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Chapter 11.

Cost Calculations for Highly Mechanized Cut-and-Fill Stoping *


A stoping section consists of three blocks of different

The two unit operations in cut-and-fill stoping that geometric shapes. The first and last blocks to be mined
would benefit most from increased mechanization are will be triangular in the plane of the vein, and the blocks
drilling blastholes and moving broken ore to the ore- between will have the shape of parallelograms (Fig. I ) .
passes. Drilling in current practice is done with hand- The first block will develop the initial ramp by breast
held jackleg and stoper drills. Broken ore is commonly stoping and filling to the ramp floor (Fig. 2 ) . The ramp
moved from the face to the orepass by a small slusher. will need to be completed through to the next level be-
This type of equipment can be easily moved through the fore stoping of the subsequent block can begin. The
raises. subsequent blocks are mined by back stoping with the
Hand-held drills have a slow drilling rate and require next ramp being developed at the other end of that block
one operator for each machine. Drilling can be done (Fig. 3). The length of each subsequent block can be
much faster by small jumbo-mounted machines as two varied without changing the slope of the ramp. As the
or more drills can be operated by one miner. new ramp is developed, the previous ramp is filled along
with the stope cut. Access up and down is maintained
Load-haul-dump (LHD) units move broken ore
through the stope. The final block is again breast stoped
from the face to one or more orepasses at a much faster as no new ramp will be developed at the end line for
rate with less loss and dilution than slushers. These units
jumbo egress.
are mobile and may be used at more than one place
during a shift. Boreholes provide ventilation between levels as well
The problem which must be overcome in applying as utility access. They can also provide a secondary
escapeway for personnel during periods of development.
this higher degree of mechanization is the restricted
These boreholes would be located about 3 to 4.5 m (10
means of access inherent in current practices. Cut-and-
to 15 ft) in the footwall and spaced about 183 m (600 ft)
fill methods are usually applied to mining veins that are
apart along the vein.
narrow, irregular in dip and strike, or where ground con-
ditions require the support of sand fill. The mechanized The orepasses are spaced about 61 m (200 ft) apart
equipment which is needed to accomplish high produc- in the vein. This spacing allows not only a short tram
tion cannot be raised or lowered through raises without for the LHD unit but also provides surge capacity for
being disassembled. the ore between haulage trains. These passes are raised
from the haulage levels. As development progresses, the
A jumbo which will give the desired performance
would be mounted on a rubber-tired carriage with a raises are driven through the sill pillar, and then car-
ried in the fill as stoping progresses. Ventilation and
diesel engine for propulsion. Twin hydraulic booms run
utilities can be maintained through an orepass when it is
by a small air motor would carry pneumatic drills. Over-
not needed for ore. The end line orepasses are intended
all dimensions of the unit would be about 8 m (26 ft)
for this purpose as well as for personnel emergency
in length, 1.6 m (5% ft) in width, and 1.6 m (5% ft)
in height.
Overall dimensions and criteria assumed to illustrate
An LHD of the desired capacity would be mbber-
the ramp method of access in a highly mechanized cut-
tired and either diesel or electric-powered. The overall and-fill stope are: haulage level spacing of 61 m (200
dimensions of a 2.3-m (3-cu yd) unit will be about 8 m
ft); ramp gradient of 17% ; average dip of approximately
(26 ft) in length, 1.8 m (6 ft) in width, and 1.5 m 1.57 rad (90"); initial stope length of 358 m (1177 ft);
(5 ft) in height. It will weigh about 12 700 kg (28,000 subsequent stope length of 179 m (588 ft); average
Ib) . stoping width of 3 m (10 f t ) ; sill pillar thickness of
It can readily be seen that conventional raises can- 3.6 m (12 ft); crown pillar thickness of 1.8 m (6 ft) ;
not handle this size equipment. The most desirable bored raises of 1.5-m (5-ft) diam; and cribbed orepasses
means of access enables equipment to be driven into the of 1.2 x 1.2 m ( 4 x 4 ft) through the sill pillar and
stoping areas. Ramps can enter the stope by being 1.2 m (4 ft) square inside the cribbed portion.
driven upward in the vein walls or by being developed
in the vein on top of the fill as the stope advances. This
ramp system not only permits the use of rubber-tired The ramp access system lends itself well to conduct-
equipment in multiple working places but also enables ing the several phases of development concurrently.
its removal for repairs without component breakdown. Haulage Drifts and Raises
In the proposed method, as in conventional cut-and- The first development step will be to drive the
fill stoping, sand fill will replace the mined-out ore. By 3 x 3-m (10 x 10-ft) haulage drifts above and below
constructing an inclined timber floor at one end of the
stope, a ramp can be maintained on top of the fill and * p u g h T ~M.,
. and Rasrnussen, D. G., 1977, "Stope Mech-
advanced as the stope is advanced cut by cut (Fig. 1 ) . anization-Vein Mining," US Bureau of Mines HO 26024,
August, Dravo Corp. For detailed cost calculations see also
The ramp is, therefore, developed during the stoping Section 2.2, Chapter 13; Section 3.1, Chapter 4; Section 3.2,
process and is only driven as a tunnel when rising over Chapter 10; Section 3.3, Chapter 6: and Section 3.4,
and around the sill and crown pillars. Chapter 7.
/Back Stoping of /5 ft. DIAM BOREHOLES
IT, 6 ft. CROWN PILLAR- Standard Block IN FOOTWALL \

IZft. Sill K l l a r ~
1176.5 ft. 588.3 f t . b 5 8 8 . 3 f t . d IiAULAGE
5 a 5 ft. Cribbed
Orepasses Carried


\cribbed Raise Sill pillar/ 1 ( Cribbed Orepasses c ~ r i b b e do r e p o s h Cribbed ~ d s e 2

for Ventilation HAULAGE DRIFT 200ft. € t o € r
zoo 11 t o E f o r Ventilation I-


0 100 ZOO 400


fig. 1. Highly mechanized cut-and-fill stoping. Metric equivalent: ft X 0.0348 = m.


