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Online Particle Size Measurement through

Acoustic Emission Detection and Signal Analysis

Yonghui Hua, Xiaobin Huanga, Xiangchen Qiana, Lingjun Gaob, Yong Yana, b
School of Control and Computer Engineering
North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, P. R. China
School of Engineering and Digital Arts
University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NT, U. K.

Abstract—Accurate determination of particle size distribution contamination of optical components due to fine dust
is critical to achieving optimal combustion efficiency and deposition even coupled with air purging mechanism makes the
minimum pollutant emissions in both biomass and coal fired technique unsuitable for long-term, routine operation in an
power plants. This paper presents an instrumentation system for industrial environment. At present, measurements of fuel
online continuous measurement of particle size distribution based fineness are carried out only periodically or when anomalous
on acoustic emission (AE) method. Impulsive AE signals arising operating conditions are detected. The measurements have long
from impacts of particles with a metallic waveguide protruding relied on isokinetic sampling and sieving methods which are
into the flow carry information about the particle size. The both cumbersome and costly. The long time delay between
relationship between the particle size and the peak AE voltage
sampling and analysis also precludes the possibility of real-
has been established through physical modeling of particle
time feedback control and optimization. Therefore, it is
impact. A particle sizing algorithm is developed using peak
detection techniques. Experimental results obtained with glass
desirable to develop a new practical technique for online
beads demonstrate the capability of the system to discriminate particle sizing.
particles of different sizes from the recorded AE signals. The The aim of the present research was to develop an on-line
system has several appealing features such as online particle sizing technique using acoustic emission (AE) method.
measurement, high sensitivity, simple structure, minimum Impulsive AE signals arising from the impacts of particles with
invasiveness and low cost, which make it well suited for industrial a metallic waveguide protruding into the solid particle flow
carry information about the particle size. By collecting these
Keywords—particle size measuremet; acoustic emission; Hertz
signals with a piezoelectric AE sensor and detecting the peaks
theory of contact; particle flow of the impulsive signals, the particle size distribution can be
inferred in an online manner. The AE method enjoys several
advantages that make it well suited for industrial applications:
I. INTRODUCTION online measurement, high sensitivity, simple structure,
Pulverizing coal and biomass into fine powder for minimum invasiveness and low cost. There have been some
pneumatic conveyance and combustion has become a common preliminary studies of the AE method for particle size analysis
practice in many industries. The particle size of pulverized fuel [5]-[8]. However, there exist many scientific and technological
is an important physical characteristic that impacts many issues to be examined and a working instrument operating on
aspects of the combustion process, including fuel flow this principle remains to be developed. This paper presents for
property, pipe erosion, flame stability, combustion efficiency the first time the design, implementation and experimental
and pollutant emissions. Online continuous measurement of assessment of a prototype instrument for on-line particle size
particle size distribution could help realize optimized size measurement. The performance of the developed instrument is
distribution and thereby improved combustion performance, experimentally assessed under laboratory conditions.
leading to substantial economic and environmental benefits.
A variety of techniques and instruments have been II. METHODOLOGY
developed over the years to measure particle size distribution
of pulverized fuel. The physical principles employed for A. Theoretical Model
particle sizing range from laser light scattering [1], digital The impacts of solid particles upon a steel plate generate
imaging [2], ultrasound attenuation [3] to mechanical vibration transient elastic stress waves that propagate away from the
[4]. Measuring particle size distribution on an on-line impact sites. The stress wave signatures are intimately related
continuous basis with existing techniques or commercially to the impulsive forces that the particles impose on the plate.
available instruments is difficult due to the hostile One of the key parameters affecting the impact force is the size
environmental conditions, high implementation and of the impinging particle. The minute surface displacements
maintenance costs, or requirements on sensor accuracy, caused by stress waves can be detected by a piezoelectric
reliability and durability. Digital imaging is a promising transducer, located some distance away from the AE source.
technique for on-line particle size measurement, but the Through physical modeling and sophisticated signal

978-1-4673-6386-0/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

Fig. 1. Signal shaping chain.

