NR.L "L L: Nn-/. L/ "J... J-' ' Ill

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Associared with: The B¡itish and International Federution of Fesllvals for Music, Dance and Speech.


Name& Instrument: fo.< Sl. \o..,'^ 'lE.r*^.... Fe."..*r.Ar- ,/ Q,.^'. Fqr

Piece&composer: Sr^l\z f €vo.o."ig'- v fo'ogo ) / 5- ñe.\ü

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Adj udiculor's S ignolwe :.

Date: Fridüy &th MaY 2015

A-qLLF& 90+ Outstanding

0^J( o.^F-'.-,I t7-E9 Distinction

8+Eó Commended TL
l....*-"-t,a. 81-E3 Merit
78-80 Modera¡€
75-77 Fair

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