0 5 10 20 ORE MUCK ..... ..,.... SAND F I L L

1 1 - 0 I

Fig. 2. First block unit operation. Metric equivalents: in. X 25.4 = mm; ft X 0.3048 = m; yd X 0.914 4 = m.

the stope blocks. The boreholes can be made from short in between these distances depending on ground condi-
footwall crosscuts while the drifts progress. The ore- tions or other factors. In this chapter, the longer length
passes can also be driven from the lower drift through was used for all calculations.
the planned sill pillar. Initial Cuts
Sill Pillar Up Ramps The initial stope cut is advanced in the vein above
The up ramps can be started as their locations are the sill pillar, and because it involves drift-type break-
passed by the haulage drifts. They will crosscut into the ing and mucking, the cut is considered to be develop-
footwall at angles from 2.09 to 2.35 rad (120 to 135") ment. The orepass raises will be broken into as the cut
with the haulage drift direction. The ramp will curve is advanced to provide short tramming distances. A
back toward the vein at an average gradient of about grizzly will be installed at the raise collar. The raise at
0.2 rad ( l o % ) , then steepen to 0.3 rad (17%) on the the end line will be used for ventilation access.
straight segment. In Fig. 4, two plans are shown; one
ramp is 57 m (188 ft) in length and the other 88 m
(290 ft). The difference in lengths is due to the curve One of three stoping systems will be used depending
lengths and gradients. Actual design lengths could fall on the individual block's position within the vein length.


I l l

Fig. 3. Back stoping operations. Metric equivalents: in. X 25.4 = mm; ft X 0.3048 = m; yd X 0.914 4 = m.

/ 613



Section C-C' Section 0-0'


Fig. 4. Typical up ramp turnouts. Metric equivalent: ft X 0.3048 = m.

The ramp is developed on the fill, through to the upper tion this tunnel intersects the drift. The last stope cut
drift by the first stope. The subsequent stope operations can then be filled tight to the crown pillar.
then back fill the former ramps and develop new ones First sand fill is essential to the success of this
along their endlines. The final stope is then worked method. Sand that is as free of slimes as possible should
upward by filling the last ramp without developing a be used for rapid draining and quick setup. To ensure a
new one at its endline. hard traveling surface it may be necessary to add port-
land cement to the upper few inches of fill.
First Block
Stoping in the first block progresses by enlarging the Subsequent Blocks
area above the projected ramp line to form a 2.4-m While the first stope is still producing, the up ramp
(8-ft) high face, then by breasting down 2.4-m (8-ft) and the initial stoping cut should be advanced in the next
deep rounds with a two-boom jumbo. Calculations indi- block. However, stoping cannot begin until the up ramp
cate two rounds should be made for each mining shift. in the preceding stope is completed through to the upper
LHD units will move the broken ore to the orepasses. level.
They can be either diesel or electric and have a capacity The first ramp must be filled to the floor level of the
between 1.5 and 2.6 m3 ( 2 and 3% cu yd). initial cut to provide through access. Back stoping can
then begin at either end of this stope. The two-boom
When a cut is completed to the endline, the equip- jumbo will drill up holes in a pattern of four holes wide
ment and utility lines are removed, and the cribbed o r e for 9 to 12 m (30 to 40 ft) along the vein each shift to
passes are built up to the next floor level. The ramp break a 2.4-m (8-ft) cut. The broken ore will be moved
gradient is projected up the rib walls and holes drilled to the nearest orepasses with an LHD. Drilling and
to support the timber caps on 1.2-m (4-ft) centers. The mucking can therefore continue simultaneously without
caps are wedged between the walls and cradled in "bull being isolated by a muck pile, because access can be
horns" inserted in the drill holes. A deck of 76-mm maintained by way of either ramp.
(3-in.) thick planks is then nailed to the caps. Burlap Fill will be added in much the same manner as it was
covers the underside of this ramp chinked into any open- in the first stope. The portion of the up ramp for the
ings. Fill can then be run into the stope for its full preceding stope below the stope level must be filled
length with care to be taken to see that it fills tightly along with the stope. As the stope progresses upward,
under the ramp decking (Fig. 2). A ramp 14.6 m (48 the utility lines can be removed from the ramp to be
ft) in length is constructed for each 2.4 m (8 ft) of fill filled and added to extend the lines up the near ramp.
height. Final Block
The remaining stope cuts will proceed in a similar The final block will not develop a new ramp as did
manner until the crown pillar is reached. The ramp is the former blocks. Because there will be no new ramp,
then turned into the footwall again and driven to the breasting rounds will probably again be used to avoid
elevation of the upper haulage drift. At the sill eleva- trapping the jumbo behind a muck pile. Filling of this

Table 1. Summary of Mining Costs

- - -

Cost, $ Tonnage Cost Per Ton.' $
First block 639,343 92,069 6.95
Subsequent block 464.1 86 86,262 5.38
Final block 308,375 68,501 4.50
Total 1,411,904 246,792 5.72
'Excluding sill and crown pillars to give a recovery of 89.4% of reserves in place.
'Operating costs only. Does not include amortization of capital, etc.
'Metric equivalent: st x 0.907 184 7 = t.

block will be simplified as no new ramp deck will need are carried in fill at 63-m (208-ft) intervals; haulage
to be constructed. levels are 61 m (200 ft) apart for calculation purposes,
APPLICATION MODELS but this concept could enable greater spacing; and all ore
excluding the pillars is taken.
This general concept can be used in many situations
and ore body dimensions. To be able to estimate costs, Table 1 gives the cost summaries and productions
productivity, and other comparable measurements, how- from each of the three stoping block types. Table 2
ever, certain criteria were assumed to provide a model. gives breakdowns of both the development costs and the
These were as follows: daily production of 725.7 t stoping costs for the first block type. This block will
(800 st); 240 operating days per year; a vertical shaft yield about 83 440 t (92,000 st). Table 3 shows similar
1067 m (3500 ft) deep; an average vein thickness of information for the subsequent block types for produc-
3 m (10 f t ) ; an average selling value of ore of $40.00 tion of about 78 000 t (86,000 st) per block. The final
per ton; an initial mine development time of two years; block cost breakdown is shown in Table 4 for produc-
a total mine life of 17 years; costs and rates as derived tion of about 62 130 t (68,500 st). The first block is
in the earlier portion of this study; all blastholes drilled estimated to be the most expensive to mine because it
with a two-boom jumbo; the broken ore is mucked and involves breast stoping and high development costs. The
subsequent blocks are less expensive to stope because
trammed by a 2.6-m3 (3-cu yd) LHD; rockbolts are
used for ground support; stope cuts are 2.4 m ( 8 ft) back stoping can be used, although the development
high; stope fills are made after each cut; all development costs are still high because of the smaller tonnage de-
headings 3 x 3 m (10 x 10 ft) are untimbered but rock- veloped. The final block will be the least expensive to
bolted; rail haulage for all ore from the stopes is ade- mine because the applicable development costs are very
quate to maintain continuous production; the raise bore- much lower than the other two types.
holes are done by a contractor and are to be drilled in The costs derived were calculated, based on knowl-
the footwall at 183-m (600-ft) intervals; the maximum edge of both the productivity and cycle time elements,
ramp gradient is 0.3 rad ( 17% ) ; the cribbed orepasses for each of the mining methods being considered. Costs

