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  Systems:QMS ISO 9001 (2008)‐QMSMDD ISO 13485 (2003) 

Assessment Report/Checklist 
Form 009 


PHYSICAL LOCATION(s):   No.127, No.9 St., No.1 AVE., JEY Ind. Town, 

Phase II Audit Date(s):    14, 15 Jun 2015 

Phase I Audit Date(s):    6 Jun 2015 

NAICS (or NACE) CODE 32.5 

EXCLUSIONS:    7-3, 7-5-1-2-2, 7-5-1-2-3, 7-5-2-1, 7-5-3-2-2,8-2-

Assessment objectives: Attesting that the requirements of ISO 
13485,9001 have been met in client’s system to 
protect consumers and meet legal requirements 
Assessment Team Leader, ATL MarjanAzadmanesh 
Assessor 2 YasamanZehtab 
Assessor 3 Hodjat Bagheri as observer 
Assessor 4
Assessor 5
Assessor 6
Note: Adjusting the language within this form to the type of activity and nature of the organization is acceptable.
This Clause

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  Reference Clause  Observations  Verified,
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We pursuit to assure that client‐organization adheres to the protection of communities and consumers. This is to 
1  follow the intent to the substitution of the word “identify” to the word “determine” as part of the importance to 
the processes being capable of achieving desired outputs (including consumer’s well‐being). 
Production of Sterile & Non-Sterile Medical Gauzes & Bandages and
2  Scope of activities  provision of EOG sterilization

BRSM requires that the organization’s legal obligations

Legal status  and regulatory are met.  
3  All products have license from MoH valid till June 2016
Obligatory applicable standard which  SIRI 3061,ISIRI 583,ISIRI 11032 , ISIRI 3001-1, ISIRI
organization has to follow  5557 , ISIRI 3949
4  Quality Management System 
The organization established needed documents in accordance
with ISO 9001:2008 And ISO 13485:2003
Quality Manual SO-MA001 is established.
Does the organization establish, document,  In accordance with quality manual (SO-MA001), the products
implement, maintain and continually improve a 
Quality Management System (QMS) with due 
in QMS Scope are as follows;
consideration given to  identification of processes  Simple Wound bandage, 16 layers cotton gauze (with or
needed for the QMS and their application throughout 
the system; determination of sequence and 
without Barium thread), 8 layers cotton gauze (with or without
barium), gauze sterile .long gauze, Vaseline gauze that use for
interaction of these processes, determination of 
criteria and methods required to ensure effective  skin burns. √
operation and control of these processes; availability 
of resources and information required to support the  Communication between processes in has been identified a
operation and monitoring of processes; measurement, 
monitoring and analysis of the processes; 
process map.( CH- MA001)
implementation of action to achieve  planned results  Data analysis procedure and required Forms are designed.
and continual improvement  The documentation structure includes Manual, Procedures,
‐If any, are the outsourced processes are defined? 

None of main activities which affect production process has not

been outsourced

Is there a documented quality policy and documented 
Quality Manual SO-MA001, Quality policy FO-MA010 and
quality objectives and are they appropriate?  Quality objectives FO-MA011are documented in appropriated.
Is there a documented quality manual and are there 
documented procedures required by the standards?? 
standard Licenses and permits production
Are required records for planning, acting and  the master list form observed and checked, the errors from √
controlling processes efficiently available? 
Are the documents are created for every type of  document review had been all resolved
medical device including qms requirements and 
product specifications? (4.2.3) If these documents are 
applicable to manufacturing processes, are montage 
and service defined? 

FORM‐009_V4_QMS MDD                                     Issued: July 9, 2003                                                        Revised: March 2013                                                       Page 2 of 19 
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  Reference Clause  Observations  Verified,
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Quality Manual SO-MA001 is established. clauses

7-3, 7-5-1-2-2, 7-5-1-2-3, 7-5-2-1,7-5-3-2-2,8-2-4-2 are
Does the Quality Manual include, scope of QMS and  excluded
details of exclusion? 
Documented mandatory procedures Are referenced to in √
4.2.2  Are documented procedures reference to mandatory 
procedures;  Manual,
Is description of interaction of the processes included 
in the QMS? 
Communication between processes in has been identified a
process map.( CH- MA001)
Number of revision is 01 at 2012
Are mandatory procedures documented? 
Are control conditions pertaining to mandatory 
documents proper?  All mandatory procedure are documented  
Are review, update and re‐approval situations and 
changes and current review situations for documents 
Document Control procedure WP‐QA001 is established. The 
traceable?  method of approval documents is defined in this procedure, 
Are the relevant documents usable, readable and 
4.2.3  recognizable at concerned usage points?  documents are coded and classified base on Document Control √
Are outsourced documents defined?  procedure.
Are distribution of documents controlled, outdated 
documents prevented from being used and  List of documents observed that including the distribute
appropriate definition method applied in case of being  documents.
stored for any purpose? 
Are these subjects clear in the relevant procedure? 

Record control procedure WP‐QA‐002 is established. 

Are documents readable, easily recognizable and  Storage, retrieval, retention time is 3 years for obsolete
stored in available manner?  documents and disposition of records has been defined in the
Has a documented procedure been established and 
4.2.4  applied for determination of required controls for  procedure, the electric documents are copied every 6 months to √
storage, retrieval, retention time and disposition of  back ups
Has the archiving defined for at least 2 years?  Also the tests samples as part of Quality system saved for 3
years in laboratory.
5  Management responsibility 
Has the top management ensured that requirement 
for meeting customer conditions and legal conditions  Management has approved Quality Policy, Quality manual and
should be understood by all personnel? 
Quality Objectives.
5.1  Is a quality policy available? 
Are quality objectives available?  Management commitment is proved through Sources √
Is management review established? 
Does  the  management  provide  required  sources  for 
assignment For QMS/QMSMDD.

