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Incomplete Rules: NightLife 2nd or 3rd (preferred) Edition Needed to Play

By Bradley K. McDevitt
Warning: Contains Adult Content and Language. So if you can't handle bad words and the hard stuff, piss off.

"Fuck You, Stellar Games."

There, I said it.
After twelve years of trying to get NightLife back even after Stellar Games' demise, I have had it. The guys at
Stellar made gobs of money off NightLife while I slaved away at a pizza parlor and watched them twist my greatest
creation into harmless pap.
No more.
NightLife should be about as safe as giving a blowjob to a Tek-9 with the safety shaved off. In this booklet, you
will find the rules I have come up with for NightLife over a decade of thinking about it and occasionally playing it. This is
not Goth whimpering, this is full-out punk gaming, even if I am not a punk myself.
But hey, I worship Joey Ramone as the second coming of Christ, and the New York Dolls are STILL the greatest
incompetent musicians out there, so you can take your Blink 182 and Sum41 and shove them up your ass.
And since this is being released free on the web.... Hey, Stellar, you can kiss me where the only place the sun
shines, is if I am standing on my head.
Live Fast
Live Free
Live Forever
Bradley K. McDevitt

Playtesters and Partners in Crime: Indigo Shift, Chainsaw, Soner Du, and Bull695.

A most Unusual Dedication….

NightLife was originally published in 1990, a slim, saddle-stitched book full of typos and inconsistencies.
Nonetheless, as the first game to allow players to take the part of monsters in a serious setting, it caused a sensation.
Ten months later, White Wolf published Vampire: the Masquerade and revolutionized the gaming hobby. I was
furious at first, I will admit, especially since they announced, early on, that they planned on doing games about Ghosts,
Werewolves, and Wizards; three of the other important “races” in NightLife.
I thought, at the time, I was being ripped off.
Others still believe so… I no longer do.
Regardless of the origins of the “Worlds of Darkness,” White Wolf’s creations have enriched and broadened the
scope of the gaming world. They shifted the emphasis of the hobby from its rules-heavy, impersonal, war gaming roots, to
more creative personal, character-driven stories. In doing so, they made the hobby grow up and widened its appeal in
ways that no other company’s products had before.
In this bootleg edition, I have tried to avoid aping the specifics of the World of Darkness. There are no “Clans” of
Vampyres, nor any “septs” or “Tribes” of Werewolves. NightLife remains its own universe. What I have done, is attempt
to create a world, and rules, for that world, as deep as one might find in a White Wolf game, so that players may have
characters that are more than collections of numbers and thinly-disguised superpowers. The world of NightLife now has
more secrets, more back-story, more intrigue, and hopefully, more depth than ever before.
The possibility of this depth, even its necessity, was pointed out by the efforts of White Wolf. So…thank you
Mark, Steve, Stewart, and many more than I can list here. Your world has made mine a richer place.
Bradley K. McDevitt

For You Babies: NightLife for Beginners
NightLife is an adventure/horror game set in late-1990s the monsters of Wall Street. Important members: Aristotle
New York City. Players take the part of various races of Norcross, Ross Starr
monsters, including Vampyres, Werewolves, and Shades, in The Complex: Kin criminals, with connections to the
addition to several other types of monsters. These races, who Mafia and the Yakuza. Important members: Razor, Adam Noire,
collectively refer to themselves as the "Kin," divided themselves Helena Athenopolis
along political lines they refer to as "factions."
Some of these factions are pro-human, like the Red Moonrise: Kin terrorists, organized into gangs.
Commune, while others, like Red Moonrise, hate Humanity. For Their attempts to destroy the Statue of Liberty are an ongoing
the purpose of this adventure, all the PC’s are assumed to be part part of Kin society. Important members: Raw Meat, IA VOL
of a single "cell" of the Commune. A cell operates 1689, Wally Auschwitz
independently, and has little formal contact with other cells,
much like the French Resistance during WWII. The Laughter Factory: Made up entirely of Kin who
have been driven insane by the process of death and rebirth.
Important members: Uncle Sham, Acid Aphrodite
The Races
Vampyres: Your classic bloodsuckers; Superhuman-ly
strong, and with great powers, but weakened by garlic and holy NightLife Shticks
relics, and able to be killed by sunlight or a stake through the The Kin have several types of behavior that they use to
heart. get by and to maintain a sense of community. For example, use
Werewolves: Shapeshifters, able to assume a wolf or of specialized slang. The Kin liberally use terms like "Jack" (a
wolfman form. term of respect), "Herd" (a common term used to describe
Shades: The psychic remains of a dead human. They Humanity), and "Crowley" (a human that has befriended the
are normally incorporeal, and immune to damage, but can be Kin).
destroyed if their anchor is damaged. The Kin also have several places they hang out, some
Wyghts: Super strong, super fast, and super-ugly. Think of which you will become familiar with during this adventure.
of Arnold Schwarzenegger with a complexion like beef jerky, These include Club AfterDark (Commune), Death Row
and you've got the right idea. (Complex), and The Magic Bus (neutral), a double-decker bus
Manitou: American Indian nature spirits, with a that functions as a moving party.
penchant for feathers, weird clothing, and wild powers.
Daemons: Refugees from another dimension, Daemons System
can teleport, change shape, and various other abilities, but can be NightLife operates by a simple percentile system: roll
repulsed with flint or holy relics. equal to or less than the number on your character sheet to use
Animates: From a golem to a children’s doll, anything that Edge, Skill, or Basic Ability. Furthermore, when making an
that is alive that shouldn’t be is considered an Animate. The successful attack roll, every 10% that you roll under what you
most callous of the races. need adds +1 to your damage without rolling over what you
Other races of interest include: Data Haunts, Ekimmu, need (damage itself isn't rolled randomly, but has set values)
Kikulaluits, Trolles, Toxxixx, Zombies, Ubo, as well as over Character Attributes include: Strength, Dexterity,
twenty other races. Fitness, Intelligence, Willpower, Perception, Attractiveness, and
Luck. Other Basic Abilities include Survival Points (Fitness +
The Factions Luck) and Hand-to-Hand Damage (Strength divided by 5).
The Commune: The good guys of the Kin, who Normal Human ranges are from 02-20; unadjusted Kin ranges
believe that Humanity and Kin can live in relative peace, as long are from 04-40, but can go up to 70 (or higher, in rare cases)
as the Kin don’t let Humanity know they exist. Important As a final note, The Kin have enemies from without.
members: Golgotha, Samantha X, Freddy These include the government groups, Target Alpha and Project
Prometheus, the sorcerous Black Solstice Cult, not to mention
The Failsafe Coalition: A group of Kin who seek Fomori from the otherworldly Twisted Dimensions or Lazarus
world domination to keep Mankind from nuking itself- and the Smile, an immortal serial killer...
Kin- out of existence.

Morningstar Corporation: The bad guys who want to

take over Mankind from within- financially. Think of them as

TASK RESOLUTION a total damage of 13 points. The Gangster screams and
When making a Skill Roll, roll 1d100 and compare it to stumbles back, clutching his stomach.
the number on your character sheet. Your roll was
successful if the number generated is either… MULTIPLE SUCCESSES
a) …lower than the number on the character sheet or
b) …the exact number on your character sheet
This task resolution system also works for
In the case of the roll being less than that on the character determining degree of success on a Skill or Attribute Roll.
sheet, you need to look at the die you designated as your
"tens" generator: the number rolled on that die is your Example: If two people are both trying to outwit
damage bonus/success bonus. It is thus in your best each other, have both of them make INT rolls (or
interests to roll as high as possible without rolling over the appropriate skill, such as Streetwise or Lying). If one
number on your character sheet. person makes the roll and the other does not, task
In the case of rolling exactly the number needed, that is resolution is obvious. However, if both make their rolls,
considered a perfect hit, and adds a flat +10 bonus to either comparing degrees of success will allow the GM to
your damage or your successes. determine who still outwitted who (whoever got more
For example: Loopie Pendergrass runs afoul of some successes on their appropriate roll.
members of the 56th Street Gangster Lords, who see the This system may also be used to temporarily affect
drunken bum in the old army shirt and decide to have other rolls and Attributes, depending on the skill used.
some fun at his expense. Bad idea! After a few minutes of
less than civil exchange, the Gangsters further decide the Example: Using the skill Fashion Sense is a good
drunk needs to eat pavement. Worse idea! After enduring example of this usage. This skill gives a temporary boost
being pushed to the ground and kicked once or twice, to ATT equal to the number of successes rolled when
Loopie begins to fight back... Werewolf style! making the Skill roll.
His claws extend from the ends of his fingers and he takes
a swipe at the closest Gangster. Loopie's Edge Score with SKILLS OR EDGE SCORES OVER 100
Claws is 73 and he has an HTH of 5 (using Claws doubles Certain Edge Scores and Skills may be higher than a score
this HTH to 10). His player rolls a 37. His damage bonus of 100. In this case, the roll only fails on a roll of 100. In
(in addition to ten points he does with his Claws) is +3, for

the case of a successful roll, add the "tens" of the 100+ chance of the character being able to make the roll. In
score to the damage bonus normally. cases of odd-number scores, round down.
Example: If a score was 125 and the roll was a A Normal roll is the roll as delineated by the rules
67, the Damage bonus would be 6 (the number rolled on at present: the attribute or less on a percentile die.
the 10's) + 2 (the 10's of the score over 100) for a total An Easy roll is twice the Attribute or less on the
Damage Bonus of +8. percentile dice.
In any situation that indicates that the difficulty
Automatic Success and Failure would be easier than “easy”, don’t bother to roll the dice,
A roll always succeeds if the number generated, by the die and assume the character can perform the action
roll, is 01.
A roll always fails if the number generated, by the die roll, Example: Skunkboy has a Perception of 27. Thus,
is 100. his Perception rolls would be as follows:


Normal: 27
Easy: 54
Rolling Attributes
Roll 5d10 and drop the lowest roll. This will make
Most of the Kin belong to one of numerous
PC's marginally better than average characters, but not
factions dividing up Kin society, and many of the factions
enough to make them munchkin-fodder.
are opposed to each other, while others work hand in hand
Strength when convenient. What keeps like among the Kin
interesting is the intrigues that often go on between
The Kin are pretty strong, overall. But not factions, even those that claim to be allies.
according to the book; so...characters may lift, without It is not at all uncommon for characters to actually
rolling vs. their STR, 20 lbs/point of Strength. Thus, a be members of multiple factions and societies, proclaiming
character with Strength of 20 can easily lift 400 pounds belief in one while actually feeding information to another
and a character with Strength of 40 (the human limit) can for profit or because that other faction is more in line with
lift up to 800 pounds. the character's beliefs.
By making a successful Strength roll, characters may lift Among the Kin, always keep a close eye on your
up to 50 lbs/ point of STR, but may only hold it for a few closest friends...
seconds. After all, that means that a character with a STR Skills: Each member of a particular faction begins
of 20 is lifting a thousand pounds, and a 40 STR character play with certain skills. For example, A Complex member
is lifting an even ton. begins with Streetwise (+10). What this means is that the
character already has the skill Streetwise at its Base, +10
ATTRIBUTE ROLLS percent, before having to buy the skill up any further out of
Anyone who has played NightLife has consistently their own points.
run into one source of frustration: while skills work right,
when making a basic Attribute roll, there is only a slim The Commune
chance of actually making the roll, even when, according Typical Commune Cell:
to the rules, the attribute should be considered near the 2-3 Kin and 1d10 Crowleys
peak of human ability, or even higher than that!
To fix this problem without messing with the Resources: The Commune and Red Moonrise have
actual attribute ratings is easy. Attribute rolls can be one thing in common besides being set up like independent
divided into three simple difficulties: hard, normal, and cells of operatives: groups from both factions function
easy. alone. This means that any resources for a cell come from
A Hard roll is equivalent to ½ the attribute’s the members themselves, rather than superiors or people
normal rating. This should only be invoked if there is little higher up in their faction. The downside of this is that

many cells and gangs are relatively poor, but the upside is Streetwise (+10)
they don't have to answer to anyone. Etiquette (Underworld) (+10)
Skills: Beginning characters, belonging to The
Commune, begin with the following skills: Morningstar Corporation
Typical Morningstar Corporation Group:
Alertness (+10) Streetwise (+10) (Morningstar assigns groups as needed)

Red Moonrise Resources: Morningstar Corporation has resources

Typical Red Moonrise Gang: out the ass, but they are not always easy to access. For
2-3 Kin and 1d10 Renfields members, in good standing, make a roll against
negotiations or a similar social skill. Each success on a
Resources: Red Moonrise, has an advantage that standard task resolution equals $1000 in resources (cash or
the Commune does not. They can use direct criminal equipment) the character can receive. This can be
violence, and their connections to street gangs, to help augmented by role-playing. If the player can make a good
finance their operations. enough case, they may be able to get as much as an extra
Skills: Beginning characters belonging to Red $10,000 in resources.
Moonrise begin with the following skills: Skills: Beginning characters, belonging to
Morningstar Corporation, begin with the following skills:
Streetwise (+10) Intimidation (+10) Administration (+10)
Business (Specify Type) (+10)
The Complex
Typical Complex Family:
1-4 Kin and 2d10 Crowleys Sexual Preferences
New York, especially the Greenwich Village area,
Resources: Some pretty serious resources are to has the highest population of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and
be had from the Complex, but they usually come with all even the trans-gendered in the country, with the possible
sorts of strings attached, in the favors owed to the person exception of San Francisco or Atlanta. While players and
in charge of dispensing the resources. As a quick rule of CP’s are free to ignore this, recognizing it adds a layer of
thumb, figure a small favor owed for any resource to be realty and depth to the game. Accept that not everyone is a
had up to $500, a larger favor or several small favors to be straight heterosexual.
owed for up to $2000, and major favors after that, All the Kin are not straight either. Many of those
commiserate with the cost of the request. Kin, who do have a sexual preference, may be bisexual.