Tabie 2. Summary of First Block Minino Costs

Mining Tonnaget Cost Per Cost Per Ton Prorated
Operation Produced Cost. $ Ton, 8 Over Block Tonnage. $

Haulage drift 10,308 125,603 12.19 1.36

Ventilation boreholes 436 cu 33.060 0.36
yd waste
Drive ramp through 1074 cu 23,548 0.26
sill pillar yd waste
Drive ramp through 1074 cu 20.694 0.22
crown pillar yd waste
Initial stoping cut 8748 74,214 8.48 0.81
Drive orepasses 146 4.729 32.84 0.05
Install chutes 16,000 0.17
Total development* 19,202 297,848 15.51 3.24
Cost Per Ton
Stope Ore, $
Breast stoping 72,827 195,176 2.68
Build timber ramp 21,865 0.30
Timber operations 19,980 0.27
Backfill 91,034 1.25
Miscellaneous 13,440 0.18
Total stoping 72,827 341,495 4.69
Total production 92,029 639,343 6.95

'Except where noted all development is done in the vein.

'Metric equivalents: cu yd x 0.764 554 9 = m3; st x 0.907 184 7 = t.

Table 3. Summary of Subsequent Block Mining Costs

Cost Per Short ton
Mining Tonnage Cost Per Prorated Over
Operation Producedt Cost, $ Short Ton, $ Block Tonnage, $

Haulage drift 4,860

Orepass raises 73
Bored vent raise Waste
Ramp and initial
stope cut 4,172
Orepass chutes -
Final ramp Waste
Total development' 9,105 st
Drill and blast
(back stoping)
Temporary ground
Build ramp
Crib raises
Total stoping
Total production
'Except where noted all development is done in the vein.
'Metric equivalent: st x 0.907 184 7 = t.

Table 4. Summary of Final Block Mlning Costs

Cost Per Short Ton
Mining Tonnage' Total Cost Per Prorated Over
Operation Produced Cost, $ Short Ton, $ Block Tonnage, $

10 x 10-ft' bulkhead Produced Short Ton. $ Cost Per Short Ton

68,493 39.75 0.01

Orepass chute
10 x 10-ft' bulkhead
Initial stope cut
Total development
Breast stoping
Cribbed raises
salvage, etc.)
Total stoping
Total production
'Metric equivalents: ft x 0.3048 = m; st x 0.907 184 7 = t.

Table 5. Summary ot Productlvlty Estimates tor Hlghly Mechanized Cut-and-FIII Stoplng

Calculations of the number of men required to produce 800 stpd'
200 st per shift per stope is achievable on a continuous basis
Stope crew = 1 jumbo operator
1 miner
1 LHD operator

3 per shift
Assume 2 stopes each being worked on 2 shifts per day to give 800 stpd
12 men per day + 4 utility crew (stope preparation, salvage, piping, etc.)
Total = 16 men per day
Backstoping productivity = 800 st = 50 st per miner shift
16 men
Breast Stoping
Assume 2 men per stope per shift will produce 100 st (2 rounds per shift) so that 4 stopes worked on 2 shifts per
day basis produce 800 st.
Stope crew = 1 jumbo operator
1 LHD operator
= 16 men per day +
8 utility crew
= 24 men per day
Breast stoping productivity = 800 st = 33.3 st per miner shift
24 men
'Metric equivalent: st x 0.907 184 7 = t.

for equipment, fuel, tires, and other expendables are plan. Total costs calculated from dollar-per-foot fig-
1976 figures, and equipment hourly operating costs for ures were then expensed over the ore block directly as-
each piece of equipment are included at the end of the sociated with the development. The development costs
entire cost section. The labor cost used has been fixed do not include shafts, slopes, or other major support
at $10.50 per hr, based on average rates at underground systems, but only the costs incurred for the development
mines in the United States and including 35% markup of the specific tonnage block.
for fringe benefits and 25% for an incentive payment Stoping costs were calculated, using derived unit
system. operation costs, for drilling, blasting, mucking, stope
The total mining cost, based on these assumptions, preparation, and ground support installation when re-
consists of two parts: development costs, and itoping quired. Selection of proper unit operations was made
costs. Development costs are determined by first creat- for specific stoping cases and their related costs compiled
ing a development plan of drifting, raising, and chutes to give a stoping cost.
or mill holes. Several specific development plans are It should be reemphasized that costs given include
considered for each stoping method. Prior to this, ap- labor, direct operating costs of equipment, and expend-
propriate unit costs were applied to the development ables. These costs have been allocated to the assigned


Fig. 5. Variation of mechanized

cut-and-fill for a short vein strike
length. Metric equivalent: ft X
0.3048= rn.