Does top management have methodologies to ensure 
that customer needs and expectations are determined  relate to 7.2.1 and 8.2.1  √
and met for increasing customer satisfaction? 
Quality policy principle (FO-MA010)was established in
Has top management established a Quality Policy in 
accordance with the objective of the organization?  Provide safe and high quality products at the level of national
Does the Quality Policy include a statement of 
and international standards, increase customer satisfaction
5.3  commitment to meeting requirements and continual  √
improvement of the QMS?  levels and the interested parties ,to reduce consumption of non-
Has the Quality Policy been revised for 
communication, understanding and continuous 
renewable energy sources, reduce environmental pollution,
compliance within the body of the Organization?  compliance processes, and products with legal regulations,
provide timely delivery of goods

FORM‐009_V4_QMS MDD                                     Issued: July 9, 2003                                                        Revised: March 2013                                                       Page 3 of 19 
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The quality objective FO-MA011 has been established.

Reducing waste, preserving the effectiveness of the quality 
management system, increasing staff awareness and ability. 
As an example: 
policy Target targ plan
indicator et

Improve quality Receiving 

production Long 
gauze and 

Increased levels of customer  93 Timely

customer satisfactio to supply of
satisfaction and n score  95 raw
interested parties material
Are quality objectives established by top management  producti
at relevant functions and levels within the 
organization? Are the objectives measurable and 
consistent with the Quality Policy 
5.4  5.4.2 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PLANNING  Reduce waste The  5% Personn √
Has the QMS been planned by Top Management in  amount of  to el
order to meet the conditions and quality objectives  2% training
detailed in Section 4.1? 
When changes are initiated, is the integrity of the  and
QMS maintained during the change process?  mechani
d to
into gas
fabric or

Reduce the Productio 0.1 Turning

consumption of n/electric  % off the
non-renewable power  to air
energy sources consumpti 0.0 condition
on ratio  5% ing and
work is

5.5  Responsibility, Authority and Communication

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Job description, job skills (WI-FA001 ) and organization

chart are defined appropriately, Job Description Forms
Has top management identified responsibility and  for MR and QC Manager was observed.
authority and been communicated within the 
5.5.1  organization?  Management approved job description and Organization √
Has top management defined responsibilities and  chart.
authorizations for CE marking? 
The technical supervisor and management representative
responsibility observed  
Has  top  management  appointed  a  member  as 
Management  Representative  with  responsibility  and 
Director manager has appointed Mrs. Sttar Zadehas MR to 
authority to ensure that the processes of the QMS are  establish, implement, and maintain the QMS,QMS MDD    √
established,  implemented  and  maintained;  report  to 
top  management  on  the  performance  of  the  QMS, 
and to report the performance of the QMS ,QMS MDD  and 
including  needs  for  improvement  and  promote  promote awareness . 
awareness of customer requirements? 

Internal communication is done properly verbally and

INTERNAL COMMUNICATION  through email and written correspondence, no records
Has the top management ensured establishment of 
appropriate communication processes within the  resulting of ineffective communication have been seen so
5.5.3  organization? Has the top management ensured  this shows the effectiveness of communications √
realization of communication considering the processes 
of the QMS and their effectiveness?  As sample the legal requirement about sterile device
packaging observed. 
5.6  Management review
TOP MANAGEMENT REVIEW  Management Review meeting was conducted in
Does top management review the QMS to ensure its 
continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness at 
accordance with plan and management review procedure
regular and planned intervals?  PO-MA001.
5.6.1  √
Do reviews include assessing opportunities for 
improvement including the need for changes to the 
Management review meeting is held every six month
QMS, quality policy, and quality objectives?  and last meeting was on 94/03/30( May2015)
Are management review records kept? 
Does review input include current performance and  All relevant inputs are discussed in the meeting for
improvement opportunities related to: 
a) results of audits;  examples changes that could affect the QMS such as
b) customer feedback;  changing clean rooms ventilator in March 2015,(for
5.6.2  c) process performance and product conformance; 
ensuring the performance of new ventilator check list √
d) status of corrective and preventive actions; 
e) follow‐up action from earlier management reviews;  was filled out one a week in April 2015 by PM unit),
f) changes that could affect the QMS,  
g) recommendations for improvement   
h)  New or revised regulatory rules? 
Following decisions were made in the meeting:
REVIEW OUTPUT  Make effort to receive elastic bandage standard license
Does output from management review include actions 
related to improvement of the QMS and its processes, 
from standard organization - training new personnel-
5.6.3  improvement of product related to customer  inventory control through continuous production-launch √
requirements, actions and decisions relate to resource 
all medical gas station -reduced, FIFO…
6  Resource Management
Does the organization have methods to determine and 
6.1  provide resources needed to implement and improve  Refer to 6.2 and 7.4 √
the processes of the QMS and address customer 
satisfaction by meeting requirements? 