processing, it is theoretically possible to quantitatively

characterize the particle size distribution from individual or
successive impact events, depending on the concentration of
Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of particle size measurement through
The AE signal from the transducer is dependent not only AE sensing.
upon the particle and impact dynamics but also upon the
physics of wave propagation and the instrument’s response to The recording system of the AE signals consists of a
surface vibrations. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the original motion piezoelectric sensor, cables, amplifiers, filters and an analog-
at the source is shaped by a chain of distinct processes. to-digital converter. Characterization of the recording system
Assuming that the wave propagation medium and the can be performed by treating these components as a single
instrument can be modeled as linear, time invariant systems, system. The instrument response function that relates the
the AE signal can be expressed as [5] displacement input to a digital waveform output can be
determined through an absolute system calibration. Either time-
V (t ) = S (t ) * G ( t ) * R ( t ) (1) domain or frequency-domain modeling approach can be
employed to achieve the objective [11].
where V(t) denotes the measured AE voltage signal, and S(t),
G(t) and R(t) are the acoustic source, wave propagation and Once the wave propagation and instrument response
instrument response functions, respectively. The symbol * function are determined, their effects are then uncoupled from
represents convolution. the measured AE signals. Deconvolution techniques can be
used to derive the source function, from which quantitative
The source function S(t) representing the time history of
information about the particle size is extracted. By
the impact force can be determined with Hertz theory of
understanding the details of the generation, propagation and
contact. The formulation of the theory assumes that the impact
detection of the AE signals, the above technique, known as
is normal and elastic, the particle is spherical and the plate is
quantitative AE, can achieve quantitative characterization of
perfectly flat. The impulsive force that the particle imparts to
particle size.
the plate can be approximated by [9]
However, modeling of the physical process and accurate
⎧ f (sin(π t / t c ))3 / 2 for 0 < t < tc calibration of the recording system are challenging tasks. It is
S (t ) = ⎨ max (2)
also doubtful that such technique could be utilized in practical
⎩ 0 otherwise
situations, where the particles are irregularly shaped, the
where tc=4.53(4ρ1π(δ1+δ2)/3)2/5r1v0-1/5 is the time the particle spends signals are contaminated by noise and the pulses are
in contact with the plate, and fmax=1.917ρ13/5(δ1+δ2)-2/5r12v06/5 is the overlapped due to simultaneous impacts. For these reasons, an
peak compression force. In above equations, δi=(1-μi2)/(πEi), inferential particle sizing algorithm based on peak detection
E and μ are Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, techniques has been developed. In what follows, the prototype
respectively, and subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the materials of instrument and the particle sizing algorithm will be presented.
the particle and plate, respectively. ρ1, r1 and v0 represent the
mass density, equivalent radius and approach velocity of the B. Instrument Design
particle, respectively. Given particle velocity and properties of The measurement of particles in pneumatic conveying
both materials, the particle size can be theoretically derived pipelines is implemented by measuring the AE signals
from the source function. generated by impacts of particles either with a natural bend in
The propagation of stress waves in an isotropic the pipeline wall or with an artificial obstacle introduced into
homogeneous elastic medium is governed by elastodynamic the flow. In order to isolate structural noises from the pipeline
wave equations [10]. Solutions to these equations can be and obtain a reasonable impact frequency, an intruded
formulated using the Green’s functions [10], which describe waveguide is employed for both generation and transmission of
the response of the medium to a unit impulsive force applied at the AE signal. At the outer end of the waveguide is attached an
some point. The displacement at the sensor location can be AE sensor, the signal from which is fed to a signal conditioning
obtained from the convolution of the Green’s functions with and data acquisition system. Fig. 2 shows the sensing
the source function. Analytical expressions of the Green’s arrangement for on-line particle size measurement.
function exist only for a few simple geometries. Numerical A prototype instrument for online particle sizing has been
calculations with finite element or finite difference codes can designed and constructed. 3-D drawings of the prototype
be employed for complex geometries and boundary conditions. sensing head are shown in Fig. 3. The main body of the
instrument is a 100 mm bore spool piece with the sensing head
Fig. 3. 3-D drawings of the prototype sensing head.

Fig. 5. AE signal during two impact events.

Fig. 4. Schematic of the signal processing system.

