Soal USBN ENGLISH Dan Kunci Versi Ms. Word 2018

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TAHUN AJARAN 2017/2018
Listening section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are
four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Part I. Pictures

Questions : 1 to 3.
Directions :
For each item, there is a picture in your test book and four short statements about it on the tape. They are spoken
TWICE, and are not written out in your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statement —
(A), (B), (C), or (D) — that best describes the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.
Example :

A. The baby strollers are on sale.

B. The basket needs to be refilled.
C. The shopping carts are stuck together.
D. The trolleys are being rented.

Choice (C) ~ “The shopping carts are stuck together.” — best describes What is seen in the picture. Therefore,
you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.
Let’s begin with question number one.

1.Picture no. 1
2. Picture no.2

3. Picture no. 3
Part II. Question — Responses
Questions : 4 to 7.
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken
in English. The questions and responses will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed in your test book, so you
must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear :
Woman : Shouldn’t We check in with the receptionist?
You will also hear :
Man :
(A) I didn’t bring my cheque book. Sample answer
(B) Yes, we should check it out. O O Q
(C) Yes, I suppose so. A B C
Choice (C) — “Yes, I suppose so” — is the best response to the question. ” Shouldn’t we check in with the
receptionist?” Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III Short Conversations

Questions : 8 to 11.
Directions :
In this section of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations TWICE. The
conversations will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers
say.In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four
answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on your answer sheet.

You will hear :
Woman : Do you mind if I use your computer?
Man : No. Please shut it down after you finish.
Woman : I will. Thank you.
You will read : What will the man do?
A. Finish his work.
B. Lend his computer.
C. Borrow the computer.
D. Shut down the laptop.

Choice (B) ~ “Lend his computer.” — is the best answer to the question, “What will the man do?”
Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.

8. What does the woman’s supervisor do?

A. Help her every time.
B. Keep the man working.
C. Make her busy.
D. Pay her 2 times a month.

9. What does the woman do?

A. Reserve a suite room.
B. Need a reservation code.
C. Arrive at night.
D. Check in at the hotel.

10. What does the woman want?

A. Keep the printer for 2 hours.
B. Put the printer on the man’s desk.
C. Lend her printer.
D. Borrow the printer.

11. Why does the man need more paper?

A. The paper supply is running out.
B. The woman doesn’t supply much paper.
C. The man did not order the right number.
D. The divisions used enough paper.

This is the end of listening text.

Question 12- 14 refer to the following text

After graduating from his high school, Hemingway left home and went to
Kansas City. He didn’t go to college. Instead, he got a job as a reporter fron Kansas
City star. Working for this newspaper, he developed his famous journalistic style
:simple, direct and objective.
When the war broke out in 1914, he wanted to become a soldier but he was
rejected because of an old eye problem. Not wanting to miss the action, he went to
Europe anyway and serve as an ambulance driver for The Red Cross. In 1918, shortly
before the end of the war, he was wounded and had to return to the States, but he
didn’t stay long. As soon as he was better, he was back in Europe, this time as a
reporter for Toronto Star.

12. What did Hemingway do after graduating from High school ?

A. He stayed home.
B.He went to college.
C. He developed his style .
D. He worked as a reporter.

13.” Working for this newspaper he developed his famous.....

The synonym of the underlined word is .....
B. excellent
C. well-done
D. well-prepared.

14. How long did the war last ?

A. 4 years
B. 8 Years
C. 14 years
D. 18 years.

Questions 15-17 refer to the following text.

My neighbour bought a new computer last week. She asked me to tell her the
instruction. Here they are :
1. Plug the power cord.
2. Press the power button on. After a few minus, you will see a windows menu on
the monitor.
3. Look at the left button of the monitor.
4. Then hold the mouse gently.
5. Move the arrow to the “start” menu.
6. Click it.
7. Click the program menu and choose Ms. Word. Now you are ready to type.

15. What should we do after we move the arrow ?

A. Hold the mouse gently.
B.Click the start menu.
C. Plug the power cord.
D. Look at the left button.

16.The best title for the text above is......

A. How to operate a computer.
B. How to see the windows menu on the computer.
C. How to choose the program menu on the computer.
D. What should we do after we choose Ms. Word.

17. According to the text , we know that the computer....

A. belonged to the writer.
B. was not ready to be used.
C. was bought by the writer.
D. belonged to the writer’s neighbour.
Questions 18-20 refer to the following text.