6.2  Human Resources 

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Are personnel assigned with responsibilities that affect 
product quality competent on the basis of applicable 
Training procedure is documented.
6.2.1  education, training, skills, and experience?  Courses that are planned in the first half of 94 are as √
Are  trainings  performed  for  achievement  of  Required 
follows: methods of production and control
characteristics associated with the production (2/28/94)
Has the organization identified the experience, 
risks associated with the production (03/27/94) - GMP
qualifications, competencies and skills of the personnel  and quality policy (03/15/94).
performing activities affecting safety and efficiency of 
medical devices particularly being manufactured and 
The courses were held timely.
provided to customer?   The Cutting station operator score of GMP and quality
Is training provided by the organization to satisfy the 
competency needs? 
policy (conducted on 2 May 2015(03/12/94) was 80%. √
Does the organization ensure that its employees are 
aware of the relevance and importance of their  The effectiveness of the courses was evaluated. The
activities and how they contribute to the achievement 
of quality objectives?  evaluation records of GMP and quality policy for
Are  records  of  education,  experience,  training  and  production staff was observed. Cutting station operator
qualifications maintained? 
evaluation score was 75%
Manufacturing equipment have been designed,
constructed, properly established and placed for proper
Has manufacturing equipment been designed,  To ensure the proper functioning of air conditioner filters
constructed, properly established and placed for proper  (HEPA) in the clean room, particle tests and periodic
operation, maintenance, adjustment and cleaning?  
In case of applicability, has the organization ensured  tests have been conducted annually.
documentation of natural limits or permissible 
tolerances in manufacturing process and measuring and 
Maintenance program (in accordance with repair and
test equipment and availability of the same for  maintenance procedure WP-TE001) of heating and
Are documented processes available for maintenance, 
cooling air conditioner and sterile chamber were √   
cleaning and control of all equipment used in  observed.
manufacturing process and control of work 
environment?  In this program and related checklists, items such as
Are required adjustments and maintenance intervals  control of 3-phase motor, belts, filters, bearings, water
Is maintenance plan placed normally on or near the  pumps, heating boiling were checked.
equipment and easily reachable? 
Is maintenance realized based on the relevant plan? 
The form of maintenance activities (FO-TE004) of
production salon air conditioner was observed. Also
profile of air conditioner (FO-TE001), device code
DS031 was observed.

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Does the organization identify and manage required 
work environment needed to achieve conformity of 
Are the following factors which could affect product 
quality in the work environment identified?  
‐ Process equipment,  
‐ Work environment,  
‐ Personnel in this work environment  
Are qualified and quantified limit values of the work 
environment identified for a desired quality of the work 
Are pollution levels of microbial and solid particles 
controlled during product manufacturing where sterile 
product or pollution of solid particle which is stipulated 
to be sterilized or could live or not live during its 
manufacture or utilization is important?   The overall work environment of company is decent.
Has exclusion been applied during all manufacturing 
processes for a controlled environment? As valid 
Cleaning check list for folding machine were observed.
ground of exclusion, is pollution reduced to known,  GMP principle and requirements is implementing. Just in
consistent and controlled level by an approved cleaning 
method and packaging kept at this level through control  one case there is a non- conformities the storage Pallet is

GMP requirements 
process?  wooden.
Have indicators been identified for a controlled 
environment which covers valid cleaning and packaging  Periodic health care examinations of staff that are in
processes including the organizations holding a valid 
direct contact with the products have been conducted by 2 
6.4  cleaning process? 
(Temperature, Humidity, Air Current, Filtration of Air,  the Provincial Health Center. Health cards of production AR 
Ionization of Air, Pressure differences, Lighting (along 
with its spectral content and severity), Sound, Vibration, 
personnel in the clean room were issued on
cleaning of Working surfaces and processes, Water  12/25/93(March 2015).
quality, number of persons in the work environment) 
 Have dressing conditions, cleaning conditions and 
health conditions for any person being in contact with  The record of Particle counting test (according to class 8
the product or the work environment including those 
persons who enter the area sterilized prior to use or  of ISO 14644-1) was not seen during assessment
temporarily or for a short period in terms of importance 
microbiologic cleaning holds been identified?  
Are personnel to work in special work conditions or a 
controlled environment provided with special training 
and/or supervision? In the event that any personnel 
including temporary and trained personnel for 
performance of special tasks in a controlled 
environment are assigned for performance of the works 
such as production, maintenance, cleaning or repair, are 
such personnel supervised by an appropriately trained 
person? Have the procedures for product introduction, 
product polluted or being likely to be polluted, manual 
working for working surfaces or personnel, cleaning or 
removal of contamination in order to prevent cross 
pollution of product, work environment or personnel? 
Are  the  records  indicating  appropriateness  for  all 
conditions kept? 

7  Product Realization 

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All necessary procedures are established to planning

product realization.
Description of operations of elastic bandage is
documented. 1. Preparation of Poly 2- weaving 3-
cutting 4- industrial over locks 5- rolling. 6. Cellophane
PLANNING OF PRODUCT REALIZATION  packaging 6-carton packaging
Has the organization considered the scope of its own  Risk analysis of the products was evaluated.
quality management system in planning of product 
realization?   Elastic bandage analysis risk:
Has the organization prepared required records for a 
proof indicating that quality objectives and product  risk severity probability Detectability Risk
rules, processes established, documents and product‐ degree
specific necessary resources, verification, validation, 
tracking, measuring, inspection and product‐specific 
test activities , realization processes and the product 
meet the rules?  Lack of proper  7 3 1 21
In the event that inspection and test are conducted by 
manufacturing personnel, do inspection and test 
results, processes, organization’s procedures ensure  during use 
impartiality of inspection and test results? 
7.1  Risk management   Improper width  7 2 1 14 √   
Has the organization prepared a procedure containing  and length of 
all processes of product realization for risk management  bandage 
activities and realized the following? 
Keeping the records 
Preparation of Risk Management Plan 
Determination of Risk team and its Responsibilities 
Determination of Intended Use of Device and Safety 
Characteristics of Device  The risk assessment method was FMEA and the limited
Definition of hazards  risk degree was 50 (RPN)
Risk Estimation for Hazards 
Evaluation of Risks  Appropriate controls have been identified according to
Risk Control Measures  the elastic specification of this product. Records of
Definition of Residual Risks  
Risk/Benefit Analysis  Identification and assessment risks Such as, use of the
Preparation of Risk Management Report  expired product, packaging damage, Failure to insert the
correct expiration date, unsanitary disposal of used
bandage were observed. Also the residual risks were in

