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Accept support from other people, 116 People System and, 118–19
Accountability to someone else, personal stories, 57–58, 61–62,
117–18, 125–26 64–65, 68–69
Acknowledge (Acknowledgment) statements vs. questions, 53–56
of other people (People System), top 10
112–13, 119 for step 1, 74
of your own successes (Introspection for step 2, 103–4
System), 136–37 for step 3, 142–43
Activities System, 108–9, 120–27 for step 4, 164–65
Freedom Power Pack for, 126–27 for step 5, 175–76
installing your (exercise), 122–24 for step 6, 193
three D’s (Do, Delete, or Delegate) to for step 7, 209
increase your productivity, 124–26 allocation of resources, 180–83
three human resources (time, energy, American Dream, 157–58
and money), 121–22 anorexia, 32–33, 35
two questions to explode your pro- Appreciate Your Present, 203–5
ductivity (exercise), 120–21 exercise, 205
Adams, John, 68–69 arrogance, 82
addictions, 180 arrow, deflecting the, 185
affirmations, 52–54 Ash, Mary Kay, 171
etymology of, 63 Ask other people for support, 113–15
personal stories, 64–65 assumptions, unconscious, 66–68,
why they don’t work, 53–55 70–71
Afformations (Afformation Method) Authentic Self, 78–79, 147, 148
(Step 1), 46–47, 51–74 exercises, 87–94, 135–36
disempowering to empowering ques- Automatic Search Function, 56
tions, 58–61 Avenues of Expression, 198–200
etymology of, 63–64 Resolving to Persist, 199–200
four steps of, 65–71 Revealing Who You Really Are,
step 1: asking yourself what you 198
want, 65–66 Reviewing Your Roles, 199
step 2: forming question assuming Average Day, Your Perfect, 206–8
what you want is already true,
66–68 bartering, 153–55
step 3: giving yourself to the ques- bathe-before-work unconscious behav-
tion, 68–70 ior, 44–45
step 4: taking new actions based on Because, Find Your (Step 7). See Find
your new assumptions, 70–71 Your Because
234 Index

behaviors Daily Introspection, exercises, 135–36

causes of, 10–13 “Death Crawl,” 82, 117
changing at the level of behavior, 44 Deflect Method to Find Your Interper-
defined, 44 sonal No, 183–85
moving beyond, 45–48 Delegate (Delegation), 124–26,
Being and Doing, 42 138–41
“believe in yourself,” 22, 53, 76, 78, Delete, and increasing productivity,
79, 214 124–26
Benefits (Why-To’s of Success), 11–17, Desires, Defining Your, 197–98
25–26, 43–45 Detect Method to Find Your Interper-
bingeing, 32–33 sonal No, 183–85
body image, 33–34, 35–36 disapproval from others, 172–74
Bohr, Niels, 51 disempowering questions, 58–59,
bulimia, 32–33 67–68
bully in your head, getting rid of, Do, and increasing productivity,
86–94 124–26
burnout, avoiding, 147–48 Do the Steps, 215, 223
Butterfingers (Jerry Rice), 85
eating disorders, 31–34
Canfield, Jack, ix–xi, 99–100, 192, 221 80/20 Rule, 37–38
Chicken Soup for the Soul (Canfield), ix Eker, T. Harv, 221
Choice (Conscious Mind), 15–18 email, 126, 137, 138, 140–41
clutter, clearing out the, 129–33 embedded presupposition factor, 56
comfort zone, getting out of your, Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 56, 174
128–29 emotional clutter, clearing out the,
coming from lack, 69–70 129–33
competency, four levels of, 39–40 Emotional energy (quality of our
compulsive worrying, 57–58 energy), 155–57
Conditional/Unconditional Dichot- Emotional Environment, 127–28
omy, 83 biggest blocks in, 131–32
Conscious Choice, 151 clearing the clutter from, 129–30,
conscious competence, 39–40 132–33
conscious incompetence, 39–40 emotions, two sentences describing all
Conscious Mind, 14–18 human, 201–2
Consciousness, Iceberg of, 14–18 empowering questions, 60–61, 67–68
Contingency Strategies, 174 Empty Your Tank, 120–22
control and fear, 173–74 energy, as most valuable human com-
Conversations with God (Walsch), modity, 121–22
36–37 Enhancement Strategies, 174
Core Competencies, 196–98 Enron, 188
Defining Your Desires, 197–98 Environment System, 108–9, 127–33
Describing Your Strengths, 196–97 clearing the clutter, 129–30, 132–33
Documenting Your Skills, 197 getting out of your Familiar Zone,
Costs (Why-Not-To’s of Success), 128–29
11–17, 19–20, 25 installing your (exercise), 130–33
Covey, Stephen R., 145, 162–63, 192, quality of life, 127–28
221 Essential Systems of Support (Step 3),
crumbs of life, 32–33 108–9, 111–41
Index 235

