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You May Be Eligible If:

 Have been
diagnosed with Clinical
schizophrenia Neuroelectrophysiology
1145 Carling Avenue
 Experience auditory & Cognitive Research
verbal Ottawa, ON K1Z 7K4
hallucinations Laboratory
resistant to Phone: 613-722-6521 ext. 6490
medication 3rd Floor – Rm. 3128

 Have been on the

same medication
If you are interested in participating,
and dosage for at
least 3 months please contact us by email or phone!

 Between the ages

of 18-65 Courtney Lord (Research Assistant)
Why Are We Doing This Study?
Transcranial Direct Current
People with schizophrenia can have
Stimulation (tDCS) is a safe
trouble with auditory verbal
and non-invasive brain
hallucinations (AVHs) that can be
stimulation technique that resistant to treatment with medication.
has been used in previous This study will assess whether a brain
studies to treat symptoms of stimulation technique, transcranial
depression. direct current stimulation (tDCS), has a
positive effect on reducing AVHs.
What is an EEG?
An electroencephalogram or EEG is a What Are We Doing?
recording of the electrical activity in a Your Role as a Participant We are recruiting participants to
person’s brain. By placing electrode examine the effects of tDCS on
 Attend 2 appointments where
sensors on the scalp, we are able to auditory verbal hallucinations. tDCS
you will be assessed by a
record this activity while participants uses the placement of a small
psychologist for eligibility, fill out
complete computerized tasks to find electrode on the scalp to generate a
questionnaires and complete
out what kind of activity happens in very low and safe current that may
computerized cognitive tasks and
different parts of the brain when cause a minor tingling sensation on
undergo an EEG recording
people complete different tasks. the scalp. This study will be measuring
 Undergo 10 tDCS sessions (twice a
day for five days in a row; the effectiveness of tDCS through
Functional Magnetic Resonance paper and pencil questionnaires,
Imaging (fMRI) computerized cognitive testing and
 Attend 2 appointments after
By having participants undergo an you’ve completed 10 tDCS electroencephalogram recordings
fMRI procedure, we are able to look at sessions to fill out questionnaires, (EEG).
brain activity through detections of complete cognitive tasks and
blood flow in the brain. undergo an EEG recording.
This study also includes an optional
Both EEG and fMRI procedures are  Optional: undergo functional
brain imaging component.
non-invasive and have been proven magnetic resonance imaging
to be safe. (fMRI)

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