3 Transversus Abdominis A Different View of The Elep

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Transversus abdominis: A different view of the


Article in British Journal of Sports Medicine · January 2009

DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.2008.051037 · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

Paul W Hodges
University of Queensland


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Transversus abdominis: a that muscles can be activated to achieve

two or more goals concurrently. It has
been well documented that transversus
different view of the elephant abdominis is active asymmetrically during
trunk rotation.6 How transversus abdo-
minis contributes to axial rotation is
Paul Hodges unclear for a number of reasons. First,
transversus abdominis is active with both
directions of rotation (but greater when
It is good to see that clinical and research clinical trials and systematic reviews. The rotating the thorax towards the side of
hypotheses are debated in the literature. fact that the control of transversus the muscle), and second, the muscle has a
The purpose of science is to challenge ideas abdominis may not be as simple as once trivial moment arm to generate rotation
and to consider alternative interpretations thought does not challenge the positive torque.7 The contribution of the muscle to
of observations. Within this, the place for clinical outcomes from interventions that rotation may relate to control of the linea
neurophysiological/biomechanical studies include strategies to train this muscle. It alba, while the contralateral obliquus
in clinical research is not to predict the suggests that we need to take a look at the externus (OE) and ipsilateral obliquus
potential efficacy of a clinical approach, but potential mechanisms for efficacy of the internus (OI) contribute most to the
to try to understand the mechanisms that approach. Although Cook argues that the torque.6 Thus, the finding by Allison et
underlie it. This is helpful as it provides a efficacy of the approach is ‘‘disappoint- al that transversus abdominis is an axial
means to refine, improve, and direct inter- ing’’, it is worth taking stock of the rotator is not new. Furthermore, in an
vention and provides a platform to develop current status of the literature. Most earlier study that combined modelling of
rationales for intervention, particularly systematic reviews4 5 suggest that motor reactive trunk moments and measure-
when we are faced with complex patients control training that includes training of ment of trunk muscle EMG it was argued
who do not fit the clinical prediction rule or the deep trunk muscles has a large effect that the timing of transversus abdominis
the narrow criteria adopted for inclusion in size when applied to specific populations, may be linked to the control of axial
clinical trials. If we understand the and a reduced effect size when applied to rotation.8 The problem is that Allison et
mechanisms we have a powerful tool to a generic non-specific low back pain al1 have assumed that if transversus
rationalise and test interventions. The group. This is not surprising. Our chal- abdominis is active to control rotation
developing debate about the role of trans- lenge is to identify those who benefit then the muscle cannot do anything else.
versus abdominis is healthy for rational most from the interventions. This is the We have documented in a number of
consideration of motor control interven- goal of several research groups around the experiments that this is not the case and
tions for back pain. world and applies equally to most ther- the nervous system can coordinate the
I welcome this opportunity to com- apeutic interventions.
activity of muscle to achieve multiple
ment on the opinions and interpretations
goals concurrently. In some simple exam-
of Allison et al1 and Cook.2 As indicated by
DIFFERENT VIEWS OF THE ELEPHANT ples we have shown that activation of
Allison et al in their paper published in
Allison et al1 make a number of assump- transversus abdominis involves multiple
JOSPT,3 it is not the data that are
tions that require further consideration. components. For instance, transversus
questioned; it is the interpretation. It
These authors appear to assume that: (1) abdominis activity is tonic during gait
seems that we have a recurrence of the
a muscle can only do one thing at a time, (perhaps to contribute to some aspects of
issue of the six blind men and the
and in unilateral arm movements trans- spinal control), but this activity is phasi-
elephant, where we see the same animal,
versus abdominis can only contribute to cally modulated in association with
but from different perspectives, and draw
rotation; (2) if the muscle does not turn breathing (to assist expiration), and has
different conclusions. There are a number
on at the same time on both sides it can peaks of activity associated with heel
of assumptions that require consideration
do nothing (despite the fact that activity strike events (which are coordinated with
to challenge the interpretation of Allison
is present on both sides, albeit a little later periods of peak reactive force from the
et al1 and the opinion of Cook.2 A key
on the ipsilateral side, at the time the arm foot contact and the time of change in
issue is that to conclude that a single
starts to move); (3) observation of asym- direction of rotation of the trunk).9
observation from a single task refutes the
metrical activity in an arm movement Similarly, activity of the diaphragm10 and
conclusion of a whole range of different
task refutes all other data of unique pelvic floor muscles,11 during repetitive
methodologies/tasks seems unfounded.
activation of transversus abdominis dur- arm movements, includes tonic activation
ing tasks such as walking, trunk move- as well as phasic activation with move-
CAN PHYSIOLOGICAL DATA INFLUENCE ments and trunk perturbations (this data ment and breathing. Recent data show
CLINICAL EFFECTIVENESS? was not mentioned by Allison et al1); and that the diaphragm, like transversus
In response to the editorial by Cook,2 the (4) clinical approaches are restricted to abdominis, is involved in axial rotation
first thing to consider is that the results of teaching patients to activate transversus of the trunk.12 The fact that transversus
physiological/biomechanical studies can- abdominis bilaterally. abdominis is active earlier on the contra-
not be used to challenge the outcomes of lateral side (but bilaterally by the time the
TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS CAN ACT TO movement starts) may simply reflect the
Correspondence to: Paul Hodges, NHMRC Centre of ACHIEVE TWO GOALS AT ONCE mechanical demand to both influence
Clinical Research Excellence in Spinal Pain, Injury and axial rotation (including the control of
Health, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences The In response to the first assumption that a
University of Queensland Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia; muscle can only do one thing at a time, rotation, which is an aspect of stability)
p.hodges@uq.edu.au there is an abundant literature that shows and contract bilaterally to contribute to