Activities System, 108–9, 120–27 Facing the Giants (movie), 81–82, 117
Environment System, 108–9, 127–33 Failure, Feel Like a, 27–28
Introspection System, 108–9, fairness, 162–63
133–37 Familiar Zone
People System, 108–9, 111–20 getting out of your, 128–29, 180
Simplify System, 108–9, 137–41 moving into new, 215–16, 223–24
Excavating and Evicting your Negative fear
Reflection (exercise), 86–94 as biggest block in your Spiritual
excellence, 162–63 Environment, 131–32
excuses Familiar Zone and, 128–29
dumping your, 153–55 procrastination and, 180
end of, 101 of rejection, 113–15
exercises releasing any, 173–74
Appreciate Your Present, 205 of success, 19, 43
Excavating and Evicting Your Nega- feelings as result, not cause, 19
tive Reflection, 87–89 Fill Your Tank, 120–22
Find Your Global No, 190–91 Find Your Because (Step 7), 47, 195–209
Find Your Interpersonal No, 183–85 Define Your Core Competencies,
Find Your Personal No, 179–81 196–98
Forgive Your Past, 203 Identify Your Avenues of Expression,
Gaining Support for Goal-Free 198–200
Zones, 153–55 Release Your Spirit, 200–208
Get Out of the Darkness, 90–91 top 10 Afformations, 209
Installing Your Activities System, Find Your Global No (Step 6), 187–92
122–24 acting with integrity, 188, 190–92
Installing Your Environment System, coming from “I have,” 189–90
130–33 exercise, 190–91
Installing Your Introspection System, saying no no-no’s, 188–89
134–35 Find Your Interpersonal No (Step 6),
Installing Your People System, 183–87
119–20 Deflect the arrow, 185
Installing Your Simplify System, Detect-becoming aware, 184–85
138–41 key phrases for, 186–87
Interview Your Loving Mirrors and the synergy step, 185–86
Safe Havens, 99–100 three-step method (exercise), 183–85
The Lamppost and the Signs, 93–94 Find Your No (Step 6), 47, 177–93
Managing Your Sources of Energy, top 10 Afformations, 193
155–57 Find Your Personal No (Step 6),
Performing Goal Replacement Sur- 179–83
gery, 161–62 exercise, 179–81
Step Into Your Best Future, 207–8 reallocation of resources, 181–83
Two Questions That Can Explode five A’s (actions) of People System,
Your Productivity, 120–21 112–20
Using Goal-Free Zones, 149–53 Accept, 116
Who Am I Trying to Please, 173 Accountability, 117–18
Who Am I Trying to Protect, 169–70 Acknowledge, 112–13
Who Am I Trying to Punish, 172 Afform, 118–19
eye color, 75–76, 77 Ask, 113–15
236 Index

