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Fate-Gambler Skills:​ Choose two from Arcana, Deception,

Whenever you want to play a betting game, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and
you’d never want to play against a Sleight of Hand
fate-gambler. Fate-Gamblers are the most
skilled and risky gamblers known.
They have arcane
abilities that they use
to bend a game in
their favor, but their
personal game set is
where the true danger
is found. They either
have a set of intricate
dice or a personalized
deck that only they
can use. Equipment
Dice users are the You start with the following equipment, in
more push-your-luck addition to the equipment granted by your
players, while the deck users are more background:
skilled and know how to play smart. No
matter the case, they can bring either potent (a) a hand crossbow with 20 bolts or (b) any
rewards, or major setbacks. simple weapon
(a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane
Class Features focus
As a fate-gambler, you gain the following (a) an entertainer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s
class features pack
. One dagger and a gaming kit of your
Hit points choice
Hit Dice:​ 1d6 per fate-gambler level Starting Gold:​ 4d4 × 10gp
Hit Points at 1st Level:​ 6 + your
Constitution modifier Spellcasting:
Hit Points at Higher Levels:​ 1d6 (or 4) + Due to your passion for the sport of
your Constitution modifier per fate-gambler gambling, you began to learn the intricacies
level after the 1st of the games you play. Afterwards, you
studied magic, giving you arcane tricks to
Proficiencies: benefit yourself in a game, and spells to get
Armor:​ None yourself out of a well deserved beating for
Weapons:​ Hand Crossbow, Simple cheating.
Tools:​ Two gaming kits of your choice Cantrips:
Saving Throws:​ Dexterity, Charisma At 1st level, you know two cantrips of your
choice from the fate-gambler spell list. You

learn additional fate-gambler cantrips of you cast and when making an attack roll
your choice at higher levels, as shown in the with one.
Cantrips Known column of the Spell save DC​ = 8 + your proficiency bonus
Fate-Gambler table. + your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier​ = your proficiency
Spell Slots: bonus + your Charisma modifier
The Fate-Gambler table shows how many
spell slots you have to cast your spells of Spellcasting Focus:
1st level and higher. To cast one of these You can use an arcane focus as a
fate-gambler spells, you must expend a slot spellcasting focus for your fate-gambler
of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all spells.
expended spell slots when you finish a long
rest. Game of Choice:
Choose a game of choice, which explains
Spells Known of 1st Level and your magical gambling power and
Higher: play-style: Arcane Gambit or Mystic
You know two 1st level spells of your choice High-Roller, both detailed at the end of the
from the fate-gambler spell list. class description.
The Spells Known column of the Your choice grants you features when you
Fate-Gambler table shows when you learn choose it at 1st level and again at 5th level,
more fate-gambler spells of your choice. 7th level, 14th level, and 20th level.
Each of these spells must be of a level for
which you have spell slots. For instance, Keen Gambler:
when you reach 3rd level in this class, you At 3rd level, you know how to make smart
can learn one one new spell of 1st level or bets and how to read the people you play
2nd level. against. You have advantage on any
Additionally, when you gain a level in this Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks
class, you can choose one of the that involves playing or watching a game or
fate-gambler spells you know and replace it sport with betting involved (poker, horse
with another spell from the fate-gambler racing, roulette, etc.).
spell list, which also must be of a level for
which you have spell slots. Ability Score Improvement:
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th,
Spellcasting Ability: 12th, 16th and 19th, you can increase of
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your ability score of your choice by 2, or can
fate-gambler spells, since the arcane power increase two ability scores by 1. As normal,
relies on your sly trickery and bluffs. You you can't increase an ability score above 20
use your Charisma whenever a spell refers using this feature.
to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you
use your Charisma modifier when setting
the saving throw DC for a fate-gambler spell

