The Igreengrid Project: Increasing Hosting Capacity in Distribution Grids

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Distributed Renewable Energy Sources

(DRESs) are increasing rapidly in distribution grids, and
their integration into the electricity system is one of the
most relevant problems facing these networks. The objec-
tive of our project, IntegratinG Renewables in the Euro-
pEaN electricity Grid (IGREENGrid), was to analyze
and select the most promising research and development
(R&D) solutions to this problem. For this purpose, four
research institutions (Institute of Communications and
Computer Systems of the National Technical University
of Athens, Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico, Austrian Insti-
tute of Technology, and Tecnalia) and eight European
utilities studied six large demonstration projects: Eber-
stalzell and Koestendorf (Energie AG Oberösterreich
Netz and Saltzburg AG) in Austria; Proyecto de Redes
Inteligentes del Corredor del HenarE in Spain, known as
PEICE (Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica and Gas Natural
Fenosa); Sperchiada in Greece (Diacheiristis Ellinikou
Diktyou Dianomis elektrikis Energeias); Isernia in Italy
(e-distribuzione); Zukunftsnetze in Germany (Innogy
SE); and Venteea in France (Enedis). IGREENGrid had
a budget of €6.6 million, partially funded by the Euro-
pean Commission, and was in development for almost
four years.
The standard long-term solution to increase the capac-
ity of electricity networks to connect additional genera-
tion is grid reinforcement, but this kind of approach is too
slow and costly to respond effectively to DRESs. Several
alternative solutions are currently under development,

Project Increasing Hosting Capacity
in Distribution Grids

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2017.2662338

Date of publication: 19 April 2017

30 ieee power & energy magazine 1540-7977/17©2017IEEE may/june 2017


including controlling DRES active and reactive power gen- DRES control and energy storage), proposed as temporary,
eration, managing flexible demand, and smart charging of can be settled a long-term solution.
electric vehicles. These alternatives can be rapidly imple- After classifying the solutions by the problem they solve
mented in a cost-effective way as temporary solutions to and determining which are the most promising for DRES inte-
solve local constraints until the tendencies of generation and gration, many elements should be taken into account: problem
consumption growth in the area become clearer. Regarding relevance, the applicability of each solution to the real grids,
continuous local increases, the reinforcement of the network cost, complexity, prerequisites (including skills and tools for
will take place considering the real necessities appeared, but planning and asset management), environmental impact, and
if the zone remains stable, smart grid alternatives (such as customer acceptance. A list of parameters and key performance

By Jesús Varela, Nikos Hatziargyriou, Lisandro J. Puglisi,

Marco Rossi, Andreas Abart, and Benoît Bletterie

may/june 2017 ieee power & energy magazine 31

Hosting capacity is defined as the maximum distributed
generation penetration for which the power system
operates satisfactorily.