Br J Sports Med December 2008 Vol 42 No 12 941

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control of multiple mechanical demands take the muscle away) and cannot be Although the early studies focussed on
on the trunk. tested in current biomechanical models this muscle,25 26 an abundant literature has
(as few include the contributions of IAP evolved that shows that the changes in
ASYMMETRICAL ACTIVITY OF and fascial tension). Animal studies are back pain are complex and involve many
TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS IS STILL underway to test the effect of reduced muscles and many control properties. One
MECHANICALLY USEFUL deep muscle activation on spine biome- of the factors that have perpetuated the
The second assumption is that if the chanics and it is hoped that this will shed confusion is that, although the changes in
contraction is not symmetrical it cannot light on this issue. transversus abdominis appear to be rela-
do anything for the spine. But, as men- tively consistent,25 26 the changes in the
tioned above, Allison et al’s1 data show other muscles are variable,27 28 and there-
that, while the onset was not simulta- fore harder to find in a non-specific pain
neous, the muscle was active on both population. Recent work even suggests
sides in a feedforward manner (i.e. active that many people with back pain may
before any feedback could be available to have increased stability rather than
induce activation of the muscle (,50 ms decreased stability,29 potentially as a result
The third issue relates to Allison et al’s1
after the onset of deltoid EMG))13 and of increased activity of the more super-
and Cook’s2 failure to consider the wealth
both sides were active at the time of onset ficial trunk muscles, and this puts a whole
of data from numerous groups using other
of deltoid EMG (well before the move- new perspective on the meaning of
experimental designs. Arm movement
ment started and well before any reactive optimal spinal control; not simply to
tasks provide a window of opportunity
forces would affect the spine). Although increase stability, but to find a balance
to study the system, but there are many
Allison et al1 argue that the lack of activity between too much and too little.30 It is
other models which have provided insight
of transversus abdominis on the other side increasingly clear that rehabilitation
into the function of transversus abdomi-
or activity of the rectus abdominis (RA) should not target a single muscle, but
nis. In trunk movements,22 isometric
would limit the potential for transversus instead should involve careful evaluation
trunk tasks,22 trunk perturbations in sit-
abdominis to generate force, this is not of a whole system. While changes in
ting23 and lying,24 transversus abdominis is
what their data show, as transversus transversus abdominis (and other muscles
active in a manner that is unique amongst
abdominis on the other side is active by such as multifidus) can be a useful marker
the trunk muscles, that is, it is active with
the time the movement starts and may of dysfunction in the system (and recent
forces and movements in opposite direc-
well contribute to spinal control in spite data show that patients with delayed
tions in the sagittal plane. These tasks do
of a later onset. Furthermore, direct transversus abdominis do better with a
not include an axial rotation component
measurement of intra-abdominal pressure motor control training approach than
and that may make the interpretation
(IAP) clearly demonstrates that there is a people without a delay) (unpublished
easier (as it does not involve the func-
mechanical output of the muscle contrac- data), to limit treatment to this muscle
