites. Review the information at:

Note: The XL C/C++ runtime package (xlcpp.rte.8.0.0) in the above web page should not be downloaded
as they are provided as part of the AIX OS technology levels (TLs) that are current.

Note: The XL C/C++ runtime utilities are not needed if you are using the full version of XL C/C++
Enterprise Edition V8.0 for AIX. Please note that if you are installing the full version of 8.0 on a current AIX
Technology Level, you may see an apparent downgrade of the OS (using 'oslevel -s') - this is due to the
fact that the full version of the 8.0 compiler includes an older version of a package (xlsmp.rte: The
workaround to this is to re-install the package to the current level provided by the AIX Technology Level -
one way to do this is by installing the latest V8.0 XL compiler PTF (available here).

Note: For AIX 6, the 8.0 runtime utilities needs to be at least at the November 2007 PTF level (

Other Requirements

The following are other requirements for AIX on Power Systems.

ulimit Value Settings

Verify that the owner of the Oracle Application Server and Oracle Database server file systems have the
following 'ulimit' values:

 time (seconds) = unlimited

 file (blocks) = unlimited
 data (kbytes) = unlimited
 stack (kbytes) = unlimited
 memory (kbytes) = unlimited
 coredump (blocks) = unlimited
 nofiles (descriptors) = 65536

Use the following command to check the ulimit settings:

$ ulimit -a

Kernel Settings

The following table lists the kernel settings for AIX on Power Systems:

Note: Verify that the following kernel parameters are set either to the formula shown, or to values greater
than or equal to the recommended value shown. Refer to your operating system documentation or contact
your operating system vendor for more information on configuring kernel parameters.

Parameter Value
Soft FILE size -1 (unlimited)
Soft CPU time -1 (unlimited)
Soft DATA segment -1 (unlimited)
Soft STACK size -1 (unlimited)
Soft NOFILE size 65536
Maximum number of PROCESSES allowed per user 2048
ARG_MAX 524288

Start "smitty" as the root user to verify or change the kernel settings:

$ /usr/bin/smitty

Host Names Settings

Verify that the /etc/hosts file is formatted as follows: localhost.localdomain localhost

[ip_address] [node_name].[domain_name] [node_name]

Before Installing or Upgrading

If the Release 12.1.1 installation or upgrade is performed with the Rapid Install wizard (either a new R12
installation or upgrade from 11i to R12), ensure you have the latest Rapid Install patch as described
in Oracle Applications Release Notes, Release 12.1.1  (My Oracle Support Doc 798258.1) before you
begin your installation or upgrade. Complete all operating system requirements, software requirements,
and other requirements before installing or upgrading Oracle E-Business Suite.

Enable Asynchronous I/O (conditional)

Use the following steps to enable asynchronous I/O if you're on AIX 5L (asynchronous I/O is enabled by
default on AIX 6):

1. Log in as the root user.

2. Enter the following command to verify whether asynchronous I/O services are running. If they are
not, the command will start services:

# mkdev -l aio0

3. To ensure the services are configured with each system restart:

1. At the command prompt, enter the following:

# smit aio

2. Select the menu item: Change/Show Characteristics of Asynchronous I/O.

3. Change the field: "STATE to be configured at system restart" from DEFINED to

Set Environment Variables

Set the environment variable AIXTHREAD_SCOPE on the application and database tiers prior to
installing 12.1.1:


For upgrade customers (upgrading from 11i or earlier versions of 12.0 and 12.0 RUPs). set the
environment variable ADJREOPTS prior to the upgrade:

$ export ADJREOPTS="-mx256m"

OPMN port conflict

Attention: By default, the OPMN service of the Application Server technology stack listens on port 6000
when started up during Rapid Install. This can conflict with the X11 port used for the graphics console on
AIX servers and prevent Rapid Install from completing.

To address this issue, perform the following steps before installing or upgrading:

 Check if the port 6000 is being used ("netstat -a | grep 6000")

 If so, then you should disable the graphics console login process on the AIX server. This can be
accomplished by logging in as the UNIX root user and issuing the following commands:
o Shutdown the dtlogin process with the command "/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -kill"
o Confirm that nothing is listening at port 6000 ("netstat -a | grep 6000")
o Disable the local X console for dtlogin with command "/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d"
o Restart dtlogin with command "/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -e"

Installing or Upgrading

Perform the installation or upgrade following the documentation (Oracle E-Business Suite Installation
Guide: Using Rapid Install, Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12.1.1 or
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.1 Maintenance Pack instructions) relevant to the specific
installation or upgrade scenario described above.

After Installing or Upgrading

Perform the following steps after installing or upgrading to Release 12.1.1 and before allowing users to
access the system.

