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Predictive KP Astrology

This article gives you an effective starting point to learn about “what” houses or bhaavas need
to be judged for “what matters”. Please note that the article is based on the classical readers
written by Guruji Shri KSK.

Judging Longevity

 The houses 1, 3 and 8 are considered as the bhaavas connected to the longevity
of a native.

 The houses 2, 7 and 12 are known as the "Maarakasthaanas" (death inflicting

houses) as they are 12 counted from 3, 8 and 1 respectively.

 Baadhakasthaanas are those houses, which cause harm to a native. In most

cases, the baadhaka houses are extremely important in considerations of longevity
and for timing the death of a native. For native born with lagna in "Chara (MOVABLE)"
rasis, the 11th house is considered as the baadhakasthaana. The 9th house is the
baadhakasthaana for native born with lagna in "Sthira (FIXED)" rasis and finally, the
7th house is the baadhakasthaana for natives born with lagna in "Ubhaya (DUAL)"

 As far as death is concerned, the baadhaka houses are more important than
the actual maaraka houses. Hence the baadhakasthaana should be given due

 Saturn is the CHIEF GOVERNOR of longevity (AAYUSHYA KAARAKA). Hence any

judgment of longevity should be made only after consideration of Saturn and His
Significations (both at a stellar level and also at the sub lord level).

Judging Health, Disease and Cure

 The Lagna is the most important house to be considered for judging the health
of a native.
 The 6th house should be judged for knowing the disease, it's chronicity and
impact on life.

 The cure of disease should be judged from houses 1, 5 and 11. The 11th house
indicates absence of bedridden sickness and the 5th cure of disease.

Accidents and Injuries

 Shri K.M. Subramanian in his classic work, Sub Lord Speaks, has listed the

 The 12 houses can be divided into 4 Trigons (grouping of three).

 The first trigon comprises of the houses 1-5-9 and these reveal the self of the

 The second trigon includes houses 2-6-10, which are collectively known as the
"Material Trinity", defining the material prospects of the native.

 The third trigon is comprised of the houses 3-7-11 and reflects the
communicative abilities of a person and his/her worldly connections and benefits
there from.

 The fourth trigon of houses is made up of houses 4-8-12. This is the trigon
governing accidents, assaults, afflictions, plots and fatality of the native.

 Therefore, to judge accidents and injuries, one should judge the fourth trigon.

 Among the planets, natural malefics like Mars (cuts, wounds), Saturn (joint
dislocations and bone fractures), Rahu (burns, scalds) and Ketu (self-undoing,
addictions) are important in causing accidents and injuries (subject matters are
indicated within brackets).

Education of a Native

 The houses 4, 9 and 11 are to be judged for all matters concerning education of
a native.

 The 4th house is the main house of education and denotes primary education
and basic education (up to graduation). It should be judged to know whether one will
attend school or college regularly and how one will prepare and fare in examinations
and competitions.

 The 9th house is the house of "Higher Education". It denotes post-doctoral

research, innovations, spiritual studies and anything to do with the "higher sciences".

 The 11th house is important as it deals with "realization of ambitions" and

"fulfillment of desires". To judge whether one will emerge successful in an
examination, the 11th house should be judged in addition to the 4th house.

 To judge when one will complete one's education, the houses 3, 5 and 8 have
to be judged. This is because they denote "completion" of the matters concerned with

 In addition to the above houses, the planets Mercury and Jupiter are natural
governors of education and due consideration should be attached to their significance
in the native's chart.

Judging One's House, Building and Lands

 For purchase or construction of a house or building, the houses 4, 11 and 12 are

to be judged.

 4th house is the main house governing houses, buildings and property in
general (immovable) and also vehicles. The 11th house indicates fulfillment of one's
desire to own a house and the 12th indicates parting with the money (paying the
owner to buy or rent a house) required for the house/building.

 The houses 3, 5 and 10 should be judged for disposing (selling) a building or

house or landed property.

 The most important natural governors are Mars for buildings and Saturn for
land mines, estates, plantations etc.
Judging Marriage

 Consider the houses 2, 7 and 11 for marriage.

 2nd House depicts kutumbam and marriage brings an addition to family. The
7th house denotes wife or husband, who is the life partner. It is the main house for
marriage. The 11th house denotes permanent friendship, emotional bonding and
pleasures of life which are the natural outcome of marriage.

 The houses 1, 6 and 10, representing the 12th from 2, 7 and 11 are the houses
denoting separation or divorce in life. These houses indicate the absence of married

 Venus is the planet who is the chief governor for marriage and in all cases, the
significations of Venus have to be judged before venturing a prediction related to
marriage or married life.

Judging Child Birth and Children

 The houses 2, 5 and 11 are to be considered for child birth.

 The 2nd house indicates the family (kutumbam) and any additions to the family
resulting from child birth. The 5th house is the main house for progeny. It denotes the
first pregnancy or child for a native. The second is shown by the 7th house and the
third by the 9th (siblings are shown by the 3rd house - hence the 3rd from the 5th is
the 7th and the 3rd from the 7th is the 9th and so on). The 11th house is the 5th house
from the 7th (house of the husband or wife).

 To judge the absence of childbirth or to investigate the loss of children, the

houses 1, 4 and 10 are to be judged. These are the 12th houses from 2, 5 and 11

 Jupiter is the chief governor of progeny. In addition to Jupiter, Moon in a

woman's chart denotes fertility and Mars menstruation. In a man's chart, Venus
denotes fertility and Sun vitality necessary for begetting children. Hence these planets
and their significations should be carefully considered in any judgment concerning
child birth and children.
Foreign Travel

 The most important houses to be judged for foreign travel are 3, 9 and 12.

 The 3rd house is the 12th to the 4th indicating one getting away from one's
home. The 9th house indicates long journey and the 12th indicates life in a new
environment (foreign place).

 Moon is the chief governor for journeys.

Finance and Prosperity

One's Profession and Service:

 The houses 2, 6 and 10 are most important in judging one's profession. 2nd is
the Dhana bhaava and indicates money earned by one's efforts. 6th refers to the
services one renders (to an employer) and 10th indicates the profession one pursues.

 Sun is the chief governor for profession.

 The houses 1, 5 and 9 should be considered for judging any change in one's
profession or service as also one's retirement from service. The 8th house should be
considered to judge the receipt of one's pension, gratuity or provident fund.

 The houses 3, 10 and 12 should be considered for judging whether one gets
transferred as part of one's job.

 The houses 1, 8, 9 and 12 are to be judged with reference to dismissal or

suspension from service and the loss of status and power associated with one
professional position.

One's Finance:
 The houses 2, 3, 6 and 11 are to be considered for judging gain of money in any

 2, 3, 6 and 11 indicate money gained from lottery/luck or windfall.

 The houses 2, 5, 6 and 11 indicate money gained as a result of speculation

(stocks and shares, betting etc).

 Jupiter is the chief governor for finance and financial matters.

Business Prospects

 The 7th house is the main and most important house to consider for business

 It indicates the business partner or any legal partnership into which one may

 The houses 2 and 10 also need to be considered to find out how one will fare in
independent business and the gain or loss there from.

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