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Summative Assessment – 1 (2015-16)

Subject – English
Class – VII
Time: 2½ hours M.M. 90

Section ‘A’ : Reading Comprehension : 20 Marks

Section ‘B’ : Writing Skills : 20 Marks
Section ‘C’ : Grammar : 20 Marks
Section ‘D’ : Literature : 30 Marks
General Instructions :–
i) Please check that this question paper contains 04 printed pages and 19 questions.
ii) All the answers are to be written in the answer sheets.
iii) Attempt all the questions in each section before going on to the next section.
iv) Answers must be correctly numbered in the answer sheets.
v) Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.

Section A (Reading Comprehension) (20 Marks)

Q. 1 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : [6]
Our lives are a series of experiences. Although these experiences appear to be linear, actually, they are
not so. We discover this when we pause to reflect on them. Life is a form of language with its own
punctuation marks, much like a written language, where each punctuation mark has an unspoken
meaning. There are few lessons that one can follow to lead a healthy and happy life.
Lesson Number One : Good physical health is a valuable gift of nature. Position, power, status and
acquisitions tend to lose their meaning if we are not blessed with energetic health.
Lesson Number Two : Once we recognize that energetic health is the greatest possession, we can heighten
our awareness of all that we do and find different ways of using our energy. Good health makes us feel good
and enables us to spread happiness all around us.
Lesson Number Three : Realisation that good health is precious, we can motivate ourselves to keep our
bodies clean and pure as a temple of divinity.
Lesson Number Four : The mind is that part of body which makes physical energy intelligible and gives it
worth. Healthy mind generates good, sound, clean and noble thoughts. This healthy body-mind relationship
ensures that happiness and success is within our reach.
Lesson Number Five : One of the noblest and purest ways of expressing our gratitude for good health is to
serve humankind with whatever resources we have. To show care, compassion and love to others, we need
not go far. We can begin by serving our own grandparents, parents, relatives, friends, neighbour and
eventually extend this to helping out the community and also hospitals.
Good Health should be used to perform the right Karma in thought, word and deed.
(i) What does each punctuation mark mean ? (1)
(ii) Position, power and acquisitions lose their meaning if ________________. (1)
(iii) How can you ensure that happiness and success is within your reach ? (1)
(iv) How can you express your gratitude for good health ? (1)
(v) What are the ways to show love, care and concern ? (1)
(v) Write the synonym of the word ‘action’ from the passage. (1)
Q. 2 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : [6]
Kamala Surayya was born in Punnayurkulam, Thrissur District in Kerala, on 31 March 1934. She is also
known by her one time pen name Madhavikutty and Kamala Das. Like her mother, Balamani Amma,
Kamala Das also excelled in writing. Her love of poetry began at an early age through the influence of her
great uncle, Nalapat Narayan Menon, a prominent writer. She was noted for her many Malayalam short
stories as well as poems written in English. Das’s first book of poetry, ‘Summer in Calcutta’ was a breath
of fresh air in Indian English poetry. She wrote chiefly of love, its betrayal, and the consequent anguish.
On 31 May 2009, aged 75, she died at a hospital in Pune. She has received many awards for her literary
contribution like Sahitya Academy Award in 1985, and was nominated and short listed for Nobel Prize for
Literature in 1984.
(1) P.T.O.
i) When and where was Kamala Das born ? (1)
ii) Who influenced her to begin her poetry career ? (1)
iii) Name her first book. (1)
iv) What did she chiefly write on ? (1)
v) When was she nominated and short listed for Nobel Prize ? (1)
vi) Write the synonym of the word ‘distinguished’ from the passage. (1)
Q. 3 Read the poem carefully and answer the questions : [1 x 8]
My Wooded World
As a child, I would sit and ponder,
at the wooded areas, for their beauty relaxed me.
The sway of the branches and whistling of the winds,
as if they were calling my name.
Then as I grew older, they were my retreat,
for the woods became my own world.
A world full of imagination, creativity,
resourcefulness, as well as inspiration.
I loved my domain, for no problems were too great,
the woods protected me from everything.
The branches would open as to hold me.
The animals, in their busy ways, stopped me to welcome me.
It was this place, my wooded world, that I lived for.
It is that place that beckons me now.
For it was only there, in the woods, I felt truly free
As free as I would feel when your love would surround me.
(i) Where does the poet wish to sit and ponder ?
(a) Winds (b) Wooded areas (c) place (d) branches
(ii) Why does the poet wish to sit there ?
(a) To earn his living (b) To welcome people
(c) To relax himself (d) It was free
(iii) The woods became poet’s world of ______________.
(a) imagination (b) beauty (c) animals (d) domain
(iv) Who protects the poet from everything ?
(a) creativity (b) love (c) woods (d) world
(v) The poet felt ________________ in woods.
(a) free (b) imprisoned (c) tortured (d) lost
(vi) What is the rhyme scheme of the third paragraph ?
(a) ba ab (b) ab cc (c) ab ba (d) cb ab
(vii) The rhyming words in the fourth paragraph are _______________.
(a) for-free (b) now-me (c) free-me (d) now-free
(viii) The figure of speech used in the line ‘The sway of the branches and whistling of the wind’ is
(a) Alliteration (b) Pun (c) Metaphor (d) Smile
Section B (Writing Skills) (20 Marks)
Q. 4 You are Neeraj/Neerja Singh studying in class VII-G of Delhi Public School, Jaipur. [6]
Draft a notice for your school notice board informing the students about a ring that
you found in the corridor during the third period.
Q. 5 Write a paragraph on the topic ‘A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed’ in about 60- [6]
80 words.
Q. 6 You are Vinay/Vinita. Write a letter to your elder brother telling him about your [8]
experience on a visit to a Book Fair. (Word limit 80-100 words)