Example: Ruffneck, a Complex

member, runs afoul of the police. They catch
him at the sight of a “Clean and Floss”, and
suddenly he is up on homicide charges. He
needs to get out of jail (before dawn!) and
out of town, fast. He calls his superior,
Razor, asks for a “bust-out”, and a fast ride
out of town, preferably out of the country.
Since this qualifies as a major use of the
Complex's resources, Ruffneck is going to
owe Razor at least two major favors...
Skills: Beginning characters,
belonging to The Complex, begin with the
following skills:

Many have lived so long that they are too jaded to be the same as on page 133 (NL 3): 1 d10 years of apparent
satisfied by “normal” sexual relationships. Many have age per resurrection.
sexual tastes considered exotic even by most human Example: Pinhead, an Animate, gets caught in
standards. Vampyres, for example, often view the blood in crossfire with some irate gangbangers (probably because
a potential partner’s veins as more important than what is he had just ripped them off for several kilos of cocaine...)
in their pants; call them hematosexual, if you will. Many and is taken to -23 SP. Pinhead is dead, but has a 77%
Weres occasionally breed with their animal counterparts, chance of coming back for some payback on some trigger-
when the opportunity arises. happy gangbangers.
However, the subject of sexuality in an RPG is a
delicate and controversial one. Many players are LIVES LEFT
uncomfortable with it, except in the most casual of ways. After character generation is almost done, have
In that case, do not be ashamed to “assume” all the players each character roll their current LUCK Score once per
and NPCs are simply heterosexual and gloss over any decade they have been alive. For each roll they fail,
more sordid details. subtract one from their total Lives, to represent the violent
A Caveat! If you, the CP, and your players do lives and deaths that many of the Kin cope with.
decide to not gloss over the sexuality topic, take care to get
your information right. A game that includes only Example: Helen Wheels, a Vampyre stripper, has
simpering “faggots” and “bull-dyke” lesbians is degrading, FIT of 29, LUCK of 35, and has been one of the Kin for 43
insulting, and unfair stereotyping. It perpetuates hate and years. She needs to make four LUCK rolls before play
ignorance, with little rooting in reality. For every camp begins. She rolls 12, 64, 32, and 78. She thus failed two of
“queen” cruising the bathhouses, there are a hundred her LUCK rolls and managed to get herself killed (but not
happily, monogamous couples who happen to be of the permanently) twice in those 43 years. Helen can
same sex... potentially die and resurrect 27 more times before she
This author will now quietly descend from his really dies the final True Death.
soapbox and continue talking about character generation.
GOALS Starting PC's begin with contacts as per the book
Every character has a goal that he strives towards, (page 17), and in addition may have 1 Kin contact per
or else risks slipping into ennui. A goal can be as simple as decade of their existence as one of the Kin. At least 1/2 of
"make lots of money" or complex as "Normalize those must be from the character's own faction (if not
relationships between the Kin and Humanity," but it should necessarily the same group within that faction.)
be something the character wants and is willing to strive Additional Contacts (by Faction): PCs may start
towards. Each game session, that a PC can show that he the game with some extra Contacts, depending on which
has made a significant attempt to move towards his goal, is faction they choose to align themselves with.
worth 2-10 Humanity, (according to how effectively the Commune: 2 moles (within other factions)
GM feels he strived towards his goal) 1 other Contact (player’s choice)
Complex: 1 Mafia, Yakuza, and Triads
MULTIPLE LIVES (low-ranked)
One of the most macabre aspects of existence as Morningstar Corp: 1 business
one of he Kin is that death tends to not be permanent. Kin 1 Section Head (within Morningstar)
can potentially come back from death a number of times 1 mole (within another Faction).
equal to their Fitness score. Red Moonrise: 1 Gang leader,
To determine whether a Kin will come back from the dead 1 mole (within another Faction)
after being reduced to zero or fewer SP, calculate how 1 dealer (arms or drugs)
many SP below zero the character was reduced to and Failsafe Coalition: 1 military (low-ranked)
subtract that number from 100. The result is the character's 1 political (national)
chance to come back from the dead. Aging due to Death is 1 mole (within another faction)
Laughter Factory: 6 Homeless People

ACQUAINTANCES Characters may start the game with a Flock of 1-5
Starting PC's may begin play with two (1d10/2) Addicts. They should be detailed at least to the
acquaintances per decade of Un-life. An acquaintance is degree of name and gender.
not as close as a contact, and may not be willing to do
anything for the PC, but they do know them and may be POSSESSIONS
induced to help the character more easily than a complete Characters begin play with assets equal to $10,000 plus
stranger. Acquaintances do not need be from the same (1d10 X 1000). This can be in equipment, cash,
faction, and may be custom-created by the player or investments, etc. This amount is modified by an additional
chosen from the NPCs in the back of the book (with GM's $1000 per year that the character has been one of the Kin.
FAMILY You gotta live somewhere, even if you aren't really living.
Some PC's may still have human family, especially While some Kin have it easy this way - Shades often
newer ones. Players may want to think about what simply "live" wherever their Anchor is stored-the rest have
relationship-if any-their character has with their family. to have some place to stay, preferably one that is secure
For example, a newly created Vampyre or Wyght that was from any would-be monster hunters.
married before their infection may want to contact their PCs should expect to spend anywhere from $600
spouse. In general, this is frowned upon with Kin society to $2000 a month on maintaining their Crib, not to
(the risk of exposure from such contacts is astronomical), mention the cost of any security features...
but many Kin do it anyhow, for as long as their family is
alive. SKILLS
Divide INT+80 points up for skills, remembering
RENFIELDS AND CROWLEYS to add the skill bases. At least 1 point must be allocated to
Many of the Kin, PCs included, keep human a skill before it can be used.
servants and friends on hand to help them with house
chores they cannot do themselves. This is due to aversion Example: Shady Shade has an INT of 17, so he
to sunlight or suspicious appearance. Servants come in two starts with 97 points to spend on buying skills. For starters,
types: Crowleys (friends) and Renfields (servants). he decides to buy street-fighting, and puts 3 points into it.
Crowleys are usually willing to take care of the Kin in Shady has a DEX of 24, and DEX is Street-fighting's base
question for free, though many Kin pay them anyhow. attribute. Shady has a Street-Fighting of 27 and has 94
points to spend on other skills and to hopefully boost up
FLOCKS his street-fighting before he is done.
Kin who have to “Drain” to survive and can cause
Addiction, have one other step when creating their circle Skill Costs: As the Kin get older, they find it
of NPC associates (the major races of the Kin who can harder and harder to learn new skills, just as humans find it
Addict are Vampyres, Daemons, and Animates). harder to do the same. For this reason, Kin must pay more
This step is the creation of the character’s Flock: a Skill points to get the same effect; according to their age.
group of humans who are aware of the character’s nature,
have been Drained previous to the start of the campaign, Age Point Cost per Skill Point
and are already Addicted to the character’s Drain. The Up to 100 1/1 (default Skill cost)
convenience of having a Flock is that it makes it easier for 100.500 2/1
character’s to gain sustenance. They do not have to hunt 500.1000 3/1
for a meal. They need only make a quick phone call to the 1001+ 4/1
Addict. Most Kin, who have a Flock, treat them with kid’s
gloves, regardless of their opinion of Humanity in general, Automatic Skills
since a mistreated Flock member makes an excellent All characters have the starting skills at the
Stake…one that knows many of the character’s secrets. following ranks, whether they put any points into those

skills or not. If they do choose to take these skills, that by -5% to hit per success achieves via a standard Task
score automatically supersedes the "automatic" score. Resolution roll.
Breakaway (10)
Club (10) Meditation (INT):
Spear (10)
Hand to Hand Combat (DEX) EDGES
City Knowledge (general) (10) Edges do work against other Kin, but with a –20%
Cooking (10) penalty on the Edge roll. This only applies to Edges that
Lying (10) work directly against the opponent. For example,
Profession (specify) (15) Attempting to use “Coronary” on another Kin would incur
Stealth (1/2 DEX) the –20% penalty, but trying to use Claws against another
Swimming (20) Kin would not, since that Edge’s ability to affect other Kin
is supplemental to other attacks.
PC's less than 100 years of age will automatically have the To make life easier for everyone, a notation will be
following skills: made in any Edges here to indicate whether use of the
Pistol (10) Driving (10) Edge incurs a penalty against the Edge roll or not.
Learning New Skills
A new skill, after initial character CITY SCENES: The Dwarf
generation, costs a number of skill points equal There is a dwarf who lives near Greenwich Village.
to 50 minus the character’s score in the base of Every day, whether it is hot or cold, winter or summer, he
that skill. carries a chessboard to St. Mark’s Place, and sets up shop there.
Every day, he is dressed the same; no one has ever seen him in
Example: Lyta wants to pick up other clothes. He wears a long (on him) overcoat over a plaid
Dancing (DEX). She has a DEX of 34, so her shirt and jeans. He always sports fingerless gloves, gray with
cost to learn Dancing is 16 Skill points, plus any grubbiness, and a bottle of the cheapest hooch, to be found on
points she wants put into it. On the other hand, the Island, pokes from one pocket. Every day, a new bottle… by
her Wyghtish friend, Mr. P, wants to learn to the end of the day, it will be gone, one cautious sip at a time.
dance too, and has a DEX of 47. Since he is
Chess is the dwarf’s passion. He will play anyone for a
already so dexterous, and has such good control
dollar, and many students and professors from Cooper’s union
over his movements, he will only have to pay 3
have spent many an hour with him, crouched over his
Skill Points to learn how to dance.
chessboard. In between moves and sips of whiskey, the dwarf
If a character wants to pick up a new skill
has been known to discuss any and every subject possible. with
and his base attribute for that skill is already 50
a degree of erudition to make many a scholar feel imbecilic.
or higher, the skill point cost to buy is zero, but
Eric Hoffer played the dwarf and pounded out the fine
must be bought up normally.
ore of Utilitarianism there. Joseph Campbell played the dwarf
and many were the discussions they had about myth and heroes.
Martial Arts (STR/DEX)
The dwarf almost always wins, and his opponents never
A Martial Arts Kick is at a -10% penalty
feel they have not had a good game. But none know his name, or
To hit, but does damage as if the character's
where he goes as the sun sets, with his battered chessboard and
STR was 10 points higher.
empty bottle of whiskey.
Combat Acrobatics (DEX)
Is the ability to jump, twist, etc. and
perform stunts while fighting. On a successful Combat CHANGES TO EDGES
Acrobatics roll, the character may modify either his "to Aura Sight: The character using Aura Sight can
hit" roll (-5% on the roll or +5 %, as needed to achieve see the auras of anything he chooses to look at, not just
maximum effect or damage) or his opponent's to hit" roll one person.

Base: Fit "Listen, I don't know how much of this is really
Humanity Costs: 5/ 1*5/1 truth or not, but we do have an advantage here... for
Edge Roll Needed: no determining the truth that is. A few of the guys who were
Target: Self here at the beginning are still around. Not local, of
Range: N/A course... those Elder Wyghts are pretty secretive
Escape Roll: N/A nowadays. They know the Fomori want a big piece of
Archaic Names:Chelae, Talons of the Thunderbird their hide, so they do not advertise their location. The few
Description: This Edge causes sharp claws to that are left, I understand, live in Europe. Scotland, you
extend from the tips of the character. The claws extrude know, since that is where our history here on Earth began.
quickly enough to allow them to be extruded and used in “We aren't originally from this, not you...
combat in the same BT. I mean, the original Wyghts. They come from a world in
The Edge score may be used as the Combat Skill roll when the Twisted Dimensions, though they did not think of their
attacking with Claws, or if an unarmed combat attack is world in those terms. To them, it was just home. Not that it
being made, that Skill may be used. In either case, damage was a very nice world. According to stories I have been
is HTH (or Martial Arts Damage) + 1/5 Edge Score. told, the Wyght-world was a huge but very cold jungle.
Racial Variations: Werewolves' Claws are wolf- Yeah, sounds like a contradiction in terms, but that is what
claws; Manitou manifest Claws as their hands turning into I was told. Life there was hard. There were many
the talons of a large Raptor; Wyghts are black and jagged; predators; many of them really nasty. Have you ever seen
Ekimmu manifest as sharp extensions of raw bone from an Xlenx? Yeah, Xlenx come from that same planet.”
their fingertips; White Women Claws manifest as sharp "This was the world of the Wyghts. Only they
lengths of hardwood. weren't the Wyghts we are today. But I'll get to that in a
second. On this planet, the Wyghts were a hunter-gatherer
Danger Sense: No concentration needed, GM culture...pretty primitive, science-wise, but pretty
makes the roll, though. advanced in terms of culture and religion and stuff.
Society was divided into clans, though. They did not use
Drain: maximum SP that can be Drained per BT is that term... that came into common use after we got here.
equal to 1/10th Edge score. Society was very patriarchal, with the patriarch being the
eldest and most skilled warrior. The Patriarch determined
Lycanthropic Form: Werewolves can speak in where the clan went... nomadic, you know, and who the
this form, though generally only a few words at a time and clan fought, and also determined who could marry who,
with difficulty due to the different shape of the mouth and etc. The Patriarch, you have to know now, was also the
lips. guy with the greatest Life powers.”
"Yeah, life powers. I'll get to why we seem to have
Travel: Rename to Trip. See Daemons for more the exact opposite of those in a while. Get yourself a beer,
information. and get me one too. This is gonna take a while, yet.”
"Thanks. From what I have been told, you would
not recognize Wyghts back then to say... we looked very
human. Actually, I guess we were a pretty damned good-
RACES OF THE KIN looking race. Black hair, dark golden skin, well formed...
you get the idea. We were also still the strongest and
Eliminate "difficult to Photograph." It was just fastest race around...that, at least, has not changed.
TOO much of a violation of the laws of physics. The Kin "We had to be the strongest around, you see.
can be photographed and recorded normally. Though few Besides the predators, there were a lot of other clans
would believe what they saw... the Photogenics Edge is around, all vying for the same resources. Wyghtish history
now used to make the character invisible to recording was one long series of inter-clan warfare, because we
equipment. needed those resources to support our families. We were a