sitting on its wall. The waveguide is a stainless steel rod that

extends a distance of 50 mm into the particle flow. The middle
section of the waveguide is cylindrical for sealing with rubber Fig. 6. Experimental set-up.
bushings. The inside section is semi-cylindrical with the flat
surface facing the flow, which enables normal particle impact.
As shown in Fig. 5, the impulsive signal arising from a
The outside section is also semi-cylindrical but with opposite
particle impact event is followed by a sequence of damped
direction of the flat surface. The AE sensor has a normal
oscillations. In order to achieve particle sizing, the primary
operating frequency range of 15-70 kHz. Moreover, three arc-
peak during each impact event should be detected. Here we
shaped electrostatic electrodes positioned upstream of the
propose a search algorithm for peak detection. The procedure
waveguide are used to measure the velocity of particles by
of the peak detection algorithm is as follows:
cross-correlating the three signals [12].
The signal from the AE sensor is fed to an amplifier with a Step 1. Detection of all possible peak candidates: All the local
voltage gain of 40 dB and then filtered by a band-pass filter maxima between two consecutive local minima are
with a frequency range of 20-100 kHz. An analog-to-digital regarded as peak candidates.
converter digitizes the signal at a 1 MHz sampling rate. The Step 2. Location of the primary peak candidates: For three
particle sizing algorithm is implemented on a high performance consecutive peak candidates, the one located in the
floating point digital signal processor. The particle sizing middle and greater than the other two is regarded as
results are transmitted to a desktop PC through a RS232 the primary peak candidates.
interface for display and storage. Fig. 4 shows a block diagram Step 3. Removal of false peak candidates by thresholding: All
of the signal processing system. the primary peak candidates smaller than a certain
threshold are deemed as pseudo peaks caused by noise
C. Particle Sizing Algorithm and should be removed.
From the theoretical model presented above, the
relationship between the maximum voltage of an AE pulse, III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
particle velocity and particle size can be expressed as [13]
A. Experimental Set-up
Vmax = Kr12 v0 6 / 5 (3) Experiments with the prototype particle sizing system were
carried out on a 100 mm bore particle flow test rig. Fig. 6
where Vmax is the maximum voltage of the AE pulse, r1 is the shows the layout of the test rig. The sensing head was installed
equivalent radius of the particle, v0 is the particle velocity and in a vertical section of the polymethyl methacrylate pipeline.
K is a proportionality constant which can be identified through An industrial suction system was connected to the pipeline to
calibration. Knowing the particle velocity and K, particle size generate a stable air flow. Glass beads with size ranging from
can be directly computed from the peak pulse voltage using 20 to 250 μm were fed into the rig via a feeding hopper. The
equation (3). particle velocity was varied by adjusting the power of the
(a) Below 90 μm.
Fig. 8. Measured mass ratio of particles in different size ranges.

derived could be partially validated. The burst AE signals

generated by small particles were so weak that they were
almost immersed in the background noise, which was mainly
caused by the strong airborne sound from the suction system.
Effective denoising techniques and precision signal
conditioning electronics should be employed in order to extend
the lower limit of the measurable particle size. This is one of
the challenging aspects of the proposed technique for on-line
particle size measurement. Significant further work is required.
To determine a reference particle size distribution of the
off-the-shelf glass beads is not straightforward. For ease of
(b) Between 90 and 180 μm. operation, glass beads in different size ranges were mixed with
known mass ratio. The measured particle size was used to
compute the mass of the particle, and the total mass of particles
within a size range was obtained through simple summation.
The measured mass ratio was compared with the prescribed
mass ratio, which could indicate the effectiveness of the
system. Fig. 8 shows the measured mass ratio for different
particle velocities. The prescribed mass ratio for particles
below 90 μm, between 90 μm and 180 μm and above 180 μm
was 50%:30%:20%. The results suggest that higher particle
velocity leads to increased accuracy of the measurements. At
lower particle velocity, the collision force generated by small
particles can hardly be detected.
(c) Above 180 μm. IV. CONCLUSIONS
This paper presented a prototype AE-based instrumentation
Fig. 7. AE signals generated by particles in different size ranges. system for the online measurement of particle size in gas-solid
two-phase flows. The relationship between the particle size and
suction system, while the impact frequency was tuned by
the peak AE voltage was theoretically established. A particle
regulating the particle discharge rate of the feeding hopper.
sizing algorithm was developed using peak detection
techniques. Experimental results obtained with glass beads
B. Experimental Results have verified the possibility of particle size measurement from
The first experiment was to investigate AE signals burst AE signals generated by individual impact events.
generated by particles of different sizes. For this purpose, the
glass beads were sieved into three size ranges using a ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
mechanical sieve shaker. The particle velocity before collision
was around 8.0 m/s and the mass flow rate was about 2.0 g/s. This work was supported by the Fundamental Research
Fig. 7 shows the AE signals generated by particles below 90 Funds for the Central Universities (No. 13QN16 and No.
μm, between 90 μm and 180 μm and above 180 μm, 13QN17), the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology
respectively. It is apparent that, under the above conditions, (No. 2012CB215203) and the Chinese Ministry of Education
signals from individual impacts could be resolved in time and (No. B12034).
larger particles generated higher signal peaks. Therefore, the
theory based on which the particle sizing algorithm was
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