indicators to measure the main aspects involved in the with the set of resulting levels from simulations (Figure 2).
selection process was studied, but finally there is one indi- The returned HC is a series of values describing the realistic
cator standing out from all the others: increasing hosting potential of the network for DG integration, including the
capacity (HC). dependency between maximum generation and position of
DG units, the best and worst cases of HC, and eventual pres-
Measuring Hosting Capacity ence of network bottlenecks.
HC is defined as the maximum distributed generation (DG) The extraction of HC values is computationally demand-
penetration for which the power system operates satisfac- ing due to the necessity of simulating several DG scenarios
torily. According to this definition, numerous methods for (Monte Carlo simulation). The process can be faster when
estimating HC have been tested in the past. The most recur- combined with an OPF-based approach. Once a value of
rent solution for an effective HC evaluation is based on opti- nominal power is randomly assigned to each simulated DG
mal power flow (OPF), in which the objective function is unit, the optimization problem can be set up to maximize
designed to maximize the injection of active power within production by DRESs while respecting network constraints
the selected limits (typically voltage and loading). However, but maintaining the initial power proportion among genera-
OPF-based approaches have a strong limitation: the returned tors. At this point, when repeating the OPF for several DG
HC value is often referred to as fixed allocation of one or initial power distributions, the returned values of maximum
more generators on the network. Typically, one DRES unit generation can be summarized by the probabilistic func-
is simulated and the HC calculation is repeated for all the tions, as shown in Figure 3.
network buses, ­obtaining the results plotted in Figure 1. Having checked the equivalence of these results with
From the study of the obtained curves, relevant informa- the ones plotted in Figure 2, it can be concluded that the
tion about the amount of production that can be connected proposed probabilistic method is more realistic than the tra-
to the network can be deduced. This method is traditionally ditional one (Figure 1) where a single DG unit is normally
adopted in network planning due to its simplicity. However, considered. According to this, simulating realistic scenarios
a single generator is often an unrealistic representation of (in which the dispersed nature of DG is taken into account)
the DG expansion since it is more dispersed throughout the is a very good basis for studying the distribution network
distribution network, with no control from grid operators. potential in terms of HC increase in relation to SG technol-
In IGREENGrid, a simulation approach is preferred in ogy implementation.
which numerous allocations and dimensions of multiple gen-
eration units are considered for each selected network, and Solutions for Increasing
the HC is deduced by comparing the voltage/current limits Grid Hosting Capacity
In a first attempt to compare solutions that were installed
in different countries and operating conditions, it was clear
that centralized or even supervised (centrally monitored but
40 not real-time controlled) solutions are generally more effec-
Voltage HC
Current HC tive (in terms of HC increase, see Table 1) than decentralized
30 Overall HC solutions. The best performing solutions usually include a
Bus HC (MW)

coordinated use of an on-load tap changer (OLTC) and other

20 means, such as static synchronous compensator (STATCOM),
DG-reactive power control, and field measurements. The use
10 of either a single solution [STATCOM, OLTC, or automatic
voltage regulator (AVR)] or several individual elements working
locally produces inferior results.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Since the simulation provides probability functions of
Electrical Distance (Ω) HC, additional information can be extracted from the results.
Table 1 reports, for each solution investigated, how the HC
figure 1. The traditional approach for network HC estima- increase is influenced by the position of the DRES units on
tion (OPF based). the network (standard deviation of the probability function).

32 ieee power & energy magazine may/june 2017

Maximum Network Voltage (p.u.)

1.1 Voltage HC
1.08 12

HC Probability (%)
Voltage Limit
1.02 4
0 10 20 30 40 50 0
Total Nominal Power of Installed DG (MW) 0 10 20 30 40 50
(a) Total Nominal Power of Installed DG (MW)
Network Loading (%)

Loading HC
100 14
Loading Limit

HC Probability (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 4
Total Nominal Power of Installed DG (MW) 2
Single Generator Installed in the Most Remote Bus 0 10 20 30 40 50
DG Uniformly Distributed on the Network Total Nominal Power of Installed DG (MW)
Single Generator Installed in Proximity of the
Primary Substation (b)
Random Position of DG Units

figure 3. HC probabilistic distributions obtained using

figure 2. Simulation results of numerous allocations of DG the combined Monte Carlo- and OPF-based approaches
compared to network (a) voltage and (b) current limits. considering (a) voltage and (b) current limits.

In general, the performance of distributed solutions highly We analyzed two complete distribution grids of different
depends on the position of the DRES units. The performance distribution system operators (DSOs) and identified voltage
of centralized/supervised technologies, however, is almost violations as the most important problem when increasing the
the same in all of the scenarios considered. number of DG units. For the first DSO, 90% of the feeders
Another common factor among the best performing solu- were voltage constrained while only 10% were loading con-
tions is field measurements of a few parameters at well-selected strained (Figure 4). The second DSO presented 77% of the
points in the network. These studies show that approximately feeders as voltage constrained, with a homogeneous distribu-
80% of the medium-voltage (MV) feeders present only one tion of DG until current constraints occur.
critical node affected by maximum acceptable voltage con- The horizontal axis of Figure 4 represents the percent-
straints. This means that it is not necessary to deploy an enor- age loading for the feeders. Most of the feeders are voltage
mous number of sensors to obtain the best results for increasing constrained (blue bars) and present a loading that is well
HC, but it is important to select the right places to install them. below the 100% loading limit. The black curve (cumulative
Identifying a node for measuring normal conditions is much distribution function) shows that for half of the feeders, the
easier than examining different scenarios of emergency supply normal loading is below 37%. This means there is a large
for forced outages or alternative supply under system mainte- reserve (more than 63%) of thermal loading capability.
nance conditions. But even for normal conditions, the critical This loading reserve is obtained at a homogenous DG pen-
node might change when additional DG units are installed. In etration without applying any SG solution. In general, rural
the analyzed low-voltage (LV) grids, 60% of the feeders present feeders are voltage constrained, while urban feeders are load-
more than one critical node. Since the number of required sen- ing constrained. The global results, however, depend on the
sors is highly dependent on the connection point of the DRESs type of feeders. For the second DSO, for instance, the loading
along the feeders, this aspect must be studied case by case. reserve is about 40% for half of the feeders. From this analysis,

