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Who asked YouTube to censor good comments by hiding them behind buttons?
YouTube is owned by Google, and Google was created by the CIA.

Meanwhile, here are the actual comments on the DCTV archives uploaded on YouTube

Now YouTube hid the link on behind a "Read

more" button. So before you can read what I wrote, you have
to click twice. YouTube censorship backfires when people
actually read these pdf files. But not all the people are willing
to put in the effort. This is not entirely their fault, because
they have been "dumbed down" with an inferior education
that discourages critical thinking, and they are also
surrounded with mind-dulling programming from the media that is owned by the
Banking Cartel, all the while exposed to military extremely low frequency
electromagnetic frequencies and other pacifiers like fluoride to try and keep people from
thinking. The people who have found out about all of this are motivated, and they are
also figuring out how to get through to the others.

So here is my unedited comment:

Hudes12 hours ago

Yes, I did, most recently on July 16, 2017. I said that you would be in league with the Banking
Cartel when you tried to access the SSN.Bank. The Banking Cartel broke the link to my
comment. Here is the link again, which I just retweeted for good measure.

You note that the link is on That is because the Banking Cartel broke the
link to the document when I uploaded it on amazon web services. I tweeted this
comment that the Banking Cartel is trying to "sucker" people into trying to get the
Banking Cartel to allow them to pay their bills by simply getting the Banking Cartel to
buy them off. Don't forget, the Banking Cartel is able to do this by simply printing more
fiat money. This illustrates what happens when people allow bankers to issue their
currency. One of the Banking Cartel agents tried a long time ago to bribe me this way,
but I saw through the trap. Here are some of my tweets on this subject:


Yes, I covered the fact that the US Congress are all agents of the Banking Cartel in a March
segment on DCTV.
see page 8. This stands to reason when nobody is telling you that the Constitution of 1789 is
not in effect, and Congress is extending a state of emergency behind closed doors. Here is a
quote from the teleprompter:

The US Congress is runaway. A lawsuit, Walker v. Members of Congress, was filed in
2004. This lawsuit established that the actions of Congress are, in fact, criminal in
nature rather than simply a civil or political action. Thus, the refusal of the members of
Congress to call a convention under Article V not only violates the Constitution, but is a
criminal act as well.

Walker v. Members of Congress sued the members as individuals. This meant that each
member was required under federal law to individually determine their opposition to
the lawsuit and request the United States represent them opposing the lawsuit. All
members of Congress opposed the lawsuit by requesting the government represent
them. Despite the language of the complaint which removed any member of Congress
from the suit if he supported obeying the Constitution, no member of Congress chose to
obey the Constitution. Thus, all members of Congress have publicly advocated they
oppose obeying the direct text of the Constitution and support they having a veto of its
text. Secondly, it brought to the attention of the courts that such refusal was a violation
of several criminal laws among them, 18 U.S.C. 1918, violation of oath of office by
federal officials. The penalty for such violation is one year in prison and removal from

Finally, Walker v. Members of Congress was significant as it was the first lawsuit in
history directly dealing with a convention call of Article V to be presented to the
Supreme Court. In October, 2006 the court denied a writ of certiorari and thus
refused to consider the case. However, the United States, under Supreme Court Rules,
had already conceded as fact and law that it held that Congress could veto the text of
the Constitution. I recently tweeted about this lawsuit:

I erased this sock puppet's comment. There were three other sock puppets, raising the
same thing. They think people need to ask the Banking Cartel to print them some
money, and that this will somehow resolve things. The Banking Cartel has found some
way of interfering with my next comment, which is to remind you how the Banking
Cartel tried to nuke Charleston, South Carolina in 2013. There is a tweet from 2015
reminding you of this -- it also contains my correspondence with the World Bank's
Board of Executive Directors and the European Parliament and Barack Obama's
Director in Maryland -- as I have told you, I am a "sting operation". These documents
pop up on my computer screen when I boot up in the morning. I have alot of unseen
help. You can also sense from the comments on YouTube that this documentation is
very convincing.

The question: "How are we going to be able to function in a transition where the elite
must acknowledge the direct way that they have been at fault and somehow continue in
a process of cleaning up this corruption?"