-F 8 0 0 11. \
p Y I W 2p0 SAND F I L L ORE

tonnage for the example stoping block. Equipment capi- ried in the fill. Bored or driven raises can be located in
talization and depreciation have not been included. the footwall near the switchback stations to serve as ore-
The stope productivity measured in tons per miner passes. Other convenient locations for these orepasses
shift will depend on the blasting technique employed. could be intersected by short crosscuts.
The first and the final blocks require breast stoping' and Irregular endlines and raking ore shoots can be
for this method 30.2 t (33.3 st) per miner shift was es- worked by locating the switchback stations to conform
timated to be the productivity. The intermediate or sub- with the endlines. The orepasses would be the limiting
sequent blocks are back stoped to produce about 45 t factor.
(50 st) per miner shift. Table 5 gives a derivation of
This ramp method of cut-and-fill stoping will be best Any innovation or change in a stoping system will
suited for very long ore shoots in veins or continuous affect the total mine system. There will be improvements
beds. Any number of the subsequent blocks may be to certain facets but there are also some limitations
added to extend the stoping area. The lengths of these involved with any stoping system.
intermediate stopes maibe-extended beyond the 179 m Improvements
(588 ft) shown in this model.
Short ore shoots can also be stoped using this ramp This highly mechanized ramp system will show sig-
system by three different approaches: the vertical dis- nificant improvements over conventional practices in
tance between the haulage levels can be reduced, which producfivity, operating costs, and safety.
may be practical for operating mines with established Productivity: This will be increased in the following
close-level spacing, but the development costs would be operations: mucking of broken ore, drilling blastholes
somewhat increased on each ton of ore produced; the in stopes, handling stoping supplies, installing utility
ramp gradient could be steepened (most of the available lines, ventilating stopes, and hauling ore from stopes.
rubber-tired equipment can travel grades efficiently up Operating Costs: These will be lowered due to the
to 2 0 % ) ; or the ramps can be made to switchback to following factors: fewer manshifts per ton will not only
gain vertical distance to whatever haulage level spacing lower operating costs, but will require fewer support
is desired. employees; material handling costs will be reduced; sand
An example for this variation on the ramp system as fill pours will be larger and therefore more efficient;
shown in Fig. 5 has a strike length of about 244 m (800 haulage costs from stopes will be less; and rubber-tired
ft) and a level separation of 165 m (540 ft). The ramp equipment can be moved from one stope to another for
switchbacks turn into the footwall at right angles to greater utilization.
make level stations. To make the reversed continua- Safety: Safer working conditions with less manual
tion, the up ramp would be started in the footwall par- labor will result from the following: jumbo drill opera-
allel with the vein, then turned into the vein. A sturdy tors will be back from the face under supported ground
pillar will be left between the ramps. The ramp would or possibly under a canopy; danger from slusher cables
be developed through to the upper level in the same will be removed; material handling will be with LHD
fashion as previously described under "First Block." units or underground trucks in place of man handling;
Alternating blocks will be taken leaving the blocks above personnel access will be by the ramp instead of the
the ramps in place until the upper level has been reached. raises; and ventilation through the stope will be superior
as all dust and gases should exhaust away from the
The remaining blocks will be removed in an upward
working area.
retreating sequence similar to the method described pre-
viously under final block method. The down ramps will Limitations
be filled as mining progresses upward. Because one Several factors may limit the application of this cut-
ramp will be above the other, orepasses c a ~ o be t car- and-fill stoping system: the long stope lengths must be

Start of Year 3 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 ll I2 I3 M n 6 17 18 I 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 ~ 2 9 3 6 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 5 8 3 6
I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Haulage D r i f h 3n?*r/+-Ore
Development of 2
Raises pn Level
oevelopnea of 2
StOpe Initial Cuts

Full ~cductim
. -
Fig. 6. Start-up schedule of conventional cut-and-fill stoping. Metric equivalent: st x 0.907 184 7 = t.

Table 7. Comparlson of Equlpment Requlrementa

Conventional Method Highly Mechanized Method

Unit Total Unit Total

No. Type cost, $ Cost, $ NO. Type Cost, $ Cost, $

2nd Year 2nd Year

3 Mucking machines 3 Jackleg drills
8 Jackleg drills 3 Stoper drills
8 Stoper drills 3 LHD diesels
Total Total
3rd Year 3rd Year
10 Jackleg drills 3 LHD diesels
10 Stoper drills 4 2-boom jumbos
8 Slushers 3 Jackleg drills
8 Scrapers 3 Stoper drills
8 Tugger hoists 4 Timber saws
Total Total
4th Year Two-year total
7 Jackleg drills
7 Stoper drills
12 Slushers
12 Scrapers
12 Tugger hoists
Three-year total

the first two years of development are in waste. Both Table 6 is a comparison of development costs and shows
systems start stope development by driving three 3 x 3-m the ramp method to be 28.6% higher than conventional.
( 10 x 10-ft) haulage drifts in ore. EQUIPMENT AND MANPOWER REQUIREMENTS
Major equipment prices are tabulated in Table 7 to
Stoping in the conventional system will begin at give a comparison. This equipment would cost approxi-
45 t/d (50 stpd) about the fifth month after the start mately $593,000 over three years for the conventional
of the third year (months begin at the start of the third method. The equipment for the highly mechanized
year). Production will then increase by 45 t/d (50 stpd) method would cost approximately $900,000 over a two-
per month until the 24th month when 20 stopes will be year period. To start up the highly mechanized system
available to give continuous production of 725 t / d (800 would, therefore, cost approximately 50% more than
stpd). Twenty-five percent of the stopes are assumed the conventional method. This is to be expected as ex-
to be out of production for fill or development at all pensive, but more efficient, equipment would be used in
times (Fig. 6). Development ore could bring total mine place of cheaper but less efficient equipment.
production up to 725 t / d (800 stpd) as early as the Manpower requirements for both the conventional
eighth month, but this production would not be main- and highly mechanized methods are estimated and com-
tained. pared in Tables 8, 9, and 10. Table 8 shows 29 salaried
Stoping in the highly mechanized cut-and-fill method employees for the conventional and 22 for the highly
would begin about the eighth month after the start of mechanized method. Fewer shift foremen will be re-
the third year and continue at 363 t / d (400 stpd) to the quired to supervise stoping, as well as fewer support
26th month when it would increase to the full 725 t / d personnel. Table 9 shows 136 hourly employees for the
(800 stpd). Four stopes in full production will actually conventional and 85 for the highly mechanized method.
produce sufficiently more than 725 t / d (800 stpd) so as The greatest reduction in labor is in the stope mining.
to make up for any downtime for sand fills. Develop- Total personnel are compared in Table 10. Labor cost
ment ore, again, could bring total mine production up to per ton is $18.01 for the conventional method and
725 t / d (800 stpd) in the eighth or ninth month. Ore
$1 1.82 for the highly mechanized method for a reduc-
from the haulage drifts would be intermittent after the
tion of 34.4%. Productivity is 4.4 t (4.85 st) per man-
12th month (see Fig. 7 ) .
shift for the conventional method and 6.78 t (7.48 st)
The conventional stoping system could come into for the highly mechanized. Tons per total manshift will
production earlier than the new ramp method; however, therefore be increased by 54.2% if the highly mecha-
considerably more miners would be required. These nized method is used.
miners would need to be highly skilled to accomplish
the development work required. ECONOMIC EVALUATION ANALYSIS
In the highly mechanized system, the miners that The comparison of the two cut-and-fill methods was
drove the three haulage drifts could phase into the stope carried further by applying the costs and productivities
development work and then into the actual stoping. The to the computerized evaluation program, ECONEVAL.
net effect would be reduced personnel requirements. This program was developed by the Office of Coal Re-

