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Plant Physiol.

(1974) 54, 560-563

Adenosine Phosphates in Germinating Radish

(Raphanus sativus L.) Seeds'
Received for publication March 22, 1974 and in revised form May 31, 1974


Southern Region, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Crop Scienice
Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607

ABSTRACT ing imbibition of water is, in some way, coordinated and con-
trolled metabolically. Conceivably, end product inhibition,
Changes in concentrations of adenosine phosphates (AMP, substrate induction, hormonal stimulation, and energy re-
ADP, and ATP), oxygen utilization, and fresh weights were lations are all involved and interrelated in the modulation of
measured during the first 48 hours after imbibition of water by metabolism (6). The roles played by each of the known types
quiescent radish seeds (Raphanus sativus L.) at 22.5 C. The of control mechanisms, however, remain to be established.
changes in ATP concentrations, oxygen utilization, and fresh The pivotal role that high energy compounds might play in
weights followed a triphasic time course, characterized by a directing the growth and developmental processes that occur
rapid initial increase, which extended from 0 to approximately in germinating seeds has received limited attention. Brown (4)
1.5 hours, a lag phase from 1.5 to 16 hours, and a sharp linear considered the metabolic implications of changes in the free
increase from 16 to 48 hours. In unimbibed seeds, the concen- nucleotide pattern in germinating seeds. Regulation of the
trations of ATP, ADP, and AMP were <0.1, 0.9, and 2.2 levels of nucleotides by adenylate kinase in seeds was explored
nmoles/seed, respectively. After imbibition of water by the by Bomsel and Pradet (3). Control exerted by the adenylate
quiescent seeds, for 1 hour, the ATP concentration had increased phosphates and the applicability of the energy charge concept
to 2.5, and ADP and AMP concentrations had decreased to 0.3 of Atkinson (1,
2), in the regulation of cellular activity in
and 0.1 nmole/seed, respectively. These early changes occurred germinating seeds, was investigated by Pradet et al. (16) and
also in seeds maintained under anaerobic conditions (argon), later by Ching (6, 7). Only limited information for a relatively
or when treated with either 5 mM fluoroacetate, or 5 mM iodo- few plant species is available concerning changes in the con-
acetate. The concentrations of ADP and AMP did not change centrations of adenylates in seeds during the first few hr after
significantly from 1 to 48 hours. The termination of the lag imbibition of water, and little is known about the interrelations
phase at 16 hours correlated with radicle emergence. Cell divi- between energy-generating systems. A critical evaluation of
sion in the radicles was initiated at approximately 28 hours. the modulation of metabolism by energy relations in
ATP concentrations in seeds maintained under argon or treated ing seeds can conceivably be made when more information
with fluoroacetate remained relatively constant from approxi- about the behavior of adenylates becomes available. Con-
mately 2 to 48 hours. In contrast, the ATP concentration of sequently, the objectives of the studies reported herein were
iodoacetate-treated seeds decreased curvilinearly from 4 to 48 (a) to measure changes in the adenylate phosphates (AMP,
hours. Oxidative phosphorylation was estimated to have con- ADP, and ATP) and (b) to determine the
tributed 15, 20, and 65% of the pool ATP at 1.5, 16, and 48 of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation relative contribution
hours, respectively.
to the ATP pool,
during the first 48 hr following imbibition of water by quiescent
radish seeds.
Radish seeds (Raphanuiis sativus L. var. Early Scarlet Globe)
of a uniform size were germinated in the dark in 9-cm Petri