may/june 2017 ieee power & energy magazine 33

OLTCs that use a few local
table 1. The HC increase resulting from applying
field measurements to control
different SG solutions in the studied networks.
the voltage in the feeders (wide-
Centralized SG Solutions area control, WAC) are effec-
HC Increase tive in only 48% of the feeders.
Average Relative standard A centralized solution that com­­
Demo MV centralized voltage control with … Value [%] deviation bines OLTC and DG control
Germany field measurements—OLTC 67.00 0.57 produces good results in only
Spain OLTC + STATCOM control 64.53 0.67
20% of the feeders. In the rest of
cases, as additional generation
Austria field measurements—OLTC + DG reactive 62.99 1.38 is added, many feeders become
power control
thermally con­­strained, and this
Austria field measurements—OLTC control 53.36 1.27 voltage-control solution is inef-
Spain STATCOM control 20.02 0.19 fective. Potentially more expen-
sive solutions like curtailment or
Distributed SG Solutions classical grid reinforcement are
HC increase
applicable everywhere.
Average Relative standard System performance is de­­
Demo MV distributed voltage control with… Value [%] deviation
pendent on many factors. Ex­­
Germany AVR 37.75 2.87 perience shows that a central-
France DG reactive power control (droop Q-V control) 37.13 1.62 ized solution using coordinated
OLTC and DRESs allows for
France DG reactive power control [fixed tan(phi)] 34.81 3.10 the highest amounts of HC.
Italy OLTC + DG reactive power control 29.72 3.53 Co­­­­ordinated operation can be
Greece DG curtailment + DG reactive power control 13.89 2.25
achieved using a d­ istribution
state estimator or an OPF to
Greece DG curtailment 10.83 0.39 es­­tablish the best settings at
each time. On average, the in­­
tro­duction of an OPF triples the
voltage-control solutions appear to be the most appropriate given HC of a VVC system and almost doubles the effectiveness of a
the large proportion of affected feeders. However, it is still nec- WAC and VVC solution.
essary to test the applicability of each solution on real networks. The combined effect of OLTCs used at primary and sec-
In our study, the network selection from different countries ondary substations is also an interesting case. Utilities around
showed that voltage-control solutions based on a local control the world use high-voltage (HV)/MV transformers equipped
of reactive power from the DG inverters (volt-var control, VVC) with OLTC to control voltage levels [Figure 5(a)]. This has
can successfully increase the HC in 60% of the feeders. some limitations when some of the MV feeders have con-
trasting voltage issues. The combined use of OLTC at both
HV/MV and MV/LV transformers can provide much more
flexibility for managing voltages, increasing HC up to 179%
1.0 0.20 in our experiments.
0.8 0.16
An alternative approach is inserting autotransformers in
the middle of the problematic MV lines [Figure 5(b), the

MV side] to correct these contrasting voltage levels. Then
0.4 0.08 the flexibility can be doubled at the MV level to absorb the
0.2 0.04 LV variations due to generators and loads. When LV lines of
0.0 a certain secondary substation present contrasting voltage
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
levels, introducing autotransformers [Figure 5(b), the LV
% Loading
side] in some LV lines also increases the flexibility of the
whole system. The problem with this and similar ideas is the
figure 4. The probability distribution function (pdf) of
cost of the new elements, but the potential to increase HC
­distribution grids from one Austrian DSO in function of
the loading reserve. The voltage-constrained feeders are and the effectiveness of existing assets is enormous.
in blue, loading-constrained feeders are in red, and both Flexibility can be also obtained from third parties [Figure 5(c)]
voltage- and ­loading-constrained feeders are in magenta. such as generators and consumers. Active demand techniques
The cumulated ­density function (cdf) of these grids in or energy storage installed at customers are some of the pos-
function of the l­oading reserve is shown in black. sibilities to regulate the loads in the lines. In some countries,