Table 8. Comparlron of Manpower Requlrementa for

Salaried Personnel
Conventional Mechanized
Method Method

Annual No. Combined No. Combined

Job Classification Salary. $ Employed Cost. $ Employed Cost, $

Mine superintendent
General mine foreman
Maintenance superintendent
Shift foreman
Sand fill boss
Senior mining engineer
Senior geologist
Safety engineer
Ventilation technician
Survey crew
Bonus clerk
Mine clerk
Total Salaried
+ 35% burden
'Based on 2 shifts per day, 4 shift foremen per shift.
'Based on 2 shifts per day, 2 shift foremen per shift.
'Clerk and secretary combined.

Table 9. Comparlson of Manpower Requlrementa for

Hourly Personnel
Conventional' Highly Mechanizedi
Job Classification Method Method
- -

Total surface
Surface shaftmen
Underground shaftmen
Grizzly tender
Track maintenance
Utility men
Total underground sewice
Haulage drifts
Total development miners
Stope miners
Fill crew
Total development miners
Total hourly
Total cost
@ $10.50 per hr* x 1920 hr per year $2,741,760 $1,713,600

'Based on 2 shifts per day, 2 operating levels, 8 stopes per level, and 2 mlnen per stope crew.
'Based on 2 shifts per day, 3 stoping areas, and 3 men per stoping area.
'Includes burden.

search to provide a reliable standardized estimate of the Table 11. It is shown that the average operating cost for
rate of return on investment. It is this figure that will the conventional method is $19.63 per ton, whereas for
be of paramount interest to any investor or loan the highly mechanized method it is $13.72per ton. The
institution. operating cost for the mechanized method will then be
Input data used in the analysis was specified in the 70% of that for the conventional method. This saving
application model described earlier in the chapter. Other of 30% in operating cost is very significant when one
costs were assumed to be similar to costs obtained from realizes that it comes totally from the increase in stoping
working mines. These assumed costs are equal for both efficiency. The other unit operations and costs are held
methods. Typical and current interest, tax, depletion, constant.
and depreciation rates were applied equally. The commodity value of $40.00per ton of ore pro-
Estimates of operating costs for each year were duced was first applied to the ECONEVAL program.
needed as input data. These costs were developed in The results were that the conventional method of stoping

Table 10. Comparlson of Manpower Requlrements for

Total Personnel

Conventional Highly Mechanized

Method Method

No. Annual Cost No. Annual Cost

Salaried 29
Hourly 136
Total 165
Manshifts per year
Annual production 192,000 st'
Labor cost per
short ton
Short tons per manshift
'Metric eauivalent: st x 0.907 184 7 = t,

Table 11. Operatlng Costs Per Year for Conventional Cut-and-Fill vs Mechanlzed Cut-and-FIII
Conventional Cut-and-Fill Mechanized Cut-and-Fill

Year 1, $ Year 2, $ Year 3. $ Year 4. $ Year 5-17, $ Year 1, $ Year 2. $ Year 3, $ Years 4-17. 5

Underground haulage




surface equipment

Ore-waste handling

Sand fill operation

Surface lagoon

Surface ore haulage

operating expense 50,000
Total annual cost 2,761,073 3,264,166 3,771,440 2.138.740 2,634,600
Short tons mined 140,480 166.520 192.000 156,100 192,000
16.95 per st 19.80 per st 19.64 per st 13.71 per st 13.72 per st
Average 19.63 per st 13.72 per st
Figures in parentheses represent cost per short ton in dollars.
Metric equivalent: st x 0.907 184 7 = t.

Table 12. Sendtlvlty Analyrir to Variation of Commodlty Value

Conventional Highly Mechanized
Commodity Percent Method Equity Method Equity
Value, $ per st' Variance Rate of Return Rate of Return

$40.00 -20.00 0.0 9.76

- 19.00 0.0 10.33
- 18.00 0.0 10.85
- 17.00 0.0 11.34
- 16.00 0.0 11.83
- 15.00 0.0 12.31
-14.00 0.0 12.73
- 13.00 0.0 13.14
- 12.00 0.0 13.56
-11.00 0.0 13.99
- 10.00 0.0 14.45
- 9.00 0.45 14.90
- 8.00 1.16 15.35
- 7.00 1.86 15.79
- 6.00 2.55 16.19
- 5.00 3.21 16.58
- 4.00 3.86 16.96
- 3.00 4.51 17.34
- 2.00 5.13 17.72
- 1.00 5.76 18.10
0.00 6.31 18.48
1.OO 6.83 18.89
2.00 7.35 19.30
3.00 7.86 19.71
4.00 8.37 20.1 1
5.00 8.87 20.52
6.00 9.38 20.91
7.00 9.87 21.32
8.00 10.36 21.70
9.00 10.85 22.05
10.00 11.31 22.40
11.OO 11.73 22.75
12.00 12.15 23.09
13.00 12.58 23.44
14.00 12.98 23.78
15.00 13.38 24.1 1
16.00 13.73 24.46
17.00 14.08 24.80
18.00 14.44 25.13
19.00 14.83 25.47
$60.00 20.00 15.22 25.81
'Metric equivalent: st x 0.907 184 7 = t.