pretty lusty culture, because life was hard, and children realized, was a race of people just as fierce in their longing
often did not survive adolescence. So the children we did for life and independence as themselves. Those remaining
have, we loved fiercely, and we made as many as possible. Wyghts held a secret council and voted, quickly and
I guess families of eight or nine were pretty common. assertively, as all Wyghts tend to do things.
Yeah, not very politically correct, but hey, that was the The vote was unanimous... to betray their Fomoric masters
way we...they...lived. and aid the humans. I am sure the similarities in culture
"Then the Fomori came, seeking to conquer and and physiology had something to do with the choice. The
kill. The Wyghts fought back and fought back hard. One Wyghts were tired of the horror of their lives and the
Wyght was no match for a Kgorrek, so a dozen would fight horror that was their masters.
them, knowing maybe one would survive, but the Kgorrek "When the next day came and the battle resumed,
would be dead, at the end. For the first time in history, the the Wyghts took the field as usual. Then, as the battle
clans stopped fighting each other and started fighting a began, they turned on the Fomori and began to fight them
common enemy. as they had centuries before on their home world. But
"It's unclear how long this went on, maybe a dozen better this time, because they know the weaknesses and
years or more, until the Fomori finally offered a deal. They foibles of the Fomori now. The Scots were not slow to
realized they could not defeat the Wyghts and conquer this notice this shift in the combat, and quickly threw
world without the cost getting downright pyretic, so they themselves into the fray to help the Wyghts. The battles
offered an alternative. They would leave the Wyght's world went on for years.
alone in exchange for two hundreds of our best warriors to "Every Wyght or Scot that fell was raised to
serve them as a strike force on their conquest of other continue the fight. The Fomori came to realize that this
worlds. Otherwise, they threatened to simply blast all life was a losing battle. The Wyghts, seeking to redeem
from the planet. That would mean they would not get the themselves, were all ready to die to save this world. And
power they wanted from the world, but they would have the Scots were ready to die to stay free.
satisfaction. Basically, it was a sucker's choice, but we had "They withdrew, but not before activating the last
to take it. "alteration." they had made to the Wyghts. Up until that
"Two hundred warriors volunteered…both men time, we had still retained our good looks and our
and women…and they left the Wyght world, never to see passionate lifestyle, even as servants of evil. Now they
their families again. Hundreds of years passed. The stripped us of those, our most prized traits. Our golden
Wyghts, predictably, honored the agreement with their skin shriveled, wrinkled, and became the gray hide you are
Fomori masters, and dozens of worlds were softened for familiar with. Our hair, which was described as "the color
invasion by their military might. You might think this is of the night when spent in the arms of your beloved"
pretty shameful, but the Wyghts rarely ran into worlds bleached out, forever! You ever try to dye your hair and
where the civilization... if there was any at all…was find it won't hold the color? The Fomori curse is why. But
advanced enough to have stood against the Fomori to steal our potency from us was the worst. No more
anyhow. I should mention right here that the Fomori had Wyghtish children to hold and love. We were barren, at
subtly altered the Wyghts to give them more powers to aid least in the normal fashion.
them... this is where our Edges, like our ability to raise the "Before they left our world, they also informed us
Dead, came from. Cheap soldiers, you know? that since we had thrown our lot in with mankind, so here
"Then they invaded Earth. Scotland, to be exact is could we stay, only as horrors, not as equals. And they
where they established their beachhead. Boy, were they in promised that one day they would return, to finish the job,
for a surprise. The Scots took one look at the Fomori and when Mankind was too weak to resist their invasion.
started FIGHTING. Humans are less powerful than "So here they were, the last dozen or so Wyghts, because
Wyghts, but that did not seem to matter to them...they that was all that had survived to the end of the Fomori war.
attacked and kept attacking until they were dead. Men, Initially, we were still welcomed into Scottish society, but
women, children barely old enough to stand and hold a as we discovered that we could not survive the same as
weapon... all joined in the attack on these invaders. humans, that changed.
"I think you can see the comparison. It certainly "You see, we discovered we could not eat food and
was not lost on the Wyghts, whose numbers had dwindled get any nourishment from it, but we found that we could
to less than a hundred by sheer attrition. Here, they absorb the youth and vitality of the humans. This was

another aspect of the curse. We who had revered youth and Bastards are not particularly expected to aid
the strength it brings could only survive by stealing that Brethren (or even other bastards), but should not expect in
youth from others. We also found that if we stole too turn to be able to seek aid; they are not on their own (like
much, the victim of our theft would become one of us... a an Outcast), but their Clan will not exactly jump to their
dark parody of our former potency. aid.
"Despair took some of us, and we became
monsters just as evil as the Fomori we has formerly
served. Others retreated from the world, taking up Honor
residence among the dead... in the burial mounds of the Brethren begin with a rating of Zero (0) in Honor,
Scots. Bastards with a minus twenty (-20), and Outcasts with a
"That situation lasted many, many years, until the minus fifty (-50). This Honor is used as a modifier to all
corrupted Wyghts re all hunted down. Then slowly, we interaction rolls relating to Wyghtish society; it has no
began to leave our refuges and explore the rest of the effect on interactions with humans or other Kin.
world, and encountered the other races of the Kin,
including the Daemons, also former slaves of the Fomori. Gaining Honor
But where we fought our way free of our shackles, they Honor can only be increased by Gamemaster's
simply fled. Daemons, we feel, are still the slaves to the decision for feats that the Elders of the Wyght's Clan
Fomori, though they do not realize it, at least not yet. consider worthwhile and generally only by 5-10 points at a
"You see, the Fomori are returning. More slowly time. Even in this situation, Brethren have an edge.
and more sneakily than when they invaded Scotland, but Because the Clan already favors them, they receive more
they are coming back. That is why we have been taking Honor for the same feat than would a Bastard or Outcast.
people like you. Before, you were a fine police officer. We In general, a Feat that would earn a Brethren 10
know. We kept an eye on you for a long time before we Honor would only net a Bastard 5, and an Outcast 1.
claimed you to be one of us. Now you have the chance to Unless brought to the Elder's attention, they will generally
protect and serve...all of Humanity." ignore any potentially Honor-worthy acts by Bastards or

Honor and Humanity

WYGHTISH SOCIETY Honor has a curious side effect for Brethren or Bastards
There are two relevant castes to Wyghtish society, who have gained that much favor within the Clan. When a
regardless of clan: Brethren and Bastards. The other two Wyght with a positive Honor score wants to learn a new
"Castes" are Elders (Clan leaders) and Outcasts (Wyghts Edge, one that is approved by the Clan, they may reduce
who have been exiled and are considered Clanless.) the Maximum Humanity cost by -1 per 50 Honor gained.
Brethren are intentionally made Wyghts Like the Note: Honor is not "used up" or "spent" when a Wyght
one in the conversation above; deliberately recruited to be learns a new Edge; it remains the same until the Wyght
part of the army of Wyghts being rallied against the does something to gain even more honor or loses honor by
Fomori. They are considered an honored part of Wyghtish disgracing the clan.
society, given names and status with the Clans. Brethren For example, Skinny Jinny, a Brethren, with 212 Honor,
account for approximately thirty percent of Wyghtish wants to learn Necropathy, which normally costs 7 Max
Society. Humanity to begin learning. Since he has an Honor of 200,
Bastards are exactly that; accidents; the results of a he can subtract 4 Max Humanity from its cost, for a
Wyght infecting a victim unintentionally. Bastards account beginning Max Humanity cost of 3. However, secondary
for almost sixty percent of Wyghtish Society, but are only Humanity costs and use to use costs for Humanity remain
grudgingly given any Honor or status with the clans. the same.
Brethren are expected to aid brethren in need and
to aid humans and other pro-human Kin, or risk losing Naming
Honor and being declared a Bastard or even an Outcast. Not surprisingly, only Brethren who are in good
standing are given names within the clans. Clan names

tend to have a strong Celtic feel to them, with mention of the normal die rolling, roll 1d10 and divide the total
given to the newly-named Wyght's greatest given by 2. All Wyghts have a maximum Attractiveness
accomplishment. For example, a Wyght that was granted a score of 5.
Name based on his killing of denizens of the Wormholes
might be granted the Name "Slayer-of-Horrors," while
another who gained his Name by thwarting a plot by the NEW EDGES
Morningstar Corporation might be given the name "Star- Growth
Mocker." Base: Fitness
Humanity Costs: 30* 1/10* 10
Clan Leaders Target: Self
Just as in the old days, Clan Leadership goes to the Range: N/A
warrior who is eldest and most skilled (thus, the one with Escape Roll: N/A
the most Honor), though since most Kin are effectively Edge Roll Needed: Yes
immortal, this has been altered a bit. Of necessity, so that Obsolete Name: Form of the Polyphemus
no one Wyght ends up the Patriarch forever, the five or so Races: Wyghts, Animates, Trolles, Ogres,
Eldest in the Clan rotate the roster of Patriarch, with the Magadons
others acting as advisors until their turn comes up. Description: This Edge allows the user to
Joining the queue to be considered for the Council of increase his size and gain the abilities a larger body allows.
Patriarchs is no simple task: A Wyght who seeks to gain The benefits are as follows:
such a position needs to have accumulated at least 400 • +1 feet in height per 5 points of Edge Score
Honor and be willing to fight each of the current Council * Edge score added to STR (with increase with HTH)
members in hand to hand combat (happily, it need not be * Armor score equal to 1/5 Edge score, or current Armor
to the death, merely until one or the other admits defeat). + 1/5 Edge Score
* + Survival Points equal to Edge Score. Any damage the
character takes reduces this bonus SP before actually
Wyghtish Religion counting against the character's usual SP. These Bonus SP
are, of course, lost when the character reverts to normal
The Cult of Lug the Shining One form.
Overview: The Cult of Lug the Lightbearer is a * If the Edge Score is twice or more the Character's DEX
religion based on veneration of Lug, the first to call for the score, Movement rates are also doubled.
Wyghts to betray Balor, his master, their Fomoric masters
and, according to legend, the first to both attack (and to be On the Downside:
slain by) the Fomori. Brethren and those Bastards who • The character suffers a minus to opponent's to hit
seek to be accepted as one of the Brethren follow it. roll equal to 1/5 their Edge Score, because it is easier to hit
Membership: Wyghts Only someone 25 feet tall...
Meetings: * The character takes a penalty equal to 1/10 Edge Score to
Resources: hit opponents who are not also using growth, because of
Beliefs: Uphold the ideals of aiding the relative unfamiliarity of fighting someone who may be
Humanity and resisting the Fomori. less than 1/3 their height. This may be overcome by taking
Advantages of Membership: Obligations: an "Other" skill in "Hand-to-hand, Giant Size."
Symbols: * This Edge is physically exhausting, so much so that it
Secrets: can be maintained only for a number of BT equal to 1/5
the character's Fitness, after which, it cannot be used for a
number of (100 minus Character's Fitness) hours.
Character Generation Note: Due to the extravagant nature of Growth, its use in
Wyghts are ugly by human standards, so much that any situation where Herd might see it is heavily
their appearance tends to draw attention if they are not proscribed. Also, remember that any clothing the character
careful. To reflect this, during character generation, instead is wearing at the time will not grow with him.

Tyco lives on East 56th, up in Harlem, in a
hole of a pre-fabricated apartment building, thrown
up by smirking altruistic HUD officials in the early
Carapace 1960s. The apartment he shares with his mother
Base: Fitness and three siblings stopped having running hot
Humanity Costs: 20* 1/3* 3 water sometime before Tyco was born. The
Target: Self elevators stopped working about three years after
Range: N/A the building was raised; no money to fix them was
Escape Roll: N/A ever raised.
Edge Roll Needed: Yes His mother works eighty hour weeks to try
Obsolete Name: Skin of Stone to keep the children in clothing and food, but
Races: Wyghts, Daemons, Trolles sometimes even that is not enough. Tyco’s older
Description: This Edge reshapes the character's skin brothers run with the Crips, and sometimes they
temporarily into a hard, shell-like carapace not unlike that bring home money, but that is not often, and Tyco
of a lobster. Effectively, it grants the user an additional suspects that Gregory, his oldest brother, is going to
Armor Edge equal to the Edge score (in addition to any end up in jail soon…
Armor the character already has). Unlike Armor, however, The junkie that lives two stories below them
Carapace needs to be maintained from round to round. gave Tyco a joint one day, just for the hell of it. Now
Racial Variations: In Wyghts, Carapace manifests as a Tyco lights up every chance he can, and wants to try
visible thickening and darkening of the skin; in Daemons, some crack. It is only fifteen dollars for a rock, and
the skin takes on a ruby-like sheen and hardness, while in Tyco knows where his mother keeps her nest-egg
Trolles it appears as a darkening of their pelt. against emergencies. She will not notice if he takes a
bit out of it…. If he can’t do that, maybe he can use
ATTITUDES TOWARDS OTHER RACES the money his aunt Irene gives him for his birthday.
Wyghts tend to frown on any unnecessary cheeking of the After all, he will be eleven in a couple of weeks…
Herd, and to REALLY disapprove of members of those
Races that do so. Other than that, Wyghts try to

