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Goal Journey Route Modern Ancient Eventually Record Advice Relaxed Challanges

Nation Centuries Escape Hit Extreme Familiar Ties Religious Natives Bravery

This plant ____________reaches a height of 15 feet.

He have live for _____________ . She is 234 years old.

I took the best _______________ to go home

I did a long _________________ to Asia

I have to ______________ from my friends

It is a __________ building
A ____________ is a community of people

Those are the __________ ruins of Mexico

My ____________ is to become a pop star

He ________ me with his hand

I was in a jungle and I tryed to ___________ all the adventure

This man loves ___________ sport

This is a __________________ game

He __________ his shoes

It is a ___________ ceremony in India

My friend __________ not to cry anymore

They are _________speakers from France

Try to ____________ and to take calm. It’s all fine.

This is a test of ___________ for them

With my Friends, we did the ice cube _______________

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