In addition to food reserves, quiescent seeds contain en- dishes on filter paper wetted with 5 ml distilled water or with
zymes and organelles held in a metabolically inactive state. aqueous solutions of 5 mm sodium fluoroacetate or 5 mm so-
When water is imbibed by the seeds at a suitable temperature dium iodoacetate. Unless indicated otherwise, the studies were
and under aerobic conditions, the enzymes and organelles that conducted at 22.5 C. In the study involving effects of anaero-
were formed during seed maturation become activated, and the biosis, the seeds were placed in 50-ml Erlenmeyer flasks which
partially differentiated embryos resume their course of develop- had been modified to permit purging with, and maintaining an
ment. The sequential development of events that occurs follow- atmosphere of, argon.
In the 1-, 4-, and 8-hr treatments, 14 seeds were used. At
' Cooperative investigations of the North Carolina Agricultural
the end of the imbibition or treatment period, the two most
fully developed and the two least developed seeds were dis-
Experiment Station and the Southern Region, Agricultural Re- carded. Measurements were made on the remaining 10 seeds.
search Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Raleigh,
N. C. Paper No. 4305 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina For time periods longer than 8 hr, seven seeds were treated,
Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, N. C. Investigations sup- the most advanced and the least developed seeds or seedlings
ported in part by Public Health Service Grant ES 00044, Coopera- were discarded, and five were assayed. At the sampling times
tive State Research Service Grant 116-15, and National Science indicated, the selected seeds or seedlings were rinsed with
Foundation Grant 28951. distilled water, blotted, and weighed. Seeds or seedlings were
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Copyright © 1974 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.
homogenized immediately in 3 ml of 7% perchloric acid (v/v)
with a motorized tissue grinder. The homogenate was neutral-
ized with 1.2 ml of 3 N NaOH and 2.0 ml of 0.2 M HEPES
buffer (pH 7.4), and centrifuged to remove precipitated ma- _ 30 12 c
terials and cellular debris. The supernatant was brought to a
volume of 10 ml with distilled water. Whenever necessary, Radicle
dilutions of the supernatant were made with 0.04 M HEPES Emergence
buffer (pH 7.4). -20 -
8 E
The concentration of ATP in the extracts was determined 0
with a luciferin-luciferase assay essentially as described by
Gruenhagen and Moreland (12). ADP and AMP concentra-
tions were determined by difference after enzymatic conversion
to ATP with pyruvate kinase and adenylate kinase, essentially
as described by Chapman et al. (5). All calculations were cor-
rected for interferences imposed by the perchloric acid in the
extracts on the ATP measurements as determined by the in- 00 8 16 24 32 40 48
clusion of internal ATP standards. The energy charge of the Germination Time (Hours )
adenylate pool was calculated, from the molar concentrations FIG. 1. Increases in fresh weight (Q) and oxygen utilization (E)
of the adenylates, as [(ATP) + 1/2(ADP]/[(ATP + (ADP) with time after imbibition of water by radish seeds at 22.5 C. Water
(AMP)] (2). uptake is divided into initial physical hydration (phase 1), a stage
Oxygen uptake of radish seeds and seedlings was measured during which little additional imbibition occurs (phase 2), and a
polarographically with a Clark electrode in a 2-ml, water- period of continuous water uptake (phase 3).
thermostated glass reaction cell maintained at 25 C. After
incubation, the intact seeds or seedlings were placed directly
into the reaction cell, which contained 2 ml of reaction medium
[1I% glucose in 0.03 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 5.5)].
Ten seeds or seedlings were pooled for each time period mea- c

