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Timeline of electrical and electronic


The following timeline tables list the discoveries and in- • 1874: Ferdinand Braun discovers the rectifier effect
ventions in the history of electrical and electronic engi- in metal sulfides and metal oxides.
• 1877: Thomas Edison (1847 - 1931) invents the
first phonograph, using a tin foil cylinder. For the
1 History of discoveries timeline first time sounds could be recorded and played. A
phonograph horn with membrane and needle was ar-
ranged in such a way that the needle had contact to
2 History of associated inventions the tinfoil.

timeline • 1880: the American physicist Charles Sumner Tain-

ter discovers that many disadvantages of Edison’s
cylinders can be eliminated if the soundtrack is ar-
3 Consumer Electronics ranged in spiral form and engraved in a flat, round
disk. Technical problems soon ended these experi-
3.1 1843-1923: From electromechanics to ments. Still, Tainter is regarded as the inventor of
electronics the gramophone record.

• 1884: Paul Nipkow obtains a patent for his Nipkow

disk, an image scanning device that reads im-
ages serially, which constitutes the foundation for
mechanical television. Two years later his patent
runs out.

• 1886: Heinrich Hertz succeeds in proving the ex-

istence of electromagnetic waves for the first time
Thomas Edison's phonograph - now the groundwork for wireless telegraphy and
radio broadcasting in physical science is laid.
• 1843: Watchmaker Alexander Bain (inventor) de-
• 1887: Unaware of Charles Sumner Tainter's ex-
velops the basic concept of displaying images as
periments, German-American Emil Berliner has his
points with different brightness values.
phonograph patented. He used a disk instead of
• 1848: Frederick Collier Bakewell invents the first a cylinder, primarily to avoid infringing on Edi-
wirephoto machine, an early fax machine son’s patent. Quickly it becomes obvious that flat
Gramophone records are easier to duplicate and
• 1861: Grade school teacher Philipp Reis store.
presents his telephone in Frankfurt, inventing
the loudspeaker as a by-product. • 1888:
• 1867: French poet and philosopher Charles Cros • Alexander Graham Bell (1847 - 1922) signif-
(1842 - 1888) presents the construction principle of icantly reduces interfering noises by using a
a phonograph in his 'paréophone', which turned out wax cylinder instead of tin foil. This paves the
not to be a commercial success at the time. way to commercial success for the improved
• 1867: James Clerk Maxwell (1831 - 1879) devel- phonograph.
ops a theory predicting the existence of electromag- • American Oberlin Smith describes a process
netic waves and establishes Maxwell’s equations to to record audio using a cotton thread with in-
describe their properties. Together with the Lorentz tegrated fine wire clippings. This makes reel-
force law, these equations form the foundation for to-reel audio tape recording possible.
classical electrodynamics and classical optics as well
as electric circuits. • 1890:


• The phonograph becomes faster and more • The Italian Guglielmo Marconi transmits
convenient due to an electric motor. The elec- wireless telegraph messages by electromag-
tric motor brings on the first juke box with netic waves over a distance of five kilometers.
cylinders - even before flat disk records were
widely available. • 1898
• Thomas Edison discovers thermionic emis- • The Danish physicist Valdemar Poulsen cre-
sion. To this day, this effect forms the basis ates the world’s first magnetic recording and
for the vacuum tube and the cathode ray tube. reproduction, using a 1 mm thick steel wire as
a magnetizable carrier.
• approximately 1893: The invention of the selenium
phototube allows the conversion of brightness val- • Nikola Tesla demonstrated the first wireless
ues into electrical signals. The principle is applied remote control of a model ship.
in wirephoto and television technology for a short
• 1899: The dog “Nipper” is used in "His Master’s
time. Selenium is used in light meters for the next
Voice", the trademark for gramophones and records.
50 years.
• 1902

• Otto von Bronk patented his “Method and ap-

paratus for remote visualization of images and
objects with temporary resolution of the im-
ages in parallel rows of dots”. This patent,
originally developed for phototelegraphy, im-
pacted the development of color television,
particularly the NTSC implementation.
• For the first time audio records are printed
with paper labels in the middle.

• 1903: Guglielmo Marconi provides evidence that

wireless telegraphic communication is possible over
long distances, such as across the Atlantic. He used
a transmitter developed by Ferdinand Braun.

• 1904

• For the first time, double-sided records, and

those with a diameter of 30 cm are produced,
increasing playing time up to 11 minutes (5.5
minutes per side). These are created by Odeon
in Berlin and debuted at the Leipzig Spring
• The German physicist Arthur Korn developed
the first practical method for telegraphy.