"parents" try to steer their offspring towards their own
Vampyres: From the Blood of Angels faction, if they belong to one.
The relationship between a "parent" Vampyre and
one of their "children" can sometimes be very rocky,
depending on the circumstances of the infection. Many
Children at least initially resent having been made one of
the Undead, and some have even turned on their "parents."
Vampyres were The First Kin, long before we were In such cases, the "parent" may have no choice but to
even know as Kin. No one knows who the first Vampyre destroy the new Kin.
was; if he or it yet exists, it must be a true monster. Much more successful relationships have grown
Likewise, our origins are lost in the shadows of time; all up when the "parent" Vampyre is infecting someone they
we have are legends and myths. know and who already knows what is going to happen.
Some say we are cursed to be blood-drinkers because the Many Crowleys and Renfields serve their respective
first of us dared drink from the veins of an Angel and that Vampyres hoping for just such an occurrence.
God himself cursed us to be this way. Other theorizes we Relationships between Vampyres tend to be more
are living-after a fashion -of the fear of death and the amicable if not as close between Vampyres with the same
power of blood. In truth, none of us know. Personally, I "parent." Any one Vampyre may thus have up to ten
don't even care. "siblings," and relationships often cut across factional
Being a vampire is a curse and a blessing in one. When I lines.
was alive, I loved to take walks in the sun, but it has been
over fifty years since I could do that without bursting into Factions within Vampyric Society
flames. At the same time, I still look 30, when I should Besides the normal factions, there are a few
look... well... BE...eighty. If I play my cards right and don't groups that are strictly for Vampyres; few Kin other than
end up with a chuck of wood through my chest, I may live Vampyres have ever heard of these groups, as they tend to
forever. be very secretive.
And blood doesn't taste so bad, once you get used to how
salty it is. It's weird how many different subtle flavors it The Feast of Blood
can have, and that is not even counting animals... A not-exactly anti-human but definitely pro-
As far as garlic and all that goes, yeah it really blows big Vampyre group, the Feast of Blood takes it's name from
time, but at least I can see myself in mirrors. I look better what many consider the first novel ever published about a
now then when I was alive; a side effect of getting toothy. vampire, Varney the Vampire, subtitled, A Feast of Blood.
And with the muscles I have as a Vampyre, if someone
doesn't like my looks... I can drop a Buick on their ass. The Sanguine Sisterhood
. A society of female Vampyres with strong feminist
The Origins of the Vampyric Race politics, who rejoice in the "leveling of the field " in terms
We are a cursed race, you know. We began as of abilities that becoming a Vampyre has granted them.
humans, something like four thousand years ago, as a cult
in what is now Northern Africa. Carmilla
A breakaway group from the Sanguine Sisterhood,
Carmilla is composed solely of lesbian Vampyres and
Vampyric Society feeds only on women, feeling the blood from men is too
The ties between Vampyres tend to be strictly polluted to feed upon.
social, from one "generation" of Vampyre to the next and
between Vampyres with the same sire. Sires are considered Thanatos
to have parental duties regarding their progeny, until such A group of very wealthy Vampyres who want to
time as they are accepted into Kin society as adults. Until become even wealthier. They position themselves at the
that time, however, the siring Vampyre is considered top of human and Kin society. By invitation only (and
responsible to instructing their newly-created Vampyres in invitees are expected to gift the society with at least a
the fine points of Kin society. Not surprisingly, most $100,000 to gain entrance). Thanatos operates in utter

secrecy and has four members in New York and only about New and Revised Edges
seventy world-wide.
Weather Control
A Vampyre's Weather Control can only be used to
Vampyric Religions decrease the temperature, create fog and worsen weather.
The Blood of Christ Congregation Vampyres with Weather Control can only create lightning
Strongly pro-human Vampyres who have come to or hail if the weather is already suitable for such effects.
the belief that they were chosen by God to defend
Humanity against the other Kin. They are fond of pointing
out the (tenuous) similarities between Christ's death and Suggested Beginning Skills:
resurrection and the three day's it takes a Vampyre to rise
from the grave. The BoCC has a dozen or so members in
New York alone.

Brotherhood of the Firstborn

A group of Vampyres who believe that the first
Vampyres were somehow holy and worthy of worship.
They spend a lot of time and money tracking down
members of the tribe of

Revised Rule: Vampyre Infection (pg 21, NL 3rd)
Victims do not need to drink Vampyre blood to be
infected, just Drained to zero SP and then be allowed to
"die." The victim will then rise three nights later at full
dusk as a newborn Vampyre.

Death Stench
Vampyres are, after all, reanimated corpses, & as
such, they bear some marks of the grave. A Vampyre's
breath (any exhalation, actually, for example, when they
talk) has a distinctly repulsive rotting smell to it, detectable
without any sort of PER roll. This does not change as a
Vampyre's Humanity rises or falls: regardless of the
character's Humanity, she is still a reanimated corpse. For
this reason, many use lots of breath mints

Attitudes towards other Races

Vampyres tend to be pretty egalitarian in their
views of the other races of the Kin, with opinions ranging
from “valued friends” to “competition” to “enemies to be
wiped out.”

Manitou: The Children of the Great Spirit foot of a tree. This is what we call your Mother-Tree;
protect it. For it is your link to both the Earth Mother and
the Great Spirit, for its roots are in her flesh, as its leaves
Never forget this one fact, my child: we are the caress the sky, where the Great Spirit resides. As any
children of the union between the Great Spirit and the devoted son would, you must visit your Mother-Tree
Earth mother. We are Manitou, and our brothers are the occasionally. In our case though, if we do not, we
wind, the trees, the soil and the animals that tread it, the eventually sicken and die, a child pining away for its
waters and those who swim in it. The Sun is our Uncle, the parents. Also, we must wear on ourselves at all times some
moon our aunt. We are of nature, as Man is; though Man reminder of who we are: perhaps a feather, perhaps a piece
forgets it and offers it meals of poison and hatred. of bone, even a simple stone will suffice, but again, if we
We did not choose you to become Manitou at do not have this, we begin to forget who we are, and that
random. We have watched you for years now, and we lack brings sadness and illness.
admired your dedication to nature; with deeds not words. Lastly, avoid fire and the poisons spread by Man
No, we know you are not a vegetarian; the giving even more than you did when you were simply human.
of life to sustain life is part of the cycle; but we watched Fire burns us as if we were tinder, and toxic wastes can kill
how you chose the flesh to be devoured, and it met our us…or do even worse things. Too many of our brothers
approval. The Elders of the Council met and agreed that and sisters have become Wendigo after a draught from a
you were worthy of being Manitou, though you did not barrel of poison.
seek such a destiny. That is all I have to tell, my child. Go forth as a
No, we did not ask your approval; we walk among protector of Nature, and never forget that Man is of nature
Men also, and knew that if we simply asked you if you too, and that both have Enemies that would destroy them
wanted to be one of us, you would think us mad. So we both.
bestowed you this gift, knowing in our hearts that you
would not reject it.
We have not always been right, no. We have at Manitou Society
times gifted people with the gift of the Great Spirit and had The Tribes of New York
them turn that gift to evil. Your folklore has a word for Manitou society is somewhat autonomous, though
such; you call them Wendigoes, and we have come to use many tend to loosley group themselves into "tribes," based
that term as well. That is why we are careful in whom we on proximity, political leaning, or other factors that tend to
make Manitou; our powers are too great to gift casually. draw people together. Manitou tribes tend to be small...
What are those powers? Ah, too many to tell all of sometimes no more than five or six. In New York, there are
them here, but the least is that you shall live a long time currently three tribes, the largest (23 members) led by a
now, as long as the life of the oldest Redwood. I myself chief who was Gifted as a Manhatta Indian in the early
became Manitou in the early parts of the Eighteenth days of New York's history. The most visible tribe of
Century, and I know of Elders who can speak of the time Manitou is composed of the five who operate the Magic
before the White Man came to these shores. But immortal Bus.
we are not; we are still part of the cycle of Nature, and to The eldest Manitou in a tribe is often appointed
never die is to reject your part in the cycle. When the Dark the "chief," though sometimes that position is filled by
Brother comes for you, accept him, for your passage will whoever is most savvy or charismatic. These tribes tend to
pave the way for another. attract a fair number of hangers-on; Renfields with a more
Other abilities? You are insistent. Very well, we ecological mindset than the average Renfield, who serves
can be as the wind, unseen though felt; we can take the the Kin, often for less pure reasons.
form of animals, and speak to them as one would a brother
or sister. We can strike men down with the curse of Aunt
Moon…what you call insanity. Manitou Societies
Sadly, we are not all-powerful, though it would Nokomis’ Fist
help. When you awoke as one of us, you were laying at the

Question: what happens when you take one eco-terrorist of Manitou can control the weather at will, as per the
the sort who is willing to kill innocent people to preserve Edge of the similar name, with a few limitations. Manitou
the environment and make him a nature spirit with can only affect weather to degrees that are conceivable for
awesome powers???? Oh, and you give him the ability to the appropriate time of year. For example, a Manitou could
find OTHER eco-terrorists and make THEM into nature cause it to become colder or cause snow during the winter,
spirits with equally awesome powers? I think you have a but could not cause it to become warmer, or cause a simple
recipe for disaster.... rain shower, unless they were far enough South to make
Motto: “We are the Punishing Hand of the Earth snow unlikely. Likewise, they can make the temperature
Mother” go up during the spring and summer, but could not cause it
Membership: secret, by invitation only; Manitou to snow.
and Manitou Renfields only, plus a few Sorcerers. If a Manitou wants to be able to affect weather to
Resources: low that extent, they need to buy Weather Control. However,
Meetings: as necessary, otherwise, members keep too free of such use can be considered damaging to
in touch casually nature...
Goals: the eradication of Mankind and the
majority of the races of the Kin, so that the Earth may heal
itself. NEW EDGES
Advantages of Membership: Ability to call on
other members for support Cold Snap
Obligations: always help fellow members; always Manitou Name: Breath of the Wendigo
work to preserve Nature, by ANY means necessary Base: Fitness
Secrets: none, Nokomis” Fist is a group of closely- Humanity Cost: 10/3*1/5
affiliated fanatics, and they have few secrets from each Range: 10 feet
other. Edge Roll: Yes
Escape Roll: Vs. Fitness for 1/2 Damage
Naming Target: One person
New Manitou often are given new names as part Description: This nasty Edge is discouraged from being
of their initiation into the world of the Manitou. used by elder Manitou because of its vicious effects, and it
is felt that anyone who uses it regularly is doomed to
become Wendigo.
Character Generation If the target cannot make his escape roll, he immediately
suffers the effects of severe frostbite (loss of 2d10
FLAWS: replace "Repulsion: Holy Relics" with FITNESS) a successful Escape roll results in minor
"Substance Vulnerability: Toxic Waste: double normal frostbite (1d10/2 FIT Loss). If the victim rolls an
damage"; Replace the Special Flaw about Skin Glow with automatic failure (i.e., 96-00), his heart-muscle freezes
"Fealty to Nature." If the Manitou deliberately or needless solid, resulting in a quick but agonizingly painful death.
does something that harms nature, They must roll vs. Will
or take 1d10 points of damage AND lose 5 points of Heat Stroke
Humanity. Manitou Name: South Wind's Grip
A Manitou that goes to Zero Humanity (or Zero SP Base: Fitness
because of damage from either toxic wastes or damage due Humanity Cost: 5/1*1/2
to hurting nature) become Wendigo: a cannibalistic spirit Range: Edge Score in feet
of anti-nature (for lack of a better term), but which still has Edge Roll: No
all the powers of a Manitou, but no need for a Mother-Tree Escape Roll: Vs. Fitness for no Damage
anymore. The transformation from Manitou to Wendigo, in Target: One person
the case of toxic wastes, cures the character of all damage Description: The victim, unless they can make a successful
taken from those same toxic wastes. Escape Roll vs. Fitness, will suffer the effects of heat
stroke: dizziness, nausea, and possibly coma. In terms of

game effects, an unsuccessful Escape Roll imposes a Daemons: The Daemons came to earth as
+20% penalty on all actions for 1d10 BTs. refugees from a Darkness that would slay everything.
Now, many of those same daemons tread the path laid by
Drum that Darkness, in the name of their own security, enslaving
Manitou Name: Beating the Heart-Drum Man and Nature.
Base: Fitness Wyghts: Wyghts are possessed of a great deal of
Humanity Cost: 10/3*1/varies dignity. We pity them, for they are cut off from the cycle of
Range: Hearing (30 feet, approximately) nature, and they know it too. Of the races that steal life, the
Edge Roll: no Wyghts are perhaps the most regretful of the necessity.
Escape Roll: Vs. Fitness for no effect Animates: The Unborn are perhaps the most
Target: One person dangerous. For they have never been part of nature, and do
Description: By beating his fingers against a surface and not even attempt to be human. Of the Stealing Races, they
concentrating on a target, the Manitou can override and are perhaps the most gluttonous.
control the heart rate of a target, either causing the heart to Shades (Ghosts): The dead who chose not
beat more rapidly, or more slowly, depending on the tempo to go on to the Happy Hunting Grounds confuse us. Their
set by the Manitou. This Edge may also be used if the bodies are gone, returned to the Cycle, but their minds and
target is having a heart attack (to slow the heart rate to personalities linger on, for what purpose?
normal) or is in cardiac arrest (to restart the heart beating); Warlocks (Sorcerers): Too many of the powers
in these cases, the target may "choose" not to take an sought by Warlocks pervert nature to their desires, and if
escape roll. the powers granted by Nature are insufficient, they will
gladly turn to the dark powers of the Twisted Dimensions.
Quake This fact alone damns them in our eyes.
Manitou Name: Disturbing the Turtle Fomori: Perhaps in their own realms,
Base: Strength Fomori are part of nature, but what a grisly nature it must
Humanity Cost: 10/5*1/5 be! Fight the Fomori Lords wherever they show
Range: Strength X 5 in feet themselves, or else there will be no nature for us.
Edge Roll: no
Escape Roll: Vs. Dexterity for no effect Suggested Beginning Skills: Dance, Etiquette (Manitou
Target: All within range Tribe)
Description: By kneeling and smacking the ground very
hard, the Manitou can "disturb the sleep of the turtle upon
whose back the world rests." In layman's terms, the
Manitou can cause a small earthquake, knocking
opponents to the ground if they do not make a DEX roll.
Opponents flattened that way take 5 points of damage
from bruises and must take 2 BTs regaining their feet.
Those who make their DEX roll take no damage, but lose
one BT's actions while they try to keep their footing.

Attitudes towards other Races

Vampyres: The Skinwalkers are not of Nature
and their powers are of those of unclean Death. Many try
to fight their nature, and some succeed, but many fail. Aid
those who try to be at balance with nature, and fight those
who flaunt the cycle.
Werewolves: There are good Werewolves, who
respect nature and life, but there are also many that enjoy
their role as predators far too much.