would not only yield no profit but would never return creasing production and decreasing costs. The key to its
the equity in investment. Because there can be no nega- success is the use of the efficient mobile equipment sug-
tive value for a rate of return, the program was rerun gested. To use less productive equipment even for this
for the two methods using a commodity value of $50.00 unique stoping system would fail to produce the results
per ton. For conventional cut-and-fill stoping, the equity derived in this study.
rate of return is 6.31%, the total investment rate of
return is 6.31 %, and the equity payback is 11.04 years.
For highly mechanized cut-and-fill stoping, the equity
rate of return is 18.48%, the total investment rate of
return is 18.48%, and the equity payback period is
6.26 years.
It can readily be seen then that the rate of return on
the investment in the highly mechanized mine is nearly
three times the rate of return for the conventional mine.
The equity would also be paid back in just over one half
the time.
The computer program also produces a sensitivity
analysis of the rate of return by the variation of the
commodity value (Table 12). These values are varied
from 20% above the $50.00 value to 20% below. Fig. 8
illustrates the results of this analysis graphically with the
varied commodity values noted at the corresponding
method that the break-even commodity value is about
$45.00. If we assume that a rate of return of no less
than 10% would make the mining venture attractive,
then for the conventional method, the value of the com-
modity would need to rise to about $54.00 per ton. The
highly mechanized method, however, appears to be prof-
itable from values of $40.00 on up. Drops in the com-
modity value could be much more than 20% before a
loss would occur while using the highly mechanized
method. The element of risk to investment for this
method is therefore much lower than it is for conven-
tional stoping method. Fig. 8. Graph of sensitivity analysis, through the
The highly mechanized cut-and-fill stoping method ECONEVAL economic evaluation. Metric equivalent: st X
described in this report is a practical approach to in- 0.907 184 7 = t.


Table 13. Costs to Drive Hauiage Drift and Ventllatlon Ralses

Drive Haulage Drift

Cost of trackless 10 x 10-ft' drift at 7.6 ft advance per round = $71.36 per ft

Track installation
labor cost = 1 man-hr per ft installed = $10.50 per ft
supply costs = $19.27
$101.13 per ft
1242 ft of haulage drift at $101.13 per ft = $125,603
tonnage mined = 10,308 st'
cost per short ton of development ore = $12.19
cost per short ton prorated over block tonnage = $1.36

Ventilation Raises
ventilation raise cost = $55.10 per ft
3 raises per block x 200 ft x $55.10 per ft = $33,060
cost per short ton prorated over block tonnage = $0.36
'Metric equivalents: ft x 0.3048 = m; st x 0.907 184 7 = t.

Table 14. Coats to Qrlve Ramp and lnltlal Stoplng Cut

Ramp Cost
40 ft' of sill and 290 ft of ramp x $71.36 per ft = $23,548.80

Initial Stoping Cut

1040 ft x $71.36 per ft

Tonnage produced = 8748 st'

Development tonnage cost = $1 1.18 per st
Cost per short ton prorated over block tonnage = $1.06
'Metric equivalents: ft x 0.3048 = rn; st x 0.907 184 7 = t.

Table 15. Eatlmated Condltlona and Cwts for Drlvlng a

5 x 5 it Ralae for 14-it Height
- - - - - --

Drill and blast two &ft* rounds to break 14 ft total
Assume 35 holes per round maximum
Assume additional brow support of 4 mats and 15 rockbolts
Assume 2 men for 3 shifts for this work
Powder factor of 4.8 Ib per cu yd *
Caps and primers $1.21 per hole

Drilling and blasting costs
drill and blast 2 men, 2 shifts @ $10.50 per hr
blasting supplies, 60 caps @ $1.21 each
ANFO, 4.8 Ib x 7.4 cu yd x $0.15 x 2
support brow, 2 men for 1 shift @ $10.50 per hr
supplies, 4 mats @ $2.70 each and
15 bolts @ $2.64 each
stoper, bits and steel, 650 ft @ $0.15 per ft

For 14 ft of raise, drilling and blasting costs $52.51 per ft

Mucking costs
7.4 cu yd x 2 = 14.8 cu yd x 1.2 swell factor = 17.76;
use 18 loose cu yd
with a 2-cu yd bucket at 90% fill factor = 10 scooptram loads
wlth a 10-min cycle time and 50 min hour = 2 hr mucking
2 hr @ $10.50 per hr
2 hr @ $16.01 per hr

Total Costs

Drilling and blasting


Short tons of ore produced = 24

Cost per short ton of raise ore = $32.84
Raise cost = 6 x $788.18 each = $4,729.08 or $0.05 per st of stope block tonnage

5 x $3,200 = $16,000 = $0.17 per st

Total raise cost prorated over stope block tonnage = $0.22 per st
'Metric equivalents: ft x 0.3048 = in; Ib x 0.453 592 4 = kg: cu yd x 0.764 554 9 = rn3.

Table 16. Breast Stoplng Costs

Drilling and Blasting
Using computerized simulated drilling program it was found that one &ft' breast
round could be taken by 2 men in 32.4 + 42 min = 75 min. and would cost $1.31
per st '

Temporary support
8 bolts @ $2.64 each $21.12
drilling material and supply costs,
50 ft @ $0.26 per It -
- $0.64 per st

drilling bolt holes takes 32 min

installing bolts assume 28 min
60 min


Mucking use 3Yz-cu yd' LHD

3.5 cu yd x 90% fill factor x 1.2 swell factor x 75% availability
= 1.97 cu yd per cycle, or 4.41 st per cycle

Haul cycle
0.5 min load
3.0 min haul (maximum 200 ft. 150 fpm' average speed)
0.5 min dump
4.0 min total haul cycle
at 50 min per hr = 12.5 cycles = 55.13 stph capacity

Assume 1 hr mucking time

Operating cost of 3Yz-cu yd LHD = $23.03 per hr = $0.43 per st

Total time to take round = 75 60 + 60 = 195 min or 3.25 hr
2 men could take 2 rounds per 6%hr shift
Cost of labor for travel and lunch = 2 men x l Y 2 hr x $10.50 per hr = $31.50
= $0.30 per st

Total cost per short ton = $2.68

'Metric equivalents: R x 0.3048 = m; fpm x 0.005 08 = rnls; cu yd x 0.764 554 9 = rn:
st x 0.807 184 7 = t.