34 ieee power & energy magazine may/june 2017


MV Grid
+10% LV Grid
+10% Asym 253.0 V
3% 248.4 V 3% LV DG
243.8 V 2% MV DG
239.2 V 2% HV/MV
234.6 V 5% MV Voltage
U 230.0 V Drop at Lines
225.4 V 2% MV/LV Transformer
220.8 V
216.2 V 6% LV Voltage
–10% 6% 211.6 V Drop at Lines
Asy 207.0 V
–15% 5% of Intervals/Week
MV-Regulation LV-Regulation
HV/MV G Transformer G Transformer

∑ ∑
+10% +10%

Asym 253.0 V
3% ym 3% LV DG
6% As 12% 248.4 V
2% MV DG
3% 3% 243.8 V
9% 239.2 V 2% HV/MV
234.6 V 5% MV Voltage
U 4% 4% 230.0 V Drop at Lines
8% 225.4 V 2% MV/LV Transformer
220.8 V
–10% As 6% As 15% 216.2 V 6% LV Voltage
ym ym 211.6 V Drop at Lines
–10% 207.0 V

–15% 5% of Intervals/Week
DG with Curtailment
and VVC

Flexible Loads
+10% m
253.0 V
248.4 V 3% LV DG
243.8 V 2% MV DG
239.2 V 2% HV/MV
234.6 V 5% MV Voltage
U 230.0 V Drop at Lines
225.4 V 2% MV/LV Transformer
220.8 V
216.2 V 6% LV Voltage
–10% 211.6 V Drop at Lines
–10% 207.0 V
–15% 5% of Intervals/Week

figure 5. Voltage regulation bands with (a) only OLTC at the primary substation, (b) MV and LV inline autotransformers, and (c)
using flexibility from generators (red and blue) and consumers (clear green). Color bands: yellow and brown indicate raising margins
in LV and MV lines, respectively; dark green and blue indicate voltage drops in LV and MV lines, respectively; margins at the sub-
stations are indicated in white. The asymmetry of loads among phases (asym) requires the preservation of part of the voltage band.

may/june 2017 ieee power & energy magazine 35

Experience shows that a centralized solution
using coordinated OLTC and DRESs allows for the
highest amounts of hosting capacity.

generation curtailment is allowed under exceptional condi- Transition to Business as Usual

tions. In France, for instance, the use of special contracts to SG research offers a number of alternative solutions for increas-
agree on the limits of curtailment has been tested. ing HC. Solutions have a range of pros and cons in terms of
cost, performance, flexibility, and ease of implementation.
A Case in the Field What is needed to replace the current operational methods and
HC analysis should be executed case by case. Figure 6 is a equipment with these new solutions? Which are the drivers of
good example of typical grid conditions. As is frequently the the transition from R&D ­proposals to business as usual?
case, some feeders are voltage constrained (F01, F03, F04,
and F07) while others are current constrained (F02, F05, F06, Regulatory Aspects
and F08). When SG solutions are applied, the HC is increased. To allow R&D results to become business as usual, utilities
Some of the feeders become current constrained (F04), but need regulatory changes, but even more importantly they
others become voltage constrained (F01, F02, and F07). need stable and predictable regulatory frameworks. Utilities
The increase in HC resulting from voltage-control solu- require consistent regulatory support for large investments
tions can vary for different feeders. Figure 6 only shows the in grid reinforcements and innovative solutions. Frequent
VVC solution applied on a primary substation. However, regulatory changes should be avoided, and when changes
fix curtailment could produce a 29% HC increase for these are necessary, they should be implemented with total trans-
feeders while the use of OPF could lead to up to a 169% HC parency for stakeholders and with consideration for previous
increase. These significantly different results are also due to investments not already recovered.
the different characteristics of the feeders. Using the VVC National policy makers should take into account that
solution (Figure 6), feeder F01 presents an HC increase of DRES grid connection charges and costs are spread over all
1.5 MW in a line that had originally a capacity of 3 MW. On consumers’ bills. The repartition of costs, responsibilities, and
the other hand, feeder F03 originally presented only 1 MW, functions among the stakeholders should be fair. There are
and the HC increase obtained with VVC is just an extra SG solutions that should become business as usual to foster
0.5 MW. For feeder F04, curtailment or nonfirm connection DRES integration efficiently. The main ­regulatory updates
contracts could be good strategies to limit the total current in needed are discussed next.
this line. For feeder F01, other voltage-control applications
could be more effective than the selected one. Regulation Should Allow the DSOs to
Control Distributed Energy Resources
Distributed energy resources (DERs) should usually be con-
8 trolled by the DSO to ensure the quality of service and sys-
tem reliability without unnecessary grid investments. Given
that DSOs often lack the capacity to control DERs, they are
6 forced to calculate the worst-case scenario to evaluate the
5 grid capacity to reliably host new generation sources. Con-