focus on task (Mental energy), 155–57 question 5: What will happen if I

Fog, 27–28 don’t use, 152–53
foot-on-the-brake syndrome, 18–20 Goal Replacement Surgery (Step 4), 47,
Forgive Your Past (exercise), 202–3 157–65
four R’s (Role, Result, Resources, and performing, 158–62
Relationships) of your life, 126–27 exercise, 161–62
four sources of personal energy, 155–57 impossible goals, 158, 159
four steps outdated goals, 158, 160
in the real world, 27–29 someone else’s goals, 158, 160
of traditional success programs, personal stories, 157–58, 160–61
26–27 top 10 Afformations, 164–65
Franklin, Benjamin, 177, 184 goal-setting, 26–27, 76–77, 79–81,
Freedom Power Pack, 126–27, 174, 146–47
227–28 Afformations for, 65–66
funhouse mirrors, 77–78, 86–87 God’s Love, 131–32
Future, Step Into Your Best, 206–8 Golden Key Ministry, 68–69
exercise, 207–8 Google, 69–70
gravity, habits compared to, 147
Gaining Support for Goal-Free Zones Gray, John, 221
(exercise), 153–55 guardian angels, 76, 80
gardening, 135–36
Gates, Bill, 121–22, 184 Have-Nots (and Have-Not-Much),
gender differences, and self-worth, 38
33–34, 35–36 head trash, 35, 43–44
Get Out of the Darkness (exercise), causes of, 77–79
90–91 getting rid of, 86–94
Global No, Find Your (Step 6), 187–92 heartbeat, awareness of, 109–10
acting with integrity, 188, 190–92 Home Environment, 127–28
coming from “I have,” 189–90 biggest blocks in, 130–31
exercise, 190–91 clearing the clutter from, 132–33
saying no no-no’s, 188–89 Home Study Course, 225–26
Goal-Free Zones (Step 4), 47, 147–57 honesty, 101, 162–63
defined, 147 hounding, 113–15
Gaining Support for (exercise), How-To’s of Success, 24–26, 44–45
153–55 four steps of, 26–27
Managing Your Sources of Energy human behaviors. See behaviors
(exercise), 155–57 human dignity, 162–63
reasons to use, 147–48 human mind, 14–18
top 10 Afformations, 164–65 human potential, 29, 162–63
using (exercise), 149–53 human resources (time, energy, and
question 1: What are my favorite money), 121–22
activities, 149–50
question 2: When do I enjoy doing iAfform Audios, 216
them, 149–50 “I am rich” affirmation, 53–54
question 3: What negative beliefs Iceberg of Consciousness, 14–18
do I have about doing, 150–51 Identify Your Avenues of Expression,
question 4: When are these beliefs 198–200
not true, 151–52 Resolving to Persist, 199–200
Index 237

Revealing Who You Really Are, 198 question 3: Who would I like to give
Reviewing Your Roles, 199 me support, 95–96
“I don’t have,” 189–90 question 4: What’s in it for them to
“I have,” 189–90 support me, 96–97
“I’ll Show You,” 171 question 5: What would I like to hear
impossible goals, 158–59 from key people in my life, 97
Information Overload, 137, 147, 148 question 6: What I would ask of key
Inner Environment, 127–28 people in my life, 97
biggest blocks in, 131–32 question 7: What actions am I will-
clearing the clutter from, 129–30, ing to take to get support I need,
132–33 97–98
Installing Your Activities System (exer- Kipling, Rudyard, 90–91
cise), 122–24 Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 75
Installing Your Environment System
(exercise), 130–33 lack, coming from, 69–70
Installing Your Introspection System Lamppost and the Signs (exercise),
(exercise), 134–35 93–94
Installing Your People System (exer- Larger Win, 138–41
cise), 119–20 Law of Attraction, 56, 61
Installing Your Simplify System (exer- laws of the universe, 71, 129
cise), 138–41 Learn the Steps, 215, 223
integrity, 162–63 Line of Consciousness, 14–18
acting with, 188, 190–92 love, and permission to succeed, 37
intentional aspects of mind, 15 Loving Mirror Principle, 81–82
Interpersonal No, Find Your (Step 6), Loving Mirrors (Step 2), 47, 75–104
183–87 Excavating and Evicting your Nega-
Deflect the arrow, 185 tive Reflection (exercise), 86–89
Detect-becoming aware, 184–85 gaining unconditional support for
key phrases for, 186–87 your life, 82–83, 95–97, 102
the synergy step, 185–86 gaining unconditional support for
three-step method (exercise), 183–85 your work, 86
Interview Your Loving Mirrors and Get Out of the Darkness (exercise),
Safe Havens, 98–101 90–91
Introspection System, 108–9, 133–37 getting rid of the bully in your head,
acknowledge your successes, 136–37 86–94
installing your (exercise), 134–35 head trash and, 77–79
It’s a Wonderful Life (movie), 76, 79, 80 interviewing your (exercise), 98–101
Lamppost and the Signs (exercise),
journaling, 135–36. See also Secret 93–94
Code of Success Journal personal stories, 84–85
Seven Key Support Questions, 94–98
Kern, Frank, 206 top 10 Afformations, 103–4
keynotes, 229 what it is, 81–82
Key Support Questions, 94–98
question 1: What does unconditional Maintenance Strategies, 174
support mean, 95 Managing Your Sources of Energy
question 2: What support do I need (exercise), 155–57
most in my life, 95–96 Mandossian, Alex, 36
238 Index

