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Lever’s Histopathology of the Skin, 10th ed The text has continued to evolve and improve.
David E. Elder, Rosalie Elenitsas, Bernett L. Johnson, The most significant change occurred with the eighth
Jr, George F. Murphy, and Xiaowei Xu, editors, edition, when editorship of the book transferred to
2008, Baltimore, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. David Elder and his associates at the University of
1408 pages. $335.00. ISBN: 978-0-781-77363-8. Pennsylvania. The book became a multiauthored
text, yet the editorial team ensured even and com-
A new edition of the classic has just been released. prehensive coverage of each topic. The tenth edition
As with previous editions, this is an authoritative text represents an update of the previous two editions,
written and edited by some of the most respected retaining the classic organization of the book. While
dermatopathologists in the world. The new edition many dermatopathology texts group entities by his-
continues the tradition of scholarship and practicality tologic reaction patterns, Lever’s Histopathology of
that have made the text one of the best-known names the Skin is organized by clinical categories, such as
in medical publishing. The images are entirely in papulosquamous diseases and connective tissue
color, except for the superb appendix of electron disease. The greatest strength of this organization is
micrographs which remains (appropriately) in splen- that entities are very easy to find, and diseases that
did black and white. may present with several different inflammatory
For those of us weaned on Lever’s Histopathology patterns can be discussed in a single chapter. The
of the Skin, the release of a new edition is a major downside is that disorders with a common reaction
event. The original, written by Walter Lever, was pattern are spread between several chapters. For
published in 1949. This classic was a 449-page book instance, disorders that present with interface der-
with 221 illustrations, including eight in color. One of matitis appear in the chapters on papulosquamous
the key features of the volume’s success was the disease, connective tissue disease, and treponemal
concise yet complete clinical information provided disease. Both patterns of organization have their
about each entity. Since then, the book has under- strengths, and any teaching curriculum that includes
gone many updates. Descriptions of the clinical both approaches will be the stronger for it.
findings and pathogenesis have remained key fea- This new edition of Lever’s Histopathology of the
tures of each edition, and several dermatology res- Skin is a strong update of a classic. A copy belongs
idency programs began each year’s curriculum with a on every dermatologist’s and every pathologist’s
cover to cover review of Lever, focusing only on the bookshelf.
clinical descriptions—essentially using the text as a
concise textbook of clinical dermatology. For most of Dirk Elston, MD
the current generation of dermatologists, the histo- Danville, Pennsylvania
pathologic portions of the text severed as the basis
of their dermatopathology curriculum during
residency. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2009.01.043


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