sured, except that only five seedlings were used for the 48-hr
sample. Utilization of oxygen was linear with time until 4n

anaerobiosis occurred. Oxygen content of the air-saturated

medium was calculated to be 236 nmoles/ml.
Data reported herein are arithmetic averages of duplicate 0
determinations obtained from two separate experiments and a

are presented on a per seed or per seedling basis.


Increases in fresh weight after imbibition of water by radish

seeds at 22.5 C are shown in Figure 1, as a function of time. I-0
- --51 ____3__
Incremental gains in fresh weights following imbibition of %

water appear to have occurred in three phases. When quiescent 0 8 16 24 32 40 48

Germination Time (Hours)
seeds were placed in contact with water, there was a rapid
initial increase in fresh weight during the first 90 min, which FIG. 2. Changes in concentrations of AMP (A), ADP (El), and
may be attributed to physical hydration of the seed coats ATP (0) with time after imbibition of water by radish seeds at 22.5
and outer layers of the seeds (phase 1). Between 1.5 and 16 hr. C. Phases of water uptake are indicated.
the increase in fresh weight slowed down as exhibited by only
a slight incremental gain with time (phase 2). From 16 to 48 an intermediate concentration of ADP (approximately 0.9
hr, a marked and continuous linear increase in fresh weight nmole/seed) (Fig. 2). There was a very rapid increase in ATP
(phase 3) occurred. Initiation of phase 3 at 16 hr coincided concentration and a corresponding decrease in AMP and ADP
with emergence of the radicles and preceded cell division, concentrations associated with the imbibition of water during
which did not occur until 28 hr. phase 1. The increase in ATP concentration at 1 hr approxi-
Respiration measured as oxygen uptake, after imbibition of mated the sum of the decreases in AMP and ADP concentra-
water by quiescent radish seeds at 22.5 C, is also shown in tions. The slight increase in ATP concentration during phase 2
Figure 1. Oxygen uptake by the unimbibed seeds was too low to paralleled the changes in oxygen utilization (Fig. 1). During the
be detected by the procedure used. However, respiration was phase 3 uptake of water, between 16 and 48 hr, there was a very
initiated during phase 1 of water uptake. In phase 2, between rapid and linear increase in ATP concentration. The marked
1.5 and 8 hr, the rate of respiration did not change appreciably. linear increase in concentration of ATP, which began at around
Between 8 and 16 hr a gradual increase in the rate of respiration 16 hr, coincided with emergence of the radicles. The concentra-
occurred. Beginning with the 16-hr sample and continuing tions of ADP remained relatively low, but were slightly higher
through phase 3, there was a very rapid and linear increase in between 1 and 16 hr than from 16 to 48 hr. AMP concentrations
the rate of respiration, which originated with the emergence of reflected no major changes between 1 and 48 hr and remained
the radicles. The changes in rates of respiration paralleled below those of ADP.
closely the increases in fresh weight. Because of the high AMP and low ATP concentrations, the
The ATP concentration in the unimbibed radish seeds was energy charge of the seeds, before imbibition of water, was
below the limits of sensitivity of the procedure used herein 0.13. At the end of the 1st hr, after imbibition of water, the
(<0.1 nmole). However, the dry seeds contained an appreciable energy charge had increased to 0.89. The change reflected the
concentration of AMP (approximately 2.2 nmoles/seed) and large increase in ATP and corresponding decreases in ADP

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Copyright © 1974 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.
562 MORELAND, HUSSEY, SHRINER, AND FARMER Plant Physiol. Vol. 54, 1974