Risky Casting: You can use this feature a number of
At 10th level, you learn a new way of times equal to half your Charisma
casting spells. It can either make the spell modifier rounded up (minimum of one).
cost nothing, or can deal damage to You regain any expended uses after a
yourself as it backfires.
long rest.
Before you cast a spell, you may take a
gamble. To do so, you must succeed a
Charisma saving throw with a DC 13 + the Game of Choice
chosen spell slot’s level. On a success, you Fate-Gamblers come in two types of
don’t spend the chosen spell slot to cast the players: Arcane Gambits and Mystic
spell. On a failed save, the spell fails, High-Rollers. They both are strong in their
having no effect and spending the chosen own right, but they have different play
spell slot, and you are dealt 1d6 psychic styles.
damage for each level of the chosen spell
slot. Arcane Gambit:
For example, you decide to cast ​Chromatic Arcane Gambits know when to play the right
Orb​ at 2nd-level. If you succeed the cards, making them a hard person to
Charisma saving throw with a DC of 15, you out-think. They use an ethereal deck, which
cast ​Chromatic Orb​ at 2nd-level without is extremely intricate in design and filled
spending a 2nd-level spell slot. If you fail, with magical power.
the spell fails, having no effect and
spending a 2nd-level spell slot, and you Heart of The Cards:
take 2d6 psychic damage. Starting when you choose this game of
You can use this feature a number of times choice at 1st level, you craft an ethereal
equal to your Charisma modifier (a deck that only you can use, giving you
minimum of one). You regain any expanded multiple possible effects.
uses when you finish a long rest. You have the Doom and Praise cards and
two other cards of fate of your choice, which
Gambling with Death: are detailed in the “Cards of Fate” section
At 18th level, you are able to bet your below. You get two additional cards of fate
soul against death itself. When you drop of your choice at 5th level, and 14th level.
to 0 hit points and don't die outright, you Whenever you get new cards of fate, you
may make a bet with death. To do so, can also replace one card of fate that you
you choose low (1-10) or high (11-20), already have with a different card.
Using Cards of Fate -​ As an action, you
then roll a d20. If the result matches
can pull a card. To do so, you must assign
your choice, you drop to 1 hit point
each card you have a number starting from
instead. If the result doesn't match your one. Then, you roll the appropriate die
choice, death saving throws you make based on the amount of cards you have,
are with disadvantage until you die, and the card that is rolled has its effect
stabilize, or regain hit points. occur.
For example, you decide to pull a card. You
have the cards ​Arcana,​ ​Doom,​ ​Life​, and

Praise​. You assign a number to each card: Haste -​ This card is yellow, with blue lines
one for ​Doom​, two for ​Praise​, three for forming a shoe with wings. This cards has
Arcana​, and four for ​Life​. You then roll a d4, the following effects:
and the result is three, causing the card . Your movement is double, and can run
Arcana​ to come to effect. across liquids and vertical surfaces during
You can use this feature a number of times the move for 1 minute.
equal to your Charisma modifier (a Life -​ This card is white, with a red heart in
minimum of one). You regain any expanded the middle. This cards has the following
uses when you finish a long rest. effect:
Cards of Fate: . You or a target creature within 30ft of you
Arcana -​ The card is blue, with white lines that you can see regains 2d4 hit points. The
forming a triangle and a circle within it. This amount regained increases by 1d4 when
card has the following effect: you reach 5th level (3d4), 7th level (4d4),
. You can cast a spell you know, with its 14th level (5d4), and 20th level (6d4).
level being equal or lower than your Moon -​ This card is black with a silver
Charisma modifier, without expending a crescent moon in the middle, and a star in
spell slot. It must have a casting time of an the curve. This card has the following effect:
action, bonus action, or reaction to cast, and . You gain blindsight for a distance of 30ft
you cannot cast a spell at higher levels. for 1 minute.
Blink -​ The card is magenta, with gold lines Praise -​ This card is animated with a
forming an eye. This card has the following beautiful angel, with light radiating off her.
effect: This card has the following effect:
. You teleport to an unoccupied space with . Target any amount of creatures within 20ft
60ft of you that you can see. of you. They are dealt 2d6 radiant damage.
Death -​ This card is grey, with black lines The damage increases by 2d6 when you
forming a skull and crossbones. This card reach 5th level (4d6), 7th level (6d6), 14th
has the following effect: level (8d6), and 20th level (10d6).
. Target creature within 60ft of you that you Sun -​ This card is blue with a golden sun in
see must make a Constitution saving throw. the middle. This card has the following
The target takes 1d12 necrotic damage on a effects:
failed save, or half as much on a successful . You gain truesight for a distance of 10ft for
one. The damage increases by 1d12 when 1 minute.
you reach 5th level (2d12), 7th level (3d12), Tongues -​ This card is green, with red lines
14th level (4d12), and 20th level (5d12). forming a open mouth. This card has the
Doom -​ This card is animated with a following effect:
grinning demon, with flames licking across . You understand all spoken and written
him. This card has the following effect: languages for 10 minutes.
. You and each creature within 20ft of you
are dealt 2d6 fire damage. Flammable
objects in the radius ignites. The damage
increases by 2d6 when you reach 5th level
(4d6), 7th level (6d6), 14th level (8d6), and
20th level (10d6).