Shades: The Unquiet Dead Secrets:
A group of pro-human Shades based in Manhattan and
I remember being alive. A weird thing to say, but headed by Taw-Sureh. They work to counteract the
it's true. I had a happy life back in the Thirties. Money was schemes of Hiroshima Dawn, as well as the major anti-
tight, sure... It was the Depression, but I had a loving human factions and gave been known to ally itself with the
husband and three great kids. We loved going to the Commune at times.
movies, and I loved magazines like Weird Tales and
Unknown, even if my husband disapproved of my reading CHARACTER GENERATION
them. Now I feel like a character from one of those old All Shades are considered to have split Perception Scores.
stories, maybe something by Seabury Quinn or August In their normal intangible form, Shades have normal
Derleth. ratings in sight and hearing, but an effective score of zero
I don't like being dead, but it is preferable to the in taste, touch, and smell (this last is considered a minor
alternative. I don't know if there is a Heaven, at least not blessing in some parts of New York City...). When a Shade
now, but I do know there is a Hell. My fellow Kin call it is tangible, they may be considered to have normal
the Twisted Dimensions, because Perception scores in all five senses.
Nature is so twisted out of shape there, but Hell is still a
good name for them. If I am not careful to maintain my TANGIBILITY
Chains, I may end up in Hell yet... I've talked to a few A Shade can only maintain her "carcass" for as long as she
Shades who ended up there and managed to claw their way can maintain her concentration, as reflected by her
back. When you can get them to stop screaming, they don't Tangibility. Tangibility is not an Edge, rather it is a natural
paint a pretty picture. ability of all Shades (meaning, it cannot be improved by
spending Humanity points). All a Shade needs to do to use
her Tangibility is to inform the GM. However, any break to
Shade Society the character's concentration can cause the Shade to lose
Shade society tends to be loose overall, with its Tangibility, which can have negative side-effects. To
members gravitating towards determine if an event causes a Shade to break
concentration, simply make have the character make a
Factions within Shade Society straight WILL roll, or a roll on any concentration-related
skill. Many Shades, for this exact reason, study
Hiroshima Dawn
A secret Shades-only society that seeks to bring about
World War III, destroying the world, and then taking
Examples of Situations Requiring a Will Roll to Maintain
control of the newly-increased population of Shades. Not
surprisingly, this group was formed by a group of Japanese
- Getting wounded: damage taken equals to penalty to the
Shades who all died in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima
roll, damage is applied before the roll is made)
and Nagasaki. Hiroshima Dawn is has its "home" in Japan,
- Surprise
but has cells in most cities with a significant population of
- Having to make a Fear Roll
Shades. In New York, the most prominent member is IA
VOL 1689. She keeps her membership in Hiroshima Dawn
Whenever a Shade loses Tangibility unwillingly, they must
a secret from her fellow Red Moonrise gang.
make a second WILL Roll (and ONLY a WILL roll) or
lose one point off their lowest rated Chain (see Anchors
Lodge of the Honorable Dead
and Chains, next section).
All Shades have Anchors and Chains... those events,
emotions, and objects that happened in their lives that keep
them from passing onto the peace of the grave. All Shades

have 2-6 Chains, with the "last" one, referred to as an When a Shade makes this decision, and has let go of his
Anchor being a physical object that the Shade must spend Anchor, he generally quietly fades away in a number of
time with or risk losing their Fitness. hours equal to this current Maximum Humanity. Where a
To determine the number of Chains a Shade has, roll 1d10, Shade that has Passed On goes is unknown, though Shades
divide by 2 and add +1. Next, divide up 300 points who have let go of their Chains have said they felt a
between the Chains. This is the relative strength of each growing sense of peace as their time of dissolution
Chain (Most Shades' Anchor has the most points allocated approached.
to it). Chains and Anchors must all have at least slightly However, many Shades fear what might lay in
different points allocated to them. wait for Shades who have Passed On, since it is well
known that Shades who involuntarily lose these Anchors
Example: Shimmer, a new Shade, wants to end up in the Twisted Dimensions
determine her Chains and Anchors. Her player rolls 1d10
and gets a 6, divided in 1/2 to be a 3. Adding 1 to that total, NEW EDGES
Shimmer starts the game with 4 Chains. Her player decides Lambent
Shimmer's Chains will be as follows: Anger at drunk Base: Will
drivers (she died at the hands of one), her favorite CD of Humanity Costs: 5* 1/10* 1
1970's Disco Music, her old house in Flushing, and the Target: Self
ring her fiancée had given her only three weeks before her Range: N/A
fatal accident (her Anchor). Her player divides up the 300 Escape Roll: N/A
points as follows: Edge Roll Needed: No
Obsolete Name: The Phorme Lambent (Shades)/
Favorite CD 40 Gift from the Dark Sky Brother (Manitou)
Her old house in Flushing 60 Races: Shades, Manitou
Anger at Drunk Drivers 75 Description: Lambent allows the character to glow, casting
Her Engagement Ring 125 a silvery-green light out a maximum number of feet equal
to 1/2 the Edge Score. In Manitou, this resembles the
A Shade that has a Chain or Anchor that has been reduced phosphorescence of certain algae; in Shades, it is a
to strength of zero loses her connection with that Chain. A manipulation of their Ectoplasmic form. With practice,
Chain that is a physical object, that gets destroyed, users can learn to illuminate only specific parts of their
automatically severs the connection. bodies (usually heads or hands).


A connection with a Chain or Anchor may be strengthened Base: Will
by the simple act of spending some Humanity on it at a Humanity Costs: 5* 1/5* 3
one-for-one basis. However, a Chain that is a physical Target: one person
object may still be destroyed normally. Range: Edge Score in feet
Escape Roll: vs. INT for no effect
The primary effect of having Chains is to prevent the Obsolete Name: none
Shade from passing on…either to rest, or to the Twisted Races: Shades only
Dimensions. Description: This Edge can only be used by those
unfortunate Shades that happened to have been conscious
Passing On when they died a painful death. It allows the Shade to
Passing On is the general term for what happens to a make the target feel the same pain they felt at the moment
Shade that has voluntarily let go of her Chains and of their death. While it does no actual damage, the target
Anchors. This is accomplished by voluntarily letting go of must make an Escape roll vs. INT or be stunned and
the Shades' connection with their Chains and Anchors (in incapacitated for 1d10 rounds.
order from least Chain to finally, the Shade's Anchor).

Knock Base: FITNESS
Base: INT Humanity Costs: 10* 1/2
Humanity Costs: 10* 1/2 Target: Self
Target: One Person Range: N/A
Range: 5 feet/ unlimited Escape Roll: none
Escape Roll: 3 Successful Luck Rolls Edge Roll Needed: No
Edge Roll Needed: Yes Obsolete Name: The Body Plastic
Obsolete Name: Knocke offe Ille Omen Races: Shades
Races: Shades Description: Allows the Shade to manipulate
Description: Curses the target to increasingly his form to stretch his body or limbs. The Shade may
Bad Luck: a +5% penalty to Luck rolls per day, until Luck stretch a maximum of 1/3 Edge Score in feet, but attacks
Rolls would only succeed on a roll of 01. made while stretched are somewhat less effective (reduce
damage from HTH attacks by 1/5 the Distance stretched).
Wail For example, Taw-Sureh uses Stretch to punch someone
Base: INT across the room twenty feet from him. His normal HTH is
Humanity Costs: 10* 1/2* 5 5 and (1/5 of 20) is 4. By the time Taw-Sureh hits, it is for
Target: One Person a paltry 1 point of damage (plus any damage bonuses for a
Range: Voice (30 feet) good roll).
Escape Roll: Successful Will Roll for no effect
Edge Roll Needed: Yes Attitudes towards other Races
Obsolete Name: Crie Offe ye Banshee Shades
Races: Shades
Description: Drains Willpower from a targeted
character on a successful Edge Roll. The Amount of
Drained Willpower is 1 WILL per 1/5 Edge Score. Wail is
often used to "soften up" an opponent for a Fear-based
Attack, since the target's lower Willpower means he will
almost certainly fail any FEAR rolls (pg 80, NL 3rd).

Humanity Costs: 10* 1/2* 5
Target: Self
Range: N/A
Escape Roll: none
Edge Roll Needed: No
Obsolete Name: Blade of Ye Phantom
Races: Shades
Description: Allows a corporeal Shade to reshape his
ectoplasm to create a hand-held weapon, usually, but not
necessarily, one appropriate to the Shade's own era.
Damage from such a weapon is not as good as from a real
weapon: usually 1/2 plus appropriate HTH bonuses.

Daemons: Born to the Yoke underdogs. Daemons had a hand in the creation of the
We were a slave race, tom from our rightful realm and re- Republican Party in the United States, an early platform of
created by the Kgorrek to be their servants. which was the abolition of Slavery. Other Daemons aided
We begin our lives much as humans; in truth, an the Underground Railroad. Unfortunately, not all Daemons
adolescent daemon is indistinguishable from a human save are so benevolent, and have modeled themselves after their
for their beauty & intelligence, an early indication of our Fomoric Masters, keeping human slaves for food and
superiority, whether that superiority was striven for or not. sport.
Unlike humans, who are allowed to crawl towards Norcross is one such Daemon, and many other Daemons
maturity at a snail's pace, we were designed to hasten from fear what will happen to Daemonic culture if he is
womb to adulthood. When most human babies are still at successful in his bid for power. What these Daemons do
the teat, ours are already walking. And at the age when not know is that Norcross himself is in cahoots with the
most humans can't even read, ours are ready to take on the Fomori Lords and is ready to sell Humanity and the Kin
responsibilities of an adult. Such was our lot as slaves until into servitude in exchange for a high place in the Courts of
we threw off the Yoke of Fomority and escaped to this the Fomori Lords Kings (as the Fomori Lords refer to
Earth, all those thousands of years ago. themselves).
Since then, we have walked disguised, for we cannot
mingle with Humanity in our Adult forms, though we find The Exodus
we must live with humans. Those few glimpses man has The Exodus refers to the time when Daemons
gained of us have led them to think of us as the horrific of fleeing from the Twisted Dimensions to Earth, in
evils. Thus, we got disguised most of the time, hiding our approximately 5000 BC.
true faces like criminals. Approximately two hundred Daemons and a few
Is it any surprise then, that we are not comfortable dozen El-Cubi managed to come through the Gate before it
considering Earth as our home, and long for the day that closed. Many Daemons were left behind, remaining
we will never be again susceptible to the commands of Thralls until much later. Most of the Daemons on Earth
Fomori Lords? Our homes await us; tall towers of fine can trace their heritage directly to these two hundred
crystal, out there beyond the grasp of the Fomori Lords. Daemonic Families
We shall return to them. But in the meantime, we shall Unlike many of the Kin, Daemons have a tight
remake this world in our own image, for our own comfort. family structure, called a Creche, centered on the mother
figure. Marriages within Daemonic culture are usually
arranged and chosen by the women, and family
Daemonic Society possessions are also passed down through the female's
Daemonic Culture is matriarchal. It was a slave culture side.
when they to came to Earth, but have reverted to their old
ways in the interim. Deamons divide themselves into Daemonic Names
Creches of family, ruled by an elder female, who in turn All Daemons have a name in Majestic Daemonic;
pays allegiance to a Queen. The current Queen, though she one that is given to them at the time of their Rite of
is uncomfortable with the role, is WO Babylon. Some Adulthood. It is during this Naming that the Matriarch tries
younger Daemons reject the authority of the matriarchy, in to find out if the young Daemon is still vulnerable to
favor of a hierarchy that suits their own thirst for power. Commands given in Majestic Daemonic (and thus, still
The most visible Daemon to reject the Queen's authority is vulnerable to Commands given by Fomori Lords).
Aristotle Norcross, the CEO of Morningstar Corporation, Daemonic True Names sound vaguely Indian to
who seeks to become the first King of the Daemons. human ears, and are usually constructed as follows:
The Daemons' past as a slave culture has tainted their Creche Name + Mother's Name + relationship to Mother +
society in a variety of ways. Some Daemons, usually the Character's Name
older ones, reject the concept of slavery altogether, and
fight it whenever possible, in any forms. Many Daemons (Umani= Daughter of, Umari= Son of)
will fight in wars of oppression, on the side of the

For example, Tom is playing Vendino, a male Daemon While there is no way to prove it, it is suspected this cult
from the Creche of Ashanii, with a mother named Ifinda. was started by a Fomori in disguise, to undermine some of
In Majestic Daemonic, Tom's character's True Name would the resistance of the Daemonic race.
be Ashanii Ifinda Umari Vendino.
Daemons rarely share their True Names with members of
other Races, and do not share them casually even with Character Generation
other Daemons, preferring to use their human aliases, Daemons, unlike most of the Kin, are not
street names, or at the most, their personal name. It is unusually vulnerable to fire. In fact, they take no damage
considered a sign of how much a Daemon respects a from normal fires and only 10% of the damage a person
person if they choose to tell someone their full True Name. would normally take even from unusual fires.
All Daemons begin the game with the following
skills at the following levels:
Daemonic Religions Etiquette, (Daemonic) 20
There are several distinct religions within current Lore (Fomori) 15
Daemonic society, of which the two most relevant will be
detailed here. Attitudes towards other Races
Most Daemons tend to have the attitude of being
The Church of the Black Towers slightly better than other Races. This is over-
The most important and accepted religion is the compensation for myriad years that they spent being
Church of the Black Towers, which has kept the worship slaves. The only races exempted from this display of
of the Daemon's original deities, the Invinati, a pantheon snobbery are Wyghts, since the Wyghts risked extinction to
of several aspected gods. Daemons are expected to pray resist the Fomori Lords. They tend to have mixed feelings
and tithe to members of the Invinati everyday. The Church about Humans, since they are both less powerful than
also encourages Daemons to keep the faith that they will Daemons and the other Kin, but at the same time, but at
one day return to their home-world. Congregations of the same time, Humans resist Fomoric influence quite
followers of the Church meet in groups of up to 30 weekly, strongly in most cases.
and all services are led by an appointed priestess. Daemons are actively hostile to members of races
Of those Daemons who follow any religion, like the Rakshasa and the Hafgryr; those Races that
almost eighty percent are members of the Church, and a originally (and possibly still do) serve the Fomori
small shrine to the Invinati can be found in most Creches. willingly. Only a few Daemons, the youngest and most
arrogant, will befriend members of those Races.
The Children of the True Masters All Daemons will go out of their way to help and
A more sinister religion, that has arisen, is the befriend a member of the El-Cubi, since members of that
Children of the True Masters. Members of the Children Race came to Earth with the Daemons and before that,
reject the existence of the Invinati and "recognizes" the suffered under the Yoke even worse than did the Daemons.
various races of the Fomori Lords as gods; citing the fact
that the Invinati did not intervene to stop the Daemonic
race from being enslaved and taken from their home. New Edges and a Few Revisions
Furthermore, the Children point out, the Daemonic race
owes its present power to the Fomori Lords. As a direct Flight
affront to the matriarchal structure of Daemonic society, all The maximum speed a Daemon may achieve while flying
clergy of the Children are male. is twice the Edge Score in MPH.
Few Daemons will admit freely to being members
of the Children, since membership in it is severely frowned Trip (formerly: Travel)
upon by Daemonic society. Nonetheless, it is believed that Change 1: Range is Edge Score in yards, so a Daemon
as much as ten percent of the population may be affiliated with a Travel of 56 could teleport 168 feet.
with the Children. Travel is slightly more dangerous than in NL3. Basically,
the Daemon opens a momentary portal to the Twisted

Dimensions and passes through them for a split second. On
a successful roll, the Daemon passes into and back out of
the Twisted Dimensions so fast that it makes no difference.
On a failed Edge roll, however, things get more hazardous.
There is a percentile chance equal to 10% of the user's
Edge Score that her sojourn in the Twisted Dimensions
attracted the attention of one of that Dimension's residents.
For this reason, many older Daemons discourage the use of
Trip except as a last resort. Many younger ones,
regardless, use Trip freely and simply accept the danger as
part of life.

