Long-Term Standards Addressed (Based On ELA CCSS)

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Unit 1: Lesson 3 Monday April 3, 2018

Day #110

Long-Term Standards Addressed (Based on ELA CCSS)

SWBAT cite text-based evidence that provides the strongest support for an analysis of literary text (RI.8.1)
SWBAT analyze the connections and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events in a text (RI.8.3)

Daily Objectives Ongoing Assessment

SWBAT make inferences and cite evidence from Brown v Board Upcoming: Media Writing Task
of Ed to support an understanding of A Mighty Long Way and
the desegregation of schools in the south

Lesson Vocabulary Materials

● Brown vs Board of Ed Excerpt

● A Mighty Long Way

Agenda Teaching Notes

1. Opening
a. Homework Check
b. Do Now
c. Objective/Note set-up
2. Work Time
a. Modeling Text Comparison: Brown v Board of
Education and AMLW
b. Carlotta’s Journey: Jigsaw
3. Closing and Assessment
a. Introduction to Little Rock Girl 1957
b. Exit Ticket
4. Homework

Opening Meeting Students’ Needs

Do Now: On page 162, Carlotta recounts Jefferson’s first day of

school in 1959. She refers to a decision that Elizabeth Eckford
made that day when she writes, “That decision was nothing short
of brave and heroic”. What decision is Calotta referring to? Why
does she think it is brave and heroic? *Evidence*

Work Time Meeting Students’ Needs

A. Modeling Text Comparison: Brown v Board of Education and A

Mighty Long Way
B. Read and annotate Excerpt 1-3 of Brown v Board of Ed for gist
a. You will use chapters 1-3 of AMLW to make connections to
Brown v Board of Ed
i. Excerpt 1: For example: Even after the court ruling
in 1954, Carlotta was disappointed that changes
really didn’t happen: She had to go to school farther
away from her home than Central (pg. 32)
ii. Excerpt 2: TPS
iii. Excerpt 3: TPS (New Partners)
C. Carlotta’s Journey: Jigsaw
a. Groups will have a chance to present what they have learned
to the class for discussion
i. Discussion Questions
1. How could a sense of inferiority affect
learning? What evidence from BvB
illustrates this?
2. Do we see a sense of inferiority in AMLW?
In what way?
3. In what ways was excerpt 3 argued with?
How do we see this happening in AMLW?

Mastery Response Anticipated misunderstandings

Students may struggle to determine the

See classwork exemplar.
meaning of the court’s decision.

Closing and Assessment Meeting Students’ Needs

Exit Ticket/On Demand Writing: Using evidence from both AMLW Students will use their feedback from
and Brown v Board of Education, provide examples of how Brown v classwork to inform their exit ticket
Board of Education affected black students in the South. Use one
piece of evidence from each text.

Mastery Response Anticipated misunderstandings

The Brown vs Board of Education decision greatly affected black

students in the South. This decision ruled that black and white
students attending separate schools was unequal. It stated “
segregation with the sanction of the law, therefore, has a tendency to
retard the educational and mental development of negro children and
Students may struggle with a) quotations that
to deprive them if some of the benefits they would receive in a
reveal significant meaning b) clearly articulating
racially integrated school system.” This is seen most clearly when
what Brown vs Board is c) seeing the
Carlotta describes the difference between her school and the white
connection between Carlotta and this decision
school and how her school received hand me down books. After the
court’s ruling black students were given opportunity to attend white
schools where there were more resources. Carlotta states “ black
students would finally have the opportunities white students had” and
that this would help her achieve her dream of being a doctor.

Homework Meeting Students’ Needs

Read and annotate chapters 1-2 of Little Rock Girl

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