/o O

ab 8 ATP A
40 0
oe- _ E
4:3 o vm E
0._ -o 30 E -
(L Fresh a N - c)
Weight c m

o 4 -,& o6 20 3
c a
2 Radicle 10
O Length

15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0

16 24 32
Temperature (C )
Germinotion Time ( Hours )
FIG. 4. ATP concentration (0), radicle length (0), and fresh
FIG. 3. Changes in ATP concentration with time after imbibition weight (A) of radish seedlings after germination of the seeds for 48
of water by radish seeds at 22.5 C under aerobic (0) and anaerobic hr at different temperatures.
conditions (0), and treatment with 5 mM fluoroacetate (A) and
5 mM iodoacetate (El). Phases of water uptake are indicated.
phosphorylation to the ATP pool was estimated to be ap-
proximately 15% at the end of the first phase of water uptake
and AMP concentrations. After 4 hr, the energy charge had (1.5 hr), 20% at the end of the second phase (16 hr), and dur-
increased slightly to 0.93 and remained around this value ing the third phase, amounted to approximately 45 and 65 %
through the 48-hr sample. at 24 and 48 hr, respectively.
Trends in the ATP content of the radish seeds and seedlings The energy charge of seeds maintained under anaerobic
following placement in an anaerobic (argon) atmosphere, and in conditions and seeds treated with fluoroacetate did not deviate
contact with 5 mm iodoacetate and 5 mm fluoroacetate are markedly from the untreated control seeds at all time periods
presented in Figure 3. For comparative purposes, the curve, through 48 hr (0.89 to 0.93). In the iodoacetate treatment,
which represents the trend in ATP concentrations obtained the energy charge values decreased steadily from 0.89 at 1 hr
after imbibition in contact with water, is repeated from Figure to 0.48 at 48 hr.
2. lodoacetate alkylates sulfhydryl groups and inhibits the Seeds maintained under anaerobic conditions and those
activity of many enzymes that have sensitive sulfhydryl groups treated with iodoacetate showed the same increases in fresh
associated with the active centers, including the glycolytic weight as the seeds germinated under aerobic conditions (Fig. 1)
enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (20). To from 1 to 16 hr. Between 16 and 48 hr, seeds held in the
be effective, fluoroacetate has to be converted enzymatically absence of oxygen and treated with iodoacetate did not leave
to fluoroacetyl CoA, which is condensed with oxaloacetate to the second phase of water uptake. Fresh weight did not in-
form fluorocitrate. The fluorocitrate acts as a competitive in- crease, but remained at approximately 14 mg/seed. Fluoro-
hibitor of aconitase; utilization of citrate by the tricarboxylic acetate-treated seeds increased slightly in fresh weight from
acid cycle is prevented and citrate accumulates (17). 14.5 mg at 16 hr to 18.8 mg at 48 hr. In comparison, the
Maintenance of the seeds in an argon atmosphere and treat- aerobically germinated control seeds had increased in weight
ment with fluoroacetate did not prevent the reciprocal decrease from 14.5 mg at 16 hr to 38.5 mg at 48 hr. Radicles did not
in AMP concentration and increase in ATP concentration that emerge from the seeds held under argon or treated with iodo-
occurred in the untreated control seeds during the 1st hr acetate. Radicle emergence did occur in the fluoroacetate
after imbibition of water. [Data for ATP only are shown (Fig. treatment, however, emergence was delayed and instead of
3).] At 1 hr, the ATP concentrations were slightly lower in the occurring uniformly, was staggered over the period from 24 to
treated seeds than in the untreated controls. The ATP concen- 36 hr. In addition, the radicles were shorter and thinner in the
tration did not increase markedly beyond 1 hr, and essentially fluoroacetate treatment, than the radicles of the untreated con-
remained constant throughout the 48-hr treatment period. trol seeds.
Treatment with iodoacetate also did not prevent the increase Effects of temperature on ATP concentration, radicle length,
in ATP concentration during the 1 st hr following imbibition of and fresh weight of radish seedlings measured 48 hr after
water, but the concentration was slightly lower than in the imbibition of water by quiescent seeds are presented in Figure 4.
controls. ATP levels decreased after 4 hr and reached a very All three curves are bell shaped and show a maximal response
low concentration (0.18 nmole) by 48 hr. in the temperature range of 22.5 to 25.0 C. Trends in ATP
If the mitochondrial contribution of ATP was essentially concentration correlated closely with fresh weight and length
arrested, under anaerobic conditions or following treatment of radicle. However, fresh weight did not decrease as markedly
with fluoroacetate, the ATP represented by the area between as ATP content and radicle length, at temperatures higher
the abscissa and the treatment curves can be considered to have than the optimum. Decreased values were obtained at temper-
had a glycolytic origin (Fig. 3). The area between the argon atures below and above the optimum. As indicated earlier, at
curve and the aerobic curve provides an approximation of the 22.5 C, radicles emerged at around 16 hr, but emergence was
ATP produced by the mitochondrial system. As reflected in delayed at temperatures of 15.5 and 17.5 C. However, when
Figure 3, the concentration of ATP postulated to be contrib- the 48-hr samples were harvested, all radicles had emerged.
uted by glycolysis remained relatively constant between 4 and At 30 C, radicles were noticeably thicker than those that de-
48 hr in the untreated seeds. The contribution of oxidative veloped at lower temperatures.

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Copyright © 1974 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.
DISCUSSION creases in fresh weight (9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21), respiration
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and ATP) were monitored in this study as a function of time
into RNA also followed a similar triphasic response (10).
after imbibition of water by quiescent radish seeds. The values Acknowledgmiienzt-We are most appreciative for the use of the controlled tem-
reported represent the net adenylate content of a pool that is perature germination chambers ma(le available ly Dr. R. J. Downs, Southeastern
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(glycolytic and mitochondrial systems) and the biosynthetic
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