4 sequently, this leads to conservative limits.

Pilot projects in Eberstalzell and Koestendorf (Austria)
studied how residential photovoltaic (PV) generation impacts
2 the LV grid and how these sources can contribute to grid sta-
1 bilization. The largest gains in terms of voltage-band man-
agement have been obtained by implementing a coordinated
control, which acts upon a voltage-regulating transformer and

the solar generators to regulate the active or reactive power
injection. This coordinated control is made possible by power
figure 6. Feeder screening: the classification of feeders as line communications for getting voltage measurements from
voltage constrained (blue) or loading constrained (red) with smart meters and remotely parameterizing the solar inverter
the indication of HC and an HC increase for each one of controls. This change would affect large amounts of small
the feeders of a primary substation. devices and may require exploring alternative approaches to

36 ieee power & energy magazine may/june 2017

An alternative approach is inserting autotransformers
in the middle of the problematic MV lines to correct
these contrasting voltage levels.

facilitate implementation (e.g., generator design and use of generator pay extension costs. For generators lower than
­public telecommunication infrastructure). 10  kW, there is no payment for access or the ­connection
The tradeoff between grid expansion costs and curtailed study (RD 900/2015).
energy costs should be analyzed. To incorporate new DRESs, The Italian Electrotechnical Committee (CEI) has released
it is often more efficient to reduce generation in critical the CEI 0-16 and CEI 0-21 standards, which define the tech-
moments than to reinforce the grid. A fix curtailment for nical rules for the connection of active and passive consum-
PV installations, limiting the maximum injection to 70% of ers to the HV, MV, and LV electrical public networks. Some
nominal power, can lead to an energy curtailment of between HV rules were extended to wind and PV plants in distribution
3 and 7%, which is acceptable, taking into account that it networks to avoid disconnection in case of system perturba-
produces around a 40% HC increase. When applied to wind tions (Annex A.70 of the Italian network code). These stan-
farms, a fix curtailment of 70% of nominal power can lead to dards also specify that the reactive power capabilities to be
higher amounts of energy curtailed (above 10%) and, conse- provided by each technology (such as static and synchronous)
quently, a higher economic impact on generators, for similar and the disconnection of DRES plants greater than or equal to
results in terms of HC. 100 kW for system security after a TSO request (reduction of
In France, a new nonfirm connection contract will allow distributed generation scheme, known as RIGEDI).
the curtailment of production during a few days a year, with In Spain, the obligation of maintaining connection dur-
the benefit of a lower connection cost for generators due to ing voltage dips only applies to PV and wind plants larger
avoided reinforcements. than 2 MW. In Greece, the obligation applies only beyond
3 MW. Concerning active voltage control, in Spain, plants
Regulation for Dres Connections larger than 5 MW are must follow the TSO commands, and
Should Be Homogenized the DSO can only propose actions to the TSO. In Greece, nei-
An overview of DRES connection procedures reveals rele- ther the TSO nor the DSO engages in active voltage control.
vant differences from country to country. Variations include
connection request processes, maximum acceptable limit Dso Services Should be Fairly Compensated
definitions, incentives, and cost attribution. Homogeneous rules with an Adequate Remuneration
could contribute to the development of widely applicable SG Investment recovery schemes should be adapted to promote
solutions that could pass more easily from research to busi- the use of SG solutions. An SG has the potential to provide
ness as usual. a more sustainable, efficient, and secure electricity supply to
In Spain, Royal Decree (RD) 413/2014 establishes that customers. However, the purchase, operation, and mainte-
generators with a nominal power of 5 MW or higher must nance of the new components are difficult to justify in cur-
be connected to a control center [transmission system opera- rent regulatory frameworks. The economic analysis shows
tor (TSO) or DSO]. The DSO must have access to real-time that, frequently, the SG solutions proposed to connect addi-
measurements for RESs equal to or higher than 1 MW, with tional renewable generation are less expensive than the tradi-
measurement costs borne by the generator. In Greece, all tional reinforcement of the grid, but DSOs are not stimulated
MV power plants and around 70% of LV ones can provide to take advantage of these solutions. The costs of grid rein-
remote measurements, but there is not a general requirement forcement costs recouped, but, in general, innovative solu-
for the DSO to have real-time measurements. Only measure- tions are not covered by existing regulatory frameworks. In
ments from large wind farms are linked to the TSO. certain countries, and in particular for SG solutions, capital
In Italy, DSOs have the obligation to connect DG units expenditures are covered, but operational expenditures are
with the fit-and-forget approach; this implies that, in some not, yet. Many SG solutions reduce capital expenditures but
cases, generators can be connected only after network re­­ increase operational expenditures.
inforcements. Active users pay a standard connection fee, Incentives for information and communication technology
depending on the power and on the straight distance from the (ICT) deployment are required, and operation and maintenance
closest line. Generally, generators up to 100 kW are connected costs should be considered in DSO service remuneration.
to the LV level and larger plants (usually up to 10 MW) to Telecommunication solutions for some SG implementations
the MV level. In Spain there are no standard connection could be very expensive in sparsely populated areas. Regula-
costs. Each case should be studied and proposed that the tors should consider incentives to support the development and