material body pressures, 34, 35–36 five A’s (actions) of, 112–20
meditation, 135–36 Accept, 116
men, and self-worth, 34, 35–36 Accountability, 117–18
Mental energy (focus on task), 155–57 Acknowledge, 112–13
mind, 14–18 Afform, 118–19
mirrors. See Loving Mirrors Ask, 113–15
money, as most valuable human com- installing the five A’s (exercise),
modity, 121–22 119–20
money management, 181–82, 197 Perfect Average Day, 206–8
My Win, 138–41 perfectionism, 159
Permission Pyramid, 46–48, 51–209
nail-in-the-wall activity, 21–23 step 1: Afformations, 51–74
Naturals at Success, 41–42 step 2: Loving Mirrors and Safe
nature walks, 135–36 Havens, 75–104
negative beliefs. See also head trash step 3: Systems of Support, 105–43
about doing Goal-Free Zones, 150–52 step 4: Goal-Free Zones and Goal
negative opinions, of your past, present, Replacement Surgery, 145–65
and future, 201–2 step 5: Who Am I Trying to Protect,
negative (disempowering) questions, 167–76
58–59, 67–68 step 6: Find Your No, 177–93
Negative Reflection, 78–79, 147 step 7: Find Your Because, 195–209
Excavating and Evicting Your (exer- permission to succeed, 37
cise), 86–94 persistence, 115, 199–200
negative signs, 91–94 Personal Control Strategies, 174
Lamppost and the Signs (exercise), personal energy, four sources of,
93–94 155–57
9/11 terrorist attacks (2001), 204 personal growth, 162–63
97/3 Rule, 38 Personal No, Find Your (Step 6),
No, Find Your. See Find Your No 179–83
No Choice (Subconscious Mind), exercise, 179–81
15–18 reallocation of resources, 181–83
personal trainers, 84
opinions, of your past, present, and physical body pressures, 33–34, 35–36
future, 201–2 Physical energy (quantity of energy),
organizational lack, 55 155–57
others, saying no to. See Find Your Please, Who Am I Trying to (Step 5),
Interpersonal No 172–73
outdated goals, 158, 160 exercise, 173
Outer Environment, 127–28 positive opinions, of your past, present,
biggest blocks in, 130–31 and future, 201–2
clearing the clutter from, 129–30, positive peer pressure, 126
132–33 positive (empowering) questions,
60–61, 67–68
pain, 152, 173–74 practice makes progress, 109–10
Pareto’s Principle, 37–38 prayer, 135–36
Past, Forgive Your, 202–3 Present, Appreciate Your, 203–5
peer pressure, 126 exercise, 205
People System, 108–9, 111–20 principles to live by, 161–63
Index 239

