Letter To Incoming Dean of The Boston University School of Law, Angela Onwuachi-Willig

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Dear Ms.


Congratulations on your appointment as the new Dean of the Boston University School of Law. I
recently read a bit about your background in the Boston Herald and I wanted to reach out to you
when I learned about the laudable reasons why you were excited to become a part of Boston
University as well as about your education at both the University of Michigan, where my nephew
also earned his J.D. in order to focus on the practice of law in the public interest, and Grinnell,
for which my father expressed a strong preference.

My name is Marty Gottesfeld and I am a Rolling Stone-featured human rights activist as well as
a native of the Boston metro area. In addition to Rolling Stone, my advocacy on behalf of abused
and tortured children has been covered by journalists from across the political spectrum and the
planet, including The Huffington Post, Michelle Malkin, RT, Infowars, The Daily Wire, Lee
Camp's Redacted Tonight, The New American, The Daily Caller, Red State, WND, as well by
our local Fox25, WCVB ABC Channel 5, and Boston Herald Radio.

I am writing to you with a heavy heart to report that the Boston University School of Law
currently employs a lecturer who is considered to be an accessory after the fact to both a crime
against humanity, and more specifically to the unconscionable torture and crippling of a learning-
disabled child who now remains wheelchair-bound more than 4 years later. That lecturer is
named David J. D'Addio, and even his own mother, Regina D'Addio, has declined to comment
on his behavior.

For details on the atrocity itself, please see the links above or here is the Edward R. Murrow
Award-winning interview which then-16-year-old survivor Justina Pelletier gave to reporter Beau
Berman describing the horrific ordeal that she was made to endure here in Boston:

[Embed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwDxFCDS-2s&t=314s ]

Further, as you can read in my report to the UN Committee Against Torture and Other Cruel,
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which is available here, the suffering which
was inflicted upon Justina clearly meets the definition of torture expressly proscribed under the
UN Convention Against Torture (CAT) and therefore was a violation of international
humanitarian law.

Moreover, not only is torture itself an internationally-prohibited crime again humanity, but even
mere attempts to cover up past incidents of torture runs afoul of the CAT, which the United
States Senate ratified in 1994. In addition, as I noted in my report to the UN, the CAT also
requires federal authorities to promptly and impartially investigate all reports of torture and other
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, such as those recounted by not only
Justina and her family, but also by numerous others who for decades now have all reported
enduring similar atrocities at the hands of the same perpetrators.

So, in addition to the potentially relevant sections of BU's Academic Conduct Code and that of
its School of Law Disciplinary Regulations, David D'Addio was also required as a federal
prosecutor to do what was within his power in order to see that Justina's report was promptly,
impartially, and thoroughly investigated. However, indications are that he has not done so.

This inaction would be enough to reflect very negatively on not only Mr. D'Addio and the
scandal-plagued Boston United States Attorney's Office, but also on the Boston University
School of Law for trusting Mr. D'Addio to help shape the minds of the future judges,
prosecutors, and civil rights attorneys who attend his lectures without being informed of this
important part of his background. However, Mr. D'Addio's active attempts to suppress the
knowledge of these human rights violations and to cover up for the perpetrators in U.S. federal
court are more disturbing. He even appears to have deliberately falsified the record, as you can
read about at The Daily Wire here or at Red State here.

So, I hope that you will agree that these actions and inactions of Mr. D'Addio in his role as a
federal prosecutor are fundamentally incompatible with any role at the Boston University School
of Law and that they are especially disqualifying from any of its teaching positions.

Like all victims of torture and child abuse, Justina deserves to see justice and the Boston
University School of Law should not shelter anyone like Mr. D'Addio who misuses his or her
federal authority to undermine the pursuit of that justice.

I do lament having to bring this issue to your attention before you have officially started your
new duties at Boston University. I imagine that anyone about to begin a new role at a major
university would most likely not expect to have such an issue arise at all during their tenure, let
alone at such an early stage. However, I hope that you will agree that the very serious nature of
these human rights violations merits prompt and decisive action. If you have any questions or
would like for me to present any further evidence, please do not hesitate to contact my team at

Bidding you a warm welcome to our fair city,

Marty Gottesfeld
Senior Systems Engineer – Human Rights Advocate – Journalist

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