may/june 2017 ieee power & energy magazine 37

To allow R&D results to become business as usual,
utilities need regulatory changes, but even more importantly
they need stable and predictable regulatory frameworks.

implementation of new SG projects, including software main- Lack of Standard SG Components

tenance costs for projects in operation. There are many standards for SG performance, often custom-
ized for each solution, and there exists a large and increasing
Dres Should Have Incentives to base of already deployed DRESs. It will require a huge effort
Take Part in Network Operation for the DSOs to manage a power system with a wide vari-
DRESs sometimes present an intermittent production profile ety of old and new devices with different characteristics and
and thus are treated differently from conventional generation interfaces. Advances in the standardization of components,
units. These differences should be reduced progressively. Some consensus among DSOs requesting similar functions, and
DRESs can offer flexibility through the provision of reactive interoperability between products will facilitate integrating
power or by combining storage with generation, but the devel- various SG technologies.
opment of these capabilities needs to be incentivized. Customers
deciding to produce energy should accept that their equipment New Distribution Network Processes,
is part of the grid and should assume an active role in the system. Experience, and Formation
DRESs can be designed to provide certain services to the Active distribution networks, reverse power flows, and mas-
grid, including communications interface and control of reac- sive DRESs affect network operation processes and require
tive power injection or consumption. The final responsibility for redesigning current working procedures. Traditional practices
securing network operations will remain in the DSO’s hands, may no longer be effective.
and the same level of reliability must be maintained after any Higher distribution grid observability is needed, and new
DRES SG integration. equipment, software systems, and advanced applications have
to be integrated into existing elements. Side effects from new
Roles and Interactions with New Actors systems and devices can appear.
Should Be Clearly Established As technological complexity increases, the skills and
DRESs, new devices [i.e., energy storage systems (ESSs)], and expertise of personnel needed to operate the new distribution
SGs in general will require new forms of collaboration among network will be different. Specialized training for personnel
all participants, including consumers, retailers, and DSOs. is essential for integrating SG technologies. The success-
Regulations should enable those interrelations. For example, ful implementation of an automatic grid recovery system at
aggregators might act as intermediaries between DSOs and con- Iberdrola was founded on a special training for dispatchers,
sumers to manage consumption, following the necessities of the which gave them the capacity to disable the system to recover
grid. However, the DSO is responsible for ensuring the adequate control if necessary. When people with the necessary skills
operation of the network, and, although it is not directly control- and training test the new systems to verify their efficacy, the
ling the loads, it is liable for problems that might arise due to the transition is smoother.
aggregator’s difficulties to meet its commitments.
We can find a similar case related to ESSs. In the spirit of Cost, Complexity, Scalability, and Replicability
opening the electricity market, the European Commission is In general, centralized solutions are more expensive and
proposing a new market model in which third parties provide more effective than stand-alone ones that work independent
flexibility services to grid operators. In this context, DSOs from the rest of the grid to solve DRES-related issues. Utili-
would not be, in principle, allowed to own ESSs. Who will ties usually prefer centralized solutions to maintain the con-
be responsible in case of ESS failure or if the service provider trol and observability of the systems, but decisions about the
doesn’t have enough capacity to meet its commitments? There most complex and expensive systems are not easily made.
are solutions for every issue, but the responsibilities of every The potential of the solution should be clear and the validity
stakeholder must be clear and suitable mechanisms to guaran- of the approach for other regions and larger scales should not
tee the security of supply must be established. offer any doubts about the validity of the solutions we are
trying to apply.
Other Factors Side effects are not always evident. For example, it has been
Regulation is not the only hindrance to the implementing SG confirmed that SG solutions sometimes produce an increase
solutions. To make them business as usual, there is work to of grid losses (around 1% in our experiments). In the cases
do on standards, operational procedures, and costs. analyzed, a few SG solutions reduced losses (STATCOM with