I have been in touch with COMER through the years. The Canadian Government is
ultimately a corporation, and Canada's courts and judges are all corrupt. Here is what I
tweeted about COMER in 2015:

The Banking Cartel never thought they would be exposed, or that humanity would stand up
to them. There is alot of back-pedaling going on right now, with the Banking Cartel trying to
confuse people. So rather than letting the Banking Cartel control the agenda, why don't we
focus on what we are up against? We have all the cards in the deck, which is to say that
everything is in our hands, all the world's wealth. We have to think clearly and unite. I am
going to remind you of what I tweeted two years ago about the Banking Cartel's attempt to
nuke South Carolina. This
document was on my computer screen when I booted up this morning. It contains old
correspondence with Barack Obama's Maryland Director of Organizing for America, the
European Parliament, World Bank Executive Directors, G77, among others.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Taking back the Constitution of 1789 in the United States


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 6:53 AM
Subject: Following up on my telephone message
Cc: Minister of Finance of another African nation whom I spoke to personally for one
half hour on October 8, 2015 during the World Bank Annual meetings in Lima, Peru

Dear Mr. Bongani Majola,

The correspondence with South Africa is on page 292
As Chair of the G-77, South Africa's Finance Minister, Mr. Pravin Gordhan, has a role to
play in the coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund. I am discussing this role on television tonight. Here is
the teleprompter for the show, which will air live over the internet 16.12.15 @ 1:00 AM
(UTC/GMT +2 hours)

@KarenHudes 49m49 minutes ago

The Network of Global Corporate Control 6:00 PM EST Today Taking Back the US Constitution

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

Board of Governors of World Bank and IMF
announce transition to asset-backed
[PRESSWIRE] Washington DC, United States - 09 March 2015 - The
Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF announced that
fractional reserve fiat currencies will be replaced with gold from a trust
created at the end of World War II.

Jose Rizal, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, and his lawyer,
Ferdinand Marcos, established this trust for the benefit of humanity. The trust
also contains other precious metals, gems, and artwork.

The Federal Reserve and the US Treasury do not possess the monetary gold
reserves of the United States; these reserves are in the trust administered for
the benefit of humanity by the Bretton Woods institutions. Instead, the Federal
Reserve owes quadrillions in compound interest on obligations issued during
the 1930s.

The Board of Governors has filed Financing Statements with the Secretaries
of State in the 12 states where the Federal Reserve Banks are located to
secure this debt. National debts are going to be offset against the
indebtedness of the Federal Reserve.

Antal Fekete, a monetary expert of the New Austrian School of

Economics, said: "A negative gold basis tells you that there is an excruciating
shortage of deliverable gold."

The Board of Governors determined that the fractional reserve fiat currency
of each country is going to be exchanged for their national currency in aurum
Treasuries will issue gold certificates on an interim basis. The certificates will
be replaced with aurum as they are minted.

With restored confidence in international currencies, peace and prosperity will

be preserved. Legal tender laws will go out of effect, and local currencies will
be permitted. Countries may also issue asset-backed currency with other
commodities than gold.
The Bretton Woods institutions held the trust secret for 50 years so that the
assets were clear and free for humanity as a whole under the statute of

The 50 years of sequestration ended in 2005. A coalition for the rule of law
has come into existence to end the secrecy and to safeguard humanity's
patrimony. This coalition was predicted by an accurate power transition
model developed for the US Department of Defense by Jacek Kugler

The fractional reserve fiat currencies of the central bank members of the Bank
for International Settlements will continue to circulate until they are exchanged
with aurum.

Karen Hudes, the Acting General Counsel of the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, is legal counsel to the trust.

Karen Hudes
karenhudes at hotmail dot com
Phone: +1 202 316 0684
Date: Monday, March 9, 2015

Sent: Wed, Nov 3, 2010 4:39 am
Subject: Re: Contempt of Congress by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Dear Brad,

I trust that the cover-up on the Philippines Banking Sector Reform Loan is now history?


-----Original Message-----
From:Karen Hudes
Sent: Tue, Nov 2, 2010 8:23 pm
Subject: Re: Contempt of Congress by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Dear Mark,

Treasury cannot lead and its role cannot be dispositive when Treasury refuses a proper response to
concerns of Congress and US allies due to breaches in the International Bank for Reconstruction and

Development Articles of Agreement. State has abdicated its role on the National Advisory Council on
International Monetary and Financial Policies by permitting the cover-up on the Philippines Banking
Sector Reform Loan to continue. Why hasn't State responded to the concerns of US allies and other
members of the World Bank as the crisis has escalated through the years since the Senate Committee on
Foreign Relations and my Congressman, Chris Van Hollen, wrote four letters to IBRD on the cover-up?

