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Pad Footing Design

Project :
Building :

A) Input

V (kN) H (kN) M (kNm)

Dead 0 0 0
Imposed 1000 10 100

Density of soil = 18 kN/m3

Height of soil = 0.8 m
Density of concrete = 24 kN/m3
Height of Footing = 0.7 m
Allowable bearing capacity = 350 kN/m2
column size = 0.7 x 0.7 m
Stump height = 1 m
Concrete Grade, fcu = 30 N/mm2
Steel Grade, fy = 460 N/mm3

B) Sizing of pad footing

Area required = 2.857143 m2

Length = 1.690309 m2 Provide = 3.00 m
Width = 1.690309 m2 Provide = 3.00 m

C) Alteration sizing of Pad Footing

Total P = 1285.504 kN
Total M = 117 kNm

Area required = 3.672869 m2

Length = 1.916473 m2 Provide = 3.00 m
Width = 1.916473 m3 Provide = 3.00 m

D) Maximum base pressure on soil

Section Modulus, Z = 4.5 m3

base pressure = 168.8338 kN/m2 < 250 OK

E) Design of Reinforcement for Bending Moment

a) Long span moment steel

Ultimate Vertical Load = 1999.706 kN

Ultimate Horizontal Load = 16 kN
Ultimate Moment = 176 kN/m

Maximum Pressure = 261.3006 kN/m2

Minimum Pressure = 183.0784 kN/m2

Pad Footing Design

Project :
Building :

Pressure at column face = 231.3154 kN/m2

strip considered = 1.15 m
Moment for the critical section at the column = 472.0905 kNm

try steel bar = 20 mm

cover = 50 mm
effective depth, d = 0.64 m
k = 0.012806 < 0.156 No Compression Bar Required
z = 0.986 d > 0.95 d
= 0.950 d

Asrequired = 1940.191 mm2

Asmin = 2730 mm2

provide 13 T 16 ( As = 2613.805 mm2) NOT OK

The distribution of the reinforcement is determined to satisfy the rule

( 3/4* ( c + 3d ) = 1965 mm
lc = 1500 mm < 1965 mm
The Bar Can Equally Distributed

Bar Spacing = 230.7692 mm c/c

b) Short span moment steel

Average pressure = 222.1895 kN/m2

Moment for the critical section at the column = 440.7684 kNm
effective depth, d = 0.62 m
k = 0.01274 < 0.156 No Compression Bar Required
z = 0.986 d > 0.95 d
= 0.950 d

Asrequired = 1869.899 mm2

Asmin = 2730 mm2

provide 13 T 16 ( As = 2613.805 mm2) NOT OK

Pad Footing Design

Project :
Building :

F) Design of Reinforcement for Vertical Shear

a) Long Span

Pressure at critical section at d from column face = 248.0028 kN/m2

Shear at a distance from the face of the column

V = 379.4444 kN
v = 0.197627 N/mm2

100As/bd = 0.136136
400/d = 0.625 < 1 taken as 1

vc = 0.345719 N/mm2 > 0.197627 N/mm2

No Shear Reinforcement Required

b) Short Span

Pressure at critical section at d from column face = 222.1895 kN/m2

Shear at a distance from the face of the column

V = 339.95 kN
v = 0.182769 N/mm2

100As/bd = 0.140527
400/d = 0.645161 < 1 taken as 1

vc = 0.349393 N/mm2 > 0.182769 N/mm2

No Shear Reinforcement Required

G) Check for Punching Shear

Punching shear is checked on a perimeter 1.5d from the column face

average d = 0.630 m
1.5 d = 0.945 m
average 100As/bd = 0.138 N/mm2
400/d = 0.635 < 1 taken as 1
vc = 0.347 N/mm2

c + 3d = 2.590 m
perimeter, u = 10.360 m

Average pressure = 222.190 kN/m2

Shear force, V = 509.2361 kN

v = 0.078022 N/mm2 < 0.347 N/mm2 OK

H) Check for maximum shear stress at the face of column

V = 1890.833 kN
perimeter, u = 2.8 m
vmax = 1.071901 N/mm2 < 0.8 SQRT(fcu) = 4.38178 N/mm2

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