• 1905: The Englishman Sir John Ambrose Fleming

invents the first electron tube.
Cinématographe camera by the Lumière brothers in 1895 (ref
86.5822) at the French Museum of Photography in Bièvres, Es- • 1906
sonne, France
• Robert von Lieben patented his “inertia work-
ing cathode-ray-relays”. By 1910 he devel-
• 1895: Auguste Lumiere's cinematograph displays
oped this into the first real tube amplifier, by
moving images for the first time. In the same year,
creating a triode. His invention of the triode
brothers Emil and Max Skladanowsky present their
is almost simultaneously created by the Amer-
“Bioscop” in Berlin.
ican Lee de Forest.
• 1897 • Max Dieckmann and Gustav Glage use the
• Ferdinand Braun invents the “inertialess cath- Braun tube for playback of 20-line black-and-
ode ray oscillograph tube”, a principle which white images.
remained unchanged in television picture • The first jukebox with records comes on the
tubes. market.
3.2 1924-1959: From cathode ray tube to stereo audio and TV 3

• American Brigadier General Henry Harrison • The 15-year-old Manfred von Ardenne is
Chase Dunwoody files for a patent for a car- granted his first patent for an electron tube hav-
borundum steel detector for use in a crystal ra- ing a plurality of electrodes. Siegmund Loewe
dio, an improved version of the Cat’s-whisker (1885-1962) builds with the tube his first radio
detector. It is sometimes credited as the first receiver “Loewe Opta-".
semiconductor in history. The envelope detec- • The Hungarian engineer Dénes Mihály
tor is an important part of every radio receiver. patented an image scanning with line de-
flection, in which each point of an image is
• 1907: Rosenthal puts in his image telegraph for the
scanned ten times per second by a selenium
first time a photocell.
• 1911: First film studios are created in Hollywood • August Karolus (1893-1972) invents the Kerr
and Potsdam- Babelsberg . cell, an almost inertia-free conversion of elec-
trical pulses into light signals. He was granted
• 1912: The first radio receiver is created, in accor- a patent for his method of transmitting slides.
dance with the Audion principle.
• Vladimir Kosma developed the first television
• 1913: The legal battle over the invention of the elec- camera tube, the Ikonoskop, using the Braun
tron tube between Robert von Lieben and Lee de tube.
Forest is decided. The electron tube is replaced by • The German State Secretary Karl August Bre-
a high vacuum in the glass flask with significantly dow founded the first German broadcasting or-
improved properties. ganization. By lifting the ban on broadcast re-
ception and the opening of the first private ra-
• Alexander Meissner patented his process dio station, the development of radio as a mass
“feedback for generating oscillations”, by his medium begins.
development of a radio station using an elec-
tron tube .
• The Englishman Arthur Berry submits a patent 3.2 1924-1959: From cathode ray tube to
on the manufacture of printed circuits by stereo audio and TV
etched metal.
• 1924: the first radio receivers are exhibited at the
• 1915: Carl Benedicks leads basic studies in Swe- Berlin Radio Show
den on the electrical properties of silicon and
• 1925
germanium. Due to the emerging tube technology,
however, interest in semiconductors remains low • Brunswick Records in Dubuque, Iowa pro-
until after the Second World War. duced their first record player, the Brunswick
Panatrope with a pickup, amplifier and loud-
• 1917 speaker
• Based on previous findings of the Englishman • In the American Bell Laboratories, a method
Oliver Lodge, the Frenchman Lucien Levy de- for recording of records obtained by micro-
velops a radio receiver with frequency tuning phone and tube amps for series production.
using a resonant circuit. Also in Germany working on it is ongoing
since 1922. 1925 appear the first electrically
• 1919: Charlie Chaplin founded the Hollywood film recorded disks in both countries.
production and distribution company United Artists
• At the Leipzig Spring Fair, the first miniature
camera "Leica" is presented to the public.
• 1920: The first regularly operating radio sta-
tion KDKA goes on air on 2 November 1920 in • John Logie Baird performs the first screening
Philadelphia, USA. It is the first time electronics are of a living head with a resolution of 30 vertical
used to transmit information and entertainment to lines using a Nipkow disk.
the public at large. The same year in Germany an in- • August Karolus demonstrated in Germany
strumental concert was broadcast on the radio from television with 48 lines and ten image changes
a long-wave transmitter in Wusterhausen. per second.
• 1922: J. McWilliams Stone invents the first portable • 1926
radio receiver. George Frost builds the first “car ra-
dio” in his Ford Model T. • Edison developed the first "LP". By dense
grooves (16 grooves on 1 mm) and the reduc-
• 1923 tion of speed to 80 min −1 (later 78 min −1