The Executive Directors who chair the committees of the IBRD's Board, including Jaiyi Zou, the former
Executive Director of China, who was then chair of the Board Committee on Development Effectiveness,
the current chairs of the Audit and Ethics Committees of IBRD's Board of Executive Directors, as well as
staff of the EC's anti-fraud agency, OLAF, and most recently on September 28th the UK Serious Fraud
Office have each asked me to bring about a correct response from the World Bank's oversight agencies
in the US.

State is necessarily involved when there are outstanding corporate governance irregularities in a
public international organization that is a major issuer of bonds on the capital market. As in any cover-up,
legal documents have been altered in contemplation of litigation, and disclosures that were required to be
made to the Board have been suppressed. Senator Lugar defended the moral authority of the US during
the hearings on the capital increase for the World Bank by demanding the World Bank to end its
stonewalling of the GAO inquiry into transparency at the World Bank requested in 2008 and stating that
the funds for the capital increase would not be disbursed until the necessary reforms were
implemented. Is State also in contempt of Congress?

Karen Hudes

-----Original Message-----
From: Kissel, Mark E <>
Sent: Tue, Nov 2, 2010 5:58 pm
Subject: RE: Contempt of Congress by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development


Thanks for your message regarding your case. As we previously discussed, the U.S. government contact
for your case is Treasury’s legal advisor as Treasury has the lead role with the multilateral development

Best regards, MEK

From: Karen Hudes

Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 9:35 AM
To: Kissel, Mark E
Cc: Jacek Kugler
Subject: Re: Contempt of Congress by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Dear Mark,

I spoke yesterday to counsel for KPMG about the need to preserve the moral authority of the United
States by settling my Sarbanes-Oxley case through reversing my illegal firing and my prompt
reinstatement at the World Bank. I will be happy to translate the email from the staffmember on the
European Parliament.

Karen Hudes

-----Original Message-----
From: Waskey, Jason <>
To: Karen Hudes
Sent: Tue, Oct 26, 2010 8:42 pm
Subject: RE: Case 1:10-cv-01444-RMC HUDES vs. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. et al, Summons
Returned Executed

Thanks Karen!
Jason Waskey
Maryland State Director
Organizing for America
301-219-9238 (cell)
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 11:36 AM
To: Waskey, Jason;
Subject: Fwd: Case 1:10-cv-01444-RMC HUDES vs. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. et
Summons Returned Executed


This email should end the cover-up on the Philippines Banking Sector
Reform Loan and associated ethics violations at the World Bank. Thanks again
for all your help with this. It made all the difference.


-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Hudes
To: Ries Baeten
Sent: Wed, Oct 27, 2010 3:26 am
Subject: Re: Case 1:10-cv-01444-RMC HUDES vs. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. et al, Summons
Returned Executed

Mischien had Nick Ilett het over Leonard McCarthy. De pers blijft altijd raadeloos op het slechte spoor
en durft de waarheid niet aan te rakken. Sunil Chacko, ook een klokkenluider van de wereldbank, stelde
voor dat ik blog op de Vanguard Online Edition, maar mijn commentaar is niet gepost. translation: Maybe
Nick Ilett was talking about Leonard McCarthy. The press is continuing to be clueless and doesn't dare to
touch the truth. Another whistleblower from the World Bank asked me to comment on the Vanguard
Online Edition, but my comment didn't post.


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Sunil Chacko
Date: Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: Incredible
To: Karen Hudes <>

Thanks for taking the time to write a comment, Karen!

Best, Sunil

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Karen Hudes wrote:
Here's my comment. Let's see if this posts.

The World Bank's Institutional Integrity Department is used as a political tool to quell dissent within the
World Bank. The Government Accountability Project, an NGO that represents whistleblowers,
complained to the Board on Professional Responsibility of the DC Court of Appeals when Suzanne
Folsom, the former head of the Institutional Integrity Department, tried to cover up the Institutional
Integrity Department's political agenda.

