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How to form "will" sentences

Como formar oraciones con “will”

Subject auxiliary verb WILL main verb

+ +
Sujeto verbo auxiliary WILL verbo principal
Invariable Base
Invariable Base
will V1

- For negative sentences in the simple future tense, we insert not bet-
ween the auxiliary verb and main verb. For question sentences, we
exchange the subject and auxiliary verb. Look at these example sen-
tences with the simple future tense:

- Para oraciones negativas en el tiempo futuro simple, nosotros inserta-

mos not entre el verbo auxiliar y el verbo principal. Para oraciones inte-
rrogativas, nosotros intercambiamos el sujeto y el verbo auxiliar.
Observe estas oraciones con el tiempo futuro simple:

Subject verb main verb
Sujeto verbo verbo principal

I will open the door.

+ Yo abriré la puerta.

You will finish before me.

+ Tu terminarás antes que yo.

She will not be at school tomorrow.

- Ella no estará en el colegio mañana.

We will not leave yet.

- Nosotros no partiremos todavía.

Will you arrive on time?

? ¿Llegarás a tiempo?

Will they want dinner?

? ¿Querrán la cena?
- When we use the simple future tense in speaking, we often contract the
subject and auxiliary verb:

- Cuando nosotros usamos el tiempo futuro simple al hablar, con fre-

cuencia producimos la contracción del sujeto y del verbo auxiliar:

I will I'll

you will you'll

he will he'll
she will she'll
it will it'll

we will we'll

they will they'll

- For negative sentences in the simple future tense, we contract with

won't, like this:

- Para oraciones negativas en el tiempo futuro simple, nosotros producimos

la contracción con won´t, como se observa a continuación:

I will not I won't

you will not you won't

he will not he won't

she will not she won't
it will not it won't

we will not we won't

they will not they won't

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