7.2  Customer‐Related Processes 

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Has the organization defined the requirements of 
customer including the requirements for the activities 
on delivery and after delivery?  In determining the product requirements, has the
Do these requirements include the following?: 
‐ regulatory and legal requirements related to the  organization considered Customer specific requirements
countries and territories where the product is supplied 
to the market 
The products is delivered at the point of production to
‐ anticipated utilization,  client and has no post delivery services to clients by
‐ Performance expectations,  
‐ Design factors 
7.2.1  ‐ Delivery plans  As the client selects the products already produced so the √   
‐Unclear customer expectations 
 Does the organization record customer’s expectations  client accepts the specification of the product. The orders
related to product/service in order to revise the same?  are usually the numbers of the products ordered, with the
In the event of any change in order or offer or both for 
any reason whatsoever, are changes revised and an  routine specifications. As example the record of razavi
agreement is reached on the changes as it is in original  hospital observed. In that order: 120 box long gauze
order or offer? 
In the event that changes are accepted, are all  needed and the delivery time was observed. 
personnel being affected by the changes within the 
organization informed? 
Are  relevant  documents  affected  by  these  changes 
REVIEW  OF  REQUIREMENTS  RELATED  TO  THE  Purchase unit accompany with QC review product-
Does the organization review the requirements related  related requirements from client, before committing to
to the product?  accept the order, the organization ensures that can meet
Are review records kept? 
the product requirements, check any requirements
Has  this  review  been  realized  prior  to  commitment  of 
the  organization  for  provision  of  the  product  to  differing from routine products , through the process if
7.2.2  customer? 
any requirement is changed this is communicated in √   
Has the organization ensured settlement of contract or 
order requirements which are different from previously  written to managers/supervisors and then verbally to
Does the organization have the ability to meet defined 
operational staff, in arrangement with production and the
requirements?  storage raw materials available.
Are the results of review and subsequent follow‐up 
actions recorded?  As example the record of razavi hospital observed 
CUSTOMER COMMUNICATION  means for the organization communicating with the
Are arrangements for communication identified and 
implemented relating to product information, demands, 
customer are as follows: Telephone calls, emails, catalog
applications, contracts or realization of order including  and letters,
7.2.3  √  
Are required arrangements identified and implemented 
Specific Forms are design to records client orders.
for customer feedback and communication with  The records of sold products are kept in case of advisory
customers including customer complaints?  notices.
7.3  Design and Development      are excuded 
Have the stages of design and/or development been 
Have review, verification and validation activities 
appropriate to each design and/or development stage, 
7.3.1  responsibilities and authorities been identified in design  ‐‐‐  N/A   
and development planning? 
Are design and development planning updated when 
planning output is appropriate and  in the progress of 
design and development? 
Are inputs related to product requirements identified 
and relevant records maintained? 
Do these inputs include functional and performance 
7.3.2  requirements, applicable regulatory and legal  ‐‐‐‐  N/A   
requirements, applicable information derived from 
previous and similar designs a any other requirements 
essential for design? 
Have the inputs been reviewed in terms of adequacy? 

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Are design and/or development outputs approved 
before prior to release and in a manner that enables 
verification against the design and/or development 
Do the design and/or development outputs meet the 
7.3.3  design input requirements and  ‐‐‐‐  N/A   
‐provide appropriate information for purchasing, 
manufacture and service performance, 
‐ contain or reference product acceptance criteria 
‐ define the characteristics of the product that are 
essential to its safe and proper use? 
Does the organization identify suitable stages for 
systematic reviews of design and/or development? 
7.3.4  Are the results of review and subsequent follow‐up  ‐‐‐‐  N/A   
actions recorded in order to evaluate the ability to 
fulfill requirements and identify problems and 
propose corrective actions? 
7.3.5  Does the organization in planned arrangements ensure  ‐‐‐‐‐  N/A   
that design output meets input criteria 
Is the design and/or development validation performed 
in accordance with planned arrangements to confirm 
that final product is capable of meeting the 
requirements of intended use or application 
7.3.6  requirements defined?  ‐‐‐‐‐  N/A   
Is verification completed (if applicable) prior to delivery 
or implementation of product? Ara relevant records 
Are results of review and required actions recorded? 
Have design and development changes  been identified 
and recorded? 
Have design and development changes been reviewed, 
verified,  validated  and  approved  prior  to 
7.3.7  Does the review of design and development changes  ‐‐‐‐‐‐  N/A   
include evaluation of the effect of changes on 
previously delivered product and the parts constituting 
the product? 
Are  the  results  of  review  of  changes  and  subsequent 
follow‐up actions documented? 