(2) P.T.O.
Section C (Grammar) (20 Marks)
Q. 7 Fill in the blanks using the determiners as directed. [4]
(1) ______________ articles were collected by the teacher for the school magazine. (Number)
(2) You are ordered to throw away ____________ bottles in the dustbin right now. (Demonstrative)
(3) _______________ student’s performance was excellent in the debate competition ? (Interrogative)
(4) _______________ English teacher is a man of words. (Possessive)
Q. 8 Identify the pronouns used in the following sentences and state their kinds. [4]
(i) Who was elected as the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh ?
(ii) Ram is an honest man, he works for an NGO.
(iii) Those are the books of Ravi’s interest.
(iv) Tania herself called Manisha’s mother.
Q. 9 State the kinds of tenses used in the following sentences. [4]
(i) The students will have written their paper by this time tomorrow.
(ii) Tom deserves the praise.
(iii) Kabir was making fun of his classmates during practice.
(iv) She reached home late.
Q. 10 Fill in the blanks using suitable relative clauses from the option given below – [4]
(i) The people cheered for the player _____________.
(a) who scored the goal (b) whom scored the goal
(c) whose scored the goal (d) that scored the goal
(ii) The new boy ____________, joined our class today.
(a) that father is a pilot (b) whom father is a pilot
(c) whose father is a pilot (d) which father is a pilot
(iii) Here are some interesting facts _______________.
(a) who can surprise you (b) that can surprise you
(c) whom can surprise you (d) those can surprise you
(iv) The girl ________________ was lying.
(a) who note books were unchecked (b) which note books were unchecked
(c) whose note books were unchecked (d) that note books were unchecked
Q. 11 Rearrange the jumbled up words to make meaningful sentences. Choose and write [2]
the correct answer number, option number and the option.
(i) known / a / company / by / man / the / he / is / keeps
(a) He is a boy company known keeps the man.
(b) A man is known by the company he keeps.
(c) By known man is the company he keeps a.
(d) Company is the known he keeps by a man.
(ii) judge / cover / don’t / a / book / its / by
(a) Cover don’t judge its book by a. (b) Book don’t judge by its a cover.
(c) Don’t judge a book by its cover. (d) Cover judge its book by its don’t.
Q. 12 Fill in the blanks using idioms and phrases from the option given below. [2]
(i) I asked my brother ____________ from bad company.
(a) to look after (b) to give up (c) to keep away (d) to keep on
(ii) The students are ____________ their OAP results.
(a) looking forward to (b) to loop up
(c) looked for (d) to give away
Section D (Literature) (30 Marks)
Q. 13 Give the character sketch of Tom. [5]
Q. 14 Who called for the County Inspector and why ? What did the County Inspector say [1+2+2]
to Margie’s mother ?

(3) P.T.O.
Q. 15 Reference to the Context :
‘So hard to give your usual effect of cheery benignity.
When you know your position is one of the two or three in life most lacking in dignity.
And your mouth is like a section of road that is being worked on,
And it is all cluttered up with stone crushers and concrete mixers and drills and steam rollers and there isn’t
a nerve in your head that your aren’t being irked on.
(i) Why has the poet compared mouth to a section of road ? (1)
(ii) What you mean by ‘lacking in dignity’ ? (2)
(iii) Mention the figures of speech used in the stanza and give examples. (2)
Q. 16 Reference to the Context :
Trees are great, they accept their fate
When it’s pouring down with rain
They don’t wear macs, it runs off their back
But you never hear them complain.
(i) Name the poem and the poet. (1)
(ii) Mention the figure of speech used in the stanza and give example. (1)
(iii) Write the rhyming words and the rhyme scheme of the given stanza. (1)
(iv) Why are trees called great ? (2)
Q. 17 Reference to the Context : [1 x 4]
He mused upon this curious case,
And swore he’d change the pigtail’s place,
And have it hanging at his face,
Not dangling there behind him.
(i) The poem’s name is _______________.
(a) A Tragic Story (b) The Trees are Great
(c) The Wish (d) This is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit.
(ii) ‘And swore he’d change the pigtail’s place’. Who is referred to as ‘he’ in the above line ?
(a) Tail (b) Sage (c) Handsome (d) Curious
(iii) The sage wanted to change the pigtail’s place from the __________ of his head to the _______
of his face.
(a) up, down (b) left, right (c) back, front (d) near, far
(iv) The figure of speech used in the above stanza is _____________.
(a) Alliteration (b) Metaphor (c) Pun (d) Simile
Q. 18 Was Margie attending to the lesson on fractions ? How can you say ? [1+2]
Q. 19 Why did Aunt Polly thrust a chunk of fire almost into the boy’s face ? [3]

(4) P.T.O.

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