priorities, 135, 151–52 sabotaging yourself, 19, 43, 146

procrastination, 179–80, 220 Safe Havens (Step 2), 47, 83–84
productivity interviewing your (exercise), 98–101
Freedom Power Pack for, 126–27 Seven Key Support Questions, 94–98
two questions to explode your, sales workshops, 229
120–21 saying no. See Find Your No
3-D (Do, Delete, or Delegate) way to Scales of Success, 11–17
increase, 124–26 Secret Code of Success Journal, 87, 96,
progress, practice makes, 109–10 135–36, 206
Protect, Who Am I Trying to (Step 5), Search Function, Automatic, 56
47, 167–76 self-beliefs
exercise, 169–70 negative. See head trash; negative
top 10 Afformations, 175–76 beliefs
Punish, Who Am I Trying to (Step 5), three stages of, 214
170–72 self-confidence, 43, 70–71, 213
exercise, 172 self-sabotage, 19, 43, 146
purging, 32–33 self-worth, 32–36, 147, 148
purpose on Earth (Spiritual energy), September 11th terrorist attacks (2001),
43, 155–57, 187 204
Pyramid. See Permission Pyramid service, 162–63
setting goals, 26–27, 76–77, 79–81,
quality of life, 68, 127–28 146–47
quantity of energy (Physical energy), Afformations for, 65–66
155–57 Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
questions (Covey), 162
changing the, 56 Seven Key Support Questions. See Key
disempowering, 58–59, 67–68 Support Questions
empowering, 60–61, 67–68 Seven Steps of Secret Code of Success.
Question That Changed Everything, See Permission Pyramid; and
52–53 specific steps
Shakespeare, William, 167
reallocation of resources, 181–83 Shaw, George Bernard, 195
real world, four steps in the, 27–29 SHELF-help, 9, 24–27
Reflect Method to Find Your Interper- four steps of, 26–27
sonal No, 183–85 “how to succeed” assumption, 24–25
Release Your Spirit, 200–208 shortcuts, and integrity, 188
stage 1: Forgive Your Past, 202–3 Shower That Changed My Life, 52–53
stage 2: Appreciate Your Present, Simplify System, 108–9, 137–41
203–5 installing your (exercise), 138–41
stage 3: Step Into Your Best Future, “Six Serving Men” (Kipling), 90–91
206–8 Skills, Documenting Your, 197
resentment, 131–32 Someday Isle, 207
Resolve to Persist, 199–200 someone else’s goals, 158, 160
Resources in your life, 127 Spirit, Release Your, 200–208
Result in your life, 127 stage 1: Forgive Your Past, 202–3
Rice, Jerry (Butterfingers), 85 stage 2: Appreciate Your Present, 203–5
Roles, Reviewing Your, 199 stage 3: Step Into Your Best Future,
Rolls Royce, 124 206–8
240 Index