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7.4  Purchasing 
Purchasing Process; Has the organization prepared 
documented process to ensure that purchased product 
conforms to purchasing requirements? 
Are criteria for selection of suppliers defined? 
Are evaluation and reevaluation of suppliers have been 
defined?  Purchase procedure has been developed. When a supplier is
 Has the organization defined tracking frequency of 
supplier’s performance?  selected, necessary work permits will receive. For example
Does the organization have the proofs indicating that  technical documents (standard license) were received from
supplier monitoring activities, outsourced processes are 
controlled and the products or services conform to the 
Vaseline (soft paraffin) suppliers. Standard license been
rules of the organization containing customer demands  issued in accordance with the national standard 3949 and is √  
and regulatory rules? 
Have the requirements of purchasing information 
valid until 08/02/95(April 2016). Examples soft paraffin
(containing the rules related to supplier records)  test report (dated June / 2015 batch number IPW94-51 )
including outsourced processes been identified to 
ensure product and service quality? 
received from suppliers was observed:
Does the organization have the methodology to 
communicate these requirements to the supplier?  TEST RESUL STANDARD
Are purchasing contracts available? 
Do the type and content of the control on supplier and  T
purchased product depend on the next product 
realization of purchased product or final product?  Penetration at 25ºc 144 ASTM –D937
Are purchasing records retained? 
Does purchasing information define the product to be  Kinematic viscosity at 100ºc 5.8CST ASTM-D455
Where appropriate, does purchasing information 
Organic acid Passed ISIRI 3949
include product approval, procedures, requirements for 
process and equipment, Personnel qualification and the 
7.4.2  requirements of Quality Management System?  Sulfure & sulfide Passed ISIRI 3949 √  
How does organization ensure the adequacy of 
specified requirements in the purchasing information 
prior to their release to the supplier? 
Are records for the information related to purchased 
product available? 
List of acceptable supplier includes 18 supplier was
Has the organization identified a method in order to  Also filled out evaluation check list for supplier were
ensure that the product received conforms to the 
specifications, is finished, holds appropriate identity  observed: carton Spadan with 71% score, cargo company
and is free from any damage?   (JiTarabar) with 76%, Laksar calibration company with
Do the processes include the provisions in order to 
verify that incoming product is provided along with  80%, textile of Arak with 84% were observed.
support documentation (e.g. conformity certificates,  The purchasing info provided in BOM and purchasing √
acceptance test reports)? 
Has data been provided related to analysis of previous  order. As sample the textile purchasing order observed.
acceptance inspection data, rejection history in the  And in qc record we observed the purchase verification.
plant or customer complaints, required inspection 
quantity  and necessity of reevaluation of supplier? 
Has the organization identified the authorized person 
for conformity approval of incoming material? 
Are verification records retained? 

7.5  Production and Service Provision 

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characteristic qualities of products been identified and

Has the organization identified control requirements for 
production and service process?  -The results of gauze sterile quality control with Barium
Is  control  quantity  and  control  detail  level 
proportionate to criticality level of its process? 
yarn (dimension 10*10, batch production 9404/6 on
 Has  the  characteristic  qualities  of  product  been  production date: 94/4/22(June 2015)) in bleaching stage
identified?  When  required,  have  documented 
procedures,  documented  rules,  work  instructions  and 
were Observed. Two of the tests include testing the PH and
reference  materials  reference  materials  and  reference  Active surface material were mentioned in quality control
measuring processes been made available? 
Has  appropriate  equipment  been  selected  in  the 
records. PH: 6.92 (standard: up to 8) and there was not
manner that enables process and product specifications  Active surface material.
to be obtained? 
Have  the  documents  for  using  appropriate  equipment 
been established?  -Test report of elastic Bandage is issued on 17/06/93 by the
Has  it  been  verified  that  new  and/or  significantly  external laboratory.
modified  equipment  meets  purchasing/design 
specifications  and  posses  the  ability  to  operate  within 
7.5.1  the limits defined and process operating limits?   √  
Have control devices been identified? 
Has  a  document  been  prepared  for  using  control 
Acceptable range result Checked
Have  implementation  and  control  requirements  for  due to standard items
labeling and packaging been identified? 
Are the records obtained during manufacturing process  ±2% poly %89 Material
of  any  product  lot  and  facilitating  traceability  and 
%11 ‫ و‬ester of
review of the manufacture of this lot retained?  
Do the records include the following information?  bandage
‐  When  applicable,  quantity  of  raw  materials, 
components  and  intermediate  products  and  lot 
numbers of those materials,  ±5% 386cm Stretched
‐  When  applicable,  start  and  completion  dates  of 
different  stages  of  manufacture  including  sterilization 
‐ Quantity of manufactured product, 
‐  Signed results of all inspections and tests, 
‐ Representation of production line used,  The result of this report was failure to comply with the
‐  Any deviation from manufacturing specifications.  standard. The appropriate corrective Action was taken.  Control of production and service‐Special rules 

Cleanness of environment procedureWI-QA005is

Cleaning checklist of clean rooms was observed.
Control of product cleanliness and contamination   The material used for covering floor and walls are cleanable
Has the organization identified product cleanliness 
rules?  and do not absorb dusts, the entrance of staff is completely
Have the materials and substances used during  isolated and in 2 stages staff change the cloths
manufacturing process been adequately defined and 
labeled in order to prevent complexity and process  The hygiene of personnel is at acceptable level and all staff  faults?  have health examination cards from province health office √  
Have certain medical devices been cleaned and/or 
cleared of contamination so as to prevent employees  The hygienic work instructions are based on control
and other product from being exposed to any  checklists, staff do not use jewelry or cell-phones in
Have cleaning and implementation requirements been  production line
documented?  All products are produced in clean room and packaged and
transferred thru production to storage by pass box,
The services and cloakrooms are clean and in good situation
No wooden or cloth is found in clean room

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Assembly activities 
Have assembly activities and responsibility for medical device been identified? 
In the event that any medical device should be assembled and mounted in the location where the user is 
present, have guiding instructions been prepared by the organization for accurate assembly, montage, tests 
and/or calibrations?  excluded  N/A  
Has the organization provided the instructions which allow assembler to confirm proper operation of the 
Are the results of assembly or commissioning tests recorded? 
Service activities  
In the event that functionality of products needs service or maintenance for proper utilization of products, 
have documented requirements been established for service activity? 
Has the organization identified service responsibilities between distributors and users? 
Have service activities carried out by the organization or a separate agency been planned? 
Have the design and functionality of equipment or devices with special purpose related to manual operation 
and service after assembly been validated? 
Are measuring and test equipment used for site service and tests controlled?  Have instructions related to the lists of spare parts or parts and for use in product service been prepared?  excluded  N/A  
Has the infrastructure covering technical consultancy and technical support, customer training and spare 
parts or provision of parts been established? 
Are service personnel trained? 
Are specialized service personnel available? 
Has the organization formed a system for receiving customer demands so as to determine whether customer 
complaints and rules are handled?  
Are service records retained? 