Add Burn as a Daemonic Edge.

Werewolves: Between Man and Animal welcome to attend. However, meetings are considered to
We have a choice whether we want to be monsters be neutral ground regarding factional differences;
or not. This makes us pretty unique among the Kin. I attendees who ignore this rule risk expulsion from the
mean, a Vampyre or a Daemon, they're this way all the group (and worse, considering the offending character is
time. But, we can choose not to change. Choose not to annoying a roomful of were-creatures with short
become a wolf or a wolf-thing. Of course, most of us tempers...)
choose to live with the change. And sooner or later, we Resources: The Way has some money: members
lose our temper and the change takes us anyhow. We don't are expected to tithe at meetings, usually $5- $50,
have that much choice after all. depending on ability to pay.
We don't know where we came from. Some of us Beliefs: Members of the Way believe that giving
more philosophically minded werewolves think we in to the animal inside all Weres brings them closer to their
represent the bestial in human nature, just eternalized. Like Gods, but only when they let go (shapechange) willingly.
you have to be a werewolf to be an animal; I've seen a lot Advantages of Membership: Members of the Way
of humans who make me look downright angelic. Take are encouraged t learn meditation techniques, Yoga,
those kids who raped that jogger, for example. I've done chanting, and various other methods of controlling their
some horrible things in my time, but nothing like this. tempers.
Okay, I'll admit it... I've had to feed on a couple Characters who become members of the Way are
people... but I never do it unless I have to. I know Weres required to take "Meditation" as a skill, which must be
who feed on humans for fun. I can't imagine getting that bought and maybe be increased normally. Additionally,
way, but I've seen it happen. I've even had to put a few each bi-weekly session that a character attends for their
such cannibals down. We don't have much of a society, but first year, they receive one (1) skill point that must be
that doesn't mean we don't look out for one another, or spent to increase their Meditation score. After that, they
keep an eye out for mad dogs. receive 1 skill point every other session.
Obligations: Help other Weres, even if they are not
a member of the Way.
Werewolf Society Symbols: A small medallion in the shape of Thor's
hammer, worn on a thong around the neck
Secrets: The senior circle of the Way is composed
Ironically, even though they share blood with the
of Werewolves who are actually interested in the
animal considered to have some of the most advanced
advancement of the Werewolf race to the exclusion of any
pack societies (wolves), Werewolves have little in the way
of the other races of the Kin... including other Were races.
of a society.
The few Kin who have found this out while not in the
process of being recruited for the inner circle have all
ended up full of something fatal...
Societies and Religions
Way of the Berserker Ferals are those Werewolves who have rejected
The Way is a group of neo-Pagan Kin of various both their Humanity and any place in Kin society and have
Were types who worship the gods of the Scandinavia, returned to the wild, assuming Lupine form and attempting
especially Odin and Thor. There is one congregation of the to forget they are anything but wolves. Though many of
Way, in the New York area; with approximately 20 Were the Kin respect Ferals' desire for privacy, many
members and ten-fifteen human members. The Way is not Werewolves seek them out to try to find out for various
particularly pro-or-anti- human, but is more concerned reasons.
with the advancement of the Were-races. Some Werewolves seek out Ferals to partake of their
Membership: Open to all Were's and were- wisdom, believing that Ferals have insights to life as a
sympathetic Kin and Herd Werewolf, and insights into controlling the legendary
Meetings: The Way has its meetings every second Werewolf berserker rages.
Thursday evening. All Weres and were-sympathizers are

Other, less benevolent Werewolves seek out Ferals in the
belief that, in their wild state, Ferals may develop new
Edges unknown to Werewolf society at present.
New Edges

Character Generation
Werewolves' "Beast Score... add the aggregate of
the Werewolf's Lycanthropic and Lupine's Scores and
divide by ten. That becomes the CP-choice modifier to
interactions. The higher the Werewolf's Beast Score, the
harder it is for them to interact socially in a normal way
with other Kin and humans.
(Penalty is equal to the Beast Score to social skills). On the
other hand, it acts as bonus when interacting with other

Attitudes towards other Races:
Werewolves tend to be loners, and tend to take a
more live-and-let-live attitude towards most of the races of
the Kin.

Animates: The True Unliving The Self-Created
STR: +10 Will: +10
We're the bastards of the Kin, you know? I mean, INT: +8 Max Humanity: -20
the other races... they can claim this elaborate system of +13 points (that can be spent on attributes other
clans, like the Wyghts, or to be the second-cousin to than Max Humanity, dependent on material construction)
Mother Earth, like Manitou. But not us…we are fatherless (Modifiers for Composition of Animates, pg, 34, NL 3).
and motherless, except maybe those of us born The Self-Created may not start the game with any
Frankenstein-style. And I'm not eager to count Igor as any technical or social skills higher than +5 above their
relative, unless he is like the Igor played by that Feldman Attribute base, to reflect their lack of socialization.
Some of the more pretentious of us…and believe The Engendered
me, some of us are utter egomaniacs, prefer to refer to us STR: +5 Will: +10
as the Will-Born, for... and I quote, "we are born out of our INT: +5 Max Humanity: -10
will to live, springing Athena-like full grown from the +10 points that can be spent on attributes other
forehead of our own desire." than Max Humanity, dependent on material construction
Sounds like someone has spent a few too
many semesters in college, you know? But whoever CITY SCENES: The Immigrant
described it like that did get it right... all of us Olga came from the shattered remains of what had once
Animates are possessed of phenomenally strong been Czechoslovakia. That was 1995. She arrived in New York
wills. there is no such thing as a slacker Animate... if full of hope for her new life in America, as many had for over a
we want something; we will do anything to get it. century before her. She still remembered how she started to cry
No, I don't know who the first animate was, when she looked down at the Statue of Liberty, so rich in her
or anything like that. You might want to ask Adam verdigris dress, standing on her podium, surrounded by the
Noire…he is the defacto "King" of the Animates, waters of Long Island Sound, as blue as Olga imagined freedom
even if he is also Complex. should feel.
She was crying now, too. Eight years of trying to start
Animate Society over in this city that she no longer thought of as beautiful. Work
There are three major "breeds" of Animates, was scarce, and her friends had a hard time making it
loosely called the Reborn, the Self-Created, and the themselves, they had no way to help her. Sometime in those
Engendered. eight years, Olga had started drinking, and that had only made it
The Reborn Now, her goyim of a landlord had kicked her out, and
These are Animates who began life as locked the door to her little cold-water flat.
normal humans and somehow managed to recreate Olga no longer cared. All she had was the clothes on her
themselves as Animates, a magical accident or by an back and a bottle of whiskey that she had bought with her last
act of raw WILL by a dying human, as is the case of four dollars. That was all she would need, now.
Red Moonrise's Wally Auschwitz. The Reborn, Williamsburg Bridge was within walking distance, now,
having had previous experience with the world, have and Olga only wanted to know how freedom would feel, at last.
the easiest time fitting into society, but also tend to
be the weakest of the three types of animates. (Modifiers for Composition of Animates, pg, 34, NL3)
STR: +3 Will: +10
INT: +1 Max Humanity: no penalty Factions Within Animate Society
+7 points that can be spent on attributes other than
Max Humanity, dependent on material construction Brethren of the New Flesh
(Modifiers for Composition of Animates, pg, 34, NL3) The Brotherhood is a group of Animates who
consider themselves the rightful heirs to both Humanity

and the Kin. It is strongly dominated by the Self-Created,
Resources: Moderate to high Attitudes towards other Races
Membership: By invitation and initiation only, Animates tend to view the other races of the Kin with
approximately 20 in the New York area, believed to be varying degrees of contempt, dependent on which breed of
around 350 worldwide. Animate they are. Most Animates view Humanity as little
Meetings: as necessary, otherwise, the more than food, or at best, a mantle that they have shed….
Brotherhood has meetings over the internet monthly (using
cams and microphones), and an annual conference in
December, usually in Europe.
Beliefs: Animates are the ultimate and rightful COMBAT
leaders of Humanity and their Kin.
Advantages of Membership: access to help from
Each round of combat, roll 1d10, reading the
other members and financial aid for plans relevant to the
results as "10's" and add the score of Edge/Skill/Attribute
Brotherhood’s goals.
to be used that BT. Combat proceeds from highest score to
Obligations: advance the ideals of the Brotherhood
Symbols: A bolt, arcing electricity onto itself.
Goals: the advancement of the Animate “race,” by
Example: Mr. Proctor, Wyghtish gun bunny and
any means necessary
hit man, has a Firearms skill of 70. In a fight with a nasty
Secrets: The leaders of the Brotherhood have been
Fomori, he decides the Fomori looks too warm, so needs
in contact with both the Virus and have summoned and
some ventilation, Smith and Wesson style. He rolls 1d10
held council with the Kurrsd. They have been negotiating
and gets a 5, so he adds 50 to his Firearms score of 67.
with both to gain knowledge that would help them
Depending on what the Fomori rolls, Mr. Proctor will go
subjugate Humanity, in exchange for knowledge about the
on Initiative of 117.
other races of the Kin.
Point Blank Shots
Mentors and Builders
If a character is within one-two feet of his target,
The Engendered have
assume it to be automatic hit unless the shooter rolls a
"100" (automatic failure). Damage from a Point Blank shot
is normal + maximum damage for successes by Skill
Character Generation
Beginning Skills: Animates Example: if a character shooting a .44 AutoMag.
Animates and Humanity: Animates, unlike most (DP=20) at point Blank and had a 55 in Pistol, his damage
of the Kin, do not take variable amounts of damage would be 20+5= 25 DPI.
according to their Humanity score. Their Humanity affects
them in other ways. When using social interaction skills
with humans, Animates may only have a usable skill score
up to their Maximum Humanity (this does not include
intimidation, by the way). If their Maximum Humanity is
lower than the skill they are trying to use, use the
maximum Humanity instead.
For example, Pinhead is trying to con his way into
the fights at Madison Square Gardens, rather than pay the
fifty dollar door.


For example, Screecher the Sorcerer, MA 27, has a
Street Magic Skill of 57, normally. When in contact with
Magic Bubba, his rat familiar, Screecher's MA is boosted to 59,
Magic Ability remains as an attribute, but is now the basis and his Street Magic Skill receives a boost to a staggering
for Magic Skills, esp. the Sorcery Skills, which are used to 89. Very little chance with an 89 of Screecher miscasting
cast spells, there being a separate Sorcery Skill for each of any spells, as long as someone does not kill Bubba...
the three branches of Magic, and Sorcerers can only cast
spells of the types of Magic they have the Sorcery skill for Multiple Familiars:
(i.e. If you want to cast a White Magic spell, you have to Sorcerers can keep a number of Familiars up to
have the skill Sorcery: White Magic). 1/5 their current MA, as long as they are willing to
A Sorcerer's Skill Score is also used to protect them from sacrifice the MA points, and may "stack" as many of those
attacks from the opposite branches of magic, if that skill is familiars' abilities onto her own as she wants, as long as
higher than the usual Escape roll. Thus, if someone used a they are all within contact range (thus, A Sorcerer might
Black Magic spell to attack another Sorcerer, that sorcerer have a two cat familiars and a rat all at the same time, for a
could defend themselves using their White Magic skill. temporary MA bonus of (6+6+32) 44).
Street Magic resists Street Magic, of course.
Initiative and Magic
Use the Sorcery skill being used to determine rank in * Covens, as a group, generally dedicate themselves to
Initiative. either White or Black Magic... covens must therefore
specify upon their inception which path of Magick they
Familiars plan to follow. Covens have, on occasion, switched Paths,
Familiars add their Physical Attributes to the but not without having to sacrifice their former power.
Sorcerer's when within line-of-sight, up to the racial Individual Wytches may know spells from any of the three
maximum. Also, certain animals have some innate Paths, but when working in conjunction with their coven,
Magical Ability (generally equal to their Perception), must only cast spells in accordance with the coven's
which the Sorcerer can also tap into to boost their Magical direction to benefit from the coven's advantages.
Ability and thus their Sorcery skills, when within line of * When casting a spell in accordance with the coven's
sight. (This explains the popularity of rats as familiars: allegiance, a Wytch, even working alone, may subtract an
with a PER and thus MA of 32, rats are virtually dynamos SP cost equal to the Coven's Rating (see below)
of sorcerous power). * When casting a spell in accordance with the coven's
allegiance, the Wytch may seek the help of other members

of the coven. In that case, the SP Cost reduced by a further
-1 per assistant (in addition to the SP cost reduction Switching Paths
according to Rating). Covens have done this in the past, usually after being
* If the caster is the Flamen (leader) of the coven, and is tempted by the easier power to be had by serving evil. In
working with assistants, the SP Cost is divided as equally this case, they become the enemies of all White Covens,
as possible among all Wytches assisting with the casting. and their membership targeted for reprisals... usually fatal.
(This union is usually accomplished by holding hands in a When this happens, the fallen Coven loses its Coven
circle). Any "leftover" SP Costs are absorbed by the Rating until it can do something to "prove" that it is
Flamen as primary spellcaster. sincere. This often involves human sacrifice. If the Coven
* Covens cannot devote themselves to Street Magick. is willing to kill for power, its Coven Rating is restored...
* Covens and Coven members must act in accordance to according to its new Black Magick Orientation. Often, the
their allegiance or risk Karmic backlash. If a Wytch casts a target of the human sacrifice is a member of the Coven,
spell not in accordance with the spirit, if not necessarily probably whichever member was most ambivalent about
the Path, of her Coven, she suffers damage equal to three switching.
times the Coven Rating, immediately upon casting the It is even rarer, but a few Black Magick Covens
offending spell. have switched to White Magick. In this case, all involved
For example, a White Wytch could cast a Black Magick members must endure lengthy rituals of cleansing to
spell (by herself) to defend herself without causing a symbolically "wash" away their previous sins. The length
backlash. On the other hand that same Wytch could not of the ritual depends on the severity of the Coven's crimes
cast a Black Magick Spell to hurt someone except to (usually one month of ritual per member + one month per
prevent further harm to her. "serious crime" such as active Fomori Summoning and
Covens that attempt to sidestep this backlash find each Human Sacrifice). The Flamen must usually undergo
member taking the 3X Coven Rating damage. Also, the further rituals of contrition. Some Flamen have undergone
offending Flamen must make an Attribute Roll against her Rites of Contrition lasting years.
Magic Attribute or have (3X Coven Rating) of her Magic
Ability be burnt out. Fomoric Temptation
Fomori, especially the Kgorek Fomori, understand how
necessary it is to have allies on Earth, even if those allies
Coven Membership Coven Rating will eventually be betrayed. To this end, Kgorek will lend
2 0 some of their power to Covens who agree to serve and
3 1 enter into Pacts with them.
4-6 2 Possible benefits of such a Pact include increased magic
7 3 Abilities for all Coven members involved. Though Fomori
8 2 cannot cast spells themselves, they may lend a number of
9 5 magical ability points equal to their own Willpower to
10-12 2 their servant Covens. These points of magic Ability are
13 7 then "distributed" ritually by the Flamen according to his
14-25 3 whim... most Flamen keeping the largest share of Magic
26 9 Ability for them.
27-38 4 Fomori also are able to grant Covens more powerful
39 11 Familiars, often lesser Fomori bound into the bodies of
40-51 4 mundane animals.
52 12 Other benefits have included new Black Magick
52-63 4 spells brought in from other Realms the Fomori have
65 13 visited (it is believed many Black Magick spells originate
66+ 5* this way and then leak out into common usage), the
Each multiple of 13 +1 servitude of other Fomori, and even the use of Succubae as
*Maximum Rating without having a membership consorts at Coven Sabbaths.
that is a multiple of 13