To : Ridwan, Farida @ , and more...

CC : Anita,96 @, pariwara
Subject : Annual Conference Rooming List.


Dear Delegates,
Please find enclosed, your rooming list.
If you have any questions, please contact me. And if you get this email. PLEASE
REPLY to confirm that you get it. We need your confirmation.


Andriana Purba.

18. What should you do if you have questions ?

A. Open the email.
B. Come to the conference.
C. Contact Andriana Purba.
D. Check the room list.

19. How many people are supposed to receive this email ?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. All delegates.

20.” ....... to confirm that you get it .”

“It” in the above sentence refers to....
A. E-mail
B. List
C. Question
D. Room.
Questions 21-23 refer to the following text.

PT Natari Corporation is an Indonesia based company which engages in

infrastucture, telecomunication and plantations. The company’s activities comprise
general trading, construction,agriculture,mining, industry, especially steel-pipe
manufacturing, building materials and constructions products; telecomunication
system, electronic and electrical goods, and investmen, including equity investment
in other companies.
The three core business areas of the company manage: infrastructure support
sector, which participates in accelerating infrastructure programs set by government;
telecomunication sector, which further improves the marketing of its products and
services in order to maximize profit; and plantation sector, which prominently
produces palm oil, latex and natural rubber. As of December 31,2011, the company
owned 22 direct subsidiaries.
21. The Natari’s Corporation increases the company’s market..
A. Through the plantation sector.
B. By selling its products cheaply.
C. by accelerating infrastructure programs.
D. through telecommunication sector businesses.

22. Which sector of the company often deals with the authority ?
A. The plantation sector.
B. The investment sector
C. The infrastructure sector.
D. The telecomunication sector.

23. What does the writer describe PT Natari as ?

A. A foreign firm’
B. A franchise business.
C. A multi-sector company.
D.A new developing branch.

For questions 24 until 29, choose the most appropriate answer A,B,C, or D.

24.Yani : Did you see the breaking news last night ? ........ Lots of peopele were trapped by flames.
Ajeng : How terrible . Hope some of them are still alive.
A.An earthquake damage the monument.
B. The flood destroyed many houses.
C.Two taxi drivers were robbed by their passengers.
D. A big fire broke out in a shopping centre.

25.Diana : I failed in my previous English test.

Ulfa : ............
Diana : Thanks for your suggestion.
A. If I were you I would buy a novel.
B. How about reading some articles ?
C. You had better go home and play.
D. Why don’t you take a remedial program ?

26.Andri : Who finished the project ?

Surya : Yulia did. Last night …..
A. She worked over time.
B. She finishes it on time.
C. She hasn’t started it yet.
D. She will do it.

27. Lina : You went to Bandung yesterday, …….

Meli : Yes, I went to my friend’s wedding party.
A. don’t you ? C. haven’t you ?
B. didn’t you ? D. Did you ?

28. Rina : Can I borrow 5 of your novels ?

Santi : What ? Five novels ?
In the dialogue above Santi is expressing .........
A. offer C. compliment
B. request D. Surprise.

29.Yuda : How was the dance performance last night ?

Adri : ….. The dancers were very beautiful and they danced very well.
A. It was prepared for three months.
B. It was disappointed.
C. It was fantastic.
D. It rained very heavily.

For questions 30-34 , choose the underlined word or phrase which is inappropriate.

30. Dewi : I gets some troubles in my computer.

Eva : You ought to send it to the service centre.

31. Chandra : What’s the matter with you ?

Brian : I feel tiring after some exercises. Let’s find some refreshment.
Chandra : That’s a good idea.

32. I love gardening. I have a large garden behind my house when I plant many flowers.

33. Santi : Why didn’t you come toTania’s party yesterday ?

Rena : I am so sorry. I wasn’t able to come. If my father had gave me permission,
I would have been there .
34.We don’t know where him house is .

For number 35 until 37 , Complete the text with the words provided below the text.

Can you cook fried rice ? Join (35)....... on fried rice cooking contest. The
contest will be held on April 15, 2018 at 8 AM until 9 AM at the school yard of SMK
YPC. There will be a big (36).......
The ( 37)........will get Rp 500.000
The runner up will get Rp 300.000
The third place will get Rp 150.000

Register your name to Miss Resty 081323 445007 before April 10, 2018.