the organization record process parameters related to sterilization process
and used for each sterilization lot
graft Gas sterile size 50 x 60, 4 layers, made from yarn 20 (batch number
930 960),production date 11/09/93 was observed records of sterilization
is issued on March 2015 Sterile report as follows:
Special rules for sterile devices 
Following specifications are related to Indicator tape for ethylene oxide
Does the organization record  with: LOT NO. : F48 / G415, class 5,
process parameters related to 
sterilization process and used for 
The color of tape changes to green. Sterilization process was verified
√  each sterilization lot?  The amount The

Are sterilization records tracked for  the end of the start of The duration Quantity of
of gas pressure Start time vacuum
each production lot related to  fumigation fumigation of injection vacuum
consumed drop
medical devices?  5kg 10:5 9.55 0 9.45 780 9:25

The loss
The duration Since the The end of number of
he duration of after The duration of the
of the opening of air air
venting exposure presence of gas
quarantine the chamber injection injection
to gas
and refine

72 hours 16:12 16:10 3 times 15 0 5 hours

General rules 
a)defined criteria for review and approval of the 
b)approval of equipment and qualification of staff 
involved  c) use of specific methods and procedures  √  
d)records requirements 
documented procedure for validation of 
software/computer applications, and records of 

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In direct Microbial culture and of Microbial culture test

filter method, the result was negative.
The verification method is by use of Vials containing
Microbes, after sterilization, the vial is broken and if the
color changes it means that the sterilization is not ok, results
for 94/3/27(June 2015) observed.
The last report of remaining etalon oxide gas (in long gauze,
sterile) was issued in 94/3/27(June 2015)
Record of the emission of etilen Oxaide gauze (137-carton
Special rules for sterile medical devices  and product number 16511005) was observed. Serial
Have sterilization processes been validated prior to 
use?  numbers from 23144 to 23280 was chose. Microbiology lab  Have the standards used for validation of sterilization  results were observed in the series. 10 samples were tested. √  
process been identified and implemented? 
Have the requirements in the Article no. been  The tests include total count of bacteria and mold and yeast,
met?  The number of bacteria, mold and yeast were 100.
Validation of process was documented for sterilization.
Sample of Microbial culture test filter method on sterile by
external Lab Harir Novin Sepahan for grafts gauze
(production date 94/03/25(June 2015),batch number
940403/2.) is as following :
Mesophilic aerobic bacteria: negative
Anaerobic bacteria: negative
Fungus-positive, as the result was positive sampling was
7.5.3  Identification and Traceability 
Has the organization identified and documented the 
Instruction of trace and identify the product WI-PR001were
product through appropriate methods during product  documented. And there is a place for rejected products to  realization?  identified. √  
How has the organization identified product situations 
in accordance with tracing and measuring  A gauze sterile with Barium yarn (dimension 10*10), batch
requirements?  number 9404/6, production date: 94/4/22(June 2015)
TRACEABILITY  Records of sterilization of this product were observed  General 
How is the product traced?  including venting time: 55 minutes.  Has any method been documented for traceability?  The completed ID card (number 7351) related to this √  
Does the organization ensure traceability of the medical 
device  during  typically  production  and  storage  process  product With this card, the quality of raw material and test
up to expiration of ownership?  results on the textile bleaching has been kept.
Special rules related to active implantable medical devices and implantable medical devices  
Does  the  organization  ensure  traceability  in  inspection  and  stock  records  for  the  changes  of  the  personnel performing a work traceability of which belongs to an introductory (e.g. serial number, data 
code,  lot  code,  party  number)  special  to  operation  source,  changes  in  raw  materials,  changes  in  the  excluded  n/a  
works performed through tools, new or different machine devices, changes of process methods? 
When applicable, are special personnel assigned to act during processing medical device or each stage of 
delivery traced? 
Identification procedure has been established. 
Status Identification  Non‐conforming products and all semi products are labeled according to  Organization  has  identified  status  of  product  with  identification procedure.   
respect to measurement and monitoring requirements  We observed some product waiting for sterile process. 

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Does the organization ensure identification, verification, 
protection and safety of customer property provided 
for product or in the manner that it creates product 
Customer Property procedure WI-QA007 is established just
in case. there is no customer property in organization.
while it is under the organization’s control or being 
used?  As sample the “Pooshesh Teb Mani” order to sterile process √  
Does the process ensure that occurrence of any 
customer property that is lost, damaged or otherwise  for 85 box as customer property at Feb 2015 observed.
found to be unsuitable for use are recorded and 
reported to the customer? 
methods and controls established to preserve conformity of
Are methods and controls established to preserve 
product during internal processing and until delivery to
conformity of product during internal processing and  intended destination
until delivery to intended destination? 
Has the organization established documented processes 
following were evaluated:
or documented work instructions for control of the  Storage of bleaching textile was clean and textile was
product with limited shelf life or which requires special 
covered by plastic .all batches have ID cart.
7.5.5  storage? 
Are such special storage requirements controlled and  Identification and traceability is possible √  
Does this preservation include definition, transport, 
Inventory storage l is recorded appropriately as an example
packaging, storage and protection of the product and  inventory of packaging nylon was 70 kg.
the parts constituting the product?  Items are entered and exited in FIFO
Is there a logo on product? Is it proper to its 
instructions?  Storage general condition is appropriate with sterile product,
in case of temperature and moisture, 27c with 32% humidity
Has the organization identified the measurements to be 
made and the measuring and monitoring devices 
required to ensure conformity of product to specified  Laboratory equipment has been sent to calibration
a) Be calibrated or verified at specified intervals, or 
laboratories in accordance with calibration schedule.
prior to use, against measurement standards traceable  Equipment calibration records for the previous period were
to international or national measurement standards; 
observed. Measurement equipment Sterilizer devices such
7.6  where no such standards exist, the basis used for 
calibration or verification s hall be recorded;   as Autoclave and Laminar Hood, including pressure gauge
b) Be adjusted or re‐adjusted as necessary;  
c) Be identified to enable the calibration status to be 
is calibrated by Laksar on26/01/94.(15 April 2015)
d) Be safeguarded from adjustments that would 
invalidate the measurement result;  
e) Be protected from damage and deterioration during 
handling, maintenance and storage.  