Effects of Spell Casting Membership: 78
Both White and Black Magick Spells in NightLife are Coven Rating: 14
brought into focus by the caster's own Survival Points. One of the oldest and largest Covens in the world,
While the initial source of power may originate outside the it has a membership of over 3000, but has its membership
caster, the act of focussing the power usually inflicts some spread out over the entire world... Only about 78 members
harm on the caster. The amount of damage inflicted live in the New York area .The members are all devout
depends on the power of the spell and the preparations
the caster can make before actually casting the spell. The
current Humanity of the caster can also come into play. In CITY SCENES: The Bike Messenger
general, the greater the power of the spell, or the less He had seen some things while delivering his
preparation put into casting it, the greater the damage packages, in the two years he had been weaving in
done. and out of traffic. Like the time he had been flashing
But what shape does this damage take? through Times Square and seen a hooker wearing
For minor spells- that end up costing the caster NOTHING stomping right down the street in broad
less than 3 SP to cast- the damage usually takes the form daylight, demanding her John pay her the $200 he
of nothing more than a few bruises, usually around the still owed her for having letting him piss on her….
eyes and mouth. Other times, he had seen car accidents, fires,
Spells with a higher SP cost manifest their weddings… if it could possibly happen in the street,
damage as Stigmata... a spell of up to 5 SP causes he had seen it, if only sometimes in the rear-view
shallow bleeding wounds, usually on the palms of the mirror on his helmet.
hands of the caster. The wounds then extend up the arm And occasionally, he sees things that made no
as the SP cost of the spell increases. Unusually powerful sense to him, and that he wishes he had never seen,
spells can cause Stigmata that extend onto the chest and because they make him want to doubt his sanity. Like
upper back. Interestingly, the pattern formed by the the huge gorilla-like thing he saw ambling down the
wounds varies according to the type of spell. White street in Greenwich Village…and no one noticed it
Magick spells tend to inflict flowing spiral wounds, while except for him. Or the time he took in the dancers
Black Magick inflicts more angular wounds. The wounds with his boyfriend at Leathers… and saw a guy on
inflicted by the casting of Street Magic spells vary by the stage in the advanced stages of decomposition, but
intention of the spell. still gyrating. He had thrown up right there on the
Because of the Stigmata, Wytches tend to work spot, but passed it off to his friends as bad Hunan for
in the nude (which they refer to as going Sky-clad) or in lunch. He prayed that he was going insane, because
loose robes. Experienced Sorcerers are careful not to the other option was worse…
wear anything too expensive or which will stain too
Note that the Stigmata wounds tend to be quite followers of Wicca.
shallow and even novice Wytches and Sorcerers can heal
the physical wounds easily. The Green Card Club
Membership: 13
The Major Covens Coven Rating: 7
One of the only well-known Covens that follow
The Coven of the Burning Spear
the Black Arts, the Green Card Club makes most of its
Membership: 26
monies by hiring its members out as assassins, who in turn,
Coven Rating: 9
summon up Fomori to do their bidding. While not as
The major manufacturers of magical items in
powerful as the Coven of the Horned God, the Green Card
magical items on the East Coast, the Coven is nominally
Club holds Deeds on several Fomori and has the protection
neutral in terms of the factional wars, though it will not
of both the Complex and the Black Solstice Cult.
sell to the more extreme anti-human groups.
The Coven of the Horned God

More Magic Rules for different spells. To use an example, the Black Magic
White Magic spells
Heat Wave (pg.28) would invoke the power of the
White Magic, drawing its power from nature, is essentially Sthlashr, the Charred Ones, while a more technologically
an invocation of one or more of the four cardinal elements oriented spell like Chernobyl (pg. 25, Magic) would be
and sometimes an invocation to the Goddess, the done invoking the name of the Krrsd.
representation of Nature itself. Like white magic, Spells cast using Black Magic appear as
For example, a fireball would be in invocation of Fire (the Coronas of color around the hands, or eyes, of the
active part of the spell) and Air (a gust of wind to propel Sorcerer. Not surprisingly, the overall schemata of Black
the fire towards its target); while EMT (pg. 32), a Healing Magic Coronas are very dark.
Spell, would be an invocation of fire (to warm and comfort
the injured) and Earth (the regenerative principle)
Fomori Corona Provenances/Invocations
Kgorrek Black Mental Alterations, Leadership,
Coronas Control, Self-Changes
Spells cast using White Magic appear as shimmers of color Ssivinne lime green Poison, Sounds
around the hands, or eyes, of the Sorcerer. This shimmer is Glavanthrax Dark Red Insanity, Physical
usually referred to as a Corona. For very powerful spells, Alterations to Living Things
the Corona may engulf the caster's entire upper torso. This Shalasthr Orange Heat, Cold,
Corona changes according to the elements invoked, as Explosions, Fire
follows: Vrarng Purple Armor, Physical
Xlenx Hunter Green Animals, Sensuous
Element Corona Provenances/Invocations Enhancement
Fire/ Salamander Yellow-orange Fire, Heat, Cold, (Other than Eyes), Nature
Explosions, Light Orbs Dark Yellow Affecting Undead, Fear, Sensuous
Air/Sylphs Light Blue Air, Movement, Enhancement (Eyes Only)
Distance, Mental Enhancement Phrhth Dark Blue Invisibility, Locating
Earth /Gnome Green Earth, Stone, etc. Growth, Targets
Protection, Physical Enhancement Krrsd Silver Weather Control, Technology
Water/Undine Dark Blue Water, Speed, flexibility, Threel Dark Pink Physical Deformations
Physical Alterations
The Goddess White All Else
Example of an invocation: The ever-popular Creeping
Example: The White Magic spell Gas Mask (pg Crud (pg 26) spell, which causes a caustic slime to cover
33) would be an invocation of Air (because it concerns the opponent, is an invocation of both the Threel (Physical
breathing), Water (Physical Alterations to allow the caster Alterations to Living Things, i.e., the target) and the Xlenx
to breath anywhere) and Earth (protection from damage (Nature, i.e., the slime).
caused by inhalation of toxic environments).
Black Magick Sorcerers and Priests of numerous "primitive" religions
Black Magick, drawing its energies from the Twisted have long understood that there is power in names and
Dimensions, is an entirely different matter... and one that images beyond the simple psychology of the imagery. And
troubles many Sorcerers, especially those involved in the Sorcerers in particular long ago figured put that tattoos in
fight against the Fomori. particular hold the potential for power. In the past hundred
When casting a Black Magic spell, the Sorcerer essentially years, they have taken that knowledge and begun applying
draws on the power of the Fomori, invoking different races it for their own gain, as tattooing has gained a hold in the
popular mind as "acceptable."

Of course, the inks Sorcerers apply to themselves are quite
different from the generic flash one can find in any tattoo
parlor. Visually, they have a more in common with the
tribal tattoos of the Maori or Pacific Northwestern
Amerindian tribes: dizzyingly complex patterns
reminiscent of modern art, rendered on skin rather than
There is a reason for that complexity: the more complex
the iconography of the tattoo, and the larger, the more
power the tattoo has that the Sorcerer can tap into.
In essence, a tattoo can provide up to an additional 5 MA
in the case of a large, complex design. Tattoos can also
provide a source of "surplus SP" the Sorcerer can use to
cast spells (note that SP from a tattoo do not count towards
the Sorcerer's Survival Points, nor can they be transferred
to it).
Calculating a Tattoo's Power Rating

Predator Psychology
Kin Populations It is a simple fact that many of the Kin have to
This may be the biggest change from previous feed on humans on a regular or semi-regular basis to
editions, legitimate or not, of NightLife. By third edition, survive. Vampires, Daemons, Wyghts and Animates all
the Kin were so numerous as to be almost common, with have to feed almost daily or begin to wither away. Many
gangs of up to a hundred Kin roaming the streets of New feed whenever possible on animals or on Skinbags
York, with hardly anyone noticing. This is a bit of overkill provided by Caduceus, but must still, go hunting on
and a near impossibility. As NightLife Street Velocity is occasion, especially if severely wounded. But what does
envisioned, the Kin are much scarcer with a population of Feeding mean to the different races. What do the different
only at most 20% of the numbers given in previous methods of feeding mean, and how do they impact on the
editions. feeders psychologically?
On cases of organizations where memberships are Since there are several ways to feed, each will be
listed, assume that the proportion of members who remain examined in turn, for each type carries different
“Kin” as about 10% , with the other ninety percent being psychological baggage with it.
made up of Renfields and Crowleys.
For example, the Bubonics street gang has a Blood-Drinking: The feeding method of
current membership of 40 Daemons. In NL4, they have a Vampyres and their ilk is; in general, to lure a victim into a
membership of 4 Daemons and 36 Renfields. private situation, initiate sexual contact, then drain the
blood from the victim, as a replacement for, or sometimes
Worldwide Kin populations during, the sexual act. While this is not “normal” human
This has also been reduced; sometimes drastically. behavior, it is not the most inhuman… some humans
While the major cities still have significant populations of include what is referred to as “blood play” as part of their
Kin, in other areas, they are almost unknown, and many of sexuality. This confuses Kin who view blood primarily as
the minor races are almost extinct. a source of food.
Nonetheless, such intimate contact is not without
Example: the Medusae have only six known some ramifications: many humans can become
members left of their race (one reason why, even though psychologically addicted to the act of being fed upon (pg.
Goddess (who belongs to the Commune) and Helena 83, NL3). The predator himself may feel an intense
Athenopolis (a Queen in the Complex’ hierarchy) hate emotional attachment to the victim, after sharing such
each other, they refuse to fight… intimacy. Some Kin foster this intimacy, making the act of

feeding simply part of an overall pattern of affectionate Whereas a victim killed by Draining Lifeforce
behavior, if one very strange to people outside the simply looks like they have died of a heart attack or other
relationship. Such a bond between predator and prey can natural cause (and death by loss of blood leaves a pale, but
last many months or years, with the Kin being careful to otherwise unmarked body), Wyghts are left with shriveled
never over-feed from their partner, for fear for their health. corpses in their hands. For this reason, few Wyghts will
In game terms, Draining has a Humanity cost of three Drain from the elderly or from the same victim more than
(Willing victim, left alive). once, for fear of this consequence.
Others, typically those who were callous in
interpersonal relations before becoming Kin, reject this Fear: This is one of the more difficult types of
intimacy. While they use sexuality to find victims, are not feeding, both in terms of preparation and psychology.
concerned with the emotional ramifications for the victims While Shades in years past had to do little more than
and ignore any stirrings of emotions within themselves. materialize to create fear in a potential victim, most people
Such predators work to view victims as food-sources, not today are too jaded to be more than slightly scared by such
as fellow sentient beings. Not surprisingly, such Kin are evidence of an afterlife. Some people, in fact, view Shades
not as concerned with leaving their victims alive and well as a welcome affirmation… not an attitude conducive to
after the feeding, but are not immune to the passion that is feeling the overwhelming terror Shades must create to
still often a component of this type of feeding. feed. Shades today must either resort to use of the Fear
Projection Edge or scout for potential victims in advance.
Lifeforce and Bioelectricity: In direct contrast to The Shade must get to know the victim’s mind so that they
the heat of blood drinking is Draining lifeforce or bio- know what will frighten them, and then create effects*
electricity. These two types of feeding are very esoteric tailored to each victim. Happily, Shades do not need to
and removed from the normal methods of feeding most feed regularly.
people are acclimated to. Even the typical method of
initiating feeding is impersonal, compared to some others. Raw Meat: The Drain requirement for
Whereas blood-drinking needs close physical contact, Werewolves, Ogres, Trolles and their ilk is the most
these two types of Draining can be performed by no more devastating type of feeding, for victims are always
than a firm handshake or a gripping the forehead of the severely wounded, and often killed. This type of feeding
victim. This makes draining of this type somewhat easier is, to put it politely, heavily frowned on in pro-human
on the predator, psychologically. Unless the predator circles and even in more gentile anti-human ones.
drains enough to make the victim pass out or even die, the Although both Morningstar and the Complex keep Ogres
victim will simply be left fatigued and a bit confused as to and Trolles around as shock troops, members of this rank
what just transpired. While a Vampyre cannot lie about, are rarely allowed to socialize with the leaders of the
having just stuck his fangs into a victim’s throat, especially factions.
if the victim was conscious when it happened, a predator For pro-human Werewolves, their necessary type
who has just “shaken hands” with a victim can feign of Feeding is particularly distressing and is avoided except
ignorance. as a last ditch survival technique. Some Werewolves go so
Daemons raised within primarily racial Crèches far as to reject feeding on a human even in the face of their
are taught to stay one step removed psychologically from own deaths, preferring to risk oblivion rather than descend
humans, so that they may feed on them without as much to the level of a ravening animal. Part of this is because
psychological impact. (In game terms, this also accounts many Werewolves begin their lives as humans and later
for the overall lower Humanity scores among Daemons.) become infected with lycanthropy. As such, feeding on a
Even with such instruction, though, most Daemons find it fellow human for any reason is cannibalism, one of
pleasurable to Drain during intimacy, although they do not Mankind’s deepest-rooted taboos. Similarly, some
need it as Vampyres do. Werewolves revel in feeding on humans. Such Kin can
only be assumed to have had psychopathic tendencies
Youth: This is another somewhat exotic method of before their transition to Kin, and their monstrous
feeding, one where that exoticness removes some of the tendencies simply brought to the fore by their new
psychological impact. That impact can come back with situation.
double-force if the Wyght drains the victim to death.

