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21st Century TIF4 Report Summary - Elementary Schools

Qualitative Data based on Initial Meetings held in August, 2017 with TIF4 Schools to
determine individual school’s needs. Quantitative Data based on observations made over
the 2016-2017 school year by TIF4 Coaches. Note: Graphs are using a 4-point scale to
indicate the 4 levels of 21st Centaury Competencies reached for each Dimension;
however, Real-World Problem Solving, Self-Regulation and Skilled Communication only
have a maximum competency level of 3. X-axis is 21st Century Dimensions; Y-axis is
level of Competency reached. 21st Century Leaders are as of 2017-2018 school year.
Dunn ES used as a Control for data as they are not a TIF4 school and do not
receive support from a TIF4 funded Instructional Coach. Dunn ES Control Data Graph

Drake ES - focusing on Inclusive Practice; Writing with Lucy Caulkins; STEM

sustainability; MTSS; PBL; Use of Tech with Writing. 21st Century Leader(s): None
for 2017/2018. STEM IS: Diana Beug. 21st Century TIF4 Differentiated Support for:
OneNote Resource for teachers for PBL/STEM for sustainability; Helping with system for
tracking, storage, and reserving STEM materials; Teachers implementing Use of Tech in
writing instruction.

Greenbrae ES - focusing on Core Instruction; Phonics/Vocab; Digital Citizenship;

SEL; STEM; Use of Tech for Learning, Self-Regulation; Knowledge Construction.
21st Century Leader(s): Rachel Joslin. STEM IS: Rachel Hall. 21st Century TIF4
Differentiated Support for: Media/App creation allowing students to self -regulate
and work independently; Power PDs on Digital Citizenship, etc.; Participating on STEM
committee; Implementing collaborative groups in Phonics/Word study (ongoing focus).
Provided survey for staff:

Kate Smith ES - focusing on MTSS; Sustained Inquiry; Word Study; STEM; PBL;
Learning Walks; Skilled Communication; Self-Regulation; Real-World Problem
Solving. 21st Century Leader(s): Barbara Boatman, Marie Scilacci. STEM IS: Jillian
Welch. 21st Century TIF4 Differentiated Support for: School wide transition from
individual word study workbook toward incorporating 21st C collaborative structures;
Teachers planning their PBL units with a 21st Century Competency lens on Self-
Regulation and Skilled Communication; PLC support for STEM PLCs; Implementing
Sustained Inquiry practices in their teaching; Alignment with Real-World Problem Solving
with PBL lessons; Create a OneNote Notebook of teacher resources and lessons for
sustainability. Provided survey for Staff:

Lincoln Park ES - focusing on MTSS; NV KIDS Read; PBL; AVID; Self-Regulation.

21st Century Leader(s): Tracey Gaffney. STEM IS: Tracey Gaffney. 21st Century TIF4
Differentiated Support for: PD based on data derived from survey; Implementing
Self-Regulation in small learning group cohorts; Support for STEM nights; Support for
MTSS and 21st Century strategies for various intervention groups. Provided survey for

Maxwell ES - focusing on Core Curriculum and Instruction; Climate and

Engagement; Writing; PBL; STEM; Restorative Practices; SEL; Self-Regulation;
Skilled Communication. 21st Century Leader(s): None for 2017/2018. STEM IS: Vicki
Smith. 21st Century TIF4 Differentiated Support for: Support with Exhibition and STEM
nights; Supporting teachers with implementing 21st Century dimensions in writing
instruction; Supporting 2nd grade team with collaboration structures around reading
groups; Helped to create system for reserving the STEM lab. Provided survey for Staff:

Risley ES - focusing on MTSS; PLCs; NV KIDS Read; Use of Tech for Learning
(5th grade); Skilled Communication. 21st Century Leader(s): None for 2017/2018.
STEM IS: Christin O’Keefe. 21st Century TIF4 Differentiated Support for: Support 5th
grade team using Technology to support their writing instruction along with Skilled
Communication; Coaching 5th grade team on MS Teams.

