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The Galapagos Islands are famous for their beautiful and unique

fauna as well as for their beautiful landscapes and the virgin

territory, sparsely populated and visited in a limited way in order

to protect and preserve its spectacular. The Galapagos Islands are

located in the Pacific Ocean, almost one thousand kilometers off

the coast of Ecuador, the country to which they belong politically.

This archipelago of islands is made up of numerous islands of

important size, other smaller islands and more than a hundred islets

or rocks that protrude from the sea level. The origin of the

Galapagos Islands is volcanic, which means that they are the

product of solidified volcanic eruptions.

The Galapagos Islands are recognized worldwide for having an

endemic flora and fauna, which means that they can only be found

in these islands and hence the importance of their preservation. In

the fauna group, giant tortoises (the largest in the world and that

give their name to the islands), various species of iguanas, seagulls,

Galapagos penguins, herons and cormorants should be mentioned.

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