Members of other races vary on their philosophies their self-control at the last moment. If they miss that roll,
concerning on feeding on humans. Sadly, few of the races they will feed, no matter what.
feel any significant reluctance to feeding on humans, and In any case, once the Kin has begun feeding, they
view Humanity primarily as a source of food. Members of will need to make another Humanity roll to avoid Draining
these races, not surprisingly, take the part of the anti- the victim until either the Kin is satiated or the victim is
human factions when they take sides. Many of these races, dead.
like the Hafgryr, view this sort of cannibalism as perfectly Example: Lyta, a Daemon Escort, gets herself
acceptable. Even worse are races like the Rakshasa, who killed after a date gone wrong. She resurrects, to find her
not only actively feed on Humans, but also have evolved Renfield Rebekka checking on her. Lyta has a Max
ways of causing an addiction to that act. Thus, the prey is Humanity of 54. Her player rolls against her Max
forced into a state of nearly sexual longing to be Humanity and gets A 53, an incredibly lucky roll!
cannibalized, a horrible fate, to be sure. Since this gives Lyta five successes, she has (10 minutes X
In short, the different races have different attitudes 5) fifty minutes of control before she needs to either make
towards feeding on people. Further, different members of another Humanity roll or absolutely needs to feed. Several
the same races can have wildly varying attitudes. All who months later, Lyta bites the dust again, but this time her
are concerned about their Humanity will think twice before Max Humanity is only a 45, and when Rebekka checks on
feeding on a human. her, she bows her Humanity roll (she rolled a 97). Her
hunger overcomes her, and she needs to feed. Since Lyta
Kin Feeding on Other Kin knows Rebekka, she is allowed one more Humanity roll to
Each SP Drained from a Kin by another Kin retain control…and rolls a 49. She loses control, grabs
counts at 5 SP, but Kin Drained to zero SP in such a Rebekka and begins Draining…
manner die the True Death. In Kin society, this is
considered (and called) cannibalism and it is one of the The Biggest NPC of All Time
few crimes for which all the factions will cheerfully hunt
Is not Golgotha, it is the setting of NightLife. The
down and kill the perpetrator.
city of New York is a rich stage against which you may
play out any number of types of stories.
Feeding After Resurrection
After resurrection, Kin wake up with one Survival Ignoring the Dice
Point and will feel a need to Drain to heal themselves. This
Never, ever, let the dice dictate the story!
instinct can be overpowering, and has led to the deaths of
more than one unwary Renfield who make the mistake of The Gross-out
checking on their master. Luckily, there is a way to avoid
this gruesome faux-pas. Don’t hesitate to pile on the guts. NightLife was
Upon waking, the Kin may make a roll vs. their envisioned as a splatterpunk game, inspired by the grisly
Maximum Humanity. Each success achieved on the roll writings of Clive Barker, David Schow, and Skipp and
gives the newly-awakened Kin approximately ten minutes Spector. As authors, this holy trinity of gore recommended
of self-control in which to seek out nourishment. At the SHOWING the gruesomeness of the action. It is easy to
end of that time, the Kin may attempt another Humanity gloss over the stickier details, but that is cheating. The
roll to retain control. characters in NightLife are monsters, and occasionally
If the character does not make the initial roll or need to be reminded of that fact, or else they might as well
any thereafter, they will be compelled to feed on the next be playing a superhero game.
available human, regardless of who that human happens to If the Vampyre player is forced to realize that they
be. This will not prevent the character from avoiding just killed an innocent person simply to slake their thirst, it
grabbing the first person off the street in a middle of a will drive home that NightLife is a horror game better than
crowd…the Kin may be delirious with hunger, but not if you just say “you Drained the victim for 8 SP.”
If the potential victim is someone the character FOMORI and the TWISTED DIMENSIONS
knows, they may make another Humanity roll to grab back

Fomori Alter Form Glavanthrqax 71-80
Fomori cannot use Alter Form as effectively as the Sthlashar 81-83
Kin can, because they do not have the long experience Orb 84-86
with using it, and to them, humans all look more or less Threel 87-89
alike. Ssivvinne 90-92
When a Fomori uses Alter Form, they can only adopt the Krrsd 93-96
appearance of a generic human, and never the exact Kgorrek 97-00
appearance of a specific one like many Daemons can. The
human concept of beauty also escapes Fomori, and they do Random
not know how to make themselves "pretty" by any means A Random Fomori is a small and generally not
(an Altered or Masked Fomori has a maximum ATT of 3+ very powerful creature from the Twisted Dimensions,
(Success with Alter Form roll). generally with Attributes of 20 in everything except INT
Furthermore, each race tends to have a certain sigil which and Appearance. Assume a 0 for both of those. Most
no amount of skill at either Alter Form or Mask can hide. Random creatures only have Armor (5), Claws (60), Travel
(60), and Fiery Breath (60, DP=12), but GM's might want
Kgorek too many teeth to alter that if players start getting complacent.
Threel oily sheen to skin
Orbs dry musty stench
Ssivvine lumpy growths Thralls
Shtasslar sulfurous-smelling breath Thralls are Rakshasa, and Hafgryr are those
Xlenx odd colored body hair Daemons that did not manage to escape to Earth and
Vranrg eyes without whites remained slaves to the Kgorrek. Unlike normal Kin,
Phrth last fingers of hands fused together Thralls do not have a Humanity score (Max Humanity of
Glavanthrax stomach area always roiling 0, but they also do not take extra damage from those
Kurzd stench of ozone substances members of those races are vulnerable to).

More about the Twisted Dimensions

So what do the Twisted Dimensions look like? Shopping
Trip Mishaps
As stated in the new Edges for Daemons, there is a The Black Market
chance equal to 1/10th the Edge Score of the user of a Credit Card (regular)
mishap if the user does not make his Edge roll. Cost: $50 + see below
Specifically, there is a chance of a Fomori noticing the Value: 1d10 X 100 dollars on it (GM's
Daemon and using its own Trip to come to Earth to information ONLY)
investigate. Credit card (Platinum or other high-limit)
To see what type of Fomori might do so, roll Cost: $200 + see below
1d100 on the chart below. Value: 1d10 X 1000 dollars on it (GM's
information ONLY)
Fomori Type Roll Note: When using a stolen credit card, the GM
Random 01-20 rolls 1d10 each time it is used. A basic credit card stops
Thrall Daemon 21-26 working on a roll of 1-5 because the owner has discovered
Thrall Rakshasa 27-33 it was missing and informed the company. Such cards are
Thrall Hafgryr 34-40 thereafter useless. If the character is willing to spend extra
Phrth 41-50 on it, he may increase the +1 by every $50 he spends on
Xlenx 51-60 the card, up to a maximum of 9 (a roll of 10 means it has
Vrarng 61-70 Still been invalidated.)

Advantages of Membership:


Vampyres (also: Nosferatu, Pengallen, Ubo)

Humanity 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Sunlight 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0
Run Water 45 42 39 36 33 30 27 24 21 18 15
Garlic 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 - - - -
Holy Relies 24 21 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 - -
Fire +15 +12 +9 +6 +3 0 -3 -6 -9 -12 -15
Werewolves (also: other Weres)
Humanity 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Silver +10 +8 +6 +4 +2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10
Fire +10 +8 +6 +4 +2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10
Humanity 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Iron 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
Fire +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
Humanity 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Flint 20 17 14 11 8 5 2 - - - -
Holy Relics 24 21 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 - -
Humanity 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Sunlight 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 -
Silver 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 -
Fire +10 +8 46 +4 +2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10
Humanity 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fire +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
Animates have no Humanity Damage Modifier; maximum Humanity determines maximum usable score in
certain skills.

Name: Crib:
Street Name:
Other Aliases:




Donn Donnduban Dubhaltach Dubhan Dubhgall Dubhghlas

Dubhglas Dylan Eanna Earnan Emyr Enda Eoghan Faolan
Fearghal Fearghas Finbar Fingal Fingall Finnen Finnian Fionn
Sample Daemonic Names (male) Fionnbharr Fionnghall Fionnlagh Flann Flannchad Gallchobhar
Gareth Garric Gavin Gawain Geraint Glyn Glyndwr Glynn
Aamod Aandaleeb Aashish
Goronwy Grada Greagoir Griffin Griogair Gruffydd Gwilym
Aashirwad Aatish Aabheer, Gwyn Gwynedd Hamish Haydn Heddwyn Heilyn Hervé Hugh
Abheer Abhay Abhayananda Huw Hywel Iago Iaian Iain Ian Iann Iarlaith Idris Idwal Ieuan
Abhayaprada Abheek Abhibhava Ifor Illtud Illtyd Ilwyd Iodoc Iomhair Iomhar Iorwerth Islwyn
Abhichandra Abhidi Abhihita Ivor Jago Jagu Jarlath Judoc Keene Kester Kimble Kohde
Badal Badri Badrinath Lachlan Lasairiona Lennox Lewys Lleu Llew Llewellyn
Badriprasad Bahubali Bahuleya Llewelyn Lloyd Llwyd Lochlainn Lorcan Macdonald
Bajrang Balaaditya Balbir MacGowan Mackenzie Mackey MacPhearson Mael
Baldev Balachandra Balagopal, Maelmaedoc Makena Makenna Malloy Mauran Mcdonald
Balagovind Balakrishna Chaitanya McKenna Meic Meical Meilyr Meirion Meredith Merfin Merfyn
Chaman Chandra Chandrahas Meurig Mihangel Morgan Mostyn Muir Muiredach Muiris
Mungo Munro Murchad Murdo Myrddin Niall Ninian Nuallan
Odhran Owain Padraic Pàdraig Parthalan Piaras Pryderi
Raghallach Ramsay Ramsey Ranulf Reefe Rhodrhi Rhodri
Sample Wyghtish Clan Names Rhydderch Rhys Riordan Ronan Rordan Ruadh Ruadhan
Ruaidri Ruannaidh Samzun Seaghdha Séamas Seamus Séamus
Abercrombie Adhamhnan Adomnan Aedan Aengus Ailpein Sean Seann Searlas Seumas Seumus Shamus Sholto Sioltach
Aindrea Alasdair Alun Aneirin Aneurin Aodh Aodhagan Siôn Sirideain Somerled Somhairle Summerlad Tadhg Talfryn
Aonghas Arfon Barra Bearach Beirne Brycen Bryn Caalum Taliesin Tam Tanet Taran Tarlach Tavish Teague Teigue Tiernan
Cadell Cadogan Caelan Cainnech Caiside Callum Camden Tierney Tighe Tighearnach Tighearnan Torcall Torquil
Caoimhin Caolan Caradoc Carnes Cathan Cathaoir Cathasaigh Trahaearn Treasaigh Trefor Trevelien Trevorian Tristan Tudor
Cavan Ceallach Ceallachan Cerdic Ceredig Cian Ciaran Cillian Tudur Tulley Tynam Tynan Uilleac Uilleam Uisdean Ultan
Cinaed Cinneidigh Cledwyn Conall Conchobhar Conleth Conn Urien Vaughan Yann Yanni Yannick Ynyr
Connolly Cormiac Cullen Cynwrig Daffyd Dafi Dafydd Dalach
Daron Darragh Deaglan Declan Deiniol Delsean Dewi Dingus

In Celtic mythology, the Fomori are demons that live in the
impenetrable darkness of the sea's depths and in lakes and dark
pools in the upper world. They were once ruled by Balor, who
provided them with victims, but after his death they returned to
their waters and prey on people, taking the form of sea-monsters,
lake spirits and the boggarts who lurk in the fens.

In Celtic mythology, Lug was the sun god and the master of all
skills and crafts. He was the grandson of the demon king Balor.
In Irish mythology, Lugh (Lug) was the god of light. He killed
his grandfather, Balor, during the great battle in which a new
order of gods and goddesses took over from the primal beings of
chaotic energy. He was the god of skill and ability.
Fomorians (Fomori)
In Irish-Celtic mythology, the Fomorians are a
race of demonic giants, ancient occupants of
Ireland (or sometimes mentioned as a mythical,
prehistoric people who raided and pillaged Ireland
from the sea). The first to invade Ireland were the
Partholons, but after many battles the Fomorians
afflicted them all with plague. After them came
the Nemeds, who in their very first battle were
defeated and enslaved. The third wave of
invaders, the Firbolgs, were more successful and
they subdued the Fomorians and managed to live
peacefully with them.
After a period of peace, the Tuatha Dé Danann,
the Irish race of gods, arrived. They conquered the
Firbolgs, but dealt more subtly with the
Fomorians, although they destroyed their
hegemony over Ireland for good in the second
battle of Mag Tuireadh. The Fomorians were
given the province of Connacht, and were even
allowed to marry some of the Tuatha Dé. The king
of the Fomorians is the one-eyed Balor. Other
prominent members are: Bres, Eriu, and Tethra.
The Fomorians are sometimes mythologically
associated with the powers of nature which
challenge man: fog, storm, winter, disease, and
crop-blight. The name comes from fomó, "giant",


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