Stack the Deck: then roll 2d6 to see if you win or lose. To
At 7th level, you are able to pull the cards win, you need:
you want from your ethereal deck, but at a . ​Check. ​4 or higher
cost. . ​Raise.​ 6 or higher
Instead of rolling when using your “Heart of . ​All-In.​ 8 or higher
The Cards” feature, you may choose a card If you win or lose, an effect occurs
other than the cards Doom or Praise. If you depending on the bet.
do, you take 2d8 psychic damage. You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your Charisma modifier (a
Gift of The Cards: minimum of one). You regain any expanded
At 20th level, you are given the ability to pull uses when you finish a long rest.
cards from your deck endlessly. Gambles:
At the start of your turn, you may use your Mind Blast -​ This gamble is to cause pain
“Heart of The Cards” feature without to a target. This gamble has the following
expending a use. effects:
Check.​ If you win, you deal a target
creature within 60ft that you see a number
Mystic High-Roller:
of d4 psychic damage equal to your
Mystic High-Rollers are the most random
Charisma modifier. If you lose, you are dealt
gamblers, betting on anything on a whim.
half the damage instead.
It’s easy to out think them, but you are
Raise.​ If you win, you deal a target creature
guaranteed to be surprised by a
within 60ft that you see a number of d4
spontaneous gamble. They use a set of
psychic damage equal to double your
ethereal dice, that are translucent and
Charisma modifier. If you lose, you are dealt
teeming in magical power.
half the damage instead.
All-In.​ If you win, you deal a target creature
Dice of Chance:
within 60ft that you see a number of d4
Starting when you choose this game of
psychic damage equal to triple your
choice at 1st level, you craft an ethereal set
Charisma modifier. If you lose, you are dealt
of dice that only you can use, giving you
half the damage instead.
multiple possible effects.
Mind’s Eye -​ This gamble is to open your
You get two gambles of your choice, which
eyes to see what others can't. This gamble
are detailed in the “Gambles” section below.
has the following effects:
You get one additional gamble of your
Check.​ If you win, you gain truesight 5ft for
choice at 5th level, and 14th level.
1 minute. If you lose, you become blinded
Whenever you get a new gamble, you can
for 1 minute.
also replace one gamble that you already
Raise.​ If you win, you gain truesight 10ft for
have with a different gamble.
1 minute. If you lose, you become blinded
Using Gambles -​ As an action, you can
for 10 minutes.
declare a gamble. To do so, you must
All-In.​ If you win, you gain truesight 30ft for
choose a gamble to use, and choose the
1 minute. If you lose, you become blinded
bet you make: Check, Raise, or All-In. You
for 30 minutes.

