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A lipid is a fat-like molecule and is a major building block of the cells of animals.

Lipids are
organic, meaning that they contain carbon atoms. Lipids do not dissolve in water. There are
several types of lipids.

Nucleic acids, best-known as DNA and RNA, are often termed "the building blocks of life."
These building blocks are found in the nuclei of cells and help proteins to be built, help cells to
replicate, govern heredity and the cell's chemical processes. Nucleic acids are made up of five
pieces, or monomers, including:

 Guanine
 Cytosine
 Thymine
 Uracil
 Adenine

These acids are the storers and transmitters of cellular information in the body.
Protein is the basic component of living cells and is made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen
and one or more chains of amino acids. The three types of proteins are fibrous, globular, and

A carbohydrate is an organic compou nd such as sugars, starches, celluloses and gums, that
occurs in living tissues and food. It is important for nutrition since it can be broken down into
energy by people or animals.

Carbohydrates are divided into four groups:

 Monosaccharides - These are simple carbohydrates, also called simple sugars, which are
made of one sugar. They are broken down quickly by the body and are the building
blocks for complex carbohydrates.
 Disaccharides - These are also simple carbohydrates that consist of two chemically-
linked monosaccarides. They come in the form of lactose, maltose and sucrose.
 Oligosaccharides - These are complex carbohydrates that consist of three to ten sugars.
They are rich in vitamins and minerals; and, because they are fiber-rich, they are slower
to digest than a simple carbohydrate.
 Polysaccharides - These are also complex carbohydratges and are rich in vitamins,
minerals and fiber; but, they have larger numbers of sugars than an oligosaccharide.

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