Leonard McCarthy, the current head of the World Bank's Institutional Integrity Department, is known for
abuse of prosecutorial discretion for political aims. The former head of South Africa's directorate of
special operations led the investigation into the President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, who was then
head of the ANC. In April 2009 South African prosecutors announced that they had evidence Mr.
McCarthy and Bulelani Ngcuka, a key ally of the former President Thabo Mbeki, had sought to influence
the timing of the case.

Leonard McCarthy is up to the same shenanigans as head of the World Bank's Institutional Integrity
Department. Under McCarthy's leadership, the Institutional Integrity Department attacked the General
Counsel of the International Finance Corporation. McCarthy also attacked another World Bank
whistleblower who reported corruption in the Philippines. Joseph Estrada, the corrupt President of the
Philippines, had to return the graft he stole.

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 9:22 PM, Sunil Chacko wrote:

Thanks, Karen.

Best, Sunil

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 8:21 AM, Karen Hudes wrote:


Thanks for forwarding the article. I am in New York at a conference, but will try and blog a comment to
the article tomorrow. I have lots of news about my international law colleagues, and looking forward to
updating you on this. I served KPMG in my lawsuit on Thursday. Pelosi's legal adviser told me my judge
in the US District Court for the District of Columbia is excellent.


On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:14 PM, Sunil Chacko wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: ries baeten
To: Karen Hudes
Sent: Tue, Oct 26, 2010 5:38 pm
Subject: RE: Case 1:10-cv-01444-RMC HUDES vs. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. et al, Summons
Returned Executed
Vandaag hoorde de begrotingscontrolecommissie van het EP twee kandidaten voor de post van
directeur-generaal van OLAF. Nick Ilett liet zich ontvallen dat er bij OLAF misschien wel problemen zijn,
maar niet te vergelijken met de problemen bij bv. de VN of de Wereldbank. Ben benieuwd waar hij op
doelde... Maar als we hem daarnaar gevraagd hadden dan zou hij ongetwijfeld diplomatiek hebben
geantwoord dat hij daarover niet spreken kan.

Donderdag moeten we onze voorstellen indienen voor timings van de hoorzittingen in 2011. Snel daarna
hoop ik meer te weten over de voorgestelde data, ook over de voorstellen van anderen bedoel ik. Onze
eerstvolgende vergadering is misschien op 9 november, al zal die met name gewijd zijn aan het
jaarverslag van de Europese rekenkamer (nog niet met Gijs de Vries, maar hij wordt wel het NL lid vanaf
1 januari; misschien ken je hem?).

translation: Today the Budget Committee of the European Parliament heard two candidates for the job of
Director General of OLAF [European Anti-Fraud Office]. Nick Ilett allowed as to how there might be
problems, but not nearly as bad as the problems at the World Bank or the UN. I am curious what he was
referring to. But if we had followed up with questions, then he would have most certainly answered that
he was not able to talk about it.

To: ries baeten

Subject: Fwd: Case 1:10-cv-01444-RMC HUDES vs. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. et al, Summons
Returned Executed
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 15:14:07 -0400
From: Karen Hudes


Almofadhi is voorzitter van het Audit Comite in de Wereldbank, Barry Collins is Principal Intelligence
Officer in het UK Serious Fraud Office, Cory Gill werkt voor Senator Lugar, Chris Armstrong werkt voor
Senator Grassley, Bill Dauster is Hoofd van het Juridische afdeling in het Senate Finance Comite, Joe
Onek werkt voor Nancy Pelosi, Arevalo is Assistant Director, Enforcement Matters, in de SEC Office of
International Affairs, en Peter Schleck is Hoofd van Internal Oversight and Performance Assurance in
PCAOB. Ik ben benieuwd.
translation: Almofadhi is chair of the Audit Committee of the World Bank, Barry Collins is Principal
Intelligence Officer in the UK Serious Fraud Office, Cory Gill works for Senator Lugar, Chris Armstrong
works for Senator Grassley, Bill Dauster is Head of the legal department in the Senate Finance
Committee, Joe Onek works for Nancy Pelosi, Arevalo is Assistant Director, Enforcement Matters, in the
SEC Office of International Affairs, and Peter Schleck is Head of Internal Oversight and Performance
Assurance in PCAOB. I am curious.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Oct 26, 2010 11:07 am
Subject: Re: Case 1:10-cv-01444-RMC HUDES vs. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. et al, Summons
Returned Executed