Spiritual energy (purpose on Earth), practice makes progress, 109–10

43, 155–57, 187 top 10 Afformations, 142–43
Spiritual Environment, 127–28 two things missing from people’s lives
biggest blocks in, 131–32 and businesses, 107–8
clearing the clutter from, 129–30,
132–33 Tank, Empty and Fill Your, 120–22
starvation of success, 32–35 Taylor, Tim, 157–58, 160–61
stealing, 188–90 Teach the Steps, 215–16, 223–24
steps, process for, 215–16, 223–24 Their Win, 138–41
Step 1. See Afformations Thoreau, Henry David, 213–14
Step 2. See Loving Mirrors; Safe thought-seeds, 66–68
Havens three D’s (Do, Delete, or Delegate) of
Step 3. See Systems of Support increasing productivity, 124–26
Step 4. See Goal-Free Zones; Goal three human resources (time, energy,
Replacement Surgery and money), 121–22
Step 5. See Who Am I Trying to Three Percenters, 37–42
Protect three-step method (Detect, Deflect,
Step 6. See Find Your No and Reflect Method) to Find Your
Step 7. See Find Your Because Interpersonal No, 183–85
Stewart, Jimmy (George Bailey), 76, time, as most valuable human com-
79, 80 modity, 121–22
Streamlining Your Business, 137–41 time-management tools, 126–27
Strengths, Describing Your, 196–97 tools, 21–23
Structure, use of term, 105–6 traditional success programs
subconscious assumptions, 66–68, four steps of, 26–27
70–71 goal-setting, 26–27, 76–77, 79–81,
Subconscious Mind, 14–18, 19–20 146–47
Subconscious No-Choice, 151 “how to succeed” assumption, 24–25
subconscious thought-seeds, 66–68 Treadmilling, 27–28
success anorexia, 35 True Principles, 161–63
Success Camp 2.0 Weekend Seminar, Trump, Donald, 125
217–20 truths in life, 36–37, 2, 4, 230 Try Again, 27–29
success disorders, 35
synergy step, in Finding Your Interper- Ultimate Why-To, 47, 196, 199–200
sonal No, 185–86 Ultimate Yes, 187–88
System, use of term, 105–6 Unconditional/Conditional Dichot-
Systems of Support (Step 3), 47, omy, 83
105–43 Unconditional Love, 131–32
dissing your, 110–11 unconditional support, 81–83
five essential, 108–9, 111–41 gaining for your business, 86
Activities System, 108–9, 120–27 gaining for your life, 82–83, 95–97,
Environment System, 108–9, 102
127–33 unconscious assumptions, 66–68,
Introspection System, 108–9, 70–71
133–37 unconscious competence, 39–42
People System, 108–9, 111–20 unconscious incompetence, 39–40
Simplify System, 108–9, 137–41 unintentional aspects of mind, 15
Index 241

Universal Law, 189, 213 Who You Really Are, 42, 88, 90–91,
unplugging from work, 148, 149–50 198
unproductive time, 122 Why-Not-To’s of Success (Costs),
11–17, 19–20, 25
Walsch, Neale Donald, 36–37 Why-To’s of Success (Benefits), 11–17,
Walsh, Bill, 85 25–26, 43–45
way of life, Secret Code of Success as, Win-Cubed (Win times Win times
42 Win), 139–40
what you have vs. what you lack, 60, 69 Win-Win, 139
Where You Come From, 100–101 women, and self-worth, 33–34, 35–36
Who Am I Trying to Please (Step 5), work, unplugging from, 148, 149–50
172–73 Work Environment, 127–28
exercise, 173 biggest blocks in, 130–31
Who Am I Trying to Protect (Step 5), clearing the clutter from, 129–30,
47, 167–76 132–33
exercise, 169–70 workshops, 229
top 10 Afformations, 175–76
Who Am I Trying to Punish (Step 5), Your Perfect Average Day, 206–8
170–72 yourself, saying no to. See Find Your
exercise, 172 Personal No

NOAH ST. JOHN, Ph.D., is Founder and CEO of Success-, an international success training company, and
host of WealthyFunTV. Since 2005, he has influenced the lives
of more than 350,000 people through his speaking and appear-
ances. People and organizations in more than forty countries
are using his breakthrough methods to get rid of their “head
trash” and enjoy more control, freedom, and abundance in their
lives and careers.
He is the author of Permission to Succeed® and The Great Little
Book of Afformations®, which have been translated into four lan-
guages. Noah has appeared on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox
News, and has been featured in PARADE, Woman’s Day, Modern
Bride, Los Angeles Business Journal, the Chicago Sun-Times, the
Washington Post, InStyle, and Selling Power.
Noah’s Students range from stay-at-home moms to industry-
leading CEOs, schoolchildren to retirees. Thousands of people
visit his daily movie blog to watch his latest
adventures and experience first-hand his All-Access Pass into the
new world he affectionately calls Self-Help 2.0.
Prior to becoming an internationally in-demand speaker and
author, Noah worked as a waiter, secretary, retail salesperson,
housekeeper, and professional ballet dancer. These experiences
helped Noah realize that neither an expensive eduation nor “tradi-
tional success methods” hold the true key to success.
Fun fact: Noah once won an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii
on the game show Concentration hosted by Alex Trebek, where he
missed winning a new car by three seconds. (Note: he had not yet
learned The Secret Code of Success.)
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