) increases the playing time up to 2 times 20 (1898) to the second crucial pioneer of magnetic
minutes. He carries himself with the decline sound, image and data storage
of his phonograph business.
• Dénes Mihály presented in Berlin a small cir-
• The German State Railroad offers a cordless cle, the first authentic television broadcast in
telephone service in moving trains between Germany, having worked at least since 1923
Berlin and Hamburg - the idea of mobile tele- in this field.
phony is born.
• August Karolus and the company Telefunken
• John Logie Baird developed the first commer- put on the “fifth Great German Radio Exhi-
cial television set in the world. It was not until bition Berlin 1928” the prototype of a televi-
1930, he is called a " telescreen sold “at a price sion receiver, with an image size of 8 cm × 10
of 20 pounds. cm and a resolution of about 10,000 pixels, a
much better picture quality than previous de-
• 1927
• The first fully electronic music boxes • In New York (USA) the first regular television
("Jukeboxes") used in the USA on the market. broadcasts of the experiment station WGY,
• German Grammophon on sale due to a li- operated by the General Electric Company
cense agreement with the Brunswick-Balke- (GE). Sporadic television news and dramas ra-
Collender Company. Its first fully electronic diate from these stations by 1928.
turntables. • The first commercially produced televi-
• The first industrially manufactured car radio , sion receiver of the Daven Corporation in
the “Philco Transitone” from the “Storage Bat- Newark is offered for $75.
tery Co.” in Philadelphia, USA, comes on the • John Logie Baird transmits the first television
market. pictures internationally, and the same across
• The first shortwave radio - Rundfunkübertra- the Atlantic from London to New York. He
gung overseas broadcast by the station PCJJ also demonstrated the world’s first color tele-
the Philips factories in Eindhoven in the Dutch vision transmission in London.
colonies. • 1929
• Opening of the first regular telegraphy -
• Edison withdraws from the phono business -
Dienstes between Berlin and Vienna.
the disk has ousted the cylinder.
• First commercial sound films ("The Jazz • The company Columbia Records developed
Singer", USA) using the “Needle sound” back the first portable record player that can be con-
in sync with the film screening for LPs over nected to any tube radio. It also created the
loudspeakers. first radio / phonograph combinations, the pre-
• First public television broadcasts in the UK by cursor to the 1960s music chests.
John Logie Baird between London and Glas-
gow and in the USA by Frederic Eugene Ives
(1882-1953) between Washington and New • • The German physicist Curt Stille (1873-1957)
York. records magnetic sound for film, on a perfo-
rated steel band. First, this “Magnettonver-
• The American inventor Philo Taylor
fahren” has no success. Years later it is re-
Farnsworth (1906-1971) developed in Los
discovered for amateur films, providing easy
Angeles, the first fully electronic television
dubbing. A “Daylygraph” or Magnettongerät
system in the world.
had amplifier and equalizer, and a mature
• John Logie Baird developed his Phonovision, Magnettondiktiergerät called “Textophon”.
the first videodisc player. 30-line television
• Based on patents, which he had purchased
images are stored on shellac records. At 78
of silence, brings the Englishman E. Blattner
RPM mechanically scanned, the images can
the " Blattnerphone “the first magnetic sound
be played back on his “telescreen”. It could
recording on the market. It records on a thin
not play sound nor keep up with the rapidly
steel band.
increasing resolution of television. More than
40 years later, commercial optical disc players • The first sound film using optical sound pre-
came onto the market. miers. Since the early 1920s, various people
have developed this method. The same op-
• 1928: Fritz Pfleumer got the first tape recorder toelectronic method also allows for the first
patent. It replaces steel wire with paper coated time the post-processing of recorded music to
in iron powder. According to Valdemar Poulsen sound recordings of it.
3.2 1924-1959: From cathode ray tube to stereo audio and TV 5