tional requirement to combine activity for
tion before the arm moves.8 14 In-vivo15 16 is unlikely to be beneficial. The days of
rotation with other aspects). These obser-
and modelling17 studies show that IAP contracting transversus abdominis as the
vations and the interpretation of unilat-
contributes to spinal control. Other stu- primary exercise and then sending the
eral flexion and extension movements
dies show that transversus abdominis is patient away are over. Instead, training of
raise the question: why does the nervous
the abdominal muscle most closely corre- transversus abdominis should be part of
system use a muscle in a similar manner
lated with IAP changes.18 Modelling stu- the intervention, when appropriate for
with two opposite directions of move-
dies that suggest that transversus the patient and the changes in their
ment? I concur with Allison et al1 that this
abdominis does very little for spinal control system.
does not necessarily mean that it con-
stability19 consider only the role of trans- Cook2 argues that training transversus
tributes to spinal control. That is simply a
versus abdominis as a flexor (for which it abdominis bilaterally may be redundant
hypothesis that we have gone on to test
has a trivial moment arm). This ignores as that may not be the way the muscle
in a number of biomechanical studies,
the biomechanical data that show that functions. Although this may not always
with results that show the activation can
transversus abdominis can contribute to be the case, it is likely to be so in some
control spinal motion.15 21 To conclude
spinal control via IAP or fascial ten- tasks. But evidence that the muscle is not
that a single observation from a single
sion.20 21 Both human and animal studies symmetrical (although bilateral) cannot
task refutes the conclusion of a whole
show that activation of transversus abdo- be used to say that bilateral training is not
range of different methodologies seems
minis has a mechanical effect on the spine effective or appropriate. There is a devel-
and the pattern of activation of the oping literature that shows that training
muscle in Allison’s data is not inconsis- muscles in this way changes the control of
tent with that assumption. What that IS THE DEBATE ABOUT TRANSVERSUS the muscle in other tasks. Not only does it
data shows is that, in addition to the ABDOMINIS MISSING A CRITICAL ISSUE? change the timing of activation of trans-
bilateral activation at the time the move- Having highlighted some of the assump- versus abdominis in arm movement and
ment starts, it also has activity that could tions made by Allison et al1 and Cook2 it is gait tasks31 32; it also changes the organisa-
be consistent with an additional role in also worth considering some issues in the tion of the motor cortex33 and this change is
control of axial rotation. clinical literature as a whole that have related to the change in timing during an
An issue that is accurately indicated by spawned some of this current debate. In arm movement task. Notably, this was
Allison et al1 is that there are no data to my view the whole debate around trans- only achieved by cognitive bilateral activa-
show that the spine is less optimally versus abdominis is missing a critical tion, and not by simple activation as part of
controlled when activation of transversus issue. Back pain is not an issue of a single a sit-up31 or other abdominal bracing
abdominis is changed. This is challenging muscle, it is associated with complex manoeuvre.34 Furthermore, focussed atten-
to test in humans (because it is difficult to changes across a whole system. tion on activation of the deeper muscles