Table 17. Costa to Build Timkr Ramp

Timber Requirements
12 10 x 10-In.' timbers required on 4-ft' centers per lift
12 10 x 10 in. by 10 ft = 1000 bd ft'
48 10-ft x 3-in. x 12-in plank = 1400 bd ft
2400 bd ft

Assume $150 per 1000 bd ft, therefore timber cost = $366.00

Add 10% for spikes, wedges, etc. 36.60
Total timber 5402.60

Other Supplies
Use bull horns to facilitate installation
Drill four 2-ft holes per timber = 96 ft @ $0.15 per ft = $14.40
24 bull horns @ $3.00 each = 72.00
1 roll brattice @ $80.00 per roll = 60.00
Total supplies $146.40

Time Analysis
2 hr drill
2 hr hang 10 x 10's
2'/2 hr lay deck
llh hr lunch and travel, i.e.. 4 men. 1 shift
@ 10.50 per hr = $336.00
Ownership and labor for the scooptram @$14.19 per hr for 8 hr = $113.52

Total cost = $998.52
Cost per ft of ramp = $998.52148 ft = $20.80 per ft
Total ramp length = 4 1 6 2 ~+ WW + 48 = 1003.7 + 48 = 1051.17
Total cost of ramp floor = 1051.I7 x $20.80 = $21,865 = $0.30 per st'
'Metric equivalents: in. x 25.4 = mm; tt x 0.3048 = m; bd R x 0.002 359 737 = ma; st x
0.907 184 7 = t.

Table 18. Cost to Raise 5 x 5-R Cribbed Orepasses

Labor Costs
Consider 2 men
remove grizzly rails 0.25 hr
build 8-ft crib 0.5 hr
replace rails 0.25 hr
1.00 hr

6 cribs @ 2 man-hr each = 2 manshifts

Labor cost = 16 hr @ $10.50 per hr = $168.00

Material Costs
6 x 6-in. ' cribbing by 5 ft ' long x 4 sides = 120 b d R ' per ft of height
6 cribs X 8 ft high = 48 ft of crib or 5760 bd ft
Use $200 per 1000 bd ft to allow for cutting = $1,152
Add 10% for nails, etc. = 115
Use 3 rolls of brattice cloth @ $60.00 each = -

Supplies Transport
Use LHD to deliver materials to job site
1 trip per crib 30 min per trip = 3 hr. Allow 4 hr for contingencies
4 hr x $28.10 (ownership and operating costs of LHD) = $1 12.40

Total Cost
$168.00 + $1,447.00 + $112.00 = $1,727.40

Cost Summary
Cost per foot = $36.00
555 ft total of cribbed raise
Cost per short ton prorated over stoped tonnage = $0.27
Cost of fill has been calculated previously at $1.25 per st'
'Metric equivalents: in. x 25.4 = mm; ft x 0.3048 = m; bd ft x 0.002 359 737 = m3; st x
0.907 184 7 = t.

Table 19. Subsequent Block Development Costs

Haulage Drift
600 ft ' x $101.13 per ft = $60,678
Produce 4860 st ' development ore $12.49 per st
Haulage drift cost amortized over block tonnage $0.70 per st

Orepass Raises
3 x $53.02 per ft x 14 ft = $2,226.84
Produce 73 st development ore $30.50 per st
Orepass raises amortized over block tonnage $0.03 per st

Vent Raise
200 ft x $55.10 per ft = $11.020
Amortized over block tonnage $0.13 per st

Ramp and Initial Stope Cut

(2904 ramp and 515 ft initial stoping cut) x $71.36 per ft = $57.444.80
Produce 4274 st development ore $13.44 per st
Amortized over block tonnage $0.67 per st

Orepass Chutes
3 @ $3,200 each = $9,600 $0.1 1 per st

Final Ramp
290 ft x $71.36 per ft = $20,694
Amortized over block tonnage $0.24 per st

'Metric equivalents: ft x 0.3048 = rn; st x 0.907 184 7 = t.


Table 20. Subrequent Block Backrtoplng Cost8

Drilling and Blasting
A computer drill and blast simulator program was used.
Data obtained from a rock drill manufacturer for machine
energy output was used as input tor the program and a
2-boom jumbo was considered. The printout shows that
442 ft' per shift can be drilled and blasted at a cost of
$265.55 per blast or $1.03 per st*.

Mucking Table 21. Subrequent Block Englneerlng and

Mlscdlaneour Costs
Use a 3%-cu yd' LHD. Use the same time cycle as in first
block which produces 32.75 cu yd per 60 min hour = Assume the same engineering and miscellaneous costs as in
77.22 stph first block: $13.440 or $0.16 per st'
Because 200 st per shift is required, muck can be removed -

in 2.5450 min hour at a machine availability of 86% 'Metric equivalent: st x 0.907 184 7 = t.
Assume 3 shift hr are used to muck out 200 st, ~Yz-cuyd
LHD @ $23.03 operating cost for 3 hr ($60.09) = $0.35
per st

Temporary Support
As in first block = $0.64 per st

Cost to Build Ramp

$20.80 per ft x 970 ft = $20,176 = $0.26 per st

Cribbed Raises
4612 ft x $36.00 per ft = $16,603.00 = $0.22 per st

Use the $1.25 per st figure Table 23. Vdume of Ore In Flrst Block

'Metric equivalents: R x 0.3048 = rn; cu yd x 0.764 554 9 = m3; Assume 10-ft' thick vein and 12.35 cu ft' per short ton.'
st X 0.907 184 7 = t.

Stope Tonnage
Volume of o = 97,200 cu ft
Table 22. Miscellaneous Costs Volume of A = 801,900 cu fl
@ 162 Ib per cu ft = 72,827 st stoping
1 engineering shift per lift ~ e v e i o ~ m eTonnage
1% shifts pipe salvage, etc. 162
4 shifts material supplies, etc. Haulage drift = 1242 x 10 x 10 ft x -=
10,308 st
6.5 manshifts @ $10.50 per hr = $546.00 per lift
Sill drift = 1080 x 10 x 10 ft x 162 -
= 8,748 st
With 20 lifts per stope = $10,920
Raises=5x5x 1 2 f t x 6 x - = 146st
72,827 st' of stoped ore = $0.15 per st 2000
Development = 19,202 st
Ramp Around Crown Pillar
235 ft' @ $71.36 per ft = $16,769 Total block minable tonnage = 92029 st
72,827 st = $0.23 per st 'Metric equivalents: ft x 0.3048 = r n ; cu flx 0.028 316 85 = m3; Ib x
0.453 592 4 = kg; st x 0.907 184 7 = t.
'Metric equivalents: ft x 0.3048 = rn: st x 0.907 184 7 = t.