Set LIBPATH Environment Variable

Dynamic libraries are used as part of the relinking and execution processes. The LIBPATH environment
variable is used by Oracle E-Business Suite to locate the required dynamic libraries at runtime - this
variable is set by the Rapid Install wizard during the installation of EBS as well as by the Rapid Clone
script (adcfgclone) when configuring the target system.

If you need to change these values, use the Edit Parameters function of the OAM AutoConfig tool (by
logging in as 'System Administrator' responsibility, clicking on 'System Administrator', selecting
'AutoConfig' under 'Oracle Applications Manager', and clicking on the 'Environments' tab):

On each application tier server node:

LIBPATH is set in three places:

 $APPL_TOP/admin/adovars.env
 $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.2/[CONTEXT_NAME].env, in the 10.1.2 Oracle home
 $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/[CONTEXT_NAME].env, in the 10.1.3 Oracle home

In the AutoConfig interface, this corresponds to:

Location Parameter
adovars LIBPATH
tools_home (10.1.2) LIBPATH
web_home (10.1.3) LIBPATH

On the database server node:

LIBPATH is set in $ORACLE_HOME/[CONTEXT_NAME].env which corresponds in the AutoConfig
interface to:

Location Parameter
db_home LIBPATH

After making these changes, run AutoConfig ( to implement the changes on the application
and database tiers.

Additional Information: See AutoConfig in Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Utilities for more

information on AutoConfig.

Set AIXTHREAD_SCOPE Environment Variable

Set the environment variable AIXTHREAD_SCOPE on the application tier prior to starting or re-starting
EBS processes:


This environment variable is set on the database tier's DB Oracle Home [CONTEXT_NAME].env file
when it is sourced, so an explicit setting of it here is unnecessary.

Net Service Listeners in Multi-user Installations

Net Service Listeners use the /tmp/.oracle directory to store temporary files. To give all users in a multi-
user installation write privileges, update /tmp/.oracle with 777 permissions:

$ chmod 777 /tmp/.oracle

Known Issues

The following are known issues for this release on IBM AIX on Power Systems

Maintain Snapshot errors

The following errors are seen for various '.a' third party product libraries in $SHT_TOP/lib when running
the 'Maintain Snapshot' in adadmin (bug 8974677):

# Begin Product sht Files

ar xv $APPL_TOP/sht/12.0.0/lib/libeng.a
ar: 0707-108 File $APPL_TOP/sht/12.0.0/lib/libeng.a is not an archive file.
An error occurred while extracting all object modules from library.
Continue as if it were successful [No] :

These errors are ignorable and users should type in 'Yes' at the prompt to continue.

Change Record

The following sections were changed in this document.

Date Summary of Changes

1-Jul- Clarified that LIBPATH is also set by Rapid Clone when configuring the target system.
29-Jun- Added the OPMN port conflicts section to check before installing/upgrading.
25-Jun- Cleaned up references of 'Oracle Applications' to 'Oracle E-Business Suite'; cleaned up description of
2010 LIBPATH setting
04-Jun- Added AIX 6 patch IZ67400 due to DB install failure (see MOS Doc 980602.1); removed Javascript
2010 'lessthan' and 'greaterthan' since issues with < and > have been fixed.
21-Dec- Added missing rsct packages due to 11gR1 installer requiring them at install time (bug 6628595, 8810253).
2009 Replaced various instances of 'less than' (<) and 'greater than' (>) signs with square brackets ([, ]),
because of bug in Orion.
27-Oct- Added new Known Issues section with the ignorable "Maintain Snapshot' errors for library (.a) files
16-Sep- Name change to 'IBM AIX on Power Systems'; removed the 'Runtime' package requirements and only left
2009 the 'Utilities' package since the 8.0 rte's (xlcpp.rte.8.0.0.aix) cause an apparent downgrade of the TL due to
an older version of one package (xlsmp.rte)
09-July- Fixed reference to setting the env variable AIXTHREAD_SCOPE from 'on the database tier' to both tiers in
2009 the 'Before Installing or Upgrading' section; added explicit setting on the application tier to the 'After
Installing or Upgrading' section.
27-Apr- Initial publication of 12.1.1 IUN - for the older 12.0.4 IUN changes, please see My Oracle Support Doc
2009 402306.1

Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible, with good
usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our documentation includes features that make
information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format,
and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Standards will continue to evolve
over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address
technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For additional
information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at:

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation

JAWS, a Windows screen reader, may not always correctly read the code examples in this document.
The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line;
however, JAWS may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does
not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of
these Web sites.
TTY Access to Oracle Support Services

Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services within the United
States of America 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For TTY support, call 800.446.2398. Outside the
United States, call +1.407.458.2479.

Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes, Release 12 (12.1.1) for IBM AIX on Power
Systems (64-bit)

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