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I. Circle the correct answer.

1. I still can’t believe it! My bicycle .................. last night.
a. was stolen b. was stealing c. stolen d. stole
2. The current constitutional problem is .................. by the top minds in the country.
a. studying b. being studying c. being studied d. been studied
3. Something funny .................. in class yesterday.
a. happened b. was being happened c. happens d. was happened
4. Today, many serious childhood diseases .................. by early immunization.
a. are preventing b. can prevent c. prevent d. can be prevented
5. I .................. with you on that subject.
a. am agree b. am agreed c. agreeing d. agree
6. Many US automobiles .................. in Detroit, Michigan.
a. manufacture b. have manufactured c. are manufactured d. are manufacturing
7. When I was going downstairs yesterday, I ..................
a. fell b. was falling c. was fallen d. was being fallen
8. In recent years, the government has imposed pollution controls on automobile manufacturers. Both domestic and
imported automobiles must .................. anti-pollution devices.
a. equip with b. equip by c. be equipped with d. be equipped by
9. When .................. ? In 1928.
a. penicillin was discovered c. did penicillin discovered
b. was penicillin discovered d. did penicillin discover
10. When can I have my car back? I think it’ll .................. late this afternoon.
a. finish b. be finished c. have finished d. be finish
11. A shortage of water is a problem in many parts of the world. In some areas, water ……………. from the ground faster
than nature can replenish the supply.
a. is being taken b. has been taking c. is taking d. has taken
12. Vitamin C …………….. by the human body. It gets into the blood stream quickly.
a. absorbs easily b. is easily absorbing c. is easily absorbed d. absorbed easily
13. George is ………….. Lisa.
a. marry with b. marry c. married to d. married with
14. “Can’t we do something about the situation?”
“Something …………….. right now”.
a. is doing b. is done c. is being done d. has been doing
15. The university ……….. by private funds as well as by tuition income and grants
a. is supported b. supports c. is supporting d. has supported
16. “Ms. Jones, please type those letters before noon”
“They’ve already ……….. , sir. They’re on your desk”
a. typed b. been typed c. being typed d. been being typed
17. “Has the committee made its decision yet?”
“Not yet. They are still ……….. the proposal”
a. considering b. been considered c. being considered d. considered
18. In some rural areas of the United States, health care ……….. by only a small number of doctors, nurses, and other
health professionals. It’s often more than they can handle”
a. is providing b. is being provided c. provides d. provided
19. We can’t even walk in this storm. Let’s wait in the hallway where we’ll be ……….. the strong winds until things
quiet down.
a. protected from b. protected by c. protecting from d. protecting by
20. “ ……….. about the eight o’clock flight to Chicago?”
“Not yet.”
a. Has been an announcement made c. Has an announcement been made
b. Has an announcement made d. Has been made an announcement
21. Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. It ……….. everything on its path
a. destroyed b. was being destroyed c. was destroyed d. had been destroyed
22. The building of the bridge had been delayed for three years because of political problems on both sides of the river.
Finally, it ……….. because the public demanded action, and now many hours of driving have been saved for daily
a. was constructed b. gets constructed c. constructed d. has constructed
23. It’s hard to believe that my application for a scholarship ……….. I was sure I’d get it. I don’t know now if I’ll go to
school next year.
a. was denied b. denied c. was denying d. has denied
24. Instead of ………….about the good news, Tom seemed to be indifferent.
a. exciting b. being excited c. to excite d. to be excited
25. Why are you getting new glasses? Because it is difficult ………….the small print in the newspaper.
a. to read for me b. my reading c. I read d. for me to read
26. The longest fish in the contest was eighteen inches long.
“It … by Thelma Rivers.”
a. was catching b. caught c. was caught d. catch
27. “I heard you decided to take up tennis”
“Yes, I have … every day.”
a. been played b. been playing c. playing d. play
28. “Are we about to have dinner?”
“Yes, it … in the dining room.”
a. is serving b. serves c. is being served d. served
29. “Why is Stanle in jail?”
“He … of robbery.”
a. has been convicted b. has been convicting c. has convicted d. convicted
30. “Where are Jack and Jan?”
“They … the boxes you asked for into the house.”
a. have been bringing b. brining c. have been brought d. to bring
31. “Where’s the old chicken coop?”
“It … by a windstorm last year.”
a. destroy b. is destroyed c. was destroyed d. destroyed
32. “We’re still looking for Thomas”
“Hasn’t he … yet?”
a. been found b. to find c. found d. being found
33. “Whatever happened to that fortune-teller?”
“I don’t know. She … around here in a long time.”
a. hasn’t seen b. didn’t see c. hasn’t been seeing d. hasn’t been seen
34. “Diana is a wonderful ballet dancer.”
“She … since she was four.”
a. has been dancing b. has been danced c. is dancing d. was danced
35. “What a beautiful dress you’re wearing!”
“Thank you. It … especially for me by a French tailor.”
a. is made b. has made c. made d. was made
36. ............ that military spending is extremely high.
a. We are felt b. It feels c. It is felt d. We feel that it is
II. Rewrite the following sentences
1. Last Thursday we appointed a new marketing manager.
A new
2. Smith Ltd is supplying our company with furniture.
Our company
3. William the Conqueror built the castle in the 11th century.
The castle
4. No decision has yet been made.
5. People believe that someone murdered Jenkins.
6. The police were following the suspects.
The suspects
7. No-one has seen Peter since the day of the party.
8. We put up a notice about the trip on the notice board yesterday.
A notice
9. People think that an apple a day is good for you.
An apple
10. The police made the youth empty his pockets.
The youth
11. The garage is going to repair my car next week.
My car
12. Mr. Baker mended the washing machine for me.
I had

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