Mitchell ES - focusing on Climate and Engagement; STEM; GLAD; Digital

Citizenship; SEL; Use of Tech for Learning. 21st Century Leader(s): Michelle Oddo.
STEM IS: Kara Murphy. 21st Century TIF4 Differentiated Support for: Support with
STEM lab and Co-Teaching model with STEM IS and Reg Ed Teachers; Support for
new ETS; Power PD for 21st Century learning and lesson planning; Support with
technology being used in classrooms for Learning and Assessments; Coaching for
Leaders Network member in a train-the-trainer model for rest of staff. Provided survey
for Staff: http://tinyurl.comybdmv58l
21st Century TIF4 Report Summary - Middle & High Schools

Sparks MS - focusing on Inclusive Practice; PBL; Use of Tech for Learning.

21st Century Leader(s): Brenda Arnold, Kristen Dorn. STEM IS: Barbara Barker. 21st
Century TIF4 Differentiated Support for: Supporting teachers with PD on MS
Teams; Support for STEM classroom with robotics; Coaching for new STEM teacher.
Provided survey for staff:

Sparks HS - focusing on Inclusive Practice; AVID; AP Enrollment; STEM; Use of

Tech for Learning. 21st Century Leader(s): Mitch Rivard, Carla Gonzales, Rebecca
Nemsgern. STEM IS: Brice Shoolroy, Nicholl Johnson. 21st Century TIF4 Differentiated
Support for: Short, targeted Power PD for areas of focus for teachers, i.e.,
incorporating tech in classroom purposefully, flipped/blended classrooms, formative
assessments (MS Forms, Nearpod, etc.); Support for Social Studies and Science depts.
with 21st Century dimensions; Support for Sped Dept with1:1 iPad program. Provided
survey for Staff:

Average of 21st Learning Competencies Observed for ALL TIF4

schools compared to Control School - Dunn ES
Note: Graphs are using a 4-point scale to indicate the 4 levels of 21st Century
Competencies reached for each Dimension; however, Real-World Problem Solving,
Self-Regulation and Skilled Communication only have a maximum competency level
of 3. X-axis is 21st Century Dimensions; Y-axis is level of Competency reached.

Current Projects involving TIF4 Coaches

1) 8/23– 10/11 Practitioner Badge Courses - 1) @ Maxwell ES Shari & Jess
2) 8/23– 10/11 2) @Brown MPR Rachel & Mark
3) 8/30-11/29 3) @ Brown ES Terra & Misha
4) 8/30-10/18 4) @ Traner Tina & Sara
5) 1/23/18- 5) @ Brown MPR Tina & Jess

Location/ SPED teachers (iPad cohort) Shari, Jess Practitioner Badge: Advancing Inclusive Practices
Dates TBD

winter/spring Instructional Coach Badge Rachel, Jess,


Sept. 11-Nov. Administrator Practitioner Shari &

6, 2017 Badge Robert

Sept. 15, #1  21st Century Educator Shari & Jess  Monthly/BiMonthly

Newsletter (all Practitioner  Oct/Nov just waiting on Practitioner in Spotlight
badge learners, Advocates,
Area Sups, etc.)

1) 10/19- Leader Badge 1) @ Brown MPR Tina & Mark

12/20 2) @ Brown MPR Tina & Misha
2) 3/5/18-

17-18 Getting Started with Digital Tina/Jess Creating a Classroom Environment Teacher Sites

17-18 Leadership Internship ALL (Tina) need to discuss what this will look like and the details of
implementation etc..

17-18 Exemplar Classroom Rachel/Mark 8/18 meeting to review criteria and begin workflow
Exemplar Classroom Project Feedback page: Feedback

17-18 Digital Citizenship Resources on Shari/Rachel 8/7-8/11 Emailed elementary, middle, and high school con-
Website tacts for vetted resource info

17-18 Video catalog/on the website Shari & Mark 8/22 begin ADA compliance with "Bee" video

17-18 Creating Digital Learning Envi- Jess/Robert 9/21 Met to discuss details - will align with School Support
ronment (School-Wide) team of TAG—Jess is creating rough draft of steps to take
to implement digital environment at a school site

Last updated 11/7/2017

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