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can also change the activation of many do not refute the original hypotheses of with mode and speed of locomotion. Gait Posture
muscles of the trunk.35 These data suggest the role of transversus abdominis in 10. Hodges P, Gandevia S. Activation of the human
that training of bilateral activation is an trunk control; in fact, they are very diaphragm during a repetitive postural task. J Physiol
effective training stimulus to change the congruent with the evolution of our 2000;522:165–75.
way the muscle is activated in function, understanding of the function of the 11. Hodges PW, Pengel HM, Sapsford R. Postural and
respiratory functions of the pelvic floor muscles.
despite the fact that this may not be the deep muscles. The basic observations Neurourol Urodyn 2007. In press.
only way it is active in function. This from the early studies that were con- 12. Hodges P. Differential activity of the right and left
principle of a training stimulus that does ducted 15 years ago provided a starting costal diaphragm during non-respiratory tasks in
humans. In: Proceedings Australian Neuroscience
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Why glucocorticoids should be enhance performance in humans,4 it can

be strongly argued, using Bayes’ theorem,
that this drug class is particularly likely to
removed from the World produce false positive results.
Bayes’ theorem, developed centuries
Antidoping Agency’s list of ago by an English clergyman, is a formula
to calculate ‘‘positive predictive value’’

banned products (the likelihood that a positive test actually

represents a true positive).1 The numera-
tor is the number of true positive cases
with the denominator being the sum of
John W Orchard both true positive and false positive cases.
One of the principles of Bayes’ theorem is
Sports medicine clinicians and researchers positive in a doping test. Such a result that the likelihood of a positive result
should all be familiar with the concepts of may be considered a ‘‘false positive’’ with being a true positive is proportional to the
false positives and false negatives. Research respect to intent to cheat using a perfor- prevalence of the condition being tested
to test a hypothesis about a link between, mance-enhancing drug, even though the for in the sample population. The princi-
say, a risk factor and a disease can testing process was accurate in finding the ples of Bayes’ theorem are used for
potentially be wrong in either of two ways. drug in the athlete’s system. screening in other areas of medicine, like
The findings might falsely show a link Intent to cheat is so difficult to prove or cancer detection.5 Mammograms, for
when in reality one does not exist (a type I disprove that WADA takes a pragmatic example, are recommended for postme-
or a error), or they might fail to show a link approach and enforces strict liability for nopausal women, but not for younger
when there really is one (a type II or b all positive tests.3 Strict liability means women. This is because breast lesions
error).1 2 Hopefully most of the time, if that denying intention to cheat is not detected by mammogram in older women
studies are well conducted, the likelihood relevant if the results of a drug test are are somewhat likely to be malignant
of both of these errors is reduced. positive. If the excuse of lack of intention (because the prevalence of breast cancer
Similar errors in both directions can was generally accepted, most true cheats is relatively high). By comparison, breast
potentially occur in drug testing in sport, would deny intent and many would lesions in younger women are extremely
although the nature of false positives and escape prosecution as a result. History likely to be benign (because the prevalence
false negatives is somewhat different from suggests, though, that there are some drug of breast cancer is very low). It is generally
that in other clinical testing. The rigorous suspensions which were probably false calculated by screening experts that a
methods of collection and the use of ‘‘A’’ positives with respect to intent to cheat. mammogram performed in a young
and ‘‘B’’ samples mean that many sources Perhaps the first such case was Rick woman is much more likely to cause
of potential laboratory error are mini- DeMont of the USA, who lost a swimming harm (by falsely identifying a suspicious
mised. The false positive and false nega- gold medal after apparently being pre- lesion which is, in fact, benign) than it is
tive phenomena in doping may be better scribed ephedrine by his team doctor to to lead to benefit (by identifying a
referenced to the athlete’s intent to cheat treat asthma at the Munich Olympics in suspicious lesion which is a true malig-
using performance-enhancing drugs. An 1972. A similar case saw Andrea Raducan nancy).5 As women get older and breast
athlete who takes a so-called ‘‘undetect- of Romania stripped of her Olympic gold cancer becomes more likely, then the
able’’ anabolic steroid is a true ‘‘drug medal in gymnastics in 2000 after a positive value of screening tests, such as mammo-
cheat’’, but one who might produce a test for pseudoephedrine, apparently taken grams, increases. In sports medicine,
‘‘false-negative’’ drug test because the as a medication to treat a cold. Bayes’ theorem has been used to argue
structure of the undetectable drug is not
Babette Pluim has recently highlighted against routine ECG screening of asymp-
yet known by the testing authorities. By
cases of suspected false positives from the tomatic young athletes.6
comparison, the athlete who inadver-
sport of tennis.4 Alarmingly, it was Bayes’ theorem as it applies to drug
tently takes a banned drug (particularly
calculated that as many as 68% of the testing can be demonstrated by consider-
one with minimal performance-enhancing
doping charges in tennis over the previous ing a theoretical population of 10 000 elite
potential) not to cheat, but to treat a
5 years were false positives.4 athletes and two theoretical drugs which
legitimate medical condition, may test
Glucocorticoids were one of the major we can call ‘‘G’’ and ‘‘A’’. Drug ‘‘G’’ is a
classes responsible for the suspected false glucocorticoid and is commonly used to
Correspondence to: John W Orchard, Sports Medicine
positive cases. Because glucocorticoids are treat medical conditions such as asthma
at Sydney University, Cnr. Western Ave. & Physics Rd,
University of Sydney NSW 2006, Australia; extremely commonly used in general and sinus congestion. Therapeutic use
jorchard@med.usyd.edu.au medicine and have not been shown to exemption (TUE) is available for athletes

944 Br J Sports Med December 2008 Vol 42 No 12

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Transversus abdominis: a different view of

the elephant
Paul Hodges

Br J Sports Med 2008 42: 941-944

doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2008.051037

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