KPMG's response is due November 12, 2010 to the attached complaint in US District Court for the District
of Columbia that KPMG's external audit of IBRD's internal control over financial reporting does not comply
with Public Company Accounting Oversight Board's Auditing Standards Nos. 2 and 5 in violation of
Section 11 of the Securities Act, 15 U.S.C. §77(k)(a)(4), because KPMG failed to consider my reports of
IBRD's control lapses to IBRD's Audit Committee or the US Congress.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Oct 26, 2010 10:25 am
Subject: Activity in Case 1:10-cv-01444-RMC HUDES vs. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. et al, Summons
Returned Executed

This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND
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The following transaction was entered by Hudes, Karen on 10/26/2010 at 10:25 AM and filed on
Case Number: 1:10-cv-01444-RMC
Document Number: 53

RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed. KPMG LLP served on

10/21/2010, answer due 11/12/2010 (Hudes, Karen)

1:10-cv-01444-RMC Notice has been electronically mailed to:

Bryan D. Bolton,,,

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-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Hudes
To: Larry Garrison
Sent: Tue, Nov 2, 2010 9:13 am
Subject: Re: Contempt of Congress by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Dear Larry,

Just to bring you up to date on my activities.

Yesterday I sent to the Senate Finance Committee's General Counsel a stakeholder analysis which
predicted an end to the US ability to appoint the President of the World Bank six years before that
happened. The president of the firm that ran the stakeholder analysis (Jacek Kugler) advises the defense
and intelligence communities, and he is still involved in my efforts to get the US to protect the economic
recovery and ties with allies through respecting multilateral treaty obligations at the World Bank.

The lawyer representing KPMG called me yesterday to ask for an extension of time in answering the
complaint on my case in US District Court for DC.

Any word from ABC?


-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Hudes
Sent: Mon, Nov 1, 2010 2:52 pm
Subject: Re: Contempt of Congress by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Dear Bill,

The UK Serious Fraud Office called the SEC on the unresolved Sarbanes-Oxley cover up at the World
Bank last week following my meeting with Barry Collins, Principal Intelligence Officer, on September 28,
2010. The SEC is undoubtedly looking to Congress for support in tackling the governance crisis
at IBRD. US moral authority is on the line, as well as Congressional oversight authority. The governance
crisis at the World Bank is now evidenced by the decentralization of World Bank jobs away from

I previously asked Tom Caballero in Senate Legal Counsel to end the Sarbanes-Oxley cover-up at the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development by issuing a subpoena to Russell Reynolds, to
find out what advice that firm provided when they worked with IBRD in 2006 on the executive search for
General Counsel. On May 8, 2006 I told Denise Grant of internal control lapses and the cover-up on the
Philippines Banking Sector Reform Loan in response to her question why there was such a high turn over
in General Counsels at IBRD. Tom said that he needed a request from Congressional staff for this.

There is a governance crisis in the American Branch of ILA mirroring the governance crisis at the
World Bank. Last year, together with another lawyer fired illegally from the World Bank's legal
department (who is on a first-name basis with Angela Merkel), I published an article on the World
Bank. Ruth Wedgwood, the American Branch's new President, was elected recently. Ruth is a

classmate of mine from Yale Law School who worked with me in trying to prevent Paul Wolfowitz from
making a big mistake in Chad. Ruth is a Professor of International Law at Johns Hopkins SAIS.

I hope you can help with this. Attached is email correspondence with the ILA's former Executive


-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Hudes
Sent: Mon, Nov 1, 2010 1:15 pm
Subject: Interdisciplinary Approach to International Law
Per your request after the panel on War, Philosophy, and International Law at the International Law
Weekend, I am forwarding information about a political science model with an accuracy rate over 90%
used in defense and intelligence communities. This model predicted 6 years ago (see attached) that the
US would lose the gentleman's agreement for appointment of the President of the World Bank if the US
did not observe multilateral obligations in the World Bank's Articles of Agreement.

I have been working with Jacek Kugler, President of the Sentia Group, and other international lawyers
active in the International Law Association. Together with another former lawyer from the World Bank's
legal department, Sabine Schlemmer-Schulte, I published an Article on these issues: "Accountability In
Bretton Woods", 15 ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law, 501 (2009).