35. A. We B. Ours C. Yours D. Us

36.A. reward B. rewarding C. rewardly D.rewarded.

37. A.wins B. winner C. win D. won

For number 38 until 40 , Complete the text with the words provided below the text.

Ammar Mufli
Jl. Alaudin, Makasar
October 20, 2016
Ms Rosmayana
SMAN 123
Pettarani Office ,
Dear Ms Yana,
Thank you for posting your need for a teaching on jobs. Com. I am
available to fill this opening and can…..(38) working immediately after
I…..(39) obtained my degree from Makasar State University. As a
graduate in English education, I have acquainted myself with a range of
skills that would allow me to blend with your school.
From your advertisement, I can see that you are looking for
candidates who have …….(40) spoken and written English skill. I look
forward to an opportunity to meet you and further discuss my qualification.

Very truly yours,

Ammar Mufli

38. A. pass
B. stop
C. begin
D. finish

39. A. totally
B. recently
C. discussed
D. intensively
40. A. normal
B. ordinary
C. common
D. excellent
For questions 41 until 43 , Complete the following dialogues using your own words.

41. Benny : Mom , I get 9 for English.

Mother : ............ ................. (Expressing admiration/pride)

42. Dedy : I have two tickets for the Band Festival tonight.
............................................... (Invitation)
Yuda : Yes, I’d love to . Will you pick me up ?

43. Fahmi : Why didn’t you go to school yesterday ?

Idris : I went to the hospital. My brother got an accident.
Fahmi : ................... (expressing symphathy )

For questions 44 and 45, answer the questions , based on the text below ,in complete sentences.

Power @ Once is a company specializing in solar power and heating

equipment. We also sell hand held items like solar flashlight, chargers, mining
equipment, etc.
Our vision is simple: to be the leading seller of solar system in North
West and change people’s perspective of renewable energy so that we can
save our planet for future generation.
We are power @ Once strive to be the best in our field when it comes
to cost efficient solar system and client satisfaction.

44. What is the text about ?

45.What is the main idea of the second paragraph ?

Essay B

For questions 41 until 43 , Complete the following dialogues using your own words.

41. Agus : What are you going to do after you graduate, Dewi ?
Dewi : ………
Agus : What will you take ?
Dewi : I’m thinking of majoring in Mathematics.

42. Andi : Can you help me ? I need to clean the room before th guests come.
Rivan : ...................
Andi : Thanks for your kindness.

43. Fendi : I must be at school at 6.30 tomorrow. But my motorcycle is out of order.
Hamid : ............
Fendi : That’s a good idea. Thanks for your suggestion.

For questions 44 and 45, answer the questions , based on the text below ,in complete sentences.

Notice to all teachers

This memo is to inform you of the following situation. Last week, the office caught several
students cheating on exams. They were using their cellphones to text message answers to other
students. I want all teachers to collect their students’ cell phones before every exam. Cheating will
not be tolerated. If students are caught with cell phones during a test, it will automatically be
considered cheating. The student will receive an F and a two-day suspension from school. Thank
you for your attention and assistance.


Drs Andrian Siregar

44. Who is this memo directed at ?

45. What does the principal want the teachers to do ?

Kunci Jawaban :

1. B 11.A 21.D 31.B

2. B 12.D 22.C 32.C
3. B 13.A 23.C 33.C
4. C 14.A 24.D 34.D
5. A 15.B 25.D 35.D
6. A 16.A 26.A 36.A
7. A 17.D 27.B 37.B
8. C 18.C 28.D 38.C
9. A 19.D 29.C 39.B
10. D 20.A 30.A 40.D

41. It’s great. I am proud of you.

42. Would you like to come ?
43. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope she gets well, soon.
44. It is about a company specializing in solar power and heating equipment.
45. The Vision of the company.


1.Untuk PG kalau betul, masing-masing nomor mendapat score 2 .

Kalau salah mendapat nol. Jadi kalau PG nya betul semua ,scorenya 80.

2. Untuk Uraian masing-masing nomor dapat score 4 kalau benar dan lengkap.
Kalau mendekati score nya 3
Kalau agak mendekati scorenya 2
Kalau jawabannya tidak begitu tepat , scorenya 1
Kalau kosong scorenya 0 ‘
Jadi score maksimal untuk Uraian , kalau betul semua : 20

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