• The company RCA Victor presents to the pub-

lic the first real LP record, the 35 cm diameter
and 33.33 RPM give sufficient playing time for
an entire orchestral work. But the new turnta-
bles are initially so expensive that they are only
gain broad acceptance after the Second World
War - then as vinyl record.
• The French physicist René Barthélemy leads
in Paris the first public television with clay be-
fore. The BBC launches first Tonversuche in
the UK.
• Public World Premiere of electronic television
- without electro-mechanical components such
as the Nipkow disk - on the “eighth Great Ger-
man Radio Exhibition Berlin 1931 ". Doberitz
/ Pomerania is the first German location for a
tone-TV stations.
• Manfred von Ardenne can be the principle
of a color picture tube patent: Narrow strips
Daylygraph wire recorder of phosphors in the three primary colors are
closely juxtaposed arranged so that they com-
plement each other with the electron flow to
• The director Carl Froelich (1875-1953) turns white light. A separate control of the three
"The Night Belongs to Us", the first German colors has not yet provided.
sound film.
• 20th Century Fox presents in New York on • 1932
an 8 m × 4 m big screen the first widescreen
• The company AEG and BASF start for the
magnetic tape method of Fritz Pfleumer to
• The radio station Witzleben begins in Ger- care (1928). They develop new devices and
many with the regular broadcasting of televi- tapes, in which celluloid is used instead of pa-
sion test broadcasts, initially on long wave with per as a carrier material.
30 lines (= 1,200 pixels) at 12.5 image changes
per second. It appear first blueprints for tele- • In Britain, the BBC sends first radio programs
vision receiver. time-shifted instead of live.
• John Logie Baird starts in the UK on behalf of • The company telephone and radio apparatus
the BBC with regular experimental television factory Ideal AG (today Blaupunkt) provides
broadcasts to the public. a car radio using Bowden cables to control it
from the steering column.
• Frederic Eugene Ives transmits a color televi-
sion from New York to Washington. • 1933
• 1930
• After the Nazi seizure of power in Germany is
• Manfred von Ardenne invented and developed broadcasting finally a political tool. Systematic
the flying-spot scanner, Europe’s first fully censorship is to prevent opposition and spread
electronic television camera tube. the “Aryan culture”. Series production of the
• In Britain, the first television advertising and " People’s recipient VE 301 “starts.
the first TV interview • Edwin Howard Armstrong demonstrates that
frequency-modulated (FM) radio transmis-
• 1931
sions are less susceptible to interference than
• The British engineer and inventor Alan amplitude-modulated (AM). However, practi-
Dower Blumlein (1903-1942) invents “Binau- cal application is long delayed.
ral Sound”, today called “Stereo”. He devel- • In the USA the first opened drive-in theater.
oped the stereo record and the first three-way
speaker. He makes experimental films with • 1934: First commercial stereo recordings find little
stereo sound. Then he becomes leader of the favor - the necessary playback devices are still too
development team for the EMI −405-line tele- expensive. The term "High Fidelity" is embossed
vision system. around this time.