The same model predicted serious consequences to US alliances from delays in shifting to
I would be glad to provide further information if you are interested, and grateful if you could suggest
persons in the war colleges with whom I could continue this dialogue.
Karen Hudes

-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Hudes
Sent: Sat, Oct 30, 2010 12:46 pm
Subject: Re: American Branch of the International Law Association - Committee on Multilateralism and
Accountability of International Organizations

Dear Scott and Fred,

I also want to bring you up to date on the attempt to establish a global partnership on rule of law at
the World Bank. Jason Waskey, who is the Maryland State Director of President Obama's Organizing for
America, informed me that he had contacted "appropriate persons" about my suggestion that there would
be bipartisan support for rule of law at the World Bank prior to Senator Lugar's report on the World Bank
in March. Senator Lugar demanded reform before releasing any funding for the World Bank during
September 15 hearings on the World Bank's capital increase. I am forwarding Jason's acknowledgement
of my email informing him of the lawsuit against KPMG in connection with KPMG's defective audit of
the World Bank's internal controls. I have been in contact with the American Bar Association, the
Swedish International Legal Assistance Consortium, and the Library of Congress on the global

I am also forwarding recent correspondence with US, UK and EC authorities, as well as a German
lawyer on the Committee on Multilateralism who was with me in the World Bank's legal department.


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Garrison
To: Karen Hudes
Sent: Thu, Oct 28, 2010 7:55 pm
Subject: In at Network as discussed

Just got this back from ABC


Got it…will look into this

Dependent on info, obviously

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Garrison
To: Karen Hudes
Sent: Wed, Oct 27, 2010 1:55 pm
Subject: Approve Please


I am going to send this to magazine shows. How is it? If that does not work I will do a press release with
your name. If people contact you you would then need to send them to me first.



Karen is a graduate of Yale Law School, who spent 20 years at the World Bank as an attorney fighting
poverty. She spoke out to Senators Obama, Biden, Clinton, Lugar and Grassley in the Committees on
Foreign Relations and Finance to report a cover-up and corruption at the World Bank in 2006. The World
Bank rated its own role as satisfactory in a project in the Philippines that ended in a $500 million banking
failure and the corrupt take-over of the second largest bank in the Philippines.

After Joseph Estrada, President of the Philippines, was impeached, Senator Lugar wrote three letters
requesting an end to the cover-up. In retaliation and contempt of Congress, the World Bank altered
documents to fire Karen. Senator Lugar, together with Senators Bayh and Leahy, requested the
Government Accountability Office to look into transparency at the World Bank. GAO had to call off the
inquiry when the World Bank refused to cooperate.

Karen has documents to prove her position as 'THE WHISTLEBLOWER', and the Chairs of the World
Bank's Audit Committee, Ethics Committee, and Committee on Governance asked Karen to use rule of
law in the US to correct this injustice. In February she told President Obama's Organizing for America that
there was bipartisan support to preserve the US' moral authority at the World Bank. In March Organizing
for America told her "appropriate persons," were reviewing her case, and that month Senator Lugar
published a report on the World Bank. Finally, during September 15, 2010 hearings on the World Bank,
the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations refused to appropriate a capital increase until the World
Bank implements transparency reforms required in legislation passed by Congress in 2005. "The Bank
runs the risk of being caught with its pants down (in an area where it is lecturing the developing world on
how to dress)," warned Pieter Stek, the former Dutch Executive Director and chair of the World Bank's

Audit Committee. Last year the World Bank's Audit Committee appointed KPMG to audit the World Bank's
internal controls. When KPMG refused to end the cover-up, the former Controller of the World Bank
put Karen in touch with the International Federation of Accountants.

The Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board are required under the securities laws to end the cover-up at the World Bank, with $110
billion in bonds on the securities markets. Karen met on September 28, 2010 with the UK Serious Fraud
Office, and they spoke to the SEC on her case the following week.

The US District Court for the District of Columbia allowed Karen to add KPMG yesterday in a Sarbanes-
Oxley lawsuit against the World Bank for failing to observe Generally Accepted Audit Standards. Many
eminent lawyers are working with Karen and former lawyers in the World Bank's legal department,
Ambassadors, and the US Congress, to protect US' credibility with the other 186 member countries at the
World Bank.

