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1st Race The Goldliner Handicap
Cl-V, 1-26, To be ridden by Jockeys of Indian Nationality. 1100 Mts.
AVILOME VILOME Cl17-18 - 172⁄181488 brushed against the false rails approaching the 400 metres.
ASCEND Cl17-18 - 1612⁄17576 slow to begin. 271⁄1811911 App was fined for dropping his hands before passing the winning
SHAFER Cl17-18 - 231⁄1810814 was inclined to hang in passing the 600 metres. 22⁄181254 slow to begin. 172⁄181436 app.
Jockey reported that his mount was inclined to run out during the early and middle stages of the race. 232⁄181502 returned with a cut
injury on right hind.
GLAMOUROUS GLORY Cl17-18 - 2811⁄17(34) jumped awkwardly inwards from the gate. 232⁄181490 fractious and refused to be stalled.
Under the circumstances he was withdrawn.
LUCKY STREAK Cl17-18 - 2811⁄17343 met interference during the final stages of the race.
PORAS Cl17-18 - 2811⁄17337 slow to begin.
CURTIS Cl17-18 - 103⁄181752 Jockey was fined for the indifferent handling of his mount during the final 300 metres of the
race. 293⁄18203 was severely hampered approaching the distance post.
STUDIOFIFTYFOUR Cl17-18 - 243⁄181964 returned bleeding from both nostrils.

2nd Race The Supernova Plate Cl-3H, 21-46 1100 Mts.

DARSH Cl17-18 - 2811⁄17362 slow to begin.
PRINCESS ELENA Cl17-18 - 203⁄18191 Jockey reported that his mount ran green throughout the race.
BEATRIX Cl17-18 - 271⁄181203 met interferene some distance after the start. 103⁄181767 met interference Approaching the
900 metres.
MADAME RECAMIER Cl17-18 - 271⁄1812011 met interferene some distance after the start. 173⁄181868 slow to begin.

3rd Race The Brown Wolf Handicap

Cl-IV, 21-46, To be ridden by Jockeys of Indian Nationality. 1100 Mts.
DEVOTION Cl17-18 - 243⁄182028 slow to begin.
TIBERON Cl17-18 - 43⁄181664 met interference at the start.
GIMME CREDIT Cl17-18 - 11⁄18839 jumped awkwardly from the gates. 43⁄181666 met interference was momentarily denied a clear
run passing the distance post due to the crowding of the field.
PICK POCKET Cl17-18 - 2811⁄17379 Jockey reported loss of whip while negotiating the bend.
ROLLY POLLY Cl17-18 - 131⁄181079 was slow to begin. 271⁄1812211 slow to begin. 172⁄181458 Jockey was finedfor the tender
handling of his mount during the final stages of the race. 203⁄181928 The Stipendiary Stewards decided to continue with the enquiry.
293⁄1820511 slow to begin.
INDUS PRINCE Cl17-18 - 203⁄181955 met interference Approaching the distance post.

4th Race The State Treasure Handicap

Cl-III, 41-66, To be ridden by Jockeys of Indian Nationality. 1100 Mts.
KNIGHTHOOD Cl17-18 - 131⁄18104 slow to begin. 271⁄18123 was slow to begin. 232⁄18155 was slow to begin. 43⁄181689 was
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slow to begin. 173⁄1818710 was slow to begin. 293⁄182097 was slow to begin.
AQUITANIA Cl17-18 - 43⁄181658 slow to begin.
DANCING PRINCE Cl17-18 - 231⁄1811012 Jockey was fined for not being alert at the start and thereafter for the indifferent handling of
his mount throughout the race. 22⁄181295 met interferene during the final stages of the race. 173⁄18(184) Trainer fine for the inconsistent
running of his charge.
TIBIDABO Cl17-18 - 102⁄1814112 met interferene Approaching the 800mts.

5th Race The Aerona Cup Cl-II, 61-86 1100 Mts.

ONE MAN ARMY Cl17-18 - 11⁄18822 returned with a cut injury on its right hind.
PHENOMENAL MEMORY M16-17 - 812⁄16384 was observed to have broken a blood vessel. Pn17 - 99⁄17997 had left eye injury.
M17-18 - 2212⁄1771 met interferance Passing 450 metres. Cl17-18 - 243⁄181996 returned bleeding from both nostrils.

COCOANUT Cl17-18 - 22⁄181272 was slow to begin. Jockey was fined for excessive use of the whip. 243⁄181983 slow to begin.
ASCENSION M17-18 - 1911⁄1752 was observed to have drifted out Approaching 200 metres 152⁄181733 met interference
Approaching 200mts. App. stated that his mount hung out despite his efforts.

6th Race The Best Of All Handicap Cl-III, 41-66 1200 Mts.
ARAKAWAH M16-17 - 94⁄172744 was observed to have buckled under restrain and thereby threw a couple of awkward strides
soon after the start. Jockey suspended for not permitting his mount to run on its merits. Pn17 - 249⁄171422 met interference at the start.
PANCHOVILLA CMn17 - 110⁄171064 was squeezed for room due to the crowding of the field approaching the 1400 metres.
ALSHAFA Cl17-18 - 102⁄181415 Jockey was momentarily denied a clear run passing the distance post due to the crowding of
the field. 3 ⁄18164 was found to be lame on right fore. Under the circumstances the filly was withdrawn.

RUSTLER Cl17-18 - 2211⁄17224 slow to begin. 2612⁄17766 bleeding from both nostrils.
SHY BELLE Cl17-18 - 2612⁄17769 slow to begin. 131⁄181074 was slow to begin. 43⁄181662 was fractious while being stalled was
slow to begin. 29 ⁄182104 slow to begin.
EL CID Cl17-18 - 131⁄181026 met interference soon after the start. 103⁄181770 found to be lame on right hind. Under the
circumstances the gelding was permitted to be withdrawn on veterinary grounds.
TANGALOOMAA Cl16-17 - 44⁄1722910 was slow to begin. Cl17-18 - 43⁄181665 met interference at the start. Jockey reported that he
was inconvenienced on two occasions due to the crowding of the field during the final stages of the race.

7th Race The Thrifty Allan Handicap

Cl-IV, 41-46, To be ridden by Jockeys of Indian Nationality. 1200 Mts.
DANCERESS Cl17-18 - 411⁄175 slow to begin.
BENGAL TIGER Cl17-18 - 411⁄17313 was slow to being losing approximately three lengths at the start.
LILAC TIME M17-18 - 2812⁄17903 met interferance passing the 200mts. 83⁄182156 jumped inwards At the start.
SICARIO Cl17-18 - 131⁄181027 met interference soon after the start.
MIDNIGHT MAGIC Cl17-18 - 102⁄1813612 had to be checked by its rider and lost some ground soon after the start. 203⁄181925 was slow
to begin.
ALL ROUNDER Cl17-18 - 2511⁄17253 met interference Approaching the 800 metres. 71⁄18905 slow to begin.
MAGIQUE Cl17-18 - 293⁄182078 met interference approaching the distance post.
JESTER Cl17-18 - 2312⁄17726 was slow to begin.

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