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UNH Summer

Research Workshops
For researchers at the high school, undergraduate,
and graduate level—learn skills you need to succeed
in research (even if you don’t know it yet).
Fridays in DeMeritt 311, 12-1pm
Free lunch available at 11:45am (first come first serve)

July 13th “Research ethics: the good and the grey”

Most people are aware that research ethics are important and find
it straightforward to separate black and white. Here we will discuss true
stories of research ethics, focusing on the grey.

July 20th “Research talks #3: Prof. Shadi Atallah”

Shadi Atallah and his BioEcon group will present their research on
how integrating economics with ecology can help us make better decisions
on managing our natural resources sustainably.

July 27th “Presenting your research: talks and posters”

Strategies for presenting your research at all levels: we will
introduce modes of presentations, the goals and structure of a
presentation, and techniques for delivering effective presentations.

August 3rd “Research talks #4: Prof. Jessica Bolker”

In our final research talk, Jessica Bolker will describe her work on the
philosophy of biology and discuss how thinking about philosophy is useful
to research in general.

August 10th “The value of outreach”

It might be obvious what the value of outreach is to the recipients,
but what about the value to the researchers performing outreach? This
workshop will introduce ways and reasons to get involved in outreach, and
how it might benefit you in unexpected ways.

Supported by NSF-DMR 1709029

and the UNH Graduate School

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