The US customarily appoints the President of the World Bank under a "Gentleman's Agreement". As
shown by the attached correspondence with OLAF, the European Community is aware of the problems
in fighting corruption at the World Bank. Because of the governance crisis at the World Bank, the rest of
the world is demanding an end to US appointment of the World Bank's President and decentralization of
jobs away from Washington

-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Hudes
To: Larry Garrison
Sent: Tue, Oct 26, 2010 8:53 pm
Subject: Re: Governance Crisis at the World Bank

Dear Larry,

Thanks for talking with me. I am forwarding an email I just received from the Maryland State Director
of Organizing for America on the cover-up.


-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Hudes
To: Larry Garrison
Sent: Tue, Oct 26, 2010 2:58 pm
Subject: Fwd: Case 1:10-cv-01444-RMC HUDES vs. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. et al, Summons
Returned Executed


Jules Muis is the former Controller at the World Bank and the European Community, Pieter Stek is the
former representative of the Dutch Government on the Board of Executive Directors, Mr. Almofadhi chairs
the World Bank's Audit Committee, Cory is Senator Lugar's Aide, Chris is Senator Grassley's Aide, Bill
Dauster is the General Counsel of the Senate Finance Committee, Joe Onek is Nancy Pelosi's Legal
Adviser, Mr. Arevalo is Assistant Director, Enforcement Matters, in the SEC's Office of International
Affairs, and Peter Schleck is Director of the Office of Internal Oversight and Performance Assurance of
the PCAOB.

Could you call me or can I reach you by phone?


-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Hudes
Sent: Tue, Oct 12, 2010 10:37 am
Subject: Sarbanes-Oxley Cover Up at the World Bank

Dear Mr. Arevalo,

I understand that Mr. Collins of the UK Serious Fraud Office called you yesterday during the
Colombus Day Federal holiday. As agreed, I will call you after you have spoken to Mr. Collins.
The shareholders' statements at the recently concluded World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings
are at:,,menuPK:60001657~pagePK:6
Do the SEC and PCAOB intend to allow KPMG's defective audit of the Bank's internal controls
commissioned by the World Bank's Audit Committee to stand? The International Federation of
Accountants is fully briefed on corporate governance irregularities documented in the
Sarbanes-Oxley cover up on the Philippines Banking Sector Reform Loan.

If Mr. Zoellick's successor is not an American, is the US Executive Director likely to have access
to the necessary information to fulfill his oversight function? Staff are on record that they will
not report misconduct because the World Bank did not comply with the requirement for
external arbitration in US appropriations legislation.

Does the US agree to decentralization of World Bank jobs away from Washington? US breach
of the Articles of Agreement and corporate governance irregularities fuel calls for
decentralization away from Washington.

Will GAO find the World Bank effective and efficient and not wasting US taxpayer dollars with
impaired legal and ethics functions documented in the unresolved cover-up on the Philippines
Banking Sector Reform Loan? Congress is requiring completion of the GAO study on
transparency at the World Bank and implementation of satisfactory reform measures before
releasing the World Bank's capital increase.

How will performances of the Board and President called for by shareholders be rated when
corporate governance irregularities have not been addressed?

How is the NATO alliance affected by the ongoing corporate governance crisis at the World

I am hand carrying the documents at, log-in 30795, password

72efr7b4: breachofarticles.pdf, contemptofcongress1.pdf, contemptofcongress2.pdf

Law Offices of Karen Hudes

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, Aug 6, 2009 9:01 am
Subject: Re: The Mandate of the Board of Executive Directors

Dear Mr. Aass,

The Board was never informed of the World Bank's failed supervision on the Philippines Banking
Sector Reform Loan. I was fired in retaliation for trying to preserve the authority of the Board under the
Articles of Agreement. HRS has misinformed the US authorities about the terms of my illegal separation
from the World Bank. The Board has never considered INT's or the Office of Ethics and Business
Conduct's role in perpetuating the cover-up to the Board of Executive Directors. EBC is now violating the
Bank's whistleblower policy by conducting a review of its own malfeasance.

The World Bank's conflict resolution system is unable to resolve these corporate governance issues
involving the mandate of the Board of Executive Directors. Staff are too intimidated to report misconduct
after I was fired illegally. I attach relevant documentation and would appreciate your assistance in
bringing these issues before COGAM for proper resolution.

Karen Hudes


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