8  Measurement, Analysis and Improvement 
organization implement the monitoring, measurement,
analysis, and improvement processes required for
Does the organization plan to implement the  conformity of the product and QMS and QMS,MDD and
monitoring, measurement, analysis, and improvement  improvement of its efficiency
processes required for conformity of the product and 
QMS and improvement of its efficiency?  Monitoring and measurement of the final product procedure √   
Are measurement, analysis and improvement  PO-QA004. Data analysis procedure WP-MA002) have
processes are carried out through statistical 
techniques and applicable methods? 
been established. And data analysis is carried out through
statistical techniques and applicable methods
8.2  Monitoring and Measuring 

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Customer complaints procedure has been developed. Upon

receipt of the complaint by the head of sales, He will
determine which unit has to follow up the complaints. The
head of unit determines the cause of complaints in order to
achieve customer satisfaction. Then corrective action is
taken to resolve the root causes of complaint.
8.2.1 feedback 
For example: One of the complaints was related to improper
Does the organization monitor the information related  packaging 8 layers non-sterile gauze.
to customer perception in order to understand whether  To fulfill customer satisfaction, the product with new
8.2.1  customer requirements are met or not? 
Has the organization determined methodologies for  packaging has been posted for client. Corrective action in √  
obtaining and using information on customer  this case, was retraining the staff.
satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction? 

Records of satisfaction customer evaluation were observed

such as:
Customer - Mr. Riaziayn – wale edge bandage- Score 90%
Customer - Mr. Nik behavior - simple bandage - Score 81%
Customer - Mr. KargarRezaei– sterile gauze- rating 94%
INTERNAL AUDIT  Internal audit procedure is documented (WPQA004) internal
Has a documented procedure been established that 
includes responsibilities and requirements, 
audit is done Every 6 months, audit criteria is defined base
requirements for planning and conducting the audit,  on standard clauses, audit team includes technical supervisor
reporting the results, maintaining the records? 
Are audits planned in the form of an audit program? 
and quality control supervisor.
It is done on 94/3/20(may 2015), records are documented, 4
Does audit programme take importance and status of 
the fields and processes to be audited including the  non-conformities are recorded: the door of production salon √  
results of previous audits? 
Do selection of auditors and implementation of audit  was open, production personnel wear ring, and some
ensure objectivity and impartiality of the process?  machine was unclean after it was repaired. Effective and
Do auditors audit their works? 
Do follow‐up actions cover verification of the measures  appropriate corrective actions were taken.
taken and reporting of verification results?   
Process indices are determined where the results of process measures 
are shown in data analysis table and if the Acceptance criteria is not met, 
corrective action is taken. 
Measuring Results of production and training a process as follows: 

MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT OF PROCESSES  process Measuring Acceptance target result

Does the organization implement appropriate methods  Indicator criteria
for monitoring QMS processes and where applicable, 
for measurement such WMS processes?  production The percentage 1% 0.02% 0.035%
When planned results are not achieved, is corrective 
of waste
action taken for product conformity? 

training Per capita 60 80 65

man/hour man/hour man/hour



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(PO-QA004 )control and measure of products and (PO-

QA003) control and measure of row material Procedure are
establish in order to measure and monitor product
characteristic, row material, semi products and finished
General rules  Form FO-QA001 is filled out when the row material is enter
Does the organization establish appropriate stages to 
measure and monitor product characteristics?  to factory then QC controls the row materials in accordance
Have verification methods been documented?  the Quality Plan and purchase information, if row material is
Is this verification process realized in accordance with 
the arrangements planned during appropriate stages of  acceptable QC will approved it.  product realization process? 
Are conformity evidences along with acceptance criteria 
Form FQ-QA001was filled out for Textile was received in √  
maintained?  02April 2015. The textile specifications such as Thickness
Are the records approved by the authorized  of yarn, color of textile, type of yarn were in acceptable
person/persons in the process of product release? 
Are product release and distribution of service, planned  criteria.
regulations (Article 7.1) completed satisfactorily?  The qc of Barium thread in long Gauze was checked it was
approximately 0.55 in length to be detected in x-ray device
The sterility of product, packing (seal, labeling, expiration
date, advisory notices on label, compliance of product with
label) are as sample taken for control of quality of final
product with No. 94026/9 observed
Special  rules  related  to  active  implantable  medical 
devices and implantable medical devices  Does the organization record the identity of the  Excluded N/A  
personnel carrying out any inspection or test? 
Does the organization have methodologies to ensure 
that product that does not conform to requirements is 
identified and controlled to prevent unintended use or 
Is there a documented procedure related to non‐
conforming product? 
Does the organization take measures to remove non‐
conformity related to product?  In The inspection and test procedures, the methods of
When applicable, do the processes identify the methods  detection and determination and responsibility to deal with
authorizing the non‐conformity’s use, release or 
acceptance in agreement with customer?  non-conforming product are documented. There is no non- √  
Are required measures taken to preclude the product’s  conforming product in the recent period.
original intended use or application? 
Are records related to the nature of nonconformities 
and the measures taken later maintained? 
Is corrected nonconforming product subject to re‐
verification to demonstrate conformity to the 
Do the processes ensure that appropriate corrective 
action is initiated when non‐conforming product is 
detected after delivery or use has started? 
Does the organization collect, identify and analyze  Data analysis procedure WP-MA002 is established,
appropriate data to demonstrate efficiency and  Purchase must be made at specified intervals between the
appropriateness of QMS and the fields where QMS’s 
efficiency can be continuously improved?  time the storage staff sent request to purchase unit till the
Has a documented procedure been prepared for these  material is receive in factory The acceptable deviation from
the specified criteria is 5% . √