• 1935 • Werner Flechsig invents the shadow mask

method for separate control of the three pri-
• AEG and BASF place at the Berlin Radio
mary colors in a color picture tube.
Show, the tape recorder " Magnetophon K1
“and the appropriate magnetic tapes before. In • 1939
case of fire in the exhibition hall all four exhib-
ited devices are destroyed. • On the “16th Great German Radio and tele-
vision broadcasting exhibition Berlin 1939 ",
• In Germany the world’s first regular television
the” German Unity television receiver E1 “and
program operating for about 250 mostly public
announces the release of free commercial tele-
reception points starts in Berlin and the sur-
vision. Due to the difficult political and eco-
rounding area. The mass production of tele-
nomic situation, only about 50 devices are sold
vision receivers is - probably due to the high
instead of the planned 10,000.
price of 2,500 Reichsmarks - not yet started.
• In the USA the first regular television broad-
• At the same time, the research institute of the
casts take place.
German Post (RPF) begins with development
work for a color television methods , but which • 1940
are later reinstated due to the Second World
War. • The development of television technology for
military purposes increases the resolution to
• 1936 1029 lines at 25 frames per second. Commer-
• Olympic Games in Berlin broadcast live. cial HDTV television reached that resolution
almost half a century later.
• “Olympia suitcase”, battery-powered portable
radio receiver, introduced. • The problem of band noise with tape devices
is reduced dramatically by the invention of ra-
• The first mobile television camera (180 lines,
dio frequency bias of Walter Weber and Hans-
all-electronic) is used for live television broad-
Joachim von Braunmühl.
casts of the Olympic Games.
• Also in the UK are first regular television • 1942 : The first all-electronic computer is used by
broadcasts - now for the perfect electronic John Vincent Atanasoff, but quickly fades into obliv-
EMI system, which soon replaced the mechan- ion. Four years later the ENIAC completed - the
ical part Baird system - broadcast. beginning of the end of Electromechanics in com-
• Video telephony connections between booths puters and calculators.
in Berlin and Leipzig. Later connections from • 1945-1947 : American soldiers capture in Germany
Berlin to Nuremberg and Munich added. some tape recorders. This and the nullified German
• The Frenchman Raymond Valtat reports on a patents leads to the development of the first tape
patent, which describes the principle of work- recorders in the United States. The first home device
ing with binary numbers abacus. " Sound Mirror “by the Brush Development Co. is
• Konrad Zuse works on a dual electromechan- there on the market.
ical computing machine that is ready in 1937.
• 1948
• 1937
• The American physicist and industrialist
• First sapphire needle for records of the com- Edwin Herbert Land (1909-1991) launches
pany Siemens the first instant camera, Polaroid camera
• The interlaced video method is introduced on Model 95 on the market.
TVr to reduce image flicker. The transmit- • Three American engineers at Bell Labora-
ter Witzleben uses the new standard with 441 tories (John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and
lines and 25 image changes, i.e. 50 fields of William Shockley) invent the transistor. Its
220 half-lines. Until the HDTV era the inter- lesser size and power compared with electron
lace method remains in use. tubes brings (from 1955) portable radio re-
• First movie encoder make it possible not to ceivers starting its march through all areas of
send the TV live, but to rely on recordings. electronics.
• The Hungarian-American physicist Peter Carl
• 1938
Goldmark (1906-1977) invents the vinyl
• The improved AEG tape-recorder “Magne- record (first published 1952), much less noisy
tophon K4” is first used in radio studios. The than their predecessors shellac. Thanks to
belt speed is 77 cm / s, which at 1000 m length micro-groove (100 grooves per cm) can play
of tape has a playing time of 22 minutes. 23 minutes per side. The LP record is born.
3.2 1924-1959: From cathode ray tube to stereo audio and TV 7

This one is the redemption of the claim “high • 1953

fidelity one step closer” to the end of the shel-
• The "National Television System Commit-
lac era.
tee" (Abbreviated as NTSC) normalized in
• The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) the USA named after her black-and-white-
leads the music format with 45 RPM records, compatible NTSC -Farbfernseh process. A
later to conquer the market for cheap players. year later, this method is introduced in the
The first publication in Germany in this format United States.
appears 1953rd
• The car radio top model “Mexico” from
• The British physicist Dennis Gabor (1900- Becker for the first time to an FM area (in
1979) invents holography. This method of mono) and an automatic tuning.
recording and reproducing image with coher-
ent light allows three-dimensional images. It • 1954
was not until 1971 when the procedure gained • RCA developed for the first apparatus for
practical importance, he received the Nobel recording video signals on magnetic tapes. 22
Prize for Physics. km magnetic tape are needed per hour. By
1956, succeeds the company Ampex through
• 1949
the use of multiple tracks, the tape speed to
• In Germany, FM broadcasting starts regular more practicable 38.1 cm / s lower.
program operation. • The European Broadcasting Union is founded
• Experimentally since 1943, series production “Euro Vision”.
since 1949 there are for professional use stereo • First regular television broadcasts in Japan.
- Tonbandgeräte and matching ribbons. Also
• 1955
portable devices for reporters, initially pro-
pelled by a spring mechanism, has been around • The second generation "TRADIC"
since 1949 (Transistorized Digital Computer), first
to use only transistors therefore much smaller
• 1950 and more powerful than its predecessor tube
• In the USA the first prerecorded audio tapes computers.
are marketed. • The Briton Narinder S. Kapany investigated
the propagation of light in fine glass fibers
• Also in the USA the company Zenith mar-
(optical fibers).
kets the first TV with cable remote control for
channel selection. • The first wireless remote control for a televi-
sion US-based Zenith consists of a better flash-
• 1951 light, with which one lights up in one of the
four devices corners to turn the unit on or off,
• The CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System)
change the channel or mute the sound.
broadcasts in New York the first color televi-
sion program in the world, but using the field • 1956
sequential standard, not reaching to the resolu-
• The company Metz introduces radio device
tion of the black and white television and was
type 409 / 3D. First mass production of
to be incompatible.
printed circuit boards. This follows since the
• With the " tape recorder F15 “from AEG 's 1930s, several improvements to the manufac-
first home tape recorder appears on the Ger- turing technology.
man market.
• The company Ampex introduces the “VR
• RCA Electronic Music is the first synthesizer 1000” the first video recorder. That same year,
prior to the creation of artificial electronic CBS uses it for the first magnetic video tape
sounds. recording (VTR) from. Although other pro-
grams are produced in color since 1954, the
• 1952
VTR cannot record color.
• Reintroduction of regular television broadcasts • 1957 : The Frenchman Henri de France (1911-
in Germany after the Second World War. 1986) developed the first generation of color TV sys-
• 20th Century Fox developed with tem SECAM ( Système électronique couleur avec
"Cinemascope" the most successful wide- mémoire ), which avoids some of the problems of
screen process to better compete with the NTSC method. The weaknesses of the SECAM
television. Only some 50 years later pulls the system be fixed in later modifications of the standard
TV with the 16: 9 size screen after. for the most part.