Phase -​ This gamble is to shift through All-In.​ If you win, you regain hit points equal
objects and appear in an area in a blink of to four times your Charisma modifier. If you
an eye. This gamble has the following lose, you are dealt psychic damage equal to
effects: triple your Charisma modifier.
Check.​ If you win, you teleport 25ft to an Shield -​ This gamble is to get a momentary
unoccupied space you can see. If you lose, layer of arcane protection. This gamble has
nothing happens. the following effects:
Raise.​ If you win, you teleport 50ft. If you Check.​ If you win, your AC becomes 11 +
teleport into an occupied space, you are your Dexterity modifier for 1 minute. If you
pushed out of the space to the closest lose, your AC becomes 9 + your Dexterity
unoccupied space, dealt 2d10 bludgeoning modifier for 1 minute.
damage, and knocked prone. If you lose, Raise.​ If you win, your AC becomes 13 +
you are knocked prone. your Dexterity modifier for 1 minute. If you
All-In.​ If you win, you teleport 100ft. If you lose, your AC becomes 8 + your Dexterity
teleport into an occupied space, you are modifier for 1 minute.
pushed out of the space to the closest All-In.​ If you win, your AC becomes 15 +
unoccupied space, dealt 2d10 bludgeoning your Dexterity modifier for 1 minute. If you
damage, and knocked prone. If you lose, lose, your AC becomes 7 + your Dexterity
you are knocked prone and stunned until modifier for 1 minute.
the end of your next turn.
Recharge -​ This gamble is to regain a Reroll:
portion of your magical energy instantly. At 7th level, you are able to retry on your
This gamble has the following effects: gamble, but at a cost.
Check.​ If you win, you regain a spent spell When you use your “Dice of Chance”
slot of 2nd level or lower. If you lose, you feature, you may reroll one or both dice. If
expend a spell slot if possible. you do, you take 2d8 psychic damage.
Raise.​ If you win, you regain a spent spell
slot of 4th level or higher. If you lose, you Gift of The Dice:
expend two spell slots if possible. At 20th level, you are given the ability to
All-In.​ If you win, you regain a spent spell take gambles endlessly.
slot of 6th level or lower. If you lose, you At the start of your turn, you may use your
expend three spell slots if possible. “Dice of Chance” feature without expending
Regenerate -​ This gamble is to regain lost a use.
vitality immediately. This gamble has the
following effects:
Check.​ If you win, you regain hit points
equal to double your Charisma modifier. If
you lose, you are dealt psychic damage
equal to your Charisma modifier.
Raise.​ If you win, you regain hit points
equal to triple your Charisma modifier. If you
lose, you are dealt psychic damage equal to
double your Charisma modifier.

Fate-Gambler Spells: Locate Object
Cantrips (0 Level) Mirror Image
Phantasmal Force
Dancing Lights
See Invisibility
Minor Illusion 3rd Level
Prestidigitation Clairvoyance
Shocking Grasp Counterspell
Vicious Mockery Daylight
Dispel Magic
1st Level Fear
Glyph of Warding
Burning Hands
Hypnotic Pattern
Charm Person
Lightning Bolt
Chromatic Orb
Major Image
Color Spray
Comprehend Languages
Detect Magic
Disguise Self
Dissonant Whispers 4th Level
Feather Fall Arcane Eye
Identify Confusion
Illusory Script Dimension Door
Mage Armor Freedom of Movement
Silent Image Greater Invisibility
Sleep Leomund's Secret Chest
Tasha's Hideous Laughter Locate Creature
Unseen Servant Phantasmal Killer

2nd Level 5th Level

Alter Self Animate Objects
Calm Emotions Awaken
Crown of Madness Dominate Person
Detect Thoughts Greater Restoration
Enhance Ability Hold Monster
Enthrall Mislead
Hold Person Modify Memory
Invisibility Seeming
Knock Telekinesis
Lesser Restoration

6th Level
Chain Lightning
Mass Suggestion
Programmed Illusion

7th Level
Delayed Blast Fireball
Plane Shift
Prismatic Spray
Project Image
Reverse Gravity

8th Level
Dominate Monster
Mind Blank

9th Level
Meteor Swarm
Time Stop

. 13 Dexterity and 13 Charisma
. One gaming kit of your choice
Spell Casting:
You add all your Fate-Gambler levels when
determining your available spell slots.

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