Table 24. Mlnable Tonnage In Subrequent Block

Stope Tonnage
Volume of stoped block 588 x 162 x 10 ft' = 952.560 cu ft' or 77,157 st'

Development Tonnage
Haulage drift 600 x 10 x 10 ft + 12.35 cu ft per st = 4,858 st
lnitlal stope cut 515 x 10 x 10 ft + 12.35 cu ft per st = 4,170 st
Orepassraises 3 ~ 1 2 ~ 5 x 5 f t + 1 2 . 3 5 c u f t p e r s t = 73st
9,101 st

Total minable tonnage in block = 86,262 st

'Metric equivalents: R x 0.3048 = m: cu f2 x 0.028 316 85 = m3; st x 0.907 184 7 = t.

Toble 25. Volume of Ore In Flnal Block

Stope Tonnage
1040 x 162
Volume of ore in block =

= 842,400 cu ft*
Stoping = 68,243 st'

Development Tonnage

Volume of development ore

initial stope = 30 x 10 X l o f t ' = 3 0 0 0 ft
~= ~ 243st
orepass through sill
pillar =4x4~12ft
= 192 cu ft = 16 st

Development = 259 st

Total tonnage = 68,501 st

'Metric equivalents: R x 0.3048 = m; cu fl x 0.028 318 85 = m3;st x 0.907 184 7 = t.

Table 26. Flnol Block Develwment

Total length of cribbed raise = 572 ft*
One ore chute
One 5 x 5-ft orepess
One 10 x 10-fl bulkhead at top of ramp in waste
Vent raise haulage drift plus ramp are existing from
previous block
Waste development is nil
'Metric equivalent: fl x 0.3048 = m.

(In Dollars)
This shows a representative run for breasting using
jacklegs to develop drilling and blasting times and costs underground
for a particular run. Blasting Drilling Totals
1.42 1.24 2.67 Per ton
Performance Summary
2.07 1.81 3.89 Per cu yd
Tons broken per blast 20.34 tons
Yards broken per blast 13.95 yd3 28.94 25.32 54.26 Per blast

Footage advanced per blast 5.98 ft 4.84 4.23 9.07 Per ft of advance

Drilling rate 12.00 ipm 0.32 Per ft drilled

Resultant powder factor 2.44 lb per ton

Working Variables
(Input Calculated)
Rock Descriptors
1. Coefficient of rock strength
2. Weight of solid rock, lb per cu ft
Drilling Equipment Description
1. Type of drill (1.0 = jackleg, 2.0 = drifter)
2. Actual bit diameter, in.
3. Amount of mechanization (0.3 = column mounted, 0.6 = jumbo)
Blast Round Design
1. Average hole depth, ft
2. Number of holes per blast
3. Percent pull
4. Excavation type (1.0 = drift, 2.0 = stope)
5. Width of heading, ft
6. Height of heading, ft
7. Angle of holes to face, rad
8. Number of drill holes per row
9. Number of rows blasted per blast
10. Hole spacing on each row, ft
11. Burden, ft
12. Percent powder that is ANFO
13. Weight of explosive, lb per cu ft
14. Burden factor, k
Mine Design
1. Number of drills drilling per face
2. Number of drillers working per face
3. Number of driller helpers working per face
4. Average number of headings
5. Percent of foreman's time allocated to each face
6. Number of powder loaders
7. Actual, or measured drilling rate over an 8-hr shift, ipm
Cost Variables
1. Labor rate-driller, incl. fringe, $ per hr
2. Labor rate-driller's helper, incl. fringe, $ per hr
3. Cost of bit, $ per bit
4. Jackleg drill cost complete, $
5. Jumbo cost complete, $
6. Drifter drill cost, $
7. Foreman's wage rate, incl. fringe, $ per hr
8. Labor rate-blaster, incl. fringe, $ per hr
9. ANFO cost, $ per lb
10. Cost of primers and caps per hole, $

Output Variables
Penetration Rate Outputs
1. Theoretical bit penetration, ipm
2. "Rule of thumb" check of theoretical bit penetration, ipm
3. Penetration rate further modified for the effect of bit diameter
4. Dummy variables (for "rule of thumb" checks of theoretical
bit penetration)
5. Drilling time per blast round, in hrs.
6. Average penetration rate (overall drilling rate), in ipm
7. Apparent specific energy, in lb per cu in.
Drilling Cost Outputs
1. Drilling labor cost per blast, in $
2. "Direct" drilling labor cost per foot drilled, in $ per ft
3. Drilling labor per shift per face, in $ per ft
4. "Direct" labor cost per foot of advance $ per ft
5. "Direct" labor cost per ton broken, $ per ton
Related Drilling cost outputs
1. Bit cost per foot drilled, in $ per ft
2. "Direct" drilling power (i.e., compressed air) cost per foot
drilled, $ per ft
3. Steel (wear) cost per foot drilled, $ per ft
4. "Direct" drill (or jumbo) write-off cost per foot drilled, $ per ft
5. "Direct" drill maintenance cost per foot drilled, $ per ft
6. "Direct" drilling supervision per foot drilled, $ per ft
Blasting Results and Costs
1. Resultant powder factor, in lb of explosive per tons actually broken
2. Resultant per cubic yard powder factor, in lb of explosive per
cu yd of material broken
3. Blasting labor (i.e., powdering the holes) cost per blast
(including loading, priming, and wiring time), in $ per blast
4. Explosives cost per blast (includes ANFO, dynamite, primers,
caps, and line), in $ per blast
5. Blasting supervision cost per blast, in $ per blast
6. Blasting equipment (i.e., pneumatic loaders, etc.) write off
cost per blast, $ per blast
7. Blasting labor (i.e., powdering) cost per minute, in $ per min
8. Number of blasters leading (i.e., powdering) the face
9. Powdering time, in min
Conversion Factors used in model
1. Total footage drilled per blast, in feet
2. Tonnage broken per blast, tons
3. Designed volume of rock to be broken per blast, cu ft (i.e.,
before % pull)
4. Actual (loose) volume of rock pulled (i.e., actually broken)
per blast, in cu yd per blast)
5. Footage drilled per shift per face, in ft per shift per heading
6. Machine (drill or jumbo) cost, in $
7. (Average) footage drilled per hour of machine in use in fph
8. Corrected (or perpendicular) depth of round
9. Actual (or resultant) depth of drift advance per blast, in ft per blast

* Metric equivalents: in. X 25.4 = mm; ft X 0.3048 = m; cu ft X 0.028 316 8 = ma; cu

yd X 0.764 554 9 = ma;Ib x 0.453 592 4 = kg; st X 0.907 184 7 = t.

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