• 1958

• By merging the Edison patents and the

Berliner, the Blumlein stereo recording
method becomes commercially viable. The
company Mercury Records launches the first
stereo record on the market.
• The company Ampex expands the video
recorder with the Model “VR 1000 B” to give
it color capability.

4 See also
• Electronics
• History of electronic engineering

• Timeline of historic inventions

5 References
[1] Isaac Asimov:Biographical Encyclopedia of science and
Engineering, London, 1975 ISBN 0-330-24323-3

[2] Elektrik Mühendisliği, s.259-260, Kemal İnan pp 245-


[3] Fritz E. Froehlich, Allen Kent, The Froehlich/Kent Ency-

clopedia of Telecommunications: Volume 17, page 36. Retrieved 2012-09-10.

[4] The Electrical Engineer. (1888). London: Biggs & Co.

Pg., 239. [cf., "[...] new application of the alternating cur-
rent in the production of rotary motion was made known
almost simultaneously by two experimenters, Nikola Tesla
and Galileo Ferraris, and the subject has attracted general
attention from the fact that no commutator or connection
of any kind with the armature was required."]

[5] Lott, Melissa C. “The Engineer Who Foreshadowed the

Smart Grid--in 1921”. Plugged In. Scientific American
Blog Network. Retrieved 14 August 2017.

6 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

6.1 Text
• Timeline of electrical and electronic engineering Source:
engineering?oldid=795487486 Contributors: Alan Liefting, CeeGee, Wavelength, Arado, Serendipodous, Gilliam, NickPenguin, Cydebot,
Epbr123, Jodi.a.schneider, Jim.henderson, R'n'B, Fountains of Bryn Mawr, Uhai, Spinningspark, WereSpielChequers, Flyer22 Reborn,
Blueclaw, Binksternet, Tfitzp, AnomieBOT, Nedim Ardoğa, FrescoBot, Jonesey95, Dewritech, Sbmeirow, Chris857, ClueBot NG, Al-
bertBickford, Helpful Pixie Bot, Wbm1058, BG19bot, Northamerica1000, Embrittled, Bcarusella, Mogism, JaconaFrere, HiYahhFriend,
Welcome1To1The1Jungle, Maplestrip, Libreaim, Sperth, Bender the Bot, PrimeBOT, Home Lander, DSmurf and Anonymous: 30

6.2 Images
• File:Dailygraph.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contribu-
tors: Original artist: David Morton
• File:Edit-clear.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: The
Tango! Desktop Project. Original artist:
The people from the Tango! project. And according to the meta-data in the file, specifically: “Andreas Nilsson, and Jakub Steiner (although
• File:Musée_français_de_la_photographie_de_Bièvres_2011_29.jpg Source:
Mus%C3%A9e_fran%C3%A7ais_de_la_photographie_de_Bi%C3%A8vres_2011_29.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own
work Original artist: Lionel Allorge
• File:Nuvola_apps_kcmsystem.svg Source: Li-
cense: LGPL Contributors: Own work based on Image:Nuvola apps kcmsystem.png by Alphax originally from [1] Original artist:
• File:Nuvola_apps_ksim.png Source: License: LGPL
Contributors: Original artist: David Vignoni / ICON KING
• File:Phonograph_Meyers.jpg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
• File:Question_book-new.svg Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist:
• File:Text-x-generic.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: The Tango! Desktop Project Original artist: The people from the Tango! project
• File:Translation_to_english_arrow.svg Source:
svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work, based on :Image:Translation_arrow.svg. Created in Adobe Illustrator CS3 Original
artist: tkgd2007

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