Do the characteristics and tendencies of the processes 
and products including data analysis, customer  The result of data analysis in 6 month shows 2% deviation
satisfaction, conformance to product requirements, 
opportunities for corrective actions provide information  which is acceptable.
related to suppliers?  And supply evaluation was analyzed and that was good for
Have data types for data analysis been defined? 
Are data analyses recorded? 
8.5  Improvement 

FORM‐009_V4_QMS MDD                                     Issued: July 9, 2003                                                        Revised: March 2013                                                       Page 17 of 19 
This Clause

Has been
  Reference Clause  Observations  Verified,
please Tick
mark √ 

Has the organization identified required changes by 
using quality policy, quality objectives, audit results, 
analyses of data, corrective and preventive actions and 
management review in order to ensure and sustain 
ongoing conformity and efficiency of quality 
management system and does the organization 
implement such changes? 
Has the organization established written procedures in 
order that advisory warnings can be published and 
implemented?  Continual improvement procedure is established PO‐MA002,
Are the records of all examinations related to customer  based on this procedure The organization determined new
complaint maintained? 
Have the complaints been evaluated within the scope of  acceptable criteria to improve quality and accept of raw
the following points?:  materials input.
‐  whether the organization fails to comply with its own 
specifications or not, 
8.5.1  ‐ whether the organization has caused problems to 
occur despite the fact that it has complied with its own 
Information and specifications of products listed on the √  
specifications  carton and original packing. This information is listed to
In the event that the activities outside the organization  alert the consumer to the product. Including the date of
are identified through examination of the contribution 
of such activities to customer complaint, has the  production and expiry and sterile technique and etc
relevant information been shared among responsible 
In the event that any customer complaint is not   
followed up through a corrective and/or preventive 
action, has the reason of this failure been confirmed 
and recorded? 
Has the organization established a documented 
procedure for notifying adverse events and alertness 
within the scope of after‐sale supervision activities?  
Does the process comply with international guides? 
(MEDDEV 2.12.1 – MEDDEV 2.12.2) 
Are the notices for adverse events recorded 
Is there a documented procedure for Corrective and 
Preventive Action? 
Are corrective actions taken to eliminate causes of 
Corrective and preventive action procedure WP-QA003 is
nonconformities effective in preventing recurrences?  documented.
Does this procedure include the requirements of 
8.5.2  reviewing non‐conformities (including customer 
complaints), determining the causes of non‐conformity,  The records of corrective action where observed , √  
evaluating the actions needed to ensure that  As an example records of training production Staff to not
nonconformities do not recur, determining and 
implementing the corrective action needed, and review  wearing Ring or accessories during working with machines. 
of the results of the action initiated? 
Is adequacy of corrective‐preventive actions identified? 
Has  the  organization  established  a  documented  Corrective and preventive action procedure WP-QA003 is
procedure  for  preventive  action  with  defined 
requirements for identifying potential non‐conformities 
documented. one corrective action has been taken in recent
period. It is decided the Blade of Cutting Machine be
and  their  causes;  evaluating  the  need  for  action  to 
prevent  occurrence;  determining  and  implementing  change every Six month in order to prevent Stop production √  
preventive  action  needed;  recording  results  of  action 
taken; reviewing preventive action taken.  Line.
What are the methods for identifying the adequacy of 
corrective‐preventive actions? 

FORM‐009_V4_QMS MDD                                     Issued: July 9, 2003                                                        Revised: March 2013                                                       Page 18 of 19 
By exception, we indicate the specific Strengths and weakness of the organization in light of the management system, as we perceive and seen through
processes in reference to requirements of the criteria being ascribed as these apply and relate to the assessment plan and planning of the assessment.
This aspect relates to Accreditation Body as it does to the protection of consumers in the client-organization’s role within their respective supply – chain.

Disclaimers: (1) herein, we reiterate that any suggestion or opinion that the assessment team expresses does not construe to be a contractual
requirement. (2) The degree of certainty in conclusions increases by the competence of the assessment team as well as the attestation within the
assessment protocol, values, mission and vision under which we operate for the protection of consumers, still remains a certain level of uncertainty.

Strength Weakness

Market share Storage equipment 


action Request Type I Form-008 – as we indicate and that each of the RA addresses the basic four (4) questions
as seen in Form-008:

action Request Type II Form-008 – as we indicate and that each of the AR addresses the basic four (4) questions
as seen in Form-008:

1-The storage Pallets are wooden.

2-The record of Particle counting test was not seen during assessment.

Observation Form-018 – with uniquely specific identification:

ATL: Marjan Azadmanesh DATE: 15 Jun 2015


FORM-014 – Opening Meeting Checklist FORM-009 – MS Reporting,

FORM-017 – Closing Meeting Checklist FORM-008 – RA / AR, as requires
FORM-005 – Participants of opening & closing meetings FORM-018 – OBS, as requires
FORM-004 – Assessment Plan FORM-010 – As requires, recommendation for CoR
FORM-007 – Planning onto -004, as process determined FORM-026 – Assessment documents check-sheet, optional

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