38 ieee power & energy magazine may/june 2017

a configuration for loss re­­duction
as a secondary objective) while
also reducing quality of service

3 PG(t ) Constraints

(voltage closer to the limits). Other

4 PG(t ) Violated

SG solutions such as AVRs in­­

Improve the Quality of

Increase the Energy

creased losses by about 10% in

Voltage Profile
Increase the HC
the simulations.

5 PG((tt )

2 PG(t )
1 PG(t )
Sometimes the complexity of a

ttii n

solution is derived from the type

or number of agents involved. An

OLTC or an OPF can be imple- BN 50160
mented by a DSO on its own, with

Format for Exchange

cost as the main impediment. The

Operation Data
automatic reactive regulation of

Development of

DG, however, requires permis-

Cheap Storage

Costs (Infrastructure and Systems)

sions or agreements with produc-

Allow the Proper Allocation of

ers, which complicates large-scale

Among the Agents

Connection Rules
implementation. In general, pri-

oritizing simple but efficient solu-
Curtailment of
tions will accelerate the evolution DRES
toward the new SG and will help
EV-Charging Optimization

convince more traditional deci-

sion makers.

Control of DRES’ Use of Devices for

Voltage Control

To encourage smooth progress, the

most feasible controls should be

Replacement Compared to
Assess the Suitability of a
Monitoring (MV and LV)

Smart Grid Solutions

used in the short term to benefit
Voltage and Load

from the most practical approaches

while allowing for further analysis
Reactive Power at Any Time

and regulatory changes. To pro-

Reactive Power

mote and accelerate DRES inte-

Inverters Providing

gration, several actions should be

considered by prosumers (consum-
ers that also produce electricity),
network operators, network plan-
Advanced Planning Including New
Distribution Network
Observability of the

ners, asset managers, and regula-

Operation Concepts and Tools

figure 7. The IGREENGrid strategy for DRES integration.

Remuneration Framework to
Adapt DSO Cost Recovery/
Improve the

tors (Figure 7).

In many cases, the connection
Foster Innovation

of additional generators requires

Nonfirm Connection

network reinforcements, which


can be costly and time-consuming.

Two key constraints are the trans-

former capacity at a primary sub-

Interface DSO/

station connected to a significant

amount of generation and the cur-
rent or voltage limits on an exist-
ing feeder. In some cases, network
reinforcement is only necessary for

a short duration (few tens of hours




per year), which poses the question

of the meaningfulness of such rein-
forcements. An alternative could
be using nonfirm connection con-
tracts. The DSO would tolerate the

may/june 2017 ieee power & energy magazine 39

Distribution network operators require more advanced
planning and asset management tools to deal with
challenges in the near future.

connection of the generator as requested, leading to a violation progress to enable the widespread connection of DRESs
of its planning rules but keeping the right to curtail the injec- using SG solutions. When they become routine solutions,
tion of the generator for a given number of hours per year to the costs must be allocated among all the agents (DRES
prevent constraints on the distribution network. This allows the ­generators, DSOs, and TSOs) in a fair way.
DRESs to connect to the distribution network while minimizing Many SG solutions will become business as usual as
its connection costs and time. Consumers, prosumers, or genera- soon as the regulatory framework allows it. A balance
tors connected to the grid could obtain an advantage from this between new approaches and traditional reinforcement
contractual flexibility. will be found depending on technical aspects, the residual
Other technologies involving consumers or prosumers lifespan of assets, persistence and urgency of the problem,
are under development. DG units could contribute to volt- complexity of available solutions, and especially costs and
age control by modifying their reactive power following the recoupment. The digitalization and cost-effective decar-
DSO’s instructions. Smart-charging flexibility for electric bonization of the modern world makes the transition to
vehicles can be used to balance supply and demand, reduc- SGs critical.
ing the need for investment in grid reinforcements. Electric
vehicle charging connection can be incentivized or penal- For Further Reading
ized by the market through price signals. Energy storage M. Sebastián-Viana, et al. (2013). IGREENGrid Project [On-
solutions can be used to provide power when conditions are line]. Available:
not favorable and to store power when there is a generation Commission regulation (EU) 2016/631. (2016, Apr.). Es-
excess. Until now, economic factors and regulatory issues tablishing a network code on requirements for grid con-
have hindered the application of these technologies. nection of generators [Online]. Available: http://eur-lex
A standard, completely interoperable interface between
DSOs and customers will facilitate active demand manage- _R_0001
ment and DRES participation in grid operation and reli- A. Keane, L. F. Ochoa, C. L. T. Borges, G. W. Ault, A.
ability, promoting its own integration into the system. The D. Alarcon-Rodriguez, R. A. F. Currie, F. Pilo, C. Dent, and
development of this standard and the interoperability should G. P. Harrison, “State-of-the-art techniques and challenges
be promoted as a basis for the transition to SGs. ahead for distributed generation planning and optimization,”
Harmonized connection rules are urgently needed to IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 1493–1502,
facilitate a massive integration of DRESs. A uniform and May 2013.
clear regulatory framework for distribution grid connection, G. P. Harrison and A. R. Wallace, “Optimal power flow
independent of country or utility, will facilitate the process. evaluation of distribution network capacity for the connec-
DSOs can contribute to this framework by implementing tion of distributed generation,” IET Proc. Generat. Transm.
solutions for voltage control based on the reactive power Distrib., vol. 152, no. 1, pp. 115–122, Jan. 2005.
control of DRESs and providing the right balance at TSO/
DSO ­connection nodes. Biographies
The observability and control of distribution networks Jesús Varela is with Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica S.A.U.,
need to be improved for the future. Variable generation Spain.
must be predicted and managed by improving the progno- Nikos Hatziargyriou is with the Hellenic Distribution
sis of consumption and DRES production as well as using Network Operator, Greece.
sophisticated algorithms to better estimate and control the Lisandro J. Puglisi is with Iberdrola Ingeniería S.A.U.,
status of the grid (state estimators and OPF-based products). Spain.
Distribution network operators require more advanced Marco Rossi is with Ricerca Sul Sistema Energetico, Italy.
planning and asset management tools to deal with chal- Andreas Abart is with Netz Oberösterreich GmbH,
lenges in the near future (probabilistic methods, OPF-based Austria.
techniques, ICT infrastructure, and flexibility services and Benoît Bletterie is with the Austrian Institute of Technol-
products). Additionally, the cost recovery framework for ogy, Austria.
DSOs should be modified to foster innovation. Pioneer-
ing initiatives should receive some revenue